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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 320 KB, 518x966, craigslistgeneral.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1391756 No.1391756[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

As the weekend approaches, the resellers gear up for the weekly purge of all things vidya, but at the same time, we all prepare to outdo them.

ITT post all things classified-worthy, deals, advice, and rages

>> No.1391761
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Shameless rage-self-bump

>> No.1391806
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s-should I, /vr/?
sounds a little good to be true...

>> No.1391810

I've given up the fight. I'm working and going to school, man. I just don't have time to beat the reseller chucklefucks to the punch, and I hold no misconceptions about the deals that are out there. The days of finding Secret of Mana for $5 are long gone.

>> No.1391826

Don't let the ebay prices and resellers intimidate you, fellow /vr/trooper
Deals are out there, you just gotta be willing to make sacrifices in some areas
Many times i've forgone sleeping in on my days off to hunt at 6 or 7 am and have found many things (definitely not the mythical Hagane or EB for $5) and there are several people who simply want their shit rid of and are more than willing to haggle if they decide to price above $10 a game (unless they turn out to be reseller scum)

>> No.1391832


I'd like to hold out hope, but with five retailers in a 10 mile radius, it's like fighting an uphill battle. They get to the yard sales first. They own the booths in the flea markets, they scour the thrift shops before I even get off work.

On the offchance there's anybody in the Orlando, FL area who has some tips or advice, I'd be willing to hear you out.

>> No.1391881

I don't know about Orlando, but I'm from Los Angeles (another barren vidya wasteland and reseller mecca) and can offer these tips:

When it comes to yard sales, I usually plan a "point a" and "point b" (both points being Craigslist-advertised yard sales) and hit up every yard sale sign in between, in the end, 2 yard sales can turn into 20, it's all about how much time you're willing to spend

Also, it's just been my experience, but: the bigger the sign, the shittier the yard sale

>> No.1391898


That's a good idea. I'll have to try that when I have a Saturday off.

>> No.1391959

Dude, I found Super Mario RPG this past summer for 1:50. I ended up paying a little bit more because I told the guy I'd take all of his SNES games (including pool and something else) for a little more money because I felt bad knowing I was ripping the guy off (even though it was his offer).

>> No.1391987

The controller is damaged and untested.
That aside, go for it.

>> No.1391995
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Should I? This is rare AF

>> No.1392009
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>tfw want to replace a couple games that don't work anymore
>they're all 15+ dollars

jesus christ, are there any legit cheap places/sites out there? It seems like wherever I look, it's a crapshoot.

>> No.1392019
File: 129 KB, 640x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This comes with Wipeout Pure, do you guys think it's a good price?

>> No.1392020

Just gotta check frequently, anon. There are cheap copies for sale but people buy them quickly. Gotta be the first one to get it. Otherwise you're outta lick for the most part.

>> No.1392074

I just did, thanks for the link

>> No.1392090

There were two copies for sale. I screenshotted the expensive one.

>> No.1392096
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found all this today for 50 bucks

>> No.1392118


A-a-re there games inside those boxes?

>> No.1392146


>> No.1392165

ok, yeah, no there aren't. but the mega man 3 and 5 boxes are worth more than what i paid, though the mm3 box is a little beat up. the others i had to buy otherwise i wouldn't have gotten anything at all.

>> No.1392193
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On Wednesday I got the following for $60:

SNES w/all hookups and 2 controllers
Killer Instinct for SNES
N64 w/all hookups and 2 controllers
N64 carrying case
Namco Museum for 64
Yoshi's Island for GBA
Nes Zapper
Battleship for Genesis

A little bit of a jumbled assortment but I think it was a good deal. Everything is in great shape. Keeping KI, YI, Zapper, and the SNES as a backup. Yesterday I traded the 64 w/1 controller and glover, Battleship, and a SNES controller to a local shop for a near mint Gameboy Color (atomic purple) and 2 SNES games (SF2T and cool spot).

So ultimately 60 bucks got me a complete SNES w/2 controllers, Killer Instinct, a 64 controller, Namco Museum 64, N64 carrying case, Yoshi's Island GBA, Zapper, GB Color, Street Fighter 2 Turbo, and Cool spot.

Did I do good /vr/?

>> No.1394312
File: 43 KB, 1004x285, iloveyousir.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saw this on CL a while back, definitely a change from the reseller scum and 8th gen scalpers

>> No.1395072
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$125, y/n?

requesting moar rage-themed screencaps

>> No.1395240

I'd say no, unless for some reason you like that graphic, even then...

>> No.1395278
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Request granted

>> No.1395281
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>> No.1395286
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>> No.1395293
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>> No.1395302
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>> No.1396037

I thought this thread was about posting good deals?

>> No.1396042

I live in orlando and my advice to you is to give up

on the other hand, it's really easy to get PVMs here. I got a 14" in perfect condition for $25 a while back. Tons of video production studios in the area.

>> No.1396048

Sounds like /vr/ should set up a distribution network to get cheap consoles and games to places where their price gouged to hell and the same with high quality monitors/TVs.

>> No.1396085
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So Yesterday I just got:

Sega Saturn console
2 1st party controllers
1 3rd party controller
1 3d controller
1 virtua stick
2 lightguns
action replay
panzer dragoon 2 (boxed)
iron storm (boxed)
soviet strike (boxed)
Japanese metal slug (boxed)
dark savior
daytona usa and championship edition
dead or alive
diehard arcade and trillogy
enemy zero missing disc 1
street fighter alpha II gold (from street fighter collection)
sega ages
shinobi legions
+ some cheaper games like virtua cop/fighter and sports

For $90 from craigslist. I've never had a saturn before, and this pretty much sets me up to enjoy the fuck out of this console.

>> No.1396385


You should have made a low offer plus English lessons.

>> No.1396394

Do you have any interest in vsav or XMvSF?

>> No.1396397

>Stop going to the Star Trek convention dressed as a cling-on
10/10, Gets me every time.

>> No.1396398

Okay you gotta be kidding me

>> No.1396405

Why do resellers on Craigslist spam keywords that have nothing to do with what they're selling?

>> No.1396412
File: 35 KB, 792x468, saturn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Die Hard Arcade *RARE*
Do these idiots seriously think I'm not capable of a Google search?

>> No.1396415

>Iron Storm
Oh god, I played that game on pc, it sucks.

See if you can get your hands on a copy of Wachenroder, a Japan exclusive Steampunk SRPG.

To show up in more searches.

>> No.1396424


I'd be down!

>> No.1396437


way overvalued.

>> No.1396730

Mostly on the idea that someone looking for X might also be interested in Y. If I'm selling an Intellivision, I might stick "Atari" in in my post since someone looking for Atari might be looking for old games in general. Though that's an idealized example. Sometimes people might be selling a dozen disparate things, and put those words in every ad they post.

>> No.1396746
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>> No.1396749
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>Everything well worth over a $1000! Any collector would know!

>> No.1399149
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Not retro, but I can't believe this is actually a thing...
Fucking scammers
Rage mode, activated

>> No.1399157

Can't you report listings if they have misleading prices?

>> No.1399162
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>> No.1399293



>> No.1401048


>> No.1401118

>out of print