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/vr/ - Retro Games

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1526709 No.1526709 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Relaxing games.

Ecco the Dolphin: Defender of the Future is one such game. Not only is it absolutely beautiful since the scenery was based off of real photos but the graphic quality is high and the draw distance out of water is extremely far so you see amazing sunsets and awesome waterfalls and shores. Swimming around can be really satisfying. Ecco can swim very fast, to the point where getting disoriented is easy, but the player can have great control. They can barrel roll in the water, swim backwards, turn on a dime and tailwalk on the surface. Plus, players can dash out of the water into the air and do tricks, including smiling and cackling. After the first level it's possible to interact with turtles and fish as well. Just swimming around doing flips and cackling as you tailwalk is super relaxing and really fun.

Of course the game holds great danger for our underwater hero, but there are plenty of spots where you can just screw around and have fun without any worries.

What other games are like this? Off the top of my head I can think of Harvest Moon and Chrono Trigger (the end of time is super relaxing to me)

>> No.1526732

harvest moon is not relaxing. when you're trying to get 100% and have to rush everywhere to get everything done each day, milk all 20 cows etc, it gets very tiresome.

to add though, I'd say any turn based jrpg is relaxing (not action rpgs tho).

>> No.1526740


You don't have to do all that in Harvest Moon though. You can take your time, you can explore the mountain and rest in the hot springs, spend your time at the bar and chatting with the town's inhabitants. You can ride your horse through the fields and have fun playing with your animals. If you get married I found it relaxing just to spend time in the house with the wife. Obviously you have to bust your ass to get the best ending but it's not the end-all-be-all of the game. I guess it requires a bit of imagination to get that relaxing feeling from Harvest Moon.

>> No.1526746

When i first played in on SNES i got those relaxed feels, but then i got my farm taken away :( . Lately I need goals in games to enjoy them, can't stand open world

>> No.1526762
File: 9 KB, 318x222, Endless_sea.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you had to post the one bad ecco game?
ecco jr is comfiest ecco

>> No.1526768

>the one bad ecco game
>proceeds to post ecco jr

You're the worst poster on this board and I'm glad your shitposts get deleted often.

>> No.1526770

Ecco on DC gave me motion sickness like no other game. It was especially bad in the underwater cave sections.

On topic though, I'd say pilotwings. I can't speak for the N64 version (never played it), but the SNES version was great when I was just taking my time.

>> No.1526782
File: 79 KB, 1024x768, relto rain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most of the myst series games, but Uru especially. The artwork direction and ability to always go back to your Relto and check your notes, watch the birds, listen to the stream and such.
Garden ages that were built for beauty, those glorious ruins of ancient D'ni. Hell the only times in Uru that I ever wasn't comfy and relaxed was when they acted out the murder of a teenage girl by the Bahro on the server as part of the developing plot, and the door to the library, whooshing open with that damn loud noise when you walk towards it.

>> No.1527027
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>> No.1528543
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>> No.1528573

Sonic Adventure as a whole is very relaxing. Big the Cat stages are the best to relax, they're not serious and you just fish there with a wonderful scenery/soundtrack behind you


>> No.1528617
File: 32 KB, 300x360, 811026-northernexp_box_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't really know if Animal Crossing counts as retro but that is ichi-ban relaxing game for me.
SimAnt (Snes or pc)
Civilization (Any)
SimCity (Really only relaxing on Snes)
Kirby's Dream Course (Snes)
Any game in the Katamari series
Any Monster Rancher game
Super Mario Sunshine (GC)
Super Mario 64
Any Ape Escape game
Viva Pinata series (Xbox 360)
Toejam and Earl (Genesis)
Eador : Genesis (pc but technically not really retro in terms of age)

Also pic related... ah good times.

>> No.1529132

I'd say realMyst, And Riven are my favorite 2... Uru was okay, but I never got anywhere near beating it. The seclusion of Myst is one of the things that makes it comfy for me, and Uru was a little less so.

Never beat 3. Got stuck in some plant age where everything was a clusterfuck and didn't want to walkthrough it. I should go back to it sometime...

>> No.1531814
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>> No.1531827




>> No.1531904

Old adventure games on the Atari 800 are pretty relaxing, take too much time though. One day I'll play through them.

>> No.1532309

This was great fun. First of its kind as far as I know.

>> No.1532497

It's cool because you can spend all your time just going around the archipelago without caring about the mission.... almost like a proto-open world game

>> No.1534483

Do not respond to his shitposts. Report and ignore.

>> No.1534720

Loom, Day of the Tentacle, old Monkey Island games, Sam & Max Hit the Road, Earthbound, Mother 3, Gabriel Knight, Grim Fandango

>> No.1535140


Do not engage the known shitposter troll.

>> No.1535503

Can anyone recommend me same comfy NES games? I want to doze off while playing in bed.

>> No.1535506


Sorry, I'm posting from android.

>> No.1535687
File: 7 KB, 425x474, yumetarou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gimmick, Kirby's Aventure, Little Samson, Cocoron, Ufouria, Joy Mech Fight, Mappy

>> No.1535721

Also,Bio Miracle Bokutte Upa, Esper Dream 2, Time Zone.