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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 438 KB, 950x562, postal2_catsilencer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1455270 No.1455270[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Postal Thread?

>> No.1455275
File: 144 KB, 500x375, postal-1-screen-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1455313

Holy jesus, this series is SO dumb. This is the Maury Povich of retro games.

>> No.1455318

Not even on /vr/?

>> No.1455321
File: 67 KB, 1024x768, 31686.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you mean? Postal 1 was a pretty legit run and gun game against the police. Postal 2 had some dumb humor admittedly but there were tons of weapons and ways to kill people at the time. More modern games could take a tip or 2.

>> No.1455325


You opened the thread with a picture of a shotgun shoved up a cat's ass and you're having a hard time understanding why I think this series is dumb as hell? That's not cool, that's fucking idiotic. I bet every Postal fan listens to Weird Al.

>> No.1455331

It's just a weapon attachment the real fun is in the different weapons and uses for them and just walking into any house you want. I guess you never played the game? I'm not saying it's writing is clever or the game is amazing but technically it has some pretty cool features.

>> No.1455336
File: 75 KB, 640x480, 219759-postal_001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone who has played either of these games?

>> No.1455339

>You opened the thread with a picture of a shotgun shoved up a cat's ass

god damnit that was too funny.

>> No.1455342



>> No.1455346
File: 121 KB, 1024x768, postal2b-02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1455365

I just like to collect cats to get them off the street and out of harm's way when shit starts going down

>> No.1455368

When I play shits always going down what is your preferred wep?

>> No.1455367

to be honest, I liked the fact that the game was made to play without having to kill/hurt anyone.

I've never been able to sit down and play it, is this true?

>> No.1455372

For most of the original game yea there were some people who would attack first but you can run away. For the most part in Postal2 you are performing simple chores. So while you can do it without killing a soul it's alot more fun to go insane.

>> No.1455370

It's technically possible, but you're probably going to die a lot. There are parts of the game where people attack you even if you don't do anything wrong.

>> No.1455374

Portal 1 creeps me out.

>> No.1455378

how in the world

>> No.1455383
File: 79 KB, 640x480, Postal_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean Postal 1? yea it's pretty dark just straight up serious massacre as video games would allow then. But it's pretty challenging

>> No.1455384


>> No.1455507

Man I like Postal 2 too but don't pretend it's anything above a stupid game that's on par with an exploitation movie.

>> No.1455548

I don't agree it was a very good game lots of freedom. Very few games effectively make you the bad guy with little motivation. I get it's humor is B movie tier as I said before but I like it. I like the different effects and uses each weapons has and the fact that almost every single house has an inside most games now don't have that.
>Ex. GTA4
>Go outside
>Destroy a bunch of stuff
>Turn around
>everything resets
You would never see this in postal 2 you would have to go to a whole new area for things to reset like this. It's little things like that I've come to really like.

>> No.1455746

>it was a very good game
5 minute load times on some of the fastest PC's available at the time, game breaking bugs, AI that barely functions, etc. The game was a fucking mess when it came out

Yes the game is still fun, funny, innovative in ways, and has many other enjoyable qualities. But it isn't a good game. At all. Had RWS spent more time in testing rather than snorting cash directly up their bleeding noses it could have been a good game, maybe even great. But that didn't happen.

I don't have many complaints about the first Postal other than RWS is still the most irresponsible developer in history.

>> No.1456303

>But it isn't a good game. At all.
I feel like Postal 2 exists on a fine line between moronic and brilliant that makes it difficult to really describe,

>> No.1456309

>everything resets
I'm not sure why this is an issue? If everything stayed dead/destroyed, there'd be no city to have fun in at the end of the game.

>> No.1456312

Well i'm sorry but your not going to convince me it's not a good game. I don't care what other standards people have for a "Good Game" you can list every horrible thing about he game ten times over and yet I'd still think it was good. You know why? It''s because your opinion is not objective and people feel differently about different things and for someone like me the freedom in postal is a breath of fresh air. Games don't need to be perfect they just need 1 or 2 things they do well to be fun.

>> No.1456317

But as soon as you turn around?! literally as soon I move the camera cars regenerate unless I am right next to them. It just does not feel as cool as when I cause carnage in Postal 2 and there are people everywhere. It feels more like what I do has an effect in Postal 2 even if in both cases that's not true.

>> No.1456319

>the game is still fun
Well then it's still good. Just poorly made.

>> No.1456359

Taste is subjective, quality is not.

>> No.1456364

Quality is subjective when it comes to video games, music, art and clothing style. Postal 2 runs great on my computer and is playable so technically it's alright. Why are you so concerned to state you opinion as fact?

>> No.1456369

Honestly, I have to agree with him. I might find Postal 2 fun, and I might be willing to argue that some aspects of it are well done, but it most certainly isn't a high quality game.

>> No.1456372

I honestly don't care I just wanted to find people who enjoyed the game and talk about it. I have already said that i'm not changing how I feel about it . I just wanted to have a talk about postal 1&2 because I recently had fun with them that's all. Not argue about it's "Quality".

>> No.1456426

The problem is you started making it sound like the game was some deep innovative masterpiece ahead of its time which will naturally cause people to argue over whether or not it's good.

>> No.1456430

>pour gasoline on someone
>throw a match
>extinguish the fire with piss
>off their head with a shovel
>kick it around

It's the most juvenile game ever and it's brilliant. Shitty optimization though.

>> No.1456451

Was I really? I honestly don't think it to be a masterpiece but I suppose my own based came through my writing sorry about that.
Yea it's awesome I like the Scythe you can bisect people with one swing. Throw is a nice touch Not I can take out like 4 in one throw if lucky.

>> No.1456585

You guys should try the multiplayer portion of Postal 2.
It's pretty fast paced if you find the right servers.

>> No.1456621

Some of the new weapons from the recent update are OP as shit. 4~ melee weapons with one hit kills, some, deodorant flamethrower, sawn off shotgun that OBLITERATES any enemy in one single barrel shot...

>> No.1456792

Man I really want to replay Postal 1 now.

I'll never forget being SCARED SHITLESS while playing it.

That and Die by the Sword.

>> No.1456874

>Not pissing on someone, waiting for them to puke, then slice their legs to watch them crawl in a pool of blood, tears and puke, then frying them with a tazer and watching them pee themselves even more, take a little time to enjoy your work watching them crawling or begging for mercy, then pouring gasoline all over them and throwing a lit match, put out the flames with piss and then finally beheading the person to see a cascate of blood and piss, and doing all of this while taking several screenshots and recording a video for your personal pleasure later on

Nigga please, do you even postal?

>> No.1456987
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>Personal pleasure
So I'm not the only one who does this? At least I'll have friends in the nut house...

>> No.1457180

You've convinced me, reinstalling game now.

>> No.1457432

Well that's the thing indeed. Postal 2 is "fun" but it's not "quality" (e.g. polished). The question here is, what does one prefer, polish or fun.

>> No.1457505

You people have a weird idea about quality. If it's fun then it's quality, simple as that.

>> No.1457508

Well different people have different uses for the word. I'm just trying to find some common ground here.

>> No.1457510

>If it's fun then it's quality, simple as that.
Eh, I won't say that.

I have fun with things that I think are bad. I'm not saying postal is bad, but I am saying that some things that I enjoy aren't very good.

I understand that I'm having fun with it, but when I say it's bad, it's a "loving critique" thing.

>> No.1457567

Then you're just contradicting yourself.

>> No.1457585

Not everyone thinks the same way, but some are better at thinking than others. Also, you didn't find common ground, you took one side and now you are acknowledging this.

>> No.1457742

I disagree with your perception of good. I have a cousin addicted to pills. He steals from my family constantly, but we still love him. He barely functions as a member of society, he isn't good, but I can still enjoy his company from time to time. You can still enjoy and care about something that isn't good. Postal 2 is that.

>> No.1457796

How does that make a point? Postal 2 doesn't steal from your family. There are almost no possible effects other than how you feel when you're playing the game, and if it's fun, then that makes it a good game. It could randomly crash on you, but 1.that doesn't make it a bad game and 2.such issues are rare.

>> No.1457806

No I'm not.

On the inverse, here are also games that I think are well made but I don't particularly enjoy. Just because I don't like it doesn't make it a bad game.

>> No.1457883

Good is enjoyable, yes? You enjoy it, hence it is good. These words are substituted because they mean the same thing.
But you are saying it is bad, so you are contradicting yourself. If good does not mean enjoyable, why do we use this word? You may think you aren't contradicting yourself, but then your position is an illiterate and incomprehensible one.

Besides, where is Postal 2 lacking in "polish," anyway? This part I don't understand. For bad parts it was mentioned earlier "load times" -- so what, are the Crysis games bad because they require a fast PC? Are all old tape games bad because of the load times? And besides now you can play the game on a modern computer so who cares. Also "game breaking bugs," which a lot of games have some, and they are not so many at least in the latest version -- I did not come across any when I played it and I don't think most people did. And "AI that barely functions." The AI was not so bad. Of course it would not comprehend how to make breakfast, but it was not bad for the game.

>On the inverse, here are also games that I think are well made but I don't particularly enjoy.
We know that well-made is not the same thing as good.
>Just because I don't like it doesn't make it a bad game.
This is a different issue. The reason why you don't like it but you don't think it's bad is that you find it to be somewhere between good(positive feelings) and bad(negative feelings). But when you have already established that you enjoy the game, the word to use is "good," and to not use it is continuing your biased, illiterate thinking.

>> No.1458072
File: 52 KB, 280x560, pd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Postal 2, the last great "oldschool" fps game? I think so.
I love Postal dude. He should be up there with other fps icons such as Duke Nukem and Doomguy.

>> No.1458089

He isn't just because he was violent with people, while duke and doom guy tear up aliens.

>> No.1458134

What exactly is the 'point' of Postal? Does this game have levels or what? I heard it's just complete open world and pointless, you just go around being an idiot.

>> No.1458152

It has an open world but there's also like specific missions that you're supposed to do.

>> No.1458154

Game takes place in this small city. and every day you're given a to-do list that includes your daily tasks (missions) you need to complete around the city. The city will expand and unlock new locations as you get further in week.

>> No.1458156

>You enjoy it, hence it is good.
Not really. I can also enjoy games that are buggy messes. Doesn't mean I think they're good games.

Just because I like something doesn't mean I think it's good.

>> No.1458157

It has missions such as:

Get a carton of milk from the store
Pick up your paycheck from work
Cash said paycheck
Get Gary Coleman's autograph at the mall
Return an overdue library book
Get an alternator for your car from the junkyard

And more!

>> No.1458168

And almost all of them escalate into a fight for your life. I love it.

>> No.1458172

Burning elephants are fun.

>> No.1458815

>Not really. I can also enjoy games that are buggy messes. Doesn't mean I think they're good games.
Then maybe you should rethink what constitutes a good game for you. Don't you think a "good game" should be something that's supposed to be enjoyable to play? For what purpose would there be a game with Michael Bay tier graphics and a gorillion dollar budget when it's fucking boring. What would you rather play, 100 buggy but fun games or 100 polished but unenjoyable games?

>> No.1458821

>Then maybe you should rethink what constitutes a good game for you. Don't you think a "good game" should be something that's supposed to be enjoyable to play?

No I don't.
And I never said the buggy games I enjoyed were good.

>What would you rather play, 100 buggy but fun games or 100 polished but unenjoyable games?

How's about neither and I just play what I enjoy instead of trying to turn everything into a dichotomy. This isn't even touching on the fact that enjoyment is subjective.