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/vr/ - Retro Games

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1404292 No.1404292[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hey vr, I've recently started getting into retro games now that I actually have the money to buy stuff. I recently bought Vagrant Story and Adventures of Alundra, can you recommend me some more good RPGs for PS1, preferably ones which were released in Europe. I know that it has loads of them. I'm already planning on getting FF7-9, and Star Ocean.

Also, I thought I'd try setting up my PS1 again. For some reason, the picture for the games is off centre, so that the right and bottom of the games get cut off. It doesn't do it on the startup logo though, just when the game starts. What's going on? I use a HDTV, and my SNES plays fine.

>> No.1404371

Suikoden I and especially II are the other canon JRPGs. The Breath of Fire games are alright. Wild Arms is visually hideous but very solid and with actually good dungeons.

>> No.1404382

Wild Arms 1 + 2
Suikoden 1 + 2
Final Fantasy Tactics (sRPG)
Breath of Fire 3 + 4
Alunda 2 is fun too but not really a sequel
Threads of Fate (sorta A-RPG)
Tales of Destiny

>> No.1404393

Suikoden was another on my list. It's seems so expensive compared to most others though; about £150 on average for a reasonable used copy. I didn't know about Wild Arms, so I'll look them up.

I also just managed to get Final Fantasy VII and IX for £20 together. I think I got a good deal.

>> No.1404429

Suikoden is garbage. Beware.

>> No.1404432

Try Xenogears if you're interested in a real grind with a huge payoff.

>> No.1404475

Really? What's so bad about it?

>> No.1404627

The ending made him sad because he didn't 100% complete.

>> No.1404664

Disregard >>1404429. Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to shit on this anon's opinion. But, at least try the first Suikoden out. If you like it, play II. Then try out the rest of the games from there, if you're still into it.

All I'll say is this: If you're OCD as hell, you'll love and hate Suikoden all at once. If you're not meticulous and exploratory, you'll just hate them.

>> No.1404681

Brave Fencer Musashi (Action RPG)
Legend of Dragoon (A lot like Final Fantasy)

>> No.1404687

wut. The only thing Legend of Dragoon has in common with Final Fantasy is Dart's hairdo.

>> No.1404716

Interesting. I started my own PS1 revival in 2007 with buying both of these games.

Have we met?

>> No.1404750

Eerie coincidences.

Actually, to say I started with those two is a lie. I bought Metal Gear Solid a year ago, so that was technically the start. Plus, I'm actually also collecting SNES stuff at the same time, I just decided to do the PS1 as I happened to already own the console from about 14 years ago or so.

>> No.1404825

seconding Breath of Fire III, fucking quintessential if you ask me. The vivid colours alone and nice spritework really sell it to me (dont call me a kiddy because of my interests in cereberal stimulation!)

Fucking Grandia definitely, a coming of age adventure story beautifully told.

I could sperg out for hours, but those two definitely, dont want to overwhelm and bog you down too soon.

>> No.1405174

I played shitloads of RPGs back in the day on PSX.

Front Mission 3, Valkyrie Profile (you really should use a FAQ, they don't explain shit), Suikoden II, Vagrant Story, Final Fantasy Tactics, Xenogears, and perhaps Chrono Cross (very polarizing)

>> No.1405825

the battle system is similiar also.

>> No.1406452
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>> No.1406967
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>suikoden II (these two are pretty much my favourite ever. and I played them like, 13 years ago)
>breath of fire III
>breath of fire IV (traditional JRPG stuff)
>lunar 2 eternal blue (again, classic JRPG experience. somewhat challenging games)
>azure dreams (roguelike + dating sim hybrid)
>tales of eternia (if you can't play the PSP port)
>parasite eve (survival pseudo-action RPG.. just play it)
>castlevania symphony of the night (shouldn't need an introduction)
>chrono cross (if you played chrono trigger)
>final fantasy tactics (if you're into strategy RPGs, you gotta play this)
>legend of mana (2D action RPG. kinda weird in some aspects. also, pretty much side quests: the game)
>saga frontier II (great graphics and music. difficult game. approach with caution..)
>valkyrie profile (really fun, specially if you're into tri-ace games)
>xenogears (play it, even if for the story alone)

there's several others I could mention, but these are the ones I believe still hold up today, and are still fun IMO. keep in mind that I'm leaving somewhat popular games like grandia and legend of legaia out, because I was never that big a fan of them.
I'm not sure how many of those were released in Europe, though.

>> No.1407002
File: 74 KB, 641x472, ALISUSE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there any good jrpgs with minimalist story or feeling isolated exploration? I've I usually dislike the characters and stories in the few jrpgs I've played. (Though I found the Mother series fun and the story enjoyable)

So I guess games like the first Dragon Quest, Ys I, or isolated feeling of the Metroid games.

>> No.1407020
File: 49 KB, 300x369, 3_geek_landstalker_Tamaki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP your game looks like a femmy ripoff of Nigel from Landstalker.

Is the game play similar as well?

>> No.1407119

Thats because Alundra is the spiritual successor to Landstalkers. Many of the original team of Climax created Matrix Software and made this which is why I prefer Alundra 1>Alundra 2. I love Landstalkers.