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/vr/ - Retro Games

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1495309 No.1495309[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How is this game so incredibly good? It's such a tightly designed platformer with music that has no right to be as good as it is on such an otherwise terrible sounding system.

Goemon time, motherfuckers. Whats your favorite game in the series and why? Share your favorite tunes. Oh and post Yae, lots of Yae.

>> No.1495315
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Favorite game: MNsG. It's not the best but holy shit, the adventure is just glorious. Follow ups are definitely GGA and Goemon 4. DS Goemon is also really fucking good, although it's not technically /vr/, but sure feels like it, even with the stylus controls, it has the Goemon spirit right there.

Favorite music:


>> No.1495350

I never had friends that were any good at it, so they'd just play Ebisumaru and piggy back off of me while spamming infinite homing shurikens.

>> No.1495604

>music that has no right to be as good as it is on such an otherwise terrible sounding system
Music on the N64 wasn't inherently bad, it's probably just developers being lazy.
Games like Bomberman Hero, Tetrisphere, The New Tetris, Extreme-G, Conker's Bad Fur Day, F-Zero X, and so on manage to sound fantastic.

>> No.1495848



>> No.1496229

Wrong game

>> No.1496261
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Probably MNSG2, but i love all the ones i've played. I always felt like i missed out on not having a buddy to co-op with though.

>Post Yae
You misspelled Ebisumaru, but that's alright.

>> No.1496278


It upsets me to no end that they took out the opening and impact themes on the american version of GGA, did they leave it on the european one?

>> No.1497040

Speaking of Goemon, why the fuck are there no translation patches for the other SNES games?

I mean you can argue you can play the game without needing to read the dialogue but come the fuck on, one of the best things about the Goemon games is the goofy dialogue and some of the outrageous shit the characters say.

>> No.1497059

Because nobody has translated them.

>> No.1497065


well yeah but come on, there's been translations for FAR more wordy japanese games out there, why can't the Goemon games get a little love

>> No.1497076

How are the Famicom games? Worth a playthrough at least?

>> No.1497083

I'm assuming that it's because of all the cultural jokes in addition to how much time and programming it takes to translate a game.

>> No.1497103

I'm playing through Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon, I never got very far when I played it as a little kid, so it's crazy seeing all the stuff that I never got to, like the submarine castle and the robot ninja Sasuke. I want to get Goemon's Great Adventure soon but like >>1496278 said, they took out the themes which is a big letdown to me. I'm thinking I'll try to get an english and japanese copy of the game down the road at some point.

>> No.1497106


yeah and there's been way more japanese games that're wordy as hell that translation teams have tackled.

>> No.1497184

There's also the lack of reliable translation teams to consider.

Speaking of which though, Aeon Genesis needs to finish Ganbare Goemon 2 already. Goddamn.

>> No.1497289
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>Aeon Genesis needs to finish Ganbare Goemon 2 already. Goddamn.

well it's nice to know someone's working on that, are you referring to the SNES game?

>> No.1497304

Yep, I am. Hopefully it'll get done eventually.

>> No.1497306


When did they start it?

>> No.1497317

...Shit, I see stuff as far back as 2004.


>> No.1497324
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Someone needs to go get those fuckers in gear and translate these Goemon games.

>> No.1497338

I remember the song being on the european version.

At least that's what my childhood memory seems to hint at.

>> No.1497348

It's apparently translated but still needs to be put back into the game.

>> No.1497350
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>it's finished
>it's not in the game


>> No.1497397


>you will never be 10 playing adventure co-op with your friend

>> No.1497456

Aus...person here
From what I can remember of my childhood years, all the songs were in Mystical Ninja's PAL version, but cut from GGA.

Part of me wants a virtual console release just so I can show my support for it again anyway, but I get that feeling it probably won't happen anytime soon.

>> No.1497474
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Hoshizorashi Dynamite Arawaru is one of my favorite handheld games, it's the only reason I jailbroke my iphone.

>> No.1497514

I never even played the game until I was in my 20s. Feels terrible.

>> No.1497920
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Thanks, /vr/, for reminding me to get back to Uchuu Kaizoku Akogingu.

>> No.1497932

>terrible sounding system

>> No.1497952

I own the cart. It's fucking great. I got mine for 10 US dollars (which is great considering that's practically the rarest game in the series.)

>> No.1500317

I always thought Goemon's double-jump gave him way too much versatility compared to the other characters.

You'd be missing jumps left, right and centre with Yae or Sasuke, or taking your sweet damn time making and climbing over Ebisumaru's blocks, but Goemon could careen through levels easily.

>> No.1502660

I just got Goemon's Great Adventure the other day. I'd had MNSG since 1997 or 98, but the Euro release of the latter hit me in a tight spot back then, and it's taken me until now to actually acquire the thing.

Needless to say, I instantly fell in love with it - it's pretty, has fast gameplay, and the game doesn't pull any punches when it comes to difficulty. I've maintained for some time that Rayman 2 is the spiritual successor to the DKC series on the N64 - and as far as the 2D/ 3D switch is concerned, this still holds true. But as far as 2D platformers are concerned, GGA is undeniably the continuation of the SNES tradition, and from my admittedly still rather limited experience with it, just about bloody perfect, even if I was thrown off by the changed jumping physics and /still/ don't know how to jump off a (Mechanical?) horse.

I also notice that the translation appears to be a little more faithful to the moonspeak original than MNSG was. Is this first impression accurate?

>> No.1502668

That's a bit of a concern for me. I usually play with either Yae or Sasuke in MNSG as soon as I get them, and so, naturally, switched to Sasuke as soon as I reached the first town in GGA, too (Btw, happy to get him/ her so much earlier here). But Goemon's doublejump and the range of the pipe make him /staggeringly/ more advantageous than Sasuke at least. Thus far, anyway.

>> No.1502689

>From what I can remember of my childhood years, all the songs were in Mystical Ninja's PAL version, but cut from GGA.
Well, that's just sad. I remember how my mind was fucking blown when I got to the first impact fight in MNSG. Them missing in GGA is a travesty.

Why on earth would one even want to cut them?

>> No.1502780


>Why on earth would one even want to cut them?

Maybe some copyright issues? (since the songs are performed by famous japanese anison artists Hironobu Kageyama and Mizuki Ichiro). Can't think of any other logical reason.

>> No.1502789

This thread makes me want to start playing Goemon.

Which game do I start with? I want one of the outright best, not the "best to start with" or some such, though.

>> No.1503339

Incidentally, it's worth getting a gameover at least once.

To wit,



>> No.1503348

Did anybody here collected all passes? Did you unlocked 4 player mode?

>> No.1504232

Alternate outfits too, don't forget about that.

>> No.1504620
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>wants game to start with
>doesn't want "the best one to start with"

The second N64 outing (the one in the OP) is great. The platforming sections have a really cracking pace to them, and all the playable characters feel pretty unique. It does however removes a lot of the goofy mini-games that made the series so unique. If you haven't played previous outings that won't matter, but it does stop it from being perfect.

I personally prefer the second Super Famicom game. It makes the playable characters far more unique than the first SNES game, and it was the first game to include the giant robot sections. However, it might be hard to muddle your way through the RPG-lite sections if you're not proficient in moonspeak.
I haven't played >>1497474 or the PSX game that are apparently quite similar, though.

The first N64 game is a 3D platformer, more like Mario 64. While it's nothing like the other games in the series, it is fun as fuck and you really should play it.

>> No.1504629

Mystical Ninja starring Goemon is also kinda like Zelda.

>> No.1504632

wish this game was not so traditional feudal japan inspired. so hard to convince non-hardcore gamers to enjoy it with me .

>> No.1504652

Perhaps it'd attract more western gamers, but it wouldn't be nearly as charming.

So, in this case, people that go "3weird5me" before actually playing it can go shove it. I've got plenty of weeb friends that would like it anyway.

>> No.1504682
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>not wanting to stomp around Edo in a mech

Stop knowing shit people.

Or maybe try the fourth version for the Super Fami even though it's entirely in Japanese where all the levels take place on different planets.

>> No.1504782

Even my somewhat weeb friends don't like it. its really hardcore jap, historical style even. I honestly don't really like the style of it either, but the gameplay is just soooo tight.

>> No.1504813

Mystical Ninja. I'm an old fart (35) and when I had my tonsils out as a little kid my mom bought me an SNES with just about every game she could grab at the time.

Maybe it was the pain or the painkillers but I loved all the weird humor and engrish and bad translation of that game that summer.

>> No.1504864

>weeb friends don't like it.

theres the problem, you need new friends.

>> No.1504869

I said somewhat weeb. Like have watched an anime or 2 before.

>> No.1504880

i played Great adventure and the prequel to it, but havent played any others. So how is yae a mermaid?

>> No.1504884

She could transforming into a mermaid in both Goemon 3 and 4 on the SNES. And a few other games.

>> No.1504886


its the opposite for me, i think the super japanese flavor is really charming and the game wouldn't be as cool without it. it makes everything seem a little more interesting and mysterious

>> No.1504893

mysterious ? ok. I do like the quirkiness though. but still , those tight mechanics deserve a less niche overall style/art direction

>> No.1504902
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So how many games in the series do you guys have?

I managed to get all of the Famicom games, now I need the remaining SFC ones and then all of the rest of 'em.

>> No.1504901
File: 74 KB, 438x549, ufufufufufu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>complaining about weebaboos
>on 4chan
>in a Goemon thread

Secret kunoichi technique.
Or because fuck you, that's why.

>> No.1504903


yeah, mysterious in that you're like "i have no idea what the fuck that is" when you see a lot of the enemies roaming around, but more in a fascinated sort of way.

same with a lot of the locals in the game. places like the pleasant foresty underword, for example, have this sort of strange mysterious air about them

>> No.1504935


Honestly, if not for the style of the games, I probably wouldn't even care. There's not a lot there that isn't done in other games. But what Goemon has that other games don't is a quirky, very Japanese style with hilarious characters. And that probably lends to the limited releases outside of Japan and small cult fanbase to the games that DID get released outside of Japan.

And sad to say, but your friends are not nearly weeb enough. You need the sort that will burst out singing in bad Japanese.

None. My faggot brother sold all our N64 games, including the Goemon ones and I haven't bought them back yet.

>> No.1504945
File: 79 KB, 510x721, ebisuguu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dose diverse Fami covers

Fucking gorgeous.

And I own a grand total of two: GGA and that GB one.

I was really excited for the latter, having loved the N64 outings and then booted it up on the SGB with that custom border. Turns out it was composed almost entirely of the overhead sections, no platforming to break it up. And I remember it being pretty fucking difficult in parts, too.

>> No.1504954

So how rare is GGA anyway? It was a pretty limited release, wasn't it?

>> No.1504970

Well, last I checked on Jewbay, the cart by itself can be as much as 30 bucks. CIB copies are much, much more.

>> No.1504975

Welp, unboxed it is, then. The price on the complete copies is totally ridiculous.

>> No.1505061

Can't account for taste. I got it well before the weeaboo craze hit Europe - MNSG was pretty much the first major japanese-japanese popculture item I came into contact with, and I immediately loved it to bits.

Well, I lie. Not immediately. Edo was a pain to navigate (No-one who plays it for the first time doesn't get lost in it...), and the first castle/ boss were... okay. Nothing special.

It was everything after that that blew my mind and made me love it to bits.

>> No.1505068
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i love the 2 n 64 goemon games.
also, dat secret 4 player mode in GGA and the costumes

>> No.1505078

>Yae in a schoolgirl outfit

>> No.1505196
File: 41 KB, 300x300, supfeggets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because of this thread, I've had this stuck in my head all day:


I still reckon the first N64 game had the most memorable music, but can't decide whether that's because you were often in the same area for a longer period of time than in other games: the 3D environments were pretty damn huge.

>> No.1505545
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A shame she turned out to be a shapeshifting cat in the end.

>> No.1505704


a cat is fine too

>> No.1505762


I fucking love Mystical Ninja 64's soundtrack so much.

http://youtu.be/9nCd8JVUTSw this is hands down my favorite track

>> No.1506067

hey, if a shape shifting cat can have nice huge tits, go cat!

>> No.1506659
File: 18 KB, 350x350, goeebikuru.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something which really struck me when booting up GGA again the other day was how the game world revealed itself to the player.

For example, there's the floating sticks in the first level.
If you screw around with it, you'll probably get the hang of it and learn how to get big air.
But if you don't, there's a random NPC muttering about the technique in one of the houses in the nearby town.

No game-stopping pop-up dialogue telling you exactly how to use them on first encounter: player experimentation, exploration, and interaction with the environment is encouraged.

Why did I know that was going to be the Tosa theme before I clicked on it?


Somehow all the soundtracks managed to get the mix of Japanese instruments and pop sensibilities just right: the tempo was always the right side of upbeat to let you know you were in for ADVENTURE. GGA's castles themes were particularly great at capturing that energy.

>> No.1506680

The Goemon games are really tightly designed, no way they would fuck up a basic design principle as show, don't tell, and try, and try, and get it right.