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1429613 No.1429613[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>mfw discovering the PC Engine / Turbografx-16

Why don't we ever talk about the fucking Turbografx-16? I've played shitloads of games on Saturn, Dreamcast, and even the fucking WonderSwan, but I've only recently realized the glory of the Turbografx-16. It's actually... really really good.

What's everyone playing? I just finished Gate of Thunder and Chou Aniki. About to play some Rhondo of Blood. This is awesome, bro.

>> No.1429628

It's not really good though. It has a TON of shovelware. Problem is, it's relevant shovelware. Shitty shmups are more playable than Imagine Babiez on Wii so it doesn't feel as bad.

>> No.1429636

But some of the shmups are pretty good. Also, the Castlevania and Bonk games are decent platformers. SMT is a great RPG, and there's even a strategy game.

What else do you want?

>> No.1429642

Yeah there are plenty of good games, but it's just a little worse than the big names in consoles. Where 30% of the SNES library is awesome, 70% is shit. Turbografx is 20% awesome, 80% shit/generic clones. I have played through the full library and like some games but nothing really made me go back to the system. I liked the music on most games.

>> No.1429661

post music



>> No.1429675

Is that honestly that bad for a console that was essentially a commercial failure? What do you expect from something that didn't do so hot. Better than the fucking CD-I or something of that nature.

>> No.1429676

> It's actually... really really good.
>that bad

Huge difference here.

>> No.1429679

PC-engine wasn't a failure at all.

>> No.1429715

Percentages don't really mean very much, since you're obviously just going to avoid all the shitty games and focus on the good ones, regardless of the platform(although I think both that approximately one third awesomeness is high for the SNES, and awesome vs shit is a false dichotomy because there's stuff in the middle). The point is, if you're a big fan of certain particular games on the Turbografx, then you're reasonably going to rate that system pretty high.

>> No.1429736

I don't think you know what a commercial failure is.

>> No.1429737 [DELETED] 

your gay

>> No.1429739

The Star Soldier series is pretty good.

>> No.1429740

>Why don't we ever talk about the fucking Turbografx-16?
Because the kids here don't know about any pre-1995 consoles that weren't "popular".

>> No.1429746

Shitty games aren't shovelware, and neither is games with a short development time.

Criteria for Shovelware:
- games that advertise a franchise
- all games based on existing board games
- unusually/extremely short development time for the time it needs and obviously unfinished
- games that completely lack gameplay or doesn't fit at all into existing genres

>> No.1429749

>Because the kids here don't know about anything other than the SNES

>> No.1429753

Shovelware is used as a blanket term to define shit games.

>> No.1429756

>Shovelware is a derogatory computer jargon term that refers to software noted more for the quantity of what is included than for the quality or usefulness.

>only i know true meaning of a jargon

>> No.1429757

It's amazing isn't it?

All the old systems have a particular "feel", and this one is no different. It's not Nintendo, it's not Sega, it's NEC.

>> No.1429761

I would think that the older crowd would probably be the less knowledgeable group, actually. Kids today getting into retro games will explore all the emulation sites and read articles on Wikipedia that detail all the competitors to popular systems. The older crowd, thinking themselves already knowledgeable, will tend to go by whatever ignorant opinions they held as children and thus will not be especially knowledgeable about obscure systems like the Turbografx-16.

>> No.1429764

>that term applies to everything I just said

>> No.1429771
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>> No.1429769

>Shitty games aren't shovelware, and neither is games with a short development time.

Kill yourself

>> No.1429775

No, you're thinking of kusoge. Shovelware means something different. Look it up and admit to yourself you were wrong, but it is unnecessary that you admit to us you were wrong because you are anonymous.
special words or expressions that are used by a particular profession or group and are difficult for others to understand.
All words have particular meanings. Sometimes people misunderstand what they are. Get over yourself.

>> No.1429780 [DELETED] 
File: 63 KB, 331x402, butthurt-faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1429786

This is true, but it's the minority case. The majority of people who know what a PC-Engine/TurboGrafix is, had actually seen/played it in person.

>> No.1429797


The majority of people who know what a Turbografx-16 is had a Wii and took a look at the virtual console store.

>> No.1429830


Only rich bitches had it. I never knew anyone who had one as a kid, although I was aware of its existence in a vague way. Never saw any games in the magazines I really badly wanted.

I mainly liked platformers and JRPGs, and I don't think it has a lot of those. I've gotten into some of the shmups recently.

>> No.1429847

I bought mine for $49.99 at EB when it was being closed out with Sidearms for $10 new.

>> No.1429852

I wish I could expand on my collection but every worthwhile game is expensive as shit.

>> No.1429860


What year was that?

>> No.1429862

I...wanna say roughly around the time I bought my SNES set that same with Zelda LTTP

>> No.1429867
File: 667 KB, 1271x1006, 1366917026755.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>what year was that anon?
>the year I did this thing

>> No.1429868

Why don't you try researching the approx year, you dolt?

>> No.1429872


>research the year anon bought a console and game

Are you just fucking with me, or are you actually this thick?

>> No.1429874

I'm sorry you are too disabled to wiki the info.

>> No.1429876


I'm not asking which year the console came out, I'm asking when you bought yours.

Seriously, is one of us having a stroke?

>> No.1429879

Obviously, you are, if you can't determine the time when the TG-16 was being discontinued and the time the SNES was packing in LTTP.

>> No.1429880


For Emulation Mednafen is the most accurate. Retroarch can run the PCE-Fast Mednafen core, which should be fine for 90% of PCE games.

>> No.1429882

I like how you're trying to grill some dude because he doesn't remember exactly when something happened 20 years ago.


>> No.1429883


I can, but that doesn't necessarily imply you bought it in that exact year. You could just tell me like a regular person.

>> No.1429889

Having a blast playing Lords of Thunder...
And I don't even like shmups

>> No.1429890


There are a lot of variables none of his responses have made me aware of that would enable me to determine the year. When was the EB closing? How long had the TG16 been discontinued? Was the SNES new or a resell? I can't just make assumptions and expect to figure this out. At least give me a range.

Actually don't, I really don't give a fuck anymore. I just wanted to know if I would have cared to get one at the time he bought his. If it was 95-96 the answer is probably no.

>> No.1429891

Well, let's put it this way: I bought them the same year. Did that help?

>> No.1429895


See >>1429890

>> No.1430145

PC Engine is glorious, and at least the cd library has lots of good games (unlike the sega cd).
>Gate of Thunder
A really good Thunder Force clone, never finished it though
>Chou Aniki
That "thing" is good too, although some bosses are way too easy. Liked the PS/Saturn game more (and it has better music too), but the original has some good stuff too.

Also, I suggest Magical Chase.

>> No.1430158

PC Engine and Saturn were the last two major systems I hadn't started collecting for until this year. I just got a PC Engine in the last week with a dozen or so games (pics in the most recent pick-up thread), and let me tell you, this system (the Japanese version, not even going to bother with the TG-16) is way more fulfilling to collect for so far than the Saturn. If you're willing to buy just HU-Card, you can get a bunch of great games for really cheap compared to the US releases, you can even find oddities like Batman for 20 bucks complete. Waiting on Ninja Spirit, Tonma and the first two Schibibinman games.

>> No.1430186
File: 83 KB, 512x440, 89-0Oj7A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Military Madness on TG-16 is pure gaming bliss to anyone that likes turn-based strategy.

Too bad the recent remake on XBL/PSN was garbage.

>> No.1430242

Being a turbografx collector is suffering. Even the crap sports games are like 20 bucks. I bought my turboduo back in like 2002 with 13 games (including air zonk) for something like 230 bucks. And at the time I thought that was way expensive. Now you can't find a half decent tg16 game for under 40 bucks, hardly.

>> No.1430330

holy fuck you are one autistic bastard

>> No.1430331

Sell your Turbo Duo and get a PC engine Duo. The turbo duos sell for like 500 bucks and PC engine games are way cheaper.

>> No.1430335

yeah its such a rip off, I played the shit out of TG16 as a kid because 2 of my friends had them. I got my own a few years ago but collecting for it sucks and its painful knowing its just losers with no friends buying them never plugging in the turbo tap and knowing the glory of dungeon explorer

>> No.1430353

But what about these tg16 games I have? ;_;

>> No.1430367

Get just a normal TG16 or something. The JP duos are ~200-250 bucks. Any NA CD games you have will play on the JP duo.

>> No.1430406

Think I could get 400 for my duo even if the caps need changing? They still work, it's just quiet, especially on CD games

>> No.1430625

I've seen this game around before. How does it compare to famicom wars?

>> No.1430656

I've been playing loads of Ninja Gaiden recently, and the Turbo version of that kills the SNES version in both graphics and sound. Still wouldn't recommend over the NES version, though.

>> No.1430660

the scrolling in the backgrounds is fucked though I cant get over that

>> No.1430665

Yeah, as far as I can gather the Turbo isn't really designed to do parallax, and devs had to figure out how to make it do the effect. Many later games do it fine, but NG is pretty old.

>> No.1430709
File: 23 KB, 160x140, zoc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not as adorable, but I think the rules are more interesting. There's terrain bonuses and base/factory capturing (no unit production though, so you better make efficient use of what you have), but also immediately surrounding units is a Zone of Control where enemy movement is reduced to 1 hex (so you can effectively form a defensive line while keeping units slightly spaced out) and if the collective ZOCs of your units completely cover an enemy unit's ZOC, its defense and attack are both cut in half and you'll tear them up. Had times playing Advance Wars when I really wished I could do that.

Military Madness was also on the PSX under the name Nectaris, including both a new campaign and the entire original TG16 set of maps.

>> No.1430720
File: 25 KB, 512x440, 17-QMvp8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, having direct-fire friendly units adjacent to the enemy when the fight starts will net you a support bonus of half of their attack (or defense, depending on whose turn it is)