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1377742 No.1377742[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Did anyone else here like/not mind Navi?

I was on the Internet back when Ocarina of Time came out and, unless my memory serves me wrong, I don't recall ever seeing the "Navi is so annoying! HEY! LISTEN!" back in 1998/1999. In fact, I'm pretty sure the hate for her is more of a recent Internet thing. None of my friends at the time when the game came out ever minded her either, in fact, she was basically a non-entity to us.

>> No.1377747

>I'm pretty sure the hate for her is more of a recent Internet thing

You are correct. It's a thing that ''gamers'' have latched on to.

>> No.1377752

Yeah, it's an exaggerated observational joke that has gone way overboard. It was amusing in the beginning because it was like a caricature, the problem began when people thought that was the reality.

>> No.1377750

>unless my memory serves me wrong

it does. Navi was hated from day one. personally didn't bother me that much

>> No.1377769
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Is there actually a problem here?

Is there a massive overflow of people hating on Navi having never played OOT?

I, personally, FUCKING RAGED every time I was in the middle of Biggoron's Sword and this motherfucking UNOPTIONAL PIECE OF CASUAL SHIT told me some shit about death mountain. Why the fuck do I care about death mountain. I fucking know what's there.

>> No.1377771

Also of course there was no internet conversation about the subject between 6 year olds and their highly complex opinions on fucking AOL

>> No.1377775
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>> No.1377782

>you can't make jokes because sometimes people won't get the joke and appreciate your statement for the wrong reason

>> No.1377786

It's one of those things where I didn't notice on my first playthrough, but then on the second playthrough it was "she's a bit chatty".

And I guess when some people get to their 50th playthrough, they just want her to fuck off, completely forgetting the fact she's there to help new players, and they probably appreciated the advice they were given when they played it for the first time.

>> No.1377787


You can just not push her button when she calls you. Unless you really need a first-person view for some reason.

>> No.1377793

You're making some pretty big assumptions there.

>> No.1377801

It didn't bother me on my first run, but she got annoying pretty fast on the second.

>> No.1377796

I'm pretty sure Navi was generally disliked by critics, but the whole "HEY LISTEN HEY LOOK HELLO WATCH OUT HEY LISTEN" was a Newgrounds maymay that's sadly prevailed thanks to the "retro gayman" culture nowadays.

>> No.1377798

I'm sure this is how the whole MLP thing started...

>> No.1377825

This. I didn't really pay her much attention, but I do remember hate for Navi back in the 90s. It's definitely not recent, and I even remember Nintendo Power talking shit about Navi back then

>> No.1377837


It's funny how compared to modern games, she's really pretty conservative in the assistance she gives you.

And yet critics welcome the hand holding nowadays. And still occasionally take jabs at OoT for Navi.

>> No.1377869

>And yet critics welcome the hand holding nowadays. And still occasionally take jabs at OoT for Navi.

I'm sure you have the names of all the people who welcomed it and criticized Navi, right?

Because just making general statements like that without acknowledging that these may be different people is kinda retarded. Kinda really retarded.

>> No.1377891

OP with a bit of clarification: I do remember some people saying she was annoying, but I don't think it became the huge "people can't even mention Ocarina of Time without going HEY LISTEN WATCH OUT" thing until years later.

>> No.1377903


Fine, it was a bit of generalization.

But still, you can see how journalism has changed over the years.

A little bit of guidance from Navi gets criticized, and now critics expect games to hold their hands throughout the entire game. The more the game plays itself, the better.

Telling you where to go isn't enough, you gotta have big flashing indicators and shit.

>> No.1377904
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>> No.1377924

Not even for a single second of my childhood did I EVER find Navi annoying. I don't understand the mid 2000's obsession with saying that she was annoying and I defend her every time I hear it. She IS the source of the z-targeting system and as a kid, actually would supply useful information. when going to the goron city as kid link, and having no idea how to get Darunia to cheer up, she said "Why don't you go visit saria?" and what do you know, she teaches you the song that progresses the story.

it's not like navi was useless. the only video game character as a kid that I found annoying that became annoying in the mid 2000's retro game upsweep was Slippy. me and my friends would always kill her on purpose.

>> No.1377926

shit, nigga, you got that right. THIS is more like it.

>> No.1377935

When I first played Ocarina of Time, I didn't knew english, so, besides of the "Hey!" I never understood what she said, to me it was "Linku", like a japanese trying to say "Link".

Anyway, the hate of her is a recent thing (as I see). This remembers me the hate for E.T for the Atari VCS, believe me, there much, MUCH worse games than that.

>> No.1377961

Yeah, actually. I remember being pissed at that guy, because of how the default option was for him to just talk about his shit again. I accidently pressed yes one too many times back in the day.

>> No.1377987

>kill her
slippy is a dude

>> No.1378000

>obvious generalization
>no anon no make generalization without be specific bad anon bad yes i mad

This. Critics in days of yore were less forgiving about such things. Critics of recent times seem to either like, or ignore, the fact that games give assistance to the point where it becomes watching a movie.

>> No.1378004

>obvious generalization

Listen, you browse 4chan long enough and not everything is obvious. I bet you think everyone is joking when they throw around the word "objectively" too.

>> No.1378010

Navi was always my buddy. Her interruptions were slightly annoying but that amounted to shit given the fact that I had a companion throughout the entire game.

>> No.1378016




>> No.1378050

But I love that owl...

Kaepora Gaebora and Navi are my niggas for life.

>> No.1378063

hah apologies. I know he is, but that was my childhood talking. we were always unsure, and just figured it was a girl because of his voice. I know now that he's a guy, but since I was recalling my memory of the game as a kid, I must have subconsciously put that in there. sorry about that.

>> No.1378067

anon made an argument against a group of people, in this case, "critics". Seems pretty generalized to me.

Also, browse 4chan a little bit longer than "long enough" and yes, things become pretty obvious. In fact they stay that way.
No, I don't think everyone who uses the word "objectively" is joking, because I can read and I have reading comprehension. I can tell when someone is actually being objective or not.

What was that word again? Oh yeah

Actually to contribute, I agree with some other anons. Navi never bothered me at first. After other playthroughs, she was mildly annoying. Going back to the game after everyone lost their apparent shit about Navi, I felt slightly enraged at her "participation" but I know most, if not all, of that is attributed to that thing where you say "you are now breathing manually" and now you can't stop thinking about it. I can't remember what that's called, don't care to look it up.

>> No.1378078

>things become pretty obvious.

Nothing is as obvious as you try to make it out to be.

>> No.1378149

fuck those text walls.
But I still love you kaepora. And your theme song.

>> No.1378195

MLP, and nazis, and people who like drake
bad things happen when the number of people who like stupid things for a joke and the number of people who like genuinely stupid things combine together

>> No.1378198

remember when Dave Chapelle realized his comedy was unintentionally abetting racists and decided to end his career?

>> No.1378205

I liked this guy
You know what was retarded though?
you are given the option YES, NO
YES is the default
and, you know, in most games, if you press B it means negatory, so you might just press B instead of selecting no

>> No.1378219

The worst part is how he doesn't always ask you the same question. He switches it up between "Did you get all that?" and "Do you want me to repeat that?" meaning you'd have to be paying attention and say yes in the first case and no in the second.

>> No.1378220

Watch out.
Kaepora and the yes/no option is going to be the new Navi.

you've been warned

>> No.1378350
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Hey, Yunocchi! Listen!

>> No.1378357
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I love her voice. I wish Navi had more to say.

>> No.1378368

you where only good in links awakenning, and in every subsiquent zelda you sucked.

>> No.1378371
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>August 18, 2000

People have always disliked Navi. And just like everything else on the Internet, a bunch of 12 year olds discover it long after it's been run into the ground and parrot it so they can be the cool kids on the forum.

>> No.1378373
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>> No.1378384

I'm only now realizing how grotesque his eyebrows are.

>> No.1378391

That long, slow scrolling, hooting text box was excruciating in LA.

>> No.1378395
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I disliked how she went HEY, LISTEN every 20 minutes, but it wasn't that bad, the owl was worse.

Also, there are far worse zelda sidekicks out there.

>> No.1378428

>>I never read dialog and just try to skip over everything
please go pick up a NES and never ever bother anyone else again.

>> No.1378440

let's see your face when you realise he was supposed to teach you PATIENCE.

>> No.1378458

>It's not bad design, it's edutainment!

>> No.1378463

It's a reddit-tier meme, that's why you see it all over the place.

>> No.1378472
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But she helps you talk to people far away, rapidly change targets during battle, and she never fusses about being dragged through a seven-year time portal.

>> No.1378478

Navi would be tolerable if she wasn't the fucking Lock On Noise too.

It'd be like playing Kingdom Hearts and every time you hit the lock-on button the game shouted out FEEL THE HEAT or GET UP ON THE HYDRA'S BACK

That's why nobody likes Navi.

>> No.1378512

Best bit is that at the end of the adventure she has served her purpose in life and floats away into nothingness, not even a word goodbye.

>> No.1378893


Having played through Ocarina of Time first as a kid, then Skyward Sword as a grown-ass man, many years later, I imagine the hatred I felt for this awful game mechanic must be analogous to that which was felt by the grown men who played A Link to the Past first as children, then went on to see Ocarina of Time.

AlttP ----> OoT


We didn't think Navi was annoying because we had no previous experience with the franchise.
Also we were just kids trying to have fun. We'd put up with more grating characters in cartoons.

>> No.1378898

blame newgrounds and people that never actually played oot

>> No.1378907

I always registered it as just another sound effect rather than her voice. It wasn't all that bad in my opinion.

>> No.1378909

She is slightly annoying but I don't mind her. I recently played through OOT again for only maybe my 2nd or 3rd time and I was hardly bothered. It's worth it because a couple times she helped by hinting what direction I was supposed to head in after I completed an objective.

Not retro but Fi is complete and utter shit.

>> No.1378915

Do people think Navi is annoying because they think they have to press her button every time she gives a notification? I don't ever remember Navi being an annoyance in the slightest. She doesn't even talk that often.

>> No.1378941

>Navi would be tolerable if she wasn't the fucking Lock On Noise too.

She's not, she rarely ever talks when you lock on.

>> No.1378964

I don't recall anything she said being all that useful. I used to check everything she had to say about enemies for flavor, though.

>> No.1379021

i said it once and i'll say it again. navi's fuckin adorable, anyone who thinks she's annoying is an asshole. it's like when she wants my attention i'm not like SHUT UP NAVI i'm like aww whaddya gotta say navi :>

>> No.1379030

This so fucking much. Now, that asshat IS the annoying one. Stupid Captain Obvious retard, interrupting my game every 5 fucking minutes to say some stupid thing I already fucking know...

>> No.1379302

Like others have said, it's been exaggerated. Everyone likes to say "ZOMFG NAVI IS SO ANNOYING AND THE WATER TEMPLE IS SOOOOOO HARD I WANNA KILL MYSELF INSTEAD OF BEAT IT," when really, they're both just mildly irritating at best.

>> No.1379321

It could get a bit annyoing when you were just dicking around.
Still, it's better than quest markers.

>> No.1379334

i hated her because i was like, twelve, and had a nintendo power strategy guide so she was superfluous at that point

>> No.1379348

I always found the owl a little more annoying than navi, but I never really hated either of them. I also LOVED the water temple and was surprised to find out just how much people hated it.

>> No.1379358
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This is her VA.
Her roles such as Vivio from Nanoha Strikers, Mami from Madoka Magica and Ougi from Monogatari Series easily vindicated her. I still think that she needs more leading roles though.

Pic related, one of her best roles is in the visual novel Grisaia no Kajitsu.

>> No.1379381

Her "WATCH OUT!!" is a lot less excruciating than the NYYYYYYOOOOOUUUUUU the targeting cursor makes when you lock on. In any case, after a while you get used to it so it isn't even that big of a deal.

>> No.1379383

EPIC MEME aside, most people tolerated Navi.

In fact, HEY LISTEN is my cousin's "you got a message" tune on his cellphone

>> No.1379385

Can you bone her and thus fuck Navi by proxy?

>> No.1379402

>unless my memory serves me wrong,
I remember hating her online was pretty popular in the early 2000s. Then I wasted even more time on forums than I do now.

>> No.1379417

>I'm only now realizing how grotesque his eyebrows are.
Owls are pretty much like that, though. Their brows are fucking huge.

>> No.1379453


Us gamers etc.

Fi a shit though

>> No.1379458

Nothing compares to the boat from Wind Waker.

>get off the boat
>press A so that you can roll, rolling made you move faster
>be a mile away, and he starts talking
>I f e e l l i k e i t i s v e r y i m p o r t a n t f o r m e t o s t a r t t a l k i n g t o y o u , e v e n i f I r e a l l y h a v e n o t h i n g t o s a y ... [Dururun]
>I h o p e y o u l i k e m y m e s s a g e s w h i c h a r e t h e s l o w e s t i n t h e e n t i r e g a m e ... [Dururun]

>> No.1379469

>read this in Lani's voice

I personally never had this problem. Are you some kind of spastic? I just ignored her and didn't press the button when she dingdingdinged.

>> No.1379473

Yes. And it is glorious.

>> No.1379481

Tatl > Navi

>> No.1379509
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Fairies are the best type of companion in 3D Zelda.

Their small size and flying ability means they can always be present in the game world without asserting design decisions to accommodate an always-present humanoid actor.

They can fly to nearby points of interest giving a visual cue to the player without the need of UI elements or contrived design language and is highly compatible with stereoscopy and VR.

Their small size means they can travel very fast without it looking stupid and gamey (unlike a humanoid actor).

They're visually and audibly distinct from every other type of actor, especially enemies. This means that the player would never be able to confuse the companion for an enemy (which would be the case with a following humanoid companion).

The way they emote is simple, charming and brief and unlike model-based animations it doesn't become repetitive and dull.

The fairy being a light source allows for the usage of dark environments without artificial brightness or environmental contrivances and is a really nice visual effect.

Fairies are exceptionally computationally inexpensive, their visual simplicity is cheap to render and their small size and flying ability makes pathfinding very cheap to do (or not even needed at all).

Their simple appearance allows them to be easily identifiable at long range and their small size prevents them from obstructing the camera when close.

Etc, etc, etc.

>walking through a village
>fairy companion flies up to a character in the distance illuminating the subtle volumetric fog along the way
>character is slightly illuminated by the fairy making it stand out slightly
>character makes swiping motions attempting to grab the fairy out of the air while the fairy dodges
>at any point the player can turn around and walk the opposite direction and the companion would be back at the player's side within a few seconds to serve practical gameplay purposes

Can't do that shit with a non-fairy companion.

>> No.1379549


The size difference between Link and the fairy allows for good interplay between the two characters and doesn't detract from Link's heroics.

The fairy's small size allows it to be easily hidden in Link's clothing during events that would be cumbersome with separate characters (teleportation, being thrown in jail, etc).

The small size also allows the fairy to be a relatively "strong" character, with no reason needed for why a companion isn't able to physically assist Link with combat and physically-exerting actions (assistance which would detract from Link's heroics).

Consider inter-dependence between Link and fairy vs assertive robot lady telling Link what to do and nothing else.

Et fucking al. /micdrop

>> No.1379554

All companion characters in games are "annoying", it's nothing specific to the Zelda series.

>> No.1379569

Ball of light is the shittiest fairy design.

And Link doesn't need a companion.

>> No.1379570

People back than actually played games, and didn't really mind bullshit like this. I mean, Navi IS annoying, but who cares? I never cared about her anyway.

>> No.1379572

Ball of light is the best design from a gameplay standpoint.

Gameplay > *

>> No.1379574
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>> No.1379581

Even if you weren't wrong that's a very bad comparison.

Prince of Persia has very different needs for their companion characters than Zelda.

>> No.1379583


no that's a very good example to the contrary

>> No.1379595
File: 256 KB, 1504x1052, CheckmateProper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better design from a gameplay standpoint is to not have a hand holding helper.

>> No.1379619


I'm not comparing to Zelda, the post I replied to specifically stated that all companions were annoying, even outside the Zelda series.

>> No.1379629

I disagree. The alternatives are worse then a helper that can lend assistance when required.

>the dialogue of NPCs would need to be replaced with thinly-veiled instructions "I saw smoke rising from Mt. Mountain" in lieu of something better
>instructions would need to be repeated or overly stressed to ensure the player gets it
>game expects player to take notes
>game is overly simple and derivative to avoid need of guidance
>dependance on contrived visual design language to instruct player

A companion allows for the programmatic provision of timely guidance, this affords the game's design to be very light on hand-holding and expositional instruction and enables it to adapt to the player's skill level and play style (where pre-run essential dialogue would not).

A flawed implementation doesn't mean the concept is flawed.

>> No.1379637

All the things you listed either already happen in Zelda that have helper characters, or would be better than a helper.

>> No.1379643

I saw hate for her in print magazines in 1999 - fanart, no less. Still have the copy, actually.

So Navi hate is pretty much just as old as the game itself.

This being said, I never udnerstood said hate. Never had a problem with Navi.

>> No.1379645

A lot of them are hold-overs from Zeldas that didn't have a companion character. Also Nintendo is incompetent.

>> No.1379660

>In fact, HEY LISTEN is my cousin's "you got a message" tune on his cellphone

that's be mildly amusing a decade ago, nowadays anyone that uses goofy ring tones like that deserves a punch in the kidney

>> No.1379679

Are you a game designer?

I think it should at most be an option. If the environments are too complex to navigate alone, and there's nothing in the environment to point players to, then there should usually be something to guide them. Environmental navigation is usually the solution.

>> No.1379732

Nothing is more frustrating to a game developer than watching someone who doesn't know what they're doing and giving up because of it.

But it's just as frustrating to see gamers turned off by a game with excessive guidance and pointing out the obvious.

>> No.1379779

I don't think his profession should have any bearing on what he has to say. There's plenty of terrible professional game designers and plenty of knowledgeable videogame enthusiasts.

In the spirit of anonymous imageboards I think it's best to think about what is said in a vacuum.

I personally hate the "make it an option" design methodology, I think it's a terrible solution that should only be used as a last resort.

What I think should happen is for systemic feedback on the player's willingness to adhere to and/or listen to advice be used to determine the amount of guidance desired by the player.

A simple example would be to have Navi ask the player whether or not they're interested in what she has to say prior to saying it, if the player declines her guidance the game could then less frequently offer guidance in the future.

The game could also keep track of all the conversations that the player has experienced, if the player attained knowledge about something on his own then there's less need to spell it out to them in the future. I'm particularly fond of this because it encourages non-linear gameplay as talking to a random out-of-the-way NPC could yield quasi-essential information that won't be repeated in the future, in effect spreading out a narrative into chunks that can be obtained from the player's actions instead of from a narrative dump in a cutscene (which can be overwhelming and as a result less potent).

>> No.1379810

She gets more annoying as the game goes on, especially after the timeskip where there's a lot more to do on the side.

It's like she's programmed to automatically give you her regular hint on the next dungeon even if you're halfway and you've decided to take a break and do the Biggoron's Sword fetch quest.

>> No.1379820

If there's anything that's irritating, it's the unskippable cutscenes and the dialogue text that's incredibly slow compared to other games like Pokemon.

>> No.1379834

Slow dialog text works much better in Japanese than English due to characteristics of that language, unfortunately it's often not adjusted for the English localization.

>> No.1379882

I don't remember anyone hating her among my friends either, i always liked her

I cried when she left at the end ;_;

>> No.1379885


you mean it being a syllabary, i guess

>> No.1379891

The complaints were around back then, it's pretty obvious since the fairy in majora's mask just rings.

>> No.1379918
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His Eyebrows aren't that bad.

>> No.1380763
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>hating on Mami's VA
No, not even once.

This fucker, on the other hand...

>> No.1380774
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is that his nose hair or his mustache?

>> No.1380927

>hand holding helper
just because you watch sequelitus doesnt mean you understand game design.

>> No.1381054
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I didn't really care. Sometimes she was annoying. Sometimes gave flavor text: I like flavor text. I think when Navi comes up, I think Roll in Mega Man legends needs mentioning. She seems to get flack for much of the same things as Navi, but the main difference is that makes your equipment, items, etc. and there's a subquest where you decorate her room. So either that's what makes her less hated, or just that Legends is less popular.

>> No.1381120
File: 96 KB, 403x400, this thread.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


My god!

>> No.1381582

holy shit she voiced Mami Tomoe? holy fuck. mind blown.

>> No.1382746

Her functionality was useful, but that doesn't mean it wasn't implemented in an annoying manner as well. The issue is on subsequent play through it grinds people down. It's nowhere near as bad as Midna or fucking forbid Fi.
That's why you get a significant delay and a slower rise of complaint. Especially if you're busy trying to explore, people who like to take their time or experiment or immerse themselves more will get hit with it worse than someone barreling straight through. Fi for example got an uproar immediately because it doesn't matter what you fucking do she will fucking ride your nuts and ruin the shit out what little you can get out of an already ruined game.

>> No.1382906
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Thank you OP, I thought I'd been going insane.

Navi was a good companion, IMO. The HEY LISTEN cries accentuated the moment, but I never felt they really broke the border into the annoying - in fact, they usually came at tense moments like with boss monsters, or enemies that were taking me by surprise, and so they added to the tension.

But as others have said, I feel like Newgrounds culture and internet backlash have really exaggerated how annoying it is. And when you have a large crowd expressing something, well, it's easy to believe that.

>> No.1382910

It was so annoying that they tampered with the Yes/No placement for him. But otherwise, this dude was a real comforting presence in what could otherwise be a pretty grim atmosphere. Seeing him pop up in the Desert Temple for Child Link was a real kind surprise.

>> No.1382943
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>> No.1382958

People who say Navi wasn't annoying are just OoT fanboys who don't want any marks against their "omg greatest game ever perfect no flaws"

>> No.1382972

My favourite game is Majora's Mask and I still found Navi to be grand.

Please don't generalise, it's a foul habit that is difficult to break.

>> No.1383060

Navi isn't really annoying until some of the early adult dungeons when she forces you to listen to her a few times. She keeps quiet far more than the more recent shit tier Zelda helpers. The only one that's even quieter than her is Tatl.

>> No.1383074

Navi was really useful in one instance.

You haven't played the game in awhile, you forget what you were doing, so you talk to Navi and she tells you what's up.

I'm totally fine with helper sidekicks. I would hazard a guess she was put in to guide kids along. I know when I first played this game as an idiot kid, I wouldn't have gotten too far in the game without her help.

So as a kid, it was nice having something around that always seemed to be on top of things.

You know, I never realized it until know, but every 3D Zelda has a little helper sidekick.

As far as sidekicks go, the King of the Red Lions was the best. He was there if you needed him, but you could go the whole game without talking to him, aside from plot related cutscenes.

Midna was also alright. Tatl was a less annoying Navi. Fi can go jump off a cliff.

>> No.1383117
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She never bothered me. Believe it or not, this is a completely honest statement. In fact, I just completed the water temple in my first play-through of the game in five years and the only time I really notice Navi's presence is when I'm fishing.

>> No.1383497
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Best companion even if not retro

>> No.1383536

She is the best, but it's only because of dem hips

>> No.1383562
File: 301 KB, 400x225, 1385015050803.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She is Miyako and Tio Plato.

Aw shit nigga.

>> No.1383568

it is unoptional

>> No.1383590
File: 59 KB, 1280x720, Tomoki-and-Tomoko-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she grinds her JUNK all over your wolf back fur all the time.....

i actually like navi your a pimp fairy boy with a fuckin fairy and DUDE LET ME IN YOU FUCKING BIG WOODY TREE I AM A FAIRY!

>> No.1383628
File: 24 KB, 173x165, Tatl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best fairy coming through.

I didn't hate Navi. I was more pissed that she just left Link alone at the end than at anythinge lse about her. I thought we were bros.

>> No.1383631
File: 87 KB, 500x440, MarinGet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best companion fo' reals though

>> No.1383787

Navi didn't have a facebook page in 1998 so there's no way to know how many likes she would have got. Kids in the 90's didn't know what usenet was. Most never learned.

>> No.1383798

lol, so you think there was nothing but usenet before facebook?
are you 12?

>> No.1383894

No, I'm no where close to your age.

>> No.1384016
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>> No.1384018
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>retro gayman

>> No.1384121
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>> No.1384127

I didn't like her mostly because of her constant condescending remarks and just treating you like shit even if she did apologize

>> No.1384152

4chan also has a memetic hatred for water levels.

Like, seriously guys, the water temple wasn't THAT bad.

>> No.1384605

tatl's a bitch

>> No.1384642

No one asked you

>> No.1384867

>G-guys OoT REALLY had no flaws it's just people making jokes, r-really!

>> No.1386117

I'm screencapping this and the date just so I can post it when it happens.

>> No.1386127
File: 2.99 MB, 480x270, 1380284887577.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I missed her when she did that.

>> No.1386128

It's more annoying on N64 since you had to go to the start menu to switch boots and couldn't bind them to a C button.

>> No.1386132

Yeah, that's something you're supposed to fix in localizing it. Imagine if any of the Pokemon games ran text at that speed.

>> No.1386134

There is a 98% chance her feet are fucking hot though.

>> No.1386820

>stupid owl you only ever see once in the whole game


>> No.1386825

I always wondered why someone didnt patch out her sound files. That would stop nearly 90% of complaint threads.

>> No.1386860


You see him a whole lot more than once.

>> No.1387701

Never bothered me. I never really got the jokes about her being annoying.

>> No.1387723


That's not even true.

>> No.1388268
File: 47 KB, 500x403, 1385865831952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the same as the water temple. It's a shit joke, the temple itself is easy as fuck.

The horse race, on the other hand

>> No.1388297

Annoyed the fuck out of me back when I played it on release.

So no, not a new thing.

>> No.1389675

It makes sense to hate the "helper feature" of Navi, but it seems unfair to take it out on Navi herself.

>> No.1389686
File: 383 KB, 934x1044, 1387236888086.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. I played OoT first when I was 7 and I always love Navi, so I was really surprised when I found the internet and how it's a meme to hate her. She's Link's best friend, you wouldn't even have MM without Navi. How could you hate her! Plus, her voice is cute.


>> No.1389697

Sometimes I think she hijacks your game. I don't remember though.

>> No.1389702

That's a beautiful pic.

>> No.1389758
File: 3 KB, 42x48, LA_Owl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


was chstari