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/vr/ - Retro Games

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1419973 No.1419973[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What's /vr/ opinion about this game or the series overall? I liked it more than Love Plus.

>> No.1419978

Tokimemo is one of the greatest video games ever wrought by the hands of man. Just you posting it is almost enough to make me go pop it into my Saturn and play it again.

>> No.1419994

it slightly perks my interest, but it's japanese with no english fantranslations, so it's all meaningless menus to me.

>> No.1420376

is this the one Arino played on gamecenterCX?

>> No.1420484

It is.

>> No.1420494

Worthless. It wouldn't even get attention on here without game center cx.

>> No.1420612

I dont think so, Tokimeki Memorial is a pretty famous game.

Koji Igarashi worked on it before making SotN.

>> No.1420617

I knew about this game before Game Center was even a thing.

In fact, I knew about Tokimeki Memorial before I knew about 4chan (came here for the first time in 2004, didn't start posting until mid-2005)

>> No.1420630

I used to try to fumble my way through the SFC ROM as far as I could get without knowing Japanese back in high school and a few months ago I grabbed a PSX ROM and tried playing it after having spent the last few years studying Japanese and playing modern eroge.

I couldn't take how corny it was and gave up after a half hour.

Please go away, not everyone here hangs off Arino's dick.

>> No.1420657

How exactly am I wrong?
The "game" is complete shit, why would someone like to tal about shit?

>> No.1420661

>How exactly am I wrong?

Well considering I was reading and discussing this game before I even came to 4chan should clue you in that people cared to talk about this game.

You moron.

>> No.1420667

Unless you've played it, I don't know how you can be in a position to judge its quality.
And since you'd have to know Japanese to have actually played it, there's almost no way you'd actually know Japanese, be into video games, and NOT know what Tokimemo is long before GCCX was ever even a thing, as it's fucking famous as all hell.

>> No.1420674

You don't see my point.
It's 2014.
There is no need to talk about shit anymore.
There are flashgames that are better than TM.
Granted, TM is the originator of some sorts but that doesn't make the game worthwhile. There is no story or characters of worth in it, the gameplay is laughable-

>> No.1420675

>It's 2014.
>There is no need to talk about shit anymore.

Excuse me, sir, this is /vr/.

>> No.1420676


Good thing we have you here to let us know what we need and don't need to talk about.
Are there any other games we shouldn't discuss while we're at it?

>> No.1420678
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I was introduced to it by a particular LP'er on Niconico. Funny story, the guy was primarily known for doing corruption videos, and there was one particular video where he experimented with corrupting various SNES games, one of which was the SNES version of Tokimemo 1. That segment earned such a great response that he decided to make a whole SNES Tokimemo corruption series.

He wasn't actually that familiar with the franchise at the time, so while he was doing the corruption series he borrowed his friend's Tokimemo 4 out of curiosity and started doing a Let's Play of it to see what the series was like. And he got hooked. From there he went on to do LP's of Tokimemo 1, 2, and 3, as well as True Love Story 1, 2, 3, and Summer Days, KimiKiss, Amagami, and most recently Photo Kano.

Anyway, I like what I've seen from his videos. It's very lighthearted, sweet, innocent stuff, but I suppose like a previous poster mentioned it could come off as corny to people more familiar with modern media. I hope that someday at least 1 and 2 get English translations made.

Music's great, too. Particularly like the SNES version of the TOokimemo 1 spring break theme: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m0RfqhXq01U&t=25m40s

>> No.1420679

I'm sorry to break it for you but we don't magically time travel when on /vr/. We make use of tons of devices and emulation to enjoy old games the best we can in this day and age.
Hmm, let me think. Nah, I think that's it. Dating sims are shit to begin with.

>> No.1420683

>I'm sorry to break it for you but we don't magically time travel when on /vr/.

I don't know what this has to do with anything, but you're just shitposting anyway, so I'm done here.

You should all probably ignore him as well.

>> No.1420685


Well... I do agree with you about the first game. But the later games and spin offs were pretty good. The first game lacks events and the gameplay is only based on bombs...

>> No.1420689

OP asked about our opinion.
Am I not entitled to my opinion?

>> No.1420707

This was one of my first "Wow, I really wish I knew Japanese!" game back in the days, but after I learned about Eroge, I don't know, I just find it hard to care about it in a certain sense.

>> No.1420727


As soon as I got interested in the Tokimemo series, this thread arrives.

I've been contemplating trying out Tokimemo 1 for funsies and to put my Japanese to the test. A weird sense of shame about playing a dating sim is preventing me from going through with it though.

>> No.1420730

>A weird sense of shame about playing a dating sim
Have you considered a therapy? Sounds like you're coping with dark past or something.

>> No.1420748
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>too self conscious to play dating sim
>must be coping with dark past and needs therapy

what kind of mental gymnastics did you even perform to arrive at that conclusion.

>> No.1420754

>A weird sense of shame about playing a dating sim

But that's just retarded. My ex knew I played Eroges and thought it was cute. That's not the reason we broke up either.

The problem is not the dating sim. It's you. You don't have confidence in yourself and you think you're playing a waifu simulator because you're unable to get a real woman, but that's just wrong.

>> No.1420784
File: 65 KB, 473x380, ss (2014-02-21 at 01.47.42).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hitemman, I believe it was the guy. He's pretty well known there, but I think his account got deleted. Since then, all corrupt videos in nicodouga usually have the "Hitemman respect" on them.

As for the game, it is really good. First time, I tried the PS1 version, and then out of curiosity tried the PC engine version. God, I can't believe there's almost no difference between the PC engine version and the other ports. That console was a beast.
The game in my opinion feels way more complete than Love Plus, since you have way more girls to choose, not treating them all fine would make all the girls hate you (including the one you're aiming for), and the music is always happy as fuck. Felt in love with Yuuko at first sight, never cared about the other girls ever again (although I kinda want to try the Shiori route, since it is said it's really hard to get her).

Need to try the second game though. And it kinda shocked me to know that Girls Sida got translation, but the very first game didn't had one. Bummer

>> No.1420787

What I dislike with Dating Sims is that they pay off at the end is complete shit compared to eroges. It's almost always a kiss of some sorts instead of a hard earned fuck you should receive.

Well at least that was always the case in Tokimori Memorial, they're just completly vanilla.

>> No.1420791

What about the Windows or PS3 ports? Sholdn't they have higher resolution text and graphics?

>> No.1420793

There are ero dating sims like Pia Carrot or Dokyuusei.

>> No.1420814

That's him, alright. He's actually still active on Niconico, but he deleted all his corruption videos and won't be making any more due to worries about emulators and copyright law. Now he's just doing LP's and RPG Maker stuff.

>> No.1421019


Windows version has shitty music, but the text is better.

>> No.1421045

I remember playing Tokimeki Check-In a long time ago, and that was an eroge. Is that game unrelated from these?

>> No.1421109

>Is that game unrelated from these?

Completely unrelated.

Tokimeki Memorial has several spin offs though. You have the drama series and substories, puzzle dama and girls-side.

>> No.1421116

As it was mentioned, text quality is better but music is ass.
Also, tried the PSP version. Load of bullcrap, it's just the PS1 version with options to play it at normal resolution or full screen (the latter with the obvious problem of making everything look fat).
If somebody had to choose which version to choose, the correct choice might be anyone, except maybe the SNES version, but I like the music there more.

There's even a Game Boy Color version, but I'm not sure if it's the same game overall or some kind of spinoff. Only think I know is, it splitted the girls in 2 games, and each game has like 1 or 2 exclusive girls.

Oh, good to know. But seeing how there's lots of people making corruptions videos with the same games he choose and still have their videos intact, he should return.

>> No.1421131

>There's even a Game Boy Color version, but I'm not sure if it's the same game overall or some kind of spinoff.

It's kinda the same game, they cut some stuff and you can only get three girls + Shiori in each game (only two games were released so some girls were never included in the GBC games).

>> No.1422292

I think the GBC versions also had some exclusive girls that were never in any other version. But I could be remembering wrong.

>> No.1422298
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My bad, you were actually right about the exclusive characters.

>> No.1422371
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Made some research on that game, and I found that, while it is divided in 2 games (sport festival and cultural festival), from the look of it, all the girls are featured on the games (of course, split in 2 groups) plus the 3 new characters, so no girl was out. Maybe the info was wrong, dunno, I still want to check it later, after I finish the PSP port.

>> No.1422943

Fun fact: Tokimemo was largely responsible for the proliferation of cheap PSX modchips. A fan reverse-engineered an early "boot chip" so he could play Tokimemo on his US PSX without swapping discs, and then published his findings online.

>> No.1422990

Another fun fact: Tokimemo was made by the team that did the PC Engine port of Gradius II. They made it to experiment with a new genre because they had realized that shmups weren't selling well anymore.

>> No.1423213

i ve been playing it for a lot of years now

i dislike gccx like any other videogame celebrity show

i hope you don't think this of other games that are showcased on that show

>> No.1423460

I can easily tell you are straight from /v/ with that comment.
You must be beyond delusional to believe Tokimemo isn't well known.

>> No.1423489


Actually, Tokimemo must be one of the games with the most failed translation projects.

>> No.1423616

So? I've seen games/VNs with lots of failed projects and even worse, projects where has been no progress at all since ~5 years.

>> No.1423628

I knew of Tokimeki Memorial well before GCCX because I remember reading that it was one of the games which if you had it on your memory card Psycho Mantis in Metal Gear Solid would mention it.

>> No.1423649

How embarassing it must be playing MGS and getting exposed for the faggot you are by Psycho Mantis.

>> No.1423808

Fucking Psycho Mantis

>> No.1425512
File: 100 KB, 399x380, 1372675464615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Playing a game about dating girls
>Being a faggot
I also kiss girls