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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 1.36 MB, 3264x1836, 2014-02-08_15-38-39_71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1394002 No.1394002 [Reply] [Original]

These prices. Mien sides.

>> No.1394005

>Putting stickers over labels


>> No.1394008

Don't buy them then.

Or, open your own store and sell them for less.

>> No.1394056


I'm seriously thinking about it.

>> No.1394062


Then you'll succumb to the temptation of profiteering and become the subject of a future thread on /vr/ complaining about prices.

There must always be a reseller.

>> No.1394064

That's cheaper than any of the stores near me.

I was looking for Mario 64 recently, and the cheapest copy I could find was $25 for the cartridge only. It's fucking retarded.

>> No.1394075

>Putting stickers over labels

Doing this kind of shit should be illegal, it's like if now i become rich and start buying famous paintings and then take a shit all over them.

>> No.1394101
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Those prices are deals compared to this asshole

>> No.1394106
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Part 2, don't look at it, Marian, shut your eyes!

>> No.1394110

>70 USD for AD&D Hillsfar

>> No.1394145

Mario all-stars for 80? i paid 15for mine, and they had like a dozen copies. one with a torn label was 7

>> No.1394150

The store in OP's picture is actually doing a better job with the stickers than one of the local ones where I live does, in that they're only putting the stickers on the labels partially. Doesn't excuse them though since there's still plenty of space that they could have just put them on there vertically and never need to have them touch the labels.

Where fuck was that picture taken at?

>> No.1394153

They dont cost that much, you're just a dirty jew that wants dirty games bought dirty cheap

>> No.1394160


The pics are from this retro store in Oceanside
It's called ADX Games, the owner is a prime example of reseller scum

>> No.1394162



>> No.1394167

Ebay pricer detected

>> No.1394172

if an old game is not in mint condition,its not worth more than $20 dollars,and considering those games are first party nintendo titles,they are common and easy to find,its not even worth to pay $15 dollars for a common game that's easy to find

>> No.1394176

I can't even begin.

Let's see. Most of the games in OP's pic are literally fucking stockpiled across the country, so much so that they are commonly $5 or less for anything not Mario related.

The ONLY thing that would be worth it is the copy of "trolls" to remember the experience by.

>> No.1394181

Ebay is the main source of retro game sales. People determine how much they will pay for an item by buying it at a certain price. If there was nobody buying games at x price, stores wouldn't see people buying them at x price and would price there copies y instead.
Are some of the prices pictured insane? Absolutely. Is it frustrating to have to pay x instead of y for your retro games? I know it is. But the fact of the matter is that it is a collector's market now, and there is really nothing anyone here can do to change that but not buy it. I'm sure there are people who want classic GI Joe and Stretch Armstrong figures to play with, or so their kids can see what kind of toys they had when they were kids, but that doesn't make those figures any less collectible, and it doesn't entitle that person to buying them cheaper than the rest of the populous.

If you want fair, cheap games, or to get a fair price or trade for your own, there is almost always a Buy/Sell/Trade thread running here:

>> No.1394182
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>> No.1394228

I have an eBay store.
I use it to pay for more video games for myself.
If you opened an actual store you would HAVE to mark them up to pay rent and make profit at all.

>> No.1394256

I can understand a lgs marking up prices slightly to cover shelf space costs, payroll, etc.

What I don't understand is why most ebay resellers do the exact same thing, essentially sitting on exorbitantly priced vidya nobody is buying.
I partially blame ebay for no longer being an auction site, giving resellers no incentive to do auctions, rather choosing to use "buy it now" only, refusing to adjust prices based on what people are actually willing to buy at.

tl;dr Not directed at you anon, but sitting on overpriced vidya for months is not exactly good business

>> No.1394268

not overpriced compared to my local stores, but damn inconsistent.
>a nightmare on elm street costs more than starfox?
perhaps it may be rarer, but still pants on head retarded

>> No.1394278

On my ebay store I start my auctions at under market value, and have an optional buy it now that is above market value for hipsters to fall into.

I think it is fair, right?

>> No.1394303

Sounds fair; as long as you're not the scummy type that actively clears out every yard sale, flea market, and CL post within a 50 mile radius; /vr/ shouldn't have a problem with you

>> No.1394337

>all those previously owned stickers
Wouldn't they all be previously owned anyways? Couldn't they just put the lot under some fucking giant sign that says "PREVIOUSLY OWNED"? Even boxed games were previously owned, what the fuck is wrong with these retards.

>> No.1394357

I don't understand 'retro' physical stores. They aren't all that hyped up in the first place, the prices are much more expensive so it scares buyers (and makes the prices rise everywhere), and the actual 'business' itself is expensive to maintain. These stores almost always get closed down in the first year or two, what is the motivation to open a store to sell them in contrast to on eBay or some shit? I understand that some buyers enjoy the physical merchandise being within their grasps, but the seller never fucking wins.

>> No.1394360

illicit repro likely

>> No.1394364

>Nightmare on Elm Street

>> No.1394397

I go to yardsales in the summer within about 10 miles of my house. Thats how I get inventory. I also do facebook deals, but craigslist is too unreliable for me.

>> No.1394406

The only "retro" store near me also does a brisk business in used DVDs and has a huge tabletop gaming thing going- mainly Magic cards, and whatever else is popular, I guess (not my thing). I'm thinking most of their revenue comes from that.

>> No.1394421

I'd buy that mario paint. Assuming it includes the pad and mouse

>> No.1394425
File: 279 KB, 557x348, 1364287793761.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's fucking criminal.

>> No.1394426


Ive never seriously contemplated breaking into a store to steal merchandise until seeing something similar to this.

>> No.1394435

I wouldn't, I managed to get my copy with the pad and mouse for $15.

>> No.1394452

Wait, is that a console underneath those games? How much did it cost?

>> No.1394598

I GO TO UALBANY thats in cross gates mall

really bad prices but gamecube stuff is decent priced.....if you go to Ualbany lets chill

>> No.1394629
File: 24 KB, 400x225, Hudson_Multitap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's not a console, it's a multitap for snes.

>> No.1394643

Troy fag here. Past Time Legends is a lot better than these Jay St. idiots. Check them out if you haven't already. I think they jack their prices up because they are in the malls.

>> No.1394689


Is Past Time Legends the one in Scotia? Yeah, I'm pretty sure those Jay st. fags only stay in business because they sell modern used vidya. Also, that pic was from their X-gates location from today. They're selling toys and comics and all kinds of other junk in there. Also, awful customer service. Two douche bags behind the counter having a private conversation and just ignoring all of their customers. I approached the counter because I wanted to troll them by asking where their current stock of TG-16 games were and they were just oblivious. What really sickens me is that they have multiple locations. I was thinking of maybe starting a little shop in either Colonie Center or Clifton Country Mall. But only sell retro vidya and related merch. No fucking used 360 games.

>> No.1394698

I haven't been in a store that sells retro games since 2006 or 2007 and the only SNES game above $10 was Harvest Moon for $50.

>> No.1394707

Check out the Past Time Legends in Troy. I haven't been to their other locations but I've had good experiences at this one. Their shit is reasonably priced and their staff is polite. Best thing I ever bought from them was a chipped ps1 for $15.

>> No.1394714


You ever have a brew at Brown's?

>> No.1394727
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Wow lots of upstate-rs around here
I go to church in troy in a brewery we use for Sundays.
If you opened up a shop Id go to colonie center fuck X gates

>> No.1394734

Of course...duh

>> No.1394742


Anybody want to go into the vidya business with me?

>> No.1394747

ALL GAMES $15 EACH would be fine

different prices based on scarcity?

that's what takes the fun out of it, and why i'd rather shop at a garage sale

>> No.1394748

I've always wanted to open a vintage arcade/pinball space. More so for my own enjoyment than anything else.

>> No.1394757


Honestly, that's kind of always been part of my idea. Sell retro games at the front of the store and have a good selection of bitchin' cabinets in the back. Kind of like a one stop shop for all your vidya nostalgia.

>> No.1394823

What's beyond sad to me is that these prices are fairly average based on most retro game stores I've seen.

>> No.1394840

build a collection over a year or few. rent a space sell the stuff. build mame cabinets then buy boards and swap them out when you get the hang of it.

>> No.1394870

I couldn't get a picture of it, but they were selling SNES consoles (the 101 version) for $89 console only, also a $149 NES-101

>> No.1394905

Well not a physical location but i would do a website with you. Do the exact price thats on price chart and run ebay out of business

>> No.1394981

lol no. local store has em in box, with controllers, $40, NES to GC

>> No.1395308

Hell I'd get in on it too

>> No.1395329

The "retro" store here isn't really a video game store. It's a comics/cards/games store. The bread and butter of the shop is Magic: The Gathering, with video games probably coming in second. The owner is basically making the money that Gamestop doesn't want by dealing in PS2/Xbox/Gamecube games and older shit, in addition to dealing with the games they do deal with.

>> No.1395331

Games n go in rosedale mall?

>> No.1395887 [DELETED] 

I was thinking about opening an ebay store, do you get a decent profit from it if you don't mind me asking.

>> No.1396778

I know that shop. A friend of mine use to rave about it all the time, 20 years ago.

>> No.1396791
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I hate resellers i don't know whats worse the stores are the people on CL in my area

>> No.1396940
File: 59 KB, 495x409, 1362120880256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Went to super mega replay
>NES was 2 dollars a game
>Genesis and SNES was 2-3 dollars
>mfw a boxed copy of NBA JAM was 4 dollars

what is overpriced?

>> No.1396943

oh and the pricetags were OFF the labels

>> No.1397006

God dammit it's the same everywhere, I really hate most people who "specialize" in selling games because they make money off of people who either don't know any better or consider it some kind of fucked up badge of honor to overpay for carts

I grudgingly pay over 5 bucks for anything, let alone that fuckstupid markup on games like Earthbound

>> No.1397018

Again, I don't see why games should be exempt from this rule. Selling things to people who aren't aware of how or where to get things cheaper, are too lazy to find out, or just want that instant gratification, is the basis for most business models on the planet.

>> No.1397034

Never heard of them. That a chain?

>> No.1397057

People think that just because a game is old and they see on the internet selling for a lot think that they can profit from it.
I went to a Flea Market and a copy of Super Mario RPG for the SNES was selling for $75!

>> No.1397063

You should have taken the time to inform they seller that they were factually doing it wrong.

>> No.1397070

I couldn't. They also had Final Fantasy II selling at $95. I felt like running of with the game when I asked to see it.

>> No.1397080
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MM3 Cheaper than Contra.

All of my fucks.

>> No.1397093
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>> No.1397101

Don't tell me. San Diego flea market? At the sports arena? There's some guy always there selling the same retro games that one wants to buy because they are way to expensive. I specifically remember Super Mario RPG (because I want to own a physical copy) being about 75$. I also remember their most expensive game, FFII, being 100 bucks.

Fuck that.

>> No.1397103


Payed less for a copy of Star Fox 64 today, what the fuck.

>> No.1397107

It wasn't in San Diego, It was in San Bernardino.
I too want Mario RPG and FF II, but I'm not going to pay for those ridiculous prices.

>> No.1397110

>welcome to 2014

>> No.1397123

Exactly. Way too expensive.

>> No.1397172
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>40 dollars for SMW
>Most common game for Snes
>There's a fucking pile of them
>Owner is probably mad that he isn't making any mad dosh over the "rare and valuable" games stocked up.

>> No.1397203


Should I do it? I might be able to get him down to 120

>> No.1397204

mystic quest 14.99 lol

>> No.1397206
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What maniac would sell games at such ridiculous prices?

>> No.1397218

Talk him down to 110 and then if he/she refuses say 120

>> No.1397230

And yet he only has to sell one copy to one idiot to make 4x the money he would've made selling three copies at a fair price.

>> No.1397256

uh guys?
is anyone this gullible?


>> No.1397261

Seems to good to be true.

>> No.1397269

told him ill meet him, buy all four and pay twice the amount, but gave him ridiculous instructions on how this will play out.
and if they weren't followed to the letter, the deal was off.

>> No.1397273

Not a bad plan.

>> No.1397628
File: 177 KB, 1366x654, NEStroll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anybody know if this guy was just getting trolled or if he actually got paid?

>> No.1397648

yeah that's not what "trolling" is.

>> No.1397657

>boosting an auction price, getting the guy excited
>dropping the account that got the winning bid or reversing the bid due to an "error."
>not trolling