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/vr/ - Retro Games

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1507613 No.1507613[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Does /vr/ have a "required reading" list for each generation?

Could you people even agree on something like that?

>> No.1507615

/v/'s recommended games wiki is a fairly decent starting point

>> No.1507630

I feel like we should have a recommended games list in the sticky. That could be helpful for newcomers who find it overwhelming the sheer amount of retro games.

>> No.1507848

Play the most popular SNES games (Nintendo stuff and Square RPGs, for example). Then, browse a list of SNES games and pick one that looks interesting.

>> No.1507856

No we don't. Early on /vr/ pretty much decided to stick with what /v/ already made.

>> No.1507870 [DELETED] 

No, because despite playing them, most people on here don't know shit about retro games/have shit taste. This is really more the lazy nostalgia-tripping faggot board than anything.

>> No.1507875 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.1507876
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From what i've seen, most people don't seem to like the idea. You usually get good results from asking about specific genres though.

Also, the only thing i'd consider "required" as far as vidya goes, is the stuff you enjoy. If you post the stuff you like, there's always the chance someone knows about something similar you might enjoy.

>> No.1507930

>People rarely discuss the handful of games I enjoy, so they're all lower than me
Keep fighting the good fight. You're completely right about this being a
>lazy nostalgia-tripping faggot board
though, which we're content with.

There are /vr/-made game lists based on specific consoles or genres, but that's about as much literature you're going to get from us at this point. But /vr/ is still one of the youngest boards on 4chan. Give it time.

>> No.1507938

Thanks /v/, please tell everyone how Majora's Mask is the best N64 game and how MGS2 is the greatest game of all time because of one codec call that honestly wasn't anything special. faggot

>> No.1508090

Yes, but which ones are considered the most popular?

>> No.1508164

Think about it this way.

When an actually meaningful 'list of greatest art works' is assemebled it is the result of one or a handful of EXPERTS who assemble it. Roger Eberts list of greatest movie has meaning in it because the guy has seen more movies in his life than you and all your friends put togeather. When a music critic who has been has listened to hundreds, if not thousands of albums says 'these are the greatest songs' it has weight. There is a difference between saying 'these are the great games' and 'these are my favorite games' one involves just being a fan of games the other involves devoting your entire life to studying the art.

A bunch /v/tards argueing why their favorite game should be considered the best isn't going to accomplish anything

>> No.1508173

There's another principle though, called the Wisdom of the Crowd, which shows that the aggregate opinions of many people can sometimes be more reliable than the opinions of a single expert, because even experts are fallible.

>> No.1508207 [DELETED] 

if you really beleive that than just go onto gamefaq, ign, or gamestop and see what the highest rated games are by user reviews. Theres your list of 'best games ever chosen by crowd'

inb4 /vr/ is a secret club only inhabited by highly intelligent gamers

>> No.1508236

I think Metacritic is a better example, and there's a lot of truth to Gamefaqs popularity ratings too.

But it's the same as with individual critics. People always recommend finding a critic who has the same taste in movies as you do. It's no different when you're looking for recommendations from the Crowd. I might notice that GameFAQs has different taste in games than I do, but /vr/ and I agree more often than not. So in that sense, the aggregate opinions of /vr/ still have value to me in a way that GameFAQs doesn't.

>> No.1508239

Thats pretty fucking retarded. Of course someone who is KNOWLEDGABLE is going to be right more often than a bunch of people who NOT KNOWLEDGABLE. A group of 1,000 laymen will at some point be able to correct a mistake by a historian who has spent decades in study. However you'd be a fucking idiot to look to the crowd of laymen for wisdom rather than the historian. The same would apply to trying to understand philosophy, literature, video games, fittness training, or anything else in life.

If you really beleive that than just go onto gamefaq, ign, or gamestop and see what the highest rated games are by user reviews. Theres your list of 'best games ever chosen by crowd'

inb4 /vr/ is a secret club only inhabited by highly intelligent gamers

>> No.1508258

This. If you try to get us to agree on overly broad categories it's just going to dissolve quickly into a trollfest.

OP needs to start a topic like "I just got a SNES and Super Mario All-Stars + World and I love them what else should I play?"

or "What are the best Playstation RPGs?"

or "I just got my Saturn out and holy shit games are expensive what are some great imports I can get for under $20?"

But starting a thread "What are the greatest retro games ever?"

>> No.1508287


>> No.1508291

stop making assumptions.
The reason you find knowledge critics isn't so that you can have someone tell you that your favorite games are the best games. You find knowledgeable critics to learn about games that you otherwise would have never known existed. You arn't going to learn that majuu ou is an awesome platformer from going meta-critic (the game wasn't even released in english so its completely out of the average layman's knowledge). You won't be told about rolling thunder 3, shatterhand, or dozens of other great games.

If all you care about is learning some entry level games than crap like meta critic and gamefaq will do the job. If you actually want to look at video games deeply than you are going to be associated with critics who have a good understanding of games. If you want to learn on your own than just download than just pirate a bunch of roms indiscriminately and figure it out yourself.

>> No.1508293

But anon, I learned about Majuu-ou, and lots of other great games, from the /v/'s Recommended Games wiki. I'd never hear about that game from a critic. That's exactly what I've been talking about.

>> No.1508387

>/v/'s Recommended Games wiki
>not from a critic
perhaps not from a "critic", depending on how you want to define the term, but from one man with an opinion. you didn't hear of it from the "crowd", that is, aggregate review scores. just give the guy who wrote the entry for the wiki a little more respect and you DID hear about it from a critic. lone men are exactly the people that you hear about obscure games from(and films, etc.) so it's not just ridiculous and wrong but counter-intuitive to say "I'd never hear about that game from a critic". you can become a critic yourself and prove yourself wrong if you prefer.

>> No.1508494

One handy way to get your feet wet in a new console is visit a site like CoolRom and look at the most popular downloads- they tend to be the most popular games for the system.

After that just figure out what kind of games you actually want to play

>> No.1508560

But the guy who added that information is in no way an expert. He's just a dude who played random games and found one he liked, just like the rest of us. And many of us are willing to corroborate his opinion, which is why that game is so well-known in this circle. Dudes slapping information on wikis aren't critics, they're the crowd.

>> No.1508592

>But the guy who added that information is in no way an expert.
unless you are the one who added that entry, there's no way that you could know that, and you don't need to be an expert to be a critic, and even if he's not an expert then in no way would him having expertise diminish his ability to show you obscure games -- rather, his ability would increase
>Dudes slapping information on wikis aren't critics, they're the crowd.
that's retarded. how is one person the crowd? a face in the crowd is not the crowd itself. one politician is not the entire government. one citizen is not a country. do you really not understand this distinction? the very basic distinction between singular and plural?

>> No.1508629

you are making an extremely retarded argument
by that same logic, someone making a post on GameFAQs could just as well be an expert so you should get recommendations from there too

But that's not right. An anonymous opinion does not have the same weight as an opinion given by an expert. Not having the credentials of the expert defeats the whole concept of the critic in the first place. We shouldn't treat every post on /tv/ as though it could have been made by Roger Ebert... well, apart from the whole "dead" thing, even.

So because of that, opinions without credentials can't be treated as expert recommendations... but they can be treated as a face in the Crowd.

>> No.1508632

Regardless of what kind of person you are and what you like, you should at least play the first party IPs for every system you try, for the sake of comparison.

>> No.1508665

>you are making an extremely retarded argument
>by that same logic, someone making a post on GameFAQs could just as well be an expert so you should get recommendations from there too
see >you don't need to be an expert to be a critic
also why is it impossible for an expert to post on the /v/ recommended games wiki?
>An anonymous opinion does not have the same weight as an opinion given by an expert. Not having the credentials of the expert defeats the whole concept of the critic in the first place.
therefore what? only roger ebert and the crowd are able to make contributions to the discussion? that doesn't sync with reality. indeed you mention the phenomenon of these people sharing their opinions so I really don't see what you're trying to disprove that I've said or how it's relevant. and none of this what you've said has mentioned how it is made impossible to share opinions on obscure games when expertise is attained.
>We shouldn't treat every post on /tv/ as though it could have been made by Roger Ebert
not every critic is roger ebert. you give undue respect to the profession. but even still, that's a separate issue and then you are arguing for an unnecessary "third option" to be discussed, which will not be discussed because it unnecessarily complicates the discussion. the word "critic" does fine if you use the right definitions. but again, there does not need to be a third option of "singular bro" when the options of critic and crowd do fine. asshole.
>So because of that, opinions without credentials can't be treated as expert recommendations... but they can be treated as a face in the Crowd.
refer to >do you really not understand this distinction? the very basic distinction between singular and plural?

>> No.1508684

>anonymous opinion does not have the same weight as an opinion given by an expert
most of the edits on the /v/ recommended games wiki are made by people with names and also gamefaqs users have names

>> No.1508693

/v/'s recommended games wiki is a plural entity. There isn't one guy making all the contributions to the wiki. It's an aggregation of opinions, and people vote by either adding content, removing content, or choosing not to change the content. Every contributor who saw the entry for Majuu-ou voted on it, witting or otherwise.

Anyway, this whole line of discussion started from this line here:
>When an actually meaningful 'list of greatest art works' is assemebled it is the result of one or a handful of EXPERTS who assemble it.

My point is that the people who create recommendation lists do not need to be experts for the list to be effective. Sure, the guy who recommended Majuu-ou MIGHT be an expert, but in all likelihood, he is not. He is probably just an ordinary guy who thought the game is fun, which it is, and by adding it to the list, he gives the list credibility. However, his opinion is not the same as what's mentioned here:

>When a music critic who has been has listened to hundreds, if not thousands of albums says 'these are the greatest songs' it has weight.
His opinion has no weight by itself, because we do not know how many games he has played or how he plays them. His opinion is given weight by the collaborative effort of the community, who choose to recognize his contribution and reaffirm it. That's the wisdom of the crowd.

>> No.1508702

No it isn't.

No one reads the current sticky. Adding more to it isn't going to help. There's still going to be floods of retards asking stupid questions.

It's better to just ignore them.

>> No.1508735

Wisdom of the crowd could work if the crowd was filtered to remove all the incompetent people.

Eg. no vote unless you have at least 1CCed an arcade game, made it past the first round of a national tournament, got a time below 150% of the fastest speedrun time, or something like that.

>> No.1508736

I use my vote to vote against your idea

>> No.1508737

That's stupid and arbitrary

>> No.1508741

although, this strategy would work if the target audience for the recommendation list were the same type of people as those who voted on it

>> No.1508748

How can you judge games without being able to play them? I'm not asking for truly hardcore skills, just evidence that you're not a lazy casual.

>> No.1508749

a lot of people on /vr/ are lazy casuals though, and they want recommendations for lazy casual games

>> No.1508757


I don't give a fuck how far you got into a video game tournament or how many arcade games you've 1cc'd if we're talking about RPGs.

>> No.1508780

That's fine if you're on a separate casual gamers recommendation wiki. Lumping everybody together will not work because of different reasons for playing games.

>> No.1508779


Nostalgia goes hand in hand with anything retro--that's a fact. If you were born too late to enjoy the older consoles firsthand you're missing out on half the fun, and I feel so sorry for you.

>> No.1508784

Robotron: 2084 was made before I was born and it's more fun than the entire SNES library.

>> No.1508785

Why are you trying to make this unnecessary dichotomy? Why stop there? Make an entirely different Wiki for every single genre. Wait, we can't have Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest on the same wiki. Better split that up, too. Oh shit, we can't have NES, SNES, and PSX FF on the same wiki. We'll have to do something about that, as well...

It may come as a shock to you, but some people who like games like Alien Soldier also sit down to play RPGs and Harvest Moon.

>> No.1508786

>Make an entirely different Wiki for every single genre.
Not a bad idea.

>> No.1508790

>Nostalgia goes hand in hand with anything retro--that's a fact.

What a stupid post!

You do these games a great disservice with retarded thoughts like these. Seiken Densetsu 3 was not any worse because I didn't experience on my SNES in the late 90s. Nostalgia exists, but to suggest that's the only reason anyone thinks highly of these games is utterly, utterly retarded.

Shit, the majority of the games I come here to talk about are games I DIDN'T experience growing up, because most of those I have already talked to death about.

>> No.1508792

>Not a bad idea.

No, it's an awful idea. You might as well just have a one-stop shop instead of going to 5-10 wikis when compiling a list of games to play.

>> No.1509041


What a stupid poster!

Clearly your cannot think critically, but I'll help you out. I am suggesting these games have more meaning to those of us who experienced them new. Think of it like a kid who saw Jurassic Park in the theater in 1993. There was nothing like at the time; the groundbreaking visual effects alone would blow his mind! Now imagine another kid sees it today in 2014 for the first time. Assuming he hasn't lived a sheltered life, the impact is entirely lost because he's been exposed to bigger, better things for years. This does not in any way make Jurassic park a "worse" film--it's just a consequence of modern times.

>> No.1509919

By doing that you are implicitly ranking genres by quality. Eg. if you list more JRPGs than shmups you are claiming JRPGs are a better genre, which is obvious bullshit (or obviously true, depending on your perspective). That kind of disagreement is why the single list will never work.

>> No.1509947

>I am suggesting these games have more meaning to those of us who experienced them new.

And you'd be wrong to suggest this. Thanks for playing. When a game like FF6 has better writing and characterization than most JRPGs, both modern and retro, it doesn't matter when it came out or how groundbreaking it was.

>> No.1509948

No, you're listing more good games of that genre that actually exist.

FPS may be a good genre, but just because the SNES or NES don't have any good ones that doesn't mean you're saying it's a bad genre.

>> No.1509949

>Eg. if you list more JRPGs than shmups you are claiming JRPGs are a better genre,

What? Are you thinking this through?

First off, quantity =/= Quality. Second, more games from genre X on the wiki does not mean that genre X is better than genre Y. It could be that there are more fans of genre X. It could be that genre X has more titles on the system worth playing than genre Y.

>> No.1509962

This attitude is sadly common, even among professional film critics. You'd be hard pressed to find a pro who'll admit that the original King Kong is a bad movie (of course it is, it's an effects movie with bad effects).

And looking at it objectively, *every* movie with the arguable exceptions of the 3D versions of The Hobbit is bad, because the framerate is unacceptably low. And in the future there will probably be idiots claiming they are good because bad framerate was the standard at the time.

Also every movie except full dome IMAX style is bad because the FOV is too low, every movie is bad because there's no head tracking on the 3D, every movie is bad because there's no eye tracking on the depth of field.

>> No.1509965

OK, so you have to weight it by the number of possible candidates, but even so the number of games listed for the genre is a claim of quality of that genre.

>> No.1509969
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No, it's a claim of quality of the individual games of the genre.

>> No.1509970

>but even so the number of games listed for the genre is a claim of quality of that genre.

No it's not.

See above guy's post about FPS games. No one is saying RPGs are shit because the N64 lists don't have them. No one is saying 4 player multiplayer isn't good because PSX doesn't have many. No one is saying shmups are bad because the SNES doesn't have many. And no one is saying RTS games are bad because consoles don't have many.

Quality =/= quantity

>> No.1509990

SNES has a lot of RPGs, if the list has many RPGs that is claiming RPGs are a good genre. If it has few or none that is claiming RPGs are a bad genre. SNES has few shmups, so only a few are needed on the list to claim that shmups are a good genre.

>> No.1510016

I hope we never get a wiki to keep faggots like this >>1508164 away.

It belongs to reddit.

>> No.1510034

>Roger Eberts list of greatest movie has meaning in it because the guy has seen more movies in his life than you and all your friends put togeather.

Simply watching a shitload of movies does not make you a legit critic. Fundamentally understanding the individual elements involved in what makes a film and being able to critique accordingly does.

>> No.1510274

Roger Ebert was a hack and was directly responsible for film criticism becoming commercialized and a joke in general.

>> No.1510289

Roger Ebert was the greatest critic because he was one of the few who understood that movies are primarily a form of entertainment.

>> No.1510302

>Anything I don't like is reddit or reddit-related

>> No.1510892

No, it really was hijacked by reddit.

>> No.1512002

No, the wiki is totally different. As long as there's nothing totally stupid(recommending Superman 64, for instance) it's likely that nobody will care enough to contest the recommendation. It really just boils down to whether or not that one dude feels like putting up a rec of this obscure game he knows about. That's not a crowd. It's one person.

You're basically inventing bullshit to change the argument so you can feel right. The original discussion was directly comparing recommendations from a single person(whether they're an expert or not) to the wisdom of the crowd(as in, aggregate polls like metacritic or gamefaqs top games).

Obviously you need to decide whether or not you should listen to the individual person giving the review or recommendation, but that's a separate issue entirely. It doesn't matter if the person is anonymous or not, if he tells you a game is good then that's his opinion. Even if he's posting on /vr/ to tell you, it's still not /vr/'s opinion, it's his.

I'm not the guy you were arguing with before, by the way.

>> No.1512008

>Anyway, this whole line of discussion started from this line here:
>>When an actually meaningful 'list of greatest art works' is assemebled it is the result of one or a handful of EXPERTS who assemble it.

By the way, that's bullshit. You're literally trying to change what you said. Originally you were arguing that listening to the crowd was better than listening to individual critics. You never mentioned whether or not credentials mattered, it was never part of the discussion.

>> No.1512034


As far as I know, the retro is pretty much untouched.

It's 6th gen and beyond that they ruined.

>> No.1512041

there's a huge flaw in your logic that I'm surprised no one else has pointed out yet.
1000 people who have watched 100 movies are going to give you a better idea of which ones are good than one guy watching the same 100, who has also seen 1000 others previously in his life.
Look at game magazines for example, those writers play more games in a week than I do in a month, and they (supposedly) go through them with a fine tooth comb while doing it too. However they still give the absolute shittiest games high ratings because
>muh money
So really, if you want an unbiased opinion of what the best or most popular games are, then 1000 laymen is a better source.

Plus you're also forgetting that this is /vr/ we're talking about, so tons of people have been able to experience them and give "real" reviews. Thats why earthbound didnt sell at release but goes for $200 plus now.

Also, you should never trust a historian, just saiyan. Especially if they've ever published a textbook.

>> No.1512074

The action max would be entirely light gun games though, which would be saying that light gun games are better than anything else.

we should ban the action max. That'll solve the problem.

But in all seriousness sometimes there are more of one genre than the other, thus more JRPG rankings would make sense if there are more JRPG's on the system.
Also, wiki's have this ability to sort things when in a list, so you can go by alphabetical, release date, system, controller type, color of the main characters hair, the person who added said game, the people who didnt add said game, or *drumroll* genre.
Besides, sorting genre's on individual wiki's brings up a new problem, where does popfull mail go? Is it an RPG, a sidescroller, action, does it go on the SNES wiki, the PC-engine wiki, the Sega wiki, or the Sega CD wiki, or maybe the working designs wiki? Maybe we should have a wiki for things that could belong on multiple wiki's.

>> No.1512080

you and four year olds are the only people on earth that think this way.
I said four year olds because they usually cant count

>> No.1512089

>Step 1: go to favorite rom site
>Step 2: click "list by amount of downloads"
>Step 3: look at all of the games descriptions/pictures/genres
>Step 4: download the ones that interest you
>Step 5: hoard

Alternatively: download a "best of" torrent for the system of your choice, to use as a base. The games might not all be your favorite, but it is much easier to weed a neighbors garden than to create a garden from scratch. Add games you want to try, and continue to build upon this. Hoard, that too.

>> No.1512223

writers in magazines are basically the lowest form of video game players. Even a stoned, idiotic, teenager who has played no games in his life other than wow and call of duty will be able to give an honest opinion about the games he plays. The magazine reviewer just does whatever it takes to keep his job.

You clearly do not even know what a proper critic is so there is no point in discussing this.

Let try one more time to explain this very simple process in a way you can understand it.

Suppose we have a certain game. Who do you think could talk about the game in the best manner (that is to tell you the most information which YOU DONT CURRENTLY KNOW YOURSELF). Someone who has extensivily played the game, every game in the series, and tons of other games in the genre. Just because someone gets payed to write shitty blurbs doesnt mean they are an expert in the subject.

Or some guy who hasn't even finished 50% of the game, hasn't played any of its prequals, and barely touched the genre.

This is why 'experts' opinions on games will almost always be more meaningful than nonexperts.

Its the simple fact that having more knowledge in a given subject allows you to have more complex thoughts about it.
Thats really there is too it: its really fucking simple
(inb4 mentioning an exception to the rule invalidates everything I say)

>> No.1512423

I'm sure that person would recommend me a good wrpg.

>> No.1512513

I meet those requirements and I recommend Baldur's Gate 1 + 2, with mods to increase the challenge.

>> No.1512528

I really love recommendation threads, I really enjoyed hanging around on /vr/ in the beginning when recommendations where everywhere. Something like a recommendations general would not shit up the board too much right?

>> No.1512562

>Suppose we have a certain game.

But we don't have a certain game. We're not even talking about a certain console. We're talking about creating a diverse list of must play games from a period in gaming history.

Yes, if I wanted someone to write a detailed article on a certain game it would be better to have one person who is an expert on that game. But that's a very different task to the one this thread is about.

If I want a must play list for a generation I will take the aggregated opinions of a thousand laymen who are familiar with games from that generation.

>> No.1512615

General threads are cancer.

>> No.1512616

Why? They take up less space than say, 10 different threads about the same topic

>> No.1512618

It creates a sub community that needs a general thread up 24/7 even if there's nothing to discuss. It's pure cancer.

>> No.1512628

General thread =/= thread that's up 24/7

I bet you're the same idiot who shits up threads just because people used the word general. General also refers to threads where everyone keeps overarching discussion in one place as opposed to having 10 threads all over the board.

>> No.1512627

what kind of sub community could possibly spawn out of a recommendations general?

>> No.1512642

>10 threads all over the board
>even if there's nothing to discuss

>> No.1512648

The same as all the others. The longer a general lives the more off topic it gets until it's just tripfags circlejerking a waifu or something.

>> No.1512651

Not following you.

>> No.1512657

Why would there be 10 threads if there was nothing to discuss?

>> No.1512659



I never made the claim that there was "nothing to discuss"

>> No.1512663

Did you even read my post?
>"It creates a sub community that needs a general thread up 24/7 even if there's nothing to discuss."
>even if there's nothing to discuss

>> No.1512664

Yes, and I already posted that general threads don't have to be up 24/7. Are you stupid? Because this very board has had general threads that aren't up 24/7.

>> No.1512665

Are you a retard? I was complaining about the ones that are up 24/7 and don't discuss anything.

>> No.1512668

>I was complaining about the ones that are up 24/7 and don't discuss anything.

No one ever implied said general was going to be one of those threads, you backpedaling dipshit.

>> No.1512669

That's the only way it would work on a slow like /vr/ with no active content.

>> No.1512687

Do you even browse this board?

Generals pop up all the time and die when they die. You see that ROMhack general on the front page? We've had those before. And the one you see right there was not created immediately after the death of the last one. And it's going to happen again.

I think there's also a Kirby thread floating around. Guess what? Those are long lived but we go periods without having them.

I'm convinced you don't actually browse this board and are just here to complain about shit.

>> No.1512692

You're just misusing the general tag then. It's only meant for situations where too many discussion threads are made.

>> No.1512696

>You're just misusing the general tag then.

That's not a misuse of the general tag. A general is exactly what it sounds like: a thread where you discuss all subjects that fall under the topicality. It does not exclusively refer to threads that are 24/7. Sometimes people stop and say, "Damn, I really want to talk about Final Fantasy, both my favorites and other games in the series." so they make a thread to talk about all things Final Fantasy. It doesn't mean the damn thread is going to be on the board 24/7, just "I want to talk about Final Fantasy and am not picky about which we talk about."

Spend sometime lurking and you'd know this.

>> No.1512703

You could've just named it "ROMhack" instead of "ROMhack general" and it would have the same effect.

General threads are only meant for situations where too many discussion threads are made, anything else is misuse.

>> No.1512705

>You could've just named it "ROMhack" instead of "ROMhack general" and it would have the same effect.

So why the fuck are you in here bitching? Holy shit, shut the fuck up.

You admit with this post that literally the only thing throwing your sensors off is the word "general"

>General threads are only meant for situations where too many discussion threads are made

Says who?

>> No.1512706


Actually, you know what? Don't bother answering that question. You're just going to continue to backpedal and move goalposts if you continue this argument, so we might as well save the time because your retarded ass isn't going to make any good points

>> No.1512707

You're just misusing the general tag. I thought we were having a conversation about real general threads.

>> No.1512720

>Says who?
You know the reason general threads were made in the first place is because too many discussion threads for one topic were pushing the rest off the board.

>> No.1512723


And these threads are made to preemptively prevent that. I don't see the issue.

This is also an entirely separate issue from "This thread is going to be here 24/7!". It's not even relevant in the least.

>> No.1512732

>"General threads are only meant for situations where too many discussion threads are made"
You can't preemptively prevent it.

>"This thread is going to be here 24/7!"
/vr/ is a slow board and threads can last for weeks.

>> No.1512754

>/vr/ is a slow board and threads can last for weeks.
This is a completely separate issue from a thread being recreated as soon as it dies.

>> No.1512779


I agree, and you see a similar phenomenon in sporting events, in which you have large crowds singing songs about their favorite team in pitch, when individually the people in those crowds rarely can sing in pitch.
The average somehow ends up good.

>> No.1512787

A general thread is a tool for fast boards with too much traffic, /vr/ doesn't need it. If you try to preemptively make a general thread, then it's not a real general thread.

If a thread isn't up 24/7 then it doesn't need a general thread in the first place.

>> No.1512825

So its the name that bothers you, I understand now. The word general isn't exclusive to 4chan. It's a discussion about the subject in general. You don't even try to read what others are writing are you?

>> No.1512837

That's just misuse, you obviously haven't lurked enough to understand.

Successive thread/s with too much traffic = general thread

Non-successive thread/s with little traffic = normal thread

It's not a one way street, a general thread can become a normal thread again.

>> No.1512854

Don't bother. The guy you're responding to is a moron.

And this is meta shitposting.