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1486557 No.1486557 [Reply] [Original]

What's the best Super Nintendo game?

>> No.1486575

Final Fantasy 6.

>> No.1486576

Final Fantasy V

>> No.1486582
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Supa Metroid

>> No.1486585

What are you trying to do.....Start a rumble in here?

>> No.1486605

Haha i was thinking the same thing bro. Asking the best is going to get a whole lot of diff answers and arguments. Better off asking what are people's fav Snes game.

>> No.1486606

If you don't like JRPGs: Super Metroid

>> No.1486613
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That's right.

>> No.1486615
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Yoshi's Island

>> No.1486663
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Pic related

>> No.1486687

this pretty much

>> No.1486823

Well if you guys won't say it then I will.
Chrono Trigger.
DKC2 and Snestroid are #2 and #3 respectively.

>> No.1486859
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>> No.1486871

King of Dragons.

>> No.1487070


>> No.1487098

Adult Manga 1

>> No.1487104
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>> No.1487108
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This is true bullet hell. Touhou has nothing on this!

>> No.1487107

Only with two players.


>> No.1487112
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<-- this

(chrono trigger, zelda, metroid and ff 6 are fine games as well)

>> No.1487127

>Not "Lion's Porno Party"

T-thanks, Joel

>> No.1487140
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>mfw it's zelda

>> No.1487146

Picture absolutely unrelated.
I've played it recently and it's really lame compared to Link's Awakening or Ocarina of Time.

>> No.1487157
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Not even a question

Cybernator is a close second

>> No.1487160


wonky programming, annoying voice, generic level design, this game BLOWS

the voice alone ruins the game, sounds like a 40 year old chain smoking transvestite

>> No.1487167

enjoy those shit opinions

>> No.1487175

She was voiced by a porn actress. Seriously

>> No.1487180

Not sure if I can call this "best" ,but I really like Clock Tower. It is short enough to be picked up anytime I feel like it, and it has a lot of replay value by just aiming to get all the endings. My second favorite is Ihatovo Monogatari but that has no Japanese translation and most people won't get a lot out it if they don't want to play a proto Yume Nikki.

>> No.1487193

Street Fighter II Turbo

>> No.1487207
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>sounds like a 40 year old chain smoking transvestite

I'd imagine you have a lot of experience with those.

>> No.1487231

Super Starwings 64

That's a Super Famicom game.

>> No.1487250

Same system, different region. Let's not get into semantics here. If a SNES game isn't released in another region, it doesn't stop making it a SNES game or else European exclusives that are not found on either Japan and America would not count as "SNES"

>> No.1487253

Join America or die.

>> No.1487256

I haven't played many SNES games not even many of the classics but i've always had a soft spot for Legend of the mystical Ninja.

>> No.1487259


>> No.1487260

How can no one mention Super Mario RPG? If it's not the best, it's definitely up there. Along with DKC and Chrono Trigger. Sorry, but Chrono Trigger, for its possible flaws, is far better than any Final Fantasy pretty much ever.

>> No.1487265

Someone must have liked Super Mario RPG enough to translate it entirely in Norwegian.

>> No.1487680
File: 69 KB, 550x371, chronotrigger-sfc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1.) Chrono Trigger
2.) The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
3.) Final Fantasy VI
4.) Super Metroid
5.) Final Fantasy IV
6.) Donkey Kong Country
7.) Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars
8.) Earthbound
9.) Yoshi's Island
10.) Mega Man X

>> No.1487691
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In no particular order...

Yoshi's Island, Super Metroid, A Link to the Past, Chrono Trigger, Earthbound, Kirby Superstar... I really enjoyed Pilotwings and Star Fox.

>> No.1487696

The most "safe" list of all time

>> No.1487698
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>trying to spin "best"

>> No.1487715

>no Final Fantasy VI
>no Super Mario World

>> No.1487717

Whoops, meant to write V.

>> No.1487729


>> No.1487730

Yoshis Island, followed by DK country 2 and Star Fox. There are tonnes of good games that deserve to be in the top though.

>> No.1487732

Chrono Trigger.

>> No.1487736

>Yoshis Island
THIS. Yoshi's Island is SO fucking under appreciated.

>> No.1487779


great game

decent game that it is overrated

gimmicky game that's just ok and arguably unplayable by modern standards

>> No.1487828
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Kirby Super Star

It's still a fantastic game 18 years or so later

>> No.1487834


I like Final Fantasy V, but I don't think it's quite on par with IV or VI.
I think Super Mario World is overrated.

But that's just me. It's all a matter of opinion in the end.

>> No.1487836

Nice choice!

>> No.1487856

>I think Super Mario World is overrated.
I go back and forth on that. the platforming definitely isn't as tight as well basically every other 2d Mario except the second (USA) one. But then it does seem to be more focused on being an exploration platformer with finding the secrets ( almost all exits) as the primary activity rather then the secondary one layered on top of the tight platforming. Oh just found this great summary: "Where Mario 3 seemed to be an action platformer with some exploration elements, Mario World seemed to be an exploration platformer with some action elements"

But on the other hand 64 and Yoshi's Island could be argued to do the exploration platformer better. Hmmmm....

>> No.1487883

>Where Mario 3 seemed to be an action platformer with some exploration elements, Mario World seemed to be an exploration platformer with some action elements.

Probably the best description I've ever heard when comparing the two games. I definitely love the action of SMB3. I often get bored playing SMW, because I find the levels way too slow, especially the underground caverns.

The original Super Mario was built upon action, with exploration second. I think Mario 3 does a better job than World of doing what makes the Mario series so great.

>> No.1487885


God I miss the old days of video games.

>> No.1487927


cool story

>> No.1487930


Super Mario RPG needs to be a lot higher, but pretty cool list for the most part.

>> No.1487942

As the person who composed that list, Super Mario RPG is my all-time favorite SNES game. It dominated my childhood and I still play it. So I definitely understand how you feel! But in the end, I ranked the Super NES games I felt are the best without using any bias.

>> No.1487948

same 5 games over and over again, Super mario 11, super metroid 11, star fox 11, final fantasy 11 and that other franchise 11

>> No.1487958

My favorite is Kirby Super Star.

>> No.1487960


>Super Mario RPG is my all-time favorite SNES game

I think that's common among our generation. Assuming you're in my generation, born 1985 here. It's just interesting to note that. I'm proud to own an original cartridge and have the honor of playing it on the system.

I got it for free, too.

>> No.1487970

Objectively, the best one is probably Super Mario All-Stars + World.

Five full-length, high quality games (depending on how you feel about Lost Levels) on one cartridge. That's a stellar value.

>> No.1488067

Going with the hipster choice here.
Gotta say Terranigma.

The music, game play, presentation, and the plot are all amazing.

If only it was released in the USA.

>> No.1488072

Yup! I was born in 1986, so you couldn't be more right. I certainly appreciate Final Fantasy a lot more now days, but back when I was younger, Super Mario RPG appealed to me much more. It was just fun! And that's why we play games—to have fun.

I own the game, too. I bought back in 1998. Before owning it, it was a super common rental for me at the game store.
All the years I've played it, I still never got those 100 Super Jumps, though.

I respect your opinion, but I think the original NES Super Mario Bros. counterparts were much better than the Super NES versions.

>> No.1488073


how mad

>> No.1488104

84 here. It is my favorite on the system, though I didn't have a chance to play it until 7-8 years ago.

>> No.1488112

It's sort of hard to deny that they've been riding the same handful of franchises, considering it's blatantly true. Like, extremely in your face undeniably true. Whether or not that's a bad thing is left to opinion. I still enjoy the games myself.

>> No.1488410

I wasn't saying the SNES versions were better or worse than their NES counterparts, just saying that All-Stars + World is likely objectively the best SNES game due to how much quality it packs into one cartridge.

>> No.1488441

86, I loved it in its time but it was never even in the running for best game on the system.

>> No.1488459
File: 65 KB, 676x462, Demonscrest_us.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would say Demon's Crest. It looks absolutely incredible, sounds amazing, plays great, has a high level of challenge, lots of content. That game blew me away.

Other notable mentions.

>Super Mario World. Amazes me that this was a launch title since it's one of the best-looking and sounding games on the system. A little easy, but lots of secrets and it set the new standard for Super Mario Bros games by being more exploration-focused rather than arcade-style.
>The Ninja Warriors. Amazing beat 'em up and one of the best single player experiences on the system.

>> No.1488478
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82 here. While I enjoyed SMRPG, it's not even in my top 10 SNES games, nor is it my favorite SNES RPG. Probably my favorite game on the system is Super Metroid or perhaps Chrono Trigger. I've played through both many times and they never seem to get old.

Such a brilliant game. Too bad it was marred by the terrible magic system. Still one of my faves on the console though, even if I never could play it until emulation days due to it not being released in USA.

>> No.1488487

I like how they hired a legitimate artist to paint that.

>> No.1488518
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Julie Bell does fantastic work.

>> No.1488630

I don't think it packs much quality at all. SMB1 looks and feels weird, SMB2 is alright, SMB3 doesn't look or sound nearly as good as the original NES version, and Super Mario World bores me.

To me, Super Mario All-Stars + Super Mario World is either a waste of money or memory space on my computer—money and memory that could be used on far better games.

>> No.1488643
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My personal fave

>> No.1488696
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>mfw it's lufia2

>> No.1488701

My recent comparisons have led me to a differing opinion.

Top-down Zelda is pretty much my ideal genre, but LA is way worst of the lot.

>> No.1488702

In the correct order:

Zelda Link to the Past
Super Metroid
Chrono Trigger
Super Mario World
Super Mario Kart
Street Fighter II Turbo
Final Fantasy III
Donkey Kong Country
Super Mario RPG
Yoshi's Island

>> No.1488707

86, it's the only japanese game I purchased.

but it's still not my favorite rpg

>> No.1488713

List lacks Street fighter 2, Secret of Mana and Mario Cart

>> No.1488730


>> No.1488736

I tried to like this game, but couldn't. Not bad, but not amazing at all.

>> No.1488741

Your list couldn't be more generic.

>> No.1488749

What's your list, then?

>> No.1488756

I like most of the games on that list (though if I had my list, only MMX would make the top 10)

What's the matter? His favorite game list too mainstream for you?

>> No.1488760
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The best Super Nintendo games are Super Metroid and Donkey Kong Country 3.

>> No.1488775

Assault suits Valken, the Japanese release, is even better!!

Other good games for SNES:
Super Metroid
Final Fanatsy 5&6
Megaman 7

>> No.1488782

Agree with all except Eartbound which sucks so much. I think you forgot DKC2 and maybe Super Mario World 1 & not forget Seisken Densetsu 1 & 2

>> No.1488779

In no order whatsoever:
Space Megaforce (aka Super Aleste)
Super Turrican
Tetris 2

Honorable Mentions:
Gradius III (fantastic game with one of the WORST cases of chronic slowdown in a video game)
Hagane (Good game, VERY difficult)
Aladdin (decent game, need to play it more)
Donkey Kong Country (see above)
Legend of Zelda: A link to the past (beaten it too many times)
Super Mario World (See above)

Musical mention:
Jim Power: The lost dimension in 3D. (Composed by the same guy who composed Super Turrican, Chris Hulesbeck. Too bad the game itself isn't that good)

>> No.1488801 [DELETED] 

Not necessarily, just that i find amusing that most people have the same "favorite games" and tend to glorify jRPGs, when there are a lot more of great game to choose from. But well, that's my opinion, don't hate me so much.

>> No.1488808

Not necessarily, just that i find amusing that most people have the same "favorite games" and tend to glorify jRPGs, when there are a lot more of great game to choose from. But well, that's my opinion, don't hate me so much.

>> No.1488835

NOBODY has mentioned Rendering Ranger yet?! It's certainly the best SNES game from a purely technical standpoint:

>> No.1488841
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>Seiken Densetsu 1

>> No.1488863

It's good and surprisingly fluid for a snes game. But damn it's hard.

>> No.1488936
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I remember reading Nintendo Power's 100th issue and its countdown for 100 GOAT Nintendo games. For Demon's Crest (#90), they basically wrote about how terribly it sold, how it managed to have negative sales at one point, and what a shame it was that the game never took off because it's really good and wouldn't be out of place in a #8-10 spot on a list.

also it has one of the most enjoyable starting level BGMs I've heard.

>> No.1488953

Ninja Warriors is still one of my favorite games, very few beat 'em ups have entertained me so much. Every enemy and boss looks like something you'd see in a 90's action movie. Hell, it's the best 90's action movie that never was.

>those boss intros
>those boss theme buildups before the fight begins

>> No.1488978


That game is amazing.

>> No.1488981

I remember that issue. Wasn't Super Mario 64 voted as number one?

>> No.1489278

I disagree to an extent, but I understand your sentiment.

>> No.1489284

mayb i zuk yo dik

>> No.1489317
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Illusion of Gaia.

I'd pick the whole Quintet trilogy of action-RPGs if I could, but IoG is my favorite of the 3. It has just the right balance of free exploration and linear progression, a great soundtrack, and fun combat and growth systems without going too heavy into RPG stat crunching territory.

Plus, you go on a globe-trotting adventure exploring ancient ruins and shit, and discovering mystical native spirits and ancient aliens and all sorts of other weird things. This game felt like a true adventure in every sense of the word.

It even touches on some adult themes, such a beautiful city built on the backbone of slavery, and the societal ills caused by capitalism and rampant corporate greed.

>> No.1489321

Yes, but that same list also rated Donkey Kong Countries 1 and 3 higher than 2, so I'd take the list with a grain of salt if I were you.

>> No.1489335

It's also a heartfelt coming-of-age story. S'good stuff.

>> No.1489372 [DELETED] 

I would with Nintendo Power about DKC1 and DKC3 being higher than DKC2.

I would rank them like this:

1.) Donkey Kong Country
2.) Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie Kong's Double Trouble
3.) Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kongquest

>> No.1489378

I would agree with Nintendo Power about DKC1 and DKC3 being higher than DKC2.

I would rank them like this:

1.) Donkey Kong Country
2.) Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie Kong's Double Trouble
3.) Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kongquest

>> No.1489447
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So glad I got the game for so cheap. Bought it on a whim at a pawn shop maybe 10 years ago. Surprised to see how much the carts alone go for now.

This or DKC2 would be my choice.

>> No.1489448
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>ding results


>> No.1489452

I always thought those honey comb stages in DKC2 were horrendous. I couldn't agree more about DKC2 being the least of the series.

>> No.1489462

But it's called the SNES in Europe too. Those exclusives would be fine.
unless you've got a problem with it being pronounced SNEZ, with a Zed for zebra not a Zee for zeebra, rather than being anally spelt out ESS-EN-EE-ESS.

>> No.1489706

It must really suck as an American to miss out on Terranigma, a game that had an English, French, German and Spanish translation in Europe

>> No.1489724

That looks like Hanna-Mari

>> No.1489769

Super Metroid ya idjits.

>> No.1490127

How about Actraiser 1 and 2, the Japanese versions of Shadowrun and Illusion of Gaia.

>> No.1490150



>> No.1490172

>shadow run
I think you're confused... or, at least, you've confused me.

>> No.1490187

Terrinigma is now on Reproduction Carts in English NTSC format.

>> No.1490196
File: 10 KB, 190x265, 1395599065119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw i first heard how an american pronounces 'zebra,'
>tfw i fearst heard the american name for the final letter of the english alphabet

>> No.1490210

What the fuck was I thinking? Doy.

>> No.1490238

There really is a Shadowrun for SNES!!!Get the Jap/Asian version though, its not censored by the "Family Friendly" cowards at NOA

>> No.1490272

I knew there was Shadowrun, just not that the grolious nihongo version was any different considering that the entire staff behind it save one of the two producers were Americans.
And that the US release predates its release in grolious nippon by about a year.

>> No.1490293

Does the Japanese version keep those names from the beta like chop shop? The Shadowrun SNES and Mega Drive games were so much of a hacking voodoo they had to keep the English text in the Mega Drive as is, without Japanese text anywhere in their version. The SNES one left the English text, too, but they translated it in Japanese, so you get Japanese text shown at the bottom while you read English text

>> No.1490297

I'm confused. The Genesis Shadowrun was never released outside of North America, so far as I know and both games were American made, with the SNES one getting the translation treatment for the Japanese market (not the other way around). What're you talking about?

>> No.1490324
File: 8 KB, 256x224, shadowrunj-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are right, for some reason I thought that the Mega Drive game was released in Japan and had all the English text intact. But the SNES game is not American made. It was made by the developer Beam Software from Australia. There is a beta of their game that kept all the original names before NOA had them censor parts of it. I was asking if the Japanese version used the beta or the one people play here with the text changed, as their version had both English and Japanese text displayed, and the English text can be either from the beta or the final version

>> No.1490326

You were thinking of the terror American English instills in you.

>> No.1490334

It's not all bad. Most Americans have a better grip on the language than Geordies, at least.

>even if i think the geordie accent and dialect can be endearing

>> No.1490339
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What's a Geordie? Also, image on topic

>> No.1490358
File: 14 KB, 256x207, thg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"what is emulation?" - the life

>> No.1490361

panel de pon and assault suits valken

>> No.1490367

People from the Northeast of England. Many of the younger generation are nearly indistinguishable from the American "Jersey Guido" population.
Unlike Guidos, several actually have perfectly pleasant/endearing demeanors.

>> No.1490368
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>> No.1490382

Qu'est-ce que c'est?

>> No.1490398

Why are SNES games so fucking expensive now? I used to buy them at gamestop used for decently-not-gouged prices, even by gamestop standards. Has this occurred in the last three or so years?

>> No.1490436

Mah nigga.

>> No.1490563

>NOT including Lufia 2

>> No.1490605



>> No.1490619



That's disgusting.

>> No.1490639
File: 80 KB, 288x328, whimper 1334797898136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dunno. I like the Tyneside grandmother accent. I find it warm and fuzzy. Geordie grannies'll say things like

>As seun as aa hord he gone gammy, aa gans up tiv him.
>As soon as I hear he was sick, I went to see him.
Also, liberal use of 'pet' and 'flower' as terms of endearment are nice.

>tfw my nan's not even remotely geordie
Feels bad man.

>> No.1491493


>> No.1491560
File: 731 KB, 1920x1200, Terranigma-Fond-d-ecran.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By far the best game: Terrangima.
Sad the americunts didn't get to enjoy it back then.

>> No.1491567
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>> No.1491589

Top Gear.

>> No.1491596

My 2 favs are Uncharted Waters: New Horizons and EVO: The Search for Eden.

>> No.1491639

RPG: Chrono Trigger
Action-Adventure: Link to the Past
Action: Turtles in Time

>> No.1491648


Just give up and collect Genesis games before it's too late and they're overpriced too.

>> No.1491809
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Just blew the dust off these bad boys.

Had no idea demon crests value, thanks m8

>> No.1491846


>> No.1491856

It's Magical Pop'n. It is not the best Super Nintendo game, not even close. But please enjoy it anyway.

>> No.1492026

Wasn't there a Star Ocean game on the SNES? If so, why isn't that listed?

>> No.1492035

Only in japan

My favorite snes game is earthbound but objectively the best is probably yoshi's island or super metroid

>> No.1492036

Oh never mind. Japan only release.. (until its ports on other consoles)

>> No.1492074

f-zero, super metroid, super mario world

i like yoshi's island a lot too, but it's way too easy, imo

and i can't stand jrpgs

>> No.1492084

Don't worry. I got to enjoy it a little later than the rest of you in 1999 thanks to finding out that emulation was real and not just something I dreamed of.

>> No.1492124
File: 136 KB, 999x796, Terranigma_SNES_Editeur_045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kirby Super Star or Terranigma.


>> No.1492143

Pick one depending your tastes:

Yoshi's Island
Super Metroid
Megaman X (or X2/3 I suppose)
Chrono Trigger/FF4/FF6

You are all wrong. The correct answer is.....



>> No.1492159


I have to admit to thinking this game was just about the coolest thing ever at one point in my life.

>> No.1492162

>But well, that's my opinion, don't hate me so much.
I like you.

Anyway, I think Chrono Trigger has held up amazingly, Super Mario RPG has definitely aged but has unmatched humour and charm. I still play Super Mario World sometimes just for kicks. I still haven't played Earthbound more than an hour in.

>> No.1492202

NHL 97

it's the best, hands down

don't even try to fucking argue it


>> No.1492206

EarthBound has a special place in my heart; I feel obligated to pick that. For a less standard choice, I'll go with Tetris Attack.

>> No.1492425

>A sports game with a year on it
>Best at anything in any system

>> No.1492527

Replace Donkey Kong Country with Donkey Kong Country 2 and we'll have a deal.

>> No.1492528

>Mario's head goes through the bricks when they break instead of bouncing off.

It's like they changed an entire game mechanic, it's not ignorable.

>> No.1492586

>people shitting on this list because of all the classics
Why do people think they have better taste for liking less popular games?

To add to the list though, SMW, Secret of Mana and Evermore, and Mario Paint

>> No.1492629

This. Closely followed by Terrinigma and Chrono Trigger.

>> No.1492632

>only 1 post said SMK
>no Super Punch Out


>> No.1492635

The problem with Super Punch Out is it goes from being difficult to toddler-tier easy once you discover the patterns. The original Punch Out and the Wii versions offer greater challenges, imo. I still love it though, despite being able to beat the Special Circuit with my eyes closed, even 20 years later.

>> No.1492656
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>tfw these threads make me realize how lackluster my collection is

>> No.1492659

>pretending that that is a bad collection

It's not a big collection but you know damn well those all are great games and I'm jealous of that harvest moon.

>> No.1492686
File: 65 KB, 400x440, 1395674666677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because I have not seen it mentioned yet, the two Pocky and Rocky games.

>> No.1492701

I had Harvest Moon at one point in time too. Well, me and my siblings collectively owned it. And 'beat' it so to speak, with the best super bachelor ending or whatever it was. As well as a few playthroughs for specific girls because why not.

Then we wanted another console, can't remember if it was the N64, PS1, or PS2 at that very time, and traded HM in at a local game shop for like $30-40 towards it.
Honestly thought the guy was crazy paying that much for an aged game, nonetheless used. Oh well, it was worth it after playing so much already.

>> No.1492710

Super MaRPGio

>> No.1492721
File: 96 KB, 256x175, Kirby_Super_Star_Coverart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It wasn't just the best game.


>> No.1492727

I could have done without Gourmet Race.
Great Cave Offensive is that game's bread & butter though. I would have paid 40 dollars for that alone.

>> No.1492790
File: 133 KB, 960x720, scottiGoHomu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


star ocean 1: base ricest star ocean

>> No.1492795

>chooses as RPG
>chooses a JAP only RPG
>chooses a mediocre one

There's something to that comment someone made earlier about people who choose RPGs as the "best game".

>> No.1492806
File: 17 KB, 256x224, Shin_Momotarou_Densetsu_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shin momotarou densetsu

>> No.1492830

Yoshi's Island is the most overrated SNES game ever.

>> No.1492839
File: 229 KB, 649x576, doublepent.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made a thing

>> No.1492861


double ass trouble rape

>> No.1492883

Fuck that treasure you need second controller for

>> No.1492885


>> No.1492895

I can't speak for Ocarina, but for everything that ALttP did, LA did better:
>Item usage
>Fuck it, pretty much everything except for music and graphics, but for a handheld game it was very good in those departments

>> No.1492913

You forgot the controls--oh wait, Link's Awakening has awful controls.

>> No.1492928

the controls were great tho

>> No.1492930

Which treasure was that? I never had to use a second controller...

>> No.1493019

I wonder if the Japanese version of Link to the Past refers to the Swamp of Evil as "Devils swamp"??

>> No.1493120

I could never get the model ship without a second controller helping me out

>> No.1493128

What wrong with that?

>> No.1493159

Killer Instinct

Dat Soundtrack

>> No.1493187

>What wrong

You blew it

>> No.1493215


>> No.1493219

Born in '84 here and I fucking loved Mario RPG. And I was never into RPGs. Only fucking game in the genre I've played most of the way through (tfw I never beat Mario RPG).

I'll need to think 'bout my list here... there's a lot I haven't played.

>> No.1493227



>> No.1493239

I have that issue still.

>> No.1493250

>pretty much everything except for music and graphics

At least LA had different music for each dungeon.

Swapping items was boring, but controls felt better and you could also jump.

>> No.1493268

I listen to this all the time, would love more games to have such a catchy, well written soundtrack that is both relevant and wildly diverse genre wise.

>> No.1493289

donkey kong country
smb all-stars
super metroid
zelda alttp
chrono trigger
actraiser 2
earthworm jim
cool spot
front mission gun hazard
ganbare goemon
super ghouls & ghosts
jurassic park
populous 2
seiken densetsu 3
tmnt turtles in time

>> No.1493387
File: 30 KB, 800x600, Out of this World 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

K, I've (me being >>1493219) gone through this thread, and am extremely disappointed to not see Out of this World mentioned.

Out of this World. Out of this Fuckin' World. If you haven't played it, it's the most atmospheric and engrossing and cinematic and memorable side-scrolling adventure ever. No HUD. No life meter. Just survival. Big part of my childhood. Eventually bought a version on PC that displeased me because it had no soundtrack (the console versions had dramatic musical flourishes added here and there). Finally got the SNES copy about five years ago. I treasure it.

There's also Flashback, which is in the same vain, but I've never played it all the way through. I would love to grab a hold of that game.

>> No.1493392

Anyway, my list, roughly, would be, in no particular order....

Out of This World
Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past (I know, I know, but it's a big part of my video game nostalgia for a reason)
Star Fox for sure.
Super Mario RPG
Super Metroid of course

Honorable mention to Earthworm Jim, since this was addicting fun back in the day.

I may be forgetting some. My list is also pretty pedestrian. There's also a lot I have never got to play.

So make me some suggestions, if you would, based on my list. I'm not big on typical sidescrollers or actioners unless they have a winning atmosphere. Not big on traditional RPGs but would be willing to give it a go (turn-based combat and random encounters bore me and piss me off, respectively).

Actraiser, Demon's Crest, and Dragoon have all caught my interest lately.

This sounds potentially up my alley.

>> No.1493403

Besides Chrono Trigger/Final Fantasy IV-VI, I'd have to say Fire Emblem 4.

>> No.1493413


heard of this game called cybernator aka assault suits valken

>> No.1493416


>> No.1493427

Yeah, it came up on my radar when I was on a small mech/battling robots kick (thanks, Pacific Rim).

It doesn't require a Super Scope or anything, does it?

>> No.1493445


no side scrolling action game

>> No.1493460

Interesant, I shall check out.

>> No.1493478
File: 44 KB, 1168x896, OLD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seconding FE4.


Super Ghouls n Ghosts
Maui Mallard in Cold Shadow
Demon's Crest
Mega Man X
Yoshi's Island
Kirby Super Star
Lost Vikings (both)
Rock n Roll racing
Battletoads in Battlemaniacs
Tales of Phantasia
Clock Tower

>> No.1493481


Out of This World/Another World probably hasn't been mentioned (at least by me) because it was a multi-platform release and the SNES version is pretty terrible.

But it is an amazing piece of work, and only by one guy. By the way, you probably didn't get a soundtrack on the PC version because you either didn't set it up right, or you got it on floppy disk.

>> No.1493489


Try Front Mission. Excellent if you're into mecha and/or SRPGs. Also artwork by Yoshitaka Amano.

>> No.1493501

How's the SNES version terrible? I guess the graphics had some slowdown, but they were still pretty impressive for the SNES.

No, lately I read that among the various versions, the original iteration had zero music, save for the intro and ending.

>> No.1493508

Don't have a Famicom. :(

>> No.1493529


>how's the snes version terrible?

Violence is edited out, and it's kind of adorable that you describe it as having 'some slowdown'. It's practically a different game it plays so slowly.

>> No.1493535


Super Famicom.

Emulators and translation patches exist.

>> No.1493542

Lol, I guess I'm used to some slowdown. Didn't know about the violence, though.

Oh yeah. Though I would rather play it on my system than on my computer.

Fuck, who'm I kidding? A retro shop near me actually sells Super Famicoms.

>> No.1494482

Agreed. Got bored with it about halfway through the first world. I was looking for a sequel to Super Mario World with all it's secret exits to find, not an egg throwing baby sitting simulator.

>> No.1494496

Super 3d Noah's Ark
No, but for real, Super Metroid. Please tell me a legitimate problem with this game.

>> No.1494520


End of discussion

Hurr Durr

>> No.1494527

>Please tell me a legitimate problem with this game.

Way too easy and there's too much stuff preventing you from getting lost.

Also, the controller configuration wasn't fully thought out. It's just fine with some tweaking, but there was room for improvement, like with fully remappable controls.

>> No.1494576
File: 5 KB, 250x150, actraiser.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My personal favorites are
>Act Raiser
>Super Ghouls N Ghosts
>Legend of the Mystical Ninja

Those 3 are your basic "non nintendo" best games I think . Those are the ones that stand out I think.

>> No.1494598

Katawa Damacy or whatever it's called, the fishing grappling hook game.

>> No.1495071

>You tried

Umihara Kawase

>> No.1495073 [DELETED] 

>with all it's secret exits

You blew it

>> No.1495075

Yoshi's Island wasn't even considered a sequel to anything in Japan. The "Super Mario World 2" was just tacked in American releases to push more copies because they have little faith in new IP's

>> No.1495078


but zeldas just a shitty alundra clone

>> No.1495085

Zelda : 1986
Alundra : 1997

>> No.1495092

Will you stop posting in every thread with this bullshit? Nobody cares.

>> No.1495138 [DELETED] 

Somene is a little butthurt.

>> No.1495141

id say from a technical/narrative standpoint the answer is indisputably super metroid

but my personal vote goes for earthbound

>> No.1495160


>> No.1495240

>Act Raiser
This one's been on my radar, too. I just wiki'd it and I never realized it was an action/world building combo. That sounds interesting.

I heard ActRaiser 2 was better?

>> No.1495369


ActRaiser 2 was all of the platformer levels, none of the sim/world building. Which pleased some fans and displeased others. Frankly, there was nothing wrong with 2, but I thought helping my little worshippers build their town as an angel in 1 was fun, short enough that it didn't get stale, and made saving the people through the platformer levels feel more... meaningful, I guess.

>> No.1495389

That sounds really rad the more you talk about it. I'mma have to pay my game shop a visit and see if they have it.

>> No.1495407

It's, objectively, Demolition Man.

>> No.1495437

In order

Super Mario RPG
Super Mario All Stars/World
Turtles in Time
Donkey Kong Country 2
Super Metroid
Saturday Night Slam Masters (Better than SF2T in every way)
Chrono Trigger
Link to the Past
Yoshis Island

>> No.1495450

it has 48 megabit pwoer asshole!!!! it was so cutting edgy it cuts u!

>> No.1495685

MOTHER 2, the Japanese version, is more thrilling. I am surprised nobody has gone forward with A full re-translation of the in-game text with all the original Japanese names intact, as well as the alcohol references left uncensored.

>> No.1495690

Most people prefer the first one, but I liked the second one better because I hated all the sim crap in the first. You can play the first without the sim parts using a code, but it is still kinda boring

>> No.1495703


>> No.1496761

That's an odd spelling of Chrono Trigger

meh close enough

>> No.1496762


>> No.1497232

Tetris Attack

>> No.1497303

Clarky Cat is the best.

He was the boz boz.

>> No.1497902

Pic related :3

>> No.1497951
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If you disagree, you are objectively wrong.

>> No.1498079
File: 26 KB, 846x352, lex-luthor-wrong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitch doesn't know about MOTHER 2, Megaman & Bass,Starfox, Starfox 2(unreleased) flashback, and illusion of Gaia!!

>> No.1498096


>Illusion of Gaia
>even remotely near Yoshi's Island's level

Like I said, you are objectively wrong.

>> No.1498149

>Being objective about popular media

>> No.1498151

>Being objective about media

>> No.1498153

>Being objective about games

>> No.1498157


>> No.1498535

Have you even played starfox???

>> No.1498602


>> No.1498790


Your choice, anon:



>> No.1498989

Chrono Trigger, FF6, or Seiken Densetsu 3 depending on my mood.

>> No.1499032

switch ff6 for 5 and you're all set

>> No.1499037

Yoshi's Island is great but not perfect. It's a complete pain in the ass and downright frustrating to 100% complete it.

>> No.1499045
File: 123 KB, 400x300, 1705256-super_fucking_metroid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The best

>> No.1499143

I gave up trying to 100% complete it. Those extra levels are designed to make your blood boil and throw the controller

>> No.1499148

>Your opinion must conform to my own

>> No.1499180

>not understanding satire/sarcasm

>> No.1499191

Where is FF6 better, in the SNES or the GBA?

>> No.1499256

My list(No order)-
Contra III
Super Ghouls n Ghosts
Mega Man X1
Super Mario All-Stars+World
TMNT IV Turtles in Time
Super Mario Kart
TMNT Tournament Fighters
Super Castlevania IV
Saturday Night Slam Masters
Fatal Fury Special
Super Street Fighter II
Sonic Blast Man II

>> No.1499340
File: 3 KB, 100x100, games14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

platform: yoshi's island, super mario world, super metroid
rpg: terranigma, secret of mana, secret of evermore
action: double dragon v: the shadow falls. clay fighter. idk why DDV got such harsh reviews
top-down action: zelda

>> No.1499339

Japanese versoin of Super Castlevania IV, Devil's Castle Dracula, is better. Play that one. You will see many things that konami had to edit or remove due to NOA being a bunch of cowardly "MUH FAMILY FRIENDLY IMAGE IN AMERICA!!!" attitude.

>> No.1499634

Hmph... ahhhhh...

>> No.1499663

not sure i get it

>> No.1499689

If can find a ROM for Star fox2 or the Beta version of Illusion of Gaia, get it. They are great.

>> No.1500714
File: 120 KB, 351x285, 1266722696908.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TMNT fighting edition

>> No.1500717

>That's a Super Famicom game.
It'll run just fine on a Super Nintendo.

>> No.1500789


>> No.1501293

Ogre battle anyone??

>> No.1501296

My vote goes to outstanding chmapions... such an underappreciated gem

>> No.1501298
File: 192 KB, 1200x852, topgear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Top Gear.

>> No.1501440

How about Equinox?? And Mortal Kombat 2 and 3?? Also, what about FX skiing(released only in Europe and Australia??)

>> No.1501447

Nope, Top Gear.

>> No.1501787

You have never heard of Illusion of Gaia or Secret of evermore, nor of Terrinigma.

>> No.1501801

You cannot understand what an opinion is.

>> No.1502098
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>> No.1502130

agreed. Star Fox was a tech demo that Nintendo put out there to justify the cost of buying the tech. Same thing with that racing game. It has that Nintendo charisma, though, keeping it from being a useless footnote in history.

>> No.1502137

yeah, but Mario World never got old. I remember pulling it out, near the end of the SNES's life, and feeling amazed at how old it looked, after just a few years. the game was clearly a launch title. Still, it was a ton of fun to play, and isn't that the quality that makes a classic?

>> No.1502235

probably the best list i could think of
2)Super Metroid (really close call)
3)Yoshi's Island
5)Zombies Ate my Neigbors
6)Secret of Mana
7)DKC 3
8)Fushigi Dungeon 2
9)Final Fantasy VI
10)Mega Man X

Don't bitch about Chrono Trigger not being on the list because I haven't played it.

>> No.1502236

you missed out. I hated the pointless bullshit collecting, but it was a blast to play. I love the level where you eat weird puffballs, fart, and then start tripping balls

>> No.1502259

Clay Fighter? are you mad? Fucking TMNT: Tournament Fighter was a better game than that. and thats not even considering the legit arcade ports, like Super Street Fighter 2, Samurai Showdown, Street Fighter Alpha, Mortal Kombat, and Killer Instict

>> No.1502280

>Star Fox
Get fucked, the game is great. And don't play the "murr nustalgiurr" card either, my first time playing it was in 2010.

>> No.1502615

Final Fantasy 6
Chrono Trigger
Seiken Densetsu 3
Ogre Battle
>RPGs make me cry
Contra III
>that scene where you are jumping from missile to missle while fighting the boss had my brother and i, literally, screaming with excitement
Mario Kart
>spent HUNDREDS of hours perfecting my game
Tetris Attack
>spent HUNDREDS MORE hours perfecting
Earthworm Jim

>> No.1503152
File: 17 KB, 233x237, blaze.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw playing lufia2 the other day

>> No.1503162

Fuji-X tore this release apart due to so many things taken out to fit it into a Super Famicom cart.

It actually has weaker graphics and sound then the past 2 SNES releases (World Warriors and Turbo).

Imagine.... no ROUND 1 FIGHT.

>> No.1503273

Rudra no Hihou.

>> No.1503291


The sound is truly terrible, it sounds like out of a trashcan (metallic).

>> No.1503304
File: 115 KB, 1127x1221, 1346268900824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is that a dragon dick?

>> No.1503336

C'est Treasure Hunter G, sur SNES.

>> No.1503419

No, it's a manticore tail.

Scorpion tail to be precise though

>> No.1503491

> Illusion of Gaia
my nigga

>> No.1503528

>dem religious temes

>> No.1503536

Can't believe no one's mentioned Alvarez's Follies it was always my favorite.

I always ran out of moustache grease on the third level though.

>> No.1503762

Back to the future for SNES(Asia only) anyone??

>> No.1504568

Secret Of Mana, outright.

Although yoshi's island was fun as shit too

>> No.1504612

SD3>SD2 srry brohemiite

>> No.1504669


but but SD3 is Japanese only though isn't it?

i thought the series literally followed on to legend of mana, time to search for SD3 and a translation patch...

>> No.1504676

omg dude.... SD3 translation was pretty much the biggest thing in the emulation scene a couple years back. I'm so glad you are getting to experience this for the first time. Please post on /vr/ your experiences along the way. Even better if you play with a friend who also loves SoM . I envy your newfaggness to SD3

>> No.1504685


thanks for the heads up about it bro, i'll be sure to post here when i get around to playing it, if you say it's better than 3 i'm sure it will be worth it!

>> No.1504712
File: 106 KB, 600x441, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Game is fun and kinda hard, got it somewhere. Me personally I always loved the game sunset riders

>> No.1505082

Secret of Evermore

>> No.1505092

>a couple years back

If by a couple, you mean ten, sure.

>> No.1505384

If you are going to get the SNES port of sunset riders, buy the Asian version, as it has no censorship in it.

>> No.1505992


>> No.1506532


>> No.1506546

Tales of phantasia was literally the most fun I've ever had with an RPG, the combat system just felt fight and once you removed the limiter you were going at it like the fist of the fucking north star

>> No.1506576

I don't agree on any of your points.

>> No.1506604

I love the intro. It cracks me up how the characters who get introduced earlier get more screen time and do cool stuff like shoot and then get a freeze frame with their name on it, and by the end when they show the mexican guy he does nothing and the screen just says 'Cormano'.

>> No.1506637

Yoshi's Island shows how they were able to take full advantage of that animation style with that hardware.
Donkey Kong was awesome too.

>> No.1507770


>> No.1507826
File: 10 KB, 173x163, lufia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw playing lufia2 the other day

>> No.1509916
File: 16 KB, 256x208, yoshisisland.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yoshi's Island, of course.

>dat music

>dem graphics
Pic related.

>dat gameplay

>> No.1511198


>> No.1511214

1. Terranigma
2. Uncharted Waters 2: New Horizons
3. Tales of Phantasia
4. Star Ocean
5. Final Fantasy Mystic Quest

>> No.1511220

I agree here. It's consider LttP one of the weakest of the series, it isn't specifically great in any given area. LA had far better puzzles, NES games had better combat, N64 titles had vastly more interesting worlds in general and the Oracles were more solid in general.

It was the worst Zelda up until the series got really gimmicky, doing things like mark objectives on your map (which was easy to find things in, but a bitch to navigate) and allow bottles to give you tons of healing and offensive capabilities (bees!).

>> No.1511234

Oh Activision... I can't believe they thought that using music from 2 Unlimited would generate more sales from a decent but otherwise derivative shmup. Not only that, they did a half-assed job of porting the music in the first place--they didn't even bother changing any of the samples that were originally used in the Japanese version.
Speaking of the JP version... listen to how much better the music originally was before Activision & 2 Unlimited took over:

>> No.1512635


>> No.1512757

Kirby's Dream Land 3

>> No.1514295

Super Metroid for total package

Final Fantasy because it was my first

4 is my favorite tho

>> No.1514304
File: 16 KB, 320x200, 1396415318835.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Street Fighter 2 or Super Mario World

>> No.1514519
File: 463 KB, 905x634, diddy kong and dixie kong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How in the fuck does Donkey Kong Country and Donkey Country 3 compare to Donkey Kong Country 2!!!? For you people who mentioned DKC1/DKC3, DKC2 is by far one of the greatest SNES games of all time and had one of the best soundtracks in a game still to date. I would go as far as saying it at least deserves the top 5 best games of the 16 bit era.

>> No.1514523

How has no one mentioned The Toad Elevating Moment?

Seriously, what a bunch of plebs.

>> No.1514550

Never even played it.

>> No.1514583

They're called hipsters, son. They're the kind of person who gets a sense of satisfaction being able to say "You've probably never heard of it."
They dislike things that are popular because being contrary is cool. They like things that aren't popular solely because they aren't popular. It's like they've substituted having a personality with liking things.

>> No.1514584


Anon you would probably call a hipster here.

To be fair, a lot of things that are popular are awful. But certainly not everything. Usually, if something retains its popularity over many years, like a Squaresoft RPG or the film Caddyshack, then there's something more to it than just some sort of 'mass appeal'.

>> No.1514660

>no R-Type III
filthy casuals

>> No.1514691

They have an english version called "Earthbound Uncut" that replaces some of the North American edits with their Japanese counterparts.


>> No.1515492

If you're going on essential games that you need to own:
1.) Super Metroid
2.) Chrono Trigger
3.) ALttP
4.) Super Mario All-Stars
5.) DKC

If it's best overall design
1.) Super Metroid
2.) Chrono Trigger
3.) FF VI
4.) Super Mario RPG
5.) SMW
inb4 no Earthbound

>> No.1515694


I have that in my snes right now, next to my n64 which has harvest moon 64 on it. And in the PS2 I'm playing Onimusha Warlords. These are my top games and I will never stop playing them.

>> No.1515836

Dragon's View (Super Drakkhen)

fuck you, /vr/ for not even talking about the game at all (only few results of Dragon's View in the Foolz Archive)

>> No.1516150
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>> No.1518981
File: 69 KB, 358x392, goodonya!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>so much this

>> No.1518987


explain how these games have great design, specifically how super mario world has better, more well planned design than yoshi's island

>> No.1519242

mario rpgs. i only know one person who doesnt like that game and hes a fuckin jew.

>> No.1519283

The only Final Fantasies on the SNES were 2 and 3

>> No.1519303


I always thought that game was too slow.

Like, slowing down to use your eggs is a pain. Compare that to the first Super Mario World or another platformer like DKC2, in which you can generally keep up a good pace.

>> No.1520297

THE REAL FF2 was on the NES/Famicom, and was going to be released in NA, but never went through

Ditto for FF3
Snes FF2 is actually 4.

>> No.1521013

There were never any plans to release FF3 in NA.

>> No.1521072

Yes, true, but now you can get it for the GBA or download the NEs ROM and put the Neo demiforce translation patch!!

>> No.1521090

this. but I never had a snes anyway

>> No.1521101

DS, not GBA.

>> No.1521157
File: 1.30 MB, 1024x767, FFI-II-III-L-L2_promo_poster.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There were never any plans to release FF3 in NA.

Why do you lie, anon?

>> No.1521195

>Being this new

>> No.1521204

Did you try using the bee on the moth boss?

>> No.1521206

>5. Final Fantasy Mystic Quest
>Best in anything

>> No.1521213

Hate to break this to you, but 2 was canceled in the US before 3 was released in Japan. The sketch of 3 they show in the promo image is most likely just marketing BS to go with the theme of "future as a never ending battle". Kind of like that "screen shot" of a Famicom FF4 people keep throwing around. There was never any plan for a US release of 3.

>> No.1521238

Prove it, then. Find a quote from some Square exec or employee that supports your claim. I'm inclined to believe >>1521157 because >>1521157 provided some sort of evidence. That's more than I can say for your "nuh-uh!!!"

>> No.1521263


you mean, other than the fact that FF2 was never more than a prototype that the devs themselves said was far from ready for a release before being canceled?

Yep, all I got is 'nuh uh'. It's not like the devs themselves support me. No sir. *nonchalant whistle*

>> No.1521269
File: 115 KB, 1680x1050, XToxNaH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Super Eagle

>> No.1521281

You've seemed to miss the point that Anon made.
No one is saying that FFII was planned then scrapped. They're saying FFIII was planned then scrapped. All you've provided is evidence that FFII was planned then scrapped. You've provided no evidence that FFIII was never planned. Anon, however, provided some evidence that FFIII was indeed planned. The article you've provided does not contradict any claims made whatsoever.
Again: Anon claims FFIII was planned for NA release, but scrapped. Anon provided >>1521157 as a form of evidence of this claim.
You claim FFIII was never planned for NA release. You provided http://www.lostlevels.org/200312/200312-ffan2.shtml for some reason even though the article makes exactly zero mention of FFIII at all saying instead that FFII was planned and scrapped.

Now I, who am neither the other Anon nor you (obviously, I'm not you) don't see any evidence at all supporting your claim that FFIII was never planned for NA release. Just because an earlier game in the series was scrapped before the next in the series was even in development doesn't disprove the claim that FFIII was planned for NA release.

Who's right: you or Anon? I don't know. All I know is that all the nonchalant whistling in the world doesn't change the fact that Anon has provided some form of evidence to back a claim while you've really not.

>> No.1521337

If FF1 sold .4 million copies (nowhere near successful), and FF2 was canned, why would they plan FF3?

>> No.1521345

>400K is not good sales

you what mate

>> No.1521378

Yeah, not good sales. Learn facts.

>> No.1521385



>> No.1521391

Oh, so you're one of those "if it didn't sell 20 million copies, it's a flop!" morons?

Protip: 400K was good sales in 1990 for a company that was not the juggernaut it is in 2014.

Hell, 400K can be good sales now depending on the budget for the game.

>> No.1521421

.4 million was not enough to warrant a sequel.

>> No.1521429
File: 12 KB, 300x213, 31V+Aj8P9pL._SX300_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean like this one, you idiot?

>> No.1521432

You're right, that's why they never, ever published another FF game in America and it truly was the "Final" Fantasy.

>> No.1521437

aahh... I love Mystic Quest, but it was not good...

>> No.1521470

For one, 400 000 units, not 4 000 000 units.

Secondly 400 000 units in the mid-to-late 80s was an pretty big number. It's not astoundingly huge like the sales figures for any Mario game from the era, but a rather large number nonetheless. Would you say that Castlevania performed poorly? Because it sold about as many units as FF did.

Finally, why wouldn't they plan to release FFII or FFIII in the US? Especially FFIII... which, by the way, is the best-selling Square game for the FC/NES era, selling nearly four times more units than the original FF (over 1,5mil, if memory serves). For whatever reason, the games were scrapped. Maybe the NES had already outlived its NA usefulness while the FC was still chugging along, slow-and-steady-like in Japan. I don't know. But it stands to reason that if a game sells as well as that in grolious Nippon, someone would consider selling it to the outside market.

>> No.1521471

No, that was an early SNES game and meager sales are the norm for new consoles.

>> No.1521472

Castlevania costs a hell of a lot less to localize than FFII or III.

>> No.1521476

Derp. Didn't notice that decimal. What an odd way of writing. .4 million. Why not just say '400K' or 'less than a half million' or something like that?

>> No.1521486

If this were a thread about "which Super Nintendo game did you play the most?" it would hands down be this. I dont even know how many times I started a new file and completed or nearly completed it.

>> No.1521698

rockman & forte easily

>> No.1521951

Earthbound and Yoshi's Island: SMW2

Honorable mentions include Kirby's Dream Land 3 and F-Zero