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/vr/ - Retro Games

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1390531 No.1390531[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

is there any reason /vr/ cant extend to like 2005 or something? the PS2, GC, and XBox had dozens upon dozens of absolutely classic games that we cant talk about here (not to mention pc games, how many times have I almost started a Warcraft 3 thread here)

/v/ is never going to talk about Heavy Metal FAKK 2 or Beyond Good and Evil. Its a bunch of 12 year olds calling each other faggots over which annualized triple A series is going to sell the most come november.

why must there be a 'dead zone' of great games that 4chan is not allowed to discuss?

>> No.1390536

>is there any reason /vr/ cant extend to like 2005 or something?
Does this look retro to you, fuckwit?

It's up to discussion whether 5th gen is to be excluded, too. The idea of adding 6th gen to "retro" is idiotic. Why can't you just go discuss God of War on /v/? It's still there, it's a good board with a shitload of people.

>> No.1390537

I feel the same way and honestly love it when /vr/ can at least turn a blind eye when it come to a potentially great dreamcast thread.

But /vr/ really have no reason to expand, /v/ just need to become a SFW /b/ like it is already just officially and create a new video game board without the "we must hate everything" mindset and pointless thread making "culture".

>> No.1390538

Do you even try and make threads for these games on /v/, or do you just assume that it's going to turn to shit? It might not be as bad as you think.

Hell, a few days ago someone made a thread about FF7 on /v/ to prove a point, and it was a hell of a lot more pleasant than the thread that inspired it.

>> No.1390540

I think it's bad enough it extends to '99. I think the cutoff point should have been 4th generation consoles.

>> No.1390541

I agree. 5th gen and Windows games should have been excluded.

>> No.1390543

Technically, Majora's Mask isn't retro by this board's standards, since it was released in 2000. However, I think it can be discussed here no problem.

Wind Waker, which was released 2 years later, is MUCH more modern game despite being a decade old. I'd consider it too modern to be discussed here, unless it was brought up in a lttp thread or something

>> No.1390549

All 5th gen games are considered retro for the purposes of /vr/, regardless of release date. The 1999 cutoff date is for console and handheld HARDWARE release dates; and home computer games.

>> No.1390547

please link me to the websters dictionary page that points out precisely how many years old something must be before it is legally officially 'retro'.

>> No.1390548

/v/ is perfectly capable of discussing 6th gen games without shitposting, as long as you start the thread at night.

>> No.1390551
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/v/ actually existed during ps2/gc/xbox, and really don't want to open the whole kingdom hearts/halo can of worms.
ideally we should have a board for every few game generations but I don't think moot wants to expand.
a pc gaming board would be ideal however...nh

>> No.1390554

One of the main problems is that the PS2 had a fairly long lifespan which pretty much extended midway into the 360/PS3 generation. Another one of the main problems is that the Xbox 360 launched in mid 2005, right around the time the PS2 and the original Xbox were at their peak.

For these reasons, we would start seeing threads about games which likely appeared on the PS2/Xbox as well as the 360/PS3, and as such are most definitely not retro. If it weren't for this overlap, we would probably be seeing PS2 threads on here by now.

>> No.1390552

>the "we must hate everything" mindset

thats not a /v/ mindset, thats a 4chan mindset. remember how many people come here because they used to post on more recognized forums but got banned for being shitheads. of course they would funnel into a website where you cant be banned for anything short of child porn.

>> No.1390557

Not that guy, but I never thought "retro" was a good name for the board. Retro means emulating an older style. In terms of games, that would be new games that try to have the look and feel of, say, old NES games. I'm thinking like MM9 and MM10.

>> No.1390558

Windows 9x. There shouldn't be a problem with 16 bit Windows games counting as retro.

>> No.1390563

ive tried to talk about games that are 5+ years old on /v/ and they fall of the board before you can refresh the page. you might get a handful of responses, if youre lucky, but unless the game is part of some currently running major franchise (mass effect or something), your ass is grass.

retro games discussions might happen on /v/ once in a blue moon, but trying to make that happen is like pulling teeth

>> No.1390565

>there are people on /vr/ who rigidly define "retro" as "the games I played when I was eight years old"
You are now realizing that the 20th anniversary of the PSX's release is this year.

>> No.1390568

Never go on 4chan during peak hours. Ever.

>> No.1390575

I don't know what anyone born after 1990 is even doing on /vr/ other than looking for game recommendations and oldfag discussion.

>> No.1390576

To me the feel of the game that makes it "retro."
Most modern games nowadays tends to be copies of the PS2 era of gaming. I play a PS2 game and it plays and acts more like games nowadays over PSX. Everyone has their opinion on the matter but I like the idea of the cutoff point was PSX and N64. I feel adding Dreamcast just adds to the confusion and will lead to "PS2 era is ok now."

>> No.1390578

>"Waaaah, I can't talk about this PS2 game on /v/ so I'm gonna bitch about it on /vr/"

Yeah, because we didn't get our fill of idiots like you the first few months.

>> No.1390580

The nineties are retro for you?

>> No.1390581

topics discussing the board itself are a sign that the board really is going to shit

>> No.1390579

Here it is everyone, the finest elitism this side of 4chan.

>> No.1390586

We always had arguments on the board since day one. So yes you are corrected this board has always been shit.

>> No.1390582

I was born in 1993 and I actually grew up playing SNES and N64 games, since I was a poorfag. Same with many of my friends.

>> No.1390583


Does your mom know you're up this late? Careful, kiddo. She might take your 3DS away.

>> No.1390584

Was 1983 not retro in 2003?

>> No.1390585

There's a difference between something like FF7 and OoT and games like BGE.

>> No.1390592

I think you mistook me caring about more varied discussion for me being born past 1990, in which case I'm sorry I confused you.

>> No.1390591

That depends on the mods. Sometimes you will get banned for completly dumb reasons making this place on par with SA and other nazi forums.

>> No.1390594
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Dude, FIFA 14 is TRIPLE generational. FIFA 13 was as well, considering it was on the Wii U last year.

>> No.1390596

That's because some countries just got the PS2 recently.

>> No.1390604

Good point, though sports game franchises have a tendency to support older systems for far longer than franchises in other genres.

>> No.1390649

You make it sound like it was an extension of /v/ on day 1. Not so. Every thread I was in for the first week was pretty positive and it was clear we were all together out of a love of old games.

Reseller threads changed that slightly.

>> No.1390651

/vr/ has always been better than /v/ though

There are usually no memes or (terrible) shitposting here, the worst this board gets is petty arguments like "X GAME IS OVERRATED AND ALWAYS HAS BEEN"

>> No.1390737

If you've been playing it ever since it was released and you're still young enough to be a fucking dipshit then it's not retro.

>> No.1390742

The board mostly argues about the nature of challenge in games and genre definitions. Whenever one side's losing, it starts screaming that the other is from /v/.

>> No.1390772

What was the thread about?

>> No.1390792

About whether FFVII is a hideous mess. /v/ said it was an overrated, but decent enough game with a lasting legacy, and there was zero disagreement on the subject and not a single post off-topic.

>> No.1390807

OP realizes how much better /vr/ is but grew up with a PS2/GC/Xbox and feels left out.

No we shouldn't change the cut off. You can make a beyond good and evil thread on /v/.

>> No.1390812

But what is he supposed to do if his "BEST GAME EVER AM1R1T3" thread only gets a few mildly positive replies and sinks?

>> No.1390917

Retro games don't adhere to simply a cutoff point. There was a radical shift in game design around 2002-2004 where developers started taking notice of the new casual audience brought in because of the PS2's popularity. After this change, game design has remained stagnant for the most part.

What makes a game "classic" does not make it "retro".

>> No.1390925

Developers wanting the casual audience already started with the SNES.

>> No.1390928

I feel you, but remember that mere months ago 6th gen was "last generation. That shit ain't retro.

>> No.1390930

Those were games targeting children.
I doubt Madden 2002 had many bright colors or roundish animal enemies to fight.

>> No.1390934

Consoles have always been for casuals. Arcades and home computers as well.
the only true platform for hardcore gamers are mainframe computers where the developers and players were the same group and no commercial interest was involved.

>> No.1391090


there was a radical shift in design philosophy going into the PS2, kind of like how there was a radical shift in game quality going into the SNES

>> No.1391158

it's perfectly reasonable to include 5th gen consoles, I am so glad we finally got a place where I can talk about PS1 and N64 games. Adding 6th gen would be fucking stupid, most people still have those consoles plugged in at home. Besides it's not like people will kill you for mentioning a relevant PS2 game once in a while

>> No.1391160

this is exactly what we said was going to happen you dreamcast faggots

>> No.1391187

Honestly, the PC cutoff should be higher, but that's probably about it.

There is also the technicality that if a game was designed for Windows 98, and not XP, it's retro due to W98 being a platform.

There have been a few threads about Diablo II and Deus Ex, and the mods don't take them down.
Make a thread about FAKK 2 and see what happens; I don't think anyone will mind.

I'd personally like to make a thread about the original Sims, but last time that happened, the "not-retro" backseat moderator fags went into full force.

>> No.1391206

This. Dreamcast and Shantae sluts should have been put out of their misery instead of being catered to.

>> No.1391258

Great idea, OP!
Now that you mention it, there's a lot of great games coming out now, too. We should just allow all games.
>some posters actually think this is a good idea

>> No.1391269 [DELETED] 

You still don't get his point, that's why you're lashing at him and others close-mindedly.

Allow me to explain. Bear with me.

/vr/ is for OLD games, the ones that have come out in the past. Some take it as "Nintendo games in pixel-art", but that is not so. It refers to all, any sort of game, that's come out in the past. On /v/ you can also talk about future games, E3 and all, but /vr/ is for civil discussions on past games - i.e., games that had already come out. For example, of course we shouldn't be talking about Final Fantasy XV, it's not a retro game, it's a FUTURE game. But Final Fantasy XIII is a PAST game, that is, a game that has already come out - more than four years ago, for god's sake, most of us weren't even out of elementary school way back in 2009.

>> No.1391272

Please god no.

For real. Let it rest till we're done with PS4/WiiU/XBoNE

Meta isn't /vr/ anyway.

>> No.1391273

>more than four years ago, for god's sake, most of us weren't even out of elementary school way back in 2009.


>> No.1391282

can we change it to no discussion of post NES games?

>> No.1391292

This is kind of ridiculous, the 16-bit era is just as important as the 8 bit era

>> No.1391295

No, can we change it to obscure PC88 waifus only?

>> No.1391310

>It refers to all, any sort of game, that's come out in the past.
It really REALLY doesn't.

>> No.1391318

Do you hate video games so much that, on a board meant for discussing their entire history, you want to discuss games that really didn't come out that long ago?
Why must you do this on /vr/?
>hurr durr /v/ sux
Well, it's not going to get any better if all the posters who want to contribute positively just up and leave, is it?

>> No.1391321

Not only that, there is also a whole other video game board.

>> No.1391323

I don't get it. Are you really taking my post seriously or something?

>> No.1391357

Well, you sort of presented it in a serious manner, so yeah

>> No.1391363

Now this is an idea I can get behind. :^)

>> No.1391368

PC88 is too mainstream. FM7 is where it's at.

>> No.1391374

And outright calling msyelf a middleschooler didn't give it away?

>> No.1391385
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Done. It is official now.

>> No.1391392

bringing in the ps2/xbox/gamecube crowd would make this place unbearable as far as im concerned. /vr/ would turn into a daycare and i don't want to deal with all the screaming children. it can already get bad enough with the screaming adults

>> No.1391396

It raised from red flags from me, and I considered it being a joke. Ultimately I like to give people the benefit of the doubt though.

Looking over your it again, I'm not sure how I believed it in the first place

>> No.1391639

Retro isn't about how old games are, it's about how different they are from modern ones - it's about stylistic differences.

The Dreamcast is a kind of in between system. Quasi modern, but not quite the same.

PS2, Gamecube and X Box? The difference between then and now is infinitesimal. Same games, just a little bit prettied up.

Unless the next/ present generation give us another major evolution of game design, they ain't gonna be retro, whether now or in five years.

>> No.1391673

>m-muh secret club

>> No.1391683

So, are we allowed to talk about gameboys?

I know we can talk about the original but what about the SP/advance?

I usually use my GBA to emulate NES also.

>> No.1391689

No advance.

>> No.1392194

being a part of the kids who basically grew up in the late 5th and all the 6th as a kid (i'm 19 so inb4 ur underage fgt who dun get retro like we do), I still feel that the PS2, Xbox, and GC are "modern" i still feel that they were just yesterday. Hell I still feel the 360 is still brand new too. I know some vidya stores consider the 6th gen as retro but it doesn't to me either. After playing something like Super Mario Sunshine to SMW, something felt different about the way they are. Sounds weird but idk. Dreamcast fell in the in between because most of the games were basically ports of 32 bit and 64 bit games into 128-bit and it came before the ps2. But many of us now are getting our nostalgia because we are entering our 20's (Lion King, Illmatic and X-men children of atom are now 20 too:/) or already have. But also PS2 was still being made after the rest left and during the 7th stating a lot of relevance to the console itself. It's still recent as well.

>> No.1392297
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>look retro

Please leave.

>> No.1392307
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I got banned once for saying that OOT is hipster bullshit and people who think it is the best Zelda are hipster shit lords.

I was banned for a whole week.
this was on /b/

>> No.1392329


I grew up with /vr/ shit and PS2/GC/Xbox and I think you're retarded.

Though I think OP is just searching for a place he can talk vydia from the PS2 etc generation, /v/ is just a hive of shitposting after all(and this board is on good track to become just like it in a few months.)

>> No.1392343


Nope, this is wrong, wrong, wrong.

Gaming shifted a bit in 2002-2004 era yes, but creativity was still alive and well, the PS2/GC/Xbox had some of the most amazing and creative games in gaming history, the PS2 in particular had some off the wall shit like Chulip and R.A.D, the Xbox had stuff like Otogi and Gun Valkyrie just to name a few titles, GC had some fine ass exclusives like the Prime games, Chibi Robo, F-Zero Gx and the original home of stuff like Viewtiful Joe.

2007-2008 still had that spark a bit with the PS3/Wii/360, and it wasn't till MW2 that it all went to shit, that is the biggest thing you can point to and that is when gaming took its sharpest decline into what it is today.

>> No.1392351

>PS2, Gamecube and X Box? The difference between then and now is infinitesimal. Same games, just a little bit prettied up.

In the entire history of 4chan, there will never be a post as wrong as this.

The close-mindness of the retro fanatic will never cease to amaze me.

>> No.1392359

I say '01-'03 is a great spot to put it. Enough for the dreamcast/gba/pc games and not enough room for 6 gen.

>> No.1392384
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Don't you mean our waifus from '98?

>> No.1392406

>actually resorting to slippery slope mentality

you should really just type out 'i have no argument', its faster.

>> No.1392409
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>way back in 2009.

wrong answer

>> No.1392412

Please do not allow that xbox playstation shit to come to /vr/ anytime soon.

>> No.1392418

>Well, it's not going to get any better if all the posters who want to contribute positively just up and leave, is it?
thats what happens when a board turns to shit. all the people who want to have actual discussions leave, whereas all of the morons who want to sit around posting memes and calling each other niggers stay, having found all of their kindred spirits. its a vicious cycle, and it happened to /v/ long ago.

>> No.1392419

this board's rule have a loophole
you can discuss games that are released on consoles that were released before 1999,that means if a game is released on the Super Nintendo or Sega Genesis,we can discuss about that game since its on a retro system

>> No.1392423

1995fag here,i come here to play Doom and play old games since i missed a lot on my childhood

>> No.1392421

>kids thinking their childhood is "retro"
Get the fuck out to /v/.

Seriously, fucking grow the hell up. You're too young to think ANYTHING in your life is retro.

>> No.1392428

>I don't like the games from your era therefore they are not retro

>> No.1392426

>and it wasn't till MW2 that it all went to shit

actually it was halo. COD is just 'halo with aim down sights'

>> No.1392431

i havent seen a Shantae thread in months[and the one that is related to the game was a thread about what gameboy/gameboy color games pushed the system to its limits] and Shantae is an exception to the rule
Basically,if a game comes in 2002 but its released on a system that was released before 1999,its /vr/ material

>> No.1392436

Just go home already. I still don't know how a Meta thread survived this long.

People need to start opening that pop up already.

>> No.1392435

there is a thread about PC-88 games,that include of course,dating simulators/text adventures

>> No.1392441

i will put it simple,if you think that /vr/ should have a fair discussion about PS2/XBox/Gamecube/GBA/Arcades 2000-2006/PC 2000-2006,then why not going to /v/ and discuss about those things?
>b-but /v/ sucks
then get out of 4chan and look for other forum/imageboard that discuss videogames

>> No.1392448

>b-but you should leave 4chan
no fuck you. there is a large community of people that wants to discuss those games and they should have a place to do it. 4chan is not 'your secret club'

>> No.1392450

There are two other boards where this content is perfectly in bounds.

>> No.1392459

Oh boy, these threads again.

/vr/ needs a definitive, precise cutoff point, otherwise there's no fucking point for the board to exist.

>> No.1392465

>they should have a place to do it.

You have /v/ and /vg/. Pick one and quit shitting up /vr/ with this shit.

>> No.1392469

I have even a hard time accepting the psx and N64 as retro no matter how awesome those consoles were. Classic doesn't mean retro.

For me, retro is strictly 2D. But hey, that's just my opinion.

>> No.1392472

Nobody on /v/ will talk about PS2 games other than Silent Hill/Shadow of the Colossus/GTA:SA

No Gamecube games outside of Sunshine

No Xbox games outside of the occasional Halo 2 thread.

>> No.1392474

Sorry if this sounds retarded but are you referring to a pop up that contains a virus?

>> No.1392479

please tell me you are not implying /v/ and /b/. just...please. that can NOT be your point.

>> No.1392480

Look, I'm sorry if the PS2 was your first console. Not because it's a bad console. It was great, but it's just not retro. I don't even know how anyone could think of it as such even if they grew up with it. You'll just have to try your luck on /v/. As shitty as it is good threads are possible and it'd be a lot less shitty if people made good threads there.

>> No.1392481

>You have /v/ and /vg/
read the thread, holy shit



>> No.1392483

So I guess persona, kingdom hearts, mgs 2 and 3! Ff12, god hand and okami don't count. All of those were just talked about within the last week on /v/ and that's just from what I've seen.

There was even a star fox assault thread that got traction.

I.e. you're full of shit.

>> No.1392485

>Look, I'm sorry if the PS2 was your first console. Not because it's a bad console. It was great

not if you liked jrpgs

>> No.1392487


speaking of which...

hey, for those who *may* think Doomfags are annoying with 24/7 Doom threads

just you wait when PS2 gets allowed and we get neverending San Andreas threads.

Just you wait

>> No.1392491


Not a big fan.

>> No.1392493
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no but this does


>> No.1392494

>all these posts of 'you stupid shit, x isnt retro. retro doesnt mean x. classic doesnt mean x. for something to be retro it has to be at least x many years old i know because reasons. old isnt retro enough for classicly retro old school.'

for fucks sake, stop trying to attach your own personal definition to words that do not have a specific time frame within their definition. This board is about whatever the fuck it says at the top of page one.

>> No.1392495

wow, 7 games from a system with a library of thousands! and all of that in a time frame of a mere WEEK. youre right, /v/ is THE place to go for playstation 2 discussion.

>> No.1392498

Care to link to a recent post you made? Should be in the archive. I mean you're doing you're best right?

>> No.1392574


Except that it isn't and you're a moron.

All Halo did was start the slippery slope of FPS games, which had already begun with Half-Life 1. Plenty of amazing games came out during and after 2001 when Halo was released, some even for the Xbox, more good games where released after 2004 when Halo 2 came out.

The decline of gaming is directly related to MW2, that's when all the companies went full retarded in an attempt to emulate MW2's massive success and every single one of them failed.

Seriously have you tried of any of the amazing console exclusives released during that era? Do you truly believe that a single FPS ruined gaming entirely?

Dear god I hope not because that kind of thinking is just something I can't really comprehend.

>> No.1392576


>Halo with aim down sights

Up until 4, Halo rewarded tactics and map control, CoD was always being the lone wolf thanks to killstreaks.

The only thing the 2 games have in common is being an FPS.

>> No.1392652

> Plenty of amazing games came out during and after 2001 when Halo was released

yeah, thats why i said halo STARTED the decline. Do you think that when MW2 came out, all the other game companies just immediately poofed into existence a COD clone? no, those games had already been in production. And why do you keep jumping to MW2? It was the first MW that sold like gangbusters and got everyones attention. noone gave a shit about COD before that.


>> No.1392816

> noone gave a shit about COD before that.

Just stop, you're embarrassing yourself.

Call of Duty 1 came out in 2003 and it was one of the mostly highly reviewed and highest selling FPS of its time, it turned the whole WW2 on its ear with an amazing experience, then CoD2 took it a step further with the 3 campaign system. They've always sold well, they just didn't explode in popularity till 2.

>Do you think that when MW2 came out, all the other game companies just immediately poofed into existence a COD clone?

Not a clone directly, but many games where altered mid-production to fit the mold of what dumb japanese companies though americans would like, Bionic Commando 2k9 is a good example of this.

And my point is that Halo didn't start shit, gaming was fine and dandy up until MW2 which is when the decline began, you're aiming your ire at the wrong scapegoat.

>> No.1392819

And every time I see "post most metal game" or "post worst voice acting" I long to be able to discuss the glory that is Dynasty Warriors 3. But its not for this board, so I deal with it.

>> No.1392836
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Sorry, little dude. Allowing Ps1 and n64 is even pushing it a little for my sensibilities.

I'm glad it's capped off where it is though, because I have fond GoldenEye, Ocarina, NFL Blitz, and Tenchu memories.

I wholeheartedly hope efforts like yours never come to fruition.

>> No.1392879
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Are you serious, kid? Every game that's already come out should be /vr/ material?

Must be trollin'!

>> No.1392880

Wait until the 8th generation of video games are in the middle of their cycle. Then 6th generation ( ps2, xbox, gamecube) will be allowed here.

In before someone here expected the rules will stay the same even after a 100 years because "not my definition of retro.

>> No.1392907

>Do you think that when MW2 came out, all the other game companies just immediately poofed into existence a COD clone?
This actually happened back in 2006-2007 when Gears of War was big. A bunch of big games (Uncharted being the best known) shoehorned in GoW-style combat for no apparent reason.

>> No.1392943

There should be a rule about franchises... if over 95% of a franchise is retro, you should still be able to talk about the 5% games as well.

Wizardry 8, for example. That game has a good chance of being discussed here. In /v/ it just gets shitposted to hell and then dies directly to page 10 because they just gotta make room on page 1 for console war and Anita threads.

>> No.1392973

wow, I have never seen someone so dumbassedly married to their own incorrect opinions before. if it werent for halo, COD would have never even adopted the 2 weapons/ regenerating health bullshit that games companies fell so in love with after halos release. as far as sales are concerned;

Halo Sales (in millions)
>Halo CE: 6.5
>Halo 2: 8.5
>Halo 3: 12

COD Sales (in millions, across all platforms)
>COD: 4
>COD 2: 5.5
>COD 3: 7.5

wow such a cultural force COD was pre MW. I can see why you blame IT for shooters being dumbed down in the early 2000s, and not Halo, which was much more popular and came out 2 years earlier. It wouldnt be outdone by COD until COD4, which came out 6 years AFTER Halo. Please dont talk adamantly on subjects you do not understand, thank you.

>> No.1392976

>There should be a rule about franchises... if over 95% of a franchise is retro, you should still be able to talk about the 5% games as well.
Fuck off, you have /v/ already.

>> No.1392987


Way to ignore the rest of the post, troglodyte.

>> No.1393020

4 different video game boards
/vr/ eternal discussion of pre 2k game
/v/ modern games and shit posting
/vp/ containment board
/old video games/ discussing games between
the year 2k and current gen

>> No.1393081

If you can't be bothered to try to make a good thread on /v/, how about you start a "Dead Zone General" on /vg/?

You may have been 5 years old when you first played DMC, but that doesn't make it retro. Video gaming as a medium hasn't changed much in the last 14 years (SD to HD, digital distribution, more online gaming, microtransactions... anything else worth noting?). But the 14 years previous to that saw more change than most people would have ever imagined (2D to 3D, pixel art to polygons, the use of CDs, being able to save your game progress, the number of functions a controller has, games going from being less than 1 MB to being more than 1 GB, and all that is not to even mention the number of genres that sprung up in that time).

The '90s are old enough that it's for the nostalgia. The '00s, on the other hand, are still to fresh on everyone's mind (except fot those who haven't graduated from high school).

>> No.1393319

Why is it so hard to follow a few simple rules?

>> No.1393323

I think that in the fast changing computer games world, any game older than a decade should be considered old enough for /vr.

>> No.1393347

I get what people are saying. There are three eras of gaming, retro, older, and modern games. Having a board for one specialty and lumping the other two together does sort of make things complicated for those stuck in the middle.

Older games like retro sink pretty quick on /v/. The only real solution since the games don't really fall under retro though, would be a board for each since Moots set on to separating gaming into sections. Board creation doesn't happen often but maybe he could be convinced if enough people asked for it?

>> No.1393351

VP should be just /PM/ or something. Lump the anime and games together and call it a day. They talk about both anyway.

>> No.1393354

Moot isn't going to make a board for just 1 gen of video games.

>> No.1393374

I was referring to the board /vr/ being better than /v/, not retro systems and games.

In regards to everyone else trying to define or justify retro, it really doesn't matter. Just stick to the rules:
>video games on platforms launched in 1999 and earlier.

>> No.1393405

1992, gamed on NES (Dendy for us), Sega, a little bit on Panasonic, PS1, PS2, under DOS and up from Win95. Such is life in 3rd world.

>> No.1393504

It could cover 5th to 7th.

>> No.1394068

the specific date to be retro is March 31st 2002.