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/vr/ - Retro Games

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1507992 No.1507992 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /vr/, wanted to start a flea market/garage sale stories thread, they can be horror stories, great pick ups, regretful moments, etc. To open up this thread want to talk about pic related. Now I don't want to piss anyone off or anything but I really wouldn't want to pay $40 on pic related, for under or a bit over $25-$30 yeah maybe, but $40 seems a bit ridiculous, I don't know I'm not too flustered over this but the whole day I was dealing with unnecessary high game prices left and right, oh well maybe someone will buy it and make the seller happy I was probably just being to cheap and make the purchase. Although I found a model 1 genesis in good shape for $20 I regretted not buying, seemed like a good deal but I didn't know whether or not to make the purchase or save my cash to go to another flea market that I haven't been to in a while. At the end of the day ended up with a copy of Sega Rally 2, Chromehounds, and Full Metal Jacket but those aren't /vr/ related. Not bad, but I've had better days, hopefully I'll score next week. So /vr/ got anything to share?

>> No.1508012

I know a thrift store where I can get one of those for 9.

>> No.1508228

You should really stop getting butthurt over people charging the going price on retro games.

It's not 2003 anymore, you're going to have to pay more for older shit.

>> No.1509019

Or buy an Everdrive, and say fuck the reselling market.

>> No.1509040

Everdrive doesn't play Super Mario RPG, or Megaman X2 and X3.

>> No.1509046


>>yard sale
>>expecting people to pay more than $10 for anything

The point is to get rid of your shit, not get back half of what you spent. Its like when I go to goodwill and see a pair of shoes go for almost retail. Its fucking goodwill, not target/walmart/some mall store

>> No.1509050
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>> No.1509052

Yeah, that one's the badly overpriced one in the photograph.

I'm not shocked about SMBRPG being 40.

>> No.1509174

I find it hilarious how butthurt collectors get over plastic shells. You created the demand for it, now live with the price.

>> No.1509205

Reseller pls leave

>> No.1509230

In other words: if I wanted to pay ebay prices, i'd go to fucking ebay!

>> No.1509235

There are plenty of Buy-it-nows on ebay that will most likely never be touched, I weep for said vidya

>> No.1509246


Its not about video games. Its about getting a fair deal, and yard sales are no place to sell your stuff at ebay prices. Be it a lamp to a box of books.

A yard sale is you saying "I dont need/want this stuff anymore. Please pay me to take it off my hands." The only demand is you not wanting your stuff. Since shows like storage wars took off everybody thinks their shit is gold. They don't show the reality of these shops that find these RARE and VALUABLE items that sit and gather dust because jews like myself don't go to a thrift store to look for a $1000 dragon made of marble. We go to thrift shops to buy that dragon for $20 and show off what a nice piece we have on our coffee table. I also understand the flip side to this and how the internet has ruined the thrill of the hunt. Because it's not just me looking for deals. Its other people looking and some look just so they can go on ebay or amazon and resell it for 8 times what they paid for.

Point being, I'm not creating any demand. I'm just looking for a good deal, and I'm not an asshole about it. I wont say "oh this is worthless I'll give you $3 for it" but I'm also not going to say "Oh man this is worth $40, let me give you $50!" I'm just a guy who does this for fun, and it's not fun when everybody thinks everything they own is worth more than what they paid for. As I said, if i want to pay retail. I'd buy retail.

>> No.1509249

So you're pissed off because you can't jew some one else out of their stuff because they know the value of it.

>> No.1509256
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>Point being, I'm not creating any demand. I'm just looking for a good deal

That sentence in its self just invalidated your post

>> No.1509279
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You want to see true horror?

>> No.1509283
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>> No.1509286

This thread is the perfect example of why collectors are just as bad as resellers: they both jew ordinary people out of their collectables and justify it with "hey, they should have done their research." Then when the owner does their research they get called a bunch of jews.

Never in any other hobby have I seen such a an entitled acting bunch of manbabies.

>> No.1509287
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>> No.1509293


If something is worth $50, I don't have a problem paying $35 to $40 for it. but dont take something thats worth $40 and say you want $80 for it BECAUSE I LOOKED IT UP ON EBAY!!!!!

>> No.1509297

>it's okay for me to take advantage of others but not the other way around
way to prove his point

>> No.1509301


How is it taking advantage? So you're saying you'd willing good into a goodwill and a buy a ps3 game for $60 used when you know full well you can go to gamestop and get it new?

>> No.1509305

>if something is worth x, i don't mind paying x - y
Spoken like a true Jew.

>> No.1509304

>So you're saying you'd willing good into a goodwill and a buy a ps3 game for $60 used when you know full well you can go to gamestop and get it new?
No, I'm saying you're a hypocritical baby for whining about others trying to get a favourable deal when you're doing the exact same thing

>> No.1509313


My point being you don't go to a yard sale expecting to pay retail prices. If I want to pay $20 for donkey kong, I'll go the retro store and pay $20 for donkey kong, I'm not taking advantage of anyone, if you want to sell Donkey kong at the retail price then open a booth at a flea market.

>> No.1509367

>My point being you don't go to a yard sale expecting to pay retail prices.
Because there is an expectation that yard sellers are either desperate to get rid of things, ignorant of their market value, or both.

>if you want to sell Donkey kong at the retail price then open a booth at a flea market.
Because everyone has the time to do that.

Just admit that you're upset that more people are aware of the market value of the things you used to be able to get at ripoff prices.

>> No.1509406

To be honest, my only problem with the whole thing is that things like yard sales simply don't get the people flow to charge 20 bucks for something like DKC. The people that pay that much for it won't be hunting at yard sales for it, they'll be buying it on sites like eBay, where you have the convenience of typing in the name of any game you want and buying it, assuming you want to pay the price.

>> No.1509410

Too hot for flea markets most of the year where I live and the garage sales have fuck all for vidya. If they do have any, 95% of the time it's just sports or movie games (and most of the time nothing /vr/ related in general). Same with the goodwills. Same with the pawn shops.

Either there's resellers that make rounds on a ridiculous basis and buy up anything of worth long before most people interested will get to it, few people out here have taste in games, or people are too smart to sell their games at yard sales.

>> No.1509456

>wanting a good deal is taking advantage
It's all a matter of the buyer on if something is a good deal or not. $35 could be a good deal for some, but for others $35 is way too expensive. It's basically subjective.

>> No.1509452


>Just admit that you're upset that more people are aware of the market value of the things you used to be able to get at ripoff prices.

Not that guy but I think you're missing his point.

$40 is not market value for Goldeneye. There is an influx of people asking vastly inflated prices for retro games that aren't worth it (and an influx of idiots paying those prices). Someone at a yard sale selling goldeneye for 4x ebay prices is not getting a favorable deal, it's a ripoff.

The point of a yard sale is to have people come to your house and clear out your unwanted junk for you, if you're going to sell things at +market value go through the trouble of listing your shit on ebay like everyone else. Overcharging that much at a yard sale is in bad form.

>> No.1509460


>> No.1509695

>Too hot for flea markets most of the year where I live
unless you live in Death Valley, or Louisiana, this is not an excuse.
Unless you're saying they don't exist due to the heat, then I guess it is an excuse.

>> No.1509702

The problem I have with using ebay as a pricing guide is that nobody knows how do the research properly.

Active, UNSOLD auctions/BIN listings don't tell you much about what people are actually paying, and the overhead/fees are not the same when you're not selling through ebay.

Different areas also have different economies, which is a completely foreign concept to ebay selling. What's worth $40 in one place may not be worth that much in another.

>> No.1509709

It's called supply and demand. If 'the market' decides it's worth $x there's nothing you can do about it as a single person.
You can't walk in and buy it for an amount that would make you happy. If it's too much don't buy it.

>> No.1509714


Really, Is that hard to click "Sold?"

Also, why do sellers (especially on Craigslist) think they're entitled to ebay prices when I'm not afforded any of the same conveniences (seller protection, 14 day return policy if the item doesn't meet expectation, feedback system, shipped to me)?

When you buy off Craigslist, etc you're basically buying AS-IS. And AS-IS items on ebay usually go for 20%-50% of retail.

>> No.1509731

It really is, that's why they see a high BIN and think it's the going price and all the lower bid ones (with bids) "will go up."

>> No.1509749

I really gave up collecting because the copies that people call mint are a disgrace and a joke. This market is just as bad if not worse than the toy market. So just fuck collecting, paying 30 dollars for a game that has a few million copies is just fucking sad. At least today's market is not two types anymore (those looking to play and those looking to collect) since the later are being satisfied by Virtual console.

>> No.1509773

my ps3 was 100 euros with 2 controllers and some games, what the fuck

>> No.1509995

Those protections are to compensate for the fact that you're buying an item sight unseen, in case the seller is dishonest, misleading, or otherwise inaccurate. It's not there in case you have buyer's remorse or plan to use the item and return it. They're completely unnecessary when you have the ability to inspect the item onsite prior to purchase. If you need more protection than that, perhaps mom should cut your allowance until you can better manage your money.

The only convenience with ebay is that you can purchase a hard-to-find item without getting off your ass. The only premium you pay for that is the cost of shipping. In the off chance that you got off your ass to find it, that doesn't make you entitled to a discount. Nobody owes you a reward for leaving the house.

The BIN price is is the price that somebody is selling it for. If several people are selling at a similar BIN, then that's what it's commonly being sold for. It's no contradiction that somebody would sell something for the price that people sell it for, nor is there one that the price is based on an item that has yet to sell.

There's a thing in merchandising called "shelf life."

If you go into the clothing store and see a coat you want for $150, you don't walk to the salesperson and bitch that it isn't worth $150 because it's still hanging on the rack. If they happen to have a spring sale to clear out of season stock and happen to sell more coats at $100, the buyers will brag about getting a $150 coat for $100. It's still worth the MSRP.

The same goes for video games. If they're selling at x dollars, they're worth x dollars. If somebody sells faster for less, and others are still selling it for x, it's still worth x.

You don't go to garage to sales to get games at their "true value," you go looking for saps who don't know how to use the internet and don't know what their shit is worth, then you bitch when you do, like the entitled little shit you are.

>> No.1510292


Well shit! Last time I saw a console go for that price it was a golden N64 with a golden Ocarina of Time.

Also, a few weeks ago I saw this guy selling a mini SNES. No cables, no controllers, no games. $40. (He said "$30 for you" though).


I got mine for $15, and it had SMW and everything ready to go.

>> No.1510330
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too bad the servers are down

>> No.1510332

>They're completely unnecessary when you have the ability to inspect the item onsite prior to purchase.

Not always.

Many Craigslist sellers like to meet in a public area where access to a television is usually unavailable. In this case, I pretty much have to take their word for it that the items they're selling me are working. If the items in question turn out to be lemons, I have no recourse to get my money back.

Or how about [cartridge based] games I'm unable to inspect because the seller doesn't have a system on which to test? With a Craigslist seller, you can bring your own systems, sure, but the seller has to be willing to let you inside his home, which many sellers are unwilling to do. At a flea market/garage sale, I have no way to test the games.

Craigslist/Flea market/Garage sale sellers don't deserve premium eBay prices in most cases.

>> No.1510342

Im sorry, but you're a fucking moron. It sounds like you think that worth is determined solely by the seller, and this isnt true at all. The buyer determines the worth just as much as the seller. Doesn't mean that the buyer isn't trying to jew the seller, or the other way around, but ots a two way street.
And besides, on eBay, just because a lot of sellers have the same overpriced buy it now doesnt mean that thats what the item is worth. I see this a lot with Genesis games. People try to charge like 30-40 bucks for the Shinobi games, and they always sell for 20 bucks tops.
And lastly, yes, items on craigslist should be cheaper. I dont think you really understand why the seller protections are in place. I understand theyre not an 'oops i changed my mind' policy, but on craigslist if you pay full ebay price for something, even if you do get to see it, and something goes wrong, youre fucked. Its that simple. Aside from not getting the item convinently shipped to you, most of the time the buyer has to go meet the seller.

>> No.1510356

>Nobody owes you a reward for leaving the house.

No, but they should be aware of the fact that travelling to their house/designated meeting place costs gas money (and sometimes, these are 2 to 4 hour round trips).

Craigslist sellers these days seem to be using it like a defacto ebay. They want top retail price without having to pay fees and be beholden to a feedback system and mandatory return policy.

My guess is you're one of those types and get appalled when anyone wants to negotiate.

>> No.1510364

I don't mind if someone looks up a game or whatever on ebay, takes a rough average of completed listings, then factors in the condition it's in etc.
It's just annoying when someone has obviously looked at the highest buy it now price on ebay and then prices their fucked up, stickerless copy of Zelda at £80, then they tell you they know it's 'rare'

>> No.1510446

>offer $25
>he says no
>ask him when the sale ends
>ask him if it's cool that you come back once he's closing up, and if nobody else has bought it, you'll take it off his hands for $25
>at best he agrees and you get it for $25
>at worst you end up mario-less like you already are

It's not hard.

>> No.1510452

picked up earthbound with box, and shining force 2 from blockbuster one day for $4 each.

>> No.1510608

speculator detected

>> No.1510609

SD2SNES plays X2 and X3 and Krizz will definitively add SA-1 Support since its the most requested.

>> No.1510617

i got mine used sure, but only at 15 USD

>> No.1510623

I saw a Magnavox Odyssey 100% complete in box for $40 and i didn't buy it... i don't know why i didn't, but I didn't...

>> No.1510856

Shit man, I didn't even know the Odyssey commanded the prices I see nowadays.

Wouldn't the few that exist now be plagued with technical problems due to age?

>> No.1510867

Like I said, if you need a third party to protect you from a simple purchase then you lack basic money management skills. Just because you have an opportunity to buy something doesn't mean you have to. If you can test the game, great. If not, you inspect the item, ask the seller questions, gauge their responses and use common sense. If you have a bad feeling about the situation, walk away. Disaster averted.

The cost of gas and travel time is something you must consider in determining whether the purchase is worth it. It's not the seller's responsibility to accommodate some weirdo two states away. Leave the item for somebody in that area and stick to your own. If you can't do that, that's your problem.

> Craigslist sellers these days seem to be using it like a defacto ebay. They want top retail price without having to pay fees and be beholden to a feedback system and mandatory return policy.
Are you shitting me? Are you not aware that classified ads have existed long before ebay or even the internet? Do you think that just because ebay exists suddenly everybody is obligated to use it and ebay is entitled to a percentage of every private transaction on the planet? This is seriously a delusional statement.

> My guess is you're one of those types and get appalled when anyone wants to negotiate.
Where on earth did you get that idea? I'm all for haggling. In fact, there's the answer to your supposed problem. If somebody is charging too much, refer them to an auction or pricecharting. If the condition is bad, point it out. If the price is so high that nobody will buy it, let them know, and tell them to contact you in a month when they're ready to come down to something more fair.

But of course, that's not an answer to your real problem because you're not interested in getting a fair deal. You interested in finding an old lady clearing the garage of her son's old toys for a fraction of what they're worth.

>> No.1511039

$25 for a mario game
top kek

>> No.1511116


>> No.1511143

I've recently (last couple of months) started actively hunting for old games in flea markets and garage sales. I haven't really encountered people who actually sell their shit for the normal price on eBay. I either find someone giving me multiple consoles for 20 dollars or someone trying to sell me an N64 for 70. Maybe it's because I don't live in an incredibly civilized area (deep South) but I've been doing alright.

>> No.1511159


I didn't insinuate that it was worth $25. That's what OP said he'd consider a good deal: hence why I posted that. It's called a suggestion.

>> No.1511258

must suck where you live. I got a full NES system, complete with original box and guns.

also, since There isn't anywhere else to ask, are sixth gen consoles considered old enough to be retro?

>> No.1511263

what about those who want physical copies? I just bought a black label copy of GT2 for the PS1.

>> No.1511619

>Like I said, if you need a third party to protect you from a simple purchase then you lack basic money management skills.

You're missing the point. Ebay sellers, especially those with a good feedback rating and reputation, are essentially businesses. I trust making a purchase from them far more than I do from some guy who posted an ad on Craigslist. Therefore, the eBay seller is entitled to a premium price unlike the Craigslist/Garage Sale seller.

It's the same thing as why the price of a brand new stereo system is more expensive at Best Buy than it is at a thrift store/Flea market seller that happened to come across some brand new stock. The environment in which something is sold does affect the price.

>Just because you have an opportunity to buy something doesn't mean you have to.

Who says I do? The main point I'm trying to make is that Craigslist sellers and the like should be aware of the differences between themselves and eBay sellers, and be aware of the reasons eBay sellers get the prices they do.

>Do you think that just because ebay exists suddenly everybody is obligated to use it and ebay is entitled to a percentage of every private transaction on the planet? This is seriously a delusional statement.

Not sure where I implied everyone is obligated to use eBay. What I meant by that statement is that resellers on Craigslist want to "have their cake and eat it too" so to speak. They seem to think eBay prices are the universal "fair market value" and their items are worth such outside of eBay, so they say to themselves, "Wow. I can get top retail price and not have to pay fees!" As I mentioned before, there's a reason (return policy, feedback system, etc) for those eBay prices, which these sellers seem to be oblivious to.

>there's the answer to your supposed problem.

I know. This is a complaint thread, though. We're venting about those sellers who you try to explain things to and they snap back "Well, it's going for x on eBay."

>> No.1511631

In 2009 I bought a box of nes games at a garage sale for $3.50. it had -
>double dragon
>kung fu
>duck hunt
>Jordan vs. bird (in box)
>Double dribble (in box)
>tmnt (in box)
>RBI baseball (in box)
>RBI 2
>volley ball
>elevator action
>t&c surf design
Did I do good? I think i got ripped off, damn resellers.

>> No.1511649

Funny. I bought Golden Eye 007 for 5 dollars at the local Savers. The label is a bit fucked up, but it's top notch otherwise.

>> No.1511714

I have a local shop about 3 houses down from my apartment. The store owners are really friendly but their prices are the usual bull, overpriced up the ass. But to add insult to injury, everything is in terrible shape. The GBA SP's have almost no paint on them from the extreme wear and tear, the consoles are dirty and some have lots of chips and cracks, and the game discs are usually scratched to hell.

Even worse is how strange they can be at times. People trade in absolutely fucked games no problem, but I tried trading in a DC game that was near flawless, just a small scratch, and she wouldn't take it, claiming that it had a bump (referring to the scratch) and they couldn't take it, despite me telling them to test it, because I know it works.

Then they are bad with money. First off their idea of knowing how much store credit you have is by taking a piece of printer paper and writing the amount on it in big sloppy numbers, with their signature at the bottom. And when using store credit with cash, they tend to get confused and you end up getting 10-15 dollars less back in change then you are supposed to.

>> No.1511725

>the eBay seller is entitled to a premium price unlike the Craigslist/Garage Sale seller
That's your personal opinion. My personal opinion is that eBay sellers aren't entitled to dick. If they're a large seller, eBay saves them the expense of running a brick-and-mortar and processing card transactions. For small sellers, it saves them the trouble of finding a buyer and meeting up with them. For those conveniences, they pay a fee. Expecting a bonus is ass-backwards. If they try to jew out of their fee by passing it on the buyer, then I refuse to do business with them, but in my experience that usually comes in the form of overestimating the shipping rate and keeping the change, not by inflating the sale price.

It's also of my opinion that eBay is not more convenient. Auctions are a hassle. Shipping is a hassle. Waiting for the item to arrive is a hassle. The thought that somebody is entitled to a premium for that hassle is beyond me. I only use eBay when I can get the item for cheaper than elsewhere, which I usually can. Even if a local selling is charging "eBay prices" you're still saving money on shipping.

>> No.1511735

I don't think it's worth it though. You can get Super Famicom versions for cheaper than the $150 extra a SD2SNES costs compared to an Everdrive. The only real reason to buy it is if you want to play a Megaman X3 romhack or something.

>> No.1511850

electrically, they're pretty simple. There's no actual microprocessor, and the "games" are just jumpers completing a circuit.

>> No.1511875

if you're gonna sell smrpg
then sell it for cheaper because nigga I can get that shit on an emulator

>> No.1511880

>The thought that somebody is entitled to a premium for that hassle is beyond me.

It's because of the return policy and feedback reputation system.

And not all eBay sellers are created equal.

It's why sellers with low/poor feedback scores usually get below market value. Personally, I put Craiglist sellers on the same tier and consider items on Craigslist "AS-IS" since there's obviously no return policy.

And "AS-IS" items, especially systems, go anywhere from 20% to 70% (depending on condition) of the top retail average on eBay. I don't think it's unreasonable to offer a Craigslist/Flea Market seller 60.00 for, say, his Turbo Grafx 16 when he's asking 120.00 for it because he saw the highest [unsold] BIN price on eBay.

However when you do that, they usually snap back, "But they're going for 100.00 to 120.00 on eBay." They don't understand that those prices are usually from a top rated seller who offers the 14 day return policy and has a 99%+ feedback rating.

>> No.1512081

troll strawman pretentious bait

>> No.1512370

>The same goes for video games. If they're selling at x dollars, they're worth x dollars. If somebody sells faster for less, and others are still selling it for x, it's still worth x.

So, what you're saying is that the true value of an item is the highest current price someone is asking for it, even if nobody is buying it at that price?

>> No.1512375

I once took a charger for a DS to someone's house to buy a DS they weren't sure worked.

I charged it for 10 minutes and it was fine, so I bought it. I just now realised how awkward it was making small talk for 10 minutes while it was charging.

>> No.1512458

No, you're confusing value with cost.

Value is subjective. There's no objective way to calculate it.

Video game collectors like to average out eBay auctions. For rare items like Stadium Events or NWC, they'll consider only the latest price that somebody paid for it, or sometimes only the highest price. If the seller considers only the highest BIN, that's no less legitimate. Professional appraisers one-of-a-kind items like those on Antique Road Show don't use any of these methods. They're all arbitrary, inconsistent and differ between everybody who either owns the item, wants to own it, or doesn't care.

To some people the value is absolutely nothing, and while you may *think* their opinion doesn't matter, they're the people who sell their old games for next to nothing which affects the cost just as much if not more so than people like you do.

On the other hand is cost. Cost is objective. If a game you want is selling for $50, then the cost if $50. The fact that you think it's worth $30 means nothing, because somebody else thinks it's worth $40, and the seller thinks it's worth $50, and there's enough people in the world with money that somebody is bound to agree with him and confirm it with his wallet.

Value is just a fuzzy number that does not, and isn't meant to, affect cost.

>> No.1512623

>Maybe it's because I don't live in an incredibly civilized area (deep South) but I've been doing alright.
Yeah I don't know what it is, but prices in the country are always way less than the city or city limits.

>Go to community garage sale for local fire station
>Find a game boy, boxed copy of Doom 2 (complete), SNES with super mario world, and an NES advantage
>Go to one of the firefighters and ask how much it is
>He asks me how much I think it is
>I say "I dunno, maybe, 40 bucks"
>Tells me to pay 20
>Give him 50 for being a bro

All the good shit is in the country, in crazy weird places.

>> No.1513267

That is a true story, I was just being a goof at the end.

>> No.1513359

People have the right to ask whatever they want for an item. People also have the right to not buy said item. It's that simple. Don't want to pay X? Haggle, then move on to the next booth or garage sale. It's that simple. There's really no point in crying about what people want for their games. The market is at an all time high, and it's a sellers market. Sellers can ask what they want. Doesn't mean it will sell, but they are free to price it at whatever they feel is fair.

>> No.1513379

I found Super Mario RPG and Goldeneye just 3 weeks ago at a pawn shop. Both only $2.50 a piece and in good shape. But of course I live in a rural area where everyone is stupid.

>> No.1513447

True, people can price things as they please; however that's not exactly good business (actually pricing based off what people are willing to pay) and won't stop people from calling said seller an asshole when he refuses to haggle

tl;dr sitting on overpriced items doesn't make a good businessman

>> No.1513504

>True, people can price things as they please; however that's not exactly good business

But as the buyer that's not up to you to decide. You're measuring how good a seller is by the amount of things he sells, not how much money he makes.
A seller's weapon is charging the price he feels it's the best.
A buyer's weapon is buying only the items he wishes to.

>> No.1513523

I didn't come to /vr/ in more than a week because I was so depressed with this online deal I failed to close. Basically it was:

Shenmue 2
Time Stalkers
Soul Calibur
Omikron: The Nomad Soul
Nightmare Creatures 2
2000 SEGA Worldwide Soccer
Urban Chaos
UEFA Dream Soccer
F1 World Prix
Virtua Tennis

12 Dreamcast games, all boxed with manuals.
For 50€
I contacted the seller within an hour of him putting up the ad. He was selling either those for 50€ or those + the console and a controller for 100€. I had a DC already so I agreed to pay for those games only.
This was a Sunday. He was supposed to send it to the mail on Monday. I received a text on Monday where he says he's sold everything to another person because they agreed to buy everything.
Fuck me. Not only I regret not having paid it beforehand, but I also regret not having called the man to offer 100€ as well for the console included.

>> No.1514357

a friend and I went to some local flea markets he got a PS1 with two controllers for $20 he also found Super Smash Bros n64 complete in box for $80 he is a big smash bros fan so we both knew he was going to be leaving with that game. I found turtles in time for $15 and some other games but nothing special really.

>> No.1514374

That's cute


>> No.1514402
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You want cute? Here's cute.


>> No.1514415
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Either I'm going crazy or society has...what the hell?...

>> No.1514432

Thats a pretty cool lot. But he really did just pull that number straight out of his ass. I'm to lazy to try to figure it out if he's even close.

>> No.1514447

How? He's looking for a good deal. If he doesnt find one, then he doesnt buy it. Demand would imply that he's looking for it and doesn't give a shit about the price. That's why you have collectors like PTNESP who have said that they've waited for a game for years.

>> No.1514479

I almost got my ass kicked in by some packastani guy at a flea market once. That was fun.

also $500 snes cartridges which I really wish I had recorded. That place was unbelievable.

>> No.1514486
File: 52 KB, 186x281, are you high.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have a garage sale a few years ago
>put some of my NES games out there because I was an idiot, no garbage like Mario/Duck Hunt, legit good games
>price them all at $5
>old lady asks if I'll sell them at 2/$5

>> No.1514495

I was walking through a flea market, saw a GBA-SP, asked the price, $90 without games & adapter, nigga what the fuck. (the guy was selling vydia realated shit, so he probably knew the real price)

>> No.1514497


& that's why you generally don't buy games from a game vendor. They almost always ask top dollar.

>> No.1515582

>Check Ebay prices
>They're all over 100$
>inb4 "it's not up for the buyer to decide the price"

>> No.1515615

Anyone got a spare 33 thousand dollars?

This shit aint even factory sealed.

>> No.1515618

Are you me?

>> No.1515621

collectors believe the cables provide higher quality, and they're scarcely available

$150 is what people are willing to bid on them, if they were not in such high demand, someone would undercut the price

>> No.1515656

>guy's mentality :but, mah greed.

>> No.1515661

smash bros is no worth not even 30$ CIB mint

>> No.1515662

>bizarro world

>> No.1515676

Both my greed and his greed. Funny thing is I kind of suspected something like this was gonna happen. I talked on the phone with him and he knew his shit, he knew about how Shenmue 1 and 2 were really good games, groundbreakers etc. but he priced them really low.
Originally they were 16 games. I asked him to keep 4 of them and in return I would pay no shipping.
Just have just sent a bank transfer. At least he would have the money already and would not step back.

>> No.1515727

I recently picked up SNES + 2 controllers for 20 bucks. Not bad I think.

>> No.1515738

fucking bunch of hipster know it all kids in chula vista man.

>> No.1519625

bump for more stories.

>> No.1521993

Bump for justice, I know there's some hunting stories out there, the weekend is here

>> No.1522058

>at a new thrift store
>not shit in the whole store
>gf asks if they have any video game stuff
>he said the locked trunk next to me has some older stuff
>busted up, piss yellow NES
>N64 console only
>tons of random cables but nothing of value
>see GBA SP
>"How much?"
>no, put it down
>buy N64 console, Ranger X and Mario Track-meet for $10

Shit day.

>> No.1522063
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Here's today's haul.

>> No.1522120

i find it hilarious when resellers spend their days selling at flea markets when amazon.com is a thing. how's that GED treatin' ya?

>> No.1522132

If something is worth $50, pay $50 dollars.

No you're looking to pay less for what is something is worth.

>> No.1522243

That's not bad for boxed pokemon games, seeing as just the cartridge usually goes for 25 bucks a pop.

>> No.1522347
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It's an okay price.

>> No.1522349
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And one more

>> No.1522620
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My first weekend of the year, did ok. First buy got Resident Evil 2 for $3. Never played it but I've heard good things. Second buy all the N64 stuff for only $13. I had to go into their house and shed for it, and the N64 smells (and apparently doesn't work), but still a great deal. Some of the titles: Pokemon Stadium, Super Mario 64, Mario Kart 64, Mario Party 2, and Paper Mario. I'll probably just toss the N64 and keep the expansion pak if it doesn't work. Last buy was the 5 PS2 games for $8, all have mint CDs. I left my number with 3 people, I doubt any will call me back but we'll see.

Even though I did good, I went to a lot of sales. Like 30-40, using up a good deal of gas, and only bought from 3.

>> No.1522675

....they do realize that's not real gold right?

>> No.1522686

are you retarded. 50 dollars is still a good price for all of that. 100 dollars is still a good price for all of that. Jesus Christ be more grateful of your finds that is awesome.

>> No.1522701

but he is going to sell it soon.

>> No.1522741

I haven't been to yard sales in the past couple years due to being pretty broke/not having the time, but I picked up an NES Action Pack (complete in the box) with a bunch of games for $15 years ago. Works mostly fine too, might need a little pin adjustment though.

Since I'm so broke, though, and not exactly a collector (I'm just as fine emulating an NES which can be pretty much 100% faithfully reproduced), so I wonder what I could get for this, more or less?

>> No.1522801

>Professional appraisers one-of-a-kind items like those on Antique Road Show don't use any of these methods
Not sure if this is a typo but they typically look at recent auction prices for the piece or similar pieces then adjust for changes in the market.

>> No.1522806

Its because they feel its the best way to play GBA games. GCN + comp cables + GBA player = best video quality for GBA games

>> No.1522813

Also horrible business practice.
I wouldn't want to deal with someone who would sell something after he already made a deal with someone else.

>> No.1522839

found a bunch of stuff today, but im gonna wait til tomorrow to buy it so i can haggle with the guy.

most of the systems he had look like they had burn marks on them, slightly yellowed snes, an nes with no door, multiple atari 2600's, a wack as fuck dreamcast and he wanted 20 per system. also had a ds lite for 30 and 2 gba for 10 each. games were nothing great, save for wwf warzone.

>> No.1522849

You're a jackass man, no offense but those are worth way more than you were charged. You got them boxed, be grateful. I couldn't find a deal like that around here if I tried

>> No.1522857

Most craigslist type sellers do this.

I make it a point to jet out there immediately after calling to buy before they have a chance to change their mind.

>> No.1522860

Wait are you guys fucking serious? GCN components are that expensive?

Shit, I have like, two of them. Better not get rid of any.

>> No.1522864

Are you special needs?

All that matters is what you can get the seller to take for his items.

If its worth $50 and I pay $10, somehow that makes me a bad person?

>> No.1522886

yeah, its because they were available only through nintendo and no one else. if you got them at GS, then they were probably used.

>> No.1522893

>If its worth $50 and I pay $10, somehow that makes me a bad person?

No, but complain about everyone charging $50 for it is pretty retarded if you ask me.

>> No.1523007

I know. Just saying that shows the person is a total ass.

Its one thing to be "yeah sure, you can buy this from me" and turn around to sell it to someone else who got there faster and saying "its first come first served". Granted, nothing was explicitly stated in the first, most rational people would agree a contract was implied.

On the flip side, if a seller tells a buyer the first statement above, then the buyer cant get there in a reasonable amount of time, fuck the buyer.

>> No.1523128

How is that even an implied contract? If you had said "hello, I am interested in x product, but don't have the money at the moment. could you please hold this product for me?" and he had agreed, then yeah I could understand the ass chap. However, you seem to only ask if you are allowed to buy the game, "Is it possible for me to purchase this game?", and what else is he supposed to fucking say? No fucking shit you can buy it, anybody could.

>> No.1523638
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>Go to random pawn shop to find games
>Snes games basket for $5 each
>It's all sports games
>Ahh yeah
>Go to buy it and try to give the guy 5 dollars
>Yanks the game out of my hand
>"That's suppose to be in there"
>Dumps it in a cardboard box behind the counter
>"If you want that one, you have to visit my ebay page"

I came so close

>> No.1523642

For as much ire as the reseller boogeyman gets around here, you shouldn't call people who gave you a good deal "stupid"

They might not care that deeply about money or something.

>> No.1523649
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>emulate everything
>same result (better graphics and sound, save states)
>don't have to deal with people
>don't have to get Jewed to death

>> No.1523661
File: 246 KB, 960x682, slider-img1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at this pizza I just emulated

>won't burn the roof of your mouth
>won't get cold
>never runs out
>don't have to tip the delivery jew

>> No.1523656

I actually think that's illegal.

>> No.1523670


when did /vr/ turn into /pol/

>> No.1524245

Related Story

>went to the hipster comic book poser who sells NES and SNES games overpriced.
>look at SNES games
>Both Tiny Toons games on SNES in plastic covers
>ask him how much for each
>WHOOAAOOW, those games arent supposed to be there
>LOL SORRY they are not for seal

And a few years ago....

>Went to the place i bought Brawl Brothers for 3 USD recently
>ask him

>> No.1524248


Back when /new/ wasnt even a board, people were free to make jew jokes all the time without anybody accusing them of anything.

Fuck off. Not everyone is from /pol/

>> No.1524250

>Seller Notices a Game he could Jew out
>Makes any flavor of bullshit story
>Get's Away with it
>Doesnt give a fuck about videogames


>As a Guy How Much for a Game
>Sells for a bloated high price that hasnt changed in years
>no one has bough the game
>as him for discount
>tries to berate me in passive agressive way for daring to say he should cut the price down
>tries to make you look like a desparate pathethic soul


>As for price
>Bloated inflated price
>ask him for discount or offering him someting i can pay
>Not True at all
>Game Never sells until some rich poser raises his ugly head.

>> No.1524257
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>Go to thrift store
>Buy Earthbound for 5 bucks

>Go to other thrift store
>Splatterhouse 2 and 3 CIB, $3 a piece

>Megaman Legends 2 for $5

You just have to beat the reseller scumbags. Once you do, you find some nice shit.

>> No.1524264

>better sound
But genesis emulators usually sound like shit compared to a good Model 1.

>> No.1524289

I'll take the N64 even if it doesn't work. I have a whole graveyard of consoles that I use for parts. I'm sure we can work out a trade or something, I have tons of stuff.

>> No.1524798
File: 1.00 MB, 1836x3264, 20140406_104944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Email sent

Went to two flea markets and a thrift today, picked MGS:PW up for $3. The case is bad, but I wanted to get something.

>> No.1524964

My local retro game shop does something that I don't know weather its kinda rad or shitty. This seems like an appropriate thread to ask.

They'll give you a free game when you buy an NES/SNES/Megadrive but it's always one with an ungodly fucked up label. What do you think /vr/?

>> No.1524994

>free game

>> No.1525010

Some people don't care about shelf porn and just want to play the games. This is for those people.

>> No.1525049

See, this thread is the reason why I shy away from actually trying to build up a nice collection of old games. I don't feel like be hustled by people who think I should pay $60 for a game because everyone says that's how much I should pay for it because "reasons", nor do I want other people to think that I'm some penny-pinching monster for buying the game from someone who will sell the same game for $20 , as if I'm stealing from them.

I want to buy old games and play them on old consoles, but resellers and collectors alike are so fucking aggressive about what should and shouldn't be.

>> No.1525069

And the worst part is, those stickers will never come off.

>> No.1525071

As a reseller myself, don't bother with collecting. If you do happen to find a really good deal then get it. But I come across so many shitheads at fleamarkets and thrift stores that jack up prices because "that's what it goes for on Ebay". I find great deals all the time but I can figure out instantly if the person in front of me is going to be a dick or not.

Let me give you the best tip for hunting; when you enter the store, look around for a few minutes then casually ask the owner "Do you have any video game stuff?", you'd be surprised how many do in some hidden location in the store.

>> No.1525073

then go buy a flashcart

>> No.1525250


I buy old games to play, but end up collecting what I buy.

Suck my dick :^)

>> No.1525341
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I got this yesterday at a flea market with all the hookups and 2 controllers for 10 bucks.

>> No.1525553

Nintendo is the ONLY one that makes those. There's no 3rd part GC component cables anywhere. So, yea get over it. If you aren't going to buy it then stop whining on the internet about what other people want to charge for their shit.

That's actually half the price they usually sell for. And they sell for those prices consistently. People get them to play their GBA games with the GBA player in as close to HD as they can get, which is fucking glorious.

>inb4 but muh emulation

Also you probably thought that it was just a standard composite GC cable when you saw it I'm guessing. In which case, do your research before whining on the internet about something you wouldn't buy anyways.

>> No.1525556

>I dont know how yard sales work
>I don't know what haggling is

>> No.1525721

today i got an SNES for 15, an NES for 20 and 12 nes games for 20. would have never noticed the nes games if i didn't look. other than that, nothing else at my flea market, but i did get a few jean claude van damme movies for 8 bucks.

>> No.1525727

>but i did get a few jean claude van damme movies for 8 bucks.

Can't beat that. Definitely the cherry on top of a nice haul.

>> No.1525734

i am so damn jelly of that that is so fuckin cool damn

>> No.1525749

i wanted blood sport, but i couldn't find it. i scoured every stand that had dvds, but to no avail. i spent a good hour looking through dvds after finding the systems and games, i was at my market for a good 4 hours.

i got street fighter on dvd and kickboxer on bluray. i also found the indy trilogy for 2 bucks and ghostbusters 1 and 2 for 3 bucks. best part, kickboxer was at the bottom of the NES games, so it was free.

>> No.1525771


>> No.1525791
File: 43 KB, 542x602, 1379281257350.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a garage sale but

>every ps1 game on ebay ever
>game is worth like £5
>"i cant sell for that low i bought it for more than that i hav 2 make profit :("

>> No.1525823

Probably a front for drugs or something

>> No.1525849

I might one day, but I really like having the individual carts. My old Wii use to be modded, so I had a majority of all the NES, SNES, and Genesis games I always wanted to play. It was nice and I was playing it on the TV, but it was just... different. It was different than going and putting in a cartridge and playing it.

And as odd as it sounds, I don't think it has anything to do with nostalgia. Playing from a flashcart/emulation feels different. I've even played a multicart before and everything just felt... off.

>> No.1525859

Should have drawn your gun and shot him dead

>> No.1525867


At least the postage is free....

>> No.1525872


so you bought a greencase+ps1 for $10

>> No.1525874

>i hav 2 make profit :(
This is a sure sign that they don't actually know how to run a business. Having merchandise sitting around wastes money. If you bought something for more than it's worth, you're not going to make money HOPING that someone is dumber than you. Get rid of it, stock something else, move on.

>> No.1525983

My friend bought a copy of Final Fantasy 7 for $60

>> No.1526012

I want one but I don't think I can justify the price just for a bit more quality. I wish I had known these things existed years ago. I have an early model Gamecube. The later modes are not compatible.

>> No.1526032

Or sit on it for ten years until it is worth double of what you paid. Was it worth stocking for ten years? Probably not.

>> No.1526040

There's a difference between haggling being a cheap fuck. You don't haggle when someone is already offering you a deal.

>Earthbound for $10?
>Would you take $4 and a bag of skittles?

>> No.1526054
File: 15 KB, 286x329, feelsabstractman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you cope with the fact that old games are not being made anymore and the copies that exist are getting farther and farther away from you at each passing day, either because the games are deemed unusable/uncollectable, lost or simply sold to people who don't intend to sell it again?
How do you cope with this crushing feel /vr/?

>> No.1526060

Hit the jackpot after going to the same flea market every week for half a year. Found Vanguard Bandits (ps1) for $35 complete and a perfect complete Parasite Eve for $5.

What I'm so fucking hype about, though, is picking up all four .hack games for $75 total all with dvds and manuals.

>> No.1526081

So how much should a working Sega Genesis cost then in your esteemed opinions

>> No.1526082

This morning I checked out a well known yearly yard sale about ten minutes away from me. Mostly baby clothes, tools and treadmills (always) but this one house had an old gateway pc and a bunch of boxes strewn about. Upon closer inspection, I see a starburst on the brownish stained tower with the message "$160!! Uses Windows 95! Includes keyboard! So right away I give up hope and turn away only to spot a box of NES and genesis stuff. Twenty dollars later and I have an NES, two copies of Ninja Turtles, Barker Bills trick shooting, Jackal, Milon's Secret Castle, Mario/Duck Hunt, and an extra adapter. A model one Genesis (No rgb cable) Sonic 1, Vectorman 2, and the adapter to a 32x.

>> No.1526084

I already have most of the games I'd ever want, except for Super Metroid and Link to the Past(it got lost in a move or the movers stole it)

>> No.1526087


Most likely the movers

I used to work for a moving company

>> No.1526097

I guess that game fell out or something because I have a ton of more expensive games than Link to the Past. It's been 5 years since it was lost/stolen and I still look for it from time to time. It had a lot of sentimental value.

>> No.1526118


You don't take expensive shit. Just stuff that you want that won't make the customers raise a stink if they lose it. A kid's vidya game is a good target as long as it isn't new.

>> No.1526198

I sold mine for about $125, turned around and bought a 3ds and wii component cables

>> No.1526372

Was that all in one day? Just out of curiousity.

Man they NEVER have anything good as far as video games where I live. And that's IF they even have video games to begin with.

>> No.1526736

like $5

>> No.1527016

Enjoy the tetralogy man, I picked my set up for $85 a few months ago.

PS. I'd recommend watching the dvds after playing the games

>> No.1527327

>You want to see true humor?

>> No.1527332

I'm still holding onto mine because I'm too lazy to list it. That, and I'm not sure if I should bundle it with my Gamecube. Seems like the cable goes for about the same by itself, thou Rev. C Cubes don't include the needed port. And I'm not sure if I'm willing to give up an official GC controller with the core system.

>> No.1528285

I found Conker's Live and Reloaded for $2 and Zombies Ate My Neighbors on genesis for $4 a couple weeks ago. They are both complete in mint condition.

>> No.1529435
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I live in a dry area, literally no good games anywhere unless you explored downtown for video game specialty stores or find the REALLY greedy resellers which are very uncommon. Only games I ever find in flea markets/garage sales are for modern systems or common games. I don't mind the resellers I run into, if they had anything good to sell in the first place. Any way here's my story:
>New thrift store opens up near me
>Didn't like it too much since there wasn't much video games to be seen
>One day, I go there since it was "Half Price" Tuesday and had nothing better to do
>Look around and see and snes, perfect condition with light gray color and "Power switch must be off..." label still attached, perfect controller no residue or sticky buttons, RF cable in great shape, it was like a dream come true but no AC adapter
>Priced at $24 but selling for $12 since it was Tuesday
>Get giddy as fuck
>Walk up to the cashier and have a good talk about video games
>Ask the guy if it came with an adapter
>No adapter was found
>Asked "could I pay $10 since there's no adapter?"
>He was ok with it
>Walk out super fucking happy since I could never find a decently priced snes
>One month later place closes down
Guy was really nice but the place hardly got any people, probably like an old person here and there but no one, it was doomed from the start. Kinda sad because they kept moving around the area but all that work was really for nothing.

>> No.1529485
File: 729 KB, 1630x1222, 5-18-13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just remember, perseverance is key. It's getting tougher out there to find stuff, and people are more savvy. It's not hard now for even older people to just look up what their crap is worth. Don't bother using craigslist, it's either gonna be newer stuff or they already know what it's worth. Stay local, don't spend tons of gas, and more importantly, just keep looking.

Pic related, my best weekend last year.

>> No.1532345

Anyone in NYC know of any decent places?

>> No.1532358

>Never in any other hobby have I seen such a an entitled acting bunch of manbabies.

Stop defending the bullshit retro bubble, and its also clear you're not aware of other hobbies.

>> No.1532384

>50 dollars is still a good price for all of that. 100 dollars is still a good price for all of that.

Nah, you can buy a Japanese CIB Pokemon Blue game and it'll still be way cheaper then that.

>> No.1532385

Literal jews.

>> No.1532592

Snagged a model 2 Genesis with all hookups and two controllers for $15 this past weekend. I already have a model 1 but I couldn't really pass this one up for that price and the great condition it was in.

Now if I could find the cables I need to hook my 32X up again.

>> No.1533065
File: 6 KB, 238x212, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not against reselling in general. (buying a box of used games for cheap, and then sell the most of the useless sports games to get a few better ones)

But holy fuck! Finding a decent deal on older games on CG/Kijiji in Toronto is like trying to piss straight up into the air while trying not to get wet.

The listings are only filled with resellers (most of which don't give a single shit about videos whatsoever) that spam and repost the listings so fucking much that it just becomes a wall of spam with fake price listings where they listed the prices as something like $10, $5, (or even free) but when you actually open up the ads they are all pretty much, "lol, actually $100, (plus another $20 for the power cable)" and when you happen to see any decent deals at all you are pretty much not gonna get it unless you are within the first three minutes since these slimy resellers will obsessively check the listings and use notification apps on their phones.

And most of the "garage/yard sale" listings are fake with most of them are run by those resell-scalpers, and even if you find a legitimate one, some asshole is gonna knock on their door a few hours early and try to buy the whole lot. Some of these people also have the nerve to also post/spam those "$$$ for games"/"Give us you unwanted old video games" ads.

These resellers then will ether try to sell the games by ether listing/spamming them on CG/Kijiji. or list them on eBay for high, to insanely high prices, or they sell them in some of their used game stores/pawn shops.

>> No.1533192

You might want to take a look at that picture again, he didn't buy a Japanese CIB Pokemon Blue.

>> No.1533195

Where the hell did you get them? They were exclusive to Japan and they only sold them over the mail.

>> No.1533485

ANd people will try to defend this, fucking istory channel and their redneck poser fetish, they are horribe.

>> No.1533518

Oh, nice. I'm starting my yard sale hunting this weekend.
I still use CL sometimes, though. Someone's selling me a Famicom Twin for 75 bucks with a few games (marios, a neat bootleg multicart, and even some FDS games). The guy was nice enough to give me extra belts for the thing.

CL is pretty sparse, though. But yes, perseverance is key. Never give up!

>> No.1534234

My story from almost a year ago in these threads, not much has changed

Just got back. Went to two dozen yard sales and the only vidya I found was Diablo and HeXen for PC. Gave up on those and then went to the flea market, absolutely nothing other than one reseller. His prices are like eBay *1.5 so I didn't get anything. I then stopped by a Play n Trade and their prices were similar to his. On the way home I saw a sign for more sales, but by this point it was around 12:00 so I figured they would be cleaning up. By chance the yard sale was hosted by someone I knew from highschool and she guilted me into buying a cupcake. It was good, but it wasn't as good as video games. Stopped by Walmart just to see what kind of prices they're selling at and then went home. Left at 6:30, got back at 1:00. Bought nothing but a cupcake, hope you guys were more lucky.

>> No.1534245

I'm pretty sure you can report them. In the classified websites I use they won't even let you price something that doesn't match the description.

>> No.1534335
File: 48 KB, 223x204, myBro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel your pain. TO/GTA is the worst fucking place bar maybe australia for pricing.

>> No.1535207
File: 263 KB, 955x627, 1397176931052.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this dude serious?
Maybe the extra zero was a typo?...

>> No.1535240

>have to bring your own N64


>> No.1535961

It doesnt sound like that at all. When >>1523007 said "yeah sure, you can buy it from me", I took it as a buyer asking "Hey do you still have this? If so, I'll buy it" I don't know how the hell you could misinterpret that, unless you're one of those people who correct people who ask if they can have something by saying "I don't know, CAN you? Yes you CAN and you MAY.".

I hate when people on fb b/s/t pages ask something stupid like "will this play on *insert random console*". Why people don't Google it real quick is beyond me. If its a game I want, I'll call dibs and say I want it. Then they get pissy and say "but I inquired about it first". The way I look at it is you don't know if you want it, I do. Now if they say "Does this_________? If so, I want it" then I back off and call next if it falls through.

>> No.1537878

Anybody else seeing a crap-ton of CL posts linking to some other fkn auction site like Pricebate, Exmaxsale, and the like?

>> No.1537903

i see these on chicago craigslist all the time

>> No.1538057

Looks like we all must do our part and let our "flag for spam" mouse clicks activate

>> No.1538102
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$3.99 per game, and I had a 20% off coupon, too.

How'd I do, /vr/?

>> No.1538106


If the tags aren't specific enough, this was at a thrift store, hopefully that's close enough to garage sale/flea markets.

>> No.1538247

All CIB games?
(32x and SCD aside, though)

>> No.1538262

>Decide to go to local Goodwill a few blocks from my house
>Its usually shit, the only vidya Ive seen the last few years is a PSP Go for $20
>still regret not buying it
>browsing for a little bit, dont see anything good
>about to leave while I check the last few aisles
>Pokemon Yellow and Crystal are sitting on an end cap
>$0.99 a piece
>thank you

Cant wait to get home and see who owned these were up to, theyre in surprisingly great shape too, no scratches on the labels or anything.

>> No.1538287
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Not /vr/, but HOLY FUCK is this wrong.

>> No.1538312
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>> No.1538319

I remember when I was in high school around 2009-10 savers had hella retro gaming stuff. Came across most of my systems there.

>> No.1538326

you should've just stolen it

>> No.1538336

Holy FUCK, are you me?
What are the actual odds we'd pick up the same game with the same problem at the same place?
The only difference being the price, I got mine for 10$.

>> No.1538365

GBA SP For 15$ is not bad at all, especially if it's one of the 101 models.

>> No.1538373


The irony is that Flappy Bird is coming back to the app store. I wonder how many people are kicking themselves for spending thousands of dollars on a shitty phone game right now?

>> No.1538817
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Shit day today. Went to dozens of yard sales, bought only from one. I asked about vidya, guy came out with everything on the left. $10 for all, so I did well on that. The SMB3 is case only, got for free from someone else later on. I heard so many people talking about others that came before me, and I arrived at 6:30 at my first one. Every god damn day.

>> No.1540921
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This was last year. 8/8/13. Biggest and best pick up I've had by far. It had Gun-Nac, Tombs And Tresure, and just a bunch of fun games. I got it all for $80. I'll post pick ups from today in a bit.

>> No.1540925

>if you want to sell Donkey kong at the retail price then open a booth at a flea market.
Or just do what every other reseller does and throw it up on ebay and sit on it for months til some uninformed consumer buys it

>> No.1540946
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This was from our first stop today. They usually don't have much. I paid $6+tax. I've seen these manuals in there the past 4-5 times I've went. I brought them up to the front when I paid and asked how much for them. The guy asked if the games were back there. They weren't or I would've snagged them. He said "well...Since we don't have the games to go with them...you can have them".

>> No.1540962
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I go out of town to look for retro because my town doesn't carry much. Once in a great while you'll get a find at Goodwill or maybe a pawn shop. I heard some people at work talk about some pawn shops in that town. I'd never been to them and decided to check them out. I got these for $5 each, but he didn't ring up one. I literally didn't notice until I took the pic. I looked at the receipt and seen he wrote 3 snes games - 1 nes game.

>> No.1540986

Forgot to mention in the last pic that it was kind of neat that I found Pac-Man 2 at one shop, and got the manual at another. Ahh serendipity.

The last stop on the retro train led to something that made me sad. We go in and look around a bit. I spot the vidya behind the counter on a big shelf and there's a lot of it. A lady comes over and asks if we need any help. I ask if we can look at the video games. There's 4 boxed nes games. The loose carts are all in these small totes/baskets. She says sure and asks what I'd like to see. I was happy that I may have hit a small honey hole. I say the Nintendo and Super Nintendo games please. She picks up the 4 boxed nes games and brings them over. Before she sets them down to where I can see them, she says something that makes my heart drop and my hopes shatter. "These are all individually priced". In my head I think "Shiiiiiiiit!!!" but maybe they weren't too bad. Honestly, a few weren't. I should have gotten TMNT 2 boxed. They wanted $14.99 for it. Contra boxed was $55.99. SMB3 boxed was $32.99. I think the other was Rad Racer for $14.99. I set them aside and look at the totes. There was Mega Man 2-6 all above $30, with number 5 being $70.99. Tengen Tetris was $50.99, Tengen Temple of Doom was $25.99. I don't remember every game, but there was probably about 50. The weirdest being Adventures of Lolo part 1 for $31.99. I sat Lolo, MM2, and MM3 aside to see if I could maybe get them down to a reasonable price.

>> No.1540992
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After looking through the totes I ask if I could get a better price on the 3 that I sat aside. I also had 3 that I was going to purchase sat aside as well. After about 5-6 minutes she comes back out and says "I'm going to stay pretty firm on these prices for now. Maybe if they're still here in a month, I might come down on the price a little". I know they won't come down on Lolo because after showing her what it roughly goes for, she said that she couldn't sell it at that because she would be losing money. I'm hoping that some hipster faggot who doesn't care about the price doesn't buy them within the month so I can maybe get a half assed decent price on the Mega Man games.

Here are the three games I got.

>> No.1541064

maybe they were even priced and not $--.99. I was thinking they were.

>> No.1541242
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I went to a local store today

>> No.1541256


I bought a bunch of N64 games one time and when I got home the bottom was all rusty, I didn't even notice. I fucked up

>> No.1542043


I forgot I posted this.

Splatterhouse 2/3 and Megaman Legends 2 was in the same day, but the Earthbound at Savers was a few weeks prior.

This was all last summer.

>> No.1542072
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HA, what a typo. Picked up one of the other ones new for 99 cents. Best dollar I spent.

/vr/ related i picked up GT2, Frogger, and Pac-Man World for 2 bucks each at the local Goodwill and Diablo 2 at the one in Puyallup.

>> No.1542107


I just got back from picking up a great deal on Craigslist. Got an N64 with all hookups, two controllers, and 12 games for $30 bucks.

Only one sports game, the others are first party mario games, Smash, 007, and other well known shit I didn't have.

>> No.1543817
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>Shit Day
>ogre Tactics 64

>> No.1544221

Shit day as in the amount of time spent. I only bought from one sale and I was up at 5:40 and got home at noon. Also I spent more in gas than I did on that one buy.

>> No.1544528

Yup, no good stores in montreal, and Kijiji is full on hipster ebay price copiers.