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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 365 KB, 773x1384, FPS Evolution.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1398064 No.1398064[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Be all depressed about the state of the game industry
>constantly shrug at all the new, 10/10 "Triple A" games I get for the last year.
>ask where games are that are fun like games used to be
>people explode in rage, tell me I only like old games because I played them as a kid and have fond memories of them. (Nolstalga)
>tell me I'm just growing up and am tired of gaming
>decide to go "back in time" and play all the hits I missed on emulators and through ebay. I literally have nothing left at this point.
>play Jet Force Gemini, Faxanadu, Blaster Master, Shatterhand, Skyblazer and Earthbound all for the first time.
>HOLY FUCK I'm having fun in video games again!

Wow, those asses were full of shit. I'm not tired of video games at all.
The way people immediately shout 'Nostalgia' it's like they can't even comprehend the possibility you might just like the style in which games were done in the past. Why can't people comprehend this?
Do any of you have stories like this?

>> No.1398075

Not any specific stories, but yeah, most games I played as a kid I am all played out on, so now I just play older games that I ignored when I was younger instead.

My best friend's younger brother is also into retro games, and he never played them growing up.

>> No.1398082

People just feel the need to have others validate their choices. Were social creatures after all which is why console wars are a thing.

I'm glad you found games you like op.

>> No.1398119

Hm. You most likely found elitist morons who dignify every turd videogame they are forced to swallow and explode in mere rage whenever they get their buillshit called on. Happens everytime nowadays.

There's a difference between bring a nostalgic blind idiot and having actual personal taste.

>> No.1398117

I work in one of the top 3 video game company and Ive never been more disapointed in my life.

The people who make the games are NOT GAMERS. thats what you have to get in your head. It's sad. Its hurts. Yet ive been working in the industry for 10 years.

>> No.1398125

Games made in those era in itself cater to nostalgia since they all were made in an era you understand and already love. So, there isn't a myth. You're just a nostalgia faggot.

>> No.1398127

Well I do have plenty of stories about how people on the Internet said dumb, hateful, generic, and incorrect things to me. They aren't very interesting though. I think maybe it's better in the long run to spend less time talking on the Internet, cos that stuff just keeps on looking stupider and more boring as you get older.

>> No.1398138

I tried playing Planescape: Torment - so much better than modern EA shit. Also played the adventure game "beneath a steel sky" which was a lot more fun than many modern ones on steam.

>> No.1398148

Revolution made some great adventure games back in the day..

What I think a problem with modern game development is that you have the big houses that know what made the old games good, but don't really know why they were good, so it feels very hollow or they miss the point entirely.

And then you have the indie devs who know fuck all.

>> No.1398149


>Still working for Ubishit

>> No.1398153


>> No.1398158

Stop playing AAA trash

Buy a fucking handheld

>> No.1398169


Not him, but fuck you.

/vr/ isn't here to justify your Luddism. Good games are good, shit games are shit, every era has plenty of both.

>> No.1398170

>The people who make the games are NOT GAMERS. thats what you have to get in your head. It's sad. Its hurts. Yet ive been working in the industry for 10 years.

Who are you talking about? It doesn't seem like the average code monkey needs to be a 'gamer' to put out a decent product. Seems like the issue is executive fuckery more than anything else, right?

>> No.1398178

Lots of newer games are shit because their budgets are so high that risk becomes unacceptable. Perhaps you should try some lower budget games such as:

Risk of Rain
Gone Home

There's still plenty of great games being made, just like there were plenty of complete trash games on the NES and SNES. You just gotta look for them because we don't have 10 years of game criticism to sort out the shitty games, like we do for old platforms.

>> No.1398184

There are considerably fewer these days than there were. If you don't believe it, look for yourself. Pick any year in the 80s or early 90s and get the major video game releases from Wikipedia then get them for twenty years later and just compare.

It's not nostalgia.

>> No.1398189


I've done that and I disagree.

Either way, hating modern games is not a prerequisite for being on /vr/

>> No.1398203 [DELETED] 

omg i was born in the wrong generation thumbs up if you agree

>> No.1398207

Thumb up, you should've been born in 2150 so we wouldn't have to deal with you in this lifetime.

>> No.1398212

Actually, objectively, it is impossible for things to deteriorate over time. Everything now is just as good if not better than it ever was, to suggest otherwise is ludicrous.

It's like when you go to a Native reservation and hear all of those nostalgiafags whining about how much better things were before the white man came. Newsflash: You just like that era because your dumbshit ancestors wrote about how great it was through their nostalgia goggles and the media sells it to you

>> No.1398217

>no indoor plumbing

Sounds like a fucking party

Also cool strawman

>> No.1398221

Exactly. Now they have flush toilets and lots of firewater, way more than their ancestors ever did. Of course, that doesn't stop their nostalgiafaggotry about "muh culture" and "muh land"

>> No.1398224

Yeah those dark ages were so much better than the classical period - and 60s movies are so much better than 40s movies and the silver age of comics was so much better than the golden age.

>> No.1398228


I'm sure you've felt all sorts of white guilt about it

Maybe talk about video games though

>> No.1398227

Precisely. New things literally cannot be of a lower quality than what came before. Of course, the modern equivalents of those things you listed are all actually the best.

>> No.1398235

It all ties in, though. Those native nostalgiafags are essentially the same thing as these blithering mongoloids who, despite their apparent severe mental deficiency, have the audacity to even suggest that modern video games are not completely and utterly exceptional in every way compared to their precious old garbage. It boggles the mind that people like this can exist.

>> No.1398251

Seriously? Let's look at the most recent complete year and its 20-year-ago equivalent (and things have been getting better the last few years)

Notable 2013 video games: GTA5, The Last of Us, Assassin's Creed 4, Beyond: Two Souls, Arkham Origins, Injustice, COD: Ghosts, Tomb Raider, Lego Marvel Super Heroes, Disney Infinity, Battlefield 4, Saint's Row 4, Skylanders: Swap Force, Outlast, Dead Space 3, Dead Rising 3, WWE 2K14, Crysis 3

Notable 1993 video games: Star Fox, Ridge Racer, X-Wing, Syndicate, Mortal Kombat 2, Kirby's Adventure, Day of the Tentacle, Link's Awakening, Samurai Shodown, Super Mario All-Stars, Secret of Mana, Return to Zork, Master of Orion, Myst, Sam & Max, Doom, Virtua Fighter, Sim City 2000, The 7th Guest

I must have a real bad case of the nostalgia because to me it doesn't even seem close.

>> No.1398253

all of those 2013 games suck

>> No.1398256
File: 7 KB, 120x120, 1387095191377.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't mind the current state of video games except that they are all shooters, theres so little variety. and not that shooters are bad (bioshock is an excellent example of a fps that got it right) they are just too afraid to take a chance with a new idea. they just want to give us brownpeopleblasters
its not even that COD and BF are bad. yes the story modes are almost always shit and its dumb to have a game centered around online play, but they are certainly not bad games. Most people just say that when really they are just tired of that kind of game, not particular titles.

Ya niggas feel?

>> No.1398258
File: 18 KB, 416x316, chokey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>New things literally cannot be of a lower quality than what came before.
Get in the closet.

>> No.1398259

>It's like when you go to a Native reservation and hear all of those nostalgiafags whining about how much better things were before the white man came. Newsflash: You just like that era because your dumbshit ancestors wrote about how great it was through their nostalgia goggles and the media sells it to you
Dude; I mean, I get the whole Coupland "The Past Sucks" idea, it's important not to forget all the progress we've made technologically which has allowed many more people to live lives free of many of the problems of the past, but just because we can point to statistical progress on things like disease or infant mortality doesn't mean that everything has been a steady upward progression for every group of people.

The natives of America had tons of strife and bullshit before the white man, but it takes a pretty myopic view to look at their situation now and say that they're better off.

Anyway, lots of arts and sciences go through cycles. There aren't many people now who would argue that galante was a huge improvement over baroque, and there are plenty of misgivings over certain overcompensations that have happened in mathematics in the past 150 years. Some things just die off because the times change; just like evolution, that isn't things getting better, it's things adapting to changing circumstances. They can't be said to be better. We haven't made a decent harpsichord in hundreds of years, decent English concertinas disappeared nearly a hundred years ago, and we forgot how to cure scurvy: http://idlewords.com/2010/03/scott_and_scurvy.htm

Don't believe the myth of progress.

>> No.1398268

>>constantly shrug at all the new, 10/10 "Triple A" games I get for the last year.

Well there's your problem right there if you're only paying attention to AAA stuff.

>> No.1398272

I kind of feel, but at the same time don't. This seems to be the common idea that all modern games are Call of Duty, when that's obviously not the case. You've got a situation today where most of the big name "AAA" titles are the least interesting and innovative games out there, because they have to cater to the lowest common denominator. If you look beyond these titles to smaller developers and publishers, there are plenty of modern games that are worth your time.

It's much like any other form of media, such as music or film. The big summer blockbuster movies like Transformers blow ass and yet make millions of dollars, but that doesn't mean all of modern cinema is awful too. Just keep an open mind.

>> No.1398276

I posted the list but I wouldn't go that far. GTA5 is extremely impressive. The Last of Us is a great, compelling story that takes advantage of the medium. Hell, I even really like Skylanders and Disney Infinity - that's a whole new dimension of fun... But to say that, in the eyes of history, those games will be as significant as Doom or Myst or Virtua Fighter just doesn't seem defensible but maybe it's just my nostalgia acting up.

>> No.1398280

>/vr/ isn't here to justify your Luddism. Good games are good, shit games are shit, every era has plenty of both.

But that wasn't the point of the thread. The original post didn't say Triple A games aren't fun, they just aren't fun in the way games used to be. The image used showed two different types of game styles. Neither is technically bad, but someone might like the original doom style of FPS games more then current FPS design, regardless of which era the game is made in.

Saying someone likes a style because of (reasons) is stupid. They might like that style more, and it might be as simple as that.

>> No.1398281


New things can't be worse than old things huh? Have you ever used windows me? Do you remember vista? What about windows 8? That's just one company. Ever heard of cutting costs? Lots of companies make an awesome product then cut costs in later models. These models are sometimes made of inferior materials and are of lower quality.

>> No.1398286


>It was a good show!

>> No.1398287
File: 51 KB, 1366x768, 1373871301577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is a good point. unfortunatly this is a retro board, or else id suggest to make the conversation more progressive. (ex: modern games that cameout that aren't shit)
i think we can all agree doom is still substantial today. i just beat the first mission of it the other day for the first time, and unbiased by nostalgia i'd say it was way more fun and interesting than COD every has.
>mfw those two big fuckers at the end
>mfw that moving level at the end.

>> No.1398290

I think technology is one of the few unambiguous cases. Obviously things like globalization which might be considered "progress" certainly don't help everyone they affect, but EVERYONE benefits from stuff like cell phones and plumbing infrastructure.

>> No.1398295

This is legitimately the worst and most cherry picked thread I've ever seen on /vr/. It is like reading YouTube comments.

>> No.1398297 [SPOILER] 
File: 850 KB, 320x320, 1337990495471.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sick of those kinds of games and I haven't even played them for a solid year.

Can one get "sick-of-games-by-proxy?" I blame my teenage kids who play fucking CoD-piece and ButtFuckers all the time...maybe I'm just overexposed, but I really have had no wish to even hear the games being played in the next room let alone pick them up and play.

>> No.1398298



Ah fuck.


>> No.1398304

keep thinking GTA5 was good.

>> No.1398312 [DELETED] 



>> No.1398313

face it bud the AAA titles of today wont be remembered. Nobody is saying there arent good games coming out theyre saying the AAA titles just wont have the same lasting power.

>> No.1398314
File: 59 KB, 500x533, 1367361381950.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks for the input faggot.

>> No.1398316

>id suggest to make the conversation more progressive. (ex: modern games that cameout that aren't shit)
I'd really like to try to figure some more out, although GTA5 and The Last of Us and even the figurine games aren't shit. We do have the perspective of time to establish great games of 1993 that might not have been best sellers (which is what my 2013 list was)

I don't think any of those 1993 games were exactly sleepers though so we can't give too many bonus points to 2013 by assuming there are unknown classics.

Arguable, it might be more fair to compare something like 1985 vs 2005 but I think we'd find an even more significant blowout for the retro year.

>> No.1398317

Man why can't all music be like Led Zeppelin and Black Sabbath? Stuff was soooo much better back then before Bieber and Selena!! Forget the fact that music was fucking horrible back then and revisionist history sifts the bad things out and presents it as a golden age. Fuck dubstep! Fuck electronic music! Fuck Lady Gaga! They are all music today!

-OP when on /mu/

>> No.1398321

>You're just not looking hard enough for the good music. Here, check out this proto-electropunk-folkwavecore band that was together for three weeks. They put all their music out on cassettes and the lead singer is a member of the Connecticut Communist Party *strokes beard*

>> No.1398323

I just went to Barcade yesterday and got a chance to play a lot of games that I wasnt around for and that I had never played. I wasted a good ton of money on Joust. Those games were just more fun, it was arcade style with no commitment issues, they just got right down to the point. Modern games all seem to want to tell a story which shouldnt come first in a video GAME. All the hand holding in games is pretty annoying too.

>> No.1398326

plenty of Triple-A titles of yesteryear were shit.
It's just that we have filtered through lots of them over the years and the only games remembered are good ones.

plus, without the internet and day 0 reviews people were less likely to be influenced by a strangers opinion and experiment with something random off the shelf.

>> No.1398331


That's huge really. People on 4chan are immensely influenced over hyperbole and hivemind shit. Most of the games they hate on they haven't even played because they think discussing the game at length qualifies as having an accurate opinion. It's pretty embarrassing when you think about it.

>> No.1398334


>> No.1398346 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.90 MB, 290x189, 1349599502491.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gone home
I see what you did there.

>> No.1398365

Nostalgia as a criticism has always been a simple, meaningless card that people will play without thinking. I've almost never encountered anything resembling valid criticism from anyone spouting that word, op.

Nostalgia isn't some barrier preventing the 'objective', truthful judgment of a game's quality; in most cases it's a force that actually enhances a game's already terrific experience. There a plenty of games that I liked when I was younger, only to become unimpressed with them once I revisited them years later. Then there are games that I absolutely adored as a kid, and have not only more than held up over the years (which convinces me that if someone were to play it for the first time now they would be blown away), but I'm certain that the fond memories I have as a child add an extra emotional dimension which enhances the game for me.

So basically I'm pretty sure that nostalgia can only increase the experience of a game if that game is already at least a solid achievement.

>> No.1398378

As for 'modern' games, there are many brilliant examples to contend with even if they don't surpass the masterpieces of past decades. However, that there isn't a discernible overall drop in quality of games today is probably a very valid observation. Personally I can't decide. I'm not saying that most games of the 80's and 90's weren't unremarkable, run of the mill games; the percentage of such games might have even decreased over the years. But I don't think there as many examples today of what we would refer to as masterpieces as there was some years ago. Yes, I agree that hindsight is likely what's required and we have to wait ~10 years to properly judge the state of today's games. But I still the argument has a lot of merit. In their effort to 'push the boundaries', many of today's games seem to step backwards; they lose their potential by attempting to mimic other mediums, where as so many of older games embraced and successfully exploited their medium's potential. Overall there seemed to be more originality and solidity in scope, more consistency. I notice that the trend to 'recreate reality' wasn't as prevalent, and as a result games reached a certain 'artistic' quality.

>> No.1398383

*But I still think

>> No.1398393


Nostalgia is valid because the time period you grew up in will inevitably have qualities in art that you naturally appreciate more. People in 20 years will talk about how good 2010s were for gaming because they grew up in them and prefer story driven and games with that unreal engine look. They will go back and play games from that era that they haven't played and be predisposed to enjoying them because of their conditioned likes and dislikes. Just as retro/arcade gamers are predisposed to enjoying games and particular way and refusing to allow the medium to grow and stretch with the times and newer audience.

>> No.1398404

So why do I prefer music from the 60s/70s and games from the early 90s if I was born in 94 and my first console was a PS2?

>> No.1398410


Because some people have different upbringings and mental stances toward "Normies" and strive to be a certain way. There are 12 dad rock stations on any radio wavelength and your parents probably loved it so that is one of the easiest ways to become conditioned to prefer older music. As for PS2, that was such a nebulous system that you could have had a bunch of PS1 games and retro collections that you enjoyed from a young age. It could be anything really. I can't dive into how you were conditioned. What I have said is irrefutable though and in 20 years you will hear people talk about The Last of Us and GTAV as if they are better than some AAA Occulus Rift game in 2030. It is the way the world works and has worked since the dawn of civilizations.

>> No.1398413


I should probably add that I've noticed many gamers grow attached to games older than them because they're poor and found emulation at the time when 3D emulation wasn't really very good. Poor means they probably still have a shit tier PC and emulation is their means of playing games while not spending money.

>> No.1398416

i doubt it, my parents hardly listen to music and when they did it was Portuguese folk music. I didnt have any retro collections on PS2 (although I did get the genesis collection for the 360 which is when I started getting into retro games). Theres only 2 rock based stations in the area, and I never really listened to them until high school. Nice theories though, im sure somebody falls under those

>> No.1398513

>bioshock is an excellent example of a fps that got it right
Nah, as an fps it's pretty shit. What it has going for it is mostly just the setting, which is incredible, and the story, which is alright.

>> No.1398519

Yeah you're right OP. It's not fucking nostalgia.

I'd play new games and it felt like just going through the motions. It was a chore, too easy, didn't feel rewarding at all. Oooooh, what a nice cinematic of this building blowing up, ooooh I'm following this dude down a linear path like I've done a thousand times, oh wow it's like I'm really playing an interactive movie! etc

I thought all vidya had gone to shit but then one day I started questioning myself. Maybe I was just older and the run was finally coming to an end. But guess what? Then I played Demon's and Dark Souls, and holy shit I experienced the fun in vidya that I hadn't experienced for an untold amount of years.

Dark Souls was the game of the gen for me and it reminded me of how much I used to enjoy vidya. I enjoyed DS just as much as I enjoyed games back in the retro days, maybe even more. It was easily one of the best games I ever played in my life and it was proof to me that for the most part video games have indeed gone to ass.

>inb4 DS haters

>> No.1398520

>born in America in 1990
>find a very lost ZX Spectrum at a thrift store along with Treasure Island Dizzy and Chips Challenge in 2001
>this is the best thing I've ever played
>forgo playing on my Playstation and N64
>go back to the thrift store to buy them out of their Spectrum games
>20 titles in all, major titles like Jet Set Willy and Renegade and Ghosts and Goblins along with a copy of Zeus Assembler and a huge ass instruction book
>Read it all
>Can't get enough
>Spend my money on physical copies of Spectrum games
>discover emulation in 2006
>emulate the shit out of it
>work on refining my programing skills
>make games for the Spectrum
>start collecting tape rips
>fill in my collection when World of Spectrum comes around
>have nearly 14,000 .tap/.tzx files and 400 physical games
>to this day I search for rare copies and keep up with modern spectrum demoers and developing groups

>> No.1398526

>implying Doom had a vertical aiming axis

Could you be a little less biased? I admit you may be unhappy with current video game trends, but that doesn't mean they are all bad.

>> No.1398537
File: 14 KB, 500x375, 1340923063543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all change is progress

>> No.1398541

Or maybe people just have different tastes, and some people enjoy challenge, while others enjoy interactive movies.
I think this is a better explanation because it isn't retarded.

>> No.1398553

how did you afford a ZX when you were 11?

>> No.1398557

You don't know shit you pseudo-intellectual.

>> No.1398559


Taste is a matter of conditioning you fucking retard.

>> No.1398562

Keep talking out of your ass, kid. No wonder you're on here instead of /lit/, even those idiotic pseudo-intellectuals would destroy you.

You sound like quite the scholar "you fucking retard"

>> No.1398563


Keep telling yourself that nostalgia faggot. You're the product of conditioning to like the things you like. Period. There isn't any pseudo-intellectual babble about that at all. It is factual.

>> No.1398568

Most people here are in their early 20s or younger though......

>> No.1398569

To some extent, sure.
It's not the be all and end all of personal taste though. Get real.

>> No.1398570


>gets blown out and can't defend his b-but it isn't nostalgia argument

And people wonder why /v/ and all related boards sound like modern day GameFAQs?

>> No.1398571

my parents only listened to country and listened to it throughout my childhood but I like metal. Never listened to death metal when I was young either

>> No.1398574


And? That doesn't mean anything. Triggers can come from anywhere. Even hating your parent's music is a trigger.

>> No.1398575

I think a pretty big factor is that there was a lot more experimentation (largely out of necessity) when video games were a lot newer, and especially when there were big jumps in technology, particularly with 3D. Developers were scrambling to figure out how to use new technology to beat the competition to the punch and stay relevant, and they did stuff that hadn't ever been done before. You had a lot of failures, but they were often unique failures at the very least, and when you had successes, they were often breaking new ground.
There's really nothing like that today. The leaps in technology aren't nearly as significant, and we've figured out what 'works' and what the average person is likely to spend money on. There's no real incentive for game companies to ever deviate from that.

>> No.1398576

>gone homo

>> No.1398578

It was at a thrift store in 2001, it was only 50 dollars

>> No.1398580

You only think that because you've been conditioned by being dropped on your head as a baby many times.

>> No.1398581


Its a sad truth, no /v/ spin-off board can escape he stench of its cancerous parent.

And this thread is shit, I agree with the anon that its just cherry picking the thread, I grew up with all the greats and still find enjoyment in modern day stuff, I will admit, the ones I enjoy are the ones where I have to earn my win, to many games seem to play themselves lately.

>> No.1398582

Good points.

>> No.1398584

Behaviourism is dead you stupid nigger. Look don’t even try me, I actually have an education in psychology unlike your wikipedia browsing you stupid nigger.

Assertions aren't arguments either, kiddo.

>> No.1398585


Man, this is honestly the argument now since you can't actually debate on a functional level?

Here... print out my posts and keep them safe for 20 years. Take them out in 2034 and see that the 20-30 year olds are now having this same thread wondering why games aren't like they were in 2014 and how genuinely happy they were to experience those games as a kid and how unhappy they are about the state of games in 2034. Then come hang out with me and tell me how much of a pseudo-intellectual I was to say what was actually going on in reality.

>> No.1398591

I dont hate my parents music though haha. Nobody I knew listened to death metal though I just remember the names morbid angel and possessed from somewhere and checked em out on day and they were sick.

>> No.1398592


>getting a degree in psychology

NEET now right? That is a worthless major. Behaviorism isn't what I'm arguing by the way, an actual Psych major would know that.

>> No.1398593

>everybody is the same!!!!
>what is self-awareness
>thinking the average video game player (who doesn't even know what 4chan is) will give a shit in 2034 and isn't different from the average /vr/ video game player

back to /r/atheism, also enjoy your ban kiddo

>> No.1398597

>Man, this is honestly the argument now since you can't actually debate on a functional level?
>thinking you're arguing with one person
I'm not these people:

>> No.1398596

pls don't cut me with your edge

>> No.1398603

Obviously you didn't take the class on "how to argue" that's for sure you fuckin low iq retard.

>> No.1398605

>hurrrr u cant judge other's people taste in things hurr its not possible hurrr
>hurrr philosophical zombies hurrr so edgy look at what i learned on wikipedia

>> No.1398614


Tell that to people who at this very moment that consider old games shitty because of graphics and no story but consider themselves for all intents and purposes hardcore. That trend will continue because there are generational gaps. The hardcore in 20 years will much prefer THEIR version of games over yours. Please honestly debate me instead of resorting to shitty name calling and weak retorts.

>> No.1398616


>low iq retard

time out time out

that is the worst internet insult i've ever heard and deserves another look

>> No.1398629

>hurr this arbitrary selection of non-existent people and this arbitrary selection of non-existent people apply to this group of people in this thread applies to the average group of (made up in my mind) people that play video games that applies to all of humanity and this and that and that and this
>i know what i'm talking about

>> No.1398636

Man that's a lot of projecting

>> No.1398634

>hurr I'm still going to act like a dipshit and not actually defend my argument because I don't actually have one

If anyone is going to be warned or banned it's you for taking an innocent discussion and turning it into a shitty spiteful /v/ tier argument.

>> No.1398638 [DELETED] 

>implying i care what retards think
>implying i have a preferred version of a game
>implying i am old enough to have nostalgia for any video game on here
>implying i don't prefer computer "retro" (implying anything doom and onwards is retro) games in the first place even though i only had consoles in my childhood
>implying i'm the only person in this thread and you aren’t just an edgy fuckwit

>> No.1398639

>Taste is a matter of conditioning you fucking retard.
>you fucking retard.
>you fucking retard.

>> No.1398640

spiteful and an assertion without argument.

back to reddit you low iq shitskin liberal hurr everyone is the same
there's a reason why Hitler considered your type to be sub-human, inferior, faggot

>> No.1398649


That wasn't even me. Truthfully. I did say some shit after I was called a pseudo intellectual and everyone started going in on terrible "go back to reedit, faggot, ow da edge, projecting!". I never once stooped to that level though. And here we are 50 posts after the fact and there isn't an actual counter argument outside of the aforementioned "nahhhhhh *anecdote * go back to *website I don't like* I'm not nostalgia you are!!"

>> No.1398651

>coming on /vr/ just to accuse others of being "conditioned" or "nostalgic" instead of just legitimately enjoying the games they play

>> No.1398654
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>>implying i am old enough to have nostalgia for any video game on here
Maybe you shouldn't be on 4chan.

>> No.1398656
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>> No.1398660

Says the faggot who first came here in 2009 or afterwards.

back to knowyourmeme.com nigger

>> No.1398665


Wow are these posts 100% lean and mean serious? This thread is fucking hilarious now haha.

>> No.1398674 [DELETED] 

>hurr all i can say is "haha"
>wow i am le surfer dude haha
>oh i wait l love shoving metal scandinavian dick up my ass BECAUSE THAT'S SO METAL haha

>> No.1398678
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>> No.1398680
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>> No.1398683


For one, I am not playing it off as trolling.
Two, I am commenting on how horrible these posts are.
Three, honestly read how you guys sound right now. I am actually getting a bit embarrassed for you guys.
Four, there are two other people posting that you guys think is me.
Five, get back on topic unless you wanna look like >>1398674 this guy. A real winner there.

>> No.1398684
File: 17 KB, 367x388, try again.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At this point I'm just waiting for the janitor to nuke this whole awful thread.

>> No.1398687
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>> No.1398689


If he does he should probably just nuke the last 70 posts. It is a good discussion when people aren't acting like dipshits and put on their mature caps for a sec.

>> No.1398690
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MATURE CAPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


>> No.1398692 [DELETED] 
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MATURE CAPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.1398691


somebody make this right now

>> No.1398695 [DELETED] 
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>> No.1398836

That's it. /vr/ is awful now.

>> No.1398852

yup. the difference with /v/ slims every day and it's already officially terrible.

>> No.1398859

You guys gonna cum all over each other's faces? Fags.

>> No.1399059

Don't you have school tomorrow, kid? You should really double-check your homework instead of shitposting here at this hour.

>> No.1399064

I think people really want games without padding in them. They want to jump right into the action and get going.

Older arcade-style games do this pretty well, since the idea was obviously to drop in a token/quarter and start mashing the button to do cool stuff.

New technology has allowed for new possibilities in gaming, but some designers seem to forget that people don't want to play every game like it's their first game ever (long overstuffed tutorials, etc.). A few new releases in this regard are pretty good (see: Volgarr the Viking).

While I thought I'd play "retro" games exclusively (and since I play PS2 > backwards, I sorta do, lol), I realized that I am just more particular in the types of games I like to play, and that is basically a lot of classic (and not-so-classic!) console games and the bonafide PC classics. I mean, there are enough good games released out there to keep you busy in the hobby for a long time.

>> No.1399082

Hey I'm >>1398859 just wanted to apologize for earlier. I was having a bad day and I took it out on you. I know it doesn't mean much over an anonymous imageboard but I'm sorry.

And yes I did double check my homework. Senior year mang.

>> No.1399092
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I like some modern games, but good ones are fewer and farther between it seems.

As a guy who only ever played Duke Nukem 3D, I found Duke Nukem for the Gameboy Color, and I have to say, it's really goddamn fun, the controls are a little stiff, but the action, the style, the gameplay, it's all really fun, the enemies aren't annoying or too easy, the game does give you health restores, but not too often, and ammo is scattered here and there so you can often use the fun weapons. The inbetween sequences are actually pretty funny too.

>> No.1399101

>Notable 1993 video games
You also seem to forget those thousands of boring, awful, and terrible Sega and Nintendo games.

There's certainly a lot of shit going on these days, but don't act like those old days were perfect.

>> No.1399102
File: 74 KB, 450x325, -v-friends1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good man.

Please don't be one of the people who try to turn this place into /v/ 2.0. It was meant to be more like picrelated.

And uh, good luck with the midterms or whatever you kids should be having right now, I dunno...

>> No.1399109

>Gone Home
That incredibly mediocre point and click game, where the creators tried to deflect all criticism by calling their detractors homophobes? Excuse me if I'm not excited for THAT.

Personally, I found that Far Cry 3 and Blood Dragon were pretty good, despite their flaws.

>> No.1399107

Last year I played all of these games for the first time:
Deus Ex
Baldur's Gate
Diablo 2
Fallout 1+2

I really enjoyed all of them

>> No.1399115

>its dumb to have a game centered around online play
No, no it really isn't. That's just what some people want.
Not everyone wants to play your casual babby singleplayer stuff.

>> No.1399127

>casual babby singleplayer
What the fuck are you even doing on a retro gaming board, chummer?

>> No.1399129
File: 67 KB, 640x480, diablo1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should play Diablo then, it's deliciously dark, it's a bit slow paced, yet full of dark, violent bloody action. There was never a game quite like it.

Diablo 2 is fun, sure, but it doesn't have that dark, haunting, oppressive atmosphere that the first game has.

>> No.1399132

Starcraft is retro
Counter-Strike is retro
Quake is retro
Warcraft is retro
Unreal Tournament is retro
literally all of the hardest and best competetive multiplayer games are retro, why the fuck wouldn't I be here?

>> No.1399136

>New things literally cannot be of a lower quality than what came before
What the fuck are you talking about? Of course they can.
Old Blizzard games were great, but all the talent ran away from the company so their games suck now, ergo, new Blizzard games suck.

Or, for something that's less about opinion, Remington used to make great firearms, then, around 2009, they were bought out, and their quality control has been rock bottom ever since.
(Shitty finishes, rust prone, parts breaking off, barrels leaving the factory without rifling, etc)

Of course new things can be fucking worse than old things, saying they can't is just like saying old things can't be worse than new things, don't be fucking obtuse.

>> No.1399151
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>moving the goalposts

>> No.1399517
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Talk about nostalgia all you want, but shit really started hitting the fan this PS3/X360 gen.
PS2 era had many signs of it, but it had a fuckton of great games. This gen was what destoyed everything completely.
>silent hill
>tomb raider
>ace combat
>breath of fire
>smt transmogrifying into persona
all these IPs changing hands or becoming casual shit.
Let alone all the DRM and industry practices surrounding it.

It's not that I prefer old games out of nostalgia. It's that new games all feel the same and are dumbed down into "cinematic" action titles. Look at how Tomb Raider lost all it's platforming and environmental atmosphere and became another cover shooter.
Silent Hill doesn't even understand what kind of horror it used to be.

I liked being challenged by games. I liked seeing clever things. But they just aren't made with gamers in mind. But people who get stuck because they are dumb or not curious.

Remember the devs from Dishonored said they had to dumb down some part because *play testers* wouldn't disobey a guard who forbid them to enter an area? That's how bad new players are that are bringing everything down for the rest of us.

>> No.1399524

I believe that's pne of early Falcom's games, go and play Ys my friend, you will love them, also don't forget to play Mother 3 (The sequel to Earthbound, but I'm sure you knew that), and motherfucking Live-A-Live

>> No.1399527

>You liked Faxanadu? Play Mother 3
Maybe he should play the other Xanadu games? I know that's crazy.

>> No.1399546
File: 41 KB, 500x525, heh-heh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>favorite game is Deus Ex
>DX thread on /v/
>people actually claiming that DX fans like the game because of nostalgia
>mfw I played DX for the first time in my life last year

Nostalgia my ass.

>> No.1399548

>Were social creatures after all which is why console wars are a thing.
I don't think that console wars are necessarily something to consider in its social aspect only. Sure, there are probably people out there who go out on a holy crusade to promote/defend their favorite piece of silicon and plastic just out of some belief that it is superior and there not being room for alternatives ("fanboys"), and with the advent of console-specific online communities possibly also those who wish of others to adopt the same platform just so that the community may grow.

However, I think the base reason for console warrioring is that people take upon themselves the quest for securing relevancy. If a console fails to garner a good install base from the beginning, or growth slows down before reaching a respectable mass, it will to a large degree become irrelevant. When this happens, software makers will stop targeting the platform because it won't bring back enough profit to justify the costs, prime examples being what happened to the Dreamcast and in recent times the Wii U. Many seem to think of purchasing a video games console as making a personal investment, and they seek to protect this investment by going online and fighting for it.

How they intend to win others over to their console by shitposting online is the bigger question.

>> No.1399552
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>fucking dadrock bands suck
>you know what you should listen to? THESE BANDS (influenced by "dadrock" bands and they sound exactly like the bands they're inspired by)

Why would you settle for cheap knockoffs when you could have the real deal?

>> No.1399562

DX has shitty action mechanics though. I bet they can't shoot the first guard 3m away from them and don't bother checking out the qualities that give this game such greatness.

Even myself uninstalled this game the first time before ending the first mission because the first area is uninspiring. Thankfully I gave it a second chance.

>> No.1399581

deus ex is shit
hated it on release date, hate it now

>> No.1399617

>Hey, check out this band, they're not really famous but-
>Yeah, we get it, you're a fucking hipster, fuck you, your music suck, you're a hipster, fuck yo

>> No.1399739
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I feel like Diablo 2 is a severely improved game over the original. However, the original Diablo was a fantastic game with a great atmosphere that other games in the genre cant even touch.

People who start and stop with Diablo 2 are missing out on how good the original game is.

>> No.1399905


Why settle for dadrock when there is Chuck Berry and the actual originators of the sound?

Also how is this thread still alive and not deleted?

>> No.1399920

Yeah we're all oppressed for one reason or another and surrounded by idiots. It's cool though; we're retarded too.

I genuinely enjoy older games because of how they look and play. It's not nostalgia since a lot of the games I play I've never played in the past. I just prefer them most of the time.

>> No.1399937

>nostalgia myth
It's just a butthurt excuse for braindead morons who lack the intelligence/patience/imagination to get into video games made for teenagers 20 years ago.

>> No.1399942


What about Super Mario 3D World or Rayman Legends? Those 2 are excellent platformers released last year. 93/100 and 92/100 in Metacritic.

I was born in 1984, grew up with NES and SNES, and I think many good games are still being released, last Year I bought: Super Mario 3D World, Rayman Legends, The Wonderful 101, Tekken Tag Tournament 2, Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition, Expedition Conquistador, Civilization V Brave new World expansion pack, Fire Emblem Awakening, Zelda Link Between Worlds, Pokemon Y, Punch Out Wii, Donkey Kong Country Returns.

>> No.1399948 [DELETED] 


>Also how is this thread still alive and not deleted?

We should sticky it for everyone who deludes themselves into thinking this is anything but /v2/ these days.

>> No.1399957


And I'm sure it's not like that because every thread is full of "HURR DURR THIS IS JUST /v/ ALL OVER AGAIN" shitposters.

>> No.1399996


>every thread
Stop being a little bitch.
If you feel targeted maybe you should head back to /v/ with your epic trolling.

>> No.1400017


You fucking retards said the same thing back when /v/ started going to shit, and look at it now.
Good on you for enabling shitposting, you dumb cunt.

>> No.1400228

In 1989, when Mario 3 was at it's height of popularity, no one gave a fuck about what came out in 1979.

In 1999, when Final Fantasy and Pokemon were at the height of their popularity, barely anyone gave a fuck about what came out in 1989.

In 2009, when CoD and Guitar Hero were at the height of their popularity, games that relived the past like New Super Mario were selling better than every.

You can not deny that interest in older games has risen in the last decade or so, but why? Is it because games now are crap? Going full digital places these new games in direct competition with the classics, and maybe we'll finally know for sure.

>> No.1400235

i feel similarly but in all fairness there was an abundance of platformers in the early 90s similar to shooters of today because of fads

>> No.1400242

man Ubishit is a pretty funny word.
>Ubishit Ubishit Ubishit

>> No.1400248

Bullshit. People loved old arcade games and certain old console games in 89.

And loved NES games in 99.

You're just too fucking young to remember.

>> No.1400372

I wish that fad would come back, platformers are my favorite genre and there aren't enough of them these days. And as for really good ones, Rayman is just about all that's left outside of occasional indie games that get it right.

It would also be cool if the FPS genre stopped being stagnant and shit. Why did TimeSplitters have to die? :((((

>> No.1400486

We're just jaded. Every old game we love was good because it was new, it was first. People love new things. It's unfamiliar, unexpected, everything seems clever or mysterious or dangerous.

Nothing's new anymore. We've explored every genre, and graphics aren't remarkably improving. There's also the very valid realization on the part of video game makers that kids like video games better than adults, per capita. There are a few adults that just give up on video games, for instance because they get jaded. Kids can't be jaded. Kids don't notice that you're ripping off this or that classic game.

There are producers out there that try, but they have to know in their hearts that they're just retreading old ground.

tl;dr: It's a combination of us being jaded and most video games not being meant for adults anyway.

>> No.1400581

Not really. There're still many ideas to implement and many existing concepts to revive and improve.

Personally I loved Mirror's Edge adding depth to FP"S" movement.
I like how Strike Suit finally was a space themed game with a ship with a non blocky design and did the Freelancer combat style even better.
Or how STALKER blended survival/horror (kinda pushing this one) with open world exploration.

There are also many abandoned concepts.
Just from the top of my head, you have no good games about motorcycles, helicopters, submarines/boats/overcrafts recently; Survival/Horror, Cinematic platformers are dead. Indies don't dare dwable in the 3D platformers like Spyro series and Rayman 2.
Do you see many devs trying to do fast paced action games like ZoE2 and DMC3? MGR and Vanquish are short quantity.

>> No.1400606

Except recently the highest grossing games are those aimed at teens to twenty something year olds.

>> No.1400706
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>it is impossible for things to deteriorate over time.

>> No.1401383

Oh fuck off. The people who bitch about /mu/ being hipsters are really annoying. I swear they just listen to the very first song they see someone post and then judge the rest of the board based on that instead of finding stuff that matches their taste. You can find lots of good music if you actually hang out on the board for more than ten minutes.

>> No.1401393
File: 60 KB, 828x411, playstation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree OP

Fuck all this playstation bullshit.

>> No.1401397
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You're wrong.

We all have nostalgia. Doesn't make it better then anything else, though, except you :)

>> No.1401419

Point'n'clicks - dead
Space sims - dead
RTS - dead
Everything - dead

Modern gaming a shit.

>> No.1401462
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>>play Jet Force Gemini, Faxanadu, Blaster Master, Shatterhand, Skyblazer and Earthbound all for the first time.
>>HOLY FUCK I'm having fun in video games again!

>> No.1401478

You're quite right, and I never understand why they get the 'hipster' label or why anyone with taste gets that label. We might as well call ourselves hipsters for playing all the games we play that no one outside of serious gaming circles has ever heard of.

It's weird to me, because tablets seem like the perfect device for a revival of all manner of strategy/thinking games (aside from RTS), as well as for point'n'clicks. I don't really know why they didn't take off, either no one has tried or (more likely) the market is unreceptive.

>> No.1401521
File: 22 KB, 400x267, orupfugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is the concept of obsolesence a thing with video games? It doesn't occur in any other media form,
Listening to classical music is fine.
Reading classic books is fine.
Watching old movies is fine.
But somehow it's frowned upon to play old games instead of the latest releases, and I'm just kinda wondering why.

>> No.1401523

The reason Point&Clicks and Strategy didn't take off on tablets and phones is because they require thinking, which is something the average mobile gamer doesn't want to do.

>> No.1401569

I'm not really sure what you're talking about. Can you elaborate a bit? Most of the time when I see people mentioning old games, they're talking about how much they loved them, or telling other people that those games are classic must-play stuff. If there's any frowning upon going on, usually it's "how come you haven't played this game yet".

>> No.1401613
File: 106 KB, 754x653, sqdwrd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw there are kids who have never played FPS game with healthpacks, mazelike levels and keycards

>> No.1401653

I'd say that's less that they aren't significant and more that they aren't significant YET. When the concept of Skylanders popped up my brain instantly thought of all the couch co-op games I played about a decade ago. Imagine if instead of having pre-made figures, the concept was expanded to allow you to build a character, pop it into a figure, and take it to your friend's house. Yeah, ultimately it's an expensive memory card, but that would be awesome. Of course I could be wrong and it doesn't go anywhere else, but it's in the 'now' so it can't be the thing that changed gaming forever until something else builds off of it.

>> No.1401720

it's not the games, it's the hardware

watching old movies on a new TV is fine, but why would you watch movies on an old monochrome TV with poor image quality that takes 20 minutes to warm up?

>> No.1401741
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>never had consoles as a kid
>enjoy emulators

It's like you're automatically a stereotype. Which is funny because most of those people are the ones who hate anything before 2000. while I legitimately enjoy all decades of gaming.

>> No.1401751
File: 90 KB, 500x571, bomber suicide.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im just replying to your picture

>> No.1401768
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Well, Skylanders is perfect for my wife but a bit simple and easy for me. You really only make two choices, upgrade path (one of two) and hat (mainly cosmetic, bonuses amounting to no more than a single upgrade path). However, the figurines really are of a superior quality to other small toys. My son loves them and he's only as old as /vr/.

Swap Force is a step in the right direction, with multi-part toys, each half of which I assume has a choice of upgrade paths. If I were to imagine a serious game with the toy angle, the toys would be breakable into even more parts and accessories would play a more significant role as well. I'd rip off some concepts from one of my secret loves, Seventh Cross in which certain items would have to be collected to upgrade the parts, many of which would be "secret" and hidden in locations that could only be reached by having certain combinations of parts. The game would be chock full of metroidvania "how can I get up there?" style locations.

Probably the Lego game people would be the right ones to produce a game like this, since they do the metroidvania style thing, they have the toy manufacturing capacity already in place and their special toys would be real life play compatible with their already hugely popular non-smart toys.

Of course, now I'm aiming this directly away from the adult market. Maybe we need to get Todd McFarlane interested in this shit.

>> No.1401893

Well, we still have Atlus doing Etrian Odyssey, those games are good dungeon crawlers

>> No.1401898

He also said that he played Earthbound didn't he? Why shouln't he play the sequel?, but yeah, he should play the other Xanadu games, I believe there was also a remake for the psp, but I have no idea if it's good

>> No.1402369

It's a shame, considering the potential of the devices for slow-paced, turn-by-turn strategizing. I could see long board games or similar stuff working beautifully on touch screens.

>> No.1402381

Ya know things were way better in my day. Had to beat Ghouls and Ghosts both ways in the cold. Kids had respect for one another and played offline instead of online. All these whippersnappers nowadays don't know the first thing about how good we had it... grumble grumble.... get off my law. CoD kiddies.

>> No.1402580

Usually when someone is discussing games that "age" poorly it's the one during the era when 3D was finally becoming a thing and they didn't quite get the controls down yet. I still think it's stupid but I can see how someone who hasn't played much of the 3D games made on the PS1, N64, and Sega Saturn have issues with the early 3D control styles.

>> No.1402590

>Hell, I even really like Skylanders

Skylanders is a pretty decent game that reminds me of Gauntlet. It's a shame the game is built on robbing you of all your money if you want to experience all of the content though.

>> No.1404123

I like PlayStation games and all, but those old arcade games are still fun as fuck.

>> No.1404162

There are a few exceptions. Dragons Dogma is pretty great.

>> No.1404165

Mediocre anyway. Some things are fun (the choices), but it's clunky as hell gameplay wise, and I don't get why you'd even have the main character speak if he's just a monotone blank slate anyway. Really broke a lot of it for me.

>> No.1404438

You really only need one of every type. Beyond that you can just have enough friends to temporarily register their figures and unlock the heroic challenges, or to trade back and forth.

No it's not.

>> No.1405254

Great image OP.

Fucking neurotypicals ruined everything.

>> No.1405287

I think a problem with newer games is the presence of the internet and the kind of people sites like Kotaku and the Escapist leaking in.

I'm not referring to references or any shit like that, I'm talking about a media filled with reviewers with open and active contempt for nitpicky fanboys and fans who genuinely care about a game series, treating them as one group.

Outside of sites like this, no one seems to be allowed to criticize anything in video games anymore. You can't genuinely dislike SimCity because you're just part of the EA hate bandwagon, you can't genuinely dislike Gone Home because that would make you sexist, you can't genuinely dislike Other M because that means you're just ripping on the developers for being Japanese.

These are things professional reviewers of games have actually written, which explains my honest confusion as to why they're taken seriously. What's the point of a perspective of someone who is clearly an outsider to gaming, especially when they almost always overlap with people who take pride in their ignorance of gaming?

>> No.1405391

Yeah, fuck reviews and fuck me for reading them. Why the hell do I read reviews on IGN and scroll to the bottom, as if that number means anything? Seriously, why do I do that?

>> No.1405443

I love it when reviewers don't give a score or when they make fun of it like Conan O'Brien does when he plays games on his show.


>"On a scale of Duran Duran to Flock Of Seagulls, I'm going to give this a Men At Work."

>> No.1405456

Yeah at least you could use metacritic

>> No.1405879

>Jet Force Gemini
>Blaster Master
My Nigga. Some of my favorite all time games there

>> No.1406395

Because old movies look better on a CRT? Also, why would you play a old game on a buggy new console that takes forever to load up, makes you go through a dozen of menus to play, and requires you to use a controller that it wasn't designed to be played on, when you could just pop in a cartridge and boom, done.

>> No.1406657

bioshock is the only AAA game that comes to mind that was actually designed like a retro shooter, that is, it was more about exploring a large map with tons of tools at your disposal rather than corridor crawling or big arena "retro" shooters like the new shadow warrior.

>> No.1406719


Hipsters come in three flavors.

>Hipsters who despise/love everything from before 2k
>Hispters who despise/love everything from after 2k
>Hipsters who act as if they despised/loved everything in order to look edgy