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/vr/ - Retro Games

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1460067 No.1460067 [Reply] [Original]

I just finished turning my garage into a personal arcade last Sunday evening and started inviting folks over today after class. I have a tiny dilemma on my N64 corner which is having neglected my collection and not having enough arcade-centric games.

I'm looking for games that would fit well into an arcade environment. Games where people can just walk up to the game and crunch in a few games to beat scores or get the best times whether it's a single player or multi-player game. A couple of examples would be the Cruise 'n Games or Super Smash Bros.

I am completely avoiding games where you gotta take your time to enjoy like Body Harvest or The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask.

My current lineup of such games I want more of consist of the following:
•Star Soldier Vanishing Earth
•Cruise 'n Exotica
•Killer Instinct Gold
•Super Smash Bros.
•Star Fox 64
•Space Invaders [worst entry but it was $1]
•WWF: No Mercy
•War Gods

I have both Quake 64 and Perfect Dark on the way.

What are some Nintendo 64 games that are great for 'pick up and play', /vr/?

pic is of peripheral I might buy

>> No.1460158

I always found the Rush games to be pretty "pick-up-and-play" fun.

If you can, try and track down a copy of NBA Hangtime. Hell, any "arcade-y" sports title could work... which kinda limits it to just Hangtime and NFL Blitz, I guess.

>> No.1460181

that thing was a piece of shit. buttons got stuck, joystick was always unresponsive or was stuck in two directions, and awful layout.


>> No.1460194

Can't forget Golden Eye brah

>> No.1460249

Robotron 64

>> No.1460275

pics or it didn't happen

>Nintendo 64

>> No.1460621

F-Zero X
Mario Kart 64
Bomberman 64
Kirby 64

>> No.1460625

BattleTanx Global Assault is great for pick up and play fun. I could also say Mario Tennis, but that might just be me, and it can also be a long game.

>> No.1460662

Get all of these ones, OP. And also get Mario Tennis, it's surprisingly fun.

I'd also recommend getting Bomberman 64: The Second Attack, which is the sequel to the first Bomberman 64. The multiplayer is WAY better in the second game, and I honestly consider it one of the best multiplayer games on the system, but it is a pricy one. You should still get the first game as well, as none of the multiplayer maps were carried over, so it still offers something that the sequel doesn't. Note that the singleplayer mode is the exact opposite of what you're looking for, though.

There are also some puzzle games on the N64 that would definitely be worth getting. One is called Wetrix, which is kind of hard to explain the gameplay of, but I think it would be really suited to an arcade environment. Another is Tetrisphere, which in my opinion is a must have for what you are going for. There is also Dr. Mario 64, which I think is superior to the previous version because it has a multiplayer mode (this version is obsolete compared to some newer ones though, so if you have a Wii in your garage you should get it for that). There's also Tetris 64 which is pretty self-explanatory, and has 4 player versus.

Pokemon Puzzle League is another good puzzle game but I'd recommend getting Tetris Attack for the SNES instead, it's the exact same game but with Yoshi and Mario characters instead of Pokemon, and without terrible anime voice actors shouting at you as you play.

>> No.1460709

Blast Corps is made for that.

Breaking the shit outa errthang for high scores.

>> No.1460725

Put Flying Dragon in there. I don't think anyone has ever 100%ed that game. It's a fighting game with a 2d and 3d fighter in it, fucking weird title.

>> No.1460726

Sorry, had to grab the Pokemon one. After all, when you're hot you're hot

>> No.1460743

This is an awesome thing you're doing OP.
For single player, high score oriented games I would recommend:
-all the racing games (Mario Kart/Aero Gauge/Cruisin'/Diddy Kong Racing/F-Zero/waverace/beetle racing/others I can't remember)

For multiplayer games I would recommend:
-all the racing games
-All the mario party's (just doing the minigame section)
-Stadium 1+2 (for minigames or free battles)
-Tooie minigames

Also, pics would be incredibly interesting.

>> No.1460745
File: 805 KB, 2100x1536, N64_NA_BeetleAdventureRacing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of the most underrated N64 games

>> No.1460747

I'll keep my eye out for the San Fransisco Rush games.

I remember there was an NBA Jam for the N64. I'll pull up a google search next chance I get.

I tried their Dreamcast Astropads I got from Amazon and were not that bad but still felt awkward compared to the Mad Catz Dreamcast controller. If I can find a deal on them I'll still order a pair.

Ah Yes, thanks for reminding me!

Actually, one of my friends brought one in but had corroded contacts and would not load past the menu to the main game. I like the music we were able to listen to in the options though.

I'll post pics once I tidy up since I basically threw everything together on my own during the afternoon.

Definitely keeping my eye out on the racers and Bomberman 64. As for Kirby, I have a rule for single player games that if they don't have any competitive tracking in them like time or scores then I'm not allowing them; dick move, I know but I just don't want one person hogging a console for no reason.

BattleTanx looks cool, I'll add it to my list. I see Mario Tennis being fun with four players.

I can't believe I haven't thought about Bomberman 64 yet. the 3D explosions made it challenging compared to the 2D Bomberman games. I just finished ordering one of the Bust-A-Move games, but I can keep an eye out for the puzzle games you mentioned, especially Tetris 64. Also, the consoles I currently have set up in my garage are N64(x1), PS2(x4), Dreamcast(x2); Waiting for 7 Gamecube controllers so I can set up two parallel Gamecube corners.

Blast Corps looks like hella fun. Added to my list!

Whao, definitely need more fighters. I remember there was a Virtua Fighter clone on the N64 but can't remember what it's called.

[Continued on Next Post]

>> No.1460748

If you want to just have an arcade then get an ED64. Compatible with every game in the N64 library save for the Japanese N64 Animal Crossing.

I've got one just so I don't have to deal with switching cartridges around.

>> No.1460758

I have some people who know where I can get a great deal on Stadium 1 and are going to try to get it for me.

Aero Gauge looks pretty neat actually. Never played it before.

I'll add it to the to-do list.

This would be a nice backup plan. But what I plan to do is leave one cart loaded per day or weekend.

>> No.1460771

>the 3D explosions made it challenging compared to the 2D Bomberman games

I should probably warn you that the sequel goes back to cross shaped explosions then. The gameplay is still in 3D though, which combined with the + shaped blasts makes things more challenging than the first game.

Bomberman Hero may also be worth checking out though it doesn't have multiplayer. It has short levels with scores, and that sounds like what you want from singleplayer games, so it may be worth looking into.

>Waiting for 7 Gamecube controllers so I can set up two parallel Gamecube corners.

Kirby Air Ride has an 8 player mode if you connect 2 gamecubes with a lan cable, so if you like that game you might want to keep them kind of close. I think Mario Kart Double Dash also has this option but I'm not entirely sure.

>> No.1460786

played a lot of this with my friends as a kid.

>> No.1460787 [DELETED] 

LAN adapter costs +$100 now, though.

>> No.1460795

Where the pictures of at, yo?