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/vr/ - Retro Games

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1483361 No.1483361[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What happened to point and click adventures

>> No.1483370

What happened to ball in a cup?

>> No.1483385

the string broke.


>> No.1483386

I've been wondering the exact same thing this week.

>> No.1483397

We discovered that clicking everything on everything until the specific crazy logic that the developer had in mind comes up, isn't very fun.

>> No.1483403


>> No.1483410

Last time I checked they were doing pretty fine.

>> No.1483421

Are you both having a joke or something? Deponia series, The Dark Eye series (Memoria recently got released), we ahd a few last year with Primorida and The Shivah, also the Blackwell Chronicles and Gemini Rue. Amanita Design are probably going to announce a new point and click in a month or so.
It's in a healthy state.

>> No.1483423

Was the last time you checked in 2001?

>> No.1483427

Tim Schafer just released a new one, actually, called Broken Age. It's damn good, but sadly only Act 1 is out for now. The Spring Steam sale is right around the corner, so I recommend any adventure game fan pick it up then.

>> No.1483434

Don't forget nearly every single game Telltale Games has made. I don't think there's a single bad one. Just because LucasArts decided it wanted to make nothing but shitty star wars games from 2000 until its death doesn't mean adventure games went away.

>> No.1483437

>It's damn good

How is it good apart from the visuals? You can't really interact with anything else than what's necessary, characters are plain and boring, and puzzles are a direct insult to the intelligence.

>> No.1483439

>Just because LucasArts decided it wanted to make nothing but shitty star wars games from 2000 until its death

Slow up, little nigga. A lot of those Star Wars games were damn fine.

>> No.1483440
File: 467 KB, 500x500, 3.3 3.3. 3.3 3.3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>called Broken Age. It's damn good
OK mate, sure.

>> No.1483447

The classic Tim Schafer humor is there, especially when you try every item with every object (especially the knife). The dual stories is brilliant the way they link together and you don't even realize it until after you've beaten them both. I had to replay shay's story just to see it through new perspective. I'm hype for Act 2.

CAPTCHA: diedsgul 2nd

>> No.1483450

Telltale does not make good adventure games. They make simplified joke delivery vehicles. But they seem to be somewhat popular so I guess that counts for the OP.

>> No.1483453

This guy is correct. If you don't like the games he mentioned there are lots of others. OP is like someone saying "what happened to metal??" just because it's not the 80s anymore.

Adventure games not in the spotlight or getting the biggest budgets but they are certainly still around.

>> No.1483458
File: 13 KB, 320x320, zelderp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw text adventures are still being made and are some of the best that have ever been created

>> No.1483463


>tfw still boring

>> No.1483464

Telltale happened. Now they're soulless interactive novels

>> No.1483467

There's like half a dozen new ones on gog every other month. I can't vouch for their quality because I don't play this genre, but seriously, dig your head out of the sand.

>> No.1483471

not for people with big brains, anon~~

>> No.1483472

>text adventures


>> No.1483473

>like what

>> No.1483479


>> No.1483625

A couple of girls stole the cup

>> No.1483635

They died because they sucked.

Better genres came along.

>> No.1483637

No gameplay, no replayability, obnoxiously obtuse puzzles. This is just my opinion of course, I realize I'm one of very few gamers who really didn't enjoy the genre.

>> No.1483664

If anything they're currently undergoing a resurgance. The Frogwares Sherlock Holmes series is pretty damn fun provided you skip the first two and the soulless hidden object iOS versions

>> No.1483692

They still exist, they're just not as huge they where.

Quite frankly I don't see the love for the older ones, and this is coming from a King's Quest fan.

"Oh I forgot to grab that random thing at the start of the game, can't beat it now, RESET"

>> No.1484403

3D became mandatory and nobody could figure out how to implement a point&click interface in a 3D surrounding.

>> No.1484641
File: 28 KB, 369x359, GF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Implying one of the GOAT point-and-click adventure games didn't use 3D

>> No.1484646

OP, the short answer is Myst happened, and was such a huge success that everyone tried to make Myst clones and gave up on their traditional point-and-click adventures. They have recovered a bit since, but they've never been as popular as they were in the mid 90s, and never will again. Roberta Williams had it right when she said:

"Back when I got started, which sounds like ancient history, back then the demographics of people who were into computer games, was totally different, in my opinion, than they are today. Back then, computers were more expensive, which made them more exclusive to people who were maybe at a certain income level, or education level. So the people that played computer games 15 years ago were that type of person. They probably didn't watch television as much, and the instant gratification era hadn't quite grown the way it has lately. I think in the last 5 or 6 years, the demographics have really changed, now this is my opinion, because computers are less expensive so more people can afford them. More "average" people now feel they should own one."

(she said that in '99 IIRC; and it is more true now than ever)

>> No.1484656

I call bull on this for the same reason I call bull on people who think CoD is killing FPS:

Those aren't even the same audiences. Your "average" person that likes action titles isn't likely to like point and clicks period. What happened to your old audience that kept you afloat?

It's the same shit for people who think "CoD frat bros" would be playing Quake instead of CoD. No, those people would have never picked up Quake in the first place.

>> No.1484660


It's not that those people (your point and click fans, your Quake fans) don't exist, but it's that they aren't as big a market as the COD fans are, and development houses, which are run by greedy jew type figures (I know, go back to /pol/ et al), are all about getting the biggest return on their investments, so they make games targeted towards those markets, because that maximizes the audience for their games, and maximizes the return they can make on their investments.

Things are getting a *bit* better with the indie scene I guess, but it's still not like it was when the point-and-clicks were essentially the AAA games of the day.

>> No.1484665

Sorry, but Full THrottle wasn't hard either.

>> No.1484670

Telltales resurrected it.
Now, Telltales kill it again with Walking dead.

>> No.1484674

Actually, were they even huge back then ? How many units Monkey Island sold ?

>> No.1484675 [DELETED] 

>Le old meme face!

>> No.1484676

Walking Dead is good for what it is, though it certainly isn't a traditional point-and-click adventure game (even though it uses the same basic mechanics). I enjoyed the first 'season' a ton, at any rate, even while recognizing that it was closer to a 'choose your own adventure' story than a point-and-click adventure game.

>> No.1484680

The first episode of Seasons 1 were ok. The episode 5 sucked.
And holy shit, if Seasons 2 isn't bad so far.
>100 minutes to finish one episode.
>Next to nothing to interact with.

>> No.1484682

And Quantic Dream kill it even more with Heavy Rain and crap like that.

>> No.1484692

Puzzles aren't cool anymore:

>> No.1484697

Yes, it was 3D but not point&click.

>> No.1484701

You been living in a cave or something?

>> No.1484771

i'm very impatiently waiting fro armikrog.

the only game i have ever pre-ordered.

you all should too.

>> No.1484828

>at friends playing BEYOND: Two Souls
>some gay motorcycle chase scene in the rain
>friend decides to ram Ellen Page into the guard rail and kill her
>she just grinds up against the side, sparks flying everywhere - yet somehow not losing speed or suffering any repercussion
>can't lose

>> No.1484832

Developers realized that everyone is too casual to click on everything and point and click adventures are too difficult for nonhardcore players

>> No.1484834

>released a new one
>only Act 1 is out for now
So it's a demo?

>> No.1484835

you make it seem like clicking on a bunch of shit is "hardcore" when it's not

>> No.1484838

>too casual to click on everything
>too difficult for nonhardcore players
I didn't know the casual genre had casuals within it.

>> No.1484841

>but sadly only Act 1 is out for now.
why nobody complain when Telltales do the same ?

>> No.1484843

>playing BEYOND: Two Souls
how ? It's Ryse tier.

>> No.1484845

When you guys get on my level and been through the trials I've been through you might just have a slim chance of being able to know what I'm talking about, casual scum

>> No.1484854

Just keep flinging buzzwords, bro. That will surely get us to believe you.

>> No.1484862

Which ones exactly?

>> No.1484863

>casual scum

>> No.1484864

Would you prefer retard? Or is that a buzzword now, too?

>> No.1484874

>calling people retards because they can't, in your words, click all over the screen
>implying that takes any intelligence


>> No.1484875
File: 7 KB, 241x267, 1393315112449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was really excited when I first heard about Broken Age, but then I saw the visuals and they look like SHIT
No seriously, I hate how it looks.

>> No.1484876

Not only intelligence, but quick thinking and sometimes even improvisation when normal strategies aren't working.

>> No.1484879


>quick thinking


>> No.1484881
File: 48 KB, 355x500, cypher.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oldschool text adventure game with modern twist:

I haven't tried this one yet, but it seems really cool.

>> No.1484884

>Mad he can't beat point and click adventures
>Clicking everywhere is way too hardcore
Go watch the Lion King or something, kid.

>> No.1484892

>>Mad he can't beat point and click adventures
swing and a miss

>Clicking everywhere is way too hardcore
if you read my posts, i'm arguing that this is *not* hardcore

>Go watch the Lion King or something
'tis a fine piece of animation



>> No.1484893

Somebody should make a adventure game where you can actually improvise and where you can make choices that affect further in the game.

>> No.1484894

>improvisation when normal strategies aren't working.
I tried clicking everywhere randomly, guess now i'll start systematically clicking each square inch...

>> No.1484896

That's known as the illusion of choice.

>> No.1484902

>swing and a miss
Or click and a miss in your case.

>if you read my posts, i'm arguing that this is *not* hardcore
Trying to look like a badass on the internet? Everyone can see through your bluff.

>'tis a fine piece of animation
I suggested it for a reason.


>> No.1484904

Catmouth Island is coming. Check AGDG on/vg/. ;)

>> No.1484905

You gotta throw in some fast, some slow clicks, some of those click and holds, some drag and drops, etc. Confuse the registries and such.

>> No.1484906

>Trying to look like a badass on the internet?
How is saying a point and click isn't hardcore acting like a "badass" on the internet?

>> No.1484907

You should have played Evidence.

>> No.1484909
File: 30 KB, 249x249, it didn't have to end this way.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>puzzle that can be only solved in certain way but in real life could be solved in a minute with that other item in your inventory you can't use

Fucking Flight of the Amazon Queen was full of these. There was this one part where you had to pick up bottle of perfume from some water, but the protagonist couldn't get it because the water was filled with piranhas.
You have baseball bat in your inventory through the whole game and you could've easily used it to move the bottle, but oh nooo no no no no. Fucking horse shit.
Still pretty cool game though.

>> No.1484915

Because you're pretending like you're amazing at video games and able to beat a point and click when in reality you suck and can't.

>> No.1484919

That's just the thing: you don't have to be amazing at video games to beat a point and click.

>> No.1484924

Alright, hotshot you don't have to keep pretending.

>> No.1484927

>Wooden door closed when you have a shotgun

>> No.1484928


What exactly are you doing in a point and click that's skillful?

>> No.1484930

Ok now you're just talking out of your ass. Seriously?

>> No.1484935

Are you going to answer the question?

>> No.1484940

Are you going to stop being an internet badass?

>> No.1484942

I don't know why you keep calling me an internet badass over a video game discussion. You act as if I said I was going to beat the shit out of you.

Now are you going to answer the question?

>> No.1484951

Wow dude threatening me now? Geez man it's just a game discussion. You don't have to get mad because point and click games are too hard for you.

>> No.1484963

ITT : The point and click adventure of trying to figure out who is trolling who or if it's all just one big samefag

>> No.1485270

Check out Primordia, Resonance or the Deponia games.

Adventures aren't big anymore, but they are still made and are still great.

>> No.1485274

If you're in to point'n'clicks and haven't played Machinarium yet then I'd strongly recommend giving it a go.

>> No.1485284

again, were the adventure games big back then ?

>> No.1485285

>Baby's version of Garage.

>> No.1485295
File: 440 KB, 809x1106, loom-fmtowns.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Games became steadily more about thrills and adventure, and less like books.
Time involvement, getting stuck, worldbuilding, all of this has made them decline.
Loom Island was Cozy as fuck.

>> No.1485327

Still unmatched.
>Time involvement, getting stuck, worldbuilding, all of this has made them decline.
The list one I can think of is Evidence.

>> No.1485331


>> No.1485348

so glad this interactive movie genre is pretty much dead. Although it does still exist - gone homo, telltale games....

>> No.1485356

>Although it does still exist - gone homo, telltale games....
Not to mention half of all porn flash games are technically point-and-click.

>> No.1485639

joke delivery vehicle?
That does not apply on walking dead or wolf among us

>> No.1485884

Point and click adventures happened to point and click adventures.

You say that as if the the OP didn't ask the question based on the fact that they're dead. WE.

>> No.1485963

I haven't played Wolf Among Us but The Walking Dead was so boring. There were maybe two puzzles in the entire first season and even then they required little thinking. It was an interactive storybook that became popular because it had a sad ending and a little girl character to protect.

>> No.1485968

+ the ZOMBIES!!1!
And seasons 2 is even worse. There isn't even a single puzzle, and each episode last one hour.

>> No.1485987

I enjoyed the Walking Dead because I liked the aspect that you could change elements of the story depending on your actions, but the puzzles were weak. I kind of wished they had just removed the puzzles entirely and instead focused on making the story even more open-ended. Instead of changing just a few things here and there but ultimately having the story go in the same direction no matter what, how about you can actually make lasting, drastic alterations to the plot?

I think interactive storytelling to that degree is a perfectly legitimate form of video game, moreso than something like the Last of Us that's lauded as being a game with a brilliant story when it tells that story in the exact same way as almost every other game.

>> No.1486029

>and less like books.
I'd say games are more like books than ever, just not very good books... Kind of like most books actually.

Also complaining about games being about adventure in an adventure game thread is really kind of dumb.

>> No.1486857


Never played it. Any good?

>> No.1486861
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>> No.1486884

>Are you both having a joke or something? Deponia series, The Dark Eye series (Memoria recently got released), we ahd a few last year with Primorida and The Shivah, also the Blackwell Chronicles and Gemini Rue. Amanita Design are probably going to announce a new point and click in a month or so.
>It's in a healthy state.

Adventure games were the premiere computer games back in the day. When you bought a computer, you bought it to run adventure games. You got a CD-ROM drive to play Full Throttle. You got a MT-32 Synthesizer to get full orchestra sound in Sierra adventure games. You got Windows 3.1 to play FMV games. They were state of the art.

Nowadays, they're indie/kickstarter/small downloadable games.

Coincidentally, the audience for adventure games nowadays is pretty much the exact same size as it was in the golden age of the late 80s/early 90s. It's just that gaming as a whole has gotten so big that those numbers mean nothing next to shit like Skyrim or Call of Duty.

So, they didn't change, and the fans didn't change. The world changed.

>> No.1487051
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>> No.1487134

I was not counting those games as adventure games. I don't want to argue over whether they technically count or not, but it's pretty clear that they're not even attempting to be the in the old-school style. That's not why people like them, if you do like them.

I don't have sales data but what you're getting at is a good point. Selling 100,000 or 500,000 copies was a big deal back then. Although I do think the demand is smaller today, this goes with the point that the audience has broadened rather than moved on. Fans are still around, but you won't get a blockbuster hit because relatively it has become niche.

>> No.1487135
File: 29 KB, 1275x888, HPC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

devfag reportan.
Currently in progress of making an cyberpunk adventure game, hopefully it turns out fine.
pic... err.. semi related.

>> No.1487168

I got this game when it came out. All I remember is a puzzle in that hell-place where you had to click on a cockroach to unlock it. I never figured that one out.

>> No.1488042
File: 35 KB, 565x445, cod_atlantic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They all turned into clicky-clicky-boom games

>> No.1488145
File: 69 KB, 710x533, Hive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should play it again. It's good game.

>All I remember is a puzzle in that hell-place where you had to click on a cockroach to unlock it. I never figured that one out.

Sounds like The hive level. It's a insect hive based on a in-game comic the main character read.