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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 2.95 MB, 2448x3264, my crt is in the other room.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1488081 No.1488081 [Reply] [Original]

ask someone who just bought a neo geo anything

>> No.1488084

How many you spent?

>> No.1488086

$190 console, $50 for each stick, $70 for the 151-in-1.

>> No.1488093

Do you boys or girls? :3

I can be either for you bb x

>> No.1488096
File: 131 KB, 800x792, 1394351358860.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now go get a $0 CRT from a dumpster

>> No.1488103

Get a fucking crt.

>> No.1488105
File: 2.62 MB, 3264x2448, its larger than a vhs tape.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have a crt, i just don't have enough room for it because there's already a neo geo cartridge in the room :/

>> No.1488125
File: 2.47 MB, 3264x2448, made by SNK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have more brand loyalty for SNK than americans have for apple

>> No.1488146

why are you on /vr/ go enjoy your new girlfriend. Treat her right and she will be with you till the end of your days... so proud of you anon, so proud

>> No.1488158

Can I be yout friend mister, I want to come over an plays ome games ;')

>> No.1488204


I on the other hand can protect it for you ;)

>> No.1488232

I still played it every now and then four years ago, until my local pirate arcade shop closed. Played it for many years.

kek, reminds me of the good old days when I scammed lonely guys to rob them at gunpoint here in Brazil.

>> No.1488248

what do you keep in the cupboards?

You said anything.

>> No.1488257

If you have a friend, or at least somebody who'll play multiplayer with you, Twinkle Star Sprites is the best game on the Neo Geo.

>> No.1488269

left cabinet has nothing, right cabinet has chinese bootleg movies

>> No.1488281


That was more interesting then I would have thought.

>> No.1488289

Hey brotha, I'm a Portufag. How is the retro scene over there? How do you finds stuff?

>> No.1488305
File: 188 KB, 640x360, 2014-03-22 17-35-24.079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

took a set of pictures just for you.

>> No.1488307
File: 193 KB, 640x360, 2014-03-22 17-35-30.481.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whats this?

>> No.1488309
File: 203 KB, 640x360, 2014-03-22 17-36-06.406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i really didn't think the wallet would close, but it did.

>> No.1488314

Did you rub your penis all over it? That's the first thing I do whenever I buy anything video game related.

>> No.1488319

Retro things in Mercado Livre are on average more expensive than anything in eBay. "RARE PSOne NEW SEALED FOR COLLECTOR'S $500".

The one and only used CIB Earthbound cart sold for around $400 years ago.

In retro shops things are cheaper but still expensive.

>> No.1488317

>Alien Crush

That game sucks, go play the superior Devil's Crush instead.

>> No.1488323

Just to my figurines, i like to masturbate and came all over them, then post the videos and pic on xhamster, sometimes me and my friend double team the figures, i don't do it anymore because i think is a bit gay

>> No.1488331

tg16 games locally is like capturing and skillfully barbecuing a unicorn so i am forced to buy from ebay and have you noticed the average tg16 game has doubled if not quadrupled in the last few months?

>> No.1488334

Here it seems that a strong online classifieds culture is gradually building up. More people are trying to get rid of their old stuff and it's been easy to find good stuff at reasonable prices.
However I'm shit out of luck when it comes to physical shops. I've only found two online PT stores selling used games, and we don't have any flea markets or pawn shops that sell retro stuff.
Feels good and bad at the same time man.

>> No.1488546


Please don't lump all Americans in with apple users.

I blame /vr/ for driving up demand for games that had no demand before.

Still, I love that picture. it looks like a team phoot shoot from a TV show. One of those things where every person says something like "and me!" as they appear from behind a pole or something.

>> No.1488570


What lottery numbers did you pick? Did you take uour winnings in one lump or in installments.

>> No.1488580

I'm a richfag bruh

>> No.1488596



>> No.1488610

>I blame /vr/ for driving up demand for games that had no demand before.
Calling bullshit now. Turbografx-16 games have been expensive, the prices for old vidya have been high, and have been steadily increasing for years before /vr/ even existed (also note that /vr/ has only been here for a year). Also, it is a slow board, I doubt more than 10,000 people browse this board, and even that would be with 2/3rds of the entire board just lurking.

>> No.1488679

Congrats! Where did you get the 151-in-1?

>> No.1488681


>> No.1488686


Then buy a fucking X-RGB upscaner from micomsoft in order to properly display the neo geo.

It even comes with an scanline generator, seriously do it.

>> No.1489013
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>> No.1489021

was thinking of blowing some money, is that a converter I see for the 151 in 1?

Are those rare at all?

>> No.1489027

I hear NEO GEO X can be hacked to have the entire NEO GEO library, just wondering how it looks since it's hdmi only I believe.

It's cheaper to do that then buy an original neo geo and the 151 in 1, but if it looks/runs like shit I'd rather spend the money.

>> No.1489028

A reader in Tips & Tricks magazine once said the loading time in King of Fighters took so long, he could make a BLT sandwich between each fight.

This true?

>> No.1489041

I assume that he was referring to the NeoGeo CD version, and that console is notorious for irritating load times.

>> No.1489073

how well does the china everdrive work?

>> No.1489094
File: 78 KB, 398x503, j2khkx4lf1ts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Neo Geo X is an emulator that costs money.

There's nothing stopping you from plugging your laptop (or a second laptop) into the TV.

>> No.1489097


stop making sense penn

>> No.1489098

It's the same as Everdrive V1, which has no real issues. Fullset on SD card, flash cartridge, and it's just like the actual game.

>> No.1489102

The multi-cart is probably an MVS, and the adapter is needed to use it on an AES.

Also, how is the compatibility on that multi-cart? Any serious glitches, problems?

>> No.1489108

I haven't found any problems with the multicart so far, even Metal Gear X works fine (I ran out of the 5 credits before I could finish it) even though people usually have problems with it and an adapter.

>> No.1489115

sounds pretty neat. i assume special chip games wouldn't work on it, though?

would be cool to have one, but i think i'll prioritize getting an everdrive for the n64 considering the terrible state of emulation for that system compared to the snes

>> No.1489118


>> No.1489129
File: 711 KB, 3264x2448, BUT!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1489154

>Can afford a neo geo
Doesn't have a Sony Triton top kek

>> No.1489158

Neo geo X is trash

>> No.1489159

>Can get on 4chins
Can't be bothered to create decent bait

>> No.1489162

>i assume special chip games wouldn't work on it, though?

Correct, although you could solder a DSP-1 onto it, for those games.

>> No.1489170

i could have bought a neo geo with 2 sticks and 4 games 2 years ago for 250. talked the guy down like i was the god of jews, but then my car got wrecked.

fuck driving.

>> No.1489196

MVS cabinet > puny home system

>> No.1489219 [DELETED] 
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>> No.1489359


What are some of your favorite Neo Geo games? There are some god-tier sidescrollers/platformers for that thing. I like Blue's Journey myself, there's also another sidescroller where you play as some guys who have super stretchy arms and you could punch the shit out of things and grapple around, shit was cash.

I'm jelly

>> No.1489421

>Metal Slug X

>> No.1489498

Shittiest controllers ever except for the WII U etch-a-sketch pos.

>> No.1489508

Hey man, can I come over to your house? I'll bring the beer.

>> No.1489512

Blazing Lazers is fun. I can only envy you for having the actualy copy of the game.

>> No.1489515

Man. My Neo Geo MVS was $20 and it came with 8 bright buttons, 2 joysticks, the cpo, and marquee.

Why do people even bother with AES?

>> No.1489954

1. It can play both AES and MVS.
2. AES looks nice, 10/10 would put in a museum
3. Easier to show people and get people interested compared to "Hey folks, check out my chunk of circuit board and huge black, blank, hunks of plastic that the games are on."
4. Converters will be cheap.

>> No.1489960

I don't know what my favorite Neo Geo games are yet. Before I got my AES, I would just play KoF endlessly on GGPO.

Right now, I'm sticking to Neo Turf Masters, Neo-Geo Cup 98 and Metal Slug X, which should keep me content for a while. Going through all the games right off the bat would cheapen the experience, especially when I'm under the impression that each Neo Geo game could last literally forever.

I did play Blazing Star up to stage 3 (stopped because I was tired enough to refer to "Metal Gear X") and was impressed with the graphics. And I finished Sengoku 3 with a friend on my laptop. Took one and a half hours and it dragged on forever. Gameplay was fun, but they just throw the same enemy at you for 1.5hr, and it got old fast.

>> No.1489970

>I doubt more than 10,000 people browse this board

I'd be pretty surprised if we had more than 500 people posting.

>> No.1489984

not wallet guy but I bought a copy of blazing lazers for like $20 brand new from the UK a few months back, and I don't even own a TG16, I just love that game

>> No.1490024
File: 18 KB, 250x436, mvsisthebest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>3. Easier to show people and get people interested compared to "Hey folks, check out my chunk of circuit board and huge black, blank, hunks of plastic that the games are on."

What the fuck are you even talking about. Yeah, I'm sure the average person would rather see a little black console in the corner they've never seen before then play Metal Slug on the original arcade cabinet. Totally. You're 100% correct. Pic related.

Yeah, you're right. You're much more likely to find fat "autistic" neckbeards who have space to store their full sized arcade machines and friends to play co-op with than ones who managed to sneak an AVS into their mommies' basement to run MVS carts on and pretend to be cool. Go back to /v/ and play Candy Crush Saga.

>> No.1490028 [DELETED] 
File: 63 KB, 331x402, butthurt-faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1490039

Alright, we've had "faggot," "butthurt," and "autistic" so far. Clearly you are a mature adult with a stable life and family and job and belong on /vr/ instead of /v/. I'm sorry for ever having doubted you. Can we please implement a filter that autobans for using the buzzwords the 15 year olds at /v/ find so hilarious? More and more recently it seems like they're migrating to shit up this board, and I'm tired of it.

Back on topic, has anyone with an MVS tried out the multicart with almost every game on it? I've got a party coming up and I'm considering ordering one so I don't have to keep switching carts out all night in my two slot, but if it's full of problems or has any major quality issues I'll pass.

>> No.1490045 [DELETED] 
File: 239 KB, 529x251, hes retarded right.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1490046

I have a 161 in 1 and Ive only encountered one problem in the entire time ive been using it. A freeze at the end of a garou fight and that only happened once.

>> No.1490058

Oh boy, more buzzwords and now a macro courtesy the angry virgins at /a/. Stay classy, my 15 year old friend.

Awesome, thanks for the input. Did you get it from JammaBoards? That's the only place I can find it for sale domestically at the moment, but I've heard mixed reviews on their customer service.

>> No.1490065

No, I got it locally from someone and im not sure where they got it sorry

>> No.1490067

Chill out. An AES is the next best thing. I travel a lot, and while I can bring a CRT with me, a cabinet is almost impossible.

Also, cannot forget this gem:

>> No.1490070

No problem, it's cool, I appreciate the input anyhow :) Guess I'll take a gamble and try JammaBoards, it's on sale so I won't be TOO in the hole.

I have nothing against the AES, I was more responding to the guy who was saying it was somehow more impressive a sight to the average person than the MVS and that the MVS is 'just a circuit board.' It's definitely a fantastic system and is more usable in more situations. And yeah, I'm an arcade-only collector so I clearly don't know shit about the home console particulars (like not calling it an AVS).

>> No.1490153 [DELETED] 

I think you're mistaken. He said that an AES is more impressive than an MVS connected to a TV. I can't blame you though, the thought of owning an entire cabinet doesn't run through the mind of the average

>> No.1490156

I think you're mistaken. He said that an AES is more impressive than an MVS connected to a TV through a supergun.

I can't blame you though, the thought of owning an entire cabinet doesn't run through the mind of a non-arcade collector.

>> No.1490175

Ohhhh. I see. I didn't even know that was, like, a thing. In that case, I actually agree with him.

>> No.1490303
File: 2.96 MB, 3264x2448, composite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty good composite, I'm looking forward to my SCART cable. I'm aware that I need to make a simple RGB mod on it though.

>> No.1490383

How does Neogeo compare to modern emulation of it?

>> No.1490461

WinKawaks runs just fine but the games feel light because the tangible emotion is not there.

>> No.1490535

you forgot $200 for the MVS adapter.

>> No.1490604

MAME is great, Kawaks is alright. Running games on actual consoles is inherently better because emulator devs don't give a fuck about input latency.

>> No.1490624

So as far as video and sound, it's about the same as NeoGeo hardware, but input latency is noticeably better on native hardware?

>> No.1490958
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Neo Geo

>> No.1490969

>Tangible Emotion
I like you.

>> No.1491179
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>> No.1491258
File: 32 KB, 240x180, stageterrymotw3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MAME's not too bad with latency for Neo.

There are some boards it emulates that are awful (I will always bring up the terribad ST-V 6 frames), but the Neo's pretty good.

I'd still love to get myself a CMVS though (even though all I would play on it is KOF98, 2002, and Metal Slug 3, maybe Garou if it's not stupid expensive, even as an MVS cart). Too broke to do the AES thing.

dumb things about MAME: I don't think Terry's stage has ever looked right in Garou MOTW there, at least on the pic related part

MAME's either slower than on real HW or seems to loop badly, depending on the version.

>> No.1491776

it's topkek not top kek you newfag

tfw emulation on beeg xbox

>> No.1491789

the funny thing here is that its normally autists who post smug anime girls, please stop shitting up this board, its the only one thats relatively shit free

>> No.1491797
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>> No.1492237

Can I come over and play?

>> No.1492809
File: 2.24 MB, 3264x2448, 150-in-1 boards.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I opened up the 150-in-1 for educational purposes (and to change it to an original MVS casing)

>> No.1492812 [DELETED] 


>> No.1492816
File: 2.10 MB, 3264x2448, 150-in-1 memory chips.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't want to believe that every multicart is the chips ripped out of an original game.

>> No.1492819 [DELETED] 

Actually, I think they get the chips that were manufactured from the same factory that produced the originals.

Because China makes everything.

>> No.1492858
File: 2.23 MB, 1896x3188, crt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ikea has a side table that you can use as a movable CRT stand, for people who "don't have enough room."

>> No.1495457

Converters have some issues (related to sprite scaling), shit's expensive (both the system and games), and I've seen some really neato CMVS setups.

and hell, if you've got your MVS in a cab, that shit's cool beans

Also, those huge-ass carts MVS are still impressive. Less photogenic, but they're so damn big that people go "the fuck's that?" and then you have a few rounds of KOF with them.

My crappy netbook does better emulation than that piece of crap. You can do much better with that money.
I heard the USB sticks for it are okay though, but they're not as nice as real AES controllers.

>> No.1495469 [DELETED] 

>Brand loyalty to Apple

Only hipsters, aspiring artists, and people who have virtually no knowledge of how computers work use Apple products

>> No.1495480

Patently false, but this is not /vr/ discussion material.

>> No.1495598


resize your pics you dummy

>> No.1495626

yeah man, upscale that shit

if you're not hitting the image dimension limit you're doing something wrong

>> No.1495632

The converters made recently don't have any issues related to sprite scaling, I can confirm.

>> No.1495647

Don't forget people who know how computers work and realize that OS X is a great OS and that Apple makes great computers. But like >>1495480 said, this isn't for here.

>> No.1495759
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Hipster detected

>> No.1495794
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Idiot detected

>> No.1495801

how u play wit dat glare?

>> No.1495928

by waiting until it's night time. (if weekday)

if weekend, completely fucked

>> No.1496380
File: 43 KB, 620x335, 1395788667339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop trying to justify your error.

>> No.1496386

>people who know how computers work
don't use Apple products, we know this.

>> No.1496591 [DELETED] 

Sure tack on that second half of your shitty post so you can get away with thinking you're right. OS X is for retards who need a dumbed down OS to hold their hand for them. Anyone who actually knows how things work at a hardware level is probably using a unix based OS.

>> No.1496596

far too obvious

>> No.1496653 [DELETED] 

hipster you use a dumbed down piece of shit with driver support just as fuckin bad as winblows.

Even if you are attached to the shitty operating system you could buy an OSless machine and install OS x yourself but you like paying WAY more for the exact same parts that everybody else has in their computer. There is ZERO reason to buy anything apple manufactures ever.

>> No.1496721

>he's serious
take it back to >>>/g/
I grew out of it years ago but it seems your speed

whatever you do, please stop mucking up /vr/ with this noise

>> No.1496918

This. The best OS is Windows because it actually plays /vr/ games.

>> No.1496937

Why am I so jelly?

>> No.1496947

Because the OP's pic reminds you that neither you nor he have a NeoGeo connected to a CRT, and you are commiserating with him.

>> No.1497010

>nor he

>> No.1497042

Samurai Shodown/Spirits is my all time favourite neogeos

>> No.1497081

os x is the only os with an actual usable shell anymore

>dumbed down
someones not a power user

>> No.1497125

No it isn't.

>> No.1497156

Check those serial numbers, guy. Does the system match the power adapter? Is it low or high?

>> No.1497990

Where did you get the 151-in-1 from? I would love a link. Also, how much for the arcade to home converter? Do you know of a good place to buy those as well? I have a Neo-Geo, and would like to buy both in the near future.

>> No.1498001

>MVS converter

oh my god you fucking pleb.

>> No.1498098


>> No.1498106

I have a late-model Neo Geo (I intentionally got it because of the newer parts and so I can do the RGB mod). As for the power adapter, I'm using the one from my old monitor. (12V/5A)

>> No.1499326

Thanks, I see the 150-in-1 carts all over Aliexpress. But, I only have the NeoGeo home system. Where can I get the arcade converter from? Is there a cheap yet good version of these yet? I checked a few years ago, and they were still $400-600, if I remember correctly. I would pick one up QUICK, if I could get a good one at a good price. Any suggestions?

>> No.1500365

Wait for a second batch of this: http://www.indiegogo.com/projects/fusion-neogeo-mvs-to-aes-converter

>> No.1500368

And consult this for games you may want: http://wiki.arcadeotaku.com/w/MVS_Multicart

>> No.1500432

Any /a/ poster with half a brain wouldn't make the mistake of going left to right.
Just blame idiots and casuals.

>> No.1500436

Where else do you think those millions of $1 sports games go?

>> No.1500441

I saw this! But, then I read the comments section, and NO ONE has gotten their converters yet. Innocent mistake or scam? I don't dare give them my money just yet. Check out the comments section here, to see what I mean:

>> No.1500948

A second batch hasn't even begun yet.

>> No.1500975

Don't you get input lag by playing on an HDTV?

>> No.1500980

No, because it's plasma, and I'm using analog input and game mode.

>> No.1501001

Oh wow, it's like whipped cream in there...

>> No.1501031

Have you encountered any back pain or muscle fatigue while lifting cartridges?

>> No.1501047

I woke up one morning and found a cat trapped under an MVS cartridge, I took it to a vet but it died.

>> No.1502975

Second batch?! The FIRST batch hasn't even been delivered to the first customers yet! Read the comments in that indiegogo link. NONE of them are positive. I hope that it isn't a scam. But, when they claim to have shipped out the first batch in February, and none of their customers have received their carts (and it's almost April)...well, that's a bad sign.

>> No.1503235 [DELETED] 

Yeah, that's another reason to wait for a possible second batch.

>> No.1503240

Yeah, that's another reason to wait for a possible second batch, which may or may not occur later this year.

The money earned from the first batch goes to producing the second batch, so we'll see whether he's able to keep the money he got.

>> No.1503362
File: 2.81 MB, 3264x2448, ZCTsZ2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got my SCART cable.

This is how it looks before the RGB mod.

>> No.1503364
File: 2.85 MB, 3264x2448, ovnbeo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's vertical bars everywhere. Still better than composite.

>> No.1503372
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After the mod

>> No.1503378
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>this nigga

>> No.1503403
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>> No.1503414
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i tip my hat to you

>> No.1503530
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>> No.1505108
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>> No.1505769

>/v/ liking Candy Crush

>> No.1506046

Sorry he hurt your feelings.

>> No.1507159


Yeah, it should be more like

>/v/ liking anything

>> No.1507234

When you're running through a a game and things are moving around, it's all looks the same.

>> No.1508107
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