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File: 334 KB, 1024x768, earthbound[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1519771 No.1519771 [Reply] [Original]

>Not a rare game by any means
>Still quite a bit in circulation
>Goes for absurd amounts of money just for the cartridge only


>> No.1519776

Same with any game hipsters go after. Super Metroid (although this one didn't sell TOO well in retail), Super Smash Bros, Super Mario RPG, Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy VII, etc.

>> No.1519781
File: 205 KB, 1096x377, cbfd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A game doesn't have to be rare to get expensive if few owners are willing to sell their copies.

It's much the same situation with Conker's Bad Fur Day in Europe, although it still hasn't gotten all the way to Earthbound levels of stupid.

>> No.1519783

No way bra it's ultra rare rpg for the super nintendo

>> No.1519795

Thats cult classic games, no matter how common or rare, it being a cult classic inflates the price tenfold.

>> No.1519828

I thought hipsters like obscure shit, you pretty much just made a generic "BEST GAMES OF ALL TIEM" list

>> No.1519834

Hipsters do love obscure shit, it's more the clueless posers that bump prices up. The kind of douchebags who might wear belt buckles shaped like NES controllers, initiate 'just bought a SNES, what games should I get?' threads, and will pay exorbitant prices for games on Ebay.

>> No.1519838

Because resellers. And retro hipster posers overhyping things.

It's a great game, but it ain't rare.

>> No.1519842

the game is readily available for download, even "legally" for a small price

there's no reason to pay this much for an old, faded, moldy "official" cartridge unless your brain is deceased

>> No.1519851


Stop using this meaningless term. Upon being asked to define what it is, none of you will come to an agreement.

The short of it is, people want the game so the price goes up.

>> No.1519852

artificial inflation caused by retarded hipsters who think something obscure is rare. Same shit happened with Xenoblade but at least that got a reprint that drove it down.

>> No.1519854

>A game doesn't have to be rare to get expensive if few owners are willing to sell their copies.

There's 2,500 results for Earthbound on ebay.

>> No.1519857

I'm not saying EB is rare, but 2500 is a small number, especially when you take into the account that it sold about, what, 300K?

>> No.1519858

>none of you will come to an agreement.

people who like obscure things solely because they're obscure.

The kind of person who buys an SNES not to play older games but because they think it'll make them seem weird and different compared to everyone else.

The kind of person that thinks Earthbound is a better RPG than Chrono Trigger, and only uses the style to explain why rather than anything related to gameplay.


For reference there's about 150 results for NiGHTS into dreams (not rare) and less than 10 for Gotcha Force (pretty rare though not /vr/)

>> No.1519860

>people who like obscure things solely because they're obscure.
But EB isn't obscure

>> No.1519865

>The kind of person that thinks Earthbound is a better RPG than Chrono Trigger

earthbound -is- a better rpg than chrono trigger

>> No.1519863
File: 38 KB, 400x269, MARLEY 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy Mother 2 japanese cart complete for 20 bucks and get the uncensored version of the game
>play Earthbound in english emulated

>> No.1519873

Careful, he's going to call you a hipster for having a different opinion.

And before anyone says anything, I prefer CT to EB. But I can acknowledge that not everyone feels the way I do.

>> No.1519875


>hurf durf Crono tigger da bess evar thumbs up if agre

>> No.1519879


It's obscure enough for people to think it makes them stand out when they mention it.


Why is it then?


It's not my favorite, though it is my favorite for the SNES. I was just using it as an example.

>> No.1519884

EB is not obscure in the least, dude. Aside from the fact the game did alright in sales, Ness is a mainstay in Super Smash Bros., arguably one of the most Nintendo franchises. Everyone knows what Earthbound is.

>> No.1519885


It's really like you have no idea what the term "obscure" means

>> No.1519886

most popular*

>> No.1519896

Here we go.

>> No.1519909


better writing, unique setting, great sound design

chrono trigger is a good game but i don't understand why it's special, the characters have no personality and the plot is uninteresting and slow moving

i mean people say things about the pacing in chrono cross and xenogears but it's the exact fucking same in chrono trigger, in fact it's worse and more boring

seriously like frog is the only decent character in the whole game, there is no like villain and those random old dudes from zeal had like no character either

>> No.1519951

that is the explanation.

>> No.1520450

>want to play Goemons great adventure
>prices are outrageous
no game is safe

>> No.1520459

chuckled heartily

>> No.1520453

Desperate Nintendo fans overhyped the shit out of this game for decades, so it's clear that its demand skyrocketed.

I laugh at the Wii U rerelease on VC. One: because it's on the Wii U, and two: really deflates all the hype and mystique around these overpriced carts.

>> No.1520454
File: 692 KB, 170x144, 1294843771404.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>CTRL+F demand
>no results

>> No.1520462

Should I sell my copy of Earthbound to hipsters for profit?

>> No.1520464
File: 12 KB, 318x238, goemon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You can come over and play.

>> No.1520725

this is pathetic especially all the denialists who are too stupid to figure it out. hipsters are just normalfags with a special snowflake complex, yes eb is not unknown but to your average normal fag it is. hipsters think they like obscurity but they only use retro gaming as a facet of their shitty fake constructed persona. retro gaming is totally obscure to normal fags you people are so dumb arguing about this shit you don't even understand. eb might not be obscure to us but your average retard is going to have no idea what it is.

>> No.1520727


>> No.1520739

you should sell it to me fuccboi

>> No.1520908

just because a game is rare doesn't mean it costs more
it has to be in demand as well (which Earthbound is)

>> No.1521032
File: 37 KB, 480x241, cdi_image_box_image_04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>got it for free as a child
>still have it

>> No.1521079
File: 66 KB, 384x221, 1291502584517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>emulated it for free as an adult
>can wait till the price becomes reasonable if I ever feel like buying it

>> No.1521114

Because people are willing to pay for it. Lrn2Economics.

>> No.1521128
File: 315 KB, 987x766, 1389756383867.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember all those people who said ill go cheaper after the Virtual console release?

>> No.1521140

>Not a rare game by any means

See, there's two parts to supply and demand. There's the supply part, but there's also the demand part. Hence why they call it "supply and demand", rather than just "supply".

Earthbound isn't that rare, though it hardly sold well either, so there's a reasonable supply.But the demand is very high, which pushes the price up.

>> No.1521185


It did. The loose price dropped to around $138 and only recently has it risen again and it's likely to drop once more.

>> No.1521178

>hence why

>> No.1522443

man i have mystical ninja starring goemon
infact i liked it better than great adventure
but i still want great adventure bc it deserves a replay

>> No.1522446

i got my copy of earthbound from the local movie rental place when they decided to stop renting SNES games
3 bux son, no stickers on it, came with the box (which was admittedly kinda ruined, but w/e i have the manual)

>> No.1522589

You're forgetting demand in your equation there bub

>> No.1522590

>Super Metroid (although this one didn't sell TOO well in retail)
You kidding, it went to Player's Choice

>> No.1523426
File: 176 KB, 640x360, 2014-04-05 17-42-05.909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this game exists even if it is only worth a fist full of jewgold.

>> No.1523446
File: 13 KB, 250x235, 1390088443191s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i see you are the cancer.

>> No.1523450

I have it and bought it on amazon for about $15 plus shipping about a few months back. i also have a rom file if you wanna play that badly.

>> No.1523454

Is there any proof of these mythical hipsters?

>> No.1523464

How is that cancer? That is literally why the price is so high. If no one gave a shit about the game and didn't want it, it wouldn't sell for shit.

>> No.1523498


>> No.1523508

Or you can just download the NA ROM or get the VC release.

I don't see the point in buying the Japanese version unless you can read Japanese and actually plan on playing the hard Japanese copy.

>> No.1523523

I bought mine because I've played the game several times on emulators and I wanted a real copy in my collection. I can easily play it in english on any computer made past like 98.

>> No.1523573

nobody does give a shit about the game maybe like 10% want to play it the other 90% only want to own it becuase its rare and expensive. If everybody played it and found out how boring it actually was demand would plummet.

>> No.1523578

>If everybody played it and found out how boring it actually was demand would plummet.

I personally don't like EB that much, but come the fuck on. If people like DQ, it's not a stretch to understand that they'd want to play DQ.

>> No.1523580

That second DQ = EB