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/vr/ - Retro Games

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1422919 No.1422919 [Reply] [Original]

This modern crusade against "resellers" baffles me.

Are people not allowed to sell games on the second hand market? Who is not a reseller other than the original licensed vendors?

I drop by my local thrift stores each week and check to see what has come in. Every once in a while I will luck out and grab a couple of PlayStation games, or perhaps a Gameboy Color.

Once, I was fortunate enough to purchase an entire Gamecube+accessories for $5. Now, I already have a Gamecube, so what am I to do with this one?

Was I supposed to just leave it there for the "next guy"?

To hell with that. I'm not going to throw away an opportunity for fair profit. A Gamecube is worth more than five bucks, and it took less than 3 hours to call up a younger friend and sell it to him for $20.

If that makes me a filthy reseller then all I can say is fuck you.

If a guy wants to make his living looking for these kind of deals, then I wish him luck.

>> No.1422923

I don't think buying a thing or two that are on steep discount makes you a reseller.

When most people talk about "resellers", they're talking about people who case out secondhand stores and Goodwill on a weekly basis and clean them out of anything decent before actual collectors get there. Then they sell that stuff back to the collectors at double what the secondhand shops wanted.

Those people are scum.

>> No.1422926

How? Because you didn't get there first and wanted all the deals for yourself?

>implying "collectors" wouldn't sell that junk later on for a profit and brag about it

Keep being a whinybutt.

>> No.1422925


That's the collectors loss. He pays extra for not taking the time to check the stores more often. It's called a middle man.

>> No.1422930

>>implying "collectors" wouldn't sell that junk later on for a profit and brag about it

Exactly, that's the double standard. Collectors have no qualms about selling doubles to finance big buys, but they whine all the time about these boogey men.

>> No.1422935

If the actual collectors don't want to get off their ass they don't get to buy games dirt cheap.

>> No.1422945

>buy a tub of video game consoles and games on Craigslist for $130
>guy says there are 100 games in there
>assures me no more than 10% are sports games
>buy it
>80% sports games and shovelware
>try to get my money back
>"lol yeah right"
>forced to sell all this bullshit
>make $400 on Ebay from everything (snes/NES/xbox/PS1/N64 consoles; several in there too)

I ended up making an accident profit and never could get away from buying and selling video games. Now I go to thrift shops every few days with my girlfriend and buy a lot of stuff and sell it on Ebay in 3 days and make 2-4x my money. My best find was a PSone bundle with the LCD screen for $4.99. I sold it in 3 days for $62.

>tfw girlfriend is getting good at finding stuff as we depart in two different directions in the store
>tfw her 4G smartphone and unsuspecting appearance that she would be checking prices unlike me if I had my phone out
>tfw no one thinks you look suspicious when you're with a girl and in the store for a long time in one area

>> No.1422958

I dont mind some resellers. For example people who buy old consoles cheap and repair them or recondition them
to sell them on
also once i saw a box of game boy advances going for £1 each, i bought like 5 of them and gave them a few of my friends and kept one for me.

Reselling them never even crossed my mind. Which i guess was a bit daft really

The kinda resellers that bug me are the kind that dont care about what theyre selling.
The kind of people that would buy 20 concert tickets fans could've had and resell them online for like £200 each.

Collectors are like me i suppose, the people who never resell anything, that just love playing the games as they were supposed to be played on the snes or the megadrive etc.

>> No.1422961

>The kind of people that would buy 20 concert tickets fans could've had and resell them online for like £200 each.

i fucking hate these people. like when a new console comes out and these pricks buy fucking 5 or 10 of them just to resell the rest

also the people that bother me more than resellers is people who hoard. like i get having your games in boxes, or selling games to make money, or whatever, but if you already have a game, please don't buy more copies of it just to hang onto them. i mean shit i'd rather a game be fairly pricey than not be in circulation at all

>> No.1422963

I sold my collection for a profit because I moved to flash carts. Takes up less space and I don't have to actually put them anywhere.

>> No.1422967

>Collectors are like me i suppose, the people who never resell anything

No. -Some- collectors are like you. Some others are like me, who buy a lot of things, keep them a while and play with them, and then sell them on to the next person in order to buy new trinkets.

But the guys who never, ever sell anything like to make out like the other side is the devil.

>> No.1422968

>The kind of people that would buy 20 concert tickets fans could've had and resell them online for like £200 each.

Don't hate the player.

>> No.1422972


I did the same thing. But if I come across a copy of Super Metroid or Super Mario RPG for a few dollars, you can be sure I will buy that shit.

Blame the fuckin' economy if it makes you feel better.

>> No.1422976

>The kind of people that would buy 20 concert tickets fans could've had and resell them online for like £200 each.
That's because there's a limited supply and a fixed price.

Resellers are GOOD for the price of the games (they go down). NEET weirdos on here do not understand that

>> No.1422978
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I go to thrift stores each day looking for any games or systems they might have.

Do I re-sell them? Yes I do.

But I want you to keep this in mind

I buy the systems and games even if they're in horrible shape. Right now I have a Sega Genesis in that needs a goo de-rusting and a Sega Saturn that also needs to be cleaned out and gone over.

Why? Because I clean them up, check the electronics and fix anything that might be wrong with them

If I can't, then they go into the parts pile and get used on another system.

Do I make a ton of money? No, but I do make a small profit that lets me go out and try to find abused, forgotten, and unwanted systems and try and restore them to working condition.

>> No.1422985

man ur a scumbag wiener eater

-signed every collecter

>> No.1422986

Personally I don't mind resellers as long as the price is reasonable because no one where I live owns any Sega stuff. It's when they start charging $20 for something like Sonic 2 is when I get annoyed. But you can put blame on a bunch of stuff for that, after all if no one was paying those prices no one would be listing them so it's just as easy to blame newer people who don't know how common some games are for the inflation. That's why I feel really bad for Nintendo fans. The recent increase in popularity for Nintendo games really fucked them over.

>> No.1422993
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>tfw it's always great to be a segafag

This price is actually $10 over market value. Genesis is only worth $20 where SNES is worth $40.

>> No.1423000
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Thanks for that

One example that I have that supports my fight to preserve retro games was an old couple in their late 50s that I met at a flee market. I gave them my card because the wife said they had some old Nintendo stuff (20 games or so).

A week later they called me up and I met up with them. They brought not only some NES stuff to sale to me, but also they brought a Nintendo brand TV stand that had the Nintendo log on it, mario, and it had a place for a NES, games, and controllers.

I gave them $50 for everything. The NES games (some in box) and the stand

I really didn't want the stand but the husband said if I didn't take it it was going to be burned.

>MFW they wanted to burn Mario

>> No.1423001

meant to quote >>1422985

>> No.1423024

Anyone remember the people who bought like five copies of Xenoblade each for the purposes of reselling?

>> No.1423032

Without resellers i wouldve never been able to find copies of games like ristar or dynamite headdy. So really unless theyre exploiting people i think theyre doing a good job really

>> No.1423071

resellers are alright, /vr/ it's just mad because they can't afford games. Some of it's bullshit, people charge way too much for some things, but the great thing about a free market is the ability to not buy it and look somewhere else.

>> No.1423078

What strikes me as a reseller is someone who buys merely for profit.

They never played the system, have no intention of even trying anything they buy or using it to buy other games, but only buy the things for a monetary reason.

In my opinion, it seems like those are the people who usually jack up the prices to silly amounts. Everyone else usually isn't into taking old copies out of circulation simply to increase value in a small region. These people are because it narrows supply to them.

>> No.1423147

ITT: Re seller scum trying to justify themselves

>> No.1423426

I generally don't hold a grudge against them but I just hate the casual reseller mindset of "Oh one guy has this on ebay for X amount so I'm also going to put it at that amount" then others follow

Of course that would not be a problem if people just refused to buy overpriced shit but people willingly shell out cash for it and that why its possible for the resellers. So blame is on both sides but generally I dont care.

>> No.1423452

That condescending attitude is not gonna make you look better.

stay out of your comfort zone bubble and experience trying to buy common as hell games for over 20 dollars and tell me is that fair.

>> No.1423454


Motherfucker, you are the exact thing that the resellers leech so damn much.

>> No.1423462


>assuming your story is true
>assuming you are not a reseller scum
>coming here and try to be a cretin pretending to know better than the people who have experienced this fiasco

>> No.1423494

It's a free market. If people don't want to pay 20 dollars for a game you think is worth 5 dollars then they won't. And if they do then it isn't really a 5 dollar game is it?

I don't know what the fuck you just said.

I have seen many games for 20 dollars. Most of them were at places that specialize in selling video games. Of course they are going to charge more than a thrift store.

I pass those up.

There's a famous triangle for consumers

>well made

Pick two. And it applies to video game collecting as well. In this case "well made" will refer to the condition.

If you want to wait around and check and check and check like a "reseller scum" you will find the old games in great condition for a song.

If you want it quick and fast you will take that loose Wild Guns with FANTASTIC VIDEO engraved on the back and half of the label missing.

And if you want it fast and well made you're looking at going on the internet or visiting a game store and paying 10x the price of the other two options.

>> No.1423528


All the more reason to try and stay one step ahead of them.

Besides, they're not the ones who bother me. It's the ones who'll take unopened games, have them rated by that bullshit VGA thing, and try to sell them on ebay for astronomical prices.

They even literally do to games that have just been released in the past few years. I've seen people try to sell factory sealed copies of Mario Tennis Open for the 3DS for $200 because they were VGA rated when I could have just as easily went to the local Wal-Mart and pay $40 for one new.

Then again, I don't know who's worse: Those who sell VGA-rated games, or those who buy them.

>> No.1423572

The type of person that goes round a car boot/market buying anything gaming related just to sell it on with no real knowledge of what they are buying.

I have heard stories of them standing by the entrance as cars are going in banging on the windows and asking if they had "Any video games" and also rummaging as people are setting up.

>> No.1423602

Daily goodwill hoarders are not resellers. Nor are people who sell their goodwill/garage sale mountains.
Resellers are people who get games for cheap, and then charge astronomical prices, the $20 SMB/Duck Hunt people. They get boxed games graded by the VGA and list them for 1000x what they're worth (sometimes literally). They buy ps1's for $5 and sell them for $30, despite the fact that the going rate for one at retail is $20.

If someone goes into a goodwill and picks up a snes and a bunch of games for $20, then sells it online or at a swapmeet, then there's nothing inherently wrong with that. If the going rate for a snes is $50 where they live, then flipping it to someone locally for $50 still isn't wrong. Though I admit that it would be a bit more in line to flip it for $30-$40 instead.
However, if that snes is beat to shit and they try getting $50, then there's an issue. And if the consoles just fine but they try to get more than $50, then there's an issue with that as well.

There are people around me who scout out local garage sales and thrift stores, only to sell it my local retro shop. Which is good since I've now got a wider selection without the hassle of hunting for stuff. But it's bad because now I have to pay a lot more, and I know that it's very unlikely that I'll ever find something good in the wild.
And of course they only sell it after a month of it being on craigslist for twice what I would pay on ebay.
Granted these people are probably doing this for crack money and not whatever resellers spend shit on. But my anecdotal evidence still stands.

>> No.1423624

what's your shop selling SNES's for?

>> No.1423635

Buying broken systems with the sole intent of fixing and then putting them back out on the market isn't really reselling.
Usually you don't make a huge profit, if any at all.
As long as you dont charge over the standard rate of a working system then I have no issue with reselling goodwill finds.
usually that means looking at either price charting, local retro stores, or the average price of completed listings on ebay.
That means most consoles would sell for about $20, whith nintendo stuff going for $40-$50, saturns for $30, and special stuff like neo geo's, 3DO's, and TG-16's going for $100 plus.

>> No.1423648

How can you possibly support that they lower the price when their sole intent is to charge as much as they can to make as much money as possible

>> No.1423657 [DELETED] 

Yes they fucking are

>> No.1423685

I can't say I blame you or that I'd do any differently. I just blame the fact that it's in style right now, so there's more of a market for people to do what you're doing on a greater scale. If everyone out there was a bro who just got some extra stuff in a lot and sold what he didn't need at a reasonable price, like $20 for a 10+ year-old console, nobody would care. But if you look at the ever-present craigslist/ebay threads, you'll see that not everyone selling old game stuff is a a bro.

I'd say there's some extra leeway if you're trying to pay your bills with a game store. There's this VHS/retro game store in my town, and the old lady running the store is really nice, knows her shit, and is taking care of a baby behind the counter half the time. It's actually her second store because her old store burned down. (So many gems probably lost forever. Sigh.) Sometimes her prices get a little Jewish, but I don't even mind because I understand that this is how she feeds her family, and I'm glad we even have a store like hers in the Redneck Riviera.

>> No.1423858

cry more reseller baby

>> No.1423959

Its just that they mark up the prices so much. We have to pay more, and as a consumer nobody likes that.

But the reseller took the time and risk of getting something that might not sell in the first place, while the consumer doesnt show that kind of effort.

>> No.1424813

>Was I supposed to just leave it there for the "next guy"?

>> No.1424819

>Resellers are GOOD for the price of the games (they go down)
What fucking Bizzaro world do you live in?

>> No.1424850

We have had so many of these bait threads, seeking to shitpost by pretending to be ignorant to the problem, but why are they always started by resellers? Why do you seek acceptance with us? Fuck off, no one wants to buy your overpriced shit.

>> No.1424861

I agree. If you already have it, just let someone else buy it and enjoy it for the low price. Asshole.

>> No.1424865

Why don't you whining bitches sell all of your rare games for 5$. That will show them evil resellers who's boss. And you can sleep well with pride and dignity...dumbasses

>> No.1424872

I sell all of the doubles at my OP shop for $2 regardless. Recently sold a guy vagrant story and FF7.

>> No.1424890

But that's stupid

>> No.1424893


When I come across a duplicate of a game in a lot or similar, I sell it for the price I got it for + shipping. Maximum. Always.

Get fucked.

>> No.1424908

>go to vidya shop
>see boxed copy of Mega Man X2 for $80
>next day, check craigslist
>same copy listed for $130

Convince me that this person isn't human scum. They have contributed precisely nothing. They aren't doing anyone a favor but themselves. The same exact product is raised in price by $50 for no other reason than this person is greedy.

>Was I supposed to just leave it there for the "next guy"?

Yes. Buying that Gamecube did nothing positive. The only thing it did was give you an extra $15. That person you sold it to, you should have just told them there was one at the thrift store for $5. That's what a decent human being would have done. Making money isn't the goal of life, anon. Almost every religion and culture the world has ever seen would consider what you did to be immoral, if not sinful. The perils of greed have been written about for as long as there has been writing. Analyze your priorities in life.

>> No.1424912


I give the games I don't want away to my friends, rare or not.

>> No.1424916


We aren't fucking feral dogs. It's not as if the sole purpose of our lives is to capitalize on every possible opportunity to better ourselves.

>> No.1424934
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But it is

>> No.1424940

Reseller types who I don't like are the ones who don't care about videogames beyond how they can make money selling them, the ones who refuse to accept that nobody wants to pay hundreds of dollars for their shitty game and insist on re listing it for that over and over (see: that Troy proto on ebay that will probably rot to worthlessness in that guy's collection), people who say HOLY GRAIL to describe their listing, people who use the VGA and act like it means fucking anything, people who get shit for free as a gift and accept it knowing full well they are just going to immediately sell it, and in general people who buy something and add no value to the item at all despite trying to sell it for many multiples of what it was purchased for. I am fine with people getting junk, cleaning it up and then selling it, people performing a desirable mod on a console and selling it for more as a result, people finding something in an out of the way place for a good deal and selling it to a broader market for a fair price (if somebody found a rare game in a Japanese thrift shop and sold it to me in the USA for more than he paid but still for a reasonable price I would be more than happy), or somebody buying something, enjoying it, growing tired of it and selling it on to somebody else who will enjoy it more.

And before somebody calls me a reseller scum, I do not believe I have ever sold a game in my life.

>> No.1424949

Ive got no problems with someone reselling something as a lucky find to turn a bit of profit.

The biggest problem is the few people trying to turn sharp huge profits on dozens of things. All rather then smaller earnings but many small turn arounds.. Sure a few idiots will pay those outrageous fees for some games. You can also con a lot of people into buying some really ridiculous shit at times. Neither are good things. They also in the long run are only hurting that seller. With all the effort trying to move games at insane resell prices, they could have flipped dozens at a lower, saner cost and gotten more money in less time.

So not only is it greedy, in the long run it wont be profitable for long. People only want one copy of a game and collectors aren't a huge market, and they will buy up the cheaper ones before your high priced markup any day of the week.

>> No.1424994

A reseller is one that resells an item they purchase. A reseller scumbag is someone that scums around thrift stores and garage sales to buy low and sell stupidly high. Typically, they'll try to hike up the prices with claims of something being ultra rare and valuable and might even do some shilling to get other salesmen to raise theirs so they can sell lower than their competition.

>> No.1425002
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I hate resellers too but OP is a reseller and trying to sew confusion into the board.

>> No.1425012

No joke, if I knew that when I sold them, that they wouldn't be resold for three times more than what I sold it for, I would sell it online for five dollars. Instead, I just give them to my friends to play after I beat the games twice. I want to ensure that those who get my games are aiming for pleasure, not to con people who actually do want to enjoy the game. Also, if you are overweight and come to my house during a garage sale, I increase the price by six times, because only fat people are resellers. If they happen to actually try to purchase the game after that, I lower the price back down to the original, as resellers would instantly drop that shit (and so would smart people, but smart people aren't fat so there is that).

>> No.1425027

A reseller is:

- People who hoover up all the games from garage sales AND THEN sell them for around eBay prices.
- Sell anything above eBay IRL. No thanks asshole I could have just stayed home and click the Buy It Now.
- Reselling games is their primary income (see that first bulletpoint) and not a hobby.
-Hoarders (again, see the first bullet point) who artificially restrict supply.

These things decrease supply.

Whats not a reseller:

- An exporter of Jap stuff.
- Fixing broken consoles and flipping them for below the going rate.
- Selling flash carts.

Those things increase supply or ease pricing pressures.

I really love the mother fuckers in this thread who laugh at everyone and call them NEETS who can't afford their merchant class pricing. That you may not mind when I fire on my flashcards but when more people start doing it you're going to have a serious problem on your hands. Nobody's going to be buying your shit at your inflated prices.

Reviving dead hardware forces prices down and allows for preservation. Its very healthy for the market. The same goes for importing.

>It's capitalism

And so is me crystallizing my labor and using that money to buy a flash cart.

>> No.1425028

>I really love the mother fuckers in this thread who laugh at everyone and call them NEETS who can't afford their merchant class pricing. That you may not mind when I fire on my flashcards but when more people start doing it you're going to have a serious problem on your hands. Nobody's going to be buying your shit at your inflated prices.

Hate to tell you this, but not everyone knows what a flash card is or cares about that

>> No.1425036

this just in, an anon just sent pewdiepie an SNES and its respective flashcart

enjoy cashing in on their ignorance while you can, because once that arrives, I can guarantee at least one video involving it in some way

>> No.1425043


>doesn't care

You don't want to save time, money, and space? Huh reseller? Well now I'm going to tell ALL my friends about them, and demo them in my condo over beers. Fuck I'll buy a banner for RetroGate now on /vr/.

I think this thread can be divided into two groups. People who want to play games and people who want to collect/resell them. If you want to just play the game get the original hardware and then get a flash cart. If you want to collect games then deal with a scumbag reseller.

Unless your system doesn't have a drive replacement mod or flash cart for it, you shouldn't need to purchase original games for it. Seriously.

>> No.1425046

>all these entitled children


>> No.1425050

no one is going to buy your games if you insult your customers! oh wait, no one does anyways. i forgot that lonely neckbeards mooching off their parents such as yourself dont actually need to pay for anything

>> No.1425061

>resorting to insults

Stay mad

>> No.1425062

>first post being an insult
Stay mad

>> No.1425063

>stooping to my level

>> No.1425065

>implying resellers are selling rare games

They list uncommons for 3000% markup and say "LOOK HOW RARE IT IS" it's ridiculous

>> No.1425067

>being a bad influence

>> No.1425070

>hanging around the wrong crowd

>> No.1425074

>bullying and peer pressure

>> No.1425080

>not kissing me right here and now

>> No.1425081


>shitting up the thread

>> No.1425082
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All this mad is palpable

>> No.1425083

>To hell with that. I'm not going to throw away an opportunity for fair profit. A Gamecube is worth more than five bucks, and it took less than 3 hours to call up a younger friend and sell it to him for $20.

>Ripping off your friend
The correct approach is "hey man, there's a Gamecube at the thrift store for $5".

>> No.1425085

>but i poop from there

>> No.1425086

>implying it wasn't shit when it was started

>> No.1425089

>implying that you are right now

>> No.1425092

>implying that i wont once you are done

>> No.1425109
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>resellers lower the prices of games
Just like sharks increase the population of seals

>> No.1425675

>"hey man, there's a Gamecube at the thrift store for $5".
>Sold before friend gets there
>The correct approach
>NEET logic

>> No.1425706

>Specifically find and purchase bundles that includes the console and several games.
>Turn around and sell just the system for what I paid for the bundle.
>Keep all the games and add them to my personal collection
>Have more games now than I ever did as a kid/young adult

I am the worst.

>> No.1425720

It isn't a black/white characterization. If you troll the flea market, 2nd hand stores and yard sales every day, you're probably a "reseller". If you buy every single item they have that is priced below FMV regardless of you wanting it or not, you're probably a reseller. If you see a good deal and buy it to flip once in a while, I wouldn't call that person a "reseller". Especially if you are using the proceeds to buy more for your collection and not maintain your standard of living.

By making a living off of reselling games you are making it difficult for people to find good deals in the wild. You're essentially forcing them to buy from you or people like you to continue their hobby. Good deals on video games were pretty common about 5-6 years ago, now there are none. That is a direct result of the popularization of retro gaming and the subsequent flood of resellers looking to exploit the market. So, yes, that's why they've received the reputation they have among collectors. Though as I said, the real problem was the popularization of retro gaming/collecting, the resellers were just an effect.

>> No.1425732

>Not being an utter douche to your friends
>Instant NEET
Another solution would be: "hey man, I got this GCN at a goodwill for $5, you can have it if you want" or just ask him to reimburse you the $5 if you really cannot overlook your Jewish heritage

>> No.1425735

Selling at an unjustified markup.

If you try to snatch games before anyone else and then sell them at the maximum price possible, you are a speculator, the bane of free market and a bad person.

What justifies markup is storage space, shelf space, services. If you are a physical store, you are not a reseller, you're a service provider. If you snatch up games, try to corner the market and manipulate prices, you're the opposite of that.

>> No.1425742

Yes, they've made Earthbound so affordable. Back in 2006 you could buy earthbound for $40-50 on ebay, now it goes for $140. Indeed the influx of resellers has made games more affordable :DDD

>> No.1425820

> PSone bundle with the LCD screen
u mean a psx?

>> No.1425831

I think he means psone
This is what you're thinking of http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PSX_(video_game_console)

>> No.1425939
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>please don't buy more copies of it just to hang onto them

fuck you

>> No.1425950

Collector and re-seller here.

Made 250 in the last two weeks selling Sega Saturn with Croc and Sonic Jam and a PS1 with the resident evil trilogy, eight memory cards, three controllers plus a crappy light gun.

I got like eight sega genesis' and twelve NES. I'll sell them at 50 each. and they sell.
They always sell.

>> No.1425951

Only the redesigned PSone had an official Sony LCD screen for it.

>> No.1426061
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>discriminating against people of size

fuck you and your thin privilege

>> No.1426089


>TFW Jew
>TFW I hate resellers
>TFW every other insult aimed at resellers involves the word Jew

We're not all happy merchants, you know.

>> No.1426101

There are resellers and resellers. I don't think anyone has something against people who are selling games from their collection from time to time. But there's a certain bunch out there whose only engagement with games is to buy and to resell them for unreasonable prices. There's a special place in hell for these kind of people, both the resellers and the idiots who buy from them.

>> No.1426105

If I mailed you a dark grey+white pinstripe suit would you be mad?

>> No.1426108
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>Yes, they've made Earthbound so affordable. Back in 2006 you could buy earthbound for $40-50 on ebay, now it goes for $140. Indeed the influx of resellers has made games more affordable :DDD
>Indeed the influx of resellers has made games more affordable :DDD


>> No.1426113


A little, but that would be cancelled out by how funny it would be.

>> No.1426698

>resellers were just an effect
b-b-but that means it's us kids who want to play retro games like we saw on youtube who are the real problem.

>a speculator, the bane of free market
Shouldn't you be off occupying something somewhere?

>> No.1426714

>Was I supposed to just leave it there for the "next guy"?

>If that makes me a filthy reseller
You're a filthy reseller.

>> No.1426894

resellers who sell on ebay to alt accounts to drive up the market are scum

speculators are also scum, just look at the comic industry in the 90s

>> No.1426898

Sometimes we're unhappy merchants. Like when our vendors won't give us a discount.

>> No.1426941


They don't sell to alt accounts, they use bots to shill bid the once the auction is won cancel the sale. It doesn't show up and isn't known about but the intended purpose is to nudge up the average completed sell price. It's market manipulation. Price pumping.

These guys have one or two real carts they want to sell eventually, they just want to pump up the prices before they dump their grails.

>> No.1426947


Shouldn't you be hawking TMNT 1 loose for $65? Fuck off /vr/ reseller scum.

>> No.1427450

Yeah guys. Please leave any good finds you see for the "next guy". I'll be around as soon as I can. I just can't be at every yard sale and thrift store at the same time while also shilling my ebay auctions.

>> No.1427490


>> No.1427680

>It's called a middle man.

Rather a parasite.

They don't provide a useful service to society like a retailer's storefront and logistics, nor do they produce anything of value.

>> No.1427683

I think that is the big factor, if they are adding value or not. If you buy a bunch of junk controllers or consoles and clean them and fix them and sell for profit I see no problem with that, while trying to buy up every game controller in a market and without even fixing or cleaning them trying to resell them for higher is a shit bag move.

>> No.1428709

Exactly. Why should I pay extra simply because someone takes a few hours to go out and find stuff cheaper. It's like those self entitled assholes who feel their paycheck should be 4 times as big as my welfare check just because they go to an office to sit in front of a shittier computer than I sit in front of all day.

>> No.1428739

In all my years of comic collecting, game collecting, and as a hobbyist in general; I've never seen a single situation where resellers/profiteers/middlemen scum were beneficial to ANY market.
All they do is artificially reduce supply, sit on shit, and drive up the prices

>> No.1428783

Maybe if your basement had windows you could see what's going on outside.
Bitch as much as you want but the simple fact is that a buttload of games have avoided becoming landfill because resellers are willing to buy them.
Also, driving up prices is beneficial if you already have games. I have hundreds and my collection is now worth tens of thousands. Maybe you're butthurt over it but explain how that's bad for me?
If games were dirt cheap there would be little demand for flash carts or to improve them. High prices and lack of availability (which you blame on resellers) drives the flash cart market.

>> No.1428806


Name your store/ebay account, right now.

>> No.1428827

>Why should I pay extra simply because someone takes a few hours to go out and find stuff cheaper.
The whole reason they are going out is to take any modest deals and then immediately flip the price for profit. They aren't doing any service, they are just taking what could have actually been sold to someone who would have played the games. If there were no resellers, then there would be more videogames available with much less of a rush to get to them, because people would not be sitting on their videogames waiting for the price to rise due to 'lack of supply'. Some collectors actually have jobs that they need to commute to. They cannot simply leave work to go hunting for videogames. Not everyone is a NEET living with their parents.

If there were no resellers, sure some games may end up in landfills (even though for the most part they probably wouldn't anyways), but they would still be cheaper and more readily available. Why? Because there wouldn't be a massive group of people flipping the price of every videogame they buy and sitting on copies to drive up price. Driving up prices is only beneficial to selfish resellers, not the buyer, you know, the people who actually enjoy playing games, you know, the people who wouldn't benefit from prices being higher. If you didn't already own the games, then you would need to dish out much more money just to play it, which only a retard would say that the increased price benefits anybody in the long run anyways. If the prices were low, there wouldn't even be a need for flash carts besides storage and preservation, but even then, flash carts would be created and improved upon no matter how cheap the games are (see: Nintendo DS flash carts).

>> No.1429008

Rubinsteins Retro-Resale-O-Rama. Stop by some time and I'll do you a special deal. We're open 7 days a week but close early on Fridays.

You can play the game on a flash cart or even emulate it on your Obama phone if you're an ultra poorfag. That's a BS argument. Lots for people don't have time to do lots of things. Guess what. They don't get to do those things. Why is your hobby so special the same rules shouldn't apply?

>> No.1429064

>You can play the game on a flash cart or even emulate it on your Obama phone if you're an ultra poorfag
>illegal copies
You would need to own the games in the first place to even be able to rip the game data off to use a flash cart or an emulator. Are you fucking thick? Your immoral crusade is ridiculous. And how is it a 'BS argument'?
That is your first mistake. Just because you purchase videogames doesn't mean that you are a hobbyist. Perhaps because I am purchasing the games to play them and not to resell at three times the value I bought them for? I don't understand why you are defending resellers when they fuck over everybody, from the consumer to the competition. If you really do own a shop, I certainly hope that once the bubble pops, you will go bankrupt.

>> No.1429149

>Not knowing where to get ROMs
>Not knowing that playing games is a hobby
>Thinking that paying $20 for a game that originally cost much more is a "bubble"
>Being poor and retarded

>> No.1429186

>not knowing that roms are illegal, even if not enforced
>not knowing that playing games is a pass time
>thinking that paying forty dollars for a loose cart is comparative to a sixty dollar game which is completely unused with its respective box and manual
>calling others retarded when you are willing to purchase games for the current prices they are going for

>> No.1429257

>Free market is evil. Copyright is good. Picking and choosing ideology to suit mood
>Not knowing a pass time is the same as a hobby
>Not knowing how to use a dictionary
>Pretending $20 is forty dollars
>Thinking $1 in 1990 had the same purchasing power as today
>Not knowing what purchasing power is. Also not knowing what a dictionary is
>Thinking grown ups who didn't discover the SNES on youtube last year don't already have all the retro games they want

>> No.1429278

>implying that I claimed free market was evil
>not understanding the difference between a pass time and a hobby
>pretending you can purchase most games that were flipped by resellers for twenty dollars
>making up numbers
>thinking that a single dollar was worth less in the nineties than a single dollar in two thousand and fourteen
>still thinking that the dollar is worth more now and still values loose cart over mint complete in box. still doesn't understand the difference between a hobby and a past time
>thinking that a single situation is dominant between every person who has ever enjoyed a videogame from over twenty years ago

>> No.1429324

>Not knowing that speculation is part of a free market
>Still not knowing how to use a dictionary
>Not knowing how to use ebay to buy overpriced $20 games
>Still not knowing what purchasing power is
>In fact getting it completly backwards
>Arguing with a dictionary
>Avoiding fact that he's a kid who didn't know what a SNES was until he saw a "lets play" video.

>> No.1429384

Dem mame arrorws.

>> No.1429649

Now, I don't know why you collect games, but I personally collect games to play them and enjoy them, I could honestly care less what they end up being worth in the long run.

Shit, I want prices to drop, and I say this owning several of those "hundred-dollar games"
If you want to speculate and take up a hobby that you consider an investment before anything else, I would recommend the stock market

>> No.1429760

I personally collect flash carts to play games and enjoy them faglord. Fuck resellers.

>> No.1429763

I collect games for a number of reasons. Primarily to play them but I have stuff I'll never play.
If I find a NIB game for a buck from someone who doesn't know what it is I don't buy it so I can rip it open and play it and I don't leave it there so the "next guy" can.
If I buy a box lot of loose carts I don't insist on playing every one and I don't play every one of the x number of copies of whatever I end up with.
If I see a copy of a good game for an incredible price I'll buy it even if I already have it. The "next guy" is probably a reseller who's going to sell it to some hipster faggot for a 20x markup.

There's a few things I'd like but don't have. But I'm not an aspie kid who has to have what he wants right now. If I have to wait a year to find a game for a a couple bucks instead of $50 I'm fine with that. So I don't need prices to go down. You'll have to excuse me if I don't shed a tear because that makes my collection worth many times what I paid for it

>> No.1430519

>pretending to not be Reseller apologist


>> No.1430553


>> No.1430560

>not understanding the difference between a pass time and a past time

>> No.1430897

>Thinking I'm pretending

>> No.1430920

I live in the United States in 2014. I am not about to turn down an easy $15. I have a moral compass, but this little bit of opportunism in the face of what might be fair wouldn't even register.

>tl:dr I got bills

>> No.1430926

>Buying broken systems with the sole intent of fixing and then putting them back out on the market isn't really reselling.

If that isn't reselling, then the people who bitch about resellers really, really, really need to come up with better terminology.

>> No.1430938


>> No.1430950


Are you fucking stupid? The service they provide is trawling the thrift stores for the games you can conveniently buy from ebay or your local game store. They do the leg work for you, and you pay a premium in exchange.

If you'd rather buy games cheap, then get your ass out there.

>> No.1431068
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>Resellers are GOOD for the price of the games (they go down)

>> No.1431076

A "reseller" is just someone who bought something a NEET wants. You don't actually have to resell but because the NEET feels he appreciates playing a CIB game more than you so you're reseller scum. Fixing a console requires work, something no NEET is interested in, so fixing and reselling isn't actually reselling.

>> No.1431080

>They do the leg work for you, and you pay a premium in exchange.

Yup, thanks reseller! I do enjoy not being to find any games and paying three times the price on ebay.

>> No.1431091

Does anyone think it would be easier if we called scummy resellers, scalpers?

>> No.1431116

because the resellers would just buy the games for the $5 and then resell them. how did you not consider that?

like >>1428739 said, resellers ruin every fucking hobby they get their jew hands into. cars are a good example of this. you can buy decent older or project cars all the time for good deals, depending on the demand of your area, but thanks to resellers certain cars are fucking stupid expensive regardless of shit like demand

>> No.1431128

>leg work
lol. Maybe I'll call some of my friends on a land line and we'll hop on my trex and head down to the thrift stores. What century are you living in? How is it my fault some people are too stupid to set up an ebay account and mail games directly to me? Why should I have to pay more just because a few guys want to go out and search for games like hunter gatherer cavemen? You sound just like my parents. Gaaaawwd! I can't believe how stupid you are. You just don't get it. Old people are soooo aaarrggghhh!

>> No.1431203

Wasn't that part of the hobby? I mean, go to junk sales, shops or whatever and look for games you want, baragin the price and restoring them part of the thrill of collecting old games?

>> No.1431218

the problem with this is that i do get out and go to these places, and try to find games. you wanna know why it's so hard finding any? because fucking faggot resellers buy them all out

>> No.1431239

Also, any leftover games are always overpriced because "That's what it sells for on ebay!"

>> No.1431276

my local goodwills and shit don't do that, but there's a few local stores that do their pricing strictly based on ebay prices

>> No.1431303

Treasure those Goodwills and keep them close, son
California has become a dry wasteland, anything potentially worth something is hoarded onto Goodwill's fucking auction-site

I can't tell you how irritating it is when I see perfectly good vidya locked away in a cabinet that I can't buy because it's being auctioned online
Reminds me of the fucking ebay store in the 40 Year Old Virgin

>> No.1431323

No, a reseller is someone that buys something with the intent to resell the product in the exact same condition that he bought it in, at a profit.
Just like those faggots that buys consoles at launch and then put them on Ebay when they get home. People that buy and fix/restore stuff provide a service.

>> No.1431332

Why? Now people can enjoy good games.
If caring more about games than an extra $11 in my pocket makes me an idiot then I guess I'm a full blown retard.

>> No.1431337

What people don't understand is that resellers aren't the problem, it's the people willing to buy for inflated prices.

Whenever I come across a copy of Earthbound for example, of course I'm going to buy it because it's GUARANTEED to sell on ebay for a ridiculously inflated price like $150 or more.

If people wouldn't buy it for that price then it couldn't be sold at that price.

Rather than complain about "resellers," it'd be much more productive to try and educate people on what a reasonable price should be for these items. How exactly to do that, I dunno, and honestly I don't care that much.

Better be buying all the Sega stuff you can right now, because once that movie Seth Rogan is working on drops things like Phantasy Star IV will become the new Earthbound for "reseller scum."

>> No.1431343

stop trying to shift the blame you fucking Jew.
I agree that idiots who pay ridiculous amount for Earthbound are retarded, but that doesn't change the fact resellers enable this shit.

>> No.1431359

This is how we can separate the /vr/troopers from the profiteers

>> No.1431369


If a game won't sell for 150 then they'd be forced to reduce it to, say, 60. If it doesn't sell at that price then they'd be forced to reduce it further. Who's enabling who?

>> No.1431390

This. At lest house flippers often improve it.

Resellers are akin to a guy seeing a house, then selling it next week for 30%.

Its shady as fuck and exploitive. Would you take canyon from a baby? Its what you fucks are doing. Preying on the ignorant.

>> No.1431392

The resellers who Hit up the OP shops and the Markets and buy up everything that's good and sell it for 5X the profit.
Wanna know something? I'm Australian and for the past year I have been going to the local op shops every single day on my main street, there are 6 of them. I also go to local Flee markets every Sunday. I have found 0 Super Nintendo Games, 0 N64 games, 0 Sega games and 0 NES games. There are about 5 Resellers who come to the stores in the very morning or the Market before its open and buy these games right under the nose of everyone else. Australia is basically a wasteland for old video games because of resellers.

>> No.1431393


>> No.1431397

>inb4 "hurp durp just get there earlier than them. you're just lazy derp. I'm saving these games from the landfill herp."

>> No.1431484
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>stop trying to shift the blame you fucking Jew.

Not a reseller apologist, but this is what you sound like.

>> No.1431494

>There are about 5 Resellers who come to the stores in the very morning or the Market before its open and buy these games right under the nose of everyone else.

They actually do this?

They must bribe or threaten the original people who ere going to sell the games then?

>> No.1431510
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>calling out antisemitism on 4chan of all place

>> No.1431515

>>They must bribe or threaten the original people who ere going to sell the games then?
what are you even trying to say?

>> No.1431537
File: 236 KB, 395x367, Spanish Soldier.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Believing that all of 4chan is /pol/

>> No.1431534

>perfectly good vidya locked away in a cabinet that I can't buy because it's being auctioned online

wait, places do that? like list shit online and won't let you buy it, but still keep it where you can see it?

>> No.1431580

y-y-you mean leave my basement? There's mean people out there!

>> No.1431617

>before its open
Then they're retarded. I have a deal with the people in the market where they keep everything in the back and I come pick it up a few times a week.

If by bribe you mean buy everything they have in one lot instead of having to sell the good bits one by one and be left with a pile of useless shit then yes.

>inb4 in a thread
>not inb4 in a market
>proving how lazy the haters really are

>> No.1431760
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>" I have a deal with the people in the market where they keep everything in the back and I come pick it up a few times a week."

>> No.1431767
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>> No.1431792

Might as well call spades spades

>> No.1431886

>Thinking it's bait

>> No.1431932

Ok, in all honesty, why are you here?

If you are the caricature of reseller scum (which your posts ITT have shown you to be), why bother coming onto a board where your type of activity is discouraged/hated?

If you're a /vr/trooper who legitimately loves retro vidya and wants to contribute to the culture by reselling, why are you contributing to the bubble and using reseller scum tactics?

>> No.1432027

I did that.

>> No.1432034

I'm here because the angsty rantings of a few NEETs doesn't define what /vr/ is. Some people come here just to bitch about high prices, ebay, resellers, etc but there's much, much more to be found.

Also, you'd be surprised how many free market loving grownups there are here. This place isn't all haters. You'd also be surprised how irrelevant the whining of a few kids with no purchasing power are outside reseller hate threads.

It seems "reseller scum tactics" are anything NEETs are too stupid or lazy to do. Things that are done in every other business. Yeah, waking up early, sourcing cheaper products, buying in bulk, all sleazy Jew tactics.

Think about this. Who contributes more to retro culture? The reseller who promotes the products and tries to sell them to as many people as possible, for strictly selfish reasons. Or the kid who does nothing but bitch about high prices and like a few youtube videos. It doesn't matter whether a reseller gives a shit about what he's selling. He's still doing a million times more to promote and raise awareness or retro gaming.

>> No.1432037

In my experience, VGA grading is a good way to get no one to even think about buying your shit.
Seriously, no one buys that crap... those listings stay up forever.

>> No.1432038
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>all that Ad hominem and baseless claims
>We're the children
m8 I'll fokin smash u aye?

>> No.1432041

>He's still doing a million times more to promote and raise awareness or retro gaming.
Yeah and then no one can afford to buy your fucking games.

>> No.1432043

Video games aren't a business for the users here.

>> No.1432047

I'm not even a reseller and I have to agree with this post.

>> No.1432046
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>free market loving grownups

>> No.1432050

I'll admit it; I resell, and not just video games. Toys, figurines, statues, other stuff as well.
I have about eight thrift stores in a circuit that I hit up about two to three times a week.
Will check anything remotely valuable looking on my smartphone in store before buying to make sure it will sell.
What's more, I won't buy unless I can make at least a thirty dollar profit on an item.
Sometimes I have to hang on to shit for months before I find a buyer.
And let me tell you guys, it's a lot of work. Taking pictures, writing listings, etc. may sound easy, but try doing a hundred--it isn't fun.
It pays the pills though and I can get groceries for my family and not have a boss, so you can all fuck off.

>> No.1432075

>I'm ruining your hobby but I swear I'm only doing it for the money
Some people actually create things as part of their job.

>> No.1432081

Cry more bitch nigga.

>> No.1432087
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>> No.1432091


typical reseller-hating trash

>> No.1432096

If no one can afford to buy them how do they sell at the prices they do?

Do you speak for all of "here", and is "here" is what dictates laws and ethics for the entire world?

>> No.1432109


Your death could only benefit people interested those items/hobbies... think about it. You are an actual cancer.

>> No.1432119

>Your putting food on the table for your family is ruining my hobby
>Why do people think I'm a self centered child?

>> No.1432120

It's okay to hate me. I'm better than you.
I'm going to continue looking down on people who don't create anything with their lives.

>> No.1432124

Yeah, and I'm creating commerce and happiness for people who are looking for certain collectibles but can't find it. I always price my BIN listings 10-20% cheaper than the lowest one because I want to move stuff fast, so I'm actually helping people out most of the time. The exception is if I have the only one available; only then do I extort.

And if people are willing to pay for it, then that's that you know. It's not ripping them off; it's following market trends. I don't establish what stuff sells for, supply & demand does. Seriously, read a book.

>> No.1432146

>this fucking retarded reseller logic right here
or you could just not go to the thrift stores let someone else buy the goods and just kill yourself too? maybe

>> No.1432157
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>>>Your putting food on the table for your family is ruining my hobby
>Supporting a family with Ebay listings set at ripoff prices

>> No.1432160


Living the life. You jealous?

>> No.1432161

>>And if people are willing to pay for it, then that's that you know. It's not ripping them off; it's following market trends. I don't establish what stuff sells for, supply & demand does.
Supply and demand is meaningless when people aren't educated enough to know that loose carts of Mario/Duck Hunt aren't worth $25.

>> No.1432162

>Living the life.
Nothing like having your bills at the mercy of Paypal.

>> No.1432163

cry more poorfags

>> No.1432167

>you're just lazy
>you're too stupid to do it like me
>hurrr such a hater

Is this really what you think? You're a faggot for taking advantage of this situation and being full on jew about it, that's all there is to it. If you were more reasonable like the guy a couple posts above there wouldn't be any qualms, and in the end you just come off as a troll, but we all know that isn't the case at this point.

>> No.1432168

But, you see, it's the free market at work when some retard pays $300 for a good condition NES. You can tell I'm better than you because I make a living off of my Ebay account.

>> No.1432173


>> No.1432174

Nice argument, maybe if you say it some more i might post of picture of me crying.

>> No.1432474

>I'm better than you

>ripping off people
>living day to day off ebay
>ruining the retro game prices
>destroying all the fun of looking for games
>Trying so hard to justify yourself here

>> No.1432476

The only reason collectors can't do that themselves is because "career" resellers trawl those places and pick them clean while said collectors are busy working real jobs.
It's parasitic behavior.

>> No.1432489

wake up on saturday around 7am to check some garage sales that were in my newspaper
>hey do you have any electronics?
>nope some van came by at 6 asking for video games etc, already sold it all

literally vans of resellers driving around at dawn clearcutting all the finds for themselves

I quit looking for this reason, aside from the occasional visit to some thrift stores, but even that is just a waste most of the time.

>> No.1432502

I'm not reading all this, but I would imagine people don't like resellers who seek out games just to sell them again. Why would anyone like middlemen?

>> No.1432585
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>"I'm better than you"
>living off an eBay account

>> No.1432609

A reseller is a person who sells games for more than what I personally deem to be a fair price.

>> No.1432615

Those bastards, people shouldn't be allowed to sell games before you have had a chance buy them.
Everyone should go out of their way to make you happy, you special little snowflake.

>> No.1432618

I'd like to get into reselling. Are there any resellers here who could give me some tips? It would be nice to make a profit and also make the "collectors" here cry.

>> No.1432637

Its not the "collectors," but "people that actually want to play the damn games." I just want to play the games on old hardware and give my two nieces a present when they get older.

You want a tip, though? Don't sell things in bundles unless its a console with a few games tossed in. Greater profit can be made from selling single popular games for reasonable prices ($10 is reasonable for a lot of gameboy level games) than an auction where basically jack of all shit starts at $50 bids. It's basic salesmanship, sell individual items for slightly elevated prices to regular shoppers while you sell bundles to shoppers that want to save.

>> No.1432641

Like 99.9% of ebay listings
Why not just auction it? Let the "free market" that you praise so much decide the price

>> No.1432652

Yes, make weekly trips to look for items at flea markets and thrift stores and learn how to refurbish items.

Never turn down a broken item either, spare parts are valuable for refurbishing old consoles. Just don't pay more than a couple bucks.

The value of a reseller is in their ability to find and make games available. Don't sit on product, hoping for a price increase. But don't sell your stuff for chump change. Market demand has driven prices up, don't be afraid to get the most out of your product. A bunch of filthy neck beards might call you scum, but you're in the business of making money and not appeasing a bunch of broke, butthurt losers.

Also learn how to do basic soldering as battery backup carts and loose connection pins are the most common repairs you will make.

>> No.1432673

One thing to consider is backlight modding old DMG model gameboys. You can get those cheap and a custom backlight screen is only $8 shipped. Win/win for you and buyers, they get backlit hardware and you get their money.

>> No.1432689

I'm thinking of selling some Atari 7800 games, $5 each. I have manuals for them, so I think that should bump the price up, but I'm not sure how much. Another problem is that I can't guarantee they work, since I never owned the console to play them.
Given all that , what do you all think is a fair price? Not sure whether to do all at once or individually.

>> No.1432887

Congrats, people like you are the main reason I almost exclusively pirate games now. You and your ilk have artificially inflated the prices of games by trying to make profit.

The reason that Gamecube was on sale for five bucks is because that's what it was worth. By you buying it with the intent to raise the price and re-sell it you are making the market worse for any genuine collector.

So now I just pass all that by completely. If a game is available for me to buy new, then I buy it like that. Once that's not an option, then it's piracy. I would never give money to someone like you.

>> No.1432991


>It pays the pills though

Rush Limbaugh? Is that you?

>> No.1432998


No. I tried and failed.

>> No.1433014

That sounds like an honestly horrible way to make a living with no real job stability or any sort of benefits. On top of making money by basically being an asshole.

I think I'll keep my comfy lab job where I'm essentially paid to browse 4chan half the day while I run tests and make sure all the product my company makes is good to sell.

But hey, good luck supporting a family for the next 20 years by constantly trying to resell stuff from thrift stores. Sounds like a fine life plan to me.

>> No.1433027

Why are you trying so hard to make yourself look like the good guy?

>> No.1433051

Because he knows what he's doing is scummy, but he feels the need to justify it. Not too complex really.

>> No.1433057

Get out, just Leave

>> No.1433071


I have gotten games that usually go for high prices for much less than that by bidding on Ebay.

Rockman 7 Japanese cart, the cheapest is 18 USD + 4 USD shipping, meanwhile the US version is..........actually i am searching for the cheapest and all i got is douches selling boxes with printes art and stickers and higher the prices than if you buy a box of custom cases and print them yourself, i am not fucking with you, look it up yourself!.

There's even people selling Carts WITH NO FUCKING GAME!

is that "FAIR MARKET"?

>> No.1433080

I don't think enough people here understand this. If you frequent enough used video game stores, they'll tell you there's no shortage of customers coming in to unload their retro games, but get turned away because the money just isn't there unless you happen to have the extra floor space, and even then it's risky. When you consider that the best a top dog retro reseller can do is a booth at the swap meet on Saturday, it doesn't sound very appealing. The money just isn't there, and anybody on /vr/ claiming to do well as a reseller is trolling for a reaction, which is I don't think I've ever replied to one.

>> No.1433092


I put Megaman 7 snes and i got the same issue, the first results were dweebs selling sticker fridges and custom covers, because you know you couldn't print them yourself.

finally got this

171 USD, Super Fair Maket Valeu VIntage Suplly and Demand!

Meanwhile...............the japanese cart is around 20-25 USD shipping included.

and you can get it for less if you win a bid!

i payed 19 USD for mine with shipping, and keep in mind, i don't live in the US so shipping was 9 USD!, that's right the actual damn cart i won it at 11 fucking bucks!.

Sweet Home for the famicom is 15 USD shipping excluded.

I won mine at 9.20 USD dollars, cart alone!, shipping excluded.

Keep in mind, i live in mexico so i have to pay more for shipping but it's worth with, because of TRACKING, here if something doesn't have tracking, is stolen by Sepomex.

>> No.1433094

Former reseller here turned /vr/ trooper, it's a shitty source of income and a big investment with very little payoff

>> No.1433097

Wanna know some really crazy shit? Some people make a living buying and selling STOCKS. Some people even got rich buying and selling buttcoins, which is something not even real or tangible.

Point is, just because you have no drive doesn't mean you should put others that do down.

>> No.1433103


Huh. Back when /vr/ first started up, I made a thread asking how to be a reseller. Suffice to say, I saw the light and now I can barely stand them for the most part. Now I'm looking to get into the restoration biz, actually.

>> No.1433104

But stocks are actual big business instead of sitting on a bunch of marked up snes carts

>> No.1433105

fuck resellers period. I don't care how much or little you make doing it the fact is you're a shitty fucking middleman that benefits NOBODY. like you think you are doing a service but someone else would have bought that stuff if it wasn't for your faggot tactics. I don't really buy games cause I have like everything I want but fuck middlemen all of them are useless sacks of shit.

>> No.1433112

Yeah, the only good thing I got out of reselling was learning how to fix/repair/refurbish consoles
(that combined with my already existing electronics hobby)
I now use my powers for good and teach others the art of repairs

>> No.1433115

How big a business is only depends on how much you work at it.

>> No.1433123

So you make thousands upon thousands of dollars each week from snes games because you work at it, sounds legit.

>> No.1433134


Can I have some tips and info, Sensei? I do intend to use my skills commercially*, but if I hypothetically manage to fix up some hardware and sell it, all my auctions will start at 99 cents.

*Just in case telling someone who wishes to make money from vidya goes against your personal ideology, although fixing up broken consoles would hardly be what I call "reselling".

>> No.1433139

As another anon posted you can resell video games, toys, comic books, baseball cards, vinyl, CDs...pretty much anything that has a niche audience. You just have to do your research first.
Business is all about finding a good/service that people want and filling that gap with a price they're willing to pay. If people were supposedly charging too much money, then the product wouldn't move, thus the venture ceases to be successful.

Why do you despise success and ingenuity, anon? Do you get upset that people sell used cars as well?

>> No.1433150

> success and ingenuity
>barely scraping by with a ebay account using scummy tactics

>> No.1433153

First of all, I would learn basic electronics before i even touch the guts of a console including how to solder, electronic components (resistors, capacitors, circuits, etc.), and lots of math (Ohm's law, Kirchoff, etc.) because if you fuck up, you risk frying a console/making it worthless

Next, realize that most console problems have rather easy solutions (NES 72 pin connector might need adjusting, a burnt fuse in a SNES might need to be replaced, GG capacitors, etc.) and very rarely would the problem lie within the actual ROM chip

>> No.1433168

>scummy tactics

>> No.1433178


>First of all, I would learn basic electronics before i even touch the guts of a console including how to solder, electronic components (resistors, capacitors, circuits, etc.), and lots of math (Ohm's law, Kirchoff, etc.) because if you fuck up, you risk frying a console/making it worthless

Okay then, where would be a good place to start? Is there a website I could check or should I check out one of those "For Dummies" books?

>because if you fuck up, you risk frying a console/making it worthless

Speaking of fucking up, I've already bought a console (Super Nintendo to be specific) and I have been going over it... I think I've bitten off more than I can chew. So far, I've cleaned the shell and controller port, but I have a few problems. Mind if I ask you what to do about them?

>Next, realize that most console problems have rather easy solutions (NES 72 pin connector might need adjusting, a burnt fuse in a SNES might need to be replaced, GG capacitors, etc.) and very rarely would the problem lie within the actual ROM chip

Thanks, I've been doing some research into that stuff recently. I've also discovered Retr0brite and and Mr. Clean Magic Erasers.

>> No.1433182

>it's the free market at work when some retard pays $300 for a good condition NES.
This is true and anyone who denies this doesn't understand what a free market means
>You can tell I'm better than you because yadda yadda
Okay the post lost crediblity at this point.

>> No.1433196

You can start by buying an electronics starter kit from Radio Shack, should include a soldering iron and a few resistors, LEDs, capacitors, inductors, a breadboard, and wires. The manual will teach you many important things, and it's also great to just experiment and play around until you get something right (with the proper calculations, of course)

Sure, fire away, hell I have a broken SNES that I use as my guinea pig for practice

Yes, those tools also greatly help and you'll slowly build up your arsenal and wisdom

>> No.1433267 [SPOILER] 
File: 28 KB, 439x450, OOPS GWB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>electronics starter kit

I'll get one by tomorrow and practice until my eyes bleed.


1. The top RF shield

I've noticed some (minor, dark, smudge-looking) corrosion on it, so I said to myself "Anon, why not try applying some brasso to whatever definately-not-brass-material is! That isn't stupid at all!" (I think it's galvanized steel). Anyway, I'm about 50% sure that I've ruined the finish, but it's been a few days and it might actually be intact. How would one go about removing this corrosion and prettying it up?

2. The Sound Unit

The top of the (separate - it's an early model SNES) sound unit also has some corrosion bits similar to what I found on the top RF shield. "Anon, I know you dun goofed before, but why not use salt and vinegar? It works wonders on cartridge contacts*, so why the hell not? You're not stupid, you're a visionary!" So I placed the unit on a plate with a shallow pool of vinegar and salt, only a few MM deep. I took it out several hours later, and lo and behold, the corrosion was still there. However, the area that was submerged now has this weird, cloudy, almost "frosted" look to it. Also, upon looking into it, I found out that some salt (most of the vinegar had evaporated) was stuck on the other side of the sound unit's shield. I desperately washed the salt off in my sink, gave it a dose of canned air, and left it in front of my space heater. As of now, it's dry. I've heard about people placing whole motherboards in their dishwashers, so I guess that the chip itself should be OK, but what do I do about the frosted shield?

3. The RF Jack

There's a dark ring of corrosion around the (presumably nickel-plated) RF jack. By this point, I had wizened up and decided not to do anything else before talking with someone who actually knows their shit. Wat do?

*However, this one of Her Majesty's Royal /vr/ Troopers told me old vidya is not chips and should be kept away from salt and vinegar.

>> No.1433274


4. The Motherboard

Since I'm not completely brain-dead, I went over the motherboard with some isopropyl using an old toothbrush and lots of q-tips. However, looking at it afterwards there appears to be some "smudges" on the board, as though the alcohol left something behind after evaporating or didn't do its job. The fact that I wasn't wearing gloves probably didn't help*

*This is my (self-diagnosed) OCD talking.

Also, "practice until my eyes bleed was a bit extreme.

>> No.1433303

Stocks are different though. Those are shares in active companies. By buying stock in a company you are investing in it and it's future in the hopes that the company is sound and will turn a profit for you.

That's completely different from what re-sellers do. a re-seller looks at his local market and sees that a given item like say an NES sells for $30 on average. Si the re-seller buys all the ones he can get his hands on in the hopes that he can then turn around and raise the price of that item and make himself some money.

So the stock market broker is actually helping the economy by investing his money in an active company and it's work force. Whereas the re-seller tries to make his living purely through price inflation. The two really aren't similar at all.

Like the other guy said, if someone wants to make that their job it's their perogative I suppose. But it really is a pretty sleasy way to make a living with very little security because you're not actually doing something useful or helpful to anyone but yourself and and basing a career around an unstable market.

>> No.1433321

>The reason that Gamecube was on sale for five bucks is because that's what it was worth.

I that was the case there would be no profit in buying and reselling it. The reason OP could resell it for $20 is because that's what it's worth.

>> No.1433346

I live in an out of the way part of rural England, there's a small town nearby which has a successful games store with a large retro section. While I suspect most of their business comes from online customers, the fact remains that there is money to be made from retro games and if it can be done in small town England then I see no reason why it can't be done elsewhere.

>> No.1433423

In order to keep the thread relevant, I would recommend going to the Console Repair Thread with future concerns, several wise /vr/troopers (myself included) frequent it >>1380150

1. The dark corrosion is from air oxidizing the surface, common but not harmful. If you wish to clean it, I would recommend a metal polish like Maas. Works like a charm and removes the blackness.

2. Yea, not so smart anon, that /vr/trooper was right...well for the shield, I would use any cleaning liquids sparingly and ensure that the unit is COMPLETELY dry before turning anything on, or else bye bye SNES.

3. See #1

4. Alcohol does leave some residue if not completely dried, but you're doing the right thing. What I do is use alcohol first, then go over with a little water afterword to soak up the residue, completely drying everything both times.

Good luck anon, use this knowledge for good not evil, I sense much potential and fear in you, be careful for greed is the path to the reseller side.

>> No.1433430

b-b-but reselling requires no work and you sell everything at such a huge profit. How could you possibly fail at it?

This is good advice >>1432652

Suggesting a NEET repair a console will elicit as much hat as suggesting they get a job or pay the market price. I've tried. There are valid reasons I have such a low opinion of this type of person.

There's a reason the saying goes "The early bird gets the worm" instead of "The late guy gets the vidya".

Guys like you (and a few others I"m sure I missed) are perfect examples of butthurt little NEETs. Nothing but temper tantrums. When you even try to justify your irrational opinions you just show that you're angry children who slept through econ 101 if you're even that old. You don't even realize that your bitching accomplishes nothing but giving us a few giggles.

>> No.1433452

Exactly, both thrive on speculation, except one is actually contributing to the future of a business while the other is just riding out a bubble and will abandon the market the instant that bubble bursts

>> No.1433453


I love you, OP.

Full disclosure: I resell vidya

>> No.1433486

It was worth $5 to the old ladies who stocked it because they thought it was some fischer price toy.

It's worth $20 to a young gamer because it's a good console that's still in plentiful supply.

>> No.1433491

>I that was the case there would be no profit in buying and reselling it.
There isn't.

>> No.1433496
File: 1.56 MB, 3264x1836, 2014-01-25_13-04-10_567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There is no bubble, you cunty fuck. There are a finite amount of retro games out there. There will never be more copies of Earthbound then there are right now. Every week and month that goes by are there are less and less copies. Yet demand stays the same, if not increases. Best case scenario for you is that prices plateau. The price for earthbound, and games like it, will never go down because there will never be an overabundance of them on the market. I just don't understand what you don't understand about that.

>> No.1433514

Wow, look at that. An Earthbound with half a label. You sure are top dog in the retro vidya industry. Tell me more about economic, wolf of wall street.

>> No.1433525


Well, I can tell you that I sold that copy a while back for $160. Go ahead, call me a piece of shit reseller scum. Go on. Do it. Your tears only make my cock harder.

>> No.1433528


>> No.1433556



Bonglander detected. Enjoy your Sharia and Feminism.

>> No.1433564

To start a competent reselling business, you need about 1-3K start up capital and a lot of drive, which I doubt a lot of people here have--hence the bitching and moaning.
Stay butthurt faggots.

>> No.1433569

Why would I call you reseller scum? You paid top dollar for that shitty specimen for your own private collection because it's all your could afford. Now you're trying to troll me with it. A legit reseller with have at least 2 or 3 copies that they're "sitting on to inflate prices" (read: up for sale on ebay with a BIN now that nobody's willing to pay).

>> No.1433585



These Hipsters are going to move on to the next fad sooner or later. It's just a matter of time...

>> No.1433584

>1-3K start up capital
hahaha, one employee's weekly salary doesn't count as "start up capital" you impoverish plebian.

>> No.1433592
File: 190 KB, 426x600, gay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

... i meant... to go... into business.. for yourself...reselling stuff...

>> No.1433617

It's entirely possible that demand will drop. Many of the retro collectors today may loose interest, many of the retro collectors of tomorrow may be more interested in the games from later generations that they grew up with.
On the other hand it may be that the games legacy ensures it's a popular collectors item for the foreseeable future which will only rise in value.
But that assume retro gaming remains a relatively popular hobby, which may not be the case.

You can speculate on market trends, but you't predict them with any real certainty.

>> No.1433664

OP claims to have made a profit, are you saying he's lying?

Also if resellers aren't profiting, as you claim, then what's the problem?

This whole thread is full of bitching about profiteering, how can resellers be profiteering if they aren't making a profit? It contridicts all of the complaints and arguments against resellers which have been presented ITT.

>> No.1433746


I liken them to vintage vinyl records. And in that regard I believe there will always be a market for them. As with record store, I believe the existence of retro game stores will persist as well. In the future there may not be as many, but they'll still exist in some form. Also, like vinyl records, there will always be games that are highly sought after and will command top dollar. Games like MUSHA and Earthbound will never lose value. As time goes on their value will only increase. Much as it is with other collectables such as coins, stamps, etc. I collect G1 Transformers and each year the price of those figures goes up as few and fewer become available. I just don't understand why some people feel that vintage video games are exempt from this.

>> No.1433764

i have a game store owner that does that shit. In fact he tells those people to call him and he pays them extra to do so. So all the thrift stores and goodwill are cleaned out very fast. He is a shit

>> No.1433805

>Laughing on the outside
>Crying on the inside
>Will never even own a torn piece of Earthbound label

NEETs posts make so much sense.

>Paying the Mexican who drives your van $3k/week

>> No.1433825 [SPOILER] 
File: 345 KB, 811x1080, Freedom Hulk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Bitch Roody-poo I got my Earthbound back when shit was cheap.

>Paying the Mexican who drives your van $3k/week
>Paying the bloody Arab who drives your lorry £300k worthless Yuropoor monopoly money/week


>> No.1433879

>Is able to make perfectly logical rebuttals to those who disagree with reseller ethics
>Calls all dissidents NEETs

>> No.1433890

>hurp derp

>> No.1433909

Living in a semi rural rich white area.
I like to scour craigslist for people selling old 80s and 90s toys and video games who don't know what they have and buy cheap. Never give a sucker (or someone who can't take the time to do a basic google search to find the value of their stuff) an even break.
I can usually get there first because I'm a student with flexible hours and I'm always on the internet checking and stuff.
Have been known to drive 45 minutes to an hour if the deal is worth it enough.
Usually keep the cool shit for my own collection (if I don't already have it) and flip the rest for the going rate on ebay where I can make the most.
I guess this makes me fascist capitalist reseller scum?

>> No.1433925

Nope, it makes you a delusional retard living out a nerd fantasy in a false 4chan post.

>> No.1433927

Dude, there are basic principles of supply and demand at work here that your feeble mind is failing to grasp.
Put a copy of Earthbound up on eBay; if it sells for forty dollars or less I will eat my words and admit that resellers are enablers. Until then, I suggest you calm down and accept reality because you sound like this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dyMXYE_50Ts

>> No.1433940

Earthbound was never cheap. I remember FuncoLand selling it used for $60-80 as early as mid-90s.

>> No.1433969
File: 36 KB, 500x375, fhwyefguawe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of all the people in this thread, of all the opposing viewpoints herein, and of all the ethical arguments presented, I think we can ALL agree upon a singular self-evident fact:

Resellers (see: "scalpers") are overpricing.

The fact of the matter is, there is no official price guide. Only what is collectively agreed-upon as the "going rate." The problem with using Amazon or eBay (or an aggregate price based on multiple listings), is that all it takes is one or two exorbitantly-priced listings of a given game to drive up the prices of every other listing.

Compounding the problem is what I dub The Reseller's Fallacy: "If this game is listed for $X, why should I charge any less?" The fault in this logic is that pricing is relative to subjective worth. I can list my copy of Earthbound for $700, but that doesn't mean it's worth $700.

tl;dr: shit's overpriced.

>> No.1433971


"Perfect examples of butthurt little NEETs" might apply, if those you were quoting hadn't mentioned having jobs or careers.

Your argument is null and void.

>> No.1433983


I'm screencapping this. I can't wait for you to eat those words.

>> No.1433986

No, what makes you "fascist capitalist reseller scum" is your dishonesty with people, your attempt to control supply, your unfair pricing (again, what's wrong with .99 starting bid auctions!?!?), your inability to accept haggling, and your lack of integrity in how you conduct your "business".

>> No.1433992


>> No.1433993

Don't you get it. Some guy has a game I want so he's a reseller scum. It's that simple. Don't try to cloud the argument with your reseller apologist jew logic.

But I want the games so the rules should be different for me because because I'm special, and my mommy says i am.

Every shop and stall that gets vidya in my town has my number. Why don't they have yours?

99% of the people here bitching about resellers are NEETs. What term should I use that would be inclusive of the other 1%?

Of course it makes you fascist capitalist reseller scum. You have something the NEETs want and that's all it takes.

>> No.1433996


Go back to Mother Russia, you Communist fuck.

>> No.1434001


See >>1433825


>> No.1434010

This isn't true, anon. Not at all. In fact, your willingness to believe it makes me cringe.

Resellers are free to overprice all they want; the fact remains that overly high prices simply will not sell as frequently as those that are reasonable priced.

Take a game like Chrono Trigger, for example. The cart may sell for $65-90 on eBay if you list it in auction format depending on its condition/the amount of people interested at that given moment. If you listed a BIN Chrono Trigger cart for $200, however, it would not sell. Or, at least, it would not sell for a significant amount of time. Someone exceedingly stupid or uninformed would have to come along.

A BIN Chrono Trigger priced at $120, however, may sell within a week to a month of it being posted. This is because convenience can sometimes be a factor in what someone is willing to pay—consider those who do not have the time to follow a bunch of auctions looking for a good deal on Chrono Trigger or those who simply want it now. But there is a threshold of what people are generally willing to pay for convenience that varies based on what the product is. Like I said, very few people would pay $200 for CT. If you listed a BIN Chrono Trigger for $80, on the other hand, it would more than likely sell within the week. So the amount of people willing to pay essentially decreases exponentially as the rate of the item goes up until it hits a threshold where it almost zeros.

A viable reseller, then, knows that he can't increase his price too much solely based on the convenience factor, lest he hit a threshold and not sell his product. As such, the mark-up can usually only be a finite amount. It is generally based on how liquid a seller needs to keep his stock--that is, how long can he afford to wait for a sale?--but it rarely exceeds the established threshold (because then the seller would be out of business).

It's quite simply really. Perhaps you should put the controller down for a couple of days.

>> No.1434013

I actually ran into a reseller a few months ago. I had never met one before IRL. I won't be going into a lot of specifics, since he may post here.

I had a mental image of resellers before I met this guy, but he's worse than what I imagined. Complete burnout type Thousand-yard stare. Wears the same thing most days. Can't hold a conversation, you talk to him and his eyes start to wander and he meanders away after a few minutes.

The other day a mutual friend mentioned they had some old games lying around, and he asked this person to sell to him. When they refused, he whined and begged and pleaded. The person got so sick of hearing it that they mentioned to me they don't want to deal with him. Ever.

I'm not making this story up. I don't give a fuck if anyone believes me or not. I have met a reseller, and it was worse than I would have ever imagined.

>> No.1434014


I'll phrase this in a way you could process.

Ad hominem/10, would not rebutt

>> No.1434020
File: 32 KB, 551x573, wink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol m8, i totally i get it

>> No.1434023


Also, I didn't even bother reading your counterargument. Got as far as, "cringe," and dismissed you as another Internet-addicted teenager with delusions of intelligence.

>> No.1434027




>> No.1434029

Yeah, that might involving thinking outside your comfort zone for a second, wouldn't want that.

>> No.1434035

As an eBay seller, I don't even care. Y'all niggas prissy.

>> No.1434042


Talk about a sore loser! Haha! Bye, dipshit!

>> No.1434056


Sweeping generalizations are all the rage these days.

>> No.1434058

>people thinking earthbound is expensive

check this shit out


>> No.1434069

Good business practices/ethics = communism?
>reseller logic

>> No.1434074


If you buy your games for under 100$ you're basically a terrorist.

>> No.1434080

HEY serious question he asked there? Whats wrong with starting auctions at a dollar?

>> No.1434076
File: 204 KB, 331x228, 1392692245896.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1434096

eBay is screwy with its best match algorithm and caters to popular BIN listings and top sellers much more than auctions by small sellers; unless you have a high priority item like, say, Earthbound, that everyone is always searching for all the time, there is a good chance your auction may not garner that much visibility and someone might get the item you're selling for vastly under what it's worth.

>> No.1434153

Same reseller turd

>> No.1434154

Congrats, you sure you did a GREAT VALUE by saying quite some money...wait...

Wasn't some guy who got Earthbound by only 5 dollars at a goodwill with the help of some worker.

>> No.1434159

>ALL agree
You didn't the thread or even OPs post did you.

>Nobody on the Internet has ever pretended to be something they aren't

That guy seemed pretty honest about what he does to me. Sounds like your another butthurt kid who feels he deserves a copy of Earthbound because he would enjoy playing it more than the current owner. CIB for $5 of course!

The only bong here is whatever you're smoking dude.

>Whats wrong with starting auctions at a dollar?
It's a waste of time for things that are clearly worth more. Very few auctions anywhere start at $1.

>> No.1434164

I read somewhere that Ebay has it so it doesn't list certain stuff from certain sellers and that it removes some results to people outside of the US.

>> No.1434167

I find it really ironic that reseller apologists ITT are throwing around the word NEET, given that in real life resellers are usually doing so because they can't get (or hold) a job.

>> No.1434170

Oh boy, you know what, these ad-hominem cretin lovers who defend and love being all apologetic for the inflation problem, are the worst kind, they just came here to attack and look down upon us are just plain being pricks, and the sad thing, nothing is going to help them see the light.

and keep deluding themselves that we, the people who want to buy the stuff we want to play, are the idiotic man-children in the wrong.

all these guys are in denial, and nothing is goinna change that, sadly.

>> No.1434186

There's such thing as coercion in a voluntary exchange where no necessities of life are at stake. If there is no coercion (and there for certainly no violence, as violence is an extension of coercion) then no crime is committed. There is there for no moral argument against resellers. You can compete with them (after all your both just human), accept the increase in price in exchange for the service of finding a particular game, or you can use an alternative product (like emulation or another game).

Complaining on /vr/ does none of these things

>> No.1434201

>implying that I would buy a game at all from anywhere that isn't an official retailer for a game still in production
>implying there is a difference between buying an old game at goodwill and downloading a rom

Developers don't get a dime from resale why would I waste my money making some low risk speculator fat?

>> No.1434204

>it's not illegal, so it's ok to be a complete dickbag!

>> No.1434215

I never said that, all I said us that its up to you how you respond to this "reseller scum" because there not going to go away as long as there's a profit.

>> No.1434242

Again, there's that word that's completely irrelevant to retro vidya reselling. An act of desperation by poorfags does not equate to what legit businessmen call profit. If there was a profit to be made, there would be legit businesses to be had, yet most used vidya retailers won't touch retro shit with a 10 foot pole. If these armchair economists' meager earnings don't even warrant 1099-K from ebay at the end of the year, then their small fries whose time would be better served serving large fries at Burger King.

>> No.1434285

There's tons of full time vendors, comic book shops and such, all over that sell used vg from all eras, and for a fair price as well (as well as others that don't). Most of these stores had to find new markets because, well, comics. Just because you don't like the idea of your precious retrofun being commodified doesn't mean the rest of the world hasn't already done it.

>> No.1434295

i've never seen a vendor sell retro games without also selling other shit, like new games, ipods, whatever other shit

>> No.1434305

No. It's just me. Simple fact is most of the kids whining here are NEETs and most of the resellers here either have solid other jobs or make their living off reselling.
So how many resellers do you know who resell because they can't get a job? How do you know that's why they chose to become resellers. You seem to know an awful lot about resellers. It's kind of like one of those guys who's always putting down gays but knows so much about them. Are you sure you're not really a closet reseller?

>Anything that stands in the way of me getting the toys I want with no effort is a complete dickbag

Keep tell yourself that poorfag. It might make the butthurt hurt a little less.

>> No.1434306

>most of the kids whining here are NEETs
Let's not get into dickwaving, but:
1. I'm likely much older than you
2. I'm indeed employed, as a computer engineer, at a major employer.

>> No.1434316

That's because video games is a big market dude, a little something for everyone.

>> No.1434324

> poorfag
Nigga please. I just started preparing my taxes last week and I've estimated about $15K in write offs on lunches with clients alone. Could you imagine telling the IRS "oh, I spent $15K on NES cartridges at Goodwill and garage sales to keep my business going"? lol, how many fucking Top Gun's would you have to sell before you even see $15K? Hell, how many Earthbounds and Chrono Triggers? SPOILER: more than you'll ever see. lol, keep sitting on that ***RARE*** copy of Mario 3, retard.

>> No.1434325

>justifying being filth this hard
>all this implying

or is it because selling retro games isn't enough to keep a business open?

>> No.1434345

>kids whining here are NEETs
Projecting hard m8.

>> No.1434348

Pretty sure he actually meant dishonesty towards customers, just saying

>> No.1434351

>So how many resellers do you know who resell because they can't get a job?

Guy you responded to here. I've only known one video game reseller (I mentioned him earlier in the thread), but I've known bunches of people who resell other shit on ebay for a living. For the most part, they were unemployable, the type who can't hold down a job because they can't show up on time or quit two weeks in or get fired for stupid shit.

>Simple fact is most of the kids whining here are NEETs

I can't speak for anyone else who hates resellers but I have a steady job.

>It's kind of like one of those guys who's always putting down gays but knows so much about them. Are you sure you're not really a closet reseller?


>> No.1434463

>Let's not get into dickwaving
>Waves dick

The IRS has no problem understanding COGS and inventory. Neither does a kid with a 2 year degree. That plus the numbers behind your claims indicate bullshit.

hue hue hue. If it makes your butt hurt less keep thinking that

How was the guy dishonest towards customers in any way?

You've got some sad people I guess I know most of the resellers in my area and a couple are big time dicks but they all work hard and make good money.

>> No.1434468

If you can make a living off of reselling then it is your job. You're self-employed running a small business. If you don't pay taxes on that shit you can end up in jail.

>> No.1434740

Step 1: Entire video game resale market is predicated on the notion of having a playable copy. See: Difference in pricing between the computer and console video game markets, where computer games quickly become unplayable.
Step 2: Sell graded video games which are never intended to be used and do it at a significant premium.
Step 3: Oops.

>> No.1434758

so, I'm at a thrift/antique/junkafuck store, and i see a box of SNES games. bitches, guess what I find? niggas, muthuh fuckin' Earthbound, Chrono Trigger, secret of mana, Final Fantasy 2, 3, and mystic quest, along with quite a few other games. Yo store lady, how much? a dollar a piece? IIIIIGHT, HOE. so, I get them all up, and walk around a bit more. guess what I see? MUH FUCKIN' magnavox/philips CD-i. she wants 6 bucks for it. I was like, oh, cool, I'll do that. those things aren't very common. she was like "yeah, i couldn't even find a price on it". hah. nabbed it.

so, some fucker comes in. idiot fat fuck. asks her about any new games lately or whatever. apparently he comes in often. she tells him that I just cleaned house. rightfully so, mother fucker. fat fuckin' shit grumbles some shit. whatever. can't all be winners. don't worry cunt. I left you the scraps.

so, *gugh grumble sounds like a fat fuck*. what did you find?

ah, just some old Super Nintendo games. no big. I show him the muh' fukin' shoe box that had the SNES games in it, and the motherfucker looked like fuckin' armaggedon had just started.

nigga was like, "uhha would you be willing to sell me any of those?"

nah, I'm trying to start a collection up. I heard some games go for a lot of money, so, I'm trying to find what I can. I'm sure all these games are pretty common anyway.

The fat fuck lets out an exasperated grunt.

i have defeated him. the fat fuck leaves in shame and misery. disgusting ham god.

>> No.1434817


This guy makes a good point. How are old video games any different then other collectibles?

>> No.1434864

I don't understand the mentality that collecting something because of their rarity is somehow good or acceptible. I don't hoard vinyls or anything else because I might be able to sell it for a higher price later.

Collecting for profit is just business, of course those who do it for their enjoyment frown upon it.

>> No.1434868

Music is widely considered art, whereas video games are seen by many as a pointless waste of time, that's why.

>> No.1434870

I feel so ambivalent about all of this. On the one hand, people who make their living through price inflation like this are pretty lame. I used to enjoy digging through pawn shops and flea markets for old gems. But pawn shops now charge the insane ebay prices. And if you want to find anything other than sports games at a flea market you have to troll them frequently and early in the morning.

On the other hand, if someone puts up a copy of Earthbound for 300 bucks and some other schmuck is foolish enough to buy it, then that's their problem. Especially with emulation as prevalent as it is now. They're not really paying for the game anyways, the game itself is easy enough to come by free and will run on almost anything. They're really paying to own the cart as a collector's item. Which to me is a silly investment, but everyone's different.

>> No.1434892
File: 61 KB, 640x480, 1up_king_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This reminds me of a store that opened up near my house a few years back called 1up Games. The guys who ran it were pretty cool, but their prices were insane. $95 for an unboxed Phantasy Star IV and that kind of thing. Typical for these days I suppose but still crazy. So I would go in sometimes to chat with them and bought another Dreamcast controller once, but I don't generally buy used games anyways.

I did notice they had current gen stuff as well though, so when Dragon's Dogma came out and I knew I wanted it I decided to throw them some business and buy it there. It turns out they didn't sell any new games at all, only used ones. In the end they closed up a year or so later and I never ended up going back. It was really a shame because in my heart I want to support a small business like that, but ultimately they were trying to sell things for far more than they were actually worth which made it really hard.

>> No.1434902

Maybe we have jobs so we don't have to spend all our time fucking people out of enjoying their hobbies and fond memories while living in the spare space of some charitable persons home and trying to justify it by calling this your "living"

>> No.1434904
File: 24 KB, 430x521, 1289857135866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From the perspective of actual poor families who rely on thrift shops like Goodwill for their belongings, are not the resellers and collectors equally scum? I thought that thrift stores are meant to serve the poor, anyway.

>> No.1434910


A holy shit you live in Hamilton :O

>> No.1434912

In general you're correct. But with old video game collectors specifically, not as much. Because poor families especially seem more interested in modern games. So the types of games a collector is looking for aren't typically the types of games an impoverished kid is looking for. If they have 5 bucks to spend on a used game they're almost certainly going to go for a Call of Duty or GTAIV or something like that. Not some niche 8 or 16 bit title.

Also, someone looking there to collect some old games is going to be picky and only buy the few things that interest him. A reseller is going to wholesale buy anything and everything he thinks he can turn a profit on.

>> No.1434915

That I do!
Hammertown REPRESENT!

>> No.1434927

>I don't generally buy used games anyways.

Faggot what the fuck is wrong with you?!

>> No.1434950

I hate these fucking thread. Within two posts it just degenerates into a bunch of faggots on both sides of the argument trolling each other.

I make a motion that this board be reserved for talking about actual retro games and not the business of retro games. Any discussion about business should be brought to /biz/. I think that's a prettt reasonable request.

>> No.1434965

If I'm paying for a game, I like to be sure that at least part of that money goes to the developer and or publisher. So for me buying new is the only way to go. If I can only find it used then I just pirate the game and keep my eye out for something new the developer is making so I can consider buying that.

>> No.1435006


This thread is full of people going full retard, but you are at maximum retard.

>> No.1435020

How is that maximum retard? I like to support my hobby and the people who make the games I love. I would far rather pay $60 for a game knowing that a portion of it trickles down, than pay $50 knowing that every penny of profit is going to Gamestop or whoever else is selling it used. What about that is retarded?

>> No.1435026


We're not talking about games you can find at Gamestop. This is the RETRO video game board. Again, maximum retard.

>> No.1435038

Well that's kind of my point exactly. I don't buy retro games, ever. Or rather, I have but that was back when they weren't retro. I only mentioned it in this thread because I was talking about a local store we used to have near my house then I was just responding to some other douche. Nice try though.

>> No.1435045


>wants to support devs
>pirates games

The way people rationalize is just fucking hilarious.

>> No.1435058

You didn't really read my post did you?
>then I just pirate the game and keep my eye out for something new the developer is making so I can consider buying that.

So for example, I recently played through a rom of Castlevania Aria of Sorrow on my PSP and really loved it. So I bought the Zone of Enders HD port I'd been eyeing for a while.

Riddle me this. How does paying some dude reselling old games $50 for Super Castlevania help Konami or anyone associated with making the game in any way?

>> No.1435086

They make the games more available.

The fact is you could just as check the shops on a regular basis, get up early for carboot sales and do all that other shit resellers do to find these games at low prices. You just can't be bothered.

Plenty of serious collectors can though, so if it wasn't the resellers then it would be more serious collectors buying all the best games before you roll out of bed. Either way you're not gonna get the bargains because you can't be bothered to do the leg work finding them.

Resellers do that legwork and make the games available to people like you in nice convenient online shops, but you have to pay extra for that service.

>> No.1435104

Resellers are still worse than collectors though. A serious collector might make that trip at 8:00 in the morning, but he's only going to buy the select few games he wants. A reseller will buy everything they possibly can so the next guy that comes along 5 minutes later has no choice but to pay his new price. That's hardly making games "more available"

>> No.1435107

So if you saw say, silent hill for ps1 at a garage sale for $1. You would not buy it. Rather, you will go home later and google what Akira Yamaoka has done lately and perhaps buy something he has worked on in the last 6-9 months?

Not trying to troll you, but your rational on buying games seems to be misinformed slightly. Would love for you to elaborate.

>> No.1435117

I'm maybe not as hard line as that. And I see someone selling some of their old stuff at a garage sale, some of which happens to be their old games as different than a re-seller or Gamestop who are basing their business around the re-selling of used games.

But essentially, yes. That is my attitude. I truly don't see any point in putting money into the used games market because I don't feel it supports game developers and publishers. Tim Schafer has even said he would far rather someone just pirate Psychonaughts if they want to play it and then buy a t-shirt from them.

This is honestly more to do with new games than retro games, but I still try to apply it to those where I can. Any other questions?

>> No.1435134

meh I can vibe that, especially since I don't buy new games (aside from some hyper specific titles).

For me it's really convenience and price. I have a ps1 collection with some decent titles, but when it comes to securing some of the more expensive games i'm fine just emulating because
a) can't be spending all my time and money on a hobby
b) people are now pricing games much higher than they were when released, which is fucking annoying

>> No.1435236
File: 7 KB, 195x195, 1333024294482.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>finally moving out of my mom's house
>have garage sale to clear out junk
>put out all the shit ps1/2, cg crap I don't want anymore
>guy comes along, offers to buy it all for half price
>gets pissy, starts haggling over EVERY game
>tell him to fuck off
>little kid from across the block comes by
>I know he has a hand me down GC so I give him Mario Sunshine, Pikmin and Pokemon Colosseum for free cause I knew his bro
>other dude has a fit, starts yelling at me.
>smile and say the video games aren't for sale anymore
>storms off
>put them back out five minutes later

probably lost money on that but it was just too fuckin funny

>> No.1435289

i cant tell if you are playing the part of an actual gamer in an unrealistic reverse story, or you are just another apologist, seriously dude, make up your damn mind.

>> No.1435295

>that sunshine guy who thinks now better than the people experiencing the issue at hand and tells people to shut up

>> No.1435301

>also the dweeb cretin that thinks both sides are wrong when its so fucking obvious that one is fighting the good fight
>spoiler: not the fucking resellers apologist

>> No.1435302

>that sunshine guy who thinks now better than the people experiencing the issue at hand and tells people to shut up


>> No.1435306

It means, that there always comes some cretin that just pretend to be better and smarter than the people in the debate by telling both sides to shut up, oblivious to the fact that the issue is not resolved, and there's a problem.,

>> No.1435323
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>> No.1435337

I don't think you have a very good handle on what 'cretin' means. But at least that sentence made some sense.

>> No.1435342 [DELETED] 

To all these cretins resellers and scalper apologist that think they are in the right and we are in the wrong, let me tell you something.

See this in the picture, is a copy of WURM.

the seller wanted 14 USD for it, might not seem like much, but nobody payed for that, mainly not because of the title itself, but because EVERY SINGLE NES GAME WAS GOING FOR AROUND THAT PRICE, mostly common worthless games, only a few good ones.

And like most sellers, they keep the AAA titles behind the glass, at 27 USD each, including common as Mario 3, Megaman 3 and the 1st TMNT game.

I remember him opening since Late August last year.

And guess what..

He barely sold shit, mainly, only a few games, and only because other re-sellers buyed from him.

He still had the copy of Wurm you see in the picture, he still had Battle of Olympus, Low G Man, Isolated Warrior, Magic Kingdom, Burai Fighter, Megaman 3, Mario 3 and all the "Hot stuff".

i remember approaching him once, and ask him for a discount, he only pull the 20 mexican pesos crap at he attempted to chastate me and make me feel like crap if i ask him for a better discount.

you want to know how much is for 20 pesos in USD?, just 1 USD.

a whooping 1 USD discount, for a game that wasn't even rare or "hot tittle".

Walk away dissapointed. came back last week after a a couple of months....

He still HAD ALL OF THEM, he didnt sell any of them.

you want to know what i did, i just went looking for that title and surprise, WURM was still in the pile, and i literally said to myself, I knew it!

so you know what i did.

I offered him and exchange, i trade a copy of Sword of Vermilion for the Sega Genesis (game that i didn't like and couldn't stand playing) and 3 USD.

All in an honest peace seeking mod, not trying to instigate more conflict.

He accepted.

and after wards i thank him for doing so.

>> No.1435346
File: 414 KB, 1164x1011, AOKvwpH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To all these cretins resellers and scalper apologist that think they are in the right and we are in the wrong, let me tell you something.

See this in the picture, is a copy of WURM.

the seller wanted 14 USD for it, might not seem like much, but nobody payed for that, mainly not because of the title itself, but because EVERY SINGLE NES GAME WAS GOING FOR AROUND THAT PRICE, some of them for More, and those were supposed to be the pile games. mostly common worthless games, only a few good ones.

And like most sellers, they keep the AAA titles behind the glass, at 27 USD each, including common as Mario 3, Megaman 3 and the 1st TMNT game.

I remember him opening since Late August last year.

And guess what..

He barely sold shit, mainly, only a few games, and only because other re-sellers buy from him.

He still had the copy of Wurm you see in the picture, he still had Battle of Olympus, Low G Man, Isolated Warrior, Magic Kingdom, Burai Fighter, Megaman 3, Mario 3 and all the "Hot stuff".

i remember approaching him once, and ask him for a discount, he only pull the 20 mexican pesos crap at he attempted to berate me and make me feel like crap if i ask him for a better discount.

you want to know how much is for 20 pesos in USD?, just 1 USD.

a whooping 1 USD discount, for a game that wasn't even rare or "hot tittle".

Walk away in disappointment. came back last week after a a couple of months....

He still HAD ALL OF THEM, he didn't sell any of them.

you want to know what i did, i just went looking for that title and surprise, WURM was still in the pile, and i literally said to myself, I knew it!

so you know what i did.

I offered him and exchange, i trade a copy of Sword of Vermilion for the Sega Genesis (game that i didn't like and couldn't stand playing) and 3 USD.

All in an honest peace seeking mod, not trying to instigate more conflict.

He accepted.

and after wards i thank him for doing so.

>> No.1435358

I think the heart of the matter and the disconnect here is one notion, and whether or not you agree with it

>you should only buy a video game if you intend to play it.

Which is horse shit in my opinion. The video game hobby is about far more than just playing games. There are many people who enjoy the hunt and building a collection more than they enjoy actually playing the games. These people will sell doubles for a small profit in order to finance bigger buys. If you've got a problem with it, tough.

How many "collectors" have really played most of their games for any considerable length of time?

If you answered yes you don't have enough games to be considered a real collector.

>> No.1435359

I usually only had little disposable income in cash outside of paypal, and i don't feel like overpaying on Ebay, specially when shipping to mexico has become so exploitative (25 USD for shipping to a fricking frontier city?, even more, and it sucks since there are some good titles i couldn't find here.)

>> No.1435370
File: 41 KB, 250x350, maybe one exception.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Even most common NES games are simply not something you find in thrift stores or yard sales anymore.

The most common used PlayStation game ought to sell for $2-3 dollars these days. $1 is sort of an insult for something that is entertaining, still works like it did out of the box, and originally cost $40. If you think $3 is high you're just an asshole.

So now consider that -any- NES game is definitely 3x more uncommon to find out in "the wild" than your basic PlayStation game and I can see a $10 base price for the system from here on out being completely acceptable.

The days of picking up Nintendo tapes from yard sales for a couple of bucks are long over. Even the resellers have to visit dozens of places to come across just a couple of games.

>> No.1435373

What a gigantic faggot

>> No.1435376

I'll add that I have been out every week checking thrift stores, yard sales, good wills, local junk auctions, and generally asking random people I know for NES games.

I think I have seen about 10 total in four years that were not obviously being resold, all of which were forgettable or sports titles.

>> No.1435379

fuck you shitlord

>> No.1435381

>you should only buy a video game if you intend to play it.

I don't think that's the issue at all. No one anywhere cares if some collector actually played through his copy Panzer Dragoon Saga or not.

The problem is the guy who already owns a copy of PDS (or whatever) and goes out of his way to buy as many copies as he can so he can raise the price on them.

That's the real issue. It's that the prices of used and old games keep going up past the point of reason because people are tying to make a living from buying and reselling them.

If you already own a game, but buy a second copy solely so you can raise the price and make a profit then you are the problem.

>> No.1435382
File: 41 KB, 1877x327, Banned in Britain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>The only bong here is whatever you're smoking dude.

Nope, I'm cleaner than the SNES port of Mortal Kombat. The only bongs here are the ones that big-as clock you people worship shits out every hour or so. Cheery-o, mate.

>> No.1435386

>If you already own a game, but buy a second copy solely so you can raise the price and make a profit then you are the problem.

There's no problem. This is simply the reality of living in a free market capitalistic society.

>> No.1435396


>computer games quickly become unplayable


>> No.1435401

It doesn't not make you an asshole though. And specifically the reason that the prices of even average old video games are now absolutely obscene. So yeah, you are the problem. If that's how you want to make your money, then whatever. But at least understand why gamers and collectors all hate people like you.

>> No.1435421

are you implying that i want to buy everything at a single buck?

>extremist generalization

most NES games were at 14 USD to 17 USD, while the ones behind the glass were up to 22 USD

>> No.1435440

I don't really get what your story is supposed to be getting across.

You went there and a guy had some games for sale. You tried to get him to come down, he wasn't going to do more than a dollar.

You came back later and the games were still there. Big whoop. The used game business isn't fast moving, even in the shops that sell games cheaply.

>> No.1435450

>The used game business isn't fast moving, even in the shops that sell games cheaply.

wow, you really making assumptions right now.

>> No.1435456

From his post in >>1433909
: "Never give a sucker (or someone who can't take the time to do a basic google search to find the value of their stuff) an even break."

Not only does that show massive disrespect towards customers (the very people who support his business), but that attitude is very dishonest, can you honestly say guys like PT Barnum and snake oil salesmen were good respectable businessmen?

>> No.1435469

Were you really expecting someone who buys and re-sells video games for profit to be a good and ethical type of person?

>> No.1435494

Faith in /vr/ restored

>> No.1435527


>> No.1435721

Pretty much the problem in a nutshell

I can't speak for everyone else on this board, but I feel no urge to go out and buy up multiple copies of games I ALREADY HAVE just for the small possibility of a few dollars profit, it just feels wrong, is a waste of time/energy, and goes against everything I hold as a gamer

Sorry if I don't jump at every dollar like the few resellers that lurk this board

>> No.1435801

And what exactly is he supposed to do?
Tell those people who are just looking to get rid of their old stuff that it is worth much more than their asking?
>Like you would
Anon goes to a yard sale, sees a copy of Earthbound for sale for fifty cents. Ethical anon tells owner it is worth 200. That'll be the day.

>> No.1435823
File: 93 KB, 584x476, overpriced.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tl;dr - Babby's first economics lesson.

Something is only worth what someone is willing to pay for it. If people are willing to spend 150 bucks on Earthbound then that's what it's worth.

The resellers aren't the problem, blame the people willing to shell out that much cash.

Instead of bitching, why don't you resell so you can fund your retro gaming hobby instead of bitching at people for taking the initiative?

Too much effort? Buy a flash cart or something.

>> No.1435841


You can't put a price on something like that.

I routinely post fake craig's list ads in my area with tags like "old games" retro games, etc. I got like 50 emails in an hour from people thinking I had a copy of musha for $3.00 around a year ago. You should try it sometime. At the very least, it gives you an idea of how many collectors/resellers there are in the area.

>> No.1435848

So what's your opinion on people who want to make retrogame store hybrids? I want to see if it's still doable. Having a cool place for the kids to come in and play some yugioh, an arcade machine or two, buy some snacks, and maybe some comic books as well as retro games has always been a little dream of mine.

>> No.1435894

Have fun not getting the bills paid and having entitled brats mucking up your shit.
Times are tough for small time comic/retro places like this. Unless you have a lot of floor space and stock as well as a good and steady supply of collectibles in many different niches, you will struggle to stay afloat.

>> No.1435976

Honestly, I would give them a fair offer, maybe something like $50 or 60, I wouldn't offer them a fucking dollar! Not to mention I would actually KEEP that copy of EB rather than flip it for teh maximum profitz

>> No.1435983

Tried that before, even started a /vr/ Reseller Olympics thread on here a while back
Showed me that resellers have no problem offering $10 for a ps1 collection including Tron Bonne, MML2, Castlevania SotN, and Diablo

>> No.1435993

If I have a rare collectible that people want that I'm looking to sell, what's wrong with selling at the going rate?
If I have the only copy of something easily available, what's wrong with tacking on an extra couple of bucks to make more profit?
This isn't immoral, it's simply good business.
It's not like I'm extorting people on the price of food or living; these are status symbols and luxury items we're talking here. You don't need that copy of Chrono Trigger, you faggot. If you want it, pay up, because a lot of other people want it too.
Honestly, there's so many better things to bitch about when it comes to economics.

>> No.1435997
File: 134 KB, 1038x769, Sonic finds a gun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>This is a very rare Super Nintendo console.
>What makes this particular console so rare is that it only plays in black & white. There is no color in your picture.
>It is an awesome novelty to have to enjoy and ambrace those old school classics in a classic black & white feel.
>This is so cool and a definite rare find. Get it before it slips through your fingers.


>> No.1436003

I would sell that for AT LEAST two hundred dollars.
His marketing is all off, though.
Is he sure he didn't just test it on a b&w tv though?

>> No.1436004


>> No.1436008

>If I have a rare collectible that people want that I'm looking to sell, what's wrong with selling at the going rate?
Nothing, it's not people selling at the "going rate" that's the problem, the problem is the people who buy up multiple copies of games in an attempt to corner the market, reduce supply, and dictate the prices (eg monopolize)

>If I have the only copy of something easily available, what's wrong with tacking on an extra couple of bucks to make more profit?
Depends, what makes your copy so special out of all the other sold copies of that game? If I put up a copy of Paper Mario 64 (around $25-30) what would justify me marking it up to $40?

>If you want it, pay up, because a lot of other people want it too.
True, but it's not an excuse to act like an ass and think your game is more deserving of a price increase

>> No.1436009


>I routinely post fake craig's list ads

How much of a pathetic loser are you? Take a step back and reevaluate your life. Christ.

>> No.1436026

>the problem is the people who buy up multiple copies of games in an attempt to corner the market, reduce supply, and dictate the prices (eg monopolize)
Who the fuck actually does this? how do you corner the market on a game in today's online marketplace world unless there's like >100 copies of it out there. Oh yeah, you don't.

>If I put up a copy of Paper Mario 64 (around $25-30) what would justify me marking it up to $40?
No, because other people would undercut you and it'd take awhile for your shit to sell. But if you're selling a sealed copy of Stadium Games or something, you can mark it up significantly.

>> No.1436052
File: 10 KB, 300x168, 1392167286476.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: Angry poor people.

>> No.1436056

You're a reseller if you buy something specifically to resell at a higher price.

>> No.1436063

Its called entertainment. Surely you know all work and no play makes anon a boring boi

>> No.1436117

That's pretty based, fuck resellers and collectorfags.

I'm so happy RE1.5 leaked for free.

>> No.1436159

I missed the pre-order for Halo 4's Legendary edition, and had to rely on an online scalper who was charging $20 more and had 10 copies for sale.

That's how.

>> No.1436174

>Halo 4
See, that's your problem right there.

>> No.1436176

If you didn't pre-order, you didn't get the LE. That's all there was to it.

>> No.1436185


Read between the lines. He's saying you're a giant faggot for getting the Legendary edition.

>> No.1436204

I don't read into such childish shit. That's for /b/, and calling me a gigantic faggot for liking something you don't is really mature...for a 10 year old.

It also has no bearing on the point I was trying to make. Thanks for being a toddler about it.

>> No.1436205

Your childish response was quite comedic. To address the two points you tried to make with ad hominem:

-"us kids" are people who do no research on the pricing of video games and pay exorbitant reseller prices, thus inflating the value of the titles everyone wants to play. I would imagine most people on /vr/ or who are into the hobby at all can look up the going price for a game.

-I guess you are implying I'm an occupy wallstreet kinda guy? I'm not, I'm simply saying these people are speculating and driving the price up. It's a predatory part of capitalism. I'm not getting fucked financially by it. It just makes the hobby more inconvenient and takes some of the fun out of it when I have to climb over resellers or sift through them posting the same ad on Craigslist every single day. These shitheels did the same thing with other collectibles at other points in time and the market collapsed.

>> No.1436220

>Smug Arrogant Rich People

>> No.1436283
File: 47 KB, 319x403, 1390618237339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Acceptable Tier:
>People who sell games they've owned for a long time for decent prices
>People who buy stuff, repair/restore it, then sell for a higher price

Jew Tier:
>Faggots who actively seek out cheap games to sell for ridiculous prices
>Faggots who show up at fleemarkets early and buy out entire selections

Pawn-Stars Tier:
>Faggots who try to defend their bullshit practices

>> No.1436289

>Start university
>Find out my small university town has a local comic/videogame/oldstuff store
>Check it out one day
>Okayish selection, most things are too expensive
>Searching around the back
>Find a bin of PS1 games
>Start looking through them, they're all crappy games but they're dirt cheap
>"Maybe I'll find a good deal!"
>"Oh snap Chrono Cross!"


>> No.1436287

Collectors don't equal greasy nerds that cry when some dude smarter than them gets a better deal, please keep that in mind. They're not all completely retarded, only the kind that complains in a thread like this.

>> No.1436307

Well done. Someone who finally stands up for what he believes in and puts his money where his mouth is instead of just whining like a little bitch. Hot damn the free market is a great thing. A lot of kids here could learn a thing or two from you.

Well, there's your problem. If you define dishonesty different than the rest of the world you're bound to get bent out of shape over what people do.

b-b-but that's dishonest. Evil fascist anti-reseller scum.

Sounds like a great idea but it's been tried and failed thousands of times. Shame. Would also be a great way to recruit young reseller sith apprentices.

I suppose you buy things specifically to resell at a lower price.

>> No.1436309

Yeah, ebay and smartphones have probably killed true deal hunting.

>> No.1436318

If you want to be kind of scummy yourself...

>Look around for an overpriced game
>Bring a marker and piece of sticker/tape in your pocket
>Peel off price sticker
>Replace sticker with better price
>Hope whoever is working cash isn't knowledgeable or doesn't remember the original price

>> No.1436334

>People who buy stuff, repair/restore it, then sell for a reasonable price

Little fix.

>> No.1436343


also, >I suppose you buy things specifically to resell at a lower price.

some of us don't buy to resell at all, which is part of the issue here

>> No.1436376

If you ever tried this at a comic book store, the people working there would call you out in a second.
Maybe you could get away with it at a pawn shop or thrift store or something, but I doubt it.

>> No.1436460

>ad hominem
What else would you expect from a reseller sympathizer?

>> No.1436795

To me, resellers are the fucks who repost the same ads on craigslist, every fucking day for years, trying to sell you an NES with one 1 controller and no games for 70$.

Charging more for a boxed game? I have no issue with that.
Charging a little more for a common item? You know, I really don't mind that either, because you can either get it, or hope you find it cheaper elsewhere.

However, there comes a point where the people charging ludicrous upkeep can fuck off.

>> No.1436838

oh no, it was a true story. dead serious

>> No.1437556

>There are many people who enjoy the hunt and building a collection more than they enjoy actually playing the games

Game horder are the worst. If you don't like playing games, you should look for another hobby and leave the games for people who are actually intending to play them.

>> No.1437723

Pointing out some kids don't know how to logic isn't an ad hominem. If you want to place yourself in that group of kids feel free but don't then blame me for you being there.
As much a useless lot as the occupiers were they at least got off their asses and did something. You won't even wake up early to go to yard sales let alone camp in a park overnight. I'm in no way implying you're the kind of guy who would do anything but bitch on an image board.

Hilarious how you're happy to commit an actual crime but rage about the evils of resellers do things that are totally legal but make it harder for you to get your toys. NEET scum.

>reasonable price
>I'm so full of myself I feel I should set the rules of the rest of the world

>some of us don't buy to resell at all
That's called being a hoarder. Get help you greedy bastard

>> No.1437751

No, I'm not. I've been going to game stores all over the place for years. Even the successful ones have a low turnover on most of the stock.

>> No.1437776



Oh look, Earl Crumpets is back. How's that soggy island treating you?

>> No.1437809

It's hilarious when resellers call other people randomly NEETs. Come back when you have a job which isn't on the same level as windscreen washer on traffic lights.

>> No.1438765
File: 143 KB, 352x286, 1389793339983.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I remember selling all of my retro games/consoles to Gamestop just to get rid of them

>10 years later I eBay all the consoles back and get flash carts for them

Not bad in the end.

>> No.1438796

Stop shitting on your keyboard for the sake of this board.

>> No.1439238

>go to LGS
>ask about N64 games
>they have Conker's Bad Fur Day
>ask about the price (it had no sticker)
>say I'll take it
>they put a price sticker on and hand it back to me
>told the employee the manager just said the price was $60
>He said price just went up

Fuck that place. I've been going there for years, too.

>> No.1439268
File: 61 KB, 500x551, yes_this_came_from_tumblr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Get a real job you fucking leech.

>and not have a boss
Life is bosses, early mornings and other shit you don't want to have to do. Plenty of good stuff too.

Pic related.

>> No.1439279

>Get a job, you enterprising capitalist!
Your a retard

>> No.1439293
File: 416 KB, 1920x2880, 1356953298228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




That's doesn't mean what you think it means.

>> No.1439302
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Naturally, I made a typo.


>> No.1439653

>I refuse to set up an auction because I'm afraid the game will sell for how much the free market is willing to pay for it, so instead i'll just put up a Buy it Now for how much I think I can squeeze out

>> No.1440104

but EB DID go down in value.
it was hitting 250-300 and not its down to about 100-150.

shit man, i remember seeing a WALL of them at my Best Buy, x-mas 97 for 30 a piece. shit isn't that rare.

I can't wait until someone finds a crate of them and sells them for 60 a piece to fuck up your market bullshit.

>> No.1440267

>Get a real job you fucking leech.
>Get a real job
There's so much wrong with this line of thought I don't know where to start. If what you do is legal, requires time out of your week to do, provides a service to anyone and gets you money in the end, it's a real job. What is does to a hobby is an entirely separate matter, but if you really believe that if someone is their own boss it's not a real job you have a lot to learn in life, man.

>> No.1440269

I like your handwriting

>> No.1440290

[x] is legal
[x] requires time out of your week to do
[x] provides a service to anyone
[ ] gets you money in the end

Looks like reselling isn't a real job.

>> No.1440423


Say what you want, but going to work erryday, doing my job erryday and knowing I'm not pissing a whole bunch of people off while helping customers and businesses be more productive sure is satisfying.

Dat money that shows up in my account every two weeks is nice too.

>> No.1440451 [DELETED] 

>/vr/ this fucking mad

Why is /vr/ so fucking easy?

>> No.1440489

>I do it badly therefore it isn't a real job

>> No.1440569
File: 47 KB, 600x450, 00808_dmH3pC61oEi_600x450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey does anyone know what Final Fantasy game is in this picture?

>> No.1440572


>> No.1440574

Ok thanks for telling me.

>> No.1440576
File: 59 KB, 569x500, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


FF8, yeah?

>> No.1440584

All the FInal Fantasy games I have seen have white labels if I remember correctly. Thats why I am asking. Guy is selling 12 PS1 games for 35 bucks.

>> No.1440608
File: 91 KB, 571x229, 1393744720900.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's worth $200 because that's what people are willing to pay for it
>lrn2 free market
>why do you hate capitalism?
>muh economics

>> No.1440617

It's definitely FF8, but that's a completely different cover and jewel case than the one I own. Mine came in one of those bulky 2-part jewel cases.

Maybe it's the European version.

>> No.1440620

This thread has taught me that reselling scalpers legitimately see themselves as Randian hero venture capitalists.

I'm not sure I hate them anymore. Now they just seem sort of pathetic.

>> No.1440636

Well, I don't know about the rest of the world, but at least in the US I often get the feeling that many money-minded folks have the idea that if you are making good money through legal means, you've made it, you're good, and anyone who knocks you is just jealous and/or unemployed. Someone doing something kinda seedy but not illegal? HEY HE FOUND A WAY TO MAKE MONEY, GOOD FOR HIM! That is, until said seedy behavior negatively impacts the speaker.

>> No.1441778

>I'm so retarded I shit the potato

I'm glad you're satisfied with your job and I really do appreciate your help reminding me that I can get fries with that.

This thread has taught me nothing. I always knew kids who cry because someone else has a toy they want are little shit.
I guess I did learn that there's one autist who thinks resellers are scalpers that see themselves as Randian hero venture capitalists.

>until said seedy behavior negatively impacts the speaker.
I don't see anything seedy about buying and selling goods in a free market. I have no problem not paying a price I don't want to pay for something I want.

>> No.1441818

> anyone who knocks you is just jealous and/or unemployed.

I think >>1441778 just proved you correct on that point.

>> No.1441827

I was going to post the same.

>> No.1442845

>Being this mad

What's wrong scalper, we hit a nerve?

>> No.1443161

>the bane of free market
No. Free market adores people like that, it goes hand in hand with the entire philosophy. What you're supposing is that what he's doing bad and therefore shouldn't do it, which is the opposite of a free market since you're essentially arguing for regulation. In a free market pretty much anything but ethics go. If you hate him, you hate free market.

>> No.1443164

>pass time

>> No.1443524

Yeah, he was pointing out that the free market is far from a perfect system and this is a good example of why. It's not all bad either, there are good aspects to the free market system, but it's not free from it's share of problems either. It's not coincidence that the free market system has lead to the greatest wealth disparity between rich and poor that has ever existed in human history.

>> No.1443604
File: 35 KB, 539x322, 539w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread reminds me of the people who collect bottles from people's recycling. It used to be that it was just homeless folks who would wander the street and try to collect up enough cans that they could buy a sandwich or a coffee or some shit. Now normal looking people drive around the neighborhood in freaking pick up trucks and get in fights with each other trying to fill theirs up.

Selling some of your old crap to make room or a few extra bucks is one thing. Trying to make a career out of trolling good will stores to try and collect new crap so you can hope to sell it for more is pretty pathetic.

>> No.1444040


>> No.1445210


B-but I'm an e-entrepreneur!