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1461972 No.1461972 [Reply] [Original]

No fighting on what made survival horror a genre or about if it's a genre or not please.
Other than Dino Crisis, were there any worth checking out survival horrors in style of RE? I'm looking at things more like RE rather than HS.

>> No.1461984

Give Galerians and Countdown Vampires a shot. Galerians is the better of the two, but you might like Countdown Vampires.

>> No.1461987

Holy shit that VA cast, a reason enough to finish it even if I find it shit. I assume english version is a dub? Is there some undub out there?

>> No.1461994

Yes, it's a dub. If an undub exists, I know nothing about it.

>> No.1461997

Aw shit, that's like minus 2 points from the score already.

>> No.1462040

Am i only one who was disappointed with Dino Crisis 2?

>> No.1462046

I actually liked it more than the first one...

>> No.1462058

I liked DC1 much more, but DC2 is good. Shu Takumi's first work, too.

>> No.1462161

Wasn't 2 more of an action game than anything? I was so surprised when I finally played it. Big contrast to times in 1 where I was down to tranq darts due to shit ammo management.

>> No.1462174
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DC1 was "panic horror", as Mikami liked to call it.
DC2 was basically Devil May Cry with dinosaurs.

Both are fantastic, though.

>> No.1462182

Does the first Dino Crisis actually encourage you to run from enemies and save your ammo or are you better off killing everything like in Resident Evil?

>> No.1462205

I just started yesterday and it seems like you're better off running away, though zombies were easier to dodge. I can't really grasp how the algorithm for spawning enemies works though. Like I made a save after killing a dino just outside save room, then fucked up and died. So I reloaded and the dino I killed before saving was waiting for me again. Is there some randomness factor for enemies or something? This'd make it pretty much useless even killing anything.
Also how is it with the dino going through doors? Do they stay in the room after you go out of it or can randomly get out when you reenter?

>> No.1462342

They can move between roons so it most likely wasnt the same one.

Either that or it was the same one and you were wrong wheb you thiught it was dead

>> No.1462413
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Compared to Resident Evil, Dino Crisis 1 really capitalized on the word "survival".

> Three weapons that start weak but can be upgraded through finding parts
> Can craft various forms of tranquilizing or poison darts along with first aid, using a complex mixing system
> Conservation is very important
> Puts you in a lot of fight or flight situations
> Almost any encounter can span over several rooms
> Forces the player to utilize tricks in order to successfully bypass dinosaurs

Dino Crisis 1 was fucking great, and when I played Dino Crisis 2, it was a bit different but still fucking awesome to blast through.

Don't play Dino Crisis 3.

>> No.1462989

What I like about old survival horror games is the great enemy variety.

I find that a lot of Slender and Amnesia clones these days don't try to give variety to enemies. It's boring running from the same dude over and over again.

>> No.1462994

Your "cannon fodder" enemy in DC is much deadlier than a normal zombie and your weapons are not that effective.

>> No.1463004
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>Capcom refuses to make a new Dino Crisis
>Has a dinosaur boss in Resident Evil 6

>> No.1463008

parasite eve 2 was basically a straight up tank control shooter on pre-rendered backgrounds for ps1.

the first one was a bit better and more unique, but not so reminiscent of the style.

>> No.1463018

The first Parasite Eve is terrible compared to the sequel.

>> No.1463038
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>> No.1463040

Honestly, I doubt it really matters. Capcom really isn't the same company now and whatever they would put out with the Dino Crisis label would be made by people with no prior involvement in the franchise just trying to pump out something to appeal to the CoD crowd.

>> No.1463069
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>> No.1463076
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>Laser grids are your number one friend in this game.

>It is actually possible to kill all the dinos that you encounter, but ammo management is really important.

>Really familiarize yourself with the mixing system. The lowest level tranqs are garbage because they take a little while to kick in, so just keep mixing in more shit until you get something that can take a raptor down instantly, it doesn't really matter for how long. Once the thing is down on the ground, draw your handgun and start shooting. As soon as it gets hit, the effect of the tranqs wears off. The thing is that the wakeup animation sequence they have to go through is overly detailed and elaborated. The time it takes them to wake up, hop on their feet and get poised to attack is seriously like 5 fucking seconds. This whole time you should be plugging them full of holes.

>It usually takes something like 10-15 pistol rounds to take down a raptor in this game, but after about 6-10 shots the game often has you land a crit, which sends the raptor flying on the ground. Sometimes they get up right away, but sometimes they try to play dead (as per RE standards, if you don’t see a blood puddle forming underneath, watch out). Be careful, because if you approach a downed raptor from the front, he’ll bite your ankles off, and if you approach him from the tail side, you’ll get tail-whipped (fucking Mikami thought of everything). When you get a shotgun, you’ll probably want to use this opportunity to get into point-blank range, so try to circle around and approach him from the back.

>When you're fighting a raptor, the most important point of the fight is from the time he notices you to the time you land a crit. After that, you've pretty much won, because by the time it takes them to get back up, you'd have already put 5 or so more bullets into them, pretty much finishing them off before they’ll have a chance to attack.

>> No.1463082
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>> No.1463087
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>Once you get the shotgun, which is very early in the game, you should be trying your best to get as close as possible. That said, a full frontal attack is a not a good idea. When a raptor is charging at you, there’s not much that you can do to stop him aside using a fucking grenade launcher. Even a shotgun blast usually stuns them for a second, but doesn’t have enough of a stopping power to interrupt the running animation. So what you do is dodge the initial attack, run up to the thing’s side and blast away while it’s tangled in its recovery frames. Even a regular shotgun shell will send the raptor flying in 2-3 hits if shot from point-blank range.

>If you keep mixing shit together, eventually you’ll produce either a resuscitation pack (which is basically worthless because there are actual continues anyway) or a cyanide dart, which is the best weapon in the game and can instantly take down any regular enemy, even [spoiler[therizinosauruses[/spoiler] in one hit.

>Every raptor you encounter is basically a mini-Nemesis. They can open doors and chase you from room to room. Just like with Nemesis, as long as you keep running, you'll eventually get to a room where they can't follow you anymore, but watch out. There are instances where you can get sandwiched between the raptor that's chasing you and the one that's already in the room.

Have fun.

tl;dr game has a surprisingly nuanced combat system for a survival horror.

>> No.1463090
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>> No.1463091
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>> No.1463105

Yeah, you're better off running than fighting 2 of any kind of dino, especially if you don't need to be in that room.

the camera angles dont make it easy to track two fast moving targets and you never know if there could be another triggered in the room

>> No.1463223

Neither. It encourages you to put them to sleep and they can wake up at any time.

Unless you're playing in Very Hard difficulty (i think that difficulty is only on Dreamcast and PC though, but those are the best versions of the game especially Dreamcast). Monsters are tougher in this difficulty but you're also provived more deadly ammo (rather than ammo to put them to sleep)

>> No.1463225

I'd say PE2 is pretty unique too. It's a hybrid between jRPG, action, and survival horror. It's quite different than the 'straight up' shooters like DC2.

>> No.1464407
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> Played Dino Crisis 1
> Loved every second
> Bump into a magazine that shows off Dino Crisis 2
> Get a huge fucking hard on
> Try to dig up as much info on it as I can
> Eventually the day comes when it's released
> Buy it
> Play the game
> It's a fucking crazy ride that I never wanted to end

I wish that there was something that could make me excited like I once was for video games.

>> No.1464421

local game shop has the first Dino Crisis for 10 bucks, worth it? I've never played any of them before.

>> No.1464430
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>played the shit out of DC2
>read a gaming mag
>as if I need an excuse to play it again
>mfw 30-hit combos are now a reality
>mfw when Blue Super Raptors

I miss having fun

>> No.1464446

>local game shop has the first Dino Crisis for 10 bucks, worth it?

Fuck yeah.

>> No.1464579

better on dreamcast or PS1?

>> No.1464726
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The Devil Inside

You are a magic red-haired punk that kills zombies and other supernatural abominations in a haunted house and everything is broadcasted live in a game show called The Devil Inside.
Your sidekick is a cameraman.

It sounds better than it actually is, but it's not terrible or anything.

>> No.1464731

The Dreamcast port apparently has improved graphics, but the PS1 version that I own is a limited print that includes an RE3 demo disc, so that makes it the definitive one for me.

>> No.1464734

Isn't your alter ego some sort of dominatrix succubus chick with huge bat wings or some shit?

That game always sounded radical. Wish there was a console version, though.

>> No.1464749

>Wish there was a console version, though.

There wasn't? I remember seeing a bunch ads for it in old gaming mags and I could have sworn it was on at least one console...

>> No.1464762
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Nope, PC exclusive. If one was planned, that

>mfw the only console version of AitD is on the 3DO of all things
>mfw no Nocturne
>mfw no Blair Witch games

>> No.1464768

*If a part was planned at some point, that actually kinda makes it worse.

>> No.1464770


Fuck, I've been awake for far too long...

>> No.1464775

I knew what you meant, anon. Go have a lie down.

>> No.1464781
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> Find out about Ultra Raptors
> Boot up DC2
> Beginning scene
> Rack up the combo
> They come
> Colorful mother fuckers come popping out of the forest
> Only armed with a shotgun
> Fuckers are tanking all my shots
> Keep on pouring led
> Eventually one goes down
> Rest soon to follow

Playing 2-players on the Dino Colosseum with my brother was some funny shit.

>> No.1464864 [SPOILER] 
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Be honest. How many bricks did you shit?

>> No.1464892
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I think one of my favorite things about Dino Crisis was its unique sense of humor.

Regina reacts to seeing a man chopped in half in the same way a person would react to stepping in dog shit. The scientists left behind notes and left passive aggressive digs at each other while threatening to poison each other. Female scientists complained about the male scientists because the men apparently stopped taking showers. So much stuff in the game just made me giggle.

And from the second I got chased by that first dinosaur, I knew I was going to be in for one hell of a ride. Things like Dino Crisis remind you of why kids love dinosaurs so damn much.

>> No.1464897
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This is what made me REALLY shit bricks, holy fuck.

>> No.1464910
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The most terrifying atmosphere of any game ever. I am a 30 year old man. I am still scared of this game.


What manner of insanity is this?!

>> No.1464921
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His boss theme was like you were fighting Satan or something.

> mfw

>> No.1464965

I haven't played this game since I was a kid. Need to rectify that. Sounds like the DC version is preferable, so I guess I will go with that.

>> No.1465449

Am I the only one DC2 is one of Capcom's greatest troll? Let me explain :
>Regina all over the cover
>in game you only play as her less than 50% of the time
>half of this 50%, she either wears a gas masks or a completle diving suit so you can't even enjoy her
>instead you play as some generic blonde faggot you don't care about

Man, you REALLY haven't played DC2 if you haven't played the game on Hard !

It's really black&white between normal and hard and hard is real game. In normal, it's not even fun, it's just mindless running around shooting randomly, points don't matter, combos don't matter, etc

To anyone who hasn't played DC2 on hard : you haven't played the game.

Dreamcast is the best version. The graphics are incredible, best shading. The PC version is close but not as good looking. Both the PC and DC version has the most bonuses, including a very hard mode which I believe isn't on PSX (but which actually isn't harder than the Hard mode because even though enemies are tougher you're provived with more deadly ammo and less darts).

>> No.1466391

Alone in the Dark 4: The New Nightmare.

Still the single most atmospheric game I've ever played. Has a much more Lovecraftian bent than Resident Evil.

>> No.1466805


But they are and it's Xbone exclusive.

>> No.1466845

oh man I loved Dino Crisis. I remember getting my dad to buy me it on release date because I was only 13. It was difficult, but really fun. Me and brother used to make fun of the Gail because his voice actor made us both laugh for some reason. I also remember having many a crafty wank over Regina, top kek.

>> No.1466896

the thing is DC2 is more action oriented, encorages combat you gain points from killing and you can buy guns and shit

DC1 is more about atmosferic feel and suspence, shortage of bullets and such

>> No.1466898

If you're talking about Dino Crisis 3, that's an Xbox game not an Xbox One game.

>> No.1467179
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>in game you only play as her less than 50% of the time

I was actually fine with this in the long run. It was pretty much like MGS2 where you play as some completely different dip-shit everyone hates, which in turn makes you put Solid Snake on a higher pedestal.

Obviously the blond-haired guy gets center stage with his character relating to storyline while Regina is simply there to be along the ride while accomplishing her own goals. Plus she gets her own cool segments.

>> No.1467356

>tfw when we never got to play as that badass Indian dude who shoots a fucking T-rex in the face with a bazooka

>> No.1470150
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reminder that regina will never come back to save dylan and paula

thank you capcom

>> No.1470152

mah nigga.

>> No.1470161
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Realm of the Haunting.

>> No.1470163

I got this game sealed in box for 1€ at a flea market a few months ago. i don't know why people always talk about Illbleed while this came before and was (imo) much better.

The problem with that AITD felt like a RE clone (took some inspiration from it), even though it's RE which copied AITD in the first place. This being said it's really good, but sadly it felt (like many survival horror of the time) unfinished, gameplay isn't as tight as it could have been, there are a few glitches too, and some progression aspects are hard to figure out for no reasons.

>> No.1470216

>horror past the first two chapters

sadly it devolves into B-movie fantasy adventure with really terrible FPS combat. the spirit realm and some other riddle parts were cool though (before the game destroys itself with enemy spam again).

>> No.1470223

>terrible combat
every survival horror ever ?

>> No.1470469

That is completely inaccurate. Giganotosaurus was only SLIGHTLY bigger than T-rex. Also why do none of the raptors have feathers?

This seems like a terrible game.

>> No.1470687
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>If there's one thing about AitD4 that rustled my jimmies super hard, it's the constantly respawning enemies.

You can't even really explore or take your time with the puzzles because there's always a chance some fucking shoggoth might spawn out of the air right behind you. Not to mention that this effectively negates the resource management element of a survival horror, which is unacceptable.

>> No.1470765

I thought it was a very interesting idea. The problem with Resident Evil, is that, once you've killed the enemies, you're running around an empty house trying to figure out the puzzles. The sense of dread is somewhat lost. So, they tried to fix that. On paper the idea is good, but it's just not executed properly, it should have been more balanced. That is a common trait of survival horror games of the time though (finding good concepts but failing to execute them properly)

>> No.1470813
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I was thinking of getting this game. If I liked Medievil and Soul Reaver, would I like this game? I haven't played that many other games.

>> No.1470824

Silent Hill 2 or 3 ... best atmosphere in a game to date

>> No.1470835

But Silent Hill remain the the best episode.
By far.

>> No.1470839

I mean, Silent Hill 1.

>> No.1471417
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>The problem with Resident Evil, is that, once you've killed the enemies, you're running around an empty house trying to figure out the puzzles.

See, I like that. When I play survival horror game, I always try to kill everything I see. To me, that temporary sense of relief and safety and safety is how the game rewards me for managing my resources properly.

>> No.1471424

*typos up the ass

Christ, I really need some sleep...

>> No.1472263
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>i don't know why people always talk about Illbleed while this came before and was (imo) much better.
More creative, innovative, varied and disturbing.

>> No.1472286

Illbleed isn't more 'creative and innovative' considering it came AFTER The Devil Inside.

I think the reason why it is remembered more is simple : Illbleed is a dreamcast game, The Devil Inside, a PC exclusive. For prosperity, console games are remembered more first because they're more easily find-able, playable, and also because the vast majority of fagg- I mean, people, who run youtuve video game channels never touch PC games (just see how they talk about Ilbleed like its TV reality theme was groundbreaking even though it was done before, except on PC).

Illbleed also probably had greater advertisement when it came out compared to The Devil Inside.

All that even though The Devil Inside did it first, and did it better.

>> No.1472292

You don't need to manage your recourses properly when you can just run away from the monsters. Most of them are slow zombies.

>> No.1472297

"Survival horror" is a term created to sell action-adventure games with atmosphere of hollywood horror movies.

>> No.1472379

Both were great.

>> No.1472382

that's nice

>> No.1472509
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>> No.1472581
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Let me tell you something, kid...

>> No.1472590

>1990s dinosaurs have feathers
>PS1 polygons capable of anything beyond ugly blocky textures
instead of a troll, you just sound like an idiot kid. now back to /v/ with you.

>> No.1472685

But later in the game they fill places you thought were safe with hunters. REmake also added the crimson head thing, which was great imo.

>> No.1473380

>You are a magic red-haired punk that kills zombies and other supernatural abominations in a haunted house and everything is broadcasted live in a game show called The Devil Inside.
Your sidekick is a cameraman.

>It sounds better than it actually is

Actually, that sounds pretty fucking god-awful. Even the name is shit. I can easily see why Illbleed would be more highly thought of.

>> No.1473408
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The things I vaguely remember fighting the most were the goddamn dogs and some sort of gangly-looking cthulhoid antelope things (?) that could break out into this awkward sprint. None of them were what you'd consider easy to avoid. It's a shame, because the Morton house is such a cool place to explore, but I can't do it at my own leisure with all of these constantly respawning assholes.

>> No.1474801

They both have the reality show thing going on,
but while Devil Inside has only that, Illbleed has several other things that make it interesting.