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1488205 No.1488205 [Reply] [Original]

Do you prefer the classic, pre-SoTN style of Castlevania or the SoTN style ones?

>> No.1488220


>> No.1488225

I'll love even a mining simulator if it had shanoa inside

>> No.1488226


Order of Ecclesia is the best of the series.

>> No.1488240

I didn't like OoE very much. My favourites are AoS, DoS, SotN and HoDissonance (to differentiate it from HoDespair). Only one of the ones I listed are allowable according to /vr/'s rules.
Other than Nintendo handheld incarnations, I've not played any Castlevania newer than SotN.

>> No.1488241

As a someone who isn't a fan of the series, but appreciates a helluva a lot of what they do, I'll say I liked playing SotN more. I would have to say most of that was because of two things: the exploration and the secrets.

Now, I have only played two games in the series, the first Castlevania and SotN. And a bit of the SCastlevania IV, that was when it came out and I just didn't happen to be into it, I didnt and still don't like playing sidescrollers that much.

Even if I liked SotN more, I kind of think more highly of the first Castlevania. What turned me away from it was mainly the enemies. I couldn't get interested in fighting bats and other critters. I would have wanted to encounter humanoids, like undead, and mythic beasts: skeletons and the dragon heads that had long necks and were skeletal were the kind of foes I wanted to fight. SotN gave me that, there were armored soldiers to fight even early on. Bosses were cooler also, although I quit around the frankenstein's monster & hunchback combo, there was just not enough for me.

But I love the art style in Castlevania, and I would adore a slower paced action platformer in its ilk, it just needs some tinkering to fit my preferences. If there's one thing I didn't like playing in the last millennium, it was having to fight critter-type monsters endlessly.

Both are great, SotN just hit my action-platformer-rpg spot better than Castlevania hit my action-platformer spot.

>> No.1488252

I have pretty limited experience with the series (Only played 1, 3 and SoTN) but i greatly preferred the earlier style.

The more straightforward action/platforming clicked more with me much more than SoTN, where i got about halfway before i didn't feel like continuing. That's not to say i thought that SoTN was a bad game, but the RPG and exploration elements didn't do it at all for me.

>> No.1488274

I love the first Castlevania and it's probably my favorite NES game, so I can hardly choose anything else. Classic ones have amazingly great design IMO.

>> No.1488283

I love both!

My favorite CV game is a non-/vr/ Metroidvania, though (AoS)

>> No.1488295

I like both.

>> No.1488337

SotN-style. I like the pre-SotN ones a lot too though, especially CV2, SCV4 and Rondo.

>> No.1488352

My two tied-for-favorite Castlevania games are 3 and CotM. So both.

>> No.1488408

>you'll never cum on Shanoa's back

>> No.1488442

I know this is /vr/ but my nigga, all the additional playthough modes were a blast

>> No.1488448

Anyone who doesn't like both should be ashamed of himself.

>> No.1488456

Both, anything but the 3D ones please.

>> No.1488507

I love both, but have difficulty finishing them. The former for their difficulty, and the latter because they tend to get dull toward the end/inevitable '2nd castle' trick. The first game and the Sorrow games are the only ones I've finished.

>> No.1488516


I don't think I've ever played a Castlevania where the castle was more blatantly designed to take extra time traveling from A to B.

The card system was also far too random. I think it was Carmilla or the goat boss where I didn't even have to pay attention to any attacks because a combination I picked up (some purple pollen-shield) just negated all the boss attacks without having to do anything.

>> No.1488523



original is better admit it

>> No.1488706

Pre-SoTN. I might get flak, but personally the games get so fucking easy in SoTN and the later titles that I often get bored.

>> No.1488759

If by original you mean the famicom version, then yeah obviously. I don't know why anyone would say otherwise except for nostalgia reasons.

>> No.1488816

Both are good

>> No.1488815

I like them both, what I don't like is the Lords of Shadow bullshit.

My favorite Castlevanias games are Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse (NA) and Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin. I never played SOTN, but I've played all the NES/SNES+Genesis/GBA/DS games.

>> No.1488823
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>see thread in catalog
>think both are good, post in before reading thread
>everyone says both

>> No.1488830

SoTN"style is the best, but too bad every game after become a copy of this game.

My dream would be a Diablo2-like using the system of SoTN, with cool drops, cool boss, and cool magic/weapon system.
This would look like that:


Don't tell me harmony od despair looks like that. This game is one of the biggest shit of the serie.

>> No.1488837

Wasn't there a 360 game that was something like this?

>> No.1488836

It would be awesome if they found a middle ground between the two, I'd like to see what kind of game that would be.

>> No.1488840

Never mind, I'm dumb. That's the one you were talking about.

>> No.1488845

OoE was basically that. It's basically level-based, with SOTN-style combat and leveling. The castle is "open", but doesn't really open up until halfway through.

I would mine Shanoa if you know what I am saying.

>> No.1488846


Yeah, Harmony of Despair is probably the one you're thinking of.

Also, both are great, but I prefer the classics.

>> No.1488847

Eh, the chat would kind of break the mood a bit. I love the feeling of being stuck in a creepy castle alone and having to figure it out.

>> No.1488874
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You might like Bloodlines or Rondo a little more.

Give them a bash.

>> No.1489046

I like the classic games a lot more and blame the new style for bringing the series down.

>> No.1489063

Have you tried OoE? In some respects I found it as hard as the classicvanias

>> No.1489068

Closest you'll get to that for now is probably Dragon's Crown. Unfortunately it doesn't quite scratch the CV itch due to not being a platformer.

There's a very flawed game called Twisted Tower that is sort of like that but it has a kawaii uguu anime player character and it will never be finished.

Unepic is a little like that but the combat is enforced-trade-hits kind of unfulfilling. And the story is a bit problematic due to real world connections.

>> No.1489072

Don't worry anon, it didn't really, the classic style is even more nonviable in the modern era. Take a look at CV The Adventure Rebirth for a sampling of the most a classicvania can do in the modern era.

>> No.1489086
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I think they overdid it on the Metroidvania's, but even the most generic animu-looking stuff they had going on the DS is miles better compared to the grimdark horseshit they're crapping out now.

>> No.1489107

My favorite is Rondo of Blood. I like the old style gameplay, but am not a very huge fan of NES games with their low-quality artwork and clunky controls, so I prefer the later pre-SotN releases.

Harmony of Dissonance is the one I enjoyed the most after they switched to the new gameplay. It's one of few games that actually utilizes the GBA's terrible sound hardware properly for its music, instead of just being limited by it.

>> No.1489139

IGA also admitted that the animu shit was meant to appeal to the generic DS user and acknowledged that it didn't work.

>> No.1489174

>actually utilizes the GBA's terrible sound hardware properly for its music
And by proper you mean that it sounds like NES? The music quality was by far the worst out of the three GBA games when it comes to the instrument/sample choices.

In the end, all the seperate levels are just like parts of the castle, complete with save points, teleports and areas you have to backtrack much later into. If you could teleport freely between each one (instead of having to leave from the entrance back to the level select), there wouldn't be any difference.

>> No.1489179

So you have to be unable to return to previous areas for it to be a true classicvania IYO? I can tell you right now OoE did not really scratch my Metroidvania itch much. It is like a merger of MV and classic while satisfying neither base fully.

>> No.1489273

Thanks for linking my favorite from Dissonance's soundtrack, listen through it thrice. The great thing about it is how the composer sews together several layers of mildly clashing melodies into every theme, creating an unnerving type of batmosphere that fits the game perfectly. You couldn't do this sort of thing on the NES, it didn't have enough sound channels.

>> No.1489291

Not him but I agree on HoD's OST. People don't like it because of the bad sound quality but it has such a haunting atmosphere that I can't hate it for that

>> No.1489294

>Order of Ecclesia is the best of the series.
dat excellent taste

>> No.1489304

I can't get Rondo of Blood to work in any emulator.

Life is suffering.

>> No.1489373

Did you try the pre-packaged one that pretends to be a windows program?


>> No.1489385

You are my nigga

>> No.1489426
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>pre-SoTN style of Castlevania

You mean the linear ones with set levels and devoid of equipment or leveling mechanics?

Like, say... Simon's Quest?

>> No.1489895

Both are good for their own reasons, if SotN had been a spin off and kept getting spin off while we had traditional Castlevania games on 2D systems, we would not need to compare them

>> No.1489920

SQ had leveling.

>> No.1489919

>The music quality was by far the worst out of the three GBA games


sounds a lot better than



this hissy mess

old style chiptune does sound better than edgy midi samples

>> No.1489932

I prefer Classicvania, never been able to get into SoTN for some reason.

>> No.1489942


>> No.1489950


>> No.1490034

Where is this from? I'm pretty wary of running random exes from 4chan.

>> No.1490049

Castlevania II (NES) is my favorite. I like action/adventure stuff in general. Also liked Zelda II and Faxanadu.

>> No.1490050

i like sotn and aos, the pre-sotn style is just unplayable.

>> No.1490103

Classic Castlevania
The limitations of the your character bring challenge to the game
Akumajou Densetsu(CV3) and CV chronicles are my favorites

>> No.1490125

It's hard to say. Despite being in the same series and having some similarities, they're way too different when it comes to the gameplay. I do play Metroidvania games more, but that's mostly because they're longer and have plenty of secrets and alternate modes. The japanese version of Castlevania 3 had the best atmosphere, though.

>> No.1490365
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As someone who's only played SotN (and loved it), I'm interested in playing a classic style Castlevania as well.
What is the best example, or which one should I start with if there's a few really notable examples? I played a very little bit of Bloodlines on Mega Drive, but that's it.

I'll probably play some newer style ones later on as well, but for now I'd like to try a classic style.

>> No.1490376

Dracula X. Download the Australian rom.

>> No.1490392

Castlevania III or Super Castlevania IV

>> No.1490395


castlevania 3 for famicom (jp version) or rondo of blood (pc engine cd)

some people will say castlevania 4 but it's pretty boring tbh

>> No.1490396

Will do, thanks for the suggestion!

>> No.1490404

What makes it boring?

>> No.1490403
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I think the change to SoTN was good for me, personally but back in the day I strongly preferred Metroid to Castlevania.

It's a shame there's no new 2D Castlevania games though. There should be a building tool for it.

>> No.1490410
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I meant traditional/arcadelike. I know they still make plenty of Metroidvanias, some of which are pretty good.

>> No.1490415


dracula x is a bad "port" of rondo of blood, levels are different but everything about it is lazy

it's like a romhack

>> No.1490419


Okay, so I'll try out 3 or Super IV. Is Rondo better than Dracula X then? Why the Australian ROM in particular does that have some major improvements over the other variations?

>> No.1490416
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The answer here is BOTH.

Anything but Goth of War (lords of shadows).

>> No.1490420
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He probably just doesn't like how it's not as challenging as the NES ones and not as polished as the PCE ones. It's kinda transitional but some might find it a nice balance. Rondo was definitely starting to get less challenging.

Do you guys think I should buy theparts to be able to put Vs Castlevania in my Vs Unisystem? It needs a daughterboard and between that, the PPU and the marquee it'd be well over $100. I'm sure it's a wiser investment than buying some currently $100 SNES game.

>> No.1490428


>> No.1490426

>PCE ones

But there is only one

>> No.1490429
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The 3D ones

>> No.1490435

ya blew it, anon

>> No.1490441

>I know they still make plenty of Metroidvanias

2D castlevania is dead, both classic and metroid.

>> No.1490454

the metroidvania ones are too reliant on gimmicks and have serious design flaws

getting a good attack upgrade allows you to kill most enemies before they get a chance to play their attack animation.

getting a good armor renders the enemies damage so low that they are no longer threatening.

In the earlier model for castlevania every whip swing had to be precise and every attack on you had impact. This made combat much more intense and actually challenging. Only the bosses in the metroidvania pose any challenge.

The exploring leads to horrible horrible backtracking until you have memorized the castle (at which point you are no longer exploring since the mystery is gone).

Most of the environments lack pit falls or interesting terrain and are just a serious of flat grounds. This is necessary to have the backtracking.

The origenal castlevania actually had more complex environments (remember the auto scrolling level castlevania 4 that has you jumping off collapsing stair cases, platforming from rocks falling downward, and always running away from a giant saw blade!) Even when the metroidvania does have platforming its always brief and easy because the double jumping, forgiving air control, flying form, super jump, reverse backdashing, etc all made it effortless.

The metroidvania formula has lots of cool gimmicks that do make them fun in their own way but you'd have to be an idiot to not realize that it butchered the good level design formula set by the earlier games.

>> No.1490503

- Several long stretches with hardly any enemies.
- Bosses that are dead easy even without subweapons.
- A few places where you will die without knowing what went wrong (falling through stairs at random in the last tower for instance).
- Getting a game over in a difficult part will most often send you back to before one of those long stretches with hardly any enemies.
- A lot of the graphical "improvements" from earlier games actually make it harder to know what's going on.

>> No.1490541

thanks for the suggestion

>> No.1490547

>getting a good attack upgrade allows you to kill most enemies before they get a chance to play their attack animation.
Which game, exactly? Because most Metroidvanias give enemies way more health than the linear ones.

>getting a good armor renders the enemies damage so low that they are no longer threatening.
Depends on game.

>In the earlier model for castlevania every whip swing had to be precise and every attack on you had impact.
Sure it hurt getting hit, but the whip has never required any kind of aiming skills to kill enemies. The only whipping technique to know in any game other than CV4 is to whip in midair to save time.

>The exploring leads to horrible horrible backtracking until you have memorized the castle (at which point you are no longer exploring since the mystery is gone).
You don't need to memorize anything, you get a map.

>Most of the environments lack pit falls or interesting terrain and are just a serious of flat grounds. This is necessary to have the backtracking.
Well this is true, a very common element of Metroidvanias is that down means go to the room below, not portal into space.

>The metroidvania formula has lots of cool gimmicks that do make them fun in their own way but you'd have to be an idiot to not realize that it butchered the good level design formula set by the earlier games.
The Metroidvanias have good level design, it's just not the Super Mario Bros kind of level design.

>> No.1490659

The classic games. Castleroids have this awful tendency to line up enemies in neat rows and the level design is generally kinda barren. It just gets boring after a while. The fact that half the trinkets you find are pretty much useless doesn't help things.

I don't really mind the unbalanced gimmicks and low difficulty, though. They probably wouldn't be an issue if the level design wasn't simpler than in the classic games.

>> No.1490683

I get what you say about level design, but your usage of the word gimmick causes the rest of your post make little sense or arguments. If you want to rephrase that that would be fine but no ones forcing you to go through that.

>> No.1490729 [DELETED] 

SUP GUYS wha'ts going on?


>> No.1490732

Hola a todos!
Ninokuni Jap-Esp


>> No.1490756

Why is the Japanese Castlevania III better?

>> No.1490808

It has better music and is easier.

I enjoy the NA version more, even the censorship (except for Medusa who just looks weird now, and the removal of lights by the cross). They improved some of the sprites and backgrounds.

Check out some of the differences for yourself (there is probably a solid youtube video out there detailing this shit too)

>> No.1490985






sound effects are also different

>> No.1491074

Grant has unlimited throwing knives while the NA version gives him a toothpick without range

>> No.1491138

GG summed up Metroidvania vs. Classicvania pretty well in this episode:


>> No.1491392

Both of them, with Bloodlines and Aria of Sorrow being my favorite titles from the respective phases.

>> No.1492286
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Classic all day every day, though I don't really like II or IV.
I've played all the metroidvanias an absurd amount, but I just don't respect them like I do the action platformers, and I feel like a lot of the time I spent playing the metroidvanias was a waste.
Though one thing I can't fault SotN for is it's production values. The games looks and sounds fucking spectacular. I wish any of the classicvanias could have received such treatment.

I've done a hard mode level 1 cap run of that, and I picked up all the boss medals too. It's not that hard. Fuck Eligor, though.

My niggas.
The sound quality in HoD wasn't great, but the compositions were phenomenal, and it wasn't just a bunch of remixes like most of CotM.

>> No.1492305

>it's production values

You blew it

>> No.1492310

It's nearly 6 am over here. Give me a break.
>The games looks and sounds fucking spectacular

>> No.1492331
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Seconding Captain Moonman of the S.S.Runedelver, here: why specifically the kangaroo version? Wasn't it the same PAL version as Europe?

>inb4 because everything is fatal

>> No.1492335

As everyone else said, both

My favourite SoTN style game is AoS. SoTN itself is far too easy and has really poor level design IMO - still a great game that I enjoy, but I just enjoy AoS and even DoS more. The other GBA games are pretty cool but I didn't really like OoE at all. I remember it was released the same day as the Chrono Trigger port here and I couldn't get into it so I took it back to the store and traded it in for CT, since we never got it here in the UK. I enjoyed Chrono Trigger a lot more.

For the classic series I favour Rondo and SCIV, and I definitely respect the first CV.

>> No.1492352

I love playing symphony of the night in richter mode, they should have made one game that just focused on that sort of powerful feeling yet still possibly difficult gameplay. Rondo is still my favourite by far though.

>> No.1492353
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For level structure I have no special preference. What I don't like is stiff character movement, so I'll take SotN Richter over RoB Richter. Maria is fun too.

Mednafen. You need syscard3.pce and you're probably better off trying it through RetroArch even though it uses the less accurate core.

>> No.1492648 [SPOILER] 
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I like both but Rondo of Blood > All

>> No.1492657

It's a direct translation of the Japanese version with no censorship of religious imagery.

It's not a port, per se, but a different game. I find it more atmospheric/moody in both look and sound, not to mention feel. I enjoyed it. PCE version is great, but not quite so polished. Gameplay is about equal on both.

>> No.1492660


are you high



>> No.1492687

Lords of Shadows is nice.

>> No.1492692

Legacy of Darkness is the best 3D Castlevania.

Prove me wrong.

>> No.1492694

Definitely the classic. I'm not a fan of backtracking to begin with and I like the challenge much better when it's you, your whip and your subweapon instead of depending on grinding a little bit, learning moves, etc.

Besides I can just re-play it at any moment because they are kind of short if you are good at them and the excitement of every right move pumps the shit out of me.

That said, Order of Ecclesia was a lot of fun.

>> No.1492702

Honestly I wish we could have a classicvania style game when you play as Maria again but the game is designed around that to make it hard enough.

I loved Maria's controls in Rondo of Blood.

>> No.1492719
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I decided to play that like yesterday after beating the first N64 game. If that's the best then the bar is pretty damn low.

Seriously? Besides the cutscenes, everything about the PCE version is better.

>> No.1493086

Make a RoB ROM hack then.

>> No.1493327

I don't see what those prove other than they look and play differently. Doesn't make one better than the other. They're two different games. You can like PCE better. I like SNES better.
I feel the same way about SCD Popful Mail v PCE Popful Mail. PCE has a lot more to it, but I like the SCD one better for various reasons.

>> No.1493483

The only thing that really stinks about X are level graphics and a few clumsily retooled bosses. The level design is a little more complex and the platforming more involving than in Rondo. The difficulty curve in X is also more sensible, despite the game being harder than Rondo.

Rondo still beats it in terms of atmosphere and general sense of adventure, but there's no reason not to play both games.

>> No.1493532
File: 20 KB, 256x224, fuckin beautiful.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I disagree with a lot of stuff here.
I don't find Dracula X to be much more challenging or its platforming more involving, and I think its levels are boring and uncreative.
I also think Dracula X's level graphics are often much better than Rondo's, even though the colors are pretty washed out most if not all of the time.

>> No.1493589

The only parts of Rondo that I thought were difficult were the werewolf fight and the bridge with the bats at the start of the final level (I think that's where it was). X on the other hand had more punishing platforming, way more instant deaths, more unpredictable bosses (the guy in the caves, the floating skull), and a much more brutal dracula fight (compared to easymodo rondo dracula).
The platforming was definitely more involving, which isn't difficult considering that the only level with interesting platforming in Rondo was the fourth one on Richters route. The rest of the levels were kinda dull and didn't have a strong vertical aspect to the platforming.
The level graphics look completely out of place, compared to the characters and monsters, and have none of the grit and detail of Rondo. The pic you posted is an exception, not the rule. It certainly doesn't "often" look much better than Rondo.

>> No.1493640

Except that's not Maria, but Ciel from Rockman Zero.

>> No.1493717
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Boring maybe, but in no way were they uncreative. Branching paths and Maria content were a fucking huge deal at the time.

>> No.1493746


the graphics are bad, the audio is bad, and everything about the game is lazy, you guys are nuts

it feels more like something a 15 year old made in game maker than a real game

>> No.1493758

The graphics and music are both better than Super Castlevania IV. The game itself isn't so hot, and feels really lazy and cheap (in terms of deaths) compared to other castelvania titles, though.

>> No.1493763

>>1493746 is a bad post.
The arguments are bad, the word choice and punctuation are bad and everything about the post is lazy. This guy is nuts. It feels more like something a 15 year old wrote on /v/ than a real /vr/ post.

>people have different opinions than you do; imagine that

>> No.1493780


yeah it's just a coincidence that it is the lowest rated castlevania of its kind both professionally and by fans, has mediocre reception overall, and poor reception to anyone intelligent enough to realize it is a lazy, mess of a game

>> No.1493793

How can it be lower rated than Castlevania Adventure?

>> No.1493797


excluding the gameboy games

>> No.1493821

My opinion is that it's good. I don't care what everyone else's opinion is. Do you understand? I don't care about games you like that I don't. I don't care about games I like that you don't. What I do care about, however, is when a prepubescent neckbead (or, at least, a manchild who acts like a prepubescent) actually tries to argue that others aren't entitled to their opinions and try to make them change their minds.
I'm not trying to change yours. I may very well change mine one day. If that ever happens, however, it's not going to be because some jerk is spamming "durr it's bad" over and over on some website.
General consensus by /vr/'s posters would probably agree one another that you're a filthy clod, but that doesn't mean you actually are one. You're just behaving poorly ITT. Chill out. Lay back. Play some CV, whichever one you like. Relax a little. Get yourself some Rice Krispies Treats and Tang then come back when you're better able to wrap your head around the concept that people are entitled to whatever opinions they hold on the subject of video games, even if they disagree with someone else's. It ain't that serious, Anon.

>> No.1493842

Why low? The game is everything a 3D Castlevania should be.

Legacy of Darkness >>> overrated and clunky Rondo of Blood

>> No.1493848

3d castlevania shouldn't be.

>> No.1493858 [SPOILER] 
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you think?

>> No.1494002
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>the graphics are bad

>the audio is bad

>everything about the game is lazy
Sure, everything except for the graphics and audio.

>> No.1494045

That's not really saying much but I usually just join these threads just to agree and pat shoulders with other people who liked 64/LoD. My only real gripe is that the music isn't really "Castlevania-y" but more atmospheric. I think it's OK but it's the only real problem I could understand. Even the camera is bearable once you get used to it.

>> No.1494237
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Can't contest the Metroidvanias for me. I fucking love how you can explore everything and take up equipment

In fact, I fucking loved Aria/Dawn of Sorrow for it's Soul system

>> No.1494290
File: 89 KB, 538x1733, castlevania wallmeat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fuck the whole nitro sequence.

>> No.1494338

I like both styles, but I've also only started playing CV after the series has run its course. Must have been a kick in the balls for some people back in the day for the series to almost entirely shift to another genre.

>> No.1494347

I thought you guys liked your Castlevania hard?

>> No.1494351

Was that some subtle sarcasm?

>> No.1494360
File: 12 KB, 272x240, vampire killer phat lewt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Must have been a kick in the balls for some people back in the day for the series to almost entirely shift to another genre

It wasn't unprecedented. Konami had already experimented with adventure/RPG elements in Castlevania 2 and Vampire Killer before that.

>> No.1494378

I gotta admit, I only played SoTN a few months ago on my PSP, I decided to buy a copy of Dracula X Chronicles and it lets you unlock SoTN ingame. I beat SoTN and it blew me away, really amazing game. Made me love metroidvanias.

>> No.1494834

"Clunky" is the exact word I'd use to describe the N64 Castlevanias. The camera is the #1 problem, acting up during some of the platforming bits, and generally sucking during the combat. I strongly disliked the Villa stage for the Cerberus dogs fight that's marred by awful camera, cryptic flow-breaking puzzles and hedge maze escort section. I looked some of that up just for how annoying and out-of-place it was. I felt the game was at its best with the platforming, Tower of Science/Sorcery being my favourite places in the game. Despite all I've just said, I do think a 3D game could work.

Also for LoD I would've just liked to play as Carrie again rather than having to go through those other two characters first. Cornell was OK besides Villa and his godawful final boss. Henry was thankfully short, but I looked most of that up just because I wanted it over and done with.

>> No.1494845

Matthew 16:26 I believe.

>> No.1494862

The ACTUAL new age of Castlevania was the original Devil May Cry. That was the 3D Castlevania done right, even down to the kiddie metal for soundtrack - exactly the same as 80s pop in the original game.

>> No.1494867

>My dream would be a Diablo2-like using the system of SoTN, with cool drops, cool boss, and cool magic/weapon system.
What a profanation of the very idea of an action game.

>> No.1494896

>'80s pop

>> No.1494902

>for it's Soul system

You blew it

>> No.1494921

>come back when you're better able to wrap your head around the concept that people are entitled to whatever opinions they hold on the subject of video games

you can like bad things, it still doesn't make it a good game

have the maturity to realize it's bad at least

>> No.1494931

>the music isn't really "Castlevania-y" but more atmospheric

Yep that's my biggest problem too. It's like Konami wanted to transform Castlevania into a survival horror after the success of Resident Evil

>> No.1494963

I like both

>> No.1494987

Are you trying to tell me something, Lassie?

>> No.1494991

>Must have been a kick in the balls for some people back in the day
When SotN came out, I was 12, so for me the gothy srs tone and exactly 0 challenge felt like a godsend. I was bored shitless occasionally, but I couldn't tell why and blamed things unrelated to the game.

>> No.1494994

Nah, they just failed to make a good transition to 3d, like most others did, too.

Come to think of that, has ANY non-Nintendo series made that transition well at all, ever?

>> No.1495026

How does Castlevania sound like '80s pop? It sounds just like your average Konami game

>> No.1495027

Mega Man Legends

>> No.1495261

>Megaman Legends
It's a good game, but it's not Megaman in 3D.

But it's not even 3D...

>> No.1495281

>It's a good game, but it's not Megaman in 3D.
How so? You're a robot and you jump around shooting other robots.

>> No.1495290

It's a TPS, not an action platformer.

>> No.1495296



>> No.1495293

Third-person shooter? It's still a transition into 3D like Castlevania 64 is.

>> No.1495316

Klonoa never transitioned to 3D, it was always a 2d platformer.

Mega Man Legends was not a part of the main series, and I wouldn't call it great transition either. Or, if that counts as good, then a shitload of games have successfully transitioned to 3D, sure, like Mortal Kombat 4.

>> No.1495329


mortal kombat has always been a bad franchise

selling point is shock value and lol gore

>> No.1495331

It's not a good transition; it is a different game, it doesn't play like Megaman, it wasn't popular with Megaman fans, and it didn't sell well enough for Capcom to make the third one.

Next you'll be saying Megaman X7 was a good transition.

>> No.1495423

I wasn't arguing whether it was good. But like it or not it is a 3D Mega Man game.

>> No.1495432

It's 3D and it stars a Megaman, so yeah, I guess it is.

>> No.1495490

that an official SS of DXC? the Eurogamer thing in the corner is telling me so but that's being rendered at too high a resolution to be on a PSP and instead be on an emulator like PPSSPP.

>> No.1495494
File: 105 KB, 1146x317, castlemania rabbit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those first games were pretty good in their own right, but I always prefered the Metroidvania ones.

They're my favorite platformer subgenre.

>> No.1495585

It's not a genre.

>> No.1495592

I just recently played through all of the games in the series from the first game to Aria of Sorrow. I haven't gone through Dawn of Sorrow, Curse of Darkness, Portrait of Ruin, or Order of Ecclesia yet.

SOTN is my favorite game in the series, though I prefer the classic style of gameplay more. Playing several Metroidvanias in a row just gets tiring compared to playing several Classicvania titles in a row. They're both good but I've already found myself replaying the Famicom and Super Famicom versions of Akumajou Dracula, Akumajou Densetsu, and Rondo of Blood, multiple times, even though I'm still not done with the last four games I intend to play (no interest in LoS, I played a bit of the first one when it came out and got bored, it just felt like God of War to me).

>> No.1495597

How is it not a genre?

>> No.1495610


>No cheat codes
>No cheat codes

Please tell me this is a troll.

>> No.1495615

Don't start with him please. This isn't going to go anywhere. Just trust me and ignore him.

>> No.1495624

He called Bucky O'Hare Jazz Jackrabbit. Why don't you tell me if he's being serious or not?

>> No.1495625
File: 20 KB, 256x224, gannon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you illiterate?

>> No.1495646

Was he called Gannon in any subsequent games? I think AoL used "Ganon" instead

>> No.1495650


Nope, just the original.

>> No.1495661

And? The screencap is a tribute to the old-school gamers. I'm just messing, it's an image I got off gannon-banned.com.

>> No.1495896

Duke Nukem.

>> No.1495964

I like both, but pre-SoTN is on all accounts better.

Enemy placement matters in pre-SoTN, so do sub weapons. They do not in SoTN.

You could argue characters like Alucard control better, but it messes up the pacing of the levels greatly.

>> No.1495970

There are at least four posters ITT who don't think it's bad. There are some people who believe that Seinfeld is a shitty, unfunny show. I am one of them. That doesn't mean that everyone who likes it is wrong just that the show lacks the qualities of a programme I find amusing, entertaining or funny. Similarly, just because you dislike a video game doesn't mean it's bad.
The fact that you keep insisting that I and others ITT change our minds to coincide with yours says more of your level of maturity than of anyone else's.

>> No.1496008

>There are at least four posters ITT who don't think it's bad.

you know this how?

you're letting pointless sentimentality get in the way of rational thought

"i like it"


"it's a good game"

this is factually incorrect

>> No.1496069

"It's a bad game" is also factually incorrect. This is merely because it's not a fact. "It's a bad game" is an opinion. "It's a good game" is also an opinion.

>> No.1496191

>"It's a bad game" is also factually incorrect. This is merely because it's not a fact.

that is not how logic works

>> No.1496192

Okay then.

>> No.1497281

>swing weapon repeatedly
>proceed to levitate for 2 hours

Because you don't want to play a 3rd-person brawler so much as a helicopter simulator.

>> No.1497296

>no cheat codes in Doom
>no Konami code in Contra
>no continue cheat in SMB
>leveling up in OoT
>collecting heart containers in Castlevania
>Planescape Tournament
>Jazz Jackrabbit
>Please tell me this is a troll.

No, it looks perfectly legit to me.

>> No.1497320
File: 1.18 MB, 300x169, 1392497291965.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Castlevania IV and Dracula X are my favourites.

>> No.1497378

i really love portrait of ruin i dont understand why it gets the hate

>> No.1497476

SotN definitely had more production values than anything that came before it, but I kinda miss the pixel-perfect platforming and how you didn't really have to backtrack in them. But overall SotN left a bigger impression on me than the Classicvanias, although I also really like them for what they're worth.

>> No.1497503

I wanted to play SotN since I first saw previews of it in gaming magazines. When I got my PS2 I finally had a console that could run it so I picked up the greatest hits version for cheap and played it through. And, well, I have never played it again. Because, while the graphics and music are stunning, the game itself is forgettable. Its all style, no substance. I didn't feel any sense of accomplishment for killing the final boss in a few hits with my overpowered arsenal. I wasn't even trying to grind, either. Just exploring the huge castle makes you massively overleveled.

Castlevania was never my favorite series on the NES or SNES, but I'd rather play through Super Castlevania IV again, despite the really ugly graphics and weak audio. To say nothing of Castlevania 1 or Bloodlines, which are more to my liking.

>> No.1498095

>despite the really ugly graphics

How did it look really ugly?

>> No.1498101

It has a lot of empty rooms and some places are just lacking in content. It needed a lot more action going on.

>> No.1498163

Classic or bust.
If I want to play Metroid I'll play Metroid.

>> No.1498654

I don't see how Metroid games are that similar to the Metroidvanias. They have more emphasis on new equipment and levels than they do in ability

>> No.1499316

Castlevania The Adventure: Rebirth on the Wii was fun, and a pleasant surprise. I wish Konami would have continued on with the Rebirth games.