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1422742 No.1422742 [Reply] [Original]

Do people REALLY have that much trouble with this?

I'm playing Megaman 2 again and trying to make it so Metal Man is my last boss. Do people really have a hard time memorizing when that last one comes in?

It took me about fifteen minutes to beat this stage, how do people have THAT much trouble on the blocks to the point of Yellow Devil?

>> No.1422748
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I beat Mega Man 2 when I was 8 years old. And this was before the Internet or even frigging hint books.

I didn't know it was supposed to be some impossible game.

>> No.1422794
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>And this was before the Internet or even frigging hint books.

>> No.1422808

You know damn well only the rich kids nobody hung out with got gaming magazines. Most kids were lucky if they knew those were even a thing.

>tfw your NES was a stolen clone and you wandered around in Simon's Quest forever never getting very far even with Game Genie

>> No.1422806

I have less a problem with timing the jumps than I do with paying attention to the game with that eye-piercing background. Mega Man 2 had some literally painful looking levels.

>> No.1422821

>You know damn well only the rich kids nobody hung out with got gaming magazines. Most kids were lucky if they knew those were even a thing.

that's not true. at all. go to bed Junior, your newfaginess is showing.

>> No.1422824

>only the rich kids nobody hung out with got gaming magazines

>$15 for a yearly subscription
>only rich kids

>> No.1422831 [DELETED] 

I'm 29, sonny boy. Go watch your Misadventure of Flapjack and play with your doge.

No sane parent would spend a $15 subscription to rot their kids minds. I know, I tried. I only ended up getting six copies of Nintendo Power and about eight Tips & Tricks. Most of those were stolen, either directy from the store shelves or with lunch money. Parents won't spend money on trash like that unless you're rich. My friends were in the same boat, I let them borrow my issues and several of them got stolen, which sucked, but easy come easy go. Not as bad as what I got out of it. They never found out who took their Kirby's Adventure, Bomberman GB, Revenge of the Gator Pinball, Marble Madness, and 100-in-1 Gameboy cartridge.

I know it's all relative and you're a pair of spoiled little shitheads, but if you got school lunch instead of stealing it, you were rich. And no, I wasn't poor either. My parents made too much for me to be eligible for free lunch.

>> No.1422832
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There are people who don't know to bomb in this spot and get stuck. (Can someone post that collage of people asking for help in the VC version of Super Metroid?)

So, yes, there are people who have that much trouble with Heat Man's stage. They're fucking idiots who can't recognize or memorize a short pattern.

>> No.1422836

>and about eight Tips & Tricks

once again, go to bed Junior, your newfaginess is showing.

>> No.1422838
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>> No.1422843

Thank you. I hate stupid people. I hate them so fucking much.

I should be allowed to commit murder. I could fix this world.

>> No.1422847

Man, I thought I was on /vr/, not /v/. When'd this board go to shit? Somebody want to help me report this master faggot? We don't need this kind of dick-licker here. More importantly, when will they make a new board so this one can become containment?

>tfw couldn't afford a PlayStation when PlayStation magazine was a thing
>missed all of those demos
>still stole magazines for my friend, almost got in trouble, and just started stealing demos until the store stopped selling the magazine
>he never let me play them, so I scratched up all of his actual games so he only had demos

I started trying to get Tips & Tricks to make up for years of missing Nintendo Power, but I just wasn't able to get that many before they stopped selling it. I still have the promo hat in my attic somewhere. I have the last issue of Nintendo Power, but it just reminds me that I missed out on an era. Now gaming magazines are dead.

>> No.1422852 [DELETED] 

>Man, I thought I was on /vr/, not /v/. When'd this board go to shit? Somebody want to help me report this master faggot? We don't need this kind of dick-licker here. More importantly, when will they make a new board so this one can become containment?

cry moar faggot.

>I just wasn't able to get that many before they stopped selling it.

they just stopped a few years ago. are you even 18? the more you post, the more you look like a newfag

>> No.1422859


I sincerely believe that if Nintendo bought the rights to Mega Man they'd do worse with it than Capcom has in the past four years.

I fucking guarantee you if Nintendo made a Mega Man game it would feature a "proto mode" where Proto Man jumps in and "fuses" with Mega, doubling his health and showing the correct strategies as a robot ghost.

>> No.1422860

>implying Capcom even makes Mega Man games anymore
Inticreates handles that shit. Or Capcom just throws some money at a fan game.

>> No.1422861


i don't know, DKC: Tropical Freeze is pretty damn challenging, for a modern game. harder than the Rare DKC trilogy.

>> No.1422873

I get it, you're in your 60's and you're senile. Now can you please use a trip so everyone can filter you?

P.S. I am done responding to you because you are a big weenie and that is too bad. :)

>> No.1422875


>I know it's all relative and you're a pair of spoiled little shitheads, but if you got school lunch instead of stealing it, you were rich. And no, I wasn't poor either. My parents made too much for me to be eligible for free lunch.

You sound like a fucking retard; you realize that, right?

>> No.1422880

>Nintendo Power was only for "rich kids"

Seriously? It's a subscription to Nintendo Power, not a Neo Geo.

Also, I never bothered to learn the block patterns in MM2 because I just used the items. If that makes me a scrub or whatever, I don't care. I play games for fun.

>> No.1422885


I didn't even have cable tv until 1996, but I still had a Nintendo Power subscription.

You have no clue about the things you speak of.

>> No.1422886

You have no idea what you're talking about.

I grew up dirt poor in a single wide trailer in the middle of Kentucky. Myself, and most of my friends bought NP and Gamepro regularly, and got subscriptions around 11 or 12.

>> No.1422890


I also had free school lunch all the way up to High School, and still had Nintendo Power.

Again, away with your ineptitude.

>> No.1422893

I always thought it was the blocks in the later games people complained about.

>> No.1422904


Honest question... are you black?

>> No.1422908

Magazine subscriptions are a small luxury that some people couldn't afford or otherwise had parents who wouldn't pay, that is a fact, and uh... honestly I guess I am missing the point of the argument.

>> No.1422913

>My parents made too much for me to be eligible for free lunch

>> No.1422951

If anything, I made it a point to scrounge change off the sidewalk and collected cans so I could scrape together my $15 *because* I was too poor to get more than one game a year and reading about them was the closest I got to playing most of them until later in life.

>> No.1422981

Some people had parents who were too wacko or cheap to buy them for their kids, but they were by no means even a small luxury.

This is just so laughably wrong it's amazing
>You know damn well only the rich kids nobody hung out with got gaming magazines.

ANY kid who showed up with a game magazine at school was going to be popular. People would hang out with someone just because they wanted a turn looking at the things.

Looking back, I think it was often the rich kids who didn't read gaming mags so much. They had so many other toys and gadgets to play with and big allowances that the notion of spending hours poring over a five dollar magazine over and over didn't appeal to them. They didn't look at ads for Game Gears or TurboGrafx 16s and dream, they had the damn things.

>> No.1423014
File: 11 KB, 432x414, this is canon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw playing Super Metroid for the first time, getting up to the first save point and looking at this image once again

>> No.1423015

Back to the original topic... I've noticed the timing on the blocks was not always consistent. Theres an overall pattern, but sometimes IRS not quite the same. I always say fuck it and use item number 2... Yes, I use metal blade against Woodman. Still effective.

When did this board start to get as dick filled as /v??

>> No.1423021

I didn't think to use any of the "items" until well after I beat most of the megaman games, pretty much only used em in wily stages where you had to at times.

>> No.1423073


HeatMan's stage is by far the funnest part of MM2 once you bother learning the blocks.

I'll never understand is how people ever struggled with the QuickMan stage. The slow vertical scrolling gives you tons of time to suss out where you need to direct yourself and the jumps are really simple too.

>> No.1423090
File: 151 KB, 450x300, edgy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I should be allowed to commit murder. I could fix this world.

Oh no, children not knowing how to play video games is such a calamity.

>> No.1423095

>The slow vertical scrolling gives you tons of time to suss out where you need to direct yourself and the jumps are really simple too.

I like that part too but saying that it's slow is just wrong, almost no one predicted those on their first blind run.

>> No.1423225

The whole "Megaman is so hard" theme that seems to have come up in the last few years baffles me.

>> No.1423237


It's because all the new players who got into megaman after sequilitis are retarded and can't figure out patience and pattern recognition.

There is nothing in any NES megaman that can't be beat by recognizing patterns in stages/bosses, and taking your time. If you try and rush the levels you're going to get your shit pushed in because they're designed that way.

Tl;dr: you can't run'n'gun megaman, and that's where people shit the bed

>> No.1423248 [DELETED] 

"gaming things that make you RAGE#36"
these things are fucking gay, who wastes time making these

oh yeah ledditfags

>> No.1423297
File: 16 KB, 400x400, 1260928666557.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mega Man 2 is the easiest title in the classic series. I can run through a few stages using only the arm cannon and not get hit. I don't see why anyone would have trouble with it, at least compared to like MM1.

>> No.1423352


People have been greatly exaggerating and whining about Mega Man's difficulty way before some random e-celebs said anything about the games being hard. There's a reason why MM8, MM&B and MMX6 are so unpopular compared to previous entries; they all simply have a sharper difficulty curve in comparison due to giving a more interesting flavor to the level designs than simple block hopping.

>> No.1423360

I don't think it was that recent. I remember my brother and I thinking Mega Man was hard before Youtube even existed. It was a common belief everywhere I went, both online and offline.

Yes, anyone can beat a Mega Man game with enough time, effort, and dedication, but not everyone has the mindset to play video games that way.

>> No.1423364

And for the record, I still don't like doing Heat Man's stage without Item 2.

>> No.1423445

Regional experiences vary, sure, but I think it's worth noting that it certainly wasn't universally considered difficult (unless you believe in that "Nintendo hard" bullshit). Where I grew up, 2 was considered a good first platformer for people to master before moving on to games with challenge, maybe just after Kirby and Little Nemo.

>> No.1423582

Mega Man games are pretty forgiving in terms of difficulty. You're never forced to restart the entire game, just whatever level you happen to be on. That gives you plenty of practice to get past the robot masters or Wily machines, and you don't even lose your E-Tanks.

Hell, even the most awful Mega Man player can beat MM2 thanks to the Metal Blade.

>> No.1423631


Nintendo hard is real, but it only applies to a fraction of games. Metroid...

>> No.1423637


Metroid isn't hard. The enemies follow the exact same patterns they do in later games. It's just tedious as fuck to navigate, which many people confuse with difficulty.

>> No.1423658
File: 188 KB, 677x589, 1393097094264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dumblr actually, same shit different name.

I honestly don't think I ever tried. Think that first time when I was like 7, failed it, realized I had Item 2, and just went 'fuck it' from there on.
Quick Beams without Flash Stopper, that I don't think I've ever done.

>> No.1423670

>y cant metroid crawl?

I laugh every time.

>> No.1423673

>Do people REALLY have that much trouble with this?
Personally, yes. I have literally done it one time without item 2. What's the point? just go get item 2 and then you dont HAVE to do it. it's an extremely tedious part of the game, especially at the parts where you instantly die if you fuck up.

>> No.1423729

The fuck they literally got a new power up called the bomb 30 seconds ago. And the instruction to use them is not even text, it's fucking picture so everyone can understand how to use them.

>> No.1423738


Who the fuck was poor enough to not be able to afford Nintendo Power, yet rich enough to afford the latest video games in the first place?

>> No.1423746

Though I've never found MM games hard, people thinking MM is hard is hardly a new phenomenon. You people need to pay attention.

>> No.1423931
File: 10 KB, 250x228, ow the edge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1424628

Same here, and my parents abandoned me. Hah!

>> No.1424641

You'll find /vr/ is full of poseurs trying to get the approval of those actually old enough to remember the vintage days.

>N-nobody ever found Navi or the Water Temple annoying in OoT right guys that's just a MODERN thing
>Megaman was ALWAYS easy, casuals M I RITE?

>> No.1424643

>There's a reason why MM8, MM&B and MMX6 are so unpopular compared to previous entries;
>they all simply have a sharper difficulty curve in comparison [...]

But MM8 is one of if not the easiest game in the series.

>> No.1424657


Doesn't stop pussies from blubbering about Wily 1 or FrostMan's stage.

>> No.1424663

Metroid was fairly easy. The hardest part in the original was having enough E-tanks and missiles to fuck motherbrain up, otherwise it was pretty fucking easy.

>> No.1424795

At least you can use the Item on this one
The dissapearing blocks on Megaman 1 are the real bastards

>> No.1424804

I think one of the reasons everyone says "I beat X as a child, it's fucking easy" is because we had a much smaller selection of games as children and didn't waste potential videogame-time browsing 4chan

>> No.1424809

Shit nigger, noob bridge is one thing but this is a whole new level of incompetence

>> No.1424847

I don't understand what boss order forces you to do Heat Man.

Then again, I'm the faggot who buster duels Wood Man as his first boss.

>> No.1424864

Yeah, people forget that children have endless time to throw away that they will never remember save for bits and pieces, usually the successful and fun ones.

>> No.1425301

The boss order of your choosing, obviously. That's part of, y'know, how Mega Man games work?

>> No.1425312

Nah, the blocks are easy enough there, it's those floating platform enemies, they're the real bitch part.

>> No.1425315

I wouldn't say "poseurs" as much as "people who 'remember' it wrong".

I usually quote the SNES/Genesis days for this. A lot of people know about the RPGs now, but not then. Back then RPGs weren't really the game of choice or interest. That's part of why Genesis won that war, it had a pretty steady supply of action and sports games which was what the people wanted.

>> No.1425328

>final robot is Heat Man
>dat feel when accidentally glitching the game, going to Wily's and having no items

>> No.1425374

My Nan was hardly rich, but she'd buy me a magazine every month. Official Sega magazine in the UK was only £2, C&VG was around £1.50/£2

>> No.1425385

I just recently finally got around to metroid and I have to admit I got stuck for a while there. Not because I didnt know how to bomb the blocks, but because I had no idea you have to shoot five rockets in the purple doors.

I dunno man... Why 5 ? When I saw two or three rockets didnt bring the door down, I figured I'd find a more powerful rocket launcher later on, or maybe some kind of charge beam.

>> No.1425453

Someone tipped their fedora wrong this morning.
>Giving a shit about retarded children playing a game

>> No.1428047

i just ride da dog machine over the lava canal.

>> No.1428062

Shit like this used to be in the manual. You were supposed to read all that before you even touched the game.

>> No.1428072

Rush isn't until MM3, Retard Man

>> No.1428183


Metroid is one of the games I skipped on the SNES, I was more into mascot platformers and heroic fantasy stuff back then. My mistake, because the game is pretty awesome. I love trying out all those games I didnt try when I was a kid. Emulation is fucking awesome.

>> No.1428223

And the grand irony is that Egoraptor made a huge point out of arguing that people are capable of patience and pattern recognition and that modern game developers don't honor that.

I hate that he was wrong.

>> No.1428235


I made that original post about Metroid. I sat down yesterday and beat it in one sitting. It was actually pretty easy except for Mother Brain which took me four tries. Feels good.

>> No.1428972

You know damn well the kids play on their iPad or Just Dance and Skylanders or whatever they call it if they play on Wii U.

>> No.1428981


>to even get to that part requires both the ball roll+bomb
>most of those are obviously jokes cause of "why cant metroid crawl"


This will never stop being funny to me.

>> No.1428987
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>difficulty in MM games have never been the fights but adapting to the new stage gimmicks that get introduced and predicting when you can use/avoid them

>simple theory crafting and trying to avoid death pits is somehow difficult

Who ever thought Mega Man was difficult in the 90's? This is a legit question.
Some of the later stages had their fair share of difficulty, but that's standard for a video game.

>> No.1428990

Poor fag detected. You were fucking poor. Ha ha.

>> No.1431593

You know that Pauly guy was just taking the piss right....

>> No.1432121

>but if you got school lunch instead of stealing it, you were rich

School lunch was like $2 a day, you were completely poor.

>> No.1432142

Jesus christ you're a faggot.

>> No.1432153

James Rolfe did.