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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 36 KB, 430x320, user_22992_25Z85T7S.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1401778 No.1401778[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I like arcade / kart racers more than sims.

Should I buy this game? Is it any good?

Also F-Zero thread.

>> No.1401783

Two words: Fuck yes.

>> No.1401791


>Dat OST

>> No.1401793


It was the very first game to have 30 racers and run at a silky smooth 60fps.
Do yourself a favor and grab this game.

>> No.1401839


>> No.1401865


too bad, you lost your machine..

>> No.1401887

if you like arcade style racers, and don't like this game,you no soul

>> No.1401914

Easy choice for top 10 N64 games, and likely top 10 arcade racers too.

>> No.1401915


>> No.1401954

Yes. And then listen to the Guitar Arrange album every day.

>> No.1401965

Yes. It's an absolutely amazing game with one of the best soundtracks ever.


>> No.1401969

I throw up in my mouth a little every time someone says Wipeout is better than this game

>> No.1402117 [DELETED] 
File: 25 KB, 826x168, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here. Done.

>> No.1402123

OP here. Done. Picked it up for $20 incl postage.

>> No.1402132

random track generator

>> No.1402146

This seems to be turning into an F-Zero soundtrack thread, so check out these songs from BS F-Zero Grand Prix:



>> No.1402151

While X is good, I absolutely love the first one on SNES and GX on Gamecube. Maximum Velocity on GBA is good too. Can't do wrong with F-Zero I guess

>> No.1402156
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>dat 2nd race

>> No.1402180


that 3rd race was tight

>> No.1402181

Is that boxed?
That's quite a bit if it isn't.

Have fun regardless.
I used to play in the 10-15 minutes I had before in the morning before school, it's great when you have a very short amount of time to waste.

>> No.1402186


Not boxed, and in AUD. Was the cheapest one I could find.

>> No.1402206

That's not so bad then.

>> No.1402208

Man, you guys really get fucked over when it comes to the Internet and any kind of consumer electronics don't you?

>> No.1402229


Meh, we also get paid more, so it kinda balances out.

>> No.1402248
File: 193 KB, 1408x1056, streex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/toy/ here.

Remember when F-Zero was so popular that Hot Wheels ripped off the idea for their line of Streex vehicles?


>> No.1402259

It's my beautiful play school doll house... Have not heard in so long...feels so many feels

>> No.1402260

F-Zero was that popular once? I never thought it was that much of a hit.

Also, fuck mouse trap. Other than the trap-building part, that game was a bag of ass.

>> No.1402318

>Devil's Call in Your Heart

>> No.1402352

...f-fuck you, now I will hear that every time I play devil's forest

>> No.1402556

>Is it any good?

>> No.1402702

I never knew about those! They actually look kinda neat.

>> No.1402712

How do you access this anyways? Is it through the 64DD?

>> No.1402738
File: 2.24 MB, 288x160, YOU GOT BOOST POWER.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Watching any TAS of F-Zero


>> No.1402746

It looks like you gotta beat all other cups on Expert.

>> No.1402752

By beat, do you mean get first place in each cup, or just complete them all? either way, I know what I am doing tonight

>> No.1402778

I picked it up for $7.99 the other day and it was worth it

>> No.1402783

Oh look, more awesome stuff that I'll always be too casual to unlock

I bought a GameCube action replay just so I could check out the arcade cup and also the hardest cup on F-Zero GX

>> No.1402828

If you practice really hard, you'll get there. Eventually. Hell, I remember the first time I played, the game kicked my ass more times than I can remember. I finally did it though; beat all the cups on Master AND all the Story chapters on Very Hard. And then did it all again years later (the second time was much easier).

>> No.1402835

I know more people who bought a SNES for F-Zero than for Mario World.

>> No.1403118
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So who do you use /vr/?
>Pic related

>> No.1403127
File: 71 KB, 300x421, Biorex.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only the best.

>> No.1403221

Usually I use Captain Falcon (because I'm lame like that), but I've been liking Pico lately.

>> No.1403239

I think there's an easier way to find it, since I'm casual as hell and have it unlocked. But maybe I bought the cart used, with features already unlocked...

>> No.1403251

according to http://www.gamefaqs.com/n64/197414-f-zero-x/faqs/3200 there is a cheat (yes, an old-school button combo) to unlock all racers and tracks: press L,Z,R,C-Up,C-Down,C-Left,C-Right on
the mode select screen. You'll hear a sound if you do it right.

>> No.1403264
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>> No.1403807
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James McCloud was my favourite character.

>> No.1403820

F-zero GX is the best one, sega did a really good job on it

>> No.1403845

I think having to mash the shoulder buttons to turn ruined the whole franchise. The control scheme is awkward, the resulting motion is abrupt and it ruins the concept of optimizing your turns.

>> No.1403892


Golden Fox, Wild Boar and Queen Meteor

>> No.1405724

>Should I buy this game? Is it any good?


>> No.1407130

he's a human Fox McCloud
how did I never see that back then

>> No.1407204


God damn this made me shed some tears it was so good.

>> No.1407535

why did you do this to me

>> No.1407536 [DELETED] 

>not sliding the last lap

>> No.1407570


Cannot unhear

>> No.1408220
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>> No.1408268

How do you unlock the Arcade version in GX? I know it has something to do with Action Replay

>> No.1408273


>> No.1408528


good work, OP

>> No.1408720

Just beat master difficulty for the second time, this time without sliding and DTDs.

The AI is fucking evil in this game. Captain Falcon rubber banded directly in front of me on one of the last joker tracks and then immediately slowed down and did a spin attack at the same time. Cost me my last extra life.

>> No.1408729

Unlock the arcade version? All I've heard is that AX allows you to unlock stuff in GX if you use your memory card on the arcade machine. Furthermore, I'm pretty sure that the AX unlocks are just for stuff you can get in GX if you beat all the story mode difficulties.

Master takes me for a ride, even Expert is hard sometimes. What can I do to get an edge? I've become pretty good at knocking opponents around, are there perhaps better lines that I need to be taking?

>> No.1408731

wait a second, is there an option in this game to have respawns??? whenever me and my friend play two players, and we die, you have to wait for the other racer to either die or finish. can you shut that off??

>> No.1409029

What's ideal for max speed/acceleration? I know what each does but that's about it

>> No.1409040


>> No.1409056

Acceleration basically means that you speed up to max speed quicker. Max speed means that if you can get up to max speed, then it will be faster. If you look at the small map before each level, you can attempt to strategically slide the pointer into what you deem to be the appropriate balance for that level. As in, there is no all-around balance, as it is all situational. Once you have mastered that, no one can stop you. For me, whenever the map looks to have a lot of steep turns and tunnels, I would bring acceleration up a jiffy. If the map looks rather linear, I would bring up max speed. Exact polar points of both acceleration and max speed give you the most extreme benefits of that one side (noticeably different from any tick in-between, even just a single tick away from the maximum is noticeably different), but also the most detriments as the selection has a tradeoff. Maximum acceleration allows you to start up much faster, damn near instantaneously every time you release and repress the gas button, but you are overall much slower. Maximum max speed makes you quite possibly the fastest motherfucker on the track, but you start up noticeably slower, and if you hit the walls or an enemy, you will take a long time to recover.

>> No.1409078
File: 31 KB, 120x120, JamesMcCloud.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he's a human Fox McCloud

>> No.1409096

Go about two-four blocks away from max speed. If you max your speed, your accel is so bad it doesn't even matter.

>> No.1409638


>> No.1409647


Really, you want high speed in every level, aside from that one with all the jumps and turns (second in Queen cup).

>> No.1409650
File: 273 KB, 1280x720, WiiU_screenshot_TV_0119A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pffff who needs acceleration? Samruai Goroh sure as hell doesn't

>> No.1410042

Best way to scuff up your moms floor. I know from experience.

>> No.1410310


Do it.

>> No.1410334
File: 128 KB, 480x349, Extreme-G.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PS1 owners claim Wipeout is the best
N64 owners claim F-Zero X is the best

Meanwhile this thing is forgotten in a corner. It was rough and didn't have the style and soundtrack of F-Zero but by god did it make up for it in sheer speed of the races

>> No.1410350


I agree. X-G 2 feels so smooth, it's like an Xbox game. The speed is fantastic, but kind of detrimental... it's pretty hard to hit with any of the items.

>> No.1410380

Use side attacks to take corners at higher entry speeds. Whenever you side attack you immediate regain traction regardless of how fast you are going. You should never have to use the drift buttons to corner.

Another important aspect is learning to make the most of jumping. The AI is terrible at jumps and will never use jump shortcuts. For example, near the end of the double loop stage you can fly off the right side of the track and dive down to the refill station for a massive speed boost. There are lots of places where you can use tricky jumping to overtake the AI like that.

Lastly, assuming you aren't using advanced speed tricks, you should keep the settings slider between the 4th and 5th notch to the right. This will give you a very noticeable increase in speed without gimping your acceleration too badly.

Let me know if there are any tracks in particular that you have trouble with, I'd be happy to give more advice.

>> No.1410387
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All of the day.

>> No.1410398

Wipeout is complete ass though.

FZero > XG
XG was good but FZero is amazing

>> No.1410483

Personally, I think extreme g had a great soundtrack. It's rare to find such well executed trance music on a video game. Not to mention that it suited the game's aesthetic perfectly.

I think it was on par with the X soundtrack and I say this as someone who loves heavy metal and f zero's music.

>> No.1410573

Agreed. It's even more impressive when you consider it was done on N64 audio.

>> No.1410874

I wonder what other games had impressive audio capabilities for the N64? I only other one IIRC would the the N64 version of Rouge Squadron but even I'm not really sure of that.