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/vr/ - Retro Games

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1370698 No.1370698[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How do you guys keep track of your collection? I've been using excel but I'm wondering if vgcollect is actually good.

Pic unrelated

>> No.1370712

Backloggery is decent for this.

>> No.1370729

I frequently look at them, and play them.

My method isn't for everyone though.

>> No.1370784

GameFAQs. They have the most fullest games database in the internets.
And notepad.

>> No.1370801

I use the backlog list on howlongtobeat.com

>> No.1370805

I snap the games I've completed in half.

>> No.1370831

>How do you guys keep track of your collection?
What do you mean? I just look on my shelf to see what games I have.

>> No.1370851

OP here. I was meaning something like an inventory that you'd show people online and such. Like http://vgcollect.com/ for example.

>> No.1370869

I generally keep a mental note of what I have. If it gets too much, I sell everything I haven't played in a year. Which is most of it at this point. Fuck having a job.

>> No.1370871

Oh. In that case I take a pic of my collection and upload it on /vr/

>> No.1370875

Why would you do that? You can just wait longer to play a game.

>> No.1370878

>collecting to show others
>collecting so much you need bookkeeping

This is why I stopped being a "collector". I just have a whole lot of games that I like, generally the more I like it, the better / more complete copy I buy.

I've begun to just liquidate my games, though. I'd rather have the hardware with my top 5 titles and roms for everything else.

>> No.1370880

Space issues, essentially. I have a room for my video and board games and it's been full for about a year, now, with two or three games piled in the corner because there is no space.

I need to just sell on a whole lot of stuff.

Anybody purge part of their collection?
How'd it feel? I recently cleared out every room in my house and threw out a lot of things; external Amiga disk drives, console parts, less-than-pristine packaging and so on. Very freeing.

>> No.1370884

>How'd it feel? I recently cleared out every room in my house and threw out a lot of things; external Amiga disk drives, console parts, less-than-pristine packaging and so on. Very freeing.

I couldn't image doing that. When I have spent so much time and money on games, I would not just throw it away or sell it. I can't see how that is freeing. It's one thing to stop buying more games, but selling the ones you already have is crazy.

>> No.1370889
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>threw out a lot of things; external Amiga disk drives
I hope you at least tried to find a good home for those before chucking them out.

>> No.1370892

>Very freeing.
You know what I'd find freeing? Owning fucking everything. When you own everything, you're free from trying to look for it, because you know you have it.

>> No.1370894


I know what you mean, I thought the same right up until I actually did it.
I could have listed a lot of it on ebay, but the reason I got rid of things in the first place was because I have no time, have no space and to be fair, some of it was so heavy and in so low demand it would go for about £1.03 +shipping on eBay.

>When I have spent so much time and money on games, I would not just throw it away or sell it.

I also know what you mean here, but I went through a stage of just buying up games for consoles I didn't have, or buying up consoles I didn't have room to set up or just plain wasn't that into.

>> No.1370902

I tried to give it away to friends, but most have gotten out of Amiga. I tried to give it to a local "retro gaming club" but nobody there played Amiga. I tried to list it on Gumtree, I got one offer from a low-balling dick called "Will". The same guy who contacts me whenever I give vidya stuff away for free, and I'm pretty sure is a local reseller I've had a run in with before.

I hate to waste stuff, but I'm not even honestly sure they were working anymore. I got them as part of a job lot and kept them because I love Amiga, but when I got a CF HDD + external CF Interface, I find I don't need extra drives anymore and so they've been in my house unused for 2 years.

I have 1500 brand new, sealed floppy disks in my house and I really, really need them to be gone, but see the above paragraph for details of my attempts to find them a home.

>> No.1370907

Okay, that's quite a few disks.

I'd offer to take them, but my Amigas no longer have working floppy drives. I could dismantle some external drives and fit them internally. If I had any.

>> No.1370915


If you collected my disks I would give you the remaining drive I have and lots of other Amiga stuff. 100% serious. But the chances of you being near Edinburgh...

>> No.1370924

Liverpool, I'm afraid.

But hey, were you stoked for Putty Squad or what!! A bit shit isn't it?

>> No.1371059

I had a demo of Putty Squad as a kid. Did it actually come out? I think I still have the Amiga Format it came on..

>> No.1371060

It sure did. Putty Squad for A1200 was released on... 24th December 2013.

A mere 19 years after a demo of it appeared on the cover of Amiga Power.

>> No.1371061

>1500 brand new, sealed floppy disks
I would totally take those off your hands if there was an easy way.

>> No.1371063

I wonder when they were manufactured...

>> No.1371068

That's like half a pallet of disks...

>> No.1371083

Been using it for over a year.

>> No.1371086

One thing that's always confused me about Backloggery is that it doesn't have (or didn't have) any sort of canonical list of games. I see my list, I see other people's lists, but I don't see any way of establishing connections between the two. That makes sense if the system is designed to let you maintain your own personal list and who cares what everybody else is doing... but I already have a fool-proof method of doing that. S'called paper.

>> No.1371348

I use backloggery because the whole reason I collect games is to play them anyway. I like the social features as well as being able to rate and comment on the games you play.

If I start having hundreds of collected games I haven't played its a problem.

>> No.1371357

>If I start having hundreds of collected games I haven't played its a problem.

Same for me. I fear I won't ever get to play them.

>> No.1371381

They are still being manufactured.

>> No.1371564

Yea I mean the website is just another method of doing that. You don't have to use any paper and its easy to edit your list. I like seeing what other people are playing too. Especially when its not some latest game that just got released. Pretty soul crushing when everyone around you in real life is playing the latest call of duty or madden or whatever and your the only one playing some ten year old game or some obscure JRPG.

>> No.1371578
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>tfw still waiting for the day someone will send me a message on Backloggery because they like my taste and we become pals

>> No.1371587

Whats your backlog? http://backloggery.com/dragonspire here

>> No.1371605

I don't have a backloggery, but I feel the need to inform you that you have excellent taste in Yu Yu Hakusho bitches.

>> No.1371657

Holy shit do you actually own all those? Where do you find the cash?

>> No.1371682
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I'm making my own site for this purpose. It's just a fun little project that I've been working on and off for some time now, mainly to experiment with programming techniques.
It has all kinds of features that I've picked from plenty of sites, it annoyed me that while there are plenty of game sites like this, they all do just one very specific thing. Here I've tried to put them all in one.

Even I don't know where I'm going with it, currently it's just for my personal use. Would someone find any use for something like this if I published it?

>> No.1371686

rfgeneration has free collection tools with a very extensive database

>> No.1371692

Yea I do own all those. I have had jobs in my youth and now as an adult I have even more disposable income. All my money as a kid would go to video games just cuz I love them. Its tapered out nowadays as I won't be getting too much more retro games.

>> No.1371874

I've been using GC Star for a long time. It's pretty good, finds most images right away.

Protip: Save often, it likes to crash when importing more than three entries.

>> No.1372468
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Me again, I bought them nearly 2 years ago, they were from the last factory run in 2011. They don't actually take up that much space- they fill two plastic folding crates currently- pic related.