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File: 91 KB, 550x750, M._Bison_(MvC).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1509332 No.1509332[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is there a more villainy villain?

>> No.1509391

Of course there is. It's not like fighting games have much of a story.

>> No.1509417


>> No.1509461
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>> No.1509523

The second pong paddle.

>> No.1509582


>> No.1509587

I'd have to disagree. What is Ganondorf even doing when he's not villianing? Sitting on a chair or something. Maybe playing the pipe organ, which is okay I guess.

But dude, Bison is constantly deploying troops and whatever. He's villaining around the clock.

>> No.1509640


But how does making a female body-double fit into "villaining"? He's obviously got some... extracurricular activities...

>> No.1509656

Geese Howard.

>> No.1511210

According to the anime, Bison's goal is to save the environment. That's not very villainy.

Sure, he plans to do this by way of eliminating mankind, but still. In the end, he's nothing more than a morally ambiguous planeteer.

>> No.1511251
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>In the end, he's nothing more than a morally ambiguous planeteer.
Or he's more like, you know...

>> No.1511260

>According to the anime,
Well there's your problem. When it comes to Capcom fighting games, only the games and directly-related publications (i.e., guidebooks and such) are canon. Anime, cartoons, manga, comics, and such aren't.

>> No.1511303

And according to the games, the source material, he's both seeking the ultimate vessel to contain his outrageously evil Psycho Power, and pursuing total world domination.

You know, villainy villain stuff.

>> No.1511306

Marian in Double Dragon.

>> No.1511315

Don't pull that "Team Rocket is actually trying to save the world from Mewtwo" bullshit on me, sonny.

Bison wants to rule the world and hard fuck as many dicks as possible in his interchangible girl vessels when his man body explodes from Psycho Power.

>> No.1511383


>> No.1511576
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motherfucking evil tree. no oedipus complex, no lolsorandom bullshit, no time-travel crap or hellspawn outta nowhere. Just motherfucking evil tree.

>> No.1511586
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Dialy remember. He fucked this ass.

>> No.1511620
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>> No.1511646

Gareth/Gerrith Barrington.
He habitually rapes a 13-year old and when she gets pregnant, says he's gonna rape the kid she'll give birth to as well.
Possibly the most fucked up shit in a video game, ever.

That's pretty evil, but not sure if it counts as villainy, per se.

>> No.1511657
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>> No.1512108

Lame bullshit.

>> No.1512343
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>how is genetically engineering a sentient being to be your clone/sex slave villainous?

>> No.1512352

Jedah and M.Bison best Capcom villains

>> No.1512379
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>> No.1512384
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For you the day Bison graced your village was the most important day of your life. For me? It was Tuesday.

>> No.1512398

Cammy was originally made to be a replacement body for Bison to possess, actually, but suddenly self-awareness happened and had to deal with Rose instead.


He got further than moot at least

>> No.1512469
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Pyron wears planets around his fingers like rings. Doesn't get more swag than that. Also he was one of Daigo's mains back in the day.

>> No.1513007
File: 1.17 MB, 992x723, 1657759-shao_kahn_mkii_intro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

H-hey guys, c-can I play too?

>> No.1513012

Heihachi tops this fag any day of the weak
while also being a cool sly motherufcker

>> No.1513013 [DELETED] 

>not bowser

>> No.1513037
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>> No.1513043
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Everyone go home. You simply cannot compare.

Murders peasants and thinks of them as pigs.

Took three battalions of soldiers and a final one-on-one duel with the main character to FINALLY kill him. The guy died like Benkei.

You kill him midway through the game but his actions were so profoundly world-shaking that you need to spend the rest of the game cleaning up after his colossal mess. He was basically the main villain even while being dead.

>> No.1513047
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Gonna getcha

>> No.1513051
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>> No.1513078

No he didn't. He cloned that to be his new ass.

>> No.1515347

I watched a friend play this game.

Why the fuck wasn't he the final boss? I mean jesus christ.

>> No.1515349

OP here.

Shao Kahn's probably got it. He is so straight forward a villain it's ridiculous.

>> No.1515367
File: 39 KB, 636x696, Sinistar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1515376


>> No.1515391


This overrules everything. The Van Damme film is the only true canon

>> No.1515446

I'd have to go Robotnik, in terms of cartoon style villain he's the archetype of them, all the way from early Silent films to people like Dick Dastardly.

>> No.1515448

I had a weird feeling playing Heavy in TF2 until I realised half his lines at the start of each match are Sinistar quotes.

>> No.1515451

By this I mean he is a stereotypical villain, not an 'evil' villain.

That would have to go with Ganondorf, ultimate power, wants to rule the kingdom, does this every time he's free, ginger.

>> No.1517068

I miss when Ganon was all we called him by. Why's all this Dorf gettin up in my business?

>> No.1517174

Dorf is pre Gannon. Gannon is pig monster. Gannondorf is N64 ginger pig nose.

>> No.1518481
File: 2.93 MB, 325x180, ganondorf can triforce.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess he likes being a Dorf

>> No.1518515

Are you telling me that if you could do that, you wouldn't?

>> No.1518518

yer mum, m8.

>> No.1518546
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Ganondorf becomes Ganon.

>> No.1518856
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>> No.1519485

Fuck you, spoiler that shit!!

>> No.1519502
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>> No.1519647
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>Is there a more villainy villain?

>> No.1519749

he was far more villainy when he was Robotnik.

>> No.1519758


After Alpha yes.

I really like the story setup and character designs in the original SFII the most. Bison is just a dictator who on the side fights in tournaments. He's last tournament's winner so he faces off against this year's #2. Simple, straight forward.

Later SFII incarnations and especially Alpha turned it into Super Heroes vs. Super Villains.

>> No.1519764

That was never the original story, though. It was always run by Bison. Ryu won the previous one, that's why Sagat is there and has a scar. He joined up with Bison for another crack at Ryu.

>> No.1520210

>Dick Dastardly
Forever forgotten.

>> No.1520293
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>> No.1521061


>> No.1521081

I always found it amusing that Bison wanted his new body to be that of a cute girl.

>> No.1521398
File: 302 KB, 1008x1183, 26073586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When your only goal is not world domination or destroy the whole universe but just gaining life as a ruthless killer.

>> No.1521426

He probably exhausted the potential of beefy masculinity.

>> No.1521468
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I couldn't resist.

>> No.1524301

>Play home version of SFA3
>That fucking reverse dramatic battle against two True M. Bison
>They both share unlimited meter
>Constant Final Psycho Crusher spam

>> No.1527331


>> No.1527360

Shao Kahn. You will never win, SF! MK Forevah!

>> No.1530000

sounds rough

>> No.1530018


>> No.1530029
File: 95 KB, 750x600, drlight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Albert wasn't the villain. Thomas was.

>> No.1530054

thats a pretty stupid post.

Using that logic you might as well say that adam and eve are the greatest villains since they are the reason all the other villains were born