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File: 219 KB, 440x367, Mario-64-Cake[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1526534 No.1526534 [Reply] [Original]

Just saw a particularly... "moving" ending, so can we have an ending thread, /vr/? What are your favorite endings, or other such? I know a lot of people thought Mario 64's ending was a bit lame, but the song that plays during it is one of my favorite vidya songs of all time.


>> No.1526537

FF6 makes me cry. Pretty much everything from the pre-fight banter to the end.

>> No.1526541
File: 39 KB, 450x268, 1266986361584.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks for the yt link. shit makes me so nostalgic. one of the best mindfuck endings i ever seen was shadow hearts 2 covenant. pic related

>> No.1526543
File: 7 KB, 254x309, marioparents[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think i almost cried

i still don't know why

>> No.1526594
File: 21 KB, 500x286, prayer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this part kind of got to me, not really sure why, i guess because everyone you met along the way is hoping for a safe return and whatnt

>> No.1526591

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time.

While this may not seem like a good answer, let me explain myself before you jump to conclusions.

Link, as a young boy, is thrust into the role of hero, literally responsible for saving the entire world. As he travels through time he meets his old friends, none of which recognize him, save for Saria, who is destined to spend the rest of her life as a sage, isolated from the outside world. He fights through the bleak future which, by his claiming of the Master Sword, he is partially responsible for creating. And when he finally defeats Ganon and saves the future, he is sent to relive his childhood that was unfairly, though necessarily taken from him.

And finally, after Link has been sent back to a time before any of his deeds even matter, we see the future world after Gannon is saved. Everyone is celebrating and having a great time. Everyone, that is, except for Link. The man who saved the world is absent from his own parade, sent back in time to live a life with an innocence that he will never have.

Now that is some heavy shit.

>> No.1526602


You don't think it's a good answer? OoT's credits are among the best and most moving in history. The song that plays with it is shockingly good (nice how it adds female vocals) and it shows the land of Hyrule in peace. It's a big, meaty credits sequence packed with lots of shit, it's a great reward and perfect emotional closer.

>> No.1526635

Super Mario Bros 2/USA. Something about the minimalist, airy rendition of the YK:DDP theme combined with Mario waking up from his dream, looking confused for a few seconds, then falling back asleep as the the white outlines of the enemies scroll by is just so perfect to me. Makes me think of those times when you wake up from a dream, realize it is a dream, don't write it down or anything, fall back asleep, then the next day you can hardly remember it at all.


Also, SMB3. The way the little victory tune fades into the peppy-yet-melancholy ending theme while the game flashes scenes from each world is so simple yet effective. For me, hearing that song is reward enough for finishing the game. The way that it ends with the closing curtain is kinda sad for me, since I know there will never be another game quite like it.


>> No.1526641

when i think about it, MMs credits were actually kinda a let down, even if you got all the masks. the credits theme isnt that great and the visuals could have been better. maybe it could of been a bit more surreal

>> No.1526643
File: 10 KB, 480x360, SF64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This gives me some serious nostalgic feels every time...

>dem vocals coming in
>dat triumphant ending

Obviously without the ghostly visage of that monkey fuck coming in and shitting all over it.

>> No.1526647


That monkey scared the shit out of me every time, I game sharked it until i got good.

>> No.1526656

Mein neger, I too did the same thing.

Unfortunately, this has left me with a quandary.

My high score slots are all taken by Gameshark cheater runthroughs, but since they're now almost 15-20 years old, I'm too attached to delete them.

>> No.1526702

The ending to Shenmue 2 wasn't so much moving as it was a movement. Does that count?

>> No.1526712


Nah, it was all good

>> No.1526743


I will never forget the first time I saw SMB3's ending. A friend of ours was on a marathon session of the game and pulled off a white-knuckle victory with no lives remaining with multiple families cheering him on, and then the Princess' words appeared. He lost his shit in grand fashion and cursed up a storm, only to see the 'Just kidding!' part.

>> No.1527035

No. It was a bowel movement. If they'd done a 3rd one to complete the story then I might be able to forgive it as a blatant marketing play for a sequel. To just end it like they did just makes it one of the most shit endings of all times.

>> No.1527532

I liked the SM64 and Majora's Mask ones, along with the entire playable ending bit in Eartbound, but since those have already been mentioned, I'll also bring this: http://youtu.be/Kj3_e4T42nk

Most of it may have to do with the music.

>> No.1527575

Most moving one ever imo is Mother 3, but that's not retro.

I agree with you OP, on Mario 64. Ocarina of Time was also moving for me and Link's Awakening. MGS ending was memorable too.

>> No.1527591 [DELETED] 

Ryu ending in SF2.

>> No.1527594

Ryu ending in SF2

>> No.1527682

I haven't listened to that Mario 64 ending theme in a long time, I can see what you mean OP, the music is very "ending-like" in a good way, I can see how it can hit you right in the nostalgia. The melody is bittersweet and all.

World and 3 also have great ending themes, SMB3 is especially great.

NiGHTS's ending theme also has the same kind of effect I think

And Sweet Dreams from Sonic 2

>> No.1527795


Freaked the fuck out when I was a kid.

>> No.1528157

Yoshi's Island felt bittersweet, same with Earthbound. I won't lie and say that there wasn't a lump in my throat, but I didn't cry

Only game that made me do that so far was Mother 3

>> No.1528196


Best ending theme for RE, very emotional. REmake comes close though.

>> No.1528251
File: 123 KB, 500x375, mario boo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It sounds like a Yoshi's Island song.

I love the ending song of Super Mario World. I would beat Bowser over and over just to listen to it.

>> No.1528260
File: 1.11 MB, 1920x1200, zelda windows.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I loved it. I like it better than OoT's ending. After all the suffering and shit all the people have gone through, finally they can rejoice.

>> No.1529334

>that part with Interceptor

Tears were shed.

>> No.1529358
File: 313 KB, 941x574, 1170610472151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1529545

Mario Kart 64, though mainly because dat music.


>> No.1529567



>> No.1529959

Klonoa: Door to Phantomile was the first game that made me want to cry.

>> No.1529996

/vr/ related:
Final Fantasy VI
Conker's Bad Fur Day
EarthBound Zero

Luigi's Mansion (when Luigi starts laughing and crying after Mario is shot out of the machine)

>> No.1531914
File: 252 KB, 1276x706, zelda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last month I replayed through Oot, I almost cried at the end when I got to this point...

>> No.1531917
File: 11 KB, 256x222, Legacy_img_8.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think there's ending music more majestic, peaceful or fulfilling than ALttP's Triforce Chamber.

Something about that huge room and the 3D effect in an otherwise 2D realm really does feel like you are in a holier place than what you've been used to for the whole game, and that you have earned a rest. It's like a divine home stretch. Things haven't quite been fixed yet (you need to make that wish!), but things are undoubtedly going to be okay. That sort of relief and achievement is more fulfilling than the credit roll of the kingdom being saved - which is still very nice, as you can see all the people you have helped - but the Chamber is all the more personal.


>> No.1531931

This is not so much for the ending scene itself, just the final message.
>be quitting smoking
>for some reason I feel like shit mentally
>anger, lethargy, some depression, but my anxiety is the worse
>all that mental stress is piling on me
>decide to distract myself with Mario 64
>Beat it, not feeling better
>suddenly hear this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=msMkeJTEGuU
>lifts my spirits %110

I still smoke.

>> No.1531964

>That Sigfried and Roy joke a few years before the actual accident

>> No.1532056

My nigga.
This song is perfect for an ending. It's good for a "happy ever after", but it also makes you remember with nostalgia all the places you explored (it also goes with images of the places, but you could tell even if they weren't there)
From 1:13/2:47 i usually feel the feels.

>> No.1532062

>for some reason


>> No.1532073
File: 7 KB, 32x33, YI_Yoshi_and_Mario.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That final jingle still gives me good chills


>> No.1532085
File: 6 KB, 480x432, 036.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1532090

Phantasy Star 2 and 4. Sometimes I bring them up on youtube for a nice nostalgia trip.
Metroid 2
The first time I heard the credits song for Nights into Dreams I cried. The version with the kids singing annoys me, though. They should have had that be the default and the adult version as a reward for straight A's.

>> No.1532095
File: 183 KB, 600x843, ps2art10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Phantasy Star 2 has a really amazing ending. I didn't see that coming at all. I won't spoil anything for anyone who hasn't beaten it, but you wouldn't expect that sort of ending.

That game has a better story in its 5ish minutes of story segments than any number of later era jrpgs that put you to sleep with hours of text boxes.

>> No.1532098


>There's more

I know that they meant that there was more things to do in the game, but that phrase felt poetic with all those stars on the background

>> No.1532663


Shenmue I is really where it's at in terms of endings

>dat sailing off into the night
>dem beautiful credits beginning to roll



>> No.1532680
File: 65 KB, 800x600, Xenogears-End.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1532715


Hearing Bart yell out OOOORRRRRAAGGHH really took me out of it, not the poorly synced dubbing or the general crappy voice acting.

>> No.1534340

FFVI Ending Theme is beautiful

>> No.1537159
File: 59 KB, 455x451, 1374812416659.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't really know why, but the credits song of Yoshi's Story gets me everytime, especially when it hits the 'music box' part when it's coming to the end of it.

>Tearing up when I hear the Brawl version of the credits
>Have to blink away the tears while playing a match

>> No.1537551



This is still my favorite version of Dreams Dreams. It's just... the atmosphere it holds always feels comfy to me.

>> No.1538163

What always struck was that when Link is sent back to his time, and Navi leaves him, he is given complete free will. He is released from the will of not only fate but of the player as well. So it was very emotional to see where he ended up at the THE END scene

>> No.1538706


>> No.1538719

I fucking love the entire Dynamite Headdy ending sequence, especially the cast call.

>> No.1538737
File: 5 KB, 256x223, megax-8.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That bittersweet music and closing scroll.
