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/vr/ - Retro Games

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1485810 No.1485810[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

ITT: That one game that you want a physical copy of desperately, but the prices for one are outrageous.

For me, it's Project Justice, my favorite DC game.

>$60-$80 for disc only
>Over $100 for a complete copy

It hurts.

>> No.1485851
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My copy of Project Justice stopped working about 4 or 5 years ago. Bought the game when it was released and it has no scratches save for minor ones. It just stopped working on my Dreamcast in the middle of a match. The system kicked me off into the OS menu (is that what it's called?). I have been able to play other games on my system so it wasn't my Dreamcast. When I try the disc on any Dreamcast I just get the generic insert disc message. I've had the disc resurfaced once years ago but it still doesn't play. There's no weird marks on the label and no cracks. What could have possible happened to it? Disc rot? I don't know. And yeah, just like OP says it's very expensive to replace. I just need the disc since my case and manual is fine. A few years after it stopped working I had a chance to buy a PAL copy of the game for cheap (new and sealed for $40ish). Regret not buying it. I have to play a burnt copy of the PAL release, luckily it reads my US save file, but I hate that the audio is mono only on the burnt copies. This was the fighting game I played the most of back then and the choice fighting game for my friends and I. Just wanted to share my story.

>> No.1485852
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It just isn't the same playing this without my huge 32-in-1 memory card.

>> No.1486062

>First world problems

>> No.1486070

>starving African posting on /vr/

The fuck are you doing nigga?

>> No.1486078

I'm from a 3rd world country and I face the same problem. I have the money to give but refuse to pay such outrageous prices even if some of my favorite games in question.

>> No.1486086
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>> No.1486096


>> No.1486139

Takes less than 15 minutes to download any DC game you want and have it up and running on a PC.

For less than even half the cost of a single new game you can be playing the vast majority of the DC library on real hardware.

There's never been a time in history when games were more accessible than they are now.

And yet here we are with all this bitching and whining that the games just cost too much and its not fair because you can't afford to hoard a bunch of them.

$100 won't even buy you two new games where I'm at. You can save your fucking money and get it if it means that much to you.

>> No.1486163

When you assume things, you only make an ass of yourself and you're more ass than a black bitch's booty right now.

>> No.1486221

Welcome to First World Problems: The Board

>> No.1486223

Because that's totally how to get a legit physical copy of Project Justice.

>> No.1486262

Assuming that /vr is full of entitled fucks?

Yeah pretty accurate there. Can't help it that you don't like being called out for it. Spend more time working and less time bitching about prices and there wouldn't be a problem.

>> No.1486431

Napple Tale is one of my favorites, but swear to god the price just jumped inthe console, but, swear to Christ the price jumped to a hundred overf the course of a year.

>> No.1486845

Nice buzzwords faggot.

>> No.1486853

Wait what? It goes for that much?

I think I have a copy laying around somwhere that I got for next to nothing.

>> No.1486863

>Bringing up pirating in a thread about physical copies of video games
>Namecalling people who collect as hoarding
>Implying that your 3rd world country prices suddenly make an ridiculous price a good deal.
>Making baseless assumptions and generalizations


>> No.1486892

I really want a sealed copy of Super Metroid. I don't even collect CIB games but I want a mint SM so bad.

>> No.1486895
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>mfw price gougers told people half a decade back that retro videogames wouldn't be worth anything

>> No.1486901

the vast majority of them aren't

>> No.1486920

Magical Pop'n easily.

>> No.1486924

Tomba 1/2 :(

>> No.1487001

ctrl-f, nothing, no one? Ok.


>> No.1487026

>The world is so unfair
>Why can't I have everything right now

What you sound like, faggot.
No one cares that you can't afford a videogame.

>> No.1487057

what if i told you people dont buy the physical copy just to play it, but to own a physical copy of it?

>> No.1487081
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I think PAL version it's still really cheap.
I bought mine for 12€ or less.

>> No.1487213

Weird, I thought Napple Tale was a first party Dreamcast game and common around Japan

>> No.1487279

Personally I'd love to have a copy of Action 52, but it commands a hefty price for a game renowned for its shittiness.

>> No.1487373

Pretty much this. Collecting is a form of empty validation and addiction, people who collect for the sake of collecting have nothing better in their lives or they're too lazy to put any effort into anything worthwhile so all they know how to do is open their wallets.

They're so quick at bashing resellers too when it's their own fault for creating demand in the first place.

>> No.1487384
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As a kid, I rented this game once and fell in love with it. Unfortunately, the copy I rented from the video store was in bad shape and the game kept crashing on the same part. It was the part where the main character and Nanami are reunited for the first time and then they're attacked by soldiers. Before the battle could start, the game just...froze.

It was only years later that I learned the game was considered rare and expensive. Not a single copy on Amazon goes for less than about 115 dollars.

>> No.1487398
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>mfw I found one like 8 years ago at a thrift store complete for $10

>> No.1487410

You seem to have a real strong opinion about people who like collecting stuff they've played long ago and wanted to have it in its original form rather than some watered down pirated work.

>> No.1487414
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Lunar Silver Star Story is mine.


>> No.1487428

>rather than some watered down pirated work.

it's the same data

you're paying for a rom on a non re-writable flash cart

>> No.1487431

I have a copy sitting upstairs, collecting dust...

>> No.1487457

Nice assumptions again faggot. Makin that ass bigger and bigger.

>> No.1487476

itt: get a job

though in reality, i really want a complete copy of Faselei! American version, please.
I've never seen one on ebay/amazon.

>> No.1487530

>Pretty much this. Gaming is a form of empty validation and addiction, people who play games for the sake of gaming have nothing better in their lives or they're too lazy to put any effort into anything worthwhile so all they know how to do is turn on a console.

You're on a retro gaming board dude. It's time to get off the high horse and accept who you are.

>> No.1487584

Any Super Nintendo game, at this point. I like getting games complete but sometimes the carts themselves can be unreasonably high now thanks to hipsters "GAMUR GIRLZ X3"

Also Mega Man games in general.

>> No.1487587


Also, get a job.

>> No.1487612

Yet again, nice assumptions faggot. Why does everyone assume that thinking a price is ridiculous means they don't have a job? Citing that prices in your shithole are worse doesn't help that terrible point either.

Ya'll niggers got hang ups with people who collect, but take it somewhere else.

>> No.1487641

For me it's every game ever since it's impossible to find retrogame anywhere here and ebay prices are too high.

Also I have this thing that I can only play games on their original console, this means that I will probably never play most of the games everyone here have played and are considered to be the essential.

>> No.1487642

>thanks to hipsters "GAMUR GIRLZ X3"
blaming snes prices on women?


>> No.1487650

Megaman prices spiked because of the Legends 3 fiasco, not because of the collectors market.

>> No.1487654

there was supposed to be an "and" in between them

But yeah, a lot of people do it for attention and not because they actually like the games, unfortunately

>> No.1487701

I'm happy you just learned that term, and it can be pretty effective in the right situation, but this isn't it. Ridiculous prices affect all walks of life on /vr/.

>> No.1487706

is Project Justice really worth that much? my local retro shop has it for $69.99 mint complete.

is it fun..?

>> No.1487708
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Panzer Dragoon Saga, Radiant Silvergun, Batsugun, Battle Garegga, Popful Mail

>> No.1488235

>Dragon Warrior 1: $5
>Dragon Warrior 2: $14
>Dragon Warrior 3: $40
>Dragon Warrior 4: $75
why does it have to be this way /vr/

>> No.1488265
File: 29 KB, 300x298, SOR2CD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not quite /vr/, but the Streets of Rage 2 soundtrack CD is impossible to find for less than $200. Yeah, I could spend the money, but I just can't bring myself to support such brazen price gouging.

>> No.1490236

Just the usual.
>Demon's Crest
>Chrono Trigger. At this point it is potentially cheaper to buy an used DS and get the DS port than the SNES cart.

Also, not expensive per se, but for some stupid STUPID stupid reason I want a PAL SNES controller. It must be the colors.

>> No.1490247

Why would you buy that when you can just get the whole set brand new for less?

>> No.1490250

Conker's Bad Fur Day.

Never played it, been wanting to give it a go for years. I think it's just within the past 5 years the price skyrocketed, I'm seeing it being sold for $70-80.

It's also hard finding a cheap Super Metroid or Super Castlevania IV for me. I don't want to pay more than $15 for a copy of either.

>> No.1490258

Why not a SFC controller? Same scheme and it is NSTC, so it should work

>> No.1490305


>"Anon has a point"
>look for SFC Controller on Amazon, aka MrKrabs.com
>price is ok. Not great but ok. seen common NES games go for more than that

Well, now I want a SFC Controller. And it doesn't sound so out of my budget, so yay.

>> No.1490323

I bought a decent third party controller just for the colorful buttons

I was looking up SFC controller auctions last night too

>> No.1490331

Since it's one of my favorite games of all time, I'm a bit biased. I think it's a fantastic game. Compared to Rival Schools, it improves on the formula in every way. It has more characters, although a good portion are different versions of the characters, it has new and improved mechanics like being able to interrupt team up attacks with sudden death encounters and an overall improved and expanded team mechanics including the change from 2 v 2 to 3 person teams. The combat is a bit more fluid, although it's still pretty limited when it comes to depth. Characters have only a couple of variations of combos and some characters have extra combo potential that bring them to a higher level than most of the other cast (See Momo), but it's an awesome game to introduce to people new to fighting games and has that pick up and play factor.

On top of that, the Dreamcast allows for a more faithful representation of the characters than in Rival Schools. Daigo actually looks like his character portrait, rather than how he did in RS. Also, the music is fucking top notch.


>> No.1490336


that is the mega drive versions of the music, the original soundtrack release is the pc-8801 soundboard version, which is what they were written on

in short, the quality is better

>> No.1490587

Several games for AES and PC Engine.

Most in the range of 2000-3000$.

It's more the "will I ever find a mint copy of it" instead of a money problem.

Money can be saved and put aside, ultra-rare games in mint condition however dont pop up so easily.

>> No.1490594


It's reasonably cheaper, but getting a proxy for just one game is a bit more counter-productive. If I decided to bulk purchase a fair bundle of games, it would make more sense to do.

I'm thinking that the western view of the game is "It's popular for never coming out from Japan and Yoko Kanno did the soundtrack Although she did sample from other soundtracks without proper credit, but it is what it is," and since that's easy to throw around, people automatically think it's worth something over here.

>> No.1490603

Where can I download it?

>> No.1490606
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>> No.1490670

Thanks a ton, Anon.