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/vr/ - Retro Games

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1437667 No.1437667 [Reply] [Original]

Could we have a thread for videogame fears that we had as kids?

>> No.1437669

I was scared of mario, especially that "mario bross" game for computer.
I would have nightmares where he came out of the computer to replace me and put me as mario, and having to die again and again in the game.

>> No.1437703

Not specifically video game related, but I started having nightmares about Beavis and Butthead trying to kill me after I rented their SNES game.

>> No.1437707


>> No.1437726

>as a kid

Well shut.. I still have my fear.

Water levels in games. No idea why or when it was triggered tho I'm pretty sure Ecco the fucking dolphin was the reason. Any game that has water levels full of fish / things I instantly freak out. No idea why. It's only gotten worse too. I either have to level skip or just stop playing the game all together. What's weird is I've been and enjoyed scuba diving, it's only video game oceans that are fucking terrifying.

2D kid water levels like mario and sonic are ok, tho water levels like 3D mario or tomb raider are impossible. Last game I tyres was monster hunter 3ds. As soon as I say that monster in the water I've not had the game one since.

I've tried to get over this fear tho no luck. It's annoying.

Fuck Ecco..

>> No.1437734

Fucking iPhone auto bullshit makes my post a pain to read.

Fuck you apple

>> No.1437739


I played this DOS game when I was really small..it was obviously an edutainment game, all the characters were bears (it may have been Berentain Bears Learning Essentials but i doubt it).

All the animations were horrible, and the music too. It wasn't constant, just small jingly things every now and again.
It was composed of various screens, like a point-and-click, but if you waited on a screen for more than like 8 seconds this weird bear would slowly peek his head around the side with this unpleasant low bitrate jingle thing.

Man I hated that game

>> No.1437742

I swear I played this game in first school.


>> No.1437748

Ireland, close enough.
Wow I thought my description was too vague for anyone to remember.

I might have played it in school, i can see my old classroom in my head when I think of the game. The graphics might have been pixelized?

>> No.1437760

Yup, sounds like the same bear game I played. Pretty sure it was on a old bbc computer

>> No.1437858

Shit that regularly pops up without warning, even if it's minor. I was too scared to play OOT because of Navi's "HEY", and Banjo Kazooie with Grunty's random dialogues in the overworld.

>> No.1437868

Also there was an educational game I forget the name of that would suddenly interrupt the gameplay every few minutes to show a cutscene of the villain brooding to himself. Strange and frightening.

>> No.1437876

The lava world in super mario 64. I don't know why but that shit scared me to death. I would have dreams that there would be puddles of lava in the hallways of my house or leaking from the trees, one time I had a dream the bathtub was overflowing with lava and took over the whole neighborhood.

also when mario would die in water and choke and float up....jesus

>> No.1437881

Blue water and grass

>> No.1437887

Pretty much any enemy that was big, ominous and could eat you or had some other instant kill attack. Big Bertha in SM64 scared the piss out of me.

>> No.1437920


Got some bad news if you wanna play Shadow of the Collosus.

Spoiler: this is a feel with which I am well-acquainted.

>> No.1437925

You are not alone.

>> No.1437943

I couldnt stand getting hurt in video games. In SM64 and DK64, i would constantly hug the walls and avoid conflict. If i ever got hit/surprised, i would quickly hit pause and reset the game.

Open, empty fields and areas in games scared me, especially on the n64.

Water levels? Never.

>> No.1437948

>also when mario would die in water and choke and float up....jesus

I wasn't scared of this, but I was more shocked that they would put it in a children's game. Especially when all of the other death animations are so benign.

>> No.1437949

Master Higging's death via fire in Adventure Island

gonna post a pic as soon as I have free time

>> No.1437953

JENOVA. That's all I've got to say.

>> No.1437963
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>> No.1437974
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there you go

>> No.1437978
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>Watched Dad play Tomb Raider
>For some reason always fucking terrified
>This starts playing
>Run out room with hands over my ears

>> No.1438006
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>> No.1438103

Just Gauntlet in general?
That reminds me, Gauntlet Legends:
>Touch a statue
>A skeleton pops out
>Open a chest
>A skeleton pops out
>Shoot a barrel
>A skeleton pops out

Truly the stuff of nightmares.

>> No.1438115
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>> No.1438124


how far did you get in Ecco

>> No.1438191

Playing thief for the first time, that level where the corpses have flies all around them. I wasn't expecting them to stand up. They swarmed at me and I just ended up closing the game because SCARY ROTTING SKELETONS IN MY FACE.

To this day I fire the pistol at any suspicious corpses laying around in games.

>> No.1438213

Two lines. "Oops! Teleporter" followed by "You are in rock!"

Those two lines of text meant DAYS of work lost...

>> No.1438216
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Visual glitches in games, NES games being a main culprit of this shit, Karnov and Rygar being two big culprits of making my skin crawl, Rygar doubly so for it's TERRIBLE game over sequence, which is just dump to a black screen with red lettering for GAME OVER while playing a BLARING FUCKING NOISE. Holy fuck, fuck rygar's game over, I love exploration in games but fuck rygar making me worry about dropping into blinding glitched screens when I drop from a branch.


>> No.1438220
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I know this game was 2001, but, these guys were pretty scary.

>> No.1438239



>> No.1438252

I beat Monster Party as a kid and the ending scared the shit out of me. I could not comprehend why Bert would reward me for saving his home planet by giving me an evil demon princess who literaly makes your flesh rot off in fear. Fucking asshole. I couldn't play the game for years, and I hid the cartridge so no one else in my family could play it.

>> No.1438262

the cyber demons footsteps.

>> No.1438280

That underwater level in Super Mario 64. No, not the monster thing, I was actually afraid of that big, black square hole that sucks you in, I think if you actually get sucked in you come out in the fountain in the castle backyard or something.

>> No.1438294

I was pretty fucking terrified of water sections in 3D games for a while. Mario 64's eel made me freak the fuck out and later on Shadows of the Empire's sewer level and boss specifically made me wary of any water sections in 3d games for years afterwards.

>> No.1438317

Stalchildren in Hyrule Field at night. Redeads in the market. Both scared the shit out of me. Ocarina of Time was a pretty scary game.

>> No.1438323

The beginning of super metroid where you have to escape the lab in time. Holy shit I hated doing that as a kid. Same thing with the beginning of FF7. I would always flip the fuck out and be like OH SHIT I'LL NEVER FUCKING MAKE IT! I'LL NEVER FUCKING MAKE IT! I was a high strung kid..

>> No.1438328

I was always afraid the game wouldn't save for some reason, so I ended up saving like five times in a row, every time

>> No.1438332

i feel like a dumbass for posting this, but

I had a random fear of real-life working like a video game so that I might clip through the ground and fall into nothingness due to a real-life glitch. I was also a bit afraid of water because I knew that some 3D games with water as a death trap didn't actually have a floor underneath it.

>> No.1438529

Did it have a talking skunk?

>> No.1438620 [DELETED] 

Not OP, but I think I know what game you are talking about. WHAT IS ITS NAME?! Howie Mendel voiced the main character (a bear).

>> No.1438623 [DELETED] 

Dude, that shit has erked me for many years. I require a name.

>> No.1438630 [DELETED] 

Well, thanks for ejecting the thread.

>> No.1438634 [DELETED] 
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Forgot picture.

>> No.1438662


>> No.1438746
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Basically water.
Anything water.
Ecco gave me that fear.

Imagine my pain when I first found out the secrets of Dire Dire Docks.

>> No.1438760

Shadowman scared me, I couldn't fuck sleep the whole weekend.
It made me so uncomfortable, that I wouldn't even play it nowadays.

>> No.1438778

>also when mario would die in water and choke and float up....jesus

Yeah, that was 2real4me too.

>> No.1438950

This shit right here.

>> No.1438951

Splatterhouse 2, the second boss with the exploding eyeballs and the final boss. Not so much the boss itself, but the music.

>> No.1438954
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>> No.1438970

My only video game fear was that my drunk asshole father would catch me playing them and break my NES again. Or beat me. Or beat me with my broken NES.

>> No.1438973
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How would it make you feel if you fell overboard a very big ship and the water is deeeep and daaark and it feels as if you get sucked down the side of the ship.

>> No.1438981

As long as I can't see anything under the water, I'd be fine.

But if even a fucking guppy passed by, I'd be scared shitless.

>> No.1438982
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Big open areas in 3D games that stretch out forever.

Falling outside of the map into a black void.

>> No.1438983
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>> No.1438984
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I had a fear of heights so intense it made Rainbow Ride really difficult for me.

>> No.1438986
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What if I do this then?
1000 hours in MSPaint

>> No.1439003
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>> No.1439015
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another world scared the hell out me, but I liked it so much that got trough the first part. I don't know why I had nightmares about me going trough an alternative dimension and die alone

>> No.1439721

The water boss isn't that bad. You spend most time on the surface of the water and he only dives deep to get rid of you.

>> No.1439727

You're gonna hate Resident Evil 6.

>> No.1439737

Was it the one with the rabbit trying to get the costumes and shit ready for a play?

>> No.1439780

Zelda 3D games except the very happy ones like Wind Waker always mad me cry, specially Majoras Mask and Twilight Princess.

I cry but not like sobbing, It's just that my eyes get filled with tears slowly, and I have this unpleasant feel. It still happens to me now, but not with these games, usually with stories about paranormal shit and stuff.

>> No.1439784


I started playing Mortal Kombat games when I was like 6, and I hated losing to Kabal for fear of this fatality. First time I saw it I ran away from the room crying.

To this day I hate internet screamers too.

>> No.1439813


i too have a fear of deep water (just in general) and giant sea creatures so that was a double whammy for me. same with the fish boss in re4

>> No.1439824

That loud as fuck pipe organ sound during the opening to FF6 would scare the hell out of me. I would mash the controller just to skip that.

>> No.1440390

I was always terrified of moments in games where you're being chased by some monster that you can't kill and he's ever so slightly faster than you.

It's even worse when you can't tell how far you have to go to escape him.

>> No.1440394

"Nazi Zombies" and similar survival game modes scare me.

>> No.1440398

So something like 80% of us were afraid of being underwater/drowning in video games? I'm glad. That's me too.

>> No.1440461

Glitches scared the shit out of me. My cousin had a glitchy old Genesis he got from a pawn shop I'd play alone in my grandparents' upstairs, and it'd spaz out all the time and scare the shit out of me. I'd have nightmares about some of my own games glitching and doing things they weren't programmed to do, and sometimes I'd go weeks without playing whatever game I had dreamed about.

Also, Apple II games. There was one program, I forget what it was called, that was like a music program or something, and if you hit a certain button it would freeze and play this horrific not-even-8-bit jingley thing that wouldn't stop until you unplugged the damn thing.

I later had an MS DOS Pokedex program that did the same thing. Fuck. That. Shit.

>> No.1440495
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Not really a *fear* but every time I got a to a platforming part with bottomless pits I felt a really weird tingle in the soles of my feet... the game I remember more vividly about this is Quackshot (can't be arsed to find a screencap of the flying platforms on the bad guy's hideout or the disappearing platform leading the last boss).

>> No.1440550

something, like, not afraid of underwater levels, but i tend to hold my breath in underwater portions of games without realising.

>> No.1440752
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>> No.1440859

I had an irrational fear of that fx and Bowsers laugh when you tried to get into a room without sufficient stars on Mario 64

>> No.1440861

resident evil 1 dogs (psx)

>> No.1440864

I was afraid as heck of the night which came in Ocarina of Time, and those killer pineapples with the whirling blades.

As a kid, once the sun went down and the howl of that wolf occurred, I would play the sun song quick as I could.

>> No.1440901

Man I loved that place

>> No.1440974
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I. M. Meen? That game traumatized me when I was 6. At one point I didn't touch the controls for a couple minutes because I didn't know what to do, then suddenly Meen pops up and starts screeching at me while making horrible, disturbingly low-quality animations. I never touched the game after that.

>> No.1440989

Jumpstart 4th grade

Every part

>> No.1440997


>> No.1441087

yeah, this. Mario 64 and Banjo-Kazooie were way too uncanny with their drowning animations.

Rusty Bucket Bay was awful. I liked the level itself (especially the music), but every time I fell into the water I'd NOPE so hard. Getting the Jiggy with the dolphin was agonizing.

>> No.1441091


I thought I was the only one afraid of those pineapples....

I was also afraid of redeads, the shark in Banjo Kazooie, the eels in Super mario 64, and a part in Conkers Bad fur day where you had to swim deep into water.

>> No.1441117
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>> No.1441146
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I used to have a C64 as a wee kid. Don't remember much, but I do recall just a few images of... something similar to a point and click game? Anyway, I remember when I once did something in the game, a baby lying on its back and pissing upwards appeared on the whole screen, with creepy music. I was scared shitless. It tells much that I played a shit ton of games on this C64 and this is one the very few things I remember.

>> No.1441148

>a baby lying on its back and pissing upwards appeared on the whole screen, with creepy music

You have a vivid imagination

>> No.1441153

There's this one thing in one of the Bart Simpson games on the NES where if you watched the intro, Bart makes this scary face near the end of it.

Today I'd look at it and laugh but back then, I was 4 and that scared the living shit out of me.

>> No.1441167
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Quake made me paranoid as a kid, with the monster closets and all. I've had a few nightmares that involved fiends/ogres.

A few SNES games also applied: The Mask from Mario 2, the intro of Final Fantasy III, the Pilotwings logo coming at you, the Game Over screens of various games (DKC, Street Fighter II Turbo), the meteors with the faces in Star Fox.

In retrospect, I think SNES games contributed to childhood trauma more than Quake.

>> No.1441175
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The sprites in Pokemon Genwun also weirded me out.



>> No.1441179

Are you me

>> No.1441181

>90 posts of this without a single TVTropes term used

I love you, /vr/.

>> No.1441197

Majora's Mask had some serious nightmare fuel

>> No.1441208

I was scared of parallaxed skies and grounds in FPS games. When I was standing on the edge of one I was scared of falling into nothingness for al eternity.

>> No.1442639

The phantasm monster in Might and Magic 2 Gates to another world
to this day it still kind of unnerves me
Couldnt find a picture of it

>> No.1442758

The back of the box for Black and White had a picture of the evil chimp creature you could get. For whatever reason i had nightmares for weeks about that chimp running around smashing my hometown.

>> No.1442774

These. I also hated quitting Banjo Kazooie because of that cut scene where it showed Gruntie winning.

>> No.1442776

The lizard people that jumped out at you in Turok 2 made me want to run out of the room as a kid. Of course, I later got revenge in Turok Evolution by using those arrows that made them puke to death.

>> No.1442803

But seeing her turn into why boner material would be worth it nowadays.

Also, I used to be afraid of that back in 1998-1999 when I was 9 to 10 years old. Had I been older when I first saw that, I'd get weird boners instead of being scared due to transformed Grunty

>> No.1445423

For some odd reason when I was 3, I very vaguely remember the opening to Tecmo Bowl freaked me out.

>> No.1445437

the most scared I've ever been playing a game was when I was in the church level of Thief II without any experience in I and I opened the door the the crypt in the basement. I wish I could still get that scared nowadays without the police being involved

>> No.1446407

The outside areas of the Forest Temple in Ocarina of Time. Nothing else in the game was scary for me, but for some reason I was just terrified in the outside areas of the Forest Temple.

>> No.1446413

In retrospect, its a silly cartoon game where your guy runs around in his boxers when he gets hit, but as a kid, Super Ghouls and Ghosts felt like a survival horror. This because it is has nightmare difficulty and you won't survive long.

>> No.1446468

Most of the enemies in ZAMN, but the giant baby in particular. Why'd they have to make him so ball bustingly fast?

>> No.1446471 [DELETED] 

I was 13 when gta3 came out and believed in that shit about Carser city existing. I trained myself to use the dodo plane so I could fly there and I'll never forget the fear I felt when I flew around the edge of the map and saw that endless void of nothing. It made it worse that if you flew into it, your game would freeze, I've never felt as much fear about the edge of the gta3 map as I do with anything else in any other video game.

>> No.1446502

Ecco the dolphin. Not so much a fear, it just made me feel incredibly depressed and helpless.

Fucking hate that game so much.

>> No.1446514

I refused to climb the mountain in Bob-omb Battlefield. Spent hours just going around the level, then back in the castle, then in B-O Battlefield again, denying the fact that eventually, I had to go up there.
Once I finally got near the top, I say this huge, char black motherfucker with a menacing moustache, and I fled all the way back down again.
Must've spent hours that way before I even got my first star. Once I did, I knew what to expect, and blazed through the rest.

Then that fucking eel had to come along.

>> No.1446536
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>> No.1446553

Pretty sure I played this on an Acorn Electron in nursery.

>> No.1447021


Heh. I totally masturbated to sexy Gruntilda.

>> No.1447145

Thats stupid we never even saw the green sprites. Blue and red were released with the updated blue sprites.

I also dislike chasing levels.

>> No.1447674
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>> No.1448060

This used to bother me so much. I would think that the program would delete itself, or I would somehow get in trouble for going off the map or into 'the void'. I think I may have autism or OCD though.

>> No.1448101
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I'd make a mod where you're small mario and you have to continually jump up a sinking towering as it sinks into the bass infested waters below.

>> No.1448104

The werewolves from Zombies At My Neighbours. You know how they just jump in out of nowhere? When I'm outside in the dark I still sometimes try to hurry inside because AWOOOOOOOOOO FUCK WEREWOLVES FUCK RUN

>> No.1448136

>implying most of the terror doesn't come from some horrifying monster rising from the depths to drag you under

>> No.1448148

>be 7
>get crushed by Whomp
>flatten out cartoon style
Pfft, whatever

>get smacked around a little too much
>pass out and fall over
As expected

>stay underwater too long

>> No.1448159

That music is still unsettling.

>> No.1448161

RE6 was fucking bullshit.
>hurr struteejiklee playse obveeus zumbee hurr
>can't fucking shoot it

I regret paying for that piece of shit.

>> No.1448165

I played the ending sequence co-op with a friend recently.
First experience with it. The controls are good, at least. More intuitive than....

You know what? I just refuse to play RE4 because of the controls.

>> No.1448175


this shit right here. when i was a kid i had a shitty old tv that i couldnt adjust the brightness of due to having lost the remote, so everything was incredibly dark. the first time i went to the forest temple it was the most ominous, dark place i'd ever been to. i could hardly see the enemies half of the time. but the worst part was the music. the weird ass chanting made me turn the game off and i -still- had a nightmare about it

really though, my worst video game childhood fears were with water in 3d games. i had a hard time playing sm64 and banjo kazooie because i was scared to jump in the water in fear of something coming out and eating me

>> No.1448181

Then it accomplished its goal.
That game was one of the few that INTENTIONALLY pulled of being creepy and disturbing.

>> No.1448196

You remember that part where the water was caged off just before an opening to a building where you find an empty honeycomb?
I think there was a Jinjo on a buoy in that area too.
Remember Snacker being there for no god damn reason other than to make you shit your pants?

>> No.1448205

I totally just realized this is /vr/ and not /v/.
I was wondering why there was an impressive lack of shitposting.

>> No.1448214

I guess that's a valid complaint?
No. Maybe?
I don't know, man, the controls for the first couple of RE games were atrocious IMO and I still love them.

>> No.1448215

When I was a kid I would have dreams of finding a 2600 in my closet and then be so disappointed when I woke up and was still video game-less. I saw Tron and wanted that shit to happen to me. Luckily my mom found an RCA Studio 2 at a yard sale that staved off my impending breakdown until we could afford a 2600 for Christmas '81.

>> No.1448242

I wanted to play RE4 so badly. The first ones I can understand, but RE4 was such a game changer!
And you couldn't change the controls. The whole up is up and down is down, no forgiveness. And IIRC, when you aimed, it didn't switch aiming to the primary stick, it stayed on the "camera" stick. I'm not sure, it's been a while. Point is I want to play it, but I'm constantly at odds with the controls, no matter what I do. The aiming/looking/turning implemented in RE4 is ANYTHING but intuitive to me. And it just ruins it because I can't focus on the gameplay. It's like trying to cook a recipe you're very familiar with, but you're bound and gagged and you're trying to make your dog prepare it?
RE6 got it spot on in my opinion.

Maybe I just need to get the Wii version, although even with countless hours of practice and use, the Wiimote/Nunchuk still leaves a lot to be desires as well.

Ultimately, I'm huge on control customization. Games that have complex controls and offer none, or very little in the way of customization really irk me. Some do it right, some just pale in comparison.

Anyway, video game fears. When I was REALLY little, say like 2-4, I watched my mom play SMB all the time. One day I picked it up because I wanted to try. I got the hang of it pretty fast, but mom would help me with the harder parts. The first time I got to 8-4. Oh man. I knew it was the last level of the game. I knew it was a maze. That music was so much worse than it ever was. I'd always have one life left and then I'd finally make it to Bowser. One jump in the way of you and total game domination. THAT is fear, my friends. One day I finally beat it. I think I was 4 or something, about to turn five. So it doesn't bother me anymore though.

>> No.1448636

More than anything else, the vampires in Morrowind

I was 16 then, so evidently I'm a huge pussy

Also anything with a chainsaw

>> No.1448845


So. Turns out I'm not the only guy who was afraid of game overs. This was my main fear for many years as a kid. Usually when game over happens sad or intimidating music will play and those words appearing on black background emphasizing that this is itGAME OVER MAN! GAME OVER MAN! GAME OVER MAN! GAME OVER MAN!. Only couple of game overs i was not afraid of. Usually because they're introduced them self softly Like Battletoads.
When i saw game over from resident evil 2 I lose my shit and was too scared to sleep without completely covering myself with blanket for 2-3 weeks.

Second game over that i was afraid to death is this:

>> No.1449118


Speaking of ZAMN, those worms terrified when I was a kid, especially the noises they made when they popped out of the ground.

>> No.1449272



low res digitized speech on crazy loud PC speaker.

>> No.1449323
File: 30 KB, 329x246, Bruty-d.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fucking Big Bruty stage in Earthworm Jim. I was 10 when I played the PC version of Earthworm Jim and this stage just scared the shit out of me.

>> No.1449348

The Cycloid Emperor and Battlelord in DN3D. For some reason, the Overlord didn't evoke the same pants-shitting fear. But he also kinda looks silly, so I guess that makes sense.

>> No.1449357

Putting on the Deku/Goron/Zora masks in Majora's Mask.

>> No.1449428

The earthshapers in spyro 2 made me really uneasy for some reason. The way they would notice you and raise their hammers in the air, waiting for you to wander close so they can smash you.

>> No.1449437

I was thinking about this earlier today. I think it might have been the contrast. Each sprite had three colors with one being black. The other two colors were a light gray and the other was a deep dark gray. This huge contrast made certain pokemon seem more menacing than they should seem. Staryu is a good example. Yellow version gave pokemon their actual colors so it didn't really happen in that game.

>> No.1449526
File: 485 KB, 800x600, 1394089736435.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In fact, the whole damn game was terrifying for me.

>> No.1449545

At the beginning of Quest 64 you start out in a castle or something, and when I was a kid I got so scared of this corner I couldn't see around that I stopped playing.

Also, water levels, but that's gotten better with time.

>> No.1449707

Maniac Mansion. Specifically getting caught by one of the Edisons and locked in that dungeon. Or killed by something. I had nightmares about those blue-skinned fuckers and their tentacle pets.

>> No.1449943

Kinda reminds me of those cyclops enemies from Phantasy Star 3. The ones that attacked with that weird pectoral wiggle animation. God, I hated those things.

Resident Evil really scared me the first time when I went down the hallway where the dogs bust through the windows. I don't think anything in a game has ever made me jump save for that and when the licker comes through the skylight in RE2.

>> No.1449962

>when the licker comes through the skylight in RE2.

You mean the mirror?

>> No.1449978

Oh fuck you rekindled it. I only thought I was afraid of Redeads.

The first Scream TV level, I used to play with friends around my age (like 5) and we would collectively shit our pants. Every time.

>> No.1449990

I had a major fear of the 4th stage of Altered Beast for Genesis.

I also really really hated any stage whatsoever from any game that the screen would move forward on it's own and staying behind = death. Those made me so nervous.

>> No.1449998
File: 88 KB, 500x538, 2371-xbqjmdsxkw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tawfret used to scare me shitless. The music , zombie drones and the dark misery of the level freaked me the hell out as a kid. The abandoned space station holy fuck it terrified me, also the fucking huge bug bosses made me stop playing the game on several occasions.

this fucker in Shadows of the empire, thank fuck for the invincibility powerup

>> No.1450000

Those fat women from Medievil..

Nightmares for almost 5 years

>> No.1450015

That was the first and last time I've been scared by a video game.
Played RE2 before RE1, every jump scare after that licker in the interrogation room was too predictable.

>> No.1450216

Even Mr X through the wall.....twice?

>> No.1450353
File: 50 KB, 1072x624, K8I3U.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1450354

>Water in 3d games.
SO much this.
Although at some point I finally did do it an it wasn't quite as scary as I thought it would be.

>> No.1450368

final fantasy 7, when moving around with the submarine, suddenly there is this big ass emerald weapon dude hanging out there. Shit my pants.

>> No.1450383 [SPOILER] 
File: 35 KB, 500x313, yCsNjjx98qrdodw16yzluRnqo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> be 7/8
> watch uncle play ff7 all the time
> never allowed to play
> home alone one day
> mychance.bmp
> load file
> weird cavernous area
> enter area
> weird pond-ish floor, platform on other side of room
> oh look a treasure chest
> what's this little snake-shadow thing following me?
> pic related
> can't run, can't kill, snake is literally removing characters from game
> what have I done
> turn off PlayStation
> run away

>> No.1450386
File: 2.81 MB, 1600x1200, 1394130049441.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's all of them

>> No.1450391


>> No.1450392
File: 29 KB, 620x380, SMB2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit. This shit right here. Oh god it still gives me the creeps.

>> No.1450394


Final star door.

"Oh cool, I can already enter! "

Stairs. Endless stairs. That music. Is the game broken? Will I ever get back?

Now I just enjoy reaching terminal ground velocity and infinite long-jumping.

>> No.1450395


>> No.1450398

I love how you have three insanity-stricken abominations with razor sharp teeth, and then there's... a fish with sunglasses. And he kills you in one hit.

>> No.1450403

she's waiting for you rick

>> No.1450407

Lol. And the rest do mild to moderate damage. Never thought of that.

>> No.1450408
File: 94 KB, 500x375, butler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This mother fucker right here.

My friend told me that if he ever touched you, he'd feed you poison, so I spent most of the game running away from him. I remember when I hid in a pool and wait for him to leave the room because I was so terrified of him getting me.

To this day, I don't know if he actually harms you or not.

>> No.1450409

Skorne's true face in Gauntlet Legends freaked me out. Didn't help that it was right on the cover of the cartridge.

>> No.1450412

Played TR2 for the first time recently. It is kind of creepy how he follows you around, moaning and rattling his cups.

>> No.1450429
File: 101 KB, 320x246, bearSSSV.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1450442

I spent more time locking him in the freezer than playing the damn game.

>> No.1450452

>Also anything with a chainsaw
fffffffffaaaaaaame too

>> No.1450459

To be honest, the horror movie levels were fucking terrifying, especially when those guys who were like a combination of Chucky/Jason came after your ass while stabbing the air wildly with that knife they used.

At least, I think that was the same Gex.

>> No.1450462

Robot or brain Andross?
Both are the right answer.
Regular Andross is also kind of scary too.

>> No.1450468

>not the scorpions
>not the gorillas

>> No.1450473

Holy shit. I'd actually forgotten the forms.

[SPOILER]all of them.[/spoiler]

>> No.1450480
File: 216 KB, 800x600, demented doll.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found a picture of those fucks.
Thank god for there being wikis of literally everything.

>> No.1450482


Did you forget about the B scenarios when you get the blue keycard to unlock the hall doors?

As a kid, I hated chase sequences. Enemies swarming you were one thing, that was expected and accepted(mostly because you had rapid fire arsenals, and they died from one shot most times)...no, I'm talking about instances where you had seemingly indestructible enemies chasing after you at various points in the game. So yeah...Mr. X, Nemesis, a few others...

I have new 'tensions', but they aren't /vr/ related...a year or two more.

>> No.1450483

Wow no ones mentioned Solstice for the nes yet...
pure nightmare fuel.
unnerving music, scary as fuck enemies and setting, horrible death scream, oh my god its all coming back to me

>> No.1450485

Forgot about these fucks too.

>> No.1450509

Those weren't quite as predictable, but I was prepared for anything by that point.
Just a bit of a surprise, can't say I felt fear like I did with that licker.

>> No.1450523
File: 700 KB, 300x306, 1335391368320.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1450556
File: 167 KB, 640x480, 12314.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Antlion larvae. Always and forever.
All of them?
Aeh am reborn! The maiteh Krazoa godd!

>> No.1450581

>Did you forget about the B scenarios when you get the blue keycard to unlock the hall doors?

No, but that wasn't really scary because it's more of a cutscene. The mirror one just happens.

>> No.1450598

Wow no ones mentioned Solstice for the nes yet...
pure nightmare fuel.
unnerving music, scary as fuck enemies and setting, horrible death scream, oh my god its all coming back to me

>> No.1450610

Didn't you mention exactly that like an hour ago?

>> No.1450634

For some reason, I have an irrational fear of game development stuff. Like, looking at Mario Galaxy level editor view windows freaks me out. I think it's something of how they all are there but not 'alive' or animated. For reference, I am also afraid of masks and cardboard cutouts, anything that's alive-looking but not alive.

As for retro, OoT and RE2 confirmed my fear of zombies. I also dislike enemies which move unnaturally fast, something that shows up in retro FPS horror mods.

>> No.1450645
File: 29 KB, 620x465, 64352341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The game over screen in Zelda 2 used to scare the shit out of me.
I remember racing for the TV to turn off the NES when i was about to die.

>> No.1450693
File: 7 KB, 284x177, spacequestiv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This fucker right here.
Whenever I played a Sierra game, I had to turn speed up to the max because slow as fuck walking animations.
So when I started played this one, the guy comes out of nowhere lighting fast and starts screaming, then I get killed.
Never finished SQIV to this day.

>> No.1452115

>0 results

Fear of Link dying in OoT while I was responsible for his actions scared the shit out of me. If I had less than two or three hearts I'd turn of the fucking system straight away if I was stuck in a fight or something. Could not deal with him blacking out (even though you just respawn. Although I probably didn't even know this).

>> No.1452116

Had nightmares about re-deads.

>> No.1452123

...Also Snacker in Banjo Kazooie. The blue Jinjo under the pier you spawn on in Treasure Trove Cove that he guarded flat out stopped any chance of me 100%ing the game. True fucking fear. I could understand that his dialogue was kind of jocular in tone, but jesus fuck he struck fear into my young heart.

>> No.1452141

AvP or AvP2 facehuggers. If I hear them jump at me I just close my eyes and press quickload.

>> No.1452151


>> No.1452152

it was only years later that I found out what happens if the timer hits zero is... really underwhelming

>> No.1452204

same here.

>> No.1452230
File: 34 KB, 399x255, t2arcade.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember being scared shitless of those Terminator robots and their shining red eyes.
I couldn't even get close to the T2 Arcade machine.

And also skeletons and zombies in general. Some parts in OoT were an absolute nightmare to me because of this.

I was too much of a chicken to play survival horror like RE and Silent Hill.

>> No.1452232

Boo's mansion.

>> No.1452236

Those Cyberdemon steps sounds always scared the shit out of me.

>> No.1452238

Really? I just hated the level because it felt like they took a bunch of leftover puzzles they couldn't fit in elsewhere and shoved them into this annoyingly slow conveyor belt in the sky to get to each one.

>> No.1452268
File: 113 KB, 400x300, alex47[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this fucker used to give me a panic attack every time he appeared

>> No.1452271
File: 9 KB, 494x361, noface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This motherfucker is still creepy.

>> No.1452290

>Play Pokemon, catch Missingno
>Oh god I broke the game I should delete my save

>> No.1452320

Agreed. The other levels are all cohesive worlds with their own unique feel, but rainbow ride just feels like it was made from spare parts.

>> No.1452334
File: 10 KB, 256x192, RISEFROM.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Altered Beast and Ghouls n' Ghosts on SMS. The games are darker than in Genesis, and the muffled voices and thunder's sfx always creeped me out.

>> No.1452335

the music in ecco scared me a s a kid

>> No.1452349
File: 98 KB, 640x893, alteredbeastsms.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude, are you me? Those voices made the game so much creepier than it should have been.

I never managed to play Altered Best for more than 5 minutes.

>> No.1452380

Isn't that the level with a bunch of frames on the walls? I think Reagan from the Exorcist is in one of them.

>> No.1452386

I actually locked him in the freezer for security reasons because he creeped me out.

>> No.1452490
File: 35 KB, 420x366, jptrex-large.gif[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This fucker scared the hell out of me. The thumping as he approached as you run like hell until her finally snatches your ass for a snack

>> No.1452689
File: 12 KB, 599x470, 1301527035119.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mine is pretty particular and it's mostly the opposite from you guys, it's the lack of objects and people in early 3D games. mostly open world games with big environments (think OOT hyrule field with no enemies or objects like trees/boulders)

it's not the same for 2D games though it's always early 3D games, maybe it's a sense of loneliness or something that might popup that shouldn't be there?

>> No.1452746

I have vivid memories of a Cosmi opening on C64. It would just be this guy literally screaming as his face got more intense.
Your picture actually reminded me of it.

>> No.1452775

Resident Evil 1 scared the shit out of me as a kid. I didn't even get to the dog jumping through the window until I was a teenager and decided to replay it. When I first got it I went into the room with the first zombie then ran away and never left the foyer or dining room.

I would still play it because I was a kid and it was one of the few games I had but I'd never pluck up the courage to leave those rooms

>> No.1452783

I hate every hub world in Gex 3
Also when I was little the ghosts in Sandopolis scared me. I was five then.

>> No.1452797

I know what you mean, there was something off about the emptiness in older games. Like, no matter how far you could see, it wasn't quite clear what was out there, giving the impression that whatever did appear was going to pull your skin off or something. The shitty draw distance added a great deal to that I reckon.

Also, my source of childhood terror, the timed maze in Gobis desert from Banjo Kazooie. If you ran out of time, it'd automatically switch to first person and look up, only for you to see a spiky ceiling crash down towards your face and kill you. It was so jarring and out-of-place in a kids game, it gave me a phobia of impalement for ages. For fucks sake, Rare.

>> No.1452815

Thanatos in SoM. That guy was spooky, yo.

Also .hack games in general, but those are not so retro.

>> No.1452817

Also, where is that gif from? Tried google image search, best guess is "fuck Microsoft" for some reason.

>> No.1452832

I don't remember which one it was, but I remember renting a Bomberman game on SNES as a kid, struggling for a bit to reach the boss, and then seeing the boss and getting so scared that I turned the SNES off.

>> No.1452849

Sandopolis Zone Act 2 scared the shit out of me.

>> No.1452886

Are there vampires in morrowind? or you mean the ash ones?
You made me remember that ones that have no eyes. I just keep being creeped out by the fuckers, and the first time I found one I just ran away from the room and stared at the screen for 15 minutes before playing again.

>> No.1452914

I remember renting Doom on the SNES and being too scared to play. I ran around with the map up so I wouldn't see anything before I quit.

Years later, after conquering my fear of Doom, I had the same thing happen with Resident Evil and Silent Hill. RE I overcame pretty quickly, but even almost 15 years later, Silent Hill still unnerves me.

As for non-horror things, I can't really think of any. I never put too much thought into things beyond the surface until later, so in the future when I replayed a lot of titles I previously beat, I wondered how my child self made it through a lot of stuff.

>> No.1453001

funny, I've always felt very peaceful by the huge empty spaces in such games, and draw distance fog made worlds exciting to me b/c it made the world feel bigger and more alive than it ever was. Go figure

fucking facehuggers

>> No.1453005

there are real, legitimate Buffy-vampires as well, but they're very much on the fringe of Vvardenfell existence. Check uesp and you'll see them

>> No.1454842

Funny, that happens to me too, but when i'm in a kind of excited scared mood, like with good creepypasta

>> No.1454847

Fuckin nightmares man. Lay in bed awake staring at the wall replaying it in my head for ages.

>> No.1454851

>evil walrus head

>> No.1455064
File: 68 KB, 640x480, sanitarium-child.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no Sanitarium kids? Really?

>> No.1455083

that one medieval game for the ps1, not even anything specific just the game itself. idk something about the music, the theme and the difficulty would make me panic constantly when i'd play it as a kid. i think its the only game i recall having to take breaks from while playing.

>> No.1455106

For the longest time I played my first PC not knowing about drivers, as a result my Soundcard never got its drivers and some games would have all voices playing in slow motion or doublespeed.

I recall playing the Sanitarium demo with all voices in slow motion, freaky as fuck.
Also ended up playing most of Total Annihilation campaign not realizing the Narrator was not meant to sound like a chipmunk.

Yeah I was a stupid kid

>> No.1455230
File: 66 KB, 640x619, escape from horrorland.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit.
I hated exploring that bedroom by myself, I was expecting something to pop up.

>> No.1455247

Arch Viles in Doom. Really just Doom in general. I spent a lot of nights alone in my bedroom, all the lights out, inching my way around dimly lit hallways while hearing those imps scratching in the background, waiting for me... Dammit that was such a great experience.

>> No.1455326


>> No.1455345
File: 771 KB, 1200x841, fghfgh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was absolutely terrified of this little moment that happened in FFVII. I was playing alone in my brother's room (he had the PSX) in the basement with the lights off.

I was having a good laugh running around the Honey Bee Inn and went into one of the rooms only to have this play:


I freaked the fuck out and shut the game off.

>> No.1455356
File: 49 KB, 692x288, 1394207050141.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>realized just now I should have put a picture in there
Did anyone even see this guy as a ghost with a staff?
Because I don't know anyone who did.

>> No.1455518

yeah i always thought he was a hooded guy with yellow eyes and a big knife or something

>> No.1455543

I can't remember the name of the game, but it was on a Block Buster 100 games demo disc that came with our old 98.

It was like a hex turn based mech game, and when your mech died the pilots like started screaming and their faces melted and their eyes melted too or something. It was terrifying.

Anyone know that game?

>> No.1455569
File: 15 KB, 360x300, yeti.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Behold the face of evil

>> No.1455578
File: 111 KB, 409x447, 1394330862698.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1455601
File: 449 B, 40x28, abom_fu.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No exceptions.
And this is from the page of the guy who made the actual game.

>> No.1455624

I actually liked Doom even when I was four.

The one thing was, though, I had to play with iddqd on. I wasn't too bad the few times I played it without but I was terrified of dying so I almost always had it on except for maybe E1M1.

>> No.1455684
File: 58 KB, 692x600, Skullfucker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God damn, i hate these guys. The screeching skulls the flung at you was awful, didn't help that they would teleport when you got too close.

>> No.1455692

Shame those fuckers are intent on ruining this series with DRM now.

>> No.1455697

This fucker. I swear, as a kid, the only thing that scared me was Doom, and it wasn't even fighting the enemies. It was hearing them cackling in the next room and knowing I'd have to go through them. Nerve-wracking.

It's a good thing I wasn't a kid when this motherfucker came around. I'd have been traumatized. Still kinda freaks me out. It's the anticipation more than anything.

>> No.1455723

anyone here play Bugdom growing up?
I first got this game when I was like 7, and it scared the shit out of me. Still does sometimes.
>short render distance so you can barely see what's coming up
>glitches where you clip through the walls
>unforgiving, relatively fast death
>feeling insignificant, unable to protect yourself
>often scary music

>> No.1455726
File: 47 KB, 480x360, bugdumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot image

>> No.1455816

I was afraid to play Perfect Dark because I kept seeing the corpses of enemies I didn't kill. My brother said it was the ghost of James Bond, so I thought he could pop out of nowhere and shoot me at any time.

>> No.1456996
File: 6 KB, 320x240, nononononno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1457027
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>> No.1457028

>That much of a germaphobe to cover your keyboard in wax paper
>but not to take a shower

>> No.1457891

I would shit myself at anything mildly horror related as a kid.

Now the only game that ever creeps me the fuck out is Forbidden Siren.

>> No.1457945
File: 86 KB, 715x1118, 1394416568446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really? Nobody is going to bring up this fucker?
I first heard the rumor from a friend and it scared the shit outta me.
Then it kindled a fascination with glitches in games

>> No.1457986
File: 741 B, 256x240, Mxpx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Phantos didn't bother me so much.

But that very final gate? The one that comes alive and attacks you? Scared the living FUCK outta me as a kid.

>> No.1458006
File: 129 KB, 320x240, Emerald_Weapon_underwater_new.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always dreaded this part of the game.

>> No.1458039

...any game with spiders in it, fuck you Resident Evil (especially Code Veronica, you know exactly which part I'm talking about).
....aaand........ET on Atari

>> No.1458049



>> No.1458050
File: 25 KB, 1408x1760, 5-tower[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a huge fear, but something that made me incredibly uneasy was this tower in Super Mario 3. why was there nothing there? Why have unique lanterns used only for that tower.

>> No.1458171
File: 6 KB, 256x224, 294306-scary_face.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not one of you guys posted anything from Shadowgate or Uninvited? God damn that shit was scary as fuck as a child, especially since I used to play those games in my grandfather's really old house which used to be a hotel. Most of the rooms in those games looked like the rooms in that place. Shame it's ripped down now.

>> No.1458187

Yes, both of these for me too.

>> No.1458218


The purpose of the tower was to send you up to the clouds. Scene change, maybe?

Also there are a few easy 1ups to be had if you have a spare P-wing.

>> No.1458219
File: 144 KB, 400x300, its_a_sad_thing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Missed Uninvited as a kid but fuck Shadowgate. That Grim Reaper was absolutely terrifying.

Also more Shadowgate music.

>> No.1458227


More appropriate:

>> No.1458232

Carnage from the Neversoft Spiderman game freaked me out. That last chase was so unnerving to me as a kid. Not sure if it's as difficult as I remember it, but it still scared me.

>> No.1458243

>Torch running out music starts
>Mad dash to reset button

>> No.1458245
File: 999 KB, 500x330, 1359968075019.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1459329

That fucking enourmus skull in the orc room in the first dungeon of Daggerfall.
Just look at it. Is almost as big as an orc. And has eyeballs.
Also all the oversized things in that game. Is just creepie.

>> No.1459379
File: 6 KB, 108x91, redneck-guard.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember Redneck Rampage? Well, these fuckers scared the shit out of me, because I wasn't expecting aliens. They were also beefy as hell.

>> No.1459421

Fucking yes, oh my god. Monster Ock will haunt my dreams and you had to run but I could never web zip fast enough and god that scream aghhh

>> No.1459525

Did it have a game with man eating post boxes where you had to duck?

>> No.1459818
File: 8 KB, 191x169, protozoid-slimer.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These things were the reason why it took me a long time to beat Duke Nukem 3d.

>> No.1461016

I dodged it once with Chunky's Z+A jump.

>> No.1461035
File: 14 KB, 259x194, down the tuuuubes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ya fuck those guys. They're worse than the invincible gorillas in Down The Tubes, but still not nearly as bad as the scuba orb thing. Crashing into rocks and seeing him explode & drown... fucking scary.

>> No.1461060

The worst is that, if you're playing on 4th difficulty, they're in the first level - but it's complete chance whether you face him in his chamber or if he comes to you. Either I run around in circles in the first area waiting for him, or he decides to come up behind me while I'm fighting archers. FUCK.

Honorable mention to the exploding starfish from the expansion, the angel ghost things, and Pestilence. Fuck Pestilence.

>> No.1461067
File: 133 KB, 997x674, 1394549033435.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm amazed it hasn't been mentioned yet. The scariest game is Star Wars: Dark Forces.
>get to last level
>know there's a Dark Trooper below me
>decide to drop thermals on him rather than jump down
>he rockets upwards RIGHT IN MY FACE, filling the entire screen
>can't dodge his attacks because tight corridor
>fuck, now he knows where I am

>> No.1461072

And although those guys are way tougher, their unfinished skeleton forms are much scarier visually.
Especially when you fight this bastard in a really tight corridor, and you reflects everything except for explosives, which will certainly damage you because tight space. Either you run backwards while throwing grenades at him (risking running your back into a wall) or you turn your back to him and drop landmines.

>> No.1461075
File: 298 KB, 546x338, dark trooper 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related

>> No.1461080
File: 200 KB, 640x400, 1394549667248.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But neither of those assblasters compare to the sewer level.
>pitch black
>no ammo
>clusterfuck maze
>these niggers coming at you from all sides

I skipped this level every time as a kid.

>> No.1461124

Play this Dutch text adventure game on c64:

You are in some creepy house (staying outside is instant death)
Enter bathroom
You see: Bathtub filled with murky water

> Pull Plug

The water runs away......


fucking text adventure scared the wits out of me.

(solution was to burn the zombie immediately with the ever-present torch you're carrying before it gets out of the tub)

>> No.1461152
File: 26 KB, 442x155, nopenope.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The most NOPE thing about the vampires was their speed.
>go to a tomb (yeah not gonna find anything spooky or undead in there)
>open a door
>vampire runs like a crazy from across the room

Also when going to a shrine and picking up a jewel from an altar and all of a sudden behind you a Daedra monster spawns. First time this happened I was playing with a friend. We ran away for like five minutes until reached a town.

>> No.1461432

The mutants from Quake 2.

The original gorilla wolf motherfuckers.

>> No.1461489
File: 82 KB, 512x480, Monster Party (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most of the bosses from this game got to me, this one in particular

>> No.1461490

As someone who has been tempted to do the same thing, it's probably not out of germophobia, but because he hates the feeling of sweaty/greasy/dirty keys.
The fact that he "degreases" his pizza with paper towels supports my guess.

>> No.1461505


Speaking of Quackshot, the orcas of the South Pole stage creeped the hell out of me when I was kid.

>> No.1461506


>Seeing the level switch from happy to gore
>Sorry I'm dead

The game sure had it's moments

>> No.1461510

Do be honest when I first played Serious Sam as a youngin' I was a lot more afraid of the gnaars than the kamikazes.

I always called them "giant rotten tooth guys", haha.

>> No.1461523

Do you need to reach a certain level for them to spawn? I tend to play until level twenty or so.

>> No.1461568
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>> No.1461624

Now I feel old because no-one said that fucking spider from SimAnt.

>> No.1461651
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I don't know where else to post this, but did you ever play the Sims, put people in a room with no doors and then put a rug in front of a fireplace so it would catch on fire and watch them all burn to death?

>> No.1461664
File: 92 KB, 256x397, 256px-DremoraM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean the Daedra? I think it's just scripted, no matter what level you are. Maybe at lower levels you get a lesser Dremora instead of Dremora lord, but they always spawn. There's always a specific item on the altar that triggers the spawn. It also relates on the "breaking the game" spirit of Morrowind, since the item is usually a jewel and an alchemy ingredient and has a different ID than what a normal one would be and doesn't stack. So then you get a special ID Diamond with "invisiblity + effect 2 + effect 3 + effect 4 (can't remember) and you can combine it with a normal Diamond and make a 4 effect potion. I love Morrowind because of these little things, sometimes I feel like they just left unfinished stuff like this to be exploited and even tempted you to try and break the game.

To keep it /vr/ I have to say, the fiends in Quake were a nightmare. That horrible feeling when one is chasing you and you know that it's much faster and could just leap and rip you apart in one slash just made me pause the game and leave the room for a while.

>> No.1461673


I think everyone who has owned a Sims game has done that.


>> No.1461678

No, the vampires.

>> No.1461686

They have their own nests and don't spawn at random or roam the wilderness. There's a whole world of questing when it comes to vampires

>> No.1461708

I seem to recall trapping them inside a swimming pool at one point.

>> No.1461710

you could always just set fireworks off inside the house too

>> No.1461714
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>> No.1461738
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RAAAAAAWR! *ship explodes*

Where my fear of things suddenly appearing on screen with a loud noise came from.

>> No.1461748
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>that fucking Wal-Mart-sized dianoga at the end of the sewer level in Shadows of the Empire

>> No.1461872
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There was a Resident Evil ad in a magazine that said "If these walls could talk, they'd scream". Whomever wrote that gets respect for scaring the shit out of me and guaranteeing I bought a copy with my allowance.

>> No.1462250
File: 4 KB, 256x223, Super_Mario_All_Stars_3_83[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The sun in super mario bros 3 scared the shit out of me. I didn't think you could actually beat so I ran from it and it followed me through the entire level, and all I could think was WHAT DO YOU WANT TINY SUN STOP PLEASE OH GOD STOP

>> No.1462273

I had a nightmare of Morrigan from Darkstalkers eating me after sex.

I didn't play the games again until two years ago.

>> No.1462290
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>mfw this thread

>> No.1462329

I couldn't play horror games longer than 5 minutes at a time because I was afraid of dying

>> No.1462437
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I haven't really been scared by a game but I did feel threatend by Nemesis. In terms of making me go "Oh shit" whenever he showed up he is one of my favourite videogame monsters. He is like the Terminator of Resident Evil and he will not stop until you are dead.

>> No.1463241

The fatalities from Eternal Champions. Especially those ones in the lab.

>> No.1464408
File: 281 KB, 622x559, leileiandbulletalaughin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Will you get offended if I say that this post made me chuckle hard?

>> No.1464462

Put a sock in it

>> No.1464868
File: 41 KB, 640x477, trees.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This part of Pajama Sam would always scare the shit out of me. Whenever I played, I had to leave the room and cover my ears until enough time had passed for the scene to be over.


>> No.1464893
File: 155 KB, 674x639, Ichthyosaur_hl1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This bitch nigga here. Fuck, I even got stuck of fear.

>> No.1465324

There was this stage in Ren and Stimpy: Veediots where you had to clear a stage inside Stimpys mouth.

There was eerie, panicked track playing in the background, and there were fucking veins in the empty tooth holes. (does anyone remember that scene in the show where he pulls out his fucking veins? Still gets me) I hate anything involving tooth pain and veins, but here's this fucked part: If you touched a vein, the mouth would come down and chomp you in an insta-death.

I would imagine being eaten while I was outside, and remember sprinting inside out of fear. It was awful, man. Also, those yetis in Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire. Fuck.

>> No.1465383

water levels mostly
I think it was because of banjo-kazooie when snacker would chase you down
it also bothered me when that like... creepy violin noise would play when you went deep down in clankets cavern
a few years ago I played banjo-tooie and some dark underwater part scared me so bad I shut off the console

>> No.1465408
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>that underground trash tunnel

>> No.1467674


God this used to scare the shit out of me, I have no idea why TR was so spooky but it was. the Venice level with the henchmen and dogs used to creep me out too.

>> No.1467704
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>> No.1467710


The Sa-X from Metroid Fusion.

>> No.1467723

I think the worst part wasn't him as a character, rather, the horrible fucking shit that was done to him, for such a petty fucking reason.

>> No.1467746

I have a weird one.
When Prof. Elm calls you after getting your Pokedex and tells you that something went wrong at the lab. For some reason I freaked out because I thought the guy at the front of the lab murdered someone. Didn't help that I was home alone and it was this weird warm, quiet day, I don't know. I look back on it now and it's so confusing how I got scared over something like that.

>> No.1467787

>and you can combine it with a normal Diamond and make a 4 effect potion
Which isn't necessarily beneficial (a bottle of powdered diamond had at least drain agility from what I can remember).

Lots of ingredients had bad effects, so you had to keep in mind what to mix, unless you were fine with your Restore Health Potion having drain stamina and weakness to fire.

>> No.1468068
File: 159 KB, 500x595, Chainsaw_Bear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you fear the saw, anon?

>> No.1468245
File: 2.59 MB, 640x480, 1387139251837.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember playing Red for the first time and freaking the hell out when my Charizard was scared of the spirits

>> No.1468340

Some sensitive snowflakes in this thread

only fear I had re: vidya was that my save games would end up corrupt or overwritten (a well-founded fear at the time)

>> No.1469151
File: 22 KB, 320x240, screen1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no castlevania 64 posts
>what even...

confronting the 1st vampire
in villa, oh my god and the chainsaw guy with his
dogs stilll creeps me out a little and he a sort of metallic hitting sounds whenever he ran so u kew he was close....
jesus christ my childhood was never the same after that
pic related

>> No.1469748

Same here, the entire Quake series pretty much made me paranoid and jumpy as fuck as well

>> No.1471705


>> No.1471709


Water is mine too.

Partially inspired by Soul Reaver

>> No.1473458

Fuck Wallmasters. First time I saw them in OoT I thought they were chimpanzees. I don't know why.