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/vr/ - Retro Games

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1395321 No.1395321 [Reply] [Original]

What are some of /vr/'s favourite western RPGs? I'm sure there'll be a lot of Baldur's Gate, Planescape, and Fallout answers, but what else?

The Lands of Lore games were probably my most played RPGs throughout the 90s. The games pretty much defined my childhood. I recently went back to play them and was pleased to find they still hold up pretty well. In hindsight, it doesn't really do much new or different, but it was still a really solid game.

>> No.1395336

The Exile series for me. I don't care for any of those RPGs around the late '90s where developers just started chucking gameplay out the window for narrative focus.

>> No.1395406

My favorite retro WRPGs are probably Betrayal at Krondor,Dark Sun Shattered Lands and Ultima 6.

>> No.1395421

WRPGs are a shamefully underplayed genre for me, so my experience is pretty limited.

So far i'd have to say Ultima Underworld, but one of these days i',m going to get cracking on the Might and Magic series, so that might just change.

>> No.1395683

Wizardry 8 for me. Might & Magic 6, Dungeon Master and Mordor: Depths of Dejenol are some of my other favorites.

>> No.1395697
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I didn't actually like Baldur's Gate and mostother DnD games.
Planescape Torment was ok though.
Fallout is one of my favourites, but 2 not so much.

But my favourite wrpg is probably Gothic.

>> No.1395737

>Baldur's Gate
That was nerd shit and only the Dark Alliance franchise was any good.

Then it turned into Everquest. Sigh.

>> No.1395739

I'd play a remade D&D Pool of Radiance in a heatbeat.

But the game was unplayable without a guide because you would have to have the search function on constantly because most of the time there was no indication of hidden treasure.

And the graphical limitations made the thing boring as fuck.

>> No.1395748


>whining about nerd shit in a RPG thread
>whining about nerd shit on a video game board

Come on now.

>> No.1395875

You could check out this:


Three amazing games that somehow didn't make that list:

Ultima 7
Might and Magic: World of Xeen
Betrayal at Krondor

>> No.1395965

It's not the best list ever, but I really appreciate that they rank Fallout 1 higher than 2.

A bit disappointed that I don't see Gothic and Parasite Eve on it.

>> No.1395981

>only the Dark Alliance franchise was any good.
DA1 was mediocre at best and DA2, despite being a massive improvement, was still a lackluster hack and slash with very little challenge.

>> No.1396000

This list is better imho: http://www.rpgcodex.net/forums/index.php?threads/rpg-codexs-top-50-crpgs-results.89680/

My favorite western RPG is Ultima Underworld, followed closely by its sequel and Arx Fatalis (but not retro). Others I love are Fallout 1 & 2, Gothic 1 & 2 (with Night of the Raven, but it's not really retro) and Baldur's Gate 2. The Icewind Dale series is pretty rad too but it's... different.

>> No.1396093

That console RPG list is a pure disaster. I agree with precisely one single pick in there. Final Fantasy fucking 7 and 9 made it to the top 10 JRPGs.

>> No.1396334

>That console RPG list is a pure disaster.
How? There are some great RPGs on that list. Some of the best ever.

Anyway, I know it's not considered retro yet, but Morrowind is my favorite wrpg. Still play it (heavily modded) now.

>> No.1396721

Well I don't like to repeat what many people already said before me about games like most Final Fantasies, Xenogears and Chrono Trigger, but fundamentally the only thing those games have going for them is audiovisual glitz, with gameplay not given a second thought. Breakability and imbalances aside, there's little to do in the games except participate in tediously repetitive, overlong fights which require very little in terms of either reflexes or actual thinking. That and passively watching characters talk with each other, which is just about the last thing I'd want a great "game" to deeply indulge in.

They could've included SaGa in there, they could've included Fire Emblem, they could've included Parasite Eve, Valkyrie Profile 2, Breath of Fire 5, Tactics Ogre, Legend of Mana, Etrian Odyssey, Magi Nation, Phantom Brave... but noo, can't have that, we need more interactive kiddie stories with broken gameplay and more hype than common sense. Not even mad, just disappointed.

>> No.1397192

Nobody mentioned Darklands or is that not considered as one?

>> No.1397586

It definitely is, and it's absolutely fantastic, but for some reason it often gets glossed over. It's not part of a series so there isn't much of a legacy to get picked over. I think people have either loved it or not played it.

>> No.1397606
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Ultima VI

>> No.1397671

I found it very hard to get into.

Any tips?

>> No.1397857
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Ultima IV, V, and VI although part IV was my first true RPG and will forever be my first love.

> dat cloth map

>> No.1398021

Oh man, I remember playing the Exile demo I found on some computer magazine CD (remember those? get your fee winzip and a trial of ACDSee here!) with the original mspaint sprites. I tried to find it but everywhere has the updated version with blue ground, and even that supposedly doesn't run on modern Windows.

>> No.1398093
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This game. It has cute graphics (if not quite grimdark for a Darksun game), good music, lots of stuff to do, but isn't too open ended where you would get bored of aimlessly wandering around. Final battle is quite memorable, too.

It clashes with the revised setting lore, but in ways that improve the game (there's monsters there that shouldn't be).

>> No.1398375

They don't run on 64-bit Windows variants because Microshit removed the Win16-support in those. Hilariously enough, the games run just fine on over WINE in other OSs.