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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 24 KB, 386x266, King_Arthurs_World.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1495143 No.1495143 [Reply] [Original]

So I know we all are open for recommendations, but what is with the opposite?

ITT: Retro games that are completely worthless and redundant by today's standards.

>> No.1495149

most fighting games not made by capcom aged poorly. if i go to an arcade and notice they have ultimate mortal kombat 3 or samurai shodown or something ill want to play it but just end up walking away frustrated

>> No.1495150

Sword of Sodan on Sega MD/Gen

>inb4 troll comments naming mainstream popular games

>> No.1495161
File: 27 KB, 250x138, Final_Fantasy_IV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i can think of one mainstream popular game where you could actually argue that, not trolling: final fantasy 4

>> No.1495169

The story has some worth to it and it's pretty short. I can agree with everything else.

>> No.1495173

the story is all over the place, thats like one of the weakest parts of the game in retrospect

>> No.1495175
File: 7 KB, 167x250, kefka_laugh_giant.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't understand why anyone likes final fantasy 6

4 had an interesting story with proper pacing, 5 had interesting characters, 6 doesn't really have anything other than improved graphics and different bugs

story is segmented and all over the place and the setting is the same stuff with injected steam punk elements

i hate you, actually no i don't really hate you epic twist!!!!111111

>> No.1495178


>5 had interesting characters

one of the dumbest things ive ever heard

>> No.1495179
File: 323 KB, 544x576, 1387068992097.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck have you done. You doomed this thread.

>> No.1495181

This thread was doomed from the OP. I'm going to hide it to avoid reading an autistic shitstorm. You should do the same.

>> No.1495182
File: 23 KB, 268x188, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic absolutely related. Absolutely hate this game

>> No.1495183

Just ignore bait like this, they're not even trying.

>> No.1495184

as someone who didnt play it until way after the fact i agree. it feels really tedious

>> No.1495194

Dude, it's not bait. Maybe it's because I played the iOS port, but I doubt it. The game was ridiculously short, easy as hell and way skimp on the side quests. Before I played the iOS port, I acquired a sfc cart but didn't get far since I don't speak moon.

All in all, I truly had high hopes for this game. But it doesn't even hold a candle to ffiv, ffv, or ffvi. All this game had going for it was Toriyama and multiple endings.

>> No.1495197

well it also had a bit more of a cinematic quality than the snes ff games and the soundtrack is arguably the best on the console

i get why it was influential and groundbreaking at the time but when i tried to play it in, i think, 2011, it was just difficult for me to look past things like the terrible translation, repetitive battles, boring characters, etc

>> No.1495206

I disagree with the soundtrack. I thought it was actually pretty bland stuff. It was 90's j-pop-rock stuff. I think the only song that was good on the ost was the main battle theme, which got old after the 100th battle.

SMRPG, now THAT'S a soundtrack.

>> No.1495209

thats kind of an oversimplification. even just from a technical standpoint when i heard stuff like http://youtu.be/k4L8cq2vrlk or http://youtu.be/bNzYIEY-CcM or http://youtu.be/88gY3XNmywM coming out of an snes i was really impressed. i mean it actually sounds pretty close to real instruments being played and im not aware of any other snes games that even came close to that

but i never played the ios version so i guess i cant comment there

>> No.1495216

I'd probably hate it if it wasn't as short as it is. It's okay as a minor diversion between other games, but I can't understand how people can spend so much time playing and discussing such a shallow rpg.

>> No.1495220



You sound like a very young person who has never played a truly bad game. Y'know, the kind of guy who only ever buys anything based on reviewer recommendation and is afraid to pick up and play any game he's never heard of.

>> No.1495224

>technical stand point

What on earth are you talking about? Because you personally thought it was impressive that means it was a technical achievement? I don't don't think the music was anything special when compared to anything in DKC.

If you're going to quote technical superiority, please go into technical detail. If not, you sound like an ass.

>> No.1495227
File: 35 KB, 300x290, BTB_front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1495231


dkc2 is a really good soundtrack. i actually bought the cd back when it was new.

like i said, the thing i found impressive was that the instruments sounded a lot more real than the music in other snes games (i mean compositionally its really good too but thats not as special). the sounds in dkc2 are a lot easier to identify as synthesized or compressed

>> No.1495234 [DELETED] 

Coming from the newfag 18 year old. I'll admit that Chrono Trigger isn't the worst, but it's just not that good. I grew up in a time where you either depended on word of mouth or Gamepro for game recommendations. As a result, 75% of every game I purchased was mediocre to bad. Whatcha know about Super Ninja Boy son? Horrible graphics, sound, platform style beat en up random encounters, etc. Go ahead and guess how old I am. Unless that is, you were born in the 90's. In that case you can just leave now.

>> No.1495236

I'll agree to disagree friend.

>> No.1495238


>I grew up in a time where you either depended on word of mouth or Gamepro for game recommendations

Not if you're 18, no. You were just around the time where Internet reviews were a thing.

>> No.1495241

Reading comprehension kid. Learn it.

>> No.1495271

I often wonder why square's snes games are so respected. They remind me a lot of modern AAA games because of how much they focus on graphics and story instead of mechanics. I mean, apart from a few exceptions, like romancing saga and ff5, the games feel like they were made for preschoolers.

Is it nostalgia? Do people feel a certain loyalty to the games because they were their first introduction to videogames or rpgs? Is it the fact that japan has pretty much forgotten about classic grand adventure stories in favour of psychedelic j-pop trash? Is there a logical argument for why the games are good?

>> No.1495274 [DELETED] 


>Calling others 'kid'

Yup. Bait.

>> No.1495279

I've yet to hear a solid argument. When ever I bring this up I'm always accused if baiting. Then once it's been established that I really don't like this game it's that "yeah, but the music was superb!".

>> No.1495285


When you come into a thread that's specifically about awful games with absolutely no value and mention a game like Chrono Trigger? Yeah, you're baiting.

>> No.1495286

Maybe it's because they like the story and atmosphere and music of those games, as in they like the way they feel and enjoy being a part of the story so to speak. I mean at least those games had interesting fantasy worlds and characters unlike 'modern AAA' trash.

>> No.1495287

To clarify, I don't mean logical as in 100% objective, just something less subjective than pure gut feeling.

>> No.1495291

>I mean at least those games had interesting fantasy worlds and characters unlike 'modern AAA' trash.
Did they? The worlds feel flat and empty. There are usually only a few cities with a dozen inhabitants on every continent and everyone repeats the same dialog all the time, while the most complex interactions are the ones where you have to press a button multiple times to scroll through the dialog, usually with zero interactivity. Not to mention the nonsensical bestiaries. I mean, the worlds looked good and interesting, but is it really all about pretty pixel graphics?

>> No.1495313

>They remind me a lot of modern AAA games because of how much they focus on graphics and story instead of mechanics.
Because at the time nobody did that. Very few people attempted (or succeeded) at using video games for that level of multimedia storytelling. And they persist because stories don't become obsolete with the passage of time.

>> No.1495310

>as in they like the way they feel and enjoy being a part of the story so to speak
This also confuses me. You very rarely have the opprotunity to be anything other than a passive observer of a linear, predetermined plot. There's nothing inherently wrong with this, but I don't see how it makes you feel like you're taking part in the story.

>> No.1495323

>Very few people attempted (or succeeded) at using video games for that level of multimedia storytelling.
But what about point n' click adventures, text adventures and interactive movies? Not to mention pc rpgs from the late 80s and early 90s which also had ambitious stories and worlds. Storytelling in videogames wasn't new at that time. What put square games on a different level?

>> No.1495326

ITT: If I don't like your opinion it's not real.

My bit: Daggerfall. As someone who absolutely adores Morrowind, I can't stand Daggerfall. It has a great feel to it, but the gameplay doesn't save it. It's buggy and while I appreciate the difficulty, it gets on my nerves sometimes.

>> No.1495340

the SNES port of Space Ace.

>> No.1495363

This. And while we are at it, the NES version of Dragon's Lair.

>> No.1495379

I wouldnt say king arthurs world is without merit. Worth a try, if only to the end of world 1. After that the levels become incredibly drawn out and complicated, plus having to make arthur do all the key/door stuff in these increasingly huge levels gets kind of tedious.

The game is lemmings with more direct control of your units for anyone who doesnt know it.

>> No.1495383

Nah, the controls are complete shit, the game is unbalanced as fuck and the whole game feels more like a chore than a game. If this game has any value than any game has some value.

>> No.1495723

What is so bad about the translation?

>> No.1495972

it has cool bad guys with cool leitmotifs

>> No.1496171
File: 25 KB, 250x174, super_metroid_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ITT: Retro games that are completely worthless and redundant by today's standards.

This thread is stupid and nothing good can come from it.

>> No.1496225
File: 23 KB, 256x224, Ultraman_SNES_ScreenShot2.jpg.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ultraman for the SNES

>> No.1496235

it smells like /v/ here,the only 2 types of games that never aged are Games that are unplayable[anything by LJN in the NES or games that had poor gameplay] or games that have stiff gameplay comparing to the rest of the games from the same genre[i.e. fighting games not made by Capcom,Midway/Williams and SNK]

>b-but this game is a maze,it hasnt aged well!!!
Mazes were super common in old school dungeon crawlers,cant beat them? too bad
>b-but this game have awful controls
Give yourself half an hour and you can used to default controllers or in the case of goldeneye,use the config 1.2
>b-but this game have awful graphics
WELCOME TO EARLY 3D,MOTHERFUCKER. Seriously,graphics back then looked bad because it was the age when everyone tried to do 3D,its obvious the games are going to look like shit.

>> No.1496257
File: 101 KB, 854x859, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Are you trolling with that pic? I hope not because I completely agree. 2D metroid is trash, completely btfo by castlevania

>> No.1496260
File: 18 KB, 245x245, 1395785209099.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1496402

Mazes and having to hand-draw maps is a thing I really wish would make a comeback, but I know it'll never happen with modern gamers.

>> No.1496431

Hey! You need to go underground, no fuck you actually needed to go to the moon, actually, there are two moons, go to both! Also we have fucking space stations that shoot lasers at you, but you can take them out with pre industrial era weaponry. By the way that loli you saved is grown up now.

>> No.1496438

What is Etrian Odyssey?

>> No.1496440

Sir, a single instance is not a 'comeback'.

>> No.1498289

You actually made it sound amazing.

>> No.1498291

Suikoden and Secret of Mana. These games are fucking poorly designed and tedious.

>> No.1498628

What you say Secret of Mana is poorly designed, besides hit detection? I thought it was a lot worse in Secret of Evermore

>> No.1498631

I must have been channeling All Your Base Are Belong to Us in that. I meant:

*Why do you say

>> No.1498961

I'm with you on the balance since you can just abuse shields/archers on everything and mostly agree on the game being a chore after a point, like I said in the other post.

Regarding the controls, I dont really see how else it could have been done. Snes mouse maybe? But you still need to be able to swap between multiple squads rapidly, change each squads current skill and also be able to control their facing and movement directly. Its the closest to a reasonable solution as you could expect using a snes pad.

>If this game has any value than any game has some value.

Yes? How many games are out there that truly deserve 1/10 ie borderline unplayable and completely lacking in every category you would use to judge a game?

>> No.1498967

>Its the closest

It's the closest

>> No.1499060

We're just too oversatuarted with games. The realitiy is that most games are bad. Everything the game did, others did better. There is no story to speak off and the gameplay is done much better in other games. There is no worth in it, because you can invest your time in a similar game that did everything better. There is also no appeal in anything other.

You say that the controls couldn't be made better for the SNES. I disagree, there is always room for improvement, but that doesn't even matter. Other consoles and PC games did it better so it becomes redundant.

What does the game offer?
It doesn't offer you a good story.
It doesn't offer you challenge.
It doesn't offer you good level design.
It doesn't offer you good graphics.
It doesn't offer you any fan service, the story of king arthur is barely even recognizable or mentioned.
It doesn't offer you good music.
It doesn't offer you good atmosphere.
It doesn't offer you good game design.
It doesn't offer you fun.

Is a game above 1/2 really worth the play? Is a 2/10, 3/10 or 4/10 worth the play? For me it starts with 5/10 at very least, and only when the game offers anything like fan appeal or history that can make me overlook a bad game. This only rarely happens. From all the game you can play, and there are more than enough 6/10 and above to never run out, there isn't any reason to play this one. Of course there can be some massive personal appeal that makes you play this, but you don't even think it's good.

>> No.1499084

That's subjective though. Take Drakengard. Half the gameplay is slow and clumsy. Air combat controls are complex and never explained even in the manual. The camera controls are ass. The music hurts your ears. The graphics are pretty bad. The sole redeeming factors are how fucked up the characters and story are. But some people rate it as 'a good game' and others rate it as 'a bad game'.

>> No.1499134


You blew it

>> No.1499234

Even if it only has the story and characters. This is still enough for many people, considering how many storyfags are out there. I don't like where this is going. Suddenly everything is subjective and we start to distribute victory ribbons. Nothing is really bad, even if people don't like a game they will protect shit just because they wasted time on it.

>> No.1499239


The first 2 Samurai Showdown games are still great imo.