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/vr/ - Retro Games

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1385730 No.1385730[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Good Afternoon gentlemen

A while back i stumbled upon a website that explained the pro's and con's of a video game (both /vr/ and not) on all platforms. For the life of me I cannot recall what this site was, and it appears my google-fu is weak. Is anybody aware of what this site might have been? Or something similar?

Perhaps in this thread we can discuss said differences, which platform had the best version of the game, rayman, resident evil, etc, etc

>> No.1385840

I consider the PlayStation version of everything to be the definitive version from gen 4. Most games were more polished on PSX if they were released first on Saturn and N64 versions of everything are weird feeling ports.

>> No.1385848

Any sort of shooter is better on the 64. Hexen 64 is actually an awesome port of the PC game, whereas the PSX version is bleh.

>> No.1385859

Yeah but that's just because PC games ported to PSX are EXTRA weird.

Play Diablo on PSX sometime. It's fucking weird.

>> No.1385864

I mostly agree, i prefer the control stick on the N64 over the PSX analog controls

>> No.1386003


i think you're after http://gamedifferences.com/

>> No.1386019

PlayStation: /vr/'s Official Definitive Fourth Gen Console

>> No.1386020

I heard all those games had to be basically remade, because the PSX handles 2d graphics differently. That's probably why. I actually have Diablo for PSX, but I bought it years back as a curiosity, I've had the PC version since shortly after it came out.

PSX version is quite cool for a port of a game with then state of the art graphics. But its not the same, no.

>> No.1386072

I actually liked the PSX version. Was pretty cool for couch co-op, one of the things consoles use to have over PC. Though I've heard the Dreamcast version was more faithful to the PC version.

Though I had an issue with my PSX freezing on it, but that could have something to do with it running full tilt all weekend, can't really blame it.

>> No.1386082

PS1 versions of 2D multiplats/ports from 4th gen games are better than the other version[N64/Saturn]
N64 versions of PC ports and 3D games[in this case Doom/HeXen]
The only multiplat i recall to be unique in every console is Rayman 1-3

>> No.1386098

Yeah, no. Saturn usually had the better versions of 2D games.
See: basically every multiplatform shmup + Silhouette Mirage.

>but Symphony of the Night!
That's not enough to overlook the majority of 2D games being better on the Saturn.

And what the hell does 4th gen have to do with anything?

>> No.1386119

>N64 versions of PC ports and 3D games[in this case Doom/HeXen]
...were almost always missing content due to the N64's small cartridge capacity, whereas the PSX and Saturn ports were generally pretty accurate, if a little ugly (see: Quake, Quake 2, Descent).

>> No.1386123

...when it wasn't on Windows or Mac. This also applies to other multiplats, like how RE2 looked better on N64 and Mega Man 8 looking better and using a better controller on Sega Saturn.

>> No.1386124

Descent was ported outside of PC?
i didnt knew about that,also,Quake on N64 would be considered a better version because the multiplayer

>> No.1386126

I have a hard time telling the ports of Rayman apart, at least between Jaguar, PlayStation, and Saturn.

>> No.1386141

>like how RE2 looked better on N64
The backgrounds are slightly blurry, and a lot of effects, particularly fire, don't look as good.
But on the other hand you generally have better models, and there's no wiggling polygons.
It's a bit of a toss up.

>> No.1386145

They're pretty similar, but yeah.

>> No.1386149

The PSX version of Descent is actually a really high-quality port once you get used to the controls (no analog support). It has all the original levels, adds nice-looking FMV cutscenes and is just about the prettiest shooter ever made for the system.

As for Quake, the Saturn version is generally considered better because the N64 version cuts out quite a few levels.

>> No.1386159

Quake is debatable
the N64 version is considered the best because the 4 players MP but it can be done with PS1/Saturn Quake with the multitap
again,its a popular opinion but still,the N64 has Doom 64 and HeXen 64
i wasnt a fanboy by the time the N64/PS1 were the hot shit[and no i am not a fanboy today] so i liked all the multiplats but i always took this in mind
N64 is better for multiplayer
PS1 is better for single player
Saturn sux outside of japan

>> No.1386175

Not OP, but thanks for the link.

>> No.1386491

Like QII better on ps1 but I agree with you there.

>> No.1386512

The GBC-version of MGS is the superior version.

>> No.1386524
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>is just about the prettiest shooter ever made for the system.
say that to my face, fucker

>> No.1386695

>Playstation version

Yeah, you're just stupid.

>> No.1386724

>PS1 versions of 2D multiplats/ports from 4th gen games are better than the other version[N64/Saturn]

hahaha oh wow.

>> No.1386752


but anything that was streamed was highly compressed (voices, movie cutscenes) and looked / sounded like total shit

rockman 8 does not graphically look any better on the saturn and the sound quality is worse

x3 is better on saturn, because the saturn version has less load times, a border w/ the proper aspect ratio (ps1 is stretched), and 44.1khz redbook bgm

x4 is not

>> No.1386809

>N64 version is considered the best because the 4 players MP
Quake 64 is only 2-players. Quake II had 4-player support, though.

>> No.1387720

>I consider the PlayStation version of everything to be the definitive version from gen 4

Yeah right, except for all of those fighting and shooting games and arcade games that were all superior on the saturn.