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File: 20 KB, 400x300, perfectdark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1409608 No.1409608[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I still haven't played an FPS quite as comprehensive as Perfect Dark.

A large campaign that can be played alone, with a friend, or against a friend even
Difficulty settings for the campaign that matter
Highly customizable multiplayer
Great multiplayer maps, some being carryovers from Goldeneye
Large variety of standard and specialized bots
Tons of weapons with multiple functions
Awesome music
Completely optional but still cool training missions.

It's still my favorite FPS game for all of these reasons, and one I remember very fondly.

The XBLA port is basically dead as far as multiplayer is concerned, but it improved on the awkward N64 controls while still keeping everything awesome.

It's a shame that Goldeneye has basically overshadowed it despite being functionally inferior.

>> No.1409612

only thing that keeps PD from being perfect to me is the shitty stop-and-aim reticule thing rather than having full looking ability. But oh, well, still great and i played the shit out of it forever in middle school

>> No.1409689


It's a limitation of the controller, really.

In the XBLA port you don't even need to use the aim mode.

>> No.1409698

>only thing that keeps PD from being perfect to me is the shitty stop-and-aim reticule thing rather than having full looking ability.
Uh, what? You're thinking Goldeneye. You can look and move fully just fine in Perfect Dark.

>> No.1409737

The 360 game was such a let down. Didn't even feel like PD.

>> No.1409751
File: 109 KB, 1264x587, OHGODWHY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at the control options. you can actually aim while moving. hell if you're emulating you can use 2 sticks, or even a mouse

that's because they changed all the textures/models

>> No.1409753


I think he means Perfect Dark Zero

>> No.1409758
File: 605 KB, 1280x720, pdxbla_15hi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly I forgot that was a thing.

>> No.1409760
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You and me both buddy.

>> No.1409765

Yeah, I meant PD Zero, sorry. Bought original PD on xbox arcade though to see updated graphics and better controls. Played it for a week straight

>> No.1409770

Was PDZ really that bad?

>> No.1409773


I've only played it for a bit, but it was a real letdown compared to what is still in my opinion the pinnacle of console FPS.

>> No.1411046

You guys know of any other game like PD? Havn't played it yet, but Deus Ex seems to be a bit like it. Setting wise anyways.

>> No.1411270
File: 9 KB, 357x206, pdshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Setting wise, yeah Deus Ex is probably right there: futuristic first person shooter centered around espionage and corruption with gadgets, but PD is so much more than its campaign.

>> No.1411463

You talkin multiplayer?

>> No.1411481
File: 36 KB, 462x314, inspirations.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Dear god yes.

Car Park
1 Player
8 FistSims
Shotgun, CMP150, Falcon 2, DY-357, Shield, Disabled
Red = Player
Yellow = 8 FistSims

Fucking zombies.

>> No.1411504

Me and a buddy would always play temple, against bots, all split into teams of 2. The crossfire in the main room would light it all up. Pure chaos

>> No.1411554


Favorite weapon?

Mine is hands down dual DY-357

>> No.1411562

You can still do that in Goldeneye.

>> No.1411569

Laptop gun. Loading that thing up with ammo, the setting it down as a turret is fun. Cyclone is a close second. Dat mag discharge

>> No.1411586

Farsight, nothing like hiding in a corner and sniping through a fucking wall!

>> No.1411597

gameplay-wise, you're not going to do any better than goldeneye and timesplitters

>> No.1411603

>Design a gun to prevent camping.
>Design camper gun.

But yeah especially with the 'auto lockon' or whatever mode 2 was on that gun.

>> No.1411606

So many of the guns are iconic. They had your usual standards, but then they had some off the wall shit as well.

>> No.1411610


I love throwing a laptop gun behind a corner and waiting for someone to go around it, only to be shot up by two guns at once.

>> No.1411615
File: 189 KB, 635x475, Dual-MagSec4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fucking reload animations man.

Blew my mind when I was a kid.

>> No.1411616

I had a lot of fun pissing my friends off with those.

>> No.1411715
File: 10 KB, 420x284, candymerchant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>mfw disarming everyone

>> No.1411818

I still remember the sound those things made.

Also I remember being amazed that the sniper rifle had a x30 zoom. Taking out those two or three guys in the Carrington villa from across the water was cool.

>> No.1411835
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>> No.1411841
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>> No.1411969

Reload animations were GOAT. Why don't games do this anymore?

>> No.1411996 [SPOILER] 
File: 41 KB, 400x300, 1350394326548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cause nobody's doing cool stuff in shooters anymore, it's not cool enough for the lowest common denominator.

>> No.1412104

It sucks anon, it really does

>> No.1412148


They were also pretty much unheard of for 3D FPS at the time, you may remember Goldeneye just shoves the gun under the screen and back up.

>> No.1412149


On consoles, I mean.

I'm aware Half-Life predates Perfect Dark.