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1373925 No.1373925[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Are there any games for this console that don't look or play like total shit?

>> No.1373927



Alex Kid


>> No.1373930
File: 62 KB, 483x674, Sms-05051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm fairly certain I've posted Choplifter in every single SMS thread.

>> No.1373940

That actually looks pretty cool, I'll accept that one.

Alex kidd is ok. Shinobi looks pretty shitty.

>> No.1373938

I owned one of these growing up.

From my memory, Zillions was amazing for the time. Spellcaster was really cool because it had sort of adventure game-like screens where you had to talk to people and interact with things in order to get to the next action levels. Time Soldiers was a pretty decent port, I remember throwing hours and hours into that with my friends.

And snail maze, the undisputed masterpiece of the SMS library.

>> No.1373949
File: 37 KB, 510x250, Snail-Maze-titre.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>snail maze

Shit's tight.

>> No.1373960


>> No.1373969

Rastan, Action Fighter, Double Dragon, Time Soldiers, etc.

There are a lot of great titles on SMS.

>> No.1373976
File: 35 KB, 250x365, Phantasy_Star_box.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You stupid or something?

>> No.1374095

PS1 somehow manages to be clunkier than Dragon Quest, which is an impressive feat.

>> No.1374530

Lucky Dime Caper
Whichever 'Illusion' game there was
Lemmings (yeah SMS lemmings is shit hot, trust me)

>> No.1375638

Wonder Boy III -- It was on Turbografx also, but it was fucking cool.

>> No.1375645

European version of Captain Silver

>> No.1375647
File: 277 KB, 794x1143, Golvellius box.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Best played with the FM soundchip for Genesis-like music.

>> No.1375854
File: 158 KB, 620x384, Sonic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sonic 1, R-Type, Mortal Kombat 2, Golden Axe etc. The SMS is arguably much better than the NES in technical terms, and the games above simply prove my point. If one were to blatantly criticize the SMS's library, then there's also the obvious and necessary implication that all 8-bits games from any other platform would be at the very best equal or worse to it. The SMS was a groundbreaking and powerful console for its time.

>> No.1376015

You've never played PS1.

>> No.1376038

Power Strike 2


>> No.1376124

>DQ-style menu spam (now with a pointless first-person mode that prevents you from actually seeing where in town you are from the menu)
>movement in towns is extremely clunky; it doesn't help that most towns are made almost entirely of single-tile roads
>first-person dungeon crawling

>> No.1376141

I bought a SMS + a bunch of games last summer

>most of the games suck or haven't aged well
>the controller is garbage
>hunting for new games is no fun because nobody owned a master system
>the system is awkwardly shaped and doesnt stack on anything else in my entertainment center

...yet I can't bring my self to get rid of the thing despite it being a shitty impulse buy

>> No.1376176

>the controller is garbage


>> No.1376248

I always thought ghostbusters, despite its flaws, was fun. Loads better than the NES version. Worth a playthrough if you like the SMS

many of the light phaser games especially Wanted and Gangster town, phantasy star (I don't give a fuck >>1376124 it's not as bad as you lead on) SDI, Zilllion is awesome and Choplifter is one of the god tier games of its era.

>> No.1376253

>compile gane
>MC is a guy

Is this the only Compile game where the MC isn't a little girl of some form?

>> No.1376259

I own a Sega Master System, and my favourite games are the following:
Hang On/Astro Warrior
Shanghai (just Mah Jongg)

The Sega Genesis arcade-style stick (MK-1627) works on most Master System games, too, which is fun.

>> No.1376265

Err any non-aleste title? I don't even think all the aleste titles had you playing as a girl

>> No.1376297

Though I'm not too big a fan of Ghostbuster's gameplay, its graphics are pretty impressive.

>> No.1376469

Wonder Boy series, seriously. Golvellius, like others have said. Miracle Warriors too if you want some funky crpg-light that plays kinda like a single player board game or something. Shinobi, Alex Kidd, etc..

>> No.1376473

Golden Axe Warrior
Ninja Gaiden

>> No.1376480

>I always thought ghostbusters, despite its flaws, was fun
How can you say such a thing you monster

>> No.1376485
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>> No.1376526

Golden Axe warrior.
Sonic 1 for it isn't amazing and at time it's a bit graphically glitchy, but it's a decent game you also accelerate faster than on the genesis and actually have a bit of mobility. The levels are decent enough, I'd if it weren't for the graphics and sounds it'd be a better game than sonic on the genesis. Though the sprite sizes could have found a nice inbetween. Genesis sonic had large sprites, master system had small sprites medium would have been best.

>> No.1376760
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What does this even mean?

>> No.1376763

No idea what op is talking about, the games on SMS look and play great....they just sound like total dogshit compared to the NES. Seriously, stock SMS sound is so fucking bad and the lack of sound channels is very noticable. I've heard atari games with better music.

>> No.1376852
File: 419 KB, 1584x1029, Master of Darkness (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Master of Darkness. Extremely derivative of Castlevania but pretty damn good nevertheless

>> No.1376853
File: 120 KB, 640x922, 1122466731-00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.1376854


Vampire: Master of Darkness is too easy in my opinion

>> No.1376859

Maybe so, but it doesn't look or play like total shit

>> No.1377180

Some good games mentioned so far.

Psycho fox
Fantasy zone
Enduro racer (kind of looked and played like crap, but still fun and worth it anyway for the victory message)
Sonic 1 and 2 are better than their 16bit counterparts imo because they don't have anywhere near as much slowdown, and 1 has the best soundtrack of the entire franchise
New Zealand story

Pretty much everything mentioned so far too, with special nods to both land and castle of illusion, and master of darkness.

>> No.1377194

Sonics physics are a lot better in general on the master system, he accelerates quicker and is more responsive in the air. Along with the smoother frame rate this makes the games feel a lot tighter than on the mega drive. Chaos wasn't bad either, level design was certainly not up to the same standard though.

>> No.1377217

Impressive sprites on that game.

>> No.1377285

I had no idea people like this actually existed.

I remember the first time I emulated PS1, I was actually amazed by how smooth it was for such an old game.

>> No.1377290

what is trolling
dont tell me this is your first day on the internet

>> No.1377342

you can use a genesis controller on the SMS

>> No.1377357

Does it always work on real hardware? I've got a Genesis and an EverDrive, and on a model 1 Genesis some SMS games don't work with a Genesis controller. On a model 2 Genesis, every SMS game I've tried works fine with the Genesis controller. Do they work alright on a real SMS?

>> No.1377364

well I was broke as a kid so we were always a generation behind so when we got a 2nd controller for our SMS we bought a standard Genesis controller and it worked fine. A lot comfier, the C button doesnt do anything obviously

>> No.1377407

>Not Zelda: the game

>> No.1377425

But damn, it looks good.

>> No.1377428

youre thinking of Golden Axe: Warrior

which despite being a clone is still on par with the original IMO

>> No.1377434

Yeah, that one

>> No.1377459

>psychic master and alex kidd in shinobi world still not listed

>> No.1377485

Well it DOES look pretty shitty

It's really great though

>> No.1377481

Yeah, lots of good games on that console but I think for you every hope is lost

>Shinobi looks pretty shitty.

>> No.1377513


Doesn't look worse than, let's say, Ninja Gaiden.

And yeah, it's fantastic. Except Mandara. Fuck Mandara.

>> No.1377583

The lack of Wonder Boy in her is disappointing.

For me, WB3 is still the best Metroid.

>> No.1377606

I used a 3 button genesis controller on my SMS and every game worked fine with it.

Which was good, because the SMS controller has an awful dpad and shitty mushy buttons. Also, who's fucking idea was it to put the pause button on the goddamn console and not the controller?

Pretty much. And it was alright.

>> No.1377692
File: 16 KB, 464x331, DRAGONS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WBIII: The Dragon's Trap

Monster Land is pretty good too.

>> No.1378014

best game on the machine and one of the best games ever. metroidvania light.

>> No.1378349
File: 57 KB, 640x480, Dragon Crystal015.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No love for Dragon Crystal? It's an awesome roguelike that's pretty great. If you've played Fatal Labyrinth on the Genesis, you know how this plays. It's really fun and the graphics are nice

>> No.1380683

>alex the kid
>phantasy star
>most 3rd party games since it had more power/graphics than NES
>keep going?

>> No.1381196

Zillion is the best Master System game.

>> No.1381205

Clunky, responsive, smooth, archaic, innovative, breathtaking, immersive, groundbreaking, visceral and epic are the most useless words present in any game review. I could use those words to describe any game correctly if I spin the meaning enough.

>> No.1381209


The GG version is dope as shit.

>> No.1381221
File: 673 KB, 1400x1050, R-Type2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm guessing op owned a Nes and only played mario bros becuase his parents were Jehovah Whiteness.... Kill Yourself

>> No.1381223

>Guardian Legend
>Madou Monogatari
>Puyo Puyo

Though that might be all of them.

>> No.1381227

>Arcade version was published and distributed by Nintendo, at least in the USA
>it is ported to Sega's console


>> No.1381232

Question was "Are there any games for this console that don't look or play like total shit?"


"Is there any games that were purely developed for the Sega Master System and not released on anything besides sms?"


>> No.1381238

What? I was just making a comment on the absurd irony at hand. Considering that Nintendo brought R-Type to the USA, you'd figure they'd throw a contract for some form of exclusivity. Guess Nintendo was feeling generous.

>> No.1381240

Do people just read half a post and make a moronic knee-jerk reply here now? this has been happening a lot

>> No.1381249

the NES probably wasn't strong enough to play it to their liking.

>> No.1381259



This is a Chinese, possibly Korean, bootleg port of R-Type with horrific music and graphics, but look at it. NO SLOWDOWN on the NES. This is truly the work of a programming genius. Better graphics and music would hardly, if at all, affect performance, so if they had a competent team, they could've pushed the limits to the sky.

>> No.1381324

Actually, this raises a point I wish more SMS owners cared to admit. Most games are ports, a lot of those ports have been either improved in other systems or done better since. All the third party support is almost, if not, worse than the stuff on the N64

>> No.1381330

MS games looked better than NES games.

The sound however was ear-piercingly bad and killed any desire to play that piece of shit.