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File: 4 KB, 320x288, 35-FFL2_12_31[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1418898 No.1418898[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>playing Final Fantasy Legend II
>reach a town where some guys are smuggling "bananas"
>apparently, it was supposed to be opium and not bananas, damn Nintendo censorship
>google "banana smuggler"
>Urban Dictionary
>something about jeans being so tight your dong is rocking out

SaGa thread?

>> No.1419057
File: 266 KB, 640x647, 1392923434839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SO I finished Saga Frontier last night.
The Internet says the second game is shit, but I'm going to play the whole thing anyway, because fuck them.

What am I in for?

>> No.1419162

the internet is a faggot
SFII is rather odd for a Saga game but it's still pretty good

>> No.1419168

I remember playing SaGa 2 as a kid.
I liked it, but I had the feeling that I really didn't udnerstand what was going on or how the systems work.

>> No.1419227

It is a story heavy SaGa game. It is on of the reasons as to why it is a love it or hate it game.

I didn't care for SaGa Frontier 2.

>> No.1419242

I'm stuck in Romancing SaGa 3 at the final boss. I have no dedicated healer (or any mage for that matter) and only one of those healing staffs. It was rather easy just to plow through the game with just brute force, but the final boss just kicks my ass hard. His second form does 100-200 damage per turn to all my party members just for being there.

Should I keep trying to beat him, or just restart completely?

>> No.1419250

Saga frontier 2 is a good gane, nice visuales, top tier musical but it's really different from other saga games.
Story is a little convoluted though

>> No.1419257

You don't need a dedicated healer, almost everyone can (and should) learn at least a few basic support/healing spells.

The last boss can be brute forced with a bit of luck but you have to be pretty buff to do so.

>> No.1419258

Was it bananas? The first few times I played FFL2, I talked to people and tried to get the story, but after that, it was just cruise and booze.

Seriously, I have no idea why this game is so replayable, even when I use the same team every time.

Also, DS remake was equally gold.

>> No.1419306

Bananas are infinitely more funny/absurd than boring opium.

>> No.1419327

It was a banana embargo because they were at war with another country.

>> No.1419360

Did you have a monster in your party?

Cause if not, you're entitled to your opinons

>> No.1419367

>Not using a team of four monsters

>> No.1419371

In the original, that was pants on heads retarded since there were only two opprtunities to get level 5 meat.

>> No.1419389

I suppose you also think 4 robots is bad just because of the money grind at the end, right?

>> No.1419413

No, because 4 robots is feasible and only screws you over with low use weapons like glass.

I am saying no matter how hard you try, two of your monster will always be stuck at level 4.

>> No.1419417

You can still beat the game with level 4 monsters so why does it matter?

>> No.1419435

Anyone remember that stand up special (I guess it was on comedy central) where she briefly talked about Final Fantasy Legend (SaGa 1)?

"You crawl up the tower and you meet God! Turns out he's a little amish man! And then you kill him!"

I would like to see that clip again.

>> No.1419458
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>love SaGa2 when I was a kid
>dig THE FUCK out of what these games do and their style

>can never get into the other ones other than SaGa2

I don't know. I think SaGa2 hits that perfect sort of weird stride these games want to go with, and the other ones just seem to have.. too much fat around the trims for me to get into them. That or the text the translators used for the other ones were so fucking shit-tier that I just don't want to bother.

>> No.1419503
File: 31 KB, 640x360, ccsu_ccp_07_0704_06[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jackie Kashian, yup.


>> No.1419803

Holy shit

>> No.1420140

Team of four mutant mages master race.

>> No.1420148

I think it's more the fact you gain stat points randomly, but also have to deal with weapons that have durability too.

>> No.1420156

I remember my father owned this game. I still remember his party.

Human M named after himself.
Mutant M named Muta
Mutant F named Muti
Monster named Impa

>> No.1420206

Oh hey, I think I quit there when I started this game a few months ago.

I kinda lost all motivation at this world for some reason. The game stopped being fun.

>> No.1420326

Are you me? The enemies just started wrecking my shit left and right.

I still have my save file somewhere, though.

>> No.1420743
File: 7 KB, 200x200, sagaque12[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes,this world is a game I created.

>> No.1420957

Do any of the other saga games play like FFl2?

1 didn't have enough story
3 had too much and robot peices with monster peices confused me.

I never played any legit SaGa games.

>> No.1420971

>This thread reminded me to check how the FFL3 DS translation project is going
Fully translated except tech names. Time to play!

>> No.1420985

Urban Dictionary a shit. The banana thing was a reference to banana bullshit in reality. Something about price-fixing and other bad business tactics used in the banana market.

>> No.1420996

Are you thinking of Banana Republics where Americans came to a South American country, bought up all the banana fields, paid the workers nothing and gave the government kickbacks to keep exploiting the population?

At least that's what I think happened and why the store "Banana Republic" should be horribly offensive.

>> No.1421012

>Do any of the other saga games play like FFl2?
In terms of character variety the closest would probably be Saga Frontier.

>> No.1421025

Yeah, that's basically what a banana republic is, when the entire country basically becomes a private company that uses its people as workers and derives an entire economy off of one main production, such as bananas.

>> No.1421083

Great story, like it more than the acclaimed Xenogears. Great graphics. However the implementation of the SaGa system is poor, and the combat is the slowest I've possibly seen in an RPG.

>> No.1421685
File: 25 KB, 256x224, 4[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, I've been waiting for a Romancing SaGa 2 translation for years and years.
Looking at romhacking.net and seeing all those unfinished patches from "199X" makes me feel depressed.

>> No.1424478

Is it better than FFL3? SaGa 2 DS was kind of a let-down.