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1396598 No.1396598[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Which is better?

>> No.1396612

Riven no question. It's puzzles just felt more natural most of the time. In Myst it feels like you're just cracking codes to doors and boxes while in Riven you're learning how to operate and understand rather foreign technology (admittedly perhaps very convoluted such).

>> No.1396821

I always felt like Riven was really short compared to Myst. Didn't like that much myself.

>> No.1396834

I never got into riven because I seemed to be able to access so much shit without even solving any puzzles it felt like. So I had these huge swaths of territory to remember and take into account while trying to figure out how to progress.

>> No.1396841

These games really creep me out.

>> No.1397020

Myst. Easily.

Riven is still good though.

>> No.1397190

Myst, for myself has more nostalgic qualities of me being a small lad trying to figure out the game. Probably one of the first adventure games I played. Puzzles were hard as Shit.

>> No.1397326


The fact that the puzzles weren't grouped into specific ages made it feel more natural, but it also made the game fucking hard, especially back with no internet to help.

>> No.1397336

riven is too hard so myst is the better game

>> No.1397348 [SPOILER] 
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Riven, no doubt. Switching between discs in the first edition was a pain in the ass but the game was worth the effort. And not to discredit Myst, whose puzzles I found immensely satisfying and fun, but the puzzles in Riven gave me the most satisfaction and excitement out of any other game period. I still remember solving the colored dot puzzle on the giant dome where you had to use the pin map to locate where on the grid the smaller domes were, and then you had to use the underwater observatory to see which color went to which dot. Holy fuck I freaked the fuck out when I hit the button and the machine came to life. Plus the island transitions were really fucking cool.

I still really love Myst, though. Those games were beautiful. Nothing short of breathtaking art.

>> No.1397413

I don't suppose anyone here can read that writing? Where's that guy who learned to write in D'ni?

>> No.1397440

I think you got that the other way around. Myst can be beaten in a few minutes if you know what you're doing, Riven takes forever.

>> No.1397448
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Riven sends shivers down my spine. It's beautiful, and at the same time unsettling. They managed to take an island paradise setting and charge it with an incredible sense of forboding. The game itself is genius. Unfortunately you have to actually be a genius to beat it.

>> No.1397468

Myst has a lot more content though.

>> No.1397476

No other game can come close to it. The sense of loneliness, the incredible, almost (but not quite) impossible machinery, the ingenious puzzles, the deep lore... The only bad part is that I will never play another game as good as that again.
That's debatable. There were more puzzles, but most of them were relatively easy in comparison to Riven, and didn't take near as much time to solve. Myst's world isn't as expansive. The four Ages are quite small and pale in comparison to the enormous islands of Riven. I guess the one thing I could think of that Myst has over Riven is that Myst has more of a quirky charm to it that Riven can't match. So many things feel weird and a bit out of place, but it all ends up contributing to the feel of the game.

>> No.1397524

story time!

my grandpa gave me this game for pc when i was about 6 years old. 6. what the fuck grandpa? all I would do is explore the island. I eventually found out how to go to the other islands, and would LOVE watching the rollercoaster-like method of travel. I never once figured out a single puzzle, however, as an adult, I'd love to try it again. i had a big box version of it with a strategy guide, and I remember at the end of the guide, it had a really interesting documentation on other worlds... or something... it's been a long time since I last read it, and it's long gone now. it's rather cheap on ebay though, and I recently came upon a large sum of money, so, i should buy it now. it was such a mysterious game to me.. like.. I'd ask other kids about it on the playground and they'd just be like... "uh... what? anyway, how 'bout that pokemon". no one ever knew what I was talking about. i felt as if I was the only one who had this mysterious game. it didn't help that the big box eventually got destroyed and all i had was the box that held the 5 discs, which had NO words on it, making it look even more mysterious when i showed it to friends. good times...

>> No.1397601

There were most definitely guides on the internet back then, unless you mean you personally didn't have internet

>> No.1398484
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>> No.1398501

Not the same guy, but the internet most people had back then was AOL reminding you that you have mail and offering download games that bricked your computer, and chatrooms.

>> No.1398847

Oh, Riven, hands down. I love both of them, and I'm not quite sure what it was about Riven, but I just liked it a whole lot more.

Also, while talking about Myst, is that new RealMyst worth it in anyone's opinion? Even if just to actually be compatible with a modern OS?
And does anyone know how well either of the games work with the svn (I think svn, anyways) SCUMMVM?

>> No.1398865
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No love for Uru?

>> No.1398871

looks like a quake 3 map, ew

>> No.1398897
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>> No.1399396

From what I hear, realMyst Masterpiece edition looks nice but runs like ass.

Also gives you option for old school point and click navigation and compare with originalMyst screens.

>> No.1399404

Uru had a good story (sortof) but WHY did they have to make it 3rd person with such ugly characters? If they were going to change from the slideshow format, they could have at least gone to simply first person with no character model so we could experience the world for ourselves and not from behind some ugly model's back.

Uru doesn't exist to me.

>> No.1399421

Wow, it's been so long since I played any of the Myst games that they probably would feel like a new game to me. I still have the Win9x CD's for Myst and Riven somewhere around here.

>> No.1401520

How come Riven never got the "realMyst" treatment?

>> No.1401525

I remember being super impressed with the grafix when this was new.

>> No.1401608


Probably a combination of there being less of an audience (Myst sold just so much better) and it being a lot more work (those roller-coaster rides alone, man)

>> No.1402264

While Cyan isn't making a 'realRiven' so to speak, they've given their blessing to a project called Starry Expanse that seeks to remake Riven.

>> No.1402331
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I just played it again three weeks ago (and finished every world I could do alone).

I had finished it several times before, but I didn't know there had been two add-ons released, it was great to discover the D'nis' wold and all the back-stories and tensions about the D'ni Restoration Council.

I spent 4/5 of my time in the game just reading the journals of the DRC workers.

I'm waiting for Obduction now ...

>> No.1403634

are there any websites that have compiled all the backgrounds in the myst games in high quality?

>> No.1403719

i think you could play in first person, but i didn't do that much so i don't know how it holds up

>> No.1404335

Myst is good, but Riven is a goddamn masterpiece. I don't have the book with me and it's hard to recall precisely, but I think that in "From Myst to Riven" they discuss Riven in light of the feedback they got on Myst. Specifically:

1) There were some people who weren't there for the puzzles, but wanted a ride with a lot of scenery;

2) Some people felt the puzzles were too easy; and

3) Other people said that the puzzles weren't well-integrated with the setting, and that it was more a matter of "cracking codes," as >>1396612 put it.

Riven addressed these concerns with harder puzzles that arose naturally from the context of the game and a large area that could be reached from the game's beginning.

I think I really fell in love with the game when I got stuck on a puzzle, looked up the answer, and discovered that you needed to close the doors behind you in order to access the corridors they covered while open. It was just so elegant-- I don't think I've ever encountered a more beautiful puzzle.

>> No.1407171

I'm playing myst for the first time (realmyst) and I'm torn between liking the game for the atmosphere and hating it because I'm not finding the puzzles to be logical.

I'm finding myself pretty lost without using a guide and then if I look up something that I can't work out I find it wasn't logical anyway, something I would never have worked out unless I accidentally stumbled on the right switch on the island.

Am I looking at things differently? Are the puzzles actually logical to anyone here?

>> No.1407714

i would like to know if i could find more artwork like is featured in myst. The games have a very distinctive look that I have not seen anywhere else so anything that resembles it would be cool

>> No.1407795


Some of the puzzles do require you to visit every place carefully.
But I remember never feeling lost or thinking it was illogical. Did you read all the books available?

>> No.1407821

Are you taking notes? I think Myst is a fairly easy game, but you have to copy down symbols and note various anomalies ("hmm, why is there a mark at this point on the circle?") or the pieces won't fit together. I can't think of anything I would call illogical in Myst, maybe some stuff that is contrived or doesn't follow real-world physics (like the water power system in Channelwood), but nothing that isn't consistent from the clues the game gives you.

>> No.1407863

I'm going to go with Myst, since I've actually completed it. Every time I try to play Riven I quickly get lost and confused before finally just giving up.

>> No.1409167

First time playing Riven made my jaw drop to the floor. but i never managed to beat it. I got the help of my father and my brother to beat Myst though and that made me so fucking happy (who cares if i was a stupid cheating kid). Made my father spent almost one entire day trying to solve the spaceship puzzle. Good times, man, good times. Are all Myst games on Steam? I think i'm up for a nostalgia ride

>> No.1409173

Riven is a much better experience but it feels really unfocused with puzzles un-necessarily stretched across the game which lead to too much wandering around (even if I did love just exploring it)

Riven with some sort of vague hint sheet would probably be the best way.

>> No.1409208

So since the original Myst won't run on modern PCs, is the Saturn version a viable option, or should I just emulate the 3DO version? Like, i'd prefer to play on a tv but I don't have a 3DO and I've heard people say the Saturn version has bad resolution.

>> No.1409224

Myst will run on the Daily Build Version of ScummVM.

>> No.1409283

um what? how is it possible myst cant run on modern pcs? thats like super mario not running on nes.

>> No.1409312

Because weird old quicktime versions and strange incompatibilities.

>> No.1409316

Where have you been? A ton of old games can't run on modern PCs because they're just too fast. That's why old windows emulators like DOSbox exist.

>> No.1409329

There's no question about it. Myst is a great, innovative game, but Riven is a work of art. It is sublime.

>> No.1409419
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>> No.1410634
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>> No.1410806

Stop that.

>> No.1411968


>> No.1411975

>no zork

it's like you guys aren't even into point and clicks

>> No.1414453

Myst is really really short though...

As long as you're noting things down and being sure to explore properly it's done in no time.

>> No.1414589

>point and clicks
and you are into them?

>> No.1414598

For me it's Riven by a considerable margin, and I could type up a bunch of shit justifying it in terms of design and stuff but ultimately it's because I soldiered through it without consulting any guides and therefore it seems like one of my life's great accomplishments.