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1385127 No.1385127[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Will Xenogears ever get the remake it so richly deserves?

And will X live up to the Xeno legacy?

>> No.1385156

1. Maybe, but not expecting it ever.

2. Of course.

>> No.1385189

In my opinion, this deserves a remake over most other games just for the sheer fact that it never had it's fair chance. Imagine a next gen, fully finished disk 2. Honestly though, it'll probably never happen.

>> No.1385194

I could see Xenogears getting some sort of remake for the 3DS if Square Enix could ever agree to collaborate with/sell the rights back to Monolith Soft. Since the game uses polygonal environments rather than prerendered backgrounds, it would be a lot easier to update/remaster compared to most of Squaresoft's other PS1 games, and frankly it would look pretty good in stereoscopic 3D with hi-res sprites.

I sure hope such a remake would have some heavy gameplay/pacing tweaks too though, because let's face it, Disc One wasn't exactly smooth sailing to begin with.

>> No.1385205

Fuck handheld remakes.

>> No.1385241

Why? It's pretty much that or nothing.

>> No.1385250

If Xenogears was to get a remake I want everyone who was involved in it working on changing the story to how it was originally supposed to be.

It'd be great if Monolift could get the IP for Xenogears and do the remake, but Nintendo is anti-religious content so that probably won't happen.


>> No.1385251

I'd take a psp/vita remake that is on the psn. Then it's at least playable on the ps3/4

>> No.1385286

I wouldn't be totally against a vita remake but can you imagine how gorgeous they could make it look on a PS4?

>> No.1385320

no one who could have an interest in doing it works for squaresoft anymore. it's dead

>> No.1385326

With the quality of recent SE remakes I don't think I want XG to get one.

Plus realistically it is too much effort. It's a really long game, and to do it right they'd have to fix the 2nd disc. They'd basically have to re-build it from the ground up and modern SE just doesn't think such effort is worth it.

>> No.1385352

This game is longer than FF7 and that's already too expensive for them.

>> No.1385395

Now imagine how much money they would lose if they did either.

>> No.1385407

The reason why an FF7 remake is too expensive has nothing to do with its length, it's because much of that game's visuals (along with VIII and IX) are pre-rendered, meaning a remake would have to literally reconstruct the game environments from the bottom up. As mentioned above, most of Xenogears is rendered in-game via polygons and sprites, so it would be a lot easier to upgrade.

>> No.1385510

It's also because they lost all the source code and assets for the game and would have to start completely over.

>> No.1385702
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1. Never, original team, much like the one that gave us Trigger disbanded and will probably never work together again. Xenosaga was an attempt that ultimately failed the great vision that was Project Noah.

2. Will surpass.

>> No.1385715

You know, I wouldn't doubt this, square has an atrocious track record of getting rid of their source code upon project completion, at least pre-2000, alot of jap developers did, but they were especially bad about it.

>> No.1385758

That's fucking stupid. Fans have hacked the game apart by now and every relevant hidden mechanic is known.

>> No.1385953

But anon, most of the key staff members for XG moved to Monolith Soft and worked on Xenosaga Episode I. Didn't keep it from sucking, but it wasn't for lack of (most of) the original development team.

>> No.1385963

Square likes to act like Xenogears never happened for some reason. I don't mind because I don't think there is anyone left in that company that could do the story justice.

Too much religious imagery and allegory for SE to think it's safe to remake these days anyways.

>> No.1386016

They pretty obviously never gave that much of a shit about it. It was just Takahashi's pet project that they let him do back during the early PlayStation era when they were eager to put out new stuff and wanted a big game to fill the gap between Final Fantasies VII and VIII. Then after it was out they didn't even give enough of a damn to greenlight a sequel, which is why Takahashi left the company in the first place.

>> No.1386306

>Then after it was out they didn't even give enough of a damn to greenlight a sequel

Because it didn't meet the required sales.

Also, Takahashi is a really bad director.

>> No.1386321

Ha ha, "nice" filter on those sprites. ePSXe?

>> No.1386329

I tried playing it and got bored as fuck after like 4 hours I just couldn't go on.

>> No.1386506

Books don't need remakes

>> No.1387075

> Also Takahashi is a really bad director.
No doubt, but Xenogears still deserved better than what it got.

>> No.1387141

a remake would ruin xenogears guaranteed

what we need is a finished game

>> No.1387142


XenoGears is an interesting game, but yeah it's damn ugly.

>> No.1388341


Money and resources anon. Project Noah, what Xenogears/Saga was to have been originally was something on the scale of a production that would have taken about 10 years to produce. It's would have rivaled Final Fantasy. The Japanese have always wanted a major sci-fi RPG production, this was a major chance for them.

>> No.1388372

>1. Never, original team, much like the one that gave us Trigger disbanded and will probably never work together again.

According to Perfect Works, there was the in-house team laying down the primary concepts and the Squaresoft production team that handled the rest, while contributing on a creative level (Sigurd for example was purely a creation of Square's Soyara Saga). The in-house team was made of 8 core members that went on to found Monolith Soft.

The Squaresoft side still obviously went on.

>Square Enix Development Division 3 - Xenogears (1998) | Threads of Fate (1999) | Chrono Cross (1999) | Final Fantasy XI (2002) | Final Fantasy XI: Rise of the Zilart (2003) Final Fantasy XI: Chains of Promathia (2004) | Final Fantasy XI: Treasures of Aht Urhgan (2006) | Final Fantasy XI: Wings of the Goddess (2007) Final Fantasy XIV (2010) | Final Fantasy XI: Seekers of Adoulin (2013) | Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn (2013)"

Developers aren't trapped into "teams" as much as you think they are. Front Mission's creator was assigned to a development division but that didn't stop him from designing Final Fantasy's ATB.

>> No.1388418

Hiroyuki Ito is the man behind ATB, not Toshiro Tsuchida.

>> No.1388442

>Will surpass.
I'd love it if this was true, but I'm doubtful. They're working under Nintendo.
Then again, Xenoblade turned out fine. Hopefully Nintendo doesn't put us through the wringer for a localization again (fucking region-lock).

>> No.1388448

what is X and will Yasunori Mitsuda be involved

>> No.1389004


A new Xeno game, and he probably won't. A shame.

>> No.1389014

>Hopefully Nintendo doesn't put us through the wringer for a localization again (fucking region-lock).

It was revealed at E3. It's going to be localized. Besides, Nintendo's in too deep of a hole right now to -not- get every title they can on the system.

>> No.1389037

How was it originally supposed to be?

>> No.1389073

the best hd ports/remakes are done from final copies through reverse engineering. you don't need the source code for that.

>> No.1389221

i'd rather have xenogears "remastered" than remade. you can't remake xenogears.
but seeing as this is a hypothetical...
>disc 2 expanded and similar to disc 1
>same art style with improved and redrawn sprites
>more deathblows and combat animations
>no voice acting
>larger scale overworld map
>more anime cutscenes
>redub existing ones
>undub option
>difficulty options
>extra song by mitsuda
>more attention to neglected characters
>bug fixes

X looks exciting. looking forward to the next trailer.

can you source that? i would love a proper sprite rip

>> No.1389708

>disc 2 expanded and similar to disc 1
>more deathblows and combat animations
>difficulty options

These are all terrible ideas.

>> No.1389710


I... what?

>> No.1389736

I just want to be able to play disc 2 as intended. None of this "We completed this dungeon" BS, I want to be able to actually PLAY the fucking important events that happen.

>> No.1389738

>babby's first troll

>> No.1389774

+1 on seeing this reworked for Vita or the 3DS.

Well, not like this will ever happen. Xenogears will forever remain very much a singular phenomenon of mid-to-late JRPG culture. It might have had its brief window of opportunity to establish itself, but that window has been closed more than a decade ago.

That said, man, an enhanced 3DS port handled by Monolith and much of the original creative team would be cool. The graphics aren't that shabby anyway, it helps that the art direction and the general visual style are pretty good. It certainly wouldn't look totally out of place there. And in case the source files are not lost, the game could also be expanded to a certain degree. I assume asset production and the likes on this level is much more affordable and more easily available than it was when the huge-ass production demands for FF8 killed the second XG disc.

And with Nintendo starting to desperately grasp at straws and still vying to tap what they consider to be the core market, they probably wouldn't even give half a shit about the religious content (which is vastly overstated anyway since people correlate it to the Christian imagery, whereas it's mostly just a rather generic divine figure).

>> No.1389842


Well the game mentions the priests of the Ethos using young children to "satisfy their unwholesome desires", and Iwata single-handedly stopped a deal with Microsoft to get all of Rare's N64 titles on the VC because of stupid Japanese pride, so I wouldn't put it past them. But if it did happen, I would go out right now and buy a 3DS not that there aren't already enough reasons to own one

>> No.1389921

Disc 2 was the best part of the game because it cut down on the badly designed dungeons.

More Deathblows and animations would only serve to lengthen the combat, which is already slow and uninteresting.

>> No.1389928

>the huge-ass production demands for FF8 killed the second XG disc

That's just a baseless rumor concocted by Xenogears apologists. Takahashi is the one to blame for the second disc's problems.

It's pretty telling that his next production also featured tons of cut-content (to the point where he had to apologize to fans over it) and tons of cutscenes. It helps that he openly admitted to his shortcomings somewhat recently.

>> No.1390207

Not exactly a retro question, but is there any relation between Xenogears, the Xenosaga series and Xenoblade Chronicles?

>> No.1391265

Not really. The most you can get out of it are some distant allusions in XS.

>> No.1391451

At this rate, a Xenogears remake is about the only thing that could convince me to buy a PS4, especially if the contents of disc 2 were expanded to include everything the development team originally wanted to put in there but for lack of time and money.

>Search the toilet at the orphanage
>Bing! You found a dirty prize!
>It was dirty, so you put it back.

>> No.1391453

Not Mitsuda, but look up Hiroyuki Sawano's credentials.
Fucking amazing and won't disappoint.

Also Gears' character designer Kunihiko Tanaka is working on X.

>> No.1391467

>the contents of disc 2 were expanded to include everything the development team originally wanted to put in there but for lack of time and money.

I think you mean thanks to Takahashi's incompetence.

>> No.1391505

>hurr durr fix disc 2

The game is already 60+ hours with the highly condensed 2nd disc. If you 'fix' that, the game would be over 100 hours (too long) or be spilt into multiple games (Square would never do that).

That said, I would love a rerelease of the original with a more clean translation. The translation we got is a valiant effort, but it has flaws sprinkled all over the place.

>> No.1391510

Xenosaga is unofficially but heavily implied to be a prequel to Xenogears.

Xenoblade has no relation to either.

>> No.1391523

Xenosaga is technically restarting the six episode plan outlined in Perfect Works, so yeah, prequel of sorts in a very vague way.

Do you know where I can read up on Xenogears' creation process?

Also while I'm at it, how come Takahashi fired his own wife from working on Xenosaga?

>> No.1391939

Then why are they re-releasing Xenogears Perfect works book? oh, to kill the value..

>> No.1393195

Bump (yeah, yeah, >bumping on /vr/) but I'd be happy if someone could answer these

>Do you know where I can read up on Xenogears' creation process?
>Also while I'm at it, how come Takahashi fired his own wife from working on Xenosaga?

>> No.1393207

they should

>> No.1394174

>Takahashi fired his own wife from working on Xenosaga

He didn't, Namco did.

>> No.1394547

But handhelds are the best for playing rpgs/retro games. The option to just put the device to sleep anytime you want and come to it later is literally the best feature you'd want from a console. Not to mention you can get comfy and play your shit in bed whenever you want.

>> No.1394563

>A game remake

>> No.1395738

Why, though? Couldn't or shouldn't he have prevented it? Did she go back to the company after Nintendo aquired the studio?

Man, I can't imagine the vibes in their house after she was sacked.

>> No.1396273
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She probably told him she banged Ron Howard.