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File: 48 KB, 344x172, Logo_PCSXR[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1440937 No.1440937 [Reply] [Original]

Why is PCSX-R the recommended PS1 emulator on the emulation wiki?

It doesn't run any game I tried properly.

ePSXe, outside of a couple interface quirks, is still the best and most stable HLE PS1 emulator (Xebra if you want muh accuracy, even though ePSXe with soft graphics is basically identical).

>> No.1440971

It's the recommended plugin-based emulator.

Mednafen is the recommended emulator.

>> No.1441000

Please delete this thread

>> No.1441003

>It doesn't run any game I tried properly.

More than likely you fucked up a setting somewhere.

If you have something that works fine already, there's not much point in changing.

>> No.1441018

Did you set up all your plugins?

PCSX-R is a great emulator

>> No.1441065

I posted an issue about PCSXR not emulating Eternal Punishment properly over 3 months ago and no one bothered to respond. Not to mention other issues people are having with this program that get no replies. It baffles me that this emulator gets recommended.

>> No.1441069

Mednafen devs are faggots.

>> No.1441070

If it wasn't for people clinging to high-res polygons, the plugin based emulators would have been ditched entirely by now.

>> No.1441073

ISO is shitty since it's limited to 2048 bytes per sector instead of 2352 per sector like all Playstation games, so it opens the doors to a shitload of problems.

As for CCD/IMG/SUB, they added that a few releases back.

>> No.1441086

The Mednafen documentation is also complete shit, there's no concise listing of command line flags anywhere.

>> No.1441106

There's only about five or so and they're all listed in the index of the documentation under "Command Line".

In addition to those, it's possible to change settings by passing the name along with the value. All the settings are listed in the settings file. Complicated ones are explained in the documentation.

Was there anything in particular you were having trouble with?

>> No.1441131

PCSX-R is recommended because it's the easiest emulator to install and play. Just works. And it has lots of features to improve the graphics that accurate emulators like Xebra doesn't have. There's almost no reason to put up with Mednafen in 2014 because there's good plugins for it in Retroarch.

ePSXe is deprecated.

tl;dr Retroarch motherfucker (UME is also good)

>> No.1441160

epsxe is better, people still think the latest epsxe build is 1.7 is all

>> No.1441324

Because the retards editing that wiki consistently have no fucking clue what they're talking about and I suspect a fair number of the articles are edited by actual developers to make them look better than others.

>> No.1441340
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>> No.1441382

Why won't anyone stand up to this shit?

>> No.1441391


it's one obscure webpage being pushed by irc, why care

>> No.1441398


Are you using latest dev builds? I hear they messed them up lately.

>Because the retards editing that wiki consistently have no fucking clue what they're talking about and I suspect

I fully admit to this. I'm just some end user. I make wiki articles and edit pages, and I'm one of the people who have made edits to the Playstation page.

Thing is though, it's a WIKI. If you don't like something, change it. Or post something to the talk pages. That's the beauty of these things. Group efforts.

I think I will edit it to recommend PCSXR still, but add a lot of reservations.

>> No.1441406

I'm new to PS1 emulation and I got recommended PCSXR by that wiki and it doesn't fucking work with the game I was emulating, even after consulting the emulation general thread and setting everything up. The people working on the emulator don't bother responding about the problem as well, as I've wrote to them before asking for help, and I figure there are more people with a similar story to mine.

>> No.1441414


Try RetroArch.

Use these bios (place in system folder):

Ensure your game has properly set up cuesheet.

Also read:


>> No.1441424

this guy couldn't set up pcsxr and you suggest him that clusterfuck of an UI that is retroarch?

>> No.1441429

ePSXe just werks.

>> No.1441437

Not to start this sort of fight, but it's directly the opposite. You fiddle and fiddle with your various plugins until something actually works.

PCSX-R is the emulator that just works. At least for non-windows users.

>> No.1441484

>At least for non-windows users.
Yeah, I've never successfully gotten PCSX-R to work.

>> No.1441503

The closest any Playstation emulators come to just working would be ARBEX or NO$PSX.

Just set up the controls, load a game and play. No pissing around with plugins, bios or any other crap.

>> No.1441526

i've never encountered any problems with epsxe, don't understand all the hate. never fiddled with shite either.

>> No.1441546 [DELETED] 
File: 5 KB, 452x523, epsxe devs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1441659

>PCSX-R is ... the easiest emulator to install and play.
>download epsxe
>put on desktop

>download pcsx-r
>get .dll is missing error
>fix .dll problem
>"Configuration not ok!"
>fix config. error
>games won't load
>change config. again
>games are slow as shit
>sound doesnt work
>change config a 3rd time
>controller won't work
>program crashes 5 minutes in every time
pcsx doesn't make my games look like shit in the way epsxe does though. I'll give it that.

>> No.1441690

RetroArch + Mednafen PSX core is the best Playstation emulator

>> No.1441709

There are a few games that crash in RA but work fine in regular Mednafen. Last time it was brought up none of the RA devs seemed interested.

Works fine for most stuff though.

>> No.1441725

>There are a few games that crash in RA but work fine in regular Mednafen.

What games and are they crashing on the latest version?

>> No.1441787

Actually, never mind about that. I've downloaded the latest version and the games I had issues with seem to work fine now.

>> No.1441849

tfw mednafen with bilinear filtering works line shit even with 2D games

such is dat life

PCSXR works fine tho

>> No.1441860

>being this bad with computers

>> No.1441979

>being this much of a fanboy

epsxe just works, unlike your shitty emulator.

>> No.1442126


I just tested Tekken 3 which I used to be able to run without problems in the past but now it performs like shit

the fuck

anyone using arch linux (or any distro with recent x server packages)? maybe the latest update fucked something up for me... I don't know.

>> No.1442308


they use the same plugins

>> No.1442331

The reason for all the confusion is that there are actually recent revisions of PCSX-R that break all sorts of shit. You actually DON'T want the latest version. I don't remember what the last one was before it went to shit, but a lot of the errors and incompatibilities you'll find now were introduced recently.

>> No.1442434

"Just werkz" is for people who use ZSNES or Macs.

>> No.1442494


The first pick emulator is seldom the best one.

>> No.1442540

Because bias and fud.

>> No.1442785
File: 114 KB, 813x638, Crips graphics.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you talking about OP?

>> No.1442794
File: 243 KB, 819x641, Stellar graphics.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just at these crisp and stellar graphics I'm getting out of PCSX-R

>> No.1443218
File: 1.11 MB, 1280x960, ePSXe 2014-03-03 03-52-46-66.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1443273

>You fiddle and fiddle with your various plugins until something actually works.

Pete's plugins eternal for sound. you are a dumb nigger.

>> No.1443280
File: 754 KB, 984x738, chronocross-razzly-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I am in favor of Epsxe too and once made a thread about how the wiki seems to downplay epsxe by saying it is "not recommended" even tough its pretty much does and looks the same as PCSX-R, however i acknowledge that the later is superior by a small amount of features and by the fact it is open sourced

I also want to know what the crap are you trying to prove but taking these bullshots?, you are clearly manipulating plugins and filters to look bad

>> No.1443292
File: 72 KB, 640x480, RetroArch-0621-044442.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not sure if trolling
i wish my toaster could handle a crt shader but even the plebeian scanlined picture i show here i is better than that

>> No.1443294

Open sourced is better but doesn't make something inherently better designed.

>> No.1443296
File: 1008 KB, 1280x960, ePSXe 2014-03-03 03-55-10-40.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No it's not.

>> No.1443307


>clusterfuck GUI

Nah, it's straight forward mate.

The major issues are the bios, and the cuesheet. Other than that it's baiscally just load up and play.

>> No.1443321

>Grey all over the picture
>weak colors / lacking gamma
>Epsxe default bilinear filtering
>1280x960 non scaled

>> No.1443330

>epsxe and pcsxr use the same plugins
>people arguing about which is better
As long as you're using Pete's opengl plugin like you should, epsxe is better because of the higher compatibility.

>> No.1443331


I dont' think there's any difference in compatibility due to the plugins. They should be the same.

>> No.1443342
File: 559 KB, 1170x958, slideslide.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only game out of dozens i have played that did not run instantly on Pcsx-r was Parasite Eve 2 i had to tweak something about the CPU emulation, on the other hand the only game to give me trouble in epsxe (while not on pcsx) was Chrono Cross, i had to turn on the Odd/even bit hack on the GPU plugin so it would not hang on the character's status screen

>> No.1443347

I have a different quesiton. Is pcsx-r at all different from ePSXe? ePSXe is bullshit by today's standards, but isn't pcsx-r the kind of the same silly calibre?

As I see it, ePSXe is ZSNES and pcsx-r is snes9x. Both are HLE stuff and either is "good" for what it is, glitchy and imprecise.

Am I wrong? I'm not a programmer and I don't understand much about the matter. It's jsut the impression from user experience.

>> No.1443379

You basicly need to download megapack. Put three bios files (one for each region) into system folder and it works. There are some problems with couple games which need multiple bin files to run sound but I guess Mednafen is a little bit picky in terms of those ape files.

>> No.1443386

You are seriously complaining about the documentation? It's probably among the best I've seen in any emulator.

PCSX-R is immediately better by not being closed source information-hoarding slime.

>> No.1443387

I'm surprised no-one has pointed out that ZSNES and ePSXe were both started by the same guy.

>> No.1443389

just torrent it ya twinky

>> No.1443406

>closed source information-hoarding

Why does this matter to end users?

>> No.1443414

Sometimes I can't be bothered to give a fuck setting up an emulator for god knows how long while emuparadise has a nice ePSXe starterpackage.

the only downsides I noticed are that the voiceacting in several games sounds loud as fuck and crushed as hell. you can imagine how creepy it is, especially if you play Echo Night or something. but maybe I'll look up how to fix that.

>> No.1443421

I don't understand how you guys manage to get so emotional about this pissing contest between two emulators that both suck.

>> No.1443426

It has an indirect effect. The underlying reason behind open source is that anyone can fork the code and improve or change it.

For example, a closed source project is limited to the platforms supported by the author. RetroArch is a good example of people taking open source projects and adding capabilities that weren't there before.

>> No.1443463

I was using the recommended settings given by the wiki

>> No.1443467

By having more people looking at the code and helping in its development. Also with closed source, once the authors lose interest it can't be fixed and eventually dies.

Also this, even more important now phones and non-PC platforms are so common. Project64 or Kega Fusion don't exist on those.

>> No.1443476

Genesis Plus GX is at least equal to Kega in every regard except 32X. Kega is known to be written largely in x86 assembly, so porting it to mobile would never happen even if it were open source.

The Project64 source was released a while back after almost ten years of being over-hyped donationware. Mupen64plus surpassed it long ago and is probably the safest choice these days.

>> No.1443483
File: 6 KB, 160x160, toplel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>PCSX-R is recommended because it's the easiest emulator to install and play. Just works.

>> No.1443769
File: 193 KB, 325x615, chronocross-harle-cut2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Retroarch is amazing for the 2D games clearly but unless it supports plugins for better pseudo3D graphics( haven't used RA since 0.98) it doesn't really matter how much accurate it is if you will end with the default low res graphics and using a modern screen it looks horrible , playing on a crt may be the correct way but i have one and even then i prefer using the Opengl or DIrectx GPU Plugins, graphically there isn't really a noticeable difference in "accuracy" and a plus is that the peops plugins have that turbo mode too, now the only problem i find is the audio in some games as they require additional tweaking

>> No.1443784

A lot of people seem to prefer the high resolution models you get with certain emulators/plugins.

I personally can't stand it on Playstation or N64 games. High res polygons mixed with low res textures looks like shit to me. Texture packs don't feel right either. Given those options I'd rather just play without any enhancements.

>> No.1443804


snes9x is going to be shit until they re-add the ability to disable that god awful gaussian sound filter

snesGT is my replacement until then

>> No.1443813

Still waiting on PSIO since I already own a console with a parallel port. Any day now...

>> No.1443991

that's funny cuz i've run into way more abandoned open source projects you cant even build anymore and nobody wants to use cuz they want to do their own special (shitty) thing. At least closed source offers binaries that most likely will still work (on windows).

>> No.1444123 [DELETED] 

you're that butthurt pedo, right?

i can't believe anyone else is using snesgt, it doesn't have any reason to even exist

>> No.1444130

you can always build from sources unless you're too retarded. it's binaries that won't necessarily keep working on newer hardware and systems

>> No.1444132


>> No.1444394

oddly the old pSX 1.13 is the one that gave me better results on my cheap Atom netbook with Linux. Mednafen, while loading everything ok was just too slow to be playable and both epsxe and pcsxr had a lot of stuttering and slowdowns on audio and video with every plugin combination and setting I tried. In this particular scenario at least, pSX runs like butter, I know it isn't the best but thankfully it still has a very decent compatibilty.

>> No.1444407

If you can figure out the interface, Xebra is supposed to have pretty low requirements without sacrificing compatibility.

>> No.1444490
File: 71 KB, 500x461, daddy howard knows that feel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shalom fellow tribesman

>I suspect a fair number of the articles are edited by actual developers to make them look better than others.
Now that you mention it this is probably so true.

>> No.1444586

All platforms eventually break compatibility, Windows included, and that applies to source code too. The difference is that source is much easier to correct or adapt than a binary blob.

>> No.1445254

Closed source does matter and it should concern people, but it's not an issue of quality. It's an issue of ethics. Using it as an argument for quality is faulty. If the guy who used it wants to make an argument for the effect it has on industry and community and that usage is enabling, by all means make the argument but it takes no shots at the comparison of software. Open source can also lead to software degradation in some areas and can also be detrimental for developers investing in it as well. But that's really a discussion for a different board or at least a different thread.

>> No.1445365

The only problem with ape files is when you don't change them all to bin. Usually the cue states all the filenames as bin.

>> No.1445421

I have not run into a single error with any games i play

>> No.1445475

I thought you had retired from the software business Bill.

>> No.1445745
File: 763 KB, 2560x761, Cheryl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



1. OpenGL1 and 2 are ancient and contain ancient OpenGL code, and thus openGL errors. These are the two main HLE plugins for epsxe/pcsxr.
2. Due to the shortcuts that the PS1 took with 3D, PS1 3D cannot be properly upscaled without major glitches. Deformed models, and jittering textures being the most obvious.

>b-b-but that happens at native res too!

Never noticed it on real hardware. It's so minor, and only noticeable if you point it out. The low resolution also helps hide it. At x4 native res however, you have dancing freak men with deformed faces whenever the camera changes.

3. There is likely no way to properly fix this easily for all games.

There's some GTE accuracy hacks, but those themselves can introduce some issues. And I'm not sure if it will EVER fix all games in all cases. I think you'd have to change the PS1 emulator to do 3D properly THEN hack each game to take advantage of that. Good luck with that.

4. HLE plugins remove dithering which some games (eg. Silent Hill) make use of. Games in these HLE plugins are very bright.

The solution:

PS1 with CRT Geom, with some viewing distance. Looks pretty close to the original hardware.

>m-m-muh HD!

You can get that with N64, Dreamcast, Wii, Gamecube, PS2. Not getting it with Saturn and PS1 due to the shortcuts they take with 3D graphics. Sorry.

>> No.1445795
File: 842 KB, 760x1062, fxaa-rgb-bloom-06.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Never noticed it on real hardware. It's so minor, and only noticeable if you point it out

You're just neglecting it, it happens and is quite noticeable

>OpenGL1 and 2 are ancient and contain ancient OpenGL code, and thus openGL errors. These are the two main HLE plugins for epsxe/pcsxr.

Wrong , these are the Hi res plugins

> HLE plugins remove dithering which some games (eg. Silent Hill) make use of. Games in these HLE plugins are very bright.

which can be turned back on with a click

> Deformed models

The deformed mass on the left side or the one on the right side ?

> jittering textures being the most obvious

PCSX-R doesn't have this problem and Epsxe fixed it in 1.9

>The solution: PS1 with CRT Geom, with some viewing distance

I can also squint really hard so it looks even better

>> No.1445828

>snes9x is going to be shit until they re-add the ability to disable that god awful gaussian sound filter
>snesGT is my replacement until then

Wait wait wait. Isn't recent Snes9x offer much more accurate sound emulation? Aren't you just saying "I want less accurate sound emulation" ?

>> No.1445843

>You're just neglecting it, it happens and is quite noticeable

Huh? Is that image supposed to be proof? I can't tell if there is deformation or if the model is supposed to look like that.

>Wrong , these are the Hi res plugins

Pete's OGL1 and 2 are HLE plugins. 2 is more compatible and has not been updated since 2008. 1 has updates, but I don't know if it's good enough.

>which can be turned back on with a click

You cannot turn dithering on in OpenGL1 or two plugins. Give me screenshots showing this.

>The deformed mass on the left side or the one on the right side ?

What are you talking about?

>PCSX-R doesn't have this problem and Epsxe fixed it in 1.9

Give me videos, proof or anything. I've yet to be able to fix it in either.

>> No.1445848


RetroArch Snes9x doesn't have that problem.

libretro cores are more than just plain ports, you know. A lot of improvements get implemented into them.

>> No.1446292

So what I understand from this thread, the PCSX-R devs suggest their emulator on the wiki to fool people into downloading their program and it doesn't work with most of the PS1 games?

>> No.1446303

PCSX-R is a very capable emulator. It isn't as accurate as Mednafen or XEBRA, but for people who insist on having high res polys it's recommended over the close source ePSXe.

I don't think there is any proof that anyone is tampering with the wiki. It's just possible and there isn't really any decent way to prevent it.

PCSX-R has never been as high profile as its competitors and the devs have never shown any interest in promoting it before, so it's unlikely they'd even bother.

>> No.1446320

>PCSX-R devs suggest their emulator on the wiki

Nah, the wiki's not that popular. It's like 10 people who write everything.

Also this thread really should be something on the Wiki's talk page. This is where such disputes go to so that we can improve the Wiki itself.

>I don't think there is any proof that anyone is tampering with the wiki. It's just possible and there isn't really any decent way to prevent it.

Well I'm one of the people who write the thing. We recommend PCSXR because it's the open source equivalent of epsxe. And for a long time, it was more advanced than epsxe since development of that thing had slowed down. Then Android version came out and the devs saw a chance at more gold so they started development again and have reached parity for most things with PCSXR. It doesn't have the widescreen hack.

However, I do feel that PCSXR has many of the same issues as epsxe (plugin nonsense, confusing settings, etc) and many have some issues with it. It's projects like Mednafen and Xebra that offer a real fresh clean take on PS1 emulation without all the nonsense. But many people simply aren't interested in native resolution 3D.

So we're stuck recommending LLE software renderers like Mednafen that offer high accuracy, and also HLE plugin emulator like PCSXR.

I'm thinking a compromize would be to recommend PCSXR but with more warnings and trepedations.

>> No.1447250
File: 1.19 MB, 1600x900, Xenogearslogo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have trouble choosing/configuring emulator/plugin for Xenogears.
I remember it looking stellar on my live ps1 and crt tv. But now I have neither of those, so I decided to emulate.

And it either perfectly displayed sprites with horrible indistinguishable mess of a 3d models OR clean beautiful 3d mechs and environments with fucked up blurred and/or displaced sprites.

How do I make this game look good?

>> No.1447264

Xenogears has really wacky-ass dithering on the sprites going on that I notice even on my CRT with component cables, and then it just gets worse and worse if I, say, try to play it on my PS3 with my HDTV. I don't think you'll be able to find any decent solution that looks good with both sprites and 3D models, since most games used either or. Just pick your poison or play at a lower resolution, I guess.

>> No.1447331

>Detailed beautifully animated sprites
>All-time favourite mech designs in full 3D no chibi or simplified shit
It hurts, anon, I can't choose

>> No.1447942


CRT monitor

Final destination

>> No.1447962
File: 37 KB, 800x454, 800px-Psp-1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is my PSX emulator.

>> No.1448024

Because solo emulator devs have the attention span of a goldfish and the project will inevitably get abandoned.

See: pSX emulator. Brilliant piece of software, but the developer stopped giving a shit. The Linux version uses an outdated sound library, making it impossible to use on modern distros. Even a non-programmer could fix this in 5 minutes if the source was available.

>> No.1448261

EPSXE + EPSXEQUIKPLAY is the fucking master race, everything else is dildos.

>> No.1448294

>impossible to use on modern distros

using it on arch, it crashes on start when pulseaudio is running trying to autodetect the sound output. Just kill pulseaudio, start the emu, select your sound card in the audio tab, close and start pulseaudio again, bye crashes.

>> No.1448312


Yeah used to run it on the same machine with XP, haven't tried it under wine.

nocash (yes, yes, I know) was also surprisingly fast last time I checked on it, but don't know much about game compatibiliy with that one

>> No.1448356

Why would you use pSX when Mednafen works flawlessly?

>> No.1448369


I know, but the machine is too slow to run Mednafen psx core (and the snes one too) properly. The gba core works wonders, much better than the vba-m port.

>> No.1448617
File: 372 KB, 662x549, 1394057827523.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

huh, pSX works really well

I guess it's because the program is from like 2008 and PCSXR's latest update is from late 2013. My old ass PC appreciates it.

>> No.1448624


It works okay for the games it plays. It just doesn't play all the games. It is very low CPU requirement however, so it has that going for it.

>> No.1448854

>See: pSX emulator. Brilliant piece of software, but the developer stopped giving a shit

RIP ;_; shit is simple, it works and you can run it on old computers... never forget.

I still use it for some games (I don't emulate PS1 a lot but for what I play it's fine as hell)

>> No.1448882

that method doesn't work for me

however, running 'pasuspender pSX' works. pasuspender, well, suspends pulseaudio and runs the program you want. When you close the program, pulseaudio returns. Cool little tool.

>> No.1449770


>> No.1449773

Whatever. Form your own opinions. Any wiki other than wikipedia is shit and any recommendation is biased. /g/ wiki suffers from the same bullshit and I gave up editing it.

It'd be better if everyone had their own personal wiki, really.

>> No.1449857

Man, do some of the later ps1 games' character models look great with just a slight resolution bump. I just hope emulators have a way to prevent the polygon jitter that those games have.

>> No.1451041

Vertices in psx games are represented by integers rather than floating point values. There's no way around the jittering.

>> No.1451056

>Genesis Plus GX is at least equal to Kega in every regard except 32X
Actually SegaCD, which was Kega Fusion's claim to fame, is better because it does Pier Solar properly.

Also you're right about Mupen64.

>> No.1451085

Mupen64plus is hardly any better. It's still got plugin hell and I haven't seen it handle Paper Mario (terrible flickering) or Banjo-Tooie (hangs on entering certain places).

>> No.1451087

>Actually SegaCD, which was Kega Fusion's claim to fame, is better because it does Pier Solar properly.

What's the issue and can you confirm that current GenPlus GX does not play it right?

And if it is a real issue, please make sure to report it to the devs.


N64 emulation is still in the dark ages. But M64+ is the begining of getting out of that. But just the beginning.

>> No.1451108

CEN64 seems more like the starting point to me. Mupen64plus will be the ZSNES 2.0 or if we're lucky, the SNES9x.

>> No.1451110

I dunno, Glide64 usually works fine, and it's not such a big deal not playing Paper Mario and Banjo-Tooie since they're playable on modern consoles.

>> No.1451114

Project 64 is the ZSNES equivalent and Mupen64plus is SNES9x, with CEN64 being BSNES.