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File: 370 KB, 1178x1545, Megaman_X3_Paint_1_by_Esperino.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1484016 No.1484016[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>yfw this reviewer bashing Megaman X3 and giving it a score of 1/5 back in 1998


>"Capcom doesn't realize that some of us just don't have the time to slog through dull levels just to lose all of our men trying to discover the pattern of the end-level bosses. Of course most games have thrown off the shackles of "finite men" years ago, but the concept persists, because denying saves during a level and making you start over when you lose all your lives is the easiest way to thicken anemic gameplay."

>yfw people called lifes men back then
>yfw this nigger really needs to git gud

>> No.1484025

Don't trigger me, shitlord.

>> No.1484039

I don't understand that point of view. Videogames ARE a waste of time, and MMX3 isn't so hard that dying and having to restart suddenly turns the game into a 40 hour quest. The whole feeling of accomplishment comes from figuring out the patterns and going from being a complete mess who gets squashed right away (or abusing the boss's weakness) into being able to handily defeat the boss while taking minimal damage.

>> No.1484063

>yfw people called lifes men back then

They drive me nuts on Game Grumps when they call a 1UP a 1-man, which is pretty much every episode.

>> No.1484272

He's got a point.

>> No.1484276

Called them lives. MAYBE sometimes "guys". Never "men".

>> No.1484292

Yeah, I really don't know why they didn't have infinite lives. The Mega Man series would have greatly benefited from them.

>> No.1484314

You have infinite continues though. You don't even have to start all over because you can just try again. Enemies sometimes drop lives too.

I know everybody's not really on the same skill level but Mega Man isn't that hard.

>> No.1484318

Does it rustle you when they call screens a "board"?

>> No.1484320

Infinite continues aren't the same. I should be able to challenge a boss as many times as I want without needing to go through the whole level again.

>> No.1484329


>> No.1484336

You can challenge the boss as many times as you want as long you can make it to him. How do you expect to get any better at the game if you want to be placed at the boss right after continuing? That's nonsense.

I like it when I get Game Over and I get placed back at the beginning of the stage. Gives me a fucking boner. Sometimes the struggle and then the accomplishment of toppling everything makes it so much more worthwhile.

>polite git gud

>> No.1484339

Because there isn't anything more frustrating than redoing a level just to have a shot at the boss. This isn't just exclusive to Mega Man and applies to all games.

On a more personal level, some of my fondest Mega Man experiences are when I beat a boss without any weapon energy or E/Sub-tanks left, which infinite lives would better facilitate.

>> No.1484347

>yfw megaman x5 was best megaman

>> No.1484352
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>> No.1484360

Except it wouldn't.
Because the struggle is what made those victories impact you.

If you had infinite tries to get them, then it would cheapen the experience by making them much more common, in fact it would be impossible not to get it if you just slapped your face against the boss long enough.

>> No.1484364

Yes it would. Nothing is gained from repeating a level I've already beaten. Having unlimited lives would mean I'd eventually be down to nothing but the Mega Buster, which makes bosses harder.

The same principle applies to Street Fighter 2010. It was made harder by the fact that it had infinite lives.

>> No.1484365

Man, that soundtrack was really good in X5. Too bad I think X6 was a better game.

>> No.1484367

It means you can't fucking fail.

Jesus you're a god damned baby gamer. As elitist as it sounds, it's hard for a fucking reason man.

Why not just use fucking save states. Except I'd bet money you think devs should actually include those in games.

>> No.1484370

That's already true for the series thanks to infinite continues and passwords. Adding infinite lives only reduces the length of time spent on the game, not the difficulty.

>> No.1484396

How was X6 a better game?

>> No.1484408
File: 55 KB, 348x383, 1356472833046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, do you want the game to be easier or the game to take less time to beat because if you were better at the game you wouldn't be complaining about having to start over and work your way back to the boss. If you had unlimited lives (which again, you don't need because unlimited continues) it would make the game easier and shorter. Why would anyone want that? It would be superfluous to have unlimited lives considering the circumstances. They even give you passwords incase you have to turn it off or the power goes out. It's fine the way it is.

And another thing, just look at what you've done to Anon. >>1484367
Your griping about the difficulty has reduced him to nothing but swearing. Do you take pride in frustrating people with your inability to toughen up?

>> No.1484412

maybe he thinks x with saber is better?idk X6 is a mixed bag for me also:
>i bet he likes X7

>> No.1484419

I liked the higher difficulty, being able to collect every power up in the game in a single saved game, and I like the Nightmare system. Basically, the reasons why most people hate the game are the reasons why I like it. The plot was very meh for the game, though.

No, I hate X7. I liked X8 and Command Mission, though.

>> No.1484437


another guy that wants to overcome repetition and monotony to feel accomplishment instead of just playing the game

i bet you also speedrun

>> No.1484446

>If you had unlimited lives it would make the game easier

Wrong. If a boss is too difficult for a player, it doesn't matter whether they have one or infinite lives. They aren't going to beat it.

Going through a level several times doesn't contribute to the difficulty. It's monotonous. I don't know why you're confusing the two.

>> No.1484457


they're extra men

the gane is called megaman, not megalife

>> No.1484458

Nope, I just looked back on the way I played things when I was younger and decided that I wanted to make a change. It's one thing to be bad at a game and keep trying and win eventually, but it's another thing to be bad and be a scrub about it.

A bad player is someone who doesn't grasp things yet but he's not refuting logic and yearns to become better. A bad player can easily become a good player with the proper conditioning.
A scrub is a bad player who REFUSES to acknowledge mistakes, improve anywhere, or accept challenge. A scrub can easily become a good player once they clear their mind of just winning and concentrates on doing better.

I used to be a complete scrub as a kid, using savetstates, bitching a fit, turning everything off, and now when I play I do it all in one go. If a game is really bugging you, you can ponder about how things work or find an extra life grinding spot. One way to go about it is to not get worked up about stuff and just trivialize everything. Think outside the box but don't throw caution to the wind and die. You'll figure out tricks faster too.

Speedrunning requires way too much freetime and I have work and college. I ain't about that. I just don't find Megaman that hard to require unlimited lives. If there was anything repetitive and monotonous about it, I wouldn't even be playing it. There's obviously something I enjoy about the game if I continue to play it even though I'm not good at it.

>> No.1484463

fuck the nightmare system it was the worst
i too liked X8 and command mission but i keep wondering why fans and other people hate them also:
>egoraptor seems to dislike any latter X game other than X1
>he is such a hipster faggot
why is he hipster indie faggot is beyond me

>> No.1484473

As far as gaming goes, I have had few satisfaction as great as beating Makaimura rev G. I sacked at it and it seemed impossible. But I kept trying. I watched some people play it on YouTube for techniques. And I kept playing and playing and trying again and again. And one day, I could clear it on one credit. And then I could clear both loops, and then even another loop after that. If you are really trying to get a feeling of accomplishment from a game, the repetition and becoming truly good at it is the way to go. If you just want some quick fun, then yeah, I guess just go wild with savestates and infinite lives and no continues. But I think there is also some fun in having the tension of "oh fuck one more hit and I'm dead and if I die then I have to do this hard level all over again!"

>> No.1484482

>It's monotonous. I don't know why you're confusing the two.

But that's complete bullshit. Don't tell me what I'm confusing. If a boss is too difficult for a player and he has unlimited lives he can just keep sitting there and fighting him again and again without interruption. You start over at the beginning because it's penalty for not winning. You didn't pick up how to fight the boss fast enough and you lost.

Wanting as many tries to fight the boss is entitled. Did Japan get a Round 2 after Hiroshima? I don't think so.

>> No.1484486

>Wanting as many tries to fight the boss is entitled

There went any credibility you had.

>> No.1484491

>There went any credibility you had.
>Because i disagree with you and it's devastating to my poor argument


>> No.1484492

How is it not entitled? Do you want to have fun with a game or do you want the boss handed to you on a silver platter?

>> No.1484502

You're still avoiding the point that the number of lives available has no impact on difficulty.

I don't really blame you though. It's not like you have an argument.

>> No.1484508

>You're still avoiding the point that the number of lives available has no impact on difficulty.
>Telling me that I'm avoiding it
>It's not like you have an argument.

Haha, please.

If you have unlimited lives, it's easier to squander them. Easy come, easy go.
If you have 3, you treasure them and think wisely. If you can acquire 9 of them and keep them then that is reward for learning to play.

Unlimited lives makes it easier because it relieves the player of consequences for making a bad move. Do you understand the concept of penalty? There is no reason for the unlimited lives. Do you know how much damage the correct weapon does when used on a boss in Megaman? So much damage. It's so reasonable and fair.

>> No.1484513

>Unlimited lives makes it easier because it relieves the player of consequences for making a bad move

That's bullshit because Mega Man bosses force you to start the fight over when you die. Again, if a boss is simply too difficult for a player, the number of lives available has no impact on the fight.

Unless you're ready to explain how Gravity Beetle magically becomes easier with infinite lives as opposed to 5, we're done here.

>> No.1484518

If you can't make it back to the boss and win, then that's your problem, not mine. That doesn't make it bullshit though.

>> No.1484521

Megaman series has farmable items and no time limit. It's casual enough already.

>> No.1484559

>playing megaman for your "hardcore needs"
this game was about tactic and precision and power ups

>> No.1484619
File: 235 KB, 200x261, tumblr_mbroc8dViU1qbt06p.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I used to be a complete scrub as a kid
>Speedrunning requires way too much freetime and I have college.

uh huh

>> No.1484629

You could make the same arguement about having death at all in video games. Even if you give the player infinite lives if the player is still dying he is repeating stuff. The only way to make a player never repeat anything is to make it impossible to lose.

What it really comes down to is that if a games content isn't fun to repeat it was never really well designed in the first place. This is why you can rexperience the first stage a thousand times in metal slug, final fight, or gradius and still have fun but dying just a few times in a mediocre game is painful. There are excepts to this concept such as rpgs and fps where the enjoyment comes from story and atmisphere instead of challenge but you shouldnt be gaming over in such games often anyway.

And x3 is a pretty terrible game. Theres an enemy thats just a giant wall that blocks your entrance, it has no way of actually fighting back against you and a ton of health. It exists only to waste your time and is used too often. The game is filled with shitty pacing issues such as that. The bosses arn't that great either and nearly all of them have the same pattern to beat them: "stay on the wall farthest away from the enemy and jump over it once it does a certain attack, fire a fully charged shot, repeat" Thats IF you are doing an x buster only run. If you actually use the boss weapons the pattern becomes even simplier.

>> No.1484631

heres an analogy for you

Suppose you have a test to take. Maybe the test is what allows you to practice law, medicine, or accounting.

Which is easier? Letting you retake the test as many times as you want or forcing you to only be allowed to take the test once every 2 years? Considering that you have a limited lifespan you can only attempt the test a certain number of times.

This is why limited lives make the game harder and why becoming a doctor, lawyer, or CPA is considered a mark of talent.

>> No.1484632

>i bet you also speedrun

How does that make any sense?

People who speedrun games actually know how to play them.

>> No.1484635

Also, speedrunning games would probably be more monotonous than a normal playthrough.

Routes need to be figured out, practiced, and optimized. Things like an unexpected death will ruin a run, etc.

>> No.1484829

>And x3 is a pretty terrible game

It beats the PS1 and PS2 games

>> No.1484872
File: 142 KB, 241x984, Gaming Journalism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least he played the game I guess.

>> No.1485081

Well it does require a lot of freetime because the people who speedrun are always breaking their record. That means playing it a lot, OFTEN. There's also TASes and those guys have technical knowledge that allows them to change values to their liking.

Stop throwing that word around

>> No.1485118


What a remarkably modern review.

>> No.1485119


Spot the guy who actually played the game for the longest.

>> No.1485138

>this entire thread
Someone explain to me how being punished for failure is a bad thing.
Someone explain to me how an almost total lack of punishment doesn't make victory less fulfilling.

>> No.1485143

That will never happen because none of these things are true.

>> No.1485272

Not even fucking close. It's better than X7, but that's not saying much because X7 is the series' low point.

>> No.1485535

>Which is easier? Letting you retake the test as many times as you want or forcing you to only be allowed to take the test once every 2 years?

If the test is the same each time, then obviously both methods are going to be equally difficult.

>> No.1485547

I figure this reviewer realized he writes about VIDEOGAMES of all things for a living and when he found one that trounced him he felt terribly inadequate leading to this poor review.

Contrast with games that are known for being merciless with the player and recieve high scores BECAUSE of it.

Guy is just a permabitch.

>> No.1485594

The only time the "get gud" argument applies is when the level itself is legitimately challenging. If it's easy to complete, as most X3 levels are, then there is no added challenge, which means removing it does not remove any challenge or difficulty. The review in the OP wasn't complaining about any actual difficulty at all; he wasn't saying that the game sucks because the boss is difficult, but that the levels are too easy and monotonous. Having to repeat an easy and monotonous task multiple times does not increase the challenge. There is no difficulty involved. It's just boring artificial padding and bad game design.

>> No.1485653

Assuming that is what he meant, what he should be complaining about is that the levels are dull and boring and easy, not about the concept of lives in video games.

>> No.1485683

The content of the test itself will have the same level of challenge, but passing it will not.
Does the idea that having more frequent checkpoints/retries/whatever means you don't have to perform correct actions as consistently to succeed totally elude you?

>> No.1485689

>The only time the "get gud" argument applies is when the level itself is legitimately challenging.
How does it not apply in the Megaman scenario? He's whining about having to do the stage just to get to the boss again, and it's not even that hard.

>boring artificial padding
>there is no difficulty
>bad game design
and in the trash you go.

>> No.1485723

>what he should be complaining about is that the levels are dull and boring and easy
He did, numerous times.

>He's whining about having to do the stage just to get to the boss again, and it's not even that hard.
Exactly. If it's not that hard, then there is no challenge or difficulty, which means the only purpose it serves is to pad out gameplay. If you put a checkpoint in right before the boss, there would be absolutely no difficulty or challenge lost.

>> No.1485735

>passing it will not

Are you dumb? The only things that determine whether or not you pass a test are its difficulty and your understanding of the subject matter. Whether or not you have to wait any length of time between attempts is irrelevant.

>> No.1485739

>passing it will not.
Only if the level itself is actually challenging. It's like taking an engineering test and 75% of the questions are basic arithmetic. In theory it's possible to miss one by not paying attention, but realistically they should all be easily solved which means the only challenge comes from the 25% of the questions that are actually difficult.

>> No.1485741

He never said the levels are easy. He criticized them for being basic tropes like "ice level" or "fire level", and he criticized the enemies in them for having patterns, but that's about it.

>> No.1485760

It's not hard for me, but he's complaining because it's hard for him but that doesn't make it unfair, he just needs to get better at it because the game offers completely reasonable accommodations to succeed.. Yes, the game is difficult if you don't know what you're doing, but it's not difficult to the point of requiring all the free tries at fighting the boss. What are you trying to prove by getting into this?

What's with all the chickenshits in this thread?

>> No.1485765

He said the only difficulty was in the bosses, which implies the rest of the game, the levels themselves, had little to no difficulty. The easily-telegraphed patterns of the enemies also implied such. At any rate, he also never criticized the actual difficulty of the game: it was never "this game sucks because it's hard" it was "this game sucks because it's boring and monotonous."

You are completely misunderstanding the arguments. The levels contain no difficulty. Nobody, including the author of the article, was complaining about difficulty. Just monotony.

>> No.1485781

This is more an issue with the analogy not being truly analogous than it is with what I'm saying as it applies to a boss fight, seeing as a test is purely knowledge based and you get that knowledge from sources other than the test itself, while a boss fight involves a decent amount of physical skill, meaning you can fuck up even if you know what to do, and stuff outside the boss fight won't help you with the boss fight.

>> No.1485813

>It's so monotonous

Quit dying and you won't have to go through the "monotonous" levels over and over again. Did you just learn that word today or something?

Sounds like somebody needs to learn to fucking play instead of making excuses

>> No.1485823

Are you completely incapable of reading comprehension?

>> No.1485837
File: 4 KB, 478x492, missingThePoint.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"The levels are too easy, it's boring going through them."
>"I'm not complaining about the boss, I'm complaining about the levels."
>"Actually the issue is that the levels are too easy."

>> No.1485859

You missed the point. If you read the thread, you would know that somebody wanted unlimited lives and I told them that's unreasonable.

Now people are saying the levels are too easy? Why?
The levels are so boring to go through? It just reads like an excuse to me. What makes them boring? How is it padding? I keep telling you to get better at the boss because it sounds you hate going through the levels over and over again. Yes, I'm jumping to conclusions, but why shouldn't I be able to? Boring levels? Someone who doesn't even like Megaman could say that junk. That's meaningless. What merit does it bring to the conversation? Why does anyone care about what some player doesn't like doing? I've said it before and I'll say it again. A lot of gamers are shits that want to be reimbursed for their mistakes, and they are way too entitled. I'm not even hardcore or anything.

Actually, if there's really a point to this other than "I don't like this game" then I'd be surprised.

>> No.1485873

>MMX by Katoki.png


But yeah, this post >>1484039 handled it appropriately. A buddy of mine felt like shit and wanted to quit when I had him play Mega Man 1, but that shit feeling turned into fucking ecstatic happiness after he finally beat Ice Man.

>> No.1485893

The levels are boring to go through again because they're easy enough that there's no challenge, which means there's absolutely no point in going through them again. No one wants to be "reimbursed for their mistakes"; if that was the case then people would be complaining about THE ACTUAL BOSSES. The only complaints have been that there is no reasonable reason to force players to go through the easy shit all over again.

It's like in Castlevania 2 when you die and you have to grind hearts again. The actual action of killing an enemy to get a heart is fucking easy, but the forced repetition of doing it over and over just to get the number of hearts you need is stupid and boring. There is no difficulty. It's easy. It's just forced padding keeping the player from going after the hard challenging parts again for no good reason. Again, the problem is not with dying, it's with the stupid unreasonable shit afterward that people have an issue with, so saying "GET GUD SCRUB" is stupid and misses the point completely. Contrast with Castlevania 1 and 3 where the actual levels themselves were challenging, so while it was frustrating to die and have to play it again, it was still reasonable.

tl;dr it's a waste of time that accomplishes nothing, even within the context of being a game. That is bad game design.

>> No.1485914

>The levels are boring to go through again because they're easy enough that there's no challenge
Okay, so you think the levels are boring and you think there's no challenge or purpose in making the player go through the level again. You've made that clear

Answer this one question. Instead of you having to do the level over again, what do you suggest?

>> No.1485928

Putting a checkpoint before the boss. If you die at the boss, you restart at or right before the entry room. This does not make the game "easy" or "dumbed down" or whatever other buzzwords people want to toss around, it just gets rid of having to go through the easier, already-completed section.

>> No.1485935

Not that guy, but the only satisfactory answer is to make levels that are either challenging, offer a large amount of different ways to go through them, or heavily reward and allow for skillful play while less skilled players merely survive.
The levels should be good. That's the answer.

>> No.1485938

ITT: That talentless fucking hack Edmund McMillan and his parade of sockpuppet followers with zero understanding for risk-reward and actual retro game design.

>> No.1485945

Take your axe and grind it on the relevant board.

>> No.1485951
File: 204 KB, 404x416, ibuluTrn4w5ZzB.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Putting a checkpoint before the boss. If you die at the boss, you restart at or right before the entry room.
>it just gets rid of having to go through the easier, already-completed section.

The boss is part of the stage. If you don't beat the boss, you don't beat the stage.


>> No.1485982

Yes, it's absolutely impossible that a game series which has used the "enter a small room before getting into the main boss room" for almost all of its stage bosses could every possibly put in a checkpoint before said boss room.

God you're dense.

>> No.1486735


Maybe you should getalife huehuehue

>> No.1487007


I am very rustled.

>> No.1488423

The funny thing is, they DID adopt this system in later MMX games after you lost all your lives. (Which makes you wonder why they even bother including lives in the first place at that point.) But then they went full retard and removed that feature from X8 which was such complete horseshit god no I don't want to slog through your boring ass auto scrolling spike filled stages just to fight the boss again.

And I like X8. I just hate all the dumb shit it did by undoing improvements that the series implemented prior. Like ducking, seriously it was such a little thing but it helped so goddamn much.

>> No.1488591

Ducking was an utterly casual addition that did nothing dashing couldn't already do.

>> No.1488852

>All those people complaining about lives saying they make levels dull and monotonous and frustrating

I remember playing Rayman origins and having unlimited lives was even more frustating as fuck than not having them at all. I still don't get how lives are a bad thing, especially in a game such as Mega Man X

>> No.1488901

>extra men
You're right OP, the correct term is extra mans.

>> No.1488948

i think a lot of people that grew up with megaman since the NES dislike anything past X1 and MM3 or 4. I never played the NES games until my teens so the X games and 7 were all I had to go on. Consequently, X3 is my favorite X game and I have a soft spot for MM7.

>> No.1489224

It's an accurate score but some the reasons are wrong. dull levels, yes. trial and error bosses to "discover" the patter of bosses? the patterns are move to the left, move to the right, repeat.

the score should be higher but it definitely doesn't deserve the praise I see around 4chan. the music, gameplay, design and replatability are sorely lacking. It's a damn good thing there are some neat new ideas and other things that improved upon the last game along with the basic foundation from previous titles fleshed out already.

this guy just sucked at game that doesn't compare to the first two despite holding it's own. for the sake of argument, and to compare with the other snes installments the score would be:
X: 5/5
X2: 4/5
X3: 3/5

>> No.1489257

>watching game grumps
maybe if it was only the early stuff.

>> No.1489259


If you have infinite tries, instantly, you can simply go in and waste an entire life just watching the boss to figure him out.

In a game like Hotline Miami, you have infinite lives and the furthest you ever get sent back is to the beginning of an area, which can last for, at max, a minute or two TOPS. You can die very easily, but it's expected. You learn the patterns of the enemies and get a little further every time.

In MM, you aren't afforded that luxury, because a lot is on the line. You can't waste a life just watching the boss, you need to be reflexive and git gud.

>> No.1489261

his review speaks for itself. no one would give X3 such a low score...



>> No.1489269

Holy shit look at all those spelling errors. It's time for bed for me.

>> No.1489450


I love you man. I don't know you, and we've never met, but I love you and want you to know that.

>> No.1489567

Megaman recommendations? Anyone?

>> No.1489570

All of them except


And if you want the best in the series, play


>> No.1489574

X1-X3, 1-4, Zero 1-4, Legends 1-2. Mega Man series after to fall apart for me around their 4th game for some reason. Too bad Capcom quit making each series exclusive to each system. I could live without VII+ and X4+ and all those Battle Network games

>> No.1489578

>Zero 1-4

Not retro.

>> No.1489579

You want him to play X7 but not X6?

>> No.1489581

Kill yourself. There's no reason to pretend those games don't exist and it's not like anyone is having a discussion about them.

Okay, my bad on that. Skip X7, too.

Honestly even the mediocre MM titles are still above average games, IMO

>> No.1489580

>it's own

You blew it

>> No.1489584

He asked for Megaman recommendations in general, fuck off

>> No.1489585

Thanks, i guess. Should i play classic ones on nes or playstation?

>> No.1489589

Are you talking about the Anniversary collection? That's up to you if you want to spend money on it.

It's a good collection, so what you play on depends on your preference.

>> No.1489590

The emulation from the Mega Man Anniversary Collection is not that bad for the NES games or VIII but it really sucks when you played VII on it

>> No.1489591

What was wrong with VII on the AC? I haven't beaten it on there in over 10 years.

>> No.1489593

>it's not like anyone is having a discussion about them

Except you're trying to. Go back to /v/ if you want to talk about these games so badly.

He's on /vr/, so only /vr/ appropriate games are assumed.

>> No.1489596

It has a lot of slow down (NSTC fag btw) and the ending was edited a little for some reason due to storage / memory issues

>> No.1489601

>Except you're trying to.

No one is talking about MMZ. Or even trying to for that matter. One guy just recommended that Anon play it. Stop being retarded and stop shitposting.

I think it was Mode 7 issues?

>> No.1489604

>No one is talking about MMZ

Uh huh, then what's this >>1489574

Sure looks like someone was trying to talk about it. Why mention it otherwise?

>Stop being retarded and stop shitposting

The only one shitposting here is you. Keep /v/ material in /v/, and that includes your mindless shitposting.

>> No.1489607

>Why mention it otherwise?

Because someone asked for a list of MM game recommendations.

Ahaha, holy hell are you retarded.

>> No.1490018
File: 299 KB, 1473x956, Capcom_after_Xover_released.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been Mega Man fan from early on (2 and 3 were my first games) and I honestly don't understand the hate some of the fans have for some of the later Mega Man games, especially Mega Man 5, 6, 7, and MM&B.

9 and 10 are meh for me because I miss the slide and Mega Buster, but 8 is the only classic game I hate, though I haven't played any of the Game Boy games outside of V which was an excellent game.

It's a tossup for me whether X2 or X3 is the best X series game for me.

I absolutely love the Legends games. Still boycotting new Capcom games because of the Legends 3 bullshit. Not that it's hard to do since Mega Man and Phoenix Wright are the only things they make I care about.

The Zero and ZX series's are all solid, though Z2 was a little too extreme on the difficulty. Played Battle Network 3 and it was good.

>> No.1490030 [DELETED] 

Too bad, ask it on /v/ if you want general recommendations.

>> No.1490268

Megaman ZX. It's the best Megaman game to date.
in before flames

>> No.1490385
File: 95 KB, 740x1024, ZXBuster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it is though

>> No.1490686

>theostation is still dead

>> No.1492215

Anon, you beat me to it.

>> No.1492217

Holy shit 1998 was 18 years ago. Where has the time gone?

>> No.1492241

It's been 16 years, but I still share your sentiment, Anon.

>> No.1492641


>> No.1492672

Reddit abbreviated the title and destroyed the meaning. The full title is:
>In story-driven games, 'Game overs' are a failure of game design, says David Cage

Which is correct, and Megaman games are not story-driven, so it's irrelevant.

>"In an action game, I can get that - why not? It's all about skills.

>> No.1492761

X3 has terrible, terrible bosses and everything is tepid and boring compared to X1/X2's equivalents. X2 is by far the better game despite being much, much easier.