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1435175 No.1435175[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I have never played the Phantasy Start games and would like to correct this. Are there any clear upsides or downsides to playing them via Sonic's Ultimate Genesis Collection (PS3) over Wii's Virtual Console? Or is there an even better option?

>> No.1435192

PS1 and PS2 had remakes on PS2, IIRC one of them had a fan translation.

>> No.1435203

I'd probably prefer to play the originals, since my interest stems from enjoying SNES RPGs and not having exposure to Sega games (and thus these) at the time.

>> No.1435213

Have fun OP
I recently completed Phantasy Star 1 on the gba, and although that version has some issues I thoroughly enjoyed playing it.

>> No.1435225

Damn the GBA "Collection". The thing was missing the best PS (the fourth) and I had no idea it existed until years later.

>> No.1435239

Yeah that was a shame, supposedly it didn't fit on the GBA cart combined with the other three games

>> No.1435261

I really enjoyed blazing through IV on the PSP genesis collection. There's something about it being portable that just really suits the games. Especially since you can set macros for your random encounters and set them off as you're walking around and they're done in a minute.

If you have to have grinding in a game, at least give it macros.

>> No.1435263

>you can set macros for your random encounters and set them off as you're walking around and they're done in a minute
Pardon my naivete; is that something you can actually do in the game, or is that something you do by manipulating the PSP?

>> No.1435264

It is part of the game.

>> No.1435268

Nice. Now I wish I owned a PSP, sort of.

>> No.1435270

The PS2 versions are, indeed, the best versions of 1 & 2 and they've both been fan translated. Then just skip 3 until later if you just can't get enough, play 4 on whatever. It's pretty great even without a remake, but I guess the PSP version is enhanced.

>> No.1435372

Phantasy Star Generation 2's fan translation has not been completed. Sorry about that.

>> No.1435486
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Don't listen to these faggots going on about remakes. They didn't get localized for a reason. 2-4 are fine on the Genesis collection. I'd play 1 on emulator for the FM soundtrack.

There is a downside to the Sonic Genesis collection though, it has save states. I didn't know about them when I played the games, and I had 10 times more fun than I would have. If the chance of game over isn't there, they aren't nearly as much fun

>> No.1435508

>They didn't get localized for a reason.
I love that detailed and thought-out reason! Have some 4chan Gold!

>> No.1435558

If you play PS2, then draw a map.

No. Really. Draw a map.

>> No.1435563

I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you're some variety of reeking foreigner. Its a figure of speech.

>> No.1435591

If you don't want the remakes (which honestly are just garish IMO) then i'd say the best option is the Sega Ages 2500 Vol. 32: Phantasy Star Complete Collection for the PS2. It's the original games but ported by the masters at M2 meaning that you get additional little options like increased walking speed, battle speed up and difficulty level options. And yes, the collection does surprisingly contain the English versions of the games despite being Japan exclusive.

Even has a 240p option for true CRT enthusiasts!

>> No.1435613

Playing PS1 right now. Jesus fuck the dungeons are tense, I barely made it out alive from the tunnel to Abion Island. So damn confusing, even when I draw a map.

Go for it OP. IMO they're a much greater challenge than most Snes RPGs, though they lack some of the sophistication, I still think the PS series for the Sega is badass. Personally emulation is the way to go, but that's just my opinion.

I mean look at the picture you posted, doesn't that look like the best fun ever? Get on it, son!

>> No.1435651
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>Giant Bomb's newest UPF

>Brad jokingly turns on PS2
>Jeff gets excited as shit (for the first time in forever) and begins to throw around the words "Best console RPG ever made" and "Music that you couldn't even get on the SNES" all while he jams out to the town theme in PS2

It was weird. Though it's given me interest to finally beat PS2. A game I haven't beaten in, about 12 years.

>> No.1435958

>I'd play 1 on emulator for the FM soundtrack.

I missed Sega (Master System and Gensis/MD) entirely back in the day, so I'm going to need a little clarification--why would FM sound only be accessible via emulation?

This sounds good, though I'd have to modify my PS2, and between that and getting the game, it might be cheaper to just go with the PS3 port. It's too bad it wasn't brought stateside. Late in the PS2's life cycles, compilation titles seemed to be all the rage, or at least good shelfwarmer's for Five Below.

Oh, I intend to! Just a matter of picking my delivery mechanism. It seems like the differences are either negligible or good-but-not-easy-to-obtain, so I'll probably just spring for the PS3 collection. Since, again, I never owned a Sega, I'd probably get a lot of mileage since I never played ANY Sega games before, and this has much more than just the PS titles.

>> No.1435968


Regarding the SEGA Ages version: If you can get some JP PSN money cards you could always create yourself a Japanese PSN account and buy it for 800 Yen (like $8) on J-PSN:


>> No.1435975

I balked at the prospect of setting up a JP account on a US system, but if a 2013 Kotaku article is to be believed, it's apparently very simple. I just might go this route. Thanks for the tip!

>> No.1435995

I'll never know why PSIII gets such a bad rap. I think it's a damn good game.

>> No.1436001


Yeah, it ain't hard. Plenty of guides around for it. The biggest problem though is that you will most likely not be able to use your credit card so you will need someone in the nippon to either set you up with some J-PSN cards or buy them from import sites.

>> No.1436013

The US and PAL versions of the SMS only had PSG audio, whereas the Japanese version had both PSG and FM.

>> No.1436371

I've only played phantasy star online and I was thinking of picking up phantasy star 4 on steam since i hear it's the go to game of the series. Is it fine to start at 4 and play the others later? Or is there a better order?

>> No.1436438

There is continuity, but they all take place 1,000 years apart. 3 and 4 are both sequels to 2; 3 is a side story, 4 is the finale. I'd actually recommend starting with 4. Its the most accessible and doesn't feel like a game made in the 80s (because all the other ones were). 2 is a sick dungeon crawler, though, so if you like 4, definitely check it out afterwards.

>> No.1436449

It's just too different and it's also obvious they had no fucking budget to speak of.

>> No.1436493

Its obvious that its not a finished game. Everything is half-assed. Its kind of a pity, because all the things that ARE half-assed are ahead of their time.

>> No.1437135
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The original Phantasy Star is the game that got me into RPGs. It's hard as balls. Never actually finished it as a kid. Just finished it for the first time last year. Great game, but do yourself a favor and buy some graph paper.

>> No.1437756

Best option is playing all the Phantasy Star games via emulation on a mid-range android tablet. It's free, easy, portable and you'll also be able to play Phantasy Star 0 on Drastic.