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File: 101 KB, 790x718, saturn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1475969 No.1475969 [Reply] [Original]

Convince me why I should get a Sega Saturn.

I will say that I am not a big RPG fan.

>> No.1475978

for fightan games and shmups. Not too many sucky RPGs on saturn.

>> No.1475980

Because it is the console of choice for elite retro gamers who like to feel they are in-the-know and not influenced by that damn PlayStation and N64.

Seriously, though, I too would like to know some good games for it. NO PORTS, I have no interest in ports. I think I have heard good things about Assault Suits Leynos 2 (I like Cybernator) and Deep Fear looks like some good silly fun.

>> No.1475984

Any good early FPS or 3D platformers? What about racing?

>> No.1476005

the saturn version of exhumed/powerslave is supposed to be awesome for early FPS games

>> No.1476018
File: 329 KB, 1200x1200, astalj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because Sega Saturn emulation sucks and it has Astal.

>> No.1476219

Guardian Heroes and Dragon Force.

>> No.1476228

also, Snatcher

>> No.1476245

>not a big RPG fan.
That's good, there aren't a lot of RPGs on Saturn anyway.

People buy Saturns for fighting games, shmups, and arcade ports in general.

>> No.1476249

Saturn emulation is pretty good actually. Astal works well.

>> No.1476374



Sega CD game dude. Research before you open that mouth of yours.

>> No.1476380

isn't the saturn version easier to obtain for collectors though?

not that guy but I always thought snatcher fans opted for this version since it wasn't as expensive. I'm currently looking to get snatcher for sega cd and was considering just buying the saturn version and getting a saturn.

>> No.1476384

You should probably follow your own advice before being a dick to random internet people. There is a Saturn version.

>> No.1476415

I fucking love the Saturn but I won't try to convince you into getting one since nearly everything worth getting costs too much these days. Even the mod chips jumped up to like $80. It's fucking ridiculous.

>> No.1476420

Do you read Japanese?

>> No.1476426

>buying from jewboy, ever
They're 40 bucks at the most from segastyle, though it'll be a while before they get V3's back in.

>> No.1476428

>>not that guy but I always thought snatcher fans opted for this version since it wasn't as expensive.

Why? Even if they knew Japanese the Saturn version has worse art and is heavily censored compared to the Sega CD version. I could understand getting it as a curiosity to compare to other releases, but other than that I don't really see the point when there are far better versions of the game out there.

>> No.1476445

Bubble Symphony and Elevator Action Returns make a Saturn worth it.

>> No.1476448

>I don't really see the point when there are far better versions of the game out there.
maybe the $250 price tag has people discouraged

>> No.1476491

Only get a Saturn if you have endless money. Not thousands, not even millions, but ENDLESS. MONEY. Games on this bitch cost more than a Lambo with golden seats signed by William Shakespeare with Kate Upton in the back naked.

>> No.1476612


>> No.1476624

PS2 slim is probably a better bet. PSX shmup library + PS1 action games, plus PS2 shmups + PS2 action games.

Of sega consoles, it's probably better to have a DC than a Saturn. Cheaper, and easy to play any game you want (it's not like anyone but resellers get money for them anymore).

>> No.1476623

Or just get a modchip.

>> No.1476812
File: 107 KB, 604x548, 1349750157073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I understand that but Snatcher has like five different ports with the Saturn one being one of the worst. It just seems pointless to get it unless you just wanna compare it with the other ones.

>> No.1476842

Don't do it OP. You might accidentally get Japanese stuff and end up having a massive collection of awesome stuff for the price someone else paid for a beat up old unmodded console. You'll feel really bad about this and loose lots of sleep over it. Also, the controllers for it are huge. I mean, sure it's nice to have a dozen virtua sticks I picked up for $5 each but do you have any idea how much space those things take? And don't even get me started on the astro citys and twin sticks. It almost makes me regret paying up to $8 for each of the six modded consoles I have.

>> No.1477350

>tfw used book store near your house in Osaka closes, selling all their Saturn games for 200-500 yen each
I have never been more disappointed in my life. It was the absolute worse experience I have ever had when it came to the retro games market.

>> No.1478476

it has a lot of great fighters and shmups. saturn collecting is expensive though so there's that

>> No.1478617

Tell me about it. One place was unloading a lot of old stuff they didn't want. I bought a bunch of PC games for $1/10. They had a bunch of Saturn and Dreamcast stuff as well but most were still in that plastic wrap that's so annoying to try to peel off. I bought them anyway but still haven't got around to opening them yet.

>> No.1478704
File: 883 KB, 2560x1920, IMAG0230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my saturn collection is coming along pretty nicely :)

>> No.1478880

Are Sega Saturn games going down in price anytime soon? All of the games I want to get are fucking expensive, even the imports.

>> No.1479038
File: 202 KB, 310x273, Parkinson_pic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good to hear. Maybe you could sell some of it to pay for some Parkinson's meds?

>> No.1479054

Grow up, Billy.

>> No.1479141

My collection is superior by virtue of Street Fighter Zero 3...

>> No.1480073


>> No.1480292

Don't buy one, if you're not interested and need other people to convince you, don't buy it, leave it for other people who are actually interested in one and not just because of retrogamur cred

>> No.1480520

I don't know, people have been spreading misinformation as to the system's overall quality for several years now (maybe people like bad early 3D?). Bad enough that hoarders descend on the thing, snapping up all the decent shmups.

>> No.1480614

I think the point of this thread was "what am I missing out on", not just looking for rep.

>> No.1480674

>tfw used book store near your house in Osaka closes, selling all their Saturn games for 200-500 yen each

Yeah, but what are they selling at those prices? A shelf worth of copies of Virtua Fighter 1-2-Remix and Sakura Taisen 1-2, mah-jong games, dating sims, and fucking Gundam? Capcom games and shmups would only cost that low if they were damaged copies.

If you want tons of games like that, just bid on the Japanese wholesale lots on ebay. You can get hundred+ games for 100-200$. Same damn thing, and you end up with four copies of Sakura Taisen, Virtua Fighter, and 2/3rds of every Tokimeki Memorial either way.

>> No.1480826

>>"what am i missing out on?"

Ehhh, not *too*much.

GunGriffon 1&2, the Panzer Dragoon games, and Bulk Slash are really good. The system needed more action games like those. Games with personality.
As opposed to two Bug! games, or 8 different versions of Virtua Fighter. =/

>> No.1480881

Saturn emulation is great, and anyone that's actually played Astal (i bought it :( ) will tell you it's boring.

>> No.1480903

Most people would not say that, but I can still see why you might be bored.

>> No.1480972


I bought a boxed copy before they started going for money. It's an ok platformer. It's very nice aesthetically though.

>> No.1481019

Yeah, ST 1 and 2, Virtual On, Devil Summoner and Soul Hackers, PD, PD Zwei, and Azel, Nights and Christmas Nights, Magic Knight Rayearth, Lunar and Lunar 2, Tokimeki Memorial, Sentimental Graffiti, Bulk Slash, Princess Crown, Grandia, Slayers, all of the Shining games... I think that's my whole Saturn collection.

>> No.1481062
File: 706 KB, 1524x1232, IMAG0198_BURST010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so is this now a "post pictures of your saturn collections" thread? because that's what i'm gonna do.

>> No.1481073

To experience Virtual Hydlide. Truly such an experience is worth all of your worldly shekels.

>> No.1481084

is the game really that bad? I thought it actually looked kinda interesting

>> No.1481125

blame my cellphone cameras zoom function and poor lighting, you do anything like breath and it just fucking turns into a blur sorry. I thought you would be able to tell thats xmen vs street fighter though.

>> No.1481190

Two words.
Guardian. Heroes.

>> No.1481291
File: 2.13 MB, 2434x2691, 1216538621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, so hard to get them all in frame, How bout I just focus on the shmups , ok?

The saturn is probably my nostalgic favorite because it was the first system where I felt like I had an arcade hooked up to my tv. It was a ST-V with load times. It represents the last and best of the 2d, and 2.5d era.

Also helps to have old friends who can at least hold their own but ultimately must tolerate being repeatedly destroyed in classic capcom fighters for the rest of their lives.

>> No.1481550

Well, I can tell you that the game is a slog for the first 15-20 minutes. You don't even start platforming until the Sea of Clouds. Lol, the game just sort of gives you nice things to look at while you hold "right" on your d-pad.

While it's missing the charmingly awful translation from the Saturn game, the Xbox 360 port is more than sufficient for someone interested in the game. Same goes with Radiant Silvergun, too.

I don't have the king's ransom for Battle Garegga or Batsugun, but I've been thinking about picking up Shienryu. The best Saturn shooters in my opinion are still the two US releases, Galactic Attack (lol) and Darius Gaiden.

>> No.1481729

>The system needed more action games like those. Games with personality.

Mr. Bones says hi.

>> No.1481760

>>The system needed more games of any kind, especially good ones
fixed it for ya.

fuck the saturn and fuck the dreamcast. nothing really on each system worth crying over.

>> No.1481775

>The best Saturn shooters in my opinion are still the two US releases, Galactic Attack (lol) and Darius Gaiden.

>not including In The Hunt

shamfur dispray

>> No.1481803

I've got Shienryu on Saturn but I actually prefer it on Playstation. It runs just as well and it's got all these crazy bonus modes that totally remake the game. Got a US release as Gekio Shooting King but frankly that's probably more scarce than the Japanese version. I remember driving to like 6 different EB's to find the one copy that shipped to my area.

>> No.1481813
File: 283 KB, 782x788, costanza2050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nothing on the Dreamcast worth crying over

>> No.1481864

How's that gundam game?

>> No.1482276

I haven't finished it but I've enjoyed what I've played. From what I've seen it seems to get kind of a bad rap, but I think if you're a gundam fan and a shmup fan you'll appreciate it. I would recommend Bandai's Macross game over it, though.

>> No.1483628

panzeer dragoon saga & fire prowrestling six man scramble are reason enough to own a saturn

>> No.1483669

are the JP versions of gungriffon on saturn in english? they're pretty cheap but I don't wanna be getting my mission briefing in moonrunes and then have no clue what I'm doing.

>> No.1483781

I'd disagree. The Dreamcast has arguably better shooters, and first-party games worth a damn (Jet Grind Radio, Shenmue, Crazy Taxi).

GunGriffon's missions are all pretty straightforward (destroy everything; destroy train; protect carrier), so the language barrier shouldn't be that bad. In-game text is usually limited to "enemy unit approaching!" and "refueling complete!"

I like it, but it's not the best on the system. Saturn port has oodles of slowdown against it. Respectable second- or third-tier, though.

>> No.1484374

100 copies of those J league management simulators and every gameware ever made. huehue.
If you have some patience and shop around you can get some great deals. When a shop clears out old stuff it often goes for $1/game regardless of what it is. I have a buttload of great Saturn games I paid a buck for and probably half of them are still sealed. I also paid a buck for those GWs because even those are worth a buck.

>nothing worth crying over

>> No.1485206

has anyone here ever played that Purikura Daisakusen game? Is it any good?

>> No.1485253

>not a big RPG fan

That's reason enough.

>> No.1485269

Yes. Yes.

Saturn had a lot of great RPGs too. Though I guess most of them weren't translated, were they?

>> No.1485280
File: 58 KB, 320x224, bulk-slash.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got my Saturn because:
the Sega ports are all fantastic (VF2, Virtual On, Fighting Vipers (get the Japanese version), etc -- this was before the HD ports came out, Die Hard Arcade is brilliant (although, load times)) and generally piss cheap
shmups (Galactic Attack AKA RayForce is brilliant as fuck)
imports (Bulk Slash is probably one of the best 3D games I've played that generation -- it's like Ranger X on the Genesis, but in 3D -- you don't need to understand moon; Keio Flying Squadron 2 (the JP version) is pretty fun if not really easy; loads of people like Assault Suits Leynos (but I want to sell my copy, the convoy escort mission is awful); Shinrei Jusatsushi Taromaru is badass as fuck and pretty fun but costs several limbs)
Oh, and emulation is kind of dicks for it. SSF has 6 frames of input lag (I really want to know what the fuck it's doing, I haven't seen any other emulator so anything like that) and the other emulators are both slower and less accurate (Yabause is awful. If it wasn't for the input lag, SSF would be perfect. It's the only way I've played Bulk Slash, Taromaru, and Radiant Silvergun because they cost from a bit of money to ALL OF YOUR MONEY).

So yeah, Saturn's pretty worth it. You NEED to get an import cartridge like the Action Replay 4-in-1 Plus though.

also, don't even bother with any Neo Geo ports, better off emulating than playing them on Saturn (or PS1 for that matter)

>> No.1487741

I'm on the fence about Prikura Daisakusen (I have been for a year+ now!). It looks like a decent action game, but the hyper-girliness is something of a turn-off.

>> No.1487756

well Panzer Dragoon Saga, Shining Force 3 (Scenario 1), Shining the Holy Ark were translated. Most translated Saturn RPGs are ridiculously priced.
There are a shit ton of great RPGs untranslated like SMT Devil Summoner and the rest of Shining Force 3.

>> No.1487769


Why? What's wrong with them? I was planning on getting a saturn and half of the reason was for Metal Slug...

>> No.1487783

I think the best affordably-priced domestic RPG on the Saturn is Dark Savior, actually. Much better than Holy Ark, in any event. Dragon Force is good too. Saturn RPGs are a little bit overrated, probably because there are so few of them.

>> No.1489835

What are the best 3D Saturn Games?

How is the d-pad?

>> No.1489843

You can play Devil Summoner in English though. It came out on the 3DS last year.

>> No.1490098

buy one and give it to meeee

>> No.1490106

There's nothing wrong with them. Some aren't perfect, and I know SS4 is a bit slow, but they're otherwise fantastic ports.