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1455319 No.1455319[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Let's talk about Sword of the Samurai, a game by Micropose released in 1989 which I only discovered through a DOSgames recommendations image by /v/.
This is an incredible little game that I have been playing over for the past few days. You can get it for free on abandonia. Basically Samurai simulator in which you rise through the ranks of samurai, daimyo and then finally shogun to become the ruler of Japan. You can choose which clan to start with and this game has a ton of features including tactics sections like total war, duel fights, stealthy action gameplay and a ton of choices like kidnapping your rivals' families, dishonouring your rivals, assassinating your lord or rivals, travelling in search of adventure. Reminds me a lot of Darklands at times.

>> No.1455324
File: 24 KB, 640x400, sword-of-the-samurai_15.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So after I decide to become a monk do I get to be drawn back in to my previous life as a samurai after my heir is assassinated and I must seek revenge?

>> No.1455327
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Nope, it just gets passed down to his heir and so on

>> No.1455328

>devote your life to peace
>unless the opportunity to wreak bloody vengeance presents itself

I don't think you get how monks operate.

>> No.1455329
File: 31 KB, 640x480, 64aQrUP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pfft what a crappy game. Your ancestors hauled dung.

>> No.1455332

As I remember the control passes over to your heir if you have one. To get an heir you must court a bride, marry her, get a son and he gets to become heir. If no heir then ding dong end of rine.

>> No.1455334

Yeah I'll admit I subscribe more to the Clint Eastwood school of thought.

>> No.1455337

>letting yourself be assassinated
If someone tries to assassinate you, you have a chance of fighting off the ninjas and then engaging in a duel with the assassin samurai

>> No.1457402

Brilliant fucking game. Then again most Microprose games were. Like OP I only lucked on this in the abandonware heyday, rather than stumbling into it in the DOS era like Civ, Pirates or War at Sea but a good thing I did.

The scope of it is just spectacular. Even today you're not going to find a game that does 1vs1, RTS and 3rd person action as well (even if simply) as this one does. Warband may come close but is seriously lacking both in the endgame and infiltration departments. The more I think of that comparison to Warband, the more it becomes apparent how much better Sots was planned.

A masterpiece of a game, as far as I care, and one that could do with a remake (that isn't a 3rd person shooter) unlike the shit that big business likes to remake these days.

>> No.1457405
File: 32 KB, 236x236, 23477455242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never heard of it, but i'm definitely giving it a try.

>> No.1457406
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I have Sword of the Samurai on PS2. Apparently it has no connection at all to that game besides the fact that you're a samurai.

>> No.1457503

Is it any good? Kinda looks like Way of the Samurai minus the plot or PS2 Bushido Blade (both great games).

>> No.1457509

Bear in mind that Generalship is the best btrait (training it takes a long time compared to the others) and that you give orders in the RTS portion with Shift rather than Enter, which is the action button in other game modes.

>> No.1457554
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It's okay if you really are into swordfighting. There is no exploration of any kind for starters. It's all focused on your character trying to master his sword. That means taking part in tournaments, training at a sword school of your choice, ect. You just select where you want to go for that day from the menu and your character will be there. The only time you actually walk around is during some jobs, but it's all either "Kill everyone around whatever you are protecting or run away!" or "Walk down that area until you reach the boss of whoever you are fighting!" All nameless mooks during those missions die in one hit from any attack. The game takes swords quite serious and a single counter attack with a real blade will kill anyone instantly, including you. All the moves in the game are real moves based on famous styles or schools. No fancy super moves like in Way of the Samurai. It's pretty tough at first but once you actually learn better moves and how the A.I. reacts it becomes almost too easy. You can design a custom stance that can counter everything besides the final boss' style. At the end of the game you can have killed pretty much every famous swordmaster of that time, including Miyamoto Musashi. One thing of note is that there is almost no music in that game. The only times i remember hearing music was after the first big tournament, during the final fight and in multiplayer.

>> No.1457623

Sounds great, anon, thanks for the writeup. Now to get my ps2 fixed...

>> No.1460424

Yo OP thanks for the thread. Never heard of this game before until I saw this thread yesterday and have been having a blast with it.

>> No.1461906

It's a lot of fun and felt a lot like Pirates! to me minus the sailing/exploration. Definitely a good pick for the weeaboo in you.

And apparently it's on GOG now. Huh.