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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 975 KB, 1192x896, 1390935627295.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1368657 No.1368657 [Reply] [Original]

>implying this isn't perfection

Ha, I bet you didn't even know that this was a shader until you opened it up.

Shaders general.

>> No.1368678

Wow, this is the first CRT shader I've seen that doens't look like complete and total ass on par with supereagle filters.

>> No.1368682 [DELETED] 

This thread is a /v/ raid thread. Sage if you post

>> No.1368686

Agreed. It's actually quite subtle.

>> No.1368685

>someone doesn't understand what sage is

>> No.1368690


CRT Geom Sharpness. It's less blurry than standard with less strong lines.

Plus I believe it has NTSC RGB as another shader on top of that. But I have never figured out how to use .shader shaders in the curretn RetroArch.

>> No.1368703


reminds me of an original ds lcd with its touch screen on top of it

>> No.1368726

GTU is best shader

>> No.1368729


Show examples?

>> No.1368761

why is it night in the desert? I thought that part of the game was day

>> No.1368774

Not at home right now but you can download a test app to play with it


>> No.1368863

It isn't perfection.

>> No.1368879

Anyone have a link to this shader for Higan?

>> No.1368889
File: 493 KB, 2880x1080, gtu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not the guy who suggested it, but just tested it out. Impressive gamma correction. I can almost imagine that's how the developers intended it to look.

>> No.1368906

I don't know why you replied to me with an image that doesn't have scanlines when all I'm complaining about here is scanlines.

>> No.1368907
File: 423 KB, 1618x612, MUH AUTHENTIC BLUR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how the developers intended it to look

So which one, left or right?

>> No.1368912

The developers never intended for Sonic to have 3 feet.

>> No.1368915


blur filters look like vomit, sharpening filter or no filter at all

>> No.1368916

sorry should have been a reply to >>1368729

>> No.1368917
File: 9 KB, 322x322, 1367445407282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1368920

Right, but without scanlines.

>> No.1368931

Why? I can understand why you'd want modern games with pixel art to be sharp, because that's how the developers intended it to be viewed. But old games weren't designed to be sharp, they were essentially hacked to look as good as possible on a CRT. That explains the brownish Chrono Trigger background.

>> No.1368941

If they wanted it to be black, why would they not have just used black?

>> No.1368947

The thing that bothers me most about retro games displayed on a LCD/LED (I don't know if Plasma is affected) is the color inaccuracy.

See >>1368889

>> No.1368953
File: 70 KB, 960x672, fuck your options.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1368959

Because that would have made it appear far to black. The brown made it as dark as they intended it to be, with a tint.
You can read more here: http://emulation-general.wikia.com/wiki/NTSC_Filters

"Many SNES games were developed with the color distortion from these cables in mind. Such as Chrono Trigger, with shifted values that make blacks look brown and borders look purple, which would be output properly with NTSC colors."

>> No.1368957

>How the developers intended

Why do people say this in every one of these threads? I don't give a fuck what the developers wanted it to look like, I only care if it looks good to me, filter or no filter.

>> No.1368960

Blurring and blending is required for some games to look right, such as SNES hi red transparency

Besides, that GTU shader is highly customizable and can be as blurry or sharp as you want

>> No.1368965

scanlines make games look better

>> No.1368969

Because for some people, a part of the retro experience is about how the developers wanted us to experience it back in the days. If that doesn't mean anything to you, you might as well play the iOS ports of the Final Fantasy series, if it doesn't mean anything to you how the original developers intended it to look.

>> No.1368970

My vision do the blurring effect just fine. Increase the distance to the screen if necessary.

>> No.1368978

I like blur but only horizontally, like a CRT does

>> No.1368979

>Because for some people, a part of the retro experience is about how the developers wanted us to experience it back in the days.

So basically on any TV, because nobody is retarded enough to make something and then expect every single person to experience it in the exact same setting?

>> No.1368975

Meh, if I wanted scanlines I'd play it on my own CRT TV. It's just something emulators never manage to reproduce accurately enough.

>> No.1368976
File: 17 KB, 805x704, 8888.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


define "right" and post examples

i agree the color looks better but i hate the blurring, prefer not blurring pixels because it looks better, finer details are easier to distinguish

blurring makes me feel cross-eyed

i also that turns off sound interpolation in ZSNES and force point sampling in glide64

my crono also looks much leaner >>1368889 btw

>> No.1368981
File: 6 KB, 650x650, 1390944003978.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The color in >>1368889 is so close to black that you can barely tell the difference even with that color and pure black right next to each other. Black would not have been "too black". That's just about the dumbest thing I've ever heard.

>> No.1368983

SNES expects a higher gamma than 2.2

>> No.1368982


i'm a bit drunk bare with me

>> No.1368986

That's because I stretch it to fit the 4:3 TV aspect ratio. Yours is rendered in a "pixel perfect" ratio that comes from the raw SNES output. It's a matter of taste I think. Some prefer to see perfect pixels, some prefer the way you would see it on an actual TV.

>> No.1368987

That doesn't answer the question.
If they wanted it to be black, why would they not have used black? Tell me.

>> No.1368993

No no, you misunderstood. You can see how dark it gets when it's brown. Imagine how much it would have pulled down the ramp if it was actually black in the raw output.

>> No.1368994

limited palette

Fact is that it looks washed out and ugly without a gamma ramp

>> No.1369005


don't most gba ports decrease the gamma

>> No.1369017

Yes and increased brightness making blacks really washed out

>> No.1369028
File: 30 KB, 512x448, 1390945496475.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No filters master race.

>> No.1369046

Nearest a shit

At least use a pixellate filter to allow non square pixels

>> No.1369047
File: 774 KB, 1194x896, scans.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Embrace it dude.

>> No.1369235

>using filters
Kill yourself.

>> No.1369284
File: 1.12 MB, 1920x1080, pcsxr 2013-04-06 00-01-55-63.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dot matrix master race

>> No.1369324

Sorry for the question but what game is this?

>> No.1369336


there's a re-translation of this game? holy crap, if any game ever needed a re-trans patch its BOF2.

>> No.1369350

what game?

>> No.1369362

Yes, and Breath of Fire II.

>> No.1369365


Silent Hill 1

>> No.1369367



is this the patch in question? Seems like it. Why change the red menu to blue thooooo?

>> No.1369372
File: 80 KB, 1292x532, sonic waterfall.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

left or right?

>> No.1369391


>> No.1369392

>not using filters
Kill yourself

>> No.1369408

Most of the filters posted here are way too strong. OP's filter is the only one so far that even resembles what games actually looked like on a CRT.

>> No.1369421
File: 1.30 MB, 1440x934, sonic gtu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1369438
File: 747 KB, 1395x985, 1390955186410.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Completely 2D games are such an easy problem because there's almost always something you can find that makes it look "best".

The REAL fightin' is on what the fuck to do with the one generation whose visuals looked worse than the one before it; hideous 5th gen polygons. Every single thing you can do - including just playing the actual console on the TV your mom had from 1995-2000 - looks bad. You have to decide what looks LEAST BAD. And if you get caught believing that it is possible to make it look good, you are forever doomed to fucking with shader settings for the rest of your miserable life, never enjoying or completing a game again.

>> No.1369449
File: 344 KB, 1024x771, 1255232041321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

personally I like the bilinier filter because it pleasantly blends the colors while still retaining some of the pixelation. Super sai and HQ is just over the line of acceptable due to mis-aligned textures.

On a side note all of these "HD" FF6 screenshots make sick to see such obvious laziness.


>> No.1370179
File: 890 KB, 1280x960, 1390977874905.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am the one who took the original screenshot in the OP. To achieve that effect, you have to use RetroArch, and get this shader:


Place this shader somewhere in the RetroArch directory, such as a folder called Shaders.

Now, open this shader in a word editor like Notepad++, and comment out the following line as such:

//#define SHARPER

Now, you also need the NTSC-RGB filter, found here:


Place this within the RetroArch directory as well, perhaps within a folder called Filters.

Next, open up the retroarch.cfg (or alternatively, create a new one for use only with an SNES core), and add the following line:

video_filter = ":\Filters\NTSC-RGB.filter"

Now open RetroArch, and within Shader options, select the shader, Apply, and play an SNES game. It should look like this.

>> No.1370186

It's laughably obvious that isn't the real thing.

>> No.1370206
File: 750 KB, 1280x956, pcsxr 2013-11-27 02-16-57-40.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, the best solution has been to use CRT-Geom, and increase internal X resolution just a tad, so as to very slightly sharpen both the 2D and 3D.

>> No.1370216

Ah, forgot one thing. Since the RGB filter already applies gamma correction, you'll wanna disable it on the shader, so what you do is go to the following line:

#define CRTgamma 2.4

And change it to 2.2. That way it doesn't overcorrect.

>> No.1370225

I can bring that scene up on my Commodore monitor over composite video on a real SNES and it is very brown looking. And my monitor is very accurate.

That black background may look nicer, but it isn't what the devs saw or intended.

>> No.1370231


>> No.1370243
File: 139 KB, 960x648, Untitled 6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


my solution is to turn off all hq filtering and decrease the scaling from 3x to 2x

didn't do that in this screenshot

i think chrono cross will look shitty no matter what though

>> No.1370253
File: 458 KB, 640x432, pcsxr 2014-01-29 01-13-27-30.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're willing to play at 2x resolution, there is indeed another option, though it will look a tad blurry.

>> No.1370261

Also, you have to be very careful with black when dealing with old games. A lot of the time you will think certain screens ought to be black, or a part of a screen should be black, but it's really a dark gray. Super Mario All-Stars level screens come to mind.

Use some dedicated software to find the proper settings for your television/monitor, and trust them.

>> No.1370319
File: 496 KB, 960x648, Untitled 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


it looks nice in battle

out of battle and menus everything looks terrible, bad framerate and these low res jpeg (?) backgrounds looks really bad upscaled (native resolution is too small for me)

the characters look weird and distorted, like they put too many textures on too few polygons or something

dunno, think the developers were trying too hard to do too much with the graphics and the end result was shitty

baten kaitos and resident evil on the gamecube look much, much better

>> No.1370323
File: 247 KB, 984x768, Untitled 7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

compare it to jade cocoon, which does something similar

the graphics are simpler i guess but are much less rough

>> No.1370346

This kind of game really only looks good when you blur the fuck out of it at 2x scale (like in >>1370243) or with a CRT shader (like in >>1370206). Anything else looks pretty ass, at least in my opinion.

>> No.1370383


>renaming Cid to Kain

Literally the most retarded thing on this board.

>> No.1370387


The fact that it's only about 10 hours long probably helps it look so good.

>> No.1370420

I sort of like crt-interlaced-halation, but how the fuck do I tone down the scanlines and curvature?
I only want slight curvature and barely noticable scanlines.

>> No.1370436

I'm using scan lines as well. Funny, because I started this game couple of hours ago with the same translation patch.

I expect good things from this game.

>> No.1370445

I've got mixed feelings towards both of these pictures.
I'll admit that the unfiltered looks very nice, so BoF2 is a fine example of raw output that looks fine. But I have to say that even though the scanlined picture is a bit too dark for my taste, it really feels like the grass and rocks were supposed to look like that. That just doesn't come across in the unfiltered image.

>> No.1370453
File: 71 KB, 1024x536, 1389856949847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>FF7 models
>Anything from 1995-2000
>looking terrible

Oh please. FF7 field models are previous FF 2D sprites transformed to 3D. They're very expressive. They represent the characters. They have tons of animations. I love them.

This pic is sort of interesting since it is a "what if the field models were more detailed?" test. As you can see, it really doesn't make much difference. The camera is so far away you can't make much detail out. The super deformed models are mostly as good. They have just the right amount of detail as needed. They're certainly way better than FF8's models.

Overall, FF7 and other 2D-3D mix games are gorgeous. The real issue is how to handle the mix of HD models, and low definition 2D backgrounds. I use a CRT monitor or TV at 480p. The backgrounds look so sharp and so good. Just can't get that on my 1080p LED.

Now for other games? They're all over the place. Some look hideous, some look great. They were just figuring out how to do 3D, and the consoles were a little too weak to do really detailed 3D.

>> No.1370458
File: 414 KB, 1920x1080, Shantae.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Games were intended to be played with scanlines.

>> No.1370460

I don't think games like Crash, and most N64 games looked bad

most PS1 games looked fucking horrible though, I get nausea from trying to play Siphon Filter

>> No.1370461


Yes, we know the scanline people go a little over board. but that's total strawmanning. The lines are uneven and simple black lines. See >>1368657 for what people actually use.

Scanlines I think are too problematic to use anyways, since they require interger scaling, so you can't use the entire screen.

>> No.1370465


I'm the opposite. It's mostly the bad textures in N64 games.that disust me. I'll take smaller areas and less detail over bad blurry textures.

>> No.1370471


it's a gameboy color game

>> No.1370476

the text box looks way better when it's broken up ever so slightly by the scan lines

>> No.1370489
File: 764 KB, 1194x896, corrected.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I found a personal sweet spot. Corrected the black levels and reduced the bluring.

>> No.1370528


still too blurry mate

>> No.1370672

fook your asian nweeb mother. supereagle was pretty much a more memory efficient version of the HQ2x filter.

looks like NTSC Component filter mixed with 50% scanlines. doubt that would look good on every single game. because PAL games and shitty games optimised for composite dithering exist?

>> No.1370678

dot matrix only works if you're really nostalgic about handheld graphix, or if you use it with a 40inch +++ TV and sit 6 feet away from it.

>> No.1371702

How should I setup the .cgp file to load this shader? I'm a noob when it comes to Retroarch and shaders.

Also I get the impression the rgb filter isn't doing anything

>> No.1371730

After a bit more testing, there definitely seems to be something wrong with the shader file you provided. Followed your instructions to the letter, including the editing, etc. But the shader simply doesn't seem to do anything. Other shaders are working fine.

>> No.1371792
File: 51 KB, 793x525, (2014-01-29) 0161.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the PSX area i like an interesting shader for the gdsx plugin i will post some screens as i do them ,since i can't take screenshots in full screen mode

>> No.1371795
File: 1.95 MB, 869x1198, fxaa-rgb-bloom-01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1371815

That filter looks like complete shit.

>> No.1371826
File: 2.21 MB, 866x1184, fxaa-rgb-bloom-02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe ill dump a bunch of these

the various effects only can be noticed barely sometimes ,on this one crash's shadow is aliased

>> No.1371830

You don't load a .cgp file. You increase the shader pass by 1, and there you select the Cg shader.

>> No.1371832

too blurry, maybe if he increases the internal res

it looks like bilinear + gamma ramp

>> No.1371884
File: 1.56 MB, 738x1144, fxaa-rgb-bloom-03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1371890
File: 1.27 MB, 748x1164, fxaa-rgb-bloom-04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1371896
File: 1.45 MB, 1709x1561, gbc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gameboy games benefit from shaders too

>> No.1371931
File: 42 KB, 521x491, (2014-01-29) 0196.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

somehow i like playing like this

your pic looks like a GB screen, did it do that ?

>> No.1371984
File: 1.85 MB, 786x1212, fxaa-rgb-bloom-05.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chrono is too bright, ill have to tweak it

>> No.1371989
File: 501 KB, 728x586, (2014-01-29) 0197.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gamma correction here too

but i believe RetrArch is still the best for psx 2d games

>> No.1372001

yes the gameboy screen is a dot matrix screen and the pixel density is quite low

>> No.1372003
File: 29 KB, 480x537, 1391057601159.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


ohh sorry i have massive nostalgia or the GBC

>> No.1372030
File: 515 KB, 800x720, RetroArch-0130-000717.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Retro Arch has shaders like this.

>> No.1372050

Yeah, I figured that out later, thanks. But this shader still isn't working - now RA crashes to the desktop whenever I activate it. Other shaders are working fine.

>> No.1372071

That's really weird.Are you using D3D or OpenGL?

>> No.1372094

it is posible that he is using an old card , last year i had a laptop from 2007 that could never load a cgp file

>> No.1372121
File: 77 KB, 640x480, (2014-01-29) 0213.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

poorfag here my laptop can't do OpenGL neither .cgp, only 2 light cg shaders together

the best combo i found was scanlines + gamma

i had to do some tweaking on the algorithm for the scanlines to display properly at x2 resolution since it can't handle the default x4 that the shader needs

no bilinear pass, it sucks

it works fine and the screen isn't too blurry

>> No.1372127

I'm using an AMD Fusion A6 6400K APU (Radeon HD8470 integrated graphics). Running on d3d9 mode because shaders weren't working on gl mode for some reason - but all the shaders packed with Retroarch that I've tested worked perfectly with the d3d9 driver.

But now that you mention it, yeah, while the HD8470 is more than enough to handle it, maybe the infamous amd drivers are to blame - probably the reason shaders aren't working in OpenGL. Tomorrow I'll give it a try on my other machine with a Nvidia GTX 285 gpu.

>> No.1372128


That looks pretty bad, anon.

>> No.1372136

I use an HD5750, and shaders work just fine in OpenGL mode.

>> No.1372147
File: 34 KB, 512x480, RetroArch-0518-183334.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


assuming you aren't bashing me for using scanlines, what looks so bad ?

>> No.1372149

i believe you. I never had any problem with OpenGL and shaders in other emulators before (epsxe for exeample) in this computer. And I'm pretty sure it worked in older versions of RA. It's really strange, but I didn't mind it since I never tried custom shaders before and the ones packed with RA are working fine in d3d.

>> No.1372302

I wish that shader also came in color.

>> No.1372507


Dropbox for current RetroArch, which has strong shader support.

Shader pack download:

Open Emu also uses .cg

>> No.1372520

At last I trully see.

>> No.1372878

some ntsc and all it does for good is dithering

>> No.1372887

that's horrible

>> No.1372894

so does Snes 9x, it can use cg and even cgp i believe, i wish RA wasn't whored in every thread like who doesn't know it already

>> No.1372957
File: 842 KB, 760x1062, fxaa-rgb-bloom-06.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did some more yesterday but i fell asleep while editing hehe

here is cortex head, i like how the texture doesn't lose detail but the external jaggies get fix'd

>> No.1372993
File: 57 KB, 655x613, lcd-cgwg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you mean like this?

>> No.1373000
File: 1.31 MB, 1920x1440, nintendo-gameboy-10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

babby detected

>> No.1373002

Which shader I use depends on the game. I use xBR on most but it fucks up the font in a few games (MMX6 comes to mind). In that case, I use a simpler filter I guess.

CRT filters are garbage. There is no point to scanlines; they're graphical noise. The round screen CRT preset thing in RetroArch made me dizzy as fuck.

>> No.1373005
File: 248 KB, 1280x960, nintendo-gameboy-tetris5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Then the original gameboy had an horrible screen.

>> No.1373013

Well, it was... But not because of the dot matrix.

>> No.1373420

>made me dizzy as fuck.
LOL sucks to be you

>> No.1373435

>The screen is horrible, so lets replicate it in a medium that makes it look even worse!

If you think that moldy dick green is a good color, you're color blind.

>> No.1373442

way to completely miss the point of the shader. It's not about whether the game boy screen was good (it wasn't), it's about the shader replicating the pixel spacing, color, and response time/motion blur to get an idea of what the game would have looked like on that crappy screen.

>> No.1373459

>it's about the shader replicating the pixel spacing, color, and response time/motion blur to get an idea of what the game would have looked like on that crappy screen.

So it should also turn your screen's backlight off and not be playable on a CRT.

>> No.1373462

you are one dumb pedantic fuck

>> No.1373465

>It's about making it as accurate as possible!

>Lol you're stupid because you recommended things that make it more accurate to the original.

Filter retards, everyone.

>> No.1373476

>he didn't backlight mod his DMG!
>what's a Game Boy Light

>> No.1373485

What's next, it's not accurate because it doesn't have Cheeto fingerprints and a reflection of your ugly face due to glare?

>> No.1373505

What, are we emulating mods now?
and it's not a GB Light emulator, so that's out.

>He's right, so I'm going for baseless insults now!

>> No.1373518

You know the shader can be modified to use Game Boy Pocket and Light palettes, right?

>> No.1373521

We're just going to sit and split hairs, so I'm going to stop now.

Take that as you will.

>> No.1373546

I don't like scanlines either, I never noticed them on a real CRT unless I'd glue my eyes to the screen. Maybe on a 37 inch CRT or bigger they're more noticeable, but I'm sure most people didn't use screens larger than 27 or 29".

My problem with most filters is that they often _don't_ replicate the original experience because often the effects are too exaggerated. They need to be more subtle.

For me one of the best combinations to replicate the experience of playing on a real crt + composite is 4xsoft + a gamma filter. But it's not perfect, again I find 4xsoft blurring too excessive.

>> No.1373663


Use the GTU shader, it has fine tuned control over the amount of blur it has.


>> No.1373669


you say that like it isn't 100% fucking true

>> No.1373679

Where are all these dark lines coming from? I have a CRT and I don't see them.

>> No.1373681

Is there anything like a simple gamma correction and variable brightness scanlines shader?

I feel like "authentic ntsc/crt" filters just blur things. I am quite fond of the way some light scanlines make old games look vivid and sharp, but I do notice the weird gamma in some games.

>> No.1373690
File: 1.30 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_20131013_011625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a CRT and I do see them

>> No.1373692


meant to reply to


>> No.1373697

news flash: not every CRT displays the same exact image

>> No.1373701




Set signalResolution to 1024 to remove blur
tvVerticalResolution controls scanline focusing, low values defocus scanlines, high values give more defined scanlines.
blackLevel and contrast control color levels.

>> No.1373714

that's obviously VGA native res, probably interlaced mode. My trinitron doesn't look anything close to that running psx. If I were you, I'd line double that shit, it kind of hurts to look at after a while. Just run at 640x480 and use hsize and vsize to overscan.

>> No.1373718
File: 2.26 MB, 1493x1062, GTU magnified.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CRT shader need really high resolutions to accurately simulate the effects of a CRT raster scan, otherwise they're not much different from standard scanline filters.

>> No.1373719


No, it's 240p, and it looks superb, especially at a slight distance. Line doubling just makes it look blocky unless you do some considerably horizontal blurring.

>> No.1373729
File: 2.93 MB, 1920x1080, screenshot_20140130_2xnui6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1373740

still too bright, it needs be darker with a worm light shader for true gameboy nostalgia.

>> No.1373742
File: 582 KB, 1440x960, 1391137940016.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i will lol if such a shader exists

>> No.1373775
File: 367 KB, 825x535, mmpr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm using OpenEmu and this filter is fucking awesome but the game runs slow and the sound is choppy as fuck. Why? Is it the emu or the mac?

>> No.1373784

do you guys actually believe this is how tube tvs looked?

>> No.1373790


Possibly the emu, Open Emu uses Mednafen rather than Mame/Mess for some stupid reason.

>> No.1373792


>> No.1373794

sure, it looks like a genuine GB screen, but it looks like one that is trying to display while the batteries are dying.

>> No.1373801

wtf... my old computer fromm 2003 could do OpenGL, wtf are you talking about? are you on drugs?

>> No.1373802


my gb never looked that good

i was lucky if i could find a decent light source that wasn't reflected all over the screen and into my eyes

>> No.1373804

you are a moron, no one is forcing you to do anything, it's all preferance, unlike most of these threads most people aren't saying that's the only way to play these games, it's just what THEY like.

>> No.1373806


>> No.1373858

>no one is forcing you to do anything
Man, you must have some serious reading comprehension issues if you thought I was implying being forced to do anything.

Since you're gonna nitpick, it's spelled preference.

>> No.1373873

Someone needs to make one.

>> No.1373884

you were the one nitpicking, and if that wasn't what you were talking about then I fail to see the point of anything you have posted at all.

>> No.1373886

the thing is, since the gb's screen wasn't glass it never looked like that, it kinda just looked like the light version of a dull thud if that makes any sense.

>> No.1373914
File: 138 KB, 764x1023, mail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1373991
File: 407 KB, 1920x1080, s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.1374030

i mistakenly wrote "hehe" instead of "here", i thought i deleted that, but as you can see in the next part, i wrote "here" again

>> No.1374042

no dumbo i said laptop, not pc , also that laptop has an intel videocard that doesn't suport open gl or pixel shader at all, even if it says it complies with pixel shader 3 and opengl 2, it just super slows down to 1 fps on either or crashes, can't even do minecraft, it does d3d fine to a certain extent, the intel gma x3100 its called

>> No.1374062

crt filters as they are now just hide the horrible pixelation of the sprites with scanlines, and darkens the screen a lot, until a pixel can be perfectly rendered without the overall darkening i will instead use the brighter options, hallation is a joke

>> No.1374104

> never notice scanlines
30% scanlines and add a bilinear filter to blur to taste. and sit 6 feet away from your overally large screen.

some emulators have a "brighten" feature too. or you could just turn up the brightness of your monitor, either on your monitor or videocard software. seriously.

>> No.1374110
File: 540 KB, 1680x1050, plugin-ntsc4.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recently discovered Kega fusion has a decent NTSC plugin that works to blend the dithering very well.

>> No.1374157

they're probably less visible due to blur. Hook your stuff up via RGB and you'll see them.

>> No.1374316

>could just turn up the brightness of your monitor, either on your monitor or videocard software. seriously.

no that brightens the black scanlines to grey levels and overall fucks up the image in the opposite way, its not that easy genius

>> No.1374745

you were recommending things that are physically impossible to do on a monitor through software. You are the retard.

>> No.1375293

In theory the software that controls brightness can be modified to shut it off entirely.

If a software bug can do it, I don't see why a programmer couldn't.

>> No.1375934
File: 133 KB, 1106x624, 1374320349875.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1375968

first of all, aside from macs and laptops you're not going to find hardly any monitors that allow for backlight control through software. Secondly, all of them have safeguards built into the firmware of the monitor that prevents them from displaying at a brightness too low to be visible without a backlight. Thirdly, even if you could turn off the backlight, you wouldn't end up with anything resembling a gameboy screen because the off-state of a modern screen shows black, not white like a gameboy or calculator.

>> No.1375973

I play my games on authentic carts, on authentic consoles, on a CRT because I'm not a little pussy bitch.

>> No.1376134

>not buying a decent but really cheap or even gifted CRT, a cheap console and a flash cart


>not using a CRT monitor

Do you even /vr/?

>> No.1376143

Looks like shit, seriously why people do this?

You can play just fine with no filters at all, you just don't have to be glued to the monitor

>> No.1376575

>Future blind kid
Nearsightedness is afflicted much less by age than farsightedness.
Either way though, worst that could happen from just screen distance is focus issues, outside of comicbook style accidents with a cathode ray tube.

>> No.1376804

If you had a 4K 120hz G-Sync monitor with a good CRT shader, would it basically be the same as a CRT?

>> No.1376903


No, for a few reasons. I think you might need around 8000p resolutions to accurately simulate a CRT shadow mask tv. And for 120hz displays, you need to use blacklight stuff, which simulates 60hz motion. But that can also cause issues if the frame-rate drops at all it's really obvious.

"CRT" shaders are just approximations to Apperture grille CRTs, and even then it's way off. I think we should move away from the "CRT" aim and just focus on making it look as good without trying to replicate all the CRT-ness.

>> No.1376913

It would depend on the screen size I think.

>> No.1377052

I use shaders with a 17inch CRT monitor

>> No.1377062


Only if trying to simulate individual phosphors.

Without worrying about phosphors, we can accurately simulate a CRT raster scan at 10x scale (2400p)

>> No.1377151

>But that can also cause issues if the frame-rate drops at all it's really obvious.

That happens with software black frame insertion, not with display controlled backlight flickering

>> No.1378214

2160p120 G-sync with configurable strobe lighting (on/off duration, brightness boost to counter the black, persistence to ALLOW ghosting if/when you want it), IPS colors, dead black blacks, AND sub-8ms input latency WHEN?

>> No.1379215



does it work on RA ?

>> No.1379654
File: 743 KB, 785x618, (2014-01-29) 0201.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Shader:

The Plugin:

you'll need a good pc to use it

>> No.1379674

/vr/ RetroArch spam thread #90324234. You guys could be a little less obvious in your attempts to make this shitty frontend viral.

>> No.1379786

>Implying you're any better than them

>> No.1379832

>4.00 fps (6%)
Oh my goodness.

>> No.1380824




>> No.1381012
File: 58 KB, 699x543, thNia99.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Initially I said left cause dat HD wall, but after spending some time I realized the right looks way better. The waterfall is the main thing that shows the difference, and the blurryness isn't bad considering it would probably look perfect on a CRT, and when standing a bit away from the screen.

filters is masterrace

>> No.1381024

I selectively use an NTSC filter when the game has lots of dithering. I don't use scanlines/etc with it, either, just the slight horizontal blurriness and chroma aberration.

>> No.1381313

You're still going to have ghosting and crap darks that come with inferior displays unless it's an oled in which case maybe.
If you had it with a decent monitor and at a decent brightness. More or less, anyone giving you actual shit about that would be an asshole.

>> No.1381876

> funny i thought no one would notice

yeah somehow that happens whenever i take a screenshot everything slows down because the dumb program asks what to do, but fixed that yesterday,if anything Gsdx is known for going so fast that you need to sync the audio to keep it from running over 60 fps

>> No.1381878
File: 558 KB, 685x555, (2014-02-03) 0002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

>> No.1381880

if you used a crt you wouldn't need to worry about filters at all, so the blurriness is not ok and it would not look better on a crt

>> No.1381882

Other plugins often run faster. They just hold their own sync. Though honestly, sync should be handled by the program itself rather than the plugins.

>> No.1381886

>200 replies
>4 times

I'll give you 1/10 since you made me reply

>> No.1381890

yeah the main point of using it at all is the shader i was talking about on my other posts, otherwise there are better options

>> No.1381894


>14 times

>> No.1382476

fuk the waterfall. i hate blurry text. 3X with opengl bilinear for me.

>> No.1382491

How come my CRT monitor at low res looks nothing like these overblown scanline filters?

>> No.1382519
File: 1.04 MB, 1400x1050, s&k.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1382537

because monitors aren't tvs

>> No.1382541

But TVs are monitors.

>> No.1382580

That's not bad at all.

I think there's too much glow, but it looks nice otherwise.

>> No.1383013
File: 159 KB, 1440x900, muh filters.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1383052

Read the first paragraph.

>> No.1383514
File: 2.18 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_20130822_230028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


How come mine does?

>> No.1383516

You're not going low res enough.

>> No.1383520

Why do you people like scanlines so much? They hurt my eyes, and it really ruins the experience for me.

>> No.1383532


Because 2D games need scanlines to look good

>> No.1383537

VGA DOS games prove you wrong. They were line doubled and never had prominent scanlines.

>> No.1383540

It doesn't look better IMO, besides even if it did it really hurts my eyes a lot.

>> No.1383541


VGA DOS games are ugly though

>> No.1383657

because it somewhat resembles what the original looked (a lot less pixelated)

however you may not like them because you

a) like the superior CRT display and most likely have access to one for playing

b) like crisp graphics over everything

c) never played these games on a CRT

>> No.1383909

The same can often be said of strobe motion and bright visuals (More a monitor configuration issue than anything), display choices in general.
What hurts my eyes and ruins the experience for me in particular is bloom lighting, like you'd see in modern video games. That is used to simulate a focus defect on lighting. Not only does it make me feel like my glasses and eyes are failing me, but that my monitor is too broken to display brights as well. It's disgusting.

But for scanlines, they're often used for scaling that seems natural to the eyes.
Edges of pixels can be rounded without seeming blurry. Lines of smaller fonts can be separated.
Bright colors span to nearby dark areas, while darks stay small. For contrast.
Having a persistent dark to focus on makes lighting transitions easier on some people.

I'd say >>1383514 that's a good example for readability, but the font is a little too simplistic and proper. It doesn't benefit much. Low resolution Japanese fonts are a much, much better example.

>>1368657 and >>1373718 that are very good examples of bloom for contrast. they use the lines between the scanlines as a space to bloom brights out into, making the contrast much more visible.

But of course, just adding native resolution black lines on afterwards makes no damn sense. Those are not scanlines.

>> No.1384260

bloom is just bright blurriness all over the place, i hate it too, maybe they are compensating for the led screens lower brightness

>> No.1384280

They're generally trying to simulate a lack of focus on intense brightness.
Yes, when they refer to lenses, that refers to human eyes as well. Realism a shit.

>> No.1384456


d) did play these games on a CRT, but a good one (i.e., a cheap one) that didn't needlessly crap weird lines over everything in order to pump pleasure chemicals into some 80's A/V neckbeard's OCD gland

>> No.1384460
File: 79 KB, 782x788, battyface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shitting on aperture grill

>> No.1384527

you could only have used one of those two in the picture, both have lines over everything, idiot

>> No.1384535
File: 126 KB, 800x384, 1391538889513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


here is the picture for >>1384527

>> No.1384539

Bloom was big before real dynamic lighting was common. It looks awful, sure, but its not in every single game anymore.

>> No.1384962


This thread is about shaders. Open Emu also uses .cg shaders. Any program is open to use the .cg standard.

There's other shader formats too. Higan uses its own, and most .cg shaders have been ported to it.

MAME also has its own thing.

>> No.1385365

>They hurt my eyes

>> No.1385367

And they look like shit

>> No.1385368

>it really hurts my eyes a lot.
Either you're doing something stupid or there's something wrong with your eyes.

>> No.1385430
File: 36 KB, 1380x1134, 6453765488.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scanline a shit

>> No.1385446


Love it.

>> No.1385460
File: 817 KB, 1040x994, metroid-hal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's funny that you posted that because I've always liked this screenshot from a CRT shader comparison.

>> No.1385612

But it's the wrong aspect ratio, assuming you've using square pixels.

>> No.1385919
File: 457 KB, 1141x726, 1391574364992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i do good, /vr/?

>> No.1385924


That's a little stretched, but that looks remarkably like my SNES on my PVM via RGB.

>> No.1386261
File: 691 KB, 1280x960, 1391585428615.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1386284

Fucking disgusting.

>> No.1386349

Well, it's certainly ``stylish''.

>> No.1386536

Too much bloom

>> No.1386969
File: 938 KB, 1200x1600, HLSL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like it

>> No.1386996


I like that. What is it?

>> No.1387002

Super Metroid

>> No.1387020


>> No.1387019


the shader numbnuts

>> No.1388628

I was always amused at the red of that sword's handle and the hearts seeming to give them shading on the right by not showing any light.

>> No.1389217


RetroArch dev builds.

>> No.1390045

Go home squarepusher

>> No.1391220

bloom would have never been used if not for certain popular shooter gams.. and lazy software guys not improving on the speed of ray-traced graphix.

>> No.1391534


squarepusher spends his time in emulation general ranting about how bill gates is part of the illuminati

>> No.1391554

Please tell me you have a screencap

>> No.1391572


Someone mentioned Bill Gates, and that set SP off. Starts here:

I honestly have no clue what he's even getting at. Guy seems nuts.

>> No.1391578
File: 235 KB, 1080x1080, CRT_screen._closeup[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Incorrect. Some TVs used this phosphor arrangement, which has no scanlines at all.

>> No.1391615

>Some TVs used this phosphor arrangement,

Which ones? i've only seen CRT Monitors with that kind of arrangement.

>has no scanlines at all.

Correction of terminology. The "scanline" is the areas showing stuff. The darker lines are... well I don't know what the proper term for them is. Blacklines?

>> No.1391625

What a great read. Good fodder for later.

>> No.1391630

>which has no scanlines at all.
The physical mask does not have any contiguous horizontal lines. The pattern of the raster will still have lines, though. With a coarse enough raster or a fine enough mask, you'll still see them.

>> No.1391642

>but a good one (i.e., a cheap one) that didn't needlessly crap weird lines over everything
CRT televisions were built for resolving interlaced signals. If your TV was so blurry that you couldn't see the scanlines in a 240p signal, it would be absolutely miserable at resolving a broadcast 480i signal. The only sets I've seen like that are 5" and smaller portables.

>> No.1391648


1. Not 100% confirmed for SP since he was anon at the time. SP never posts with a trip. But he's the only one in EmuGen who shit posts regularily like that and he's known to rant like that.
2. His posts on that bodybuilder forum were also 100% conspiracy stuff, so it fits.
3. There's another guy who jumps in and defends libertarianism, that's not SP. Just another shit poster.

>> No.1391656

>Which ones? i've only seen CRT Monitors with that kind of arrangement.
Very old color televisions have triad masks like that. As soon as the first Trinitron was introduced (and patented), everyone started trying to improve the efficiency of their shadow masks, leading to the common ChromaClear-style slot mask. The dot triads give you better resolution and color purity, at the cost of energy efficiency.

>> No.1391660

So square pushy is a beefy nerd? Or is he just tyrannosaurus built?

>> No.1391669


>> No.1391671


Is that the proper nomenclature?

>> No.1391676

Technically, they're collectively referred to as the "mask".

>> No.1393281
File: 29 KB, 667x491, gtu problem.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a problem with GTU, does anyone know how to fix this? I tried on opengl and d3d9 but it won't just load. Also I can't use CRT Geom Sharpness it just says "RetroArch [WARN] :: [GL]: Stock GLSL shaders will be used. when I try to apply it.

I have AMD Radeon HD7970 with latest drivers. Do I need something else?

>> No.1394164



>> No.1394214

it's a bug with AMD drivers, try setting range to a fixed value ( between 2 ans 12, less is faster ) and see if it works.
range = 10;
float i;
for (i=-range;i<range+2.0;i++){

>> No.1394410
File: 1.88 MB, 1440x1080, RetroArch-0209-003026.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, after setting range to fixed value in pass1 and pass3, it finaly works. Thanks man. Also does anyone know how to get rid of that black bar at the bottom?

>> No.1394418



>> No.1394428
File: 2.60 MB, 1440x1080, RetroArch-0209-004421.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about now?

>> No.1394443


It's just the way the blur works. GTU looks like bilinear but you can modify it. I hate the way bilinear works.

>> No.1394448



>> No.1394459

>That feel when I have a sharp looking CRT which displays attractive scanlines at lower resolution without having to resort to horrible filters

Now if only MAME didn't suck so horribly that I have to choose between blur and screen-tearing.

>> No.1394478


Have you tried RetroArch port of MAME? It has a much better means of sycn called DYnamic Rate Control.

>> No.1394560


Could you do that without the lines?

>> No.1394575

Black bar is hard coded in the game. Not sure what for, but it's there.

>> No.1395180
File: 1.76 MB, 1280x960, 1391928872628.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cyan and magenta

>> No.1395182


yo dawg that don't look bad what is that?

>> No.1395191


agree, feel the same way about film grain

>> No.1395196

>feel the same way about film grain



>> No.1395208

Rename CG, change gamma in code if you want different ramp. that one is set to 2.2 the code linked is set to 2.0

Eh, film grain is iffy. Too much and it's definitely bad. I prefer my HD content without it. But if I'm watching downloaded videos with block artifacts for whatever reason off youtube/lower quality rips etc... I'll throw some grain on it and it looks better.

>> No.1395219
File: 1.13 MB, 809x610, Capture2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's an example of where I prefer grain.
Lower quality SD video, it's good for the color banding in this image.

>> No.1395220
File: 1.31 MB, 808x609, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And not so blocky/banded looking.

>> No.1395221


why not sharpen the image without adding grain

the rapid blinking everywhere is distracting and irritating

>> No.1395223

If you're talking about artificially adding it in, then yeah, it's kinda dumb. However, if you're talking about taking it OUT of old movies that originally had it, then it's not a question of purism or whatever, but of the fact that removing grain often leads to a loss in detail, since it's naturally a part of the picture, and filtering it out results in other parts of the image being filtered out alongside it, which is why DNR'ed films tend to look plasticy and fake.

>> No.1395224

It's a soft grain. Also because sharpen alone enhances blocking and color banding which is the opposite of what I want. If anything I want it blurred, but blurring it would also make the image fuzzier, so the compromise is adding grain which helps to randomize/normalize it. The grain 'blinking' isn't so bad when you can adjust the degree of grain. Grain comes in different size, different contrast levels and different speed variance. A slight low contrast grain helps to blend where blurring would be overkill.

>> No.1395228
File: 1.20 MB, 812x611, Capture4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is just with a sharpen on it. You'll notice especially say on the background blue area on the left side and the tree you can see how the the banding and artifacts are actually made worse.

>> No.1395229

Also worth looking at the brush to her right at the patch of medium green where the color blocking stands out, with sharpen it's even more blocky and with the grain it's blended in.

Mind you this gets blown up full screen, so do zoom in to see the details.

>> No.1395252

The detail in FILM comes from the grain. ISO grain, on the other hand, is actually bad for your image.

>> No.1395259


looks better

dots look worse than blocky square artifacts

>> No.1395265

would never watch / try to remaster a low quality video source though so it doesn't really matter

>> No.1395272

No it doesn't and no they don't.

>> No.1395276


w/e i just don't understand why someone would complain about blockiness when dottiness is just as much if not more distracting

do you not notice the dots or what

>> No.1395285

To me film grain is like pixels. I want to be able to see every single one upon close scrutiny.
When I watch/play the image is already blurred enough so that I barely notice them. I hate filters that remove grain because they often remove information as well.

>> No.1395338

>pixels. I want to be able to see every single one upon close scrutiny.
There's something deeply wrong with you. It will take years to unravel. Best start now.

>> No.1395636

The devs never intended for their games to have a certain kind of look to them, so arguing about it is pointless.

What their intentions we're was to get the gist of the image across regardless of the quality of display or connection you were using. Even on a black and white TV, which is the kind of tv I had in my house up until the late 90's.

>> No.1396186

>The devs never intended for their games to have a certain kind of look to them, so arguing about it is pointless.

Games were only thought to be on CRT tvs, with the original console. The idea of "emulation" or HD displays was beyond them. Most didn't even think about anything past the original release of the game. That's why many assets to games were simply lost. No one put any thought to "how are people going to play this game 30 years from now".

Shaders are largely about adapting SD games for CRTs to HD LCDs. With varying degrees of success.

>> No.1396198

>What their intentions we're was to get the gist of the image across regardless of the quality of display or connection you were using
This, holy fuck.

It isn't like video game devs assumed everyone owned the exact same TV.

>> No.1396361

Depends. In the case of some home computers and arcade machines they definitely did, and arranged dithering effects to use the blending of colours on the same scanline to overcome colour limitations.

This is why some old Japanese computer games have these strange textures with lots of vertical lines, because the lines where supposed to blend into a mixed colour.

>> No.1396367
File: 491 KB, 1280x1600, PC88-Color-Blurring.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Example of what I'm talking about.

>> No.1396370

I fap to PC88 dithering.
It's absolutely stunning what they managed with just the 8 most basic colors.

>> No.1396375

If your framerate ever drops you're doing something wrong. Maybe you're using Windows and it fails at realtime.

>> No.1396376
File: 21 KB, 340x340, sides.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all this autism over CRT shaders

>> No.1396404

what are the second and third games in this image? they look interesting

>> No.1396414

What the fuck? Why won't he just code the fucking front end? That's all that faggot is good for.

>> No.1396441

>Shaders are largely about adapting SD games for CRTs to HD LCDs.
Just HD is fine, some of us are using HD CRTs.

>> No.1396452
File: 80 KB, 640x1200, blastycomparison.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The most obvious visual aspect on Japanese 8 bit computers (e.g. X1, PC88, FM7) should be the strong black lines added to make reduce the aspect ratio to useful levels without adding pixels.
This comes at the expense of brightness so if you are emulating them you are better of doubling the lines instead.
X1mil gives you the option to set the exact brightness of the doubled line so you can retain some of the dividing character.

>> No.1396453


He's a good coder, but he's more than a little loopy. He's well known for getting into huge flamewars on boards, etc. He shitposts in Emulation General all the time. He's a bit of an odd ball.

>> No.1396462

So what? I'm a good coder too. Doesn't mean I actively shitpost on threads.

I've seen that faggot interacting with his users on /vr/. It's just... There's a reason people boycott his emulator almost as if on principle.

>> No.1396505

what is the rpg in the second and third panel vertically, shit looks pretty

>> No.1396573

There was some hardware behavior that was exploited by devs to create certain effects. Like semi-transparencies on CRTs.

Here is an example.

>> No.1396589

What the fuck is this guy talking about in these videos? Genesis outputs 224 active lines, non-interlaced. If your capture hardware is turning these into weaved 448-line frames, just pull them apart again.
What the fuck are you doing, nigger?

Old consoles don't output interlaced anything. The Genesis and SNES had interlace capability but it was very, VERY rarely used. The PS1 had some games that used 480i modes for their menu screens, because 640x480 framebuffers were too huge to use effectively in the PS1 VRAM.

>> No.1396676

RPG is Gandhara: Buddha no Seisen.
The Space Harrier thing is Alantia.

>> No.1396690
File: 96 KB, 615x593, 1382240568126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1396760


I'm sure he really misses a few thin-skinned fat nerds on /vr/ not using RetroArch. It's their loss really, not his.

>> No.1396768

They likely do use it. They hate him, not the program. They have visceral reactions to the mere mention of it -- must be SP advertising.

>> No.1396776

>He shitposts in Emulation General all the time

One guy in there shitposts back at him and encourages him to do it more. If that guy stopped doing that and just didn't reply, things would be much better. At least SP has a technical background and makes informative posts from time to time and monitors the thread for anyone posting issues with RetroArch or its cores.

>> No.1396796

That's not required or designed around. It's simply an issue of end user's monitor/screen settings.
The goal was to create visible colors, regardless of whether or not they were blended. They just need to exist in the first place. And you can clearly see them without the blending unless your eyes are fucked up.
Either way, that blending makes the shitty Japanese fonts 3 times harder to read for me.

>> No.1396803

It's not really about dropping frames. It's about the sync rate of the monitor rarely matching to the exact rate of the emulated system, EVEN if you go out of you way to set it as close as possible.
There's always variance.

>> No.1396983

Those colours are not always so clear, and become less clear the more you scale the image to have it bigger than a postage stamp on current non-CRT monitors.

I totally believe these graphics were designed around the colour blending on each line though. Wether it was deliberate or not doesn't even matter, because the artists were working on the same kinds of monitors their users would have. If the parts where vertical lines are used to create a flat surface with a mixed colour works for you without some blending on the horizontal lines I believe your eyes must be worse fucked than mine.

>> No.1397347

Even the strong blurring in that picture isn't enough to remove all the dithering.

The images were supposed to be displayed letterboxed on a 4:3 display but they're perfect for a 16:10 full screen. 1280x800 and 1920x1200 screens are best suited due to integer scaling.

>> No.1397385

Looks good to me, and I'm a CRT faggot.

>> No.1397401

thank you

>> No.1397402

>If the parts where vertical lines are used to create a flat surface with a mixed colour works for you without some blending on the horizontal lines I believe your eyes must be worse fucked than mine
Well actually, it's basic pattern recognition. More of the brain than the eyes. Are you telling me you can't see basic dithering patterns as colors?

>> No.1397731

> There's a reason people boycott his emulator almost as if on principle.

1. It's not an emulator.
2. The people who "boycott" it (names here pls) do so because they're autistic , they can't work together, and they're all too wrapped up into politics rather than actually getting shit done. Which is my thing right there - I get shit done - which some people seem to hate enough.
3. For some dumbass reason, they view libretro as a 'threat' rather than as a blessing. Since most coders tend to be lazy on average, quite why they would want to do all the frontend work themselves and not just use an API that does most of their work for them is food for psychologists.

But no matter their 'boycotts' - it doesn't really matter when I port all the stuff over myself. Libretro will happen and be relevant with or without their approval - and I think ultimately, that is what they hate the most - that they can do nothing to stop its rise to power.


>> No.1397737


> I've seen that faggot interacting with his users on /vr/.

Those are not 'my users' or even 'emulator users'. They're nostalgia freaks clinging on to their CRTs like others cling to guns or the Bible. They were your typical "I'm too sexy for emulators and I'd rather waste my time with bitrotten cartridges and old consoles that don't upscale well to modern tellys and paying top dollar to greedy pawnshop owners' type guys.

>> No.1397750

>nostalgia freaks
You know this is /vr/ right sp?

>> No.1397779

>bitrotten cartridges
I don't think you understand how mask ROMs work.

>> No.1397998

List of emus that use custom shaders?

>Open Emu


What others?

>> No.1398010

xm7 Dash has support for external rendering filters but I have no idea what format it uses.

>> No.1398013

>bitrotten cartridges

Haha nigger what

>> No.1398017

Epsxe & PCSX-R by means of DX and GL plugins

>> No.1398023

>Epsxe & PCSX-R by means of DX and GL plugins

Oh those. Yeah.

The problem is that each emu has its own shader format. I think epsxe/pcsxr are the ONLY ones that use that format. Everyone needs to get on the same shader train, and .cg seems to have the most support.

>> No.1398036


>> No.1398041


>all those hsader formats

What a mess.

>> No.1398162

>They're nostalgia freaks clinging on to their CRTs

The hardcore CRT guys turn it into a religion, and go to extremes, but at the core, CRTs are the best for displaying SD games.

> "I'm too sexy for emulators and I'd rather waste my time with bitrotten cartridges and old consoles

"Bit rot" will happen, but for now many games still work fine. Emus are the future, since software will last forever. But for the time being hardware has its place.

>and old consoles that don't upscale well to modern tellys

True. You need an upscaler for proper upscaling.

>and paying top dollar to greedy pawnshop owners' type guys.

If you're smart, you can get PVMs for 0-50 dollars. People are selling Trinitrons for almost nothing. As long as you're smart you can get them for not much.

>> No.1398190

Mask roms don't suffer from bit rot

Aka 99% of any consoles library won't degrade in anyone here's lifetime. Sp doesn't kno what the fuck he's talking about and that why he creates virtual OS's and not emulators.

>> No.1398202

>any consoles library won't degrade
Neo Geo Pocket Color is /vr/ and its carts use flash ram so they will degrade. Probably some already have corruption.

>> No.1398204


Everything degrades. Game cartridges are getting somewhat rare already. Many were just thrown out/abandoned. Some fail due to damage and not keeping it right. CDs are probably way more fragile. Can you imagine your "average person" keeping a PS1 cd in pristine condition? Nah, it's gonna have scratches.

>> No.1398209

Surface scratches won't harm the data.

Some PS2 games might become unreadable because the glue in dual layer DVDs can decay, but even then the data is theoretically recoverable.

>> No.1398226


Nah, I've had more than my fair share of CDs become unplayable. It's pretty common.

I'm just saying that yeah, under "ideal conditions" a collector can keep these games in working order for many more decades. From a realistic standpoint however, games are going to continue to disappear at a steady rate.

>> No.1398231

Laseractive and other LD based consoles could suffer from laser rot. Magnetic tapes like VHS and datasettes have always been vulnerable. Magnetic disks like you find in the FDS and computer diskettes won't last forever.
Mainframe computers used punched tape or cards for storage and the systems themselves are extremely rare and hard to maintain.

>> No.1398421


Reminder that SP likes xBr and other smoothing shaders.

His opinion on displays is irrelevant.

>> No.1398707

Nothing wrong with xBR. You're not forced to use it, it's just another choice.

>> No.1399952

Look at this like a 3d image (cross eyed) and it looks amazing.

>> No.1399964

what does that have to do with anything?, do you imply this image would look good on a 3d screen

>> No.1399971

>>Look at this like a 3d image (cross eyed)
>do you imply this image would look good on a 3d screen
anon pls

>> No.1399974

It looks good (sharp) on my screen, but doesn't look like the original.

Playing a 2d sonic game in 3d with the background having depth would be fun, but hard to concentrate on.

I can watch 3d hd porn on a normal screen.

>> No.1399985

>first of all,

In mame's "hlsl" folder Open your prescale.fx.

Find this:

Texture = <Diffuse>;
MipFilter = LINEAR;
MinFilter = LINEAR;
MagFilter = LINEAR;

That's why MAME's HLSL always looked like blurry shit. It's using blurry, crappy linear filtering on everything. I'm not sure if the HLSL author actually realized that arcade monitors are crisp and sharp and don't look like N64 games, but here we are. Settings like defocus are USELESS when you're STARTING from N64 textures.

To fix it, all you have to do is change it to this:

Texture = <Diffuse>;
MipFilter = NONE;
MinFilter = NONE;
MagFilter = NONE;

>second of all

make sure your display is at 60Hz

Go to mame.ini
find "throttle" and change it to = 0
find "syncrefresh" and change it to = 1
find "waitvsync" and change it to = 0
(optionally) find "triplebuffer" and change it to = 1

>> No.1400869
File: 859 KB, 1196x896, 1392173983185[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1400935
File: 994 KB, 496x368, cary grant get out.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nothing wrong with xBR

>> No.1400952
File: 25 KB, 552x480, Eliwood_12x(xBR).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nothing wrong

>> No.1400967

>you're not forced to use it

>> No.1400969


I'm not forced to kill people and it doesn't mean there's nothing wrong with killing people.

>> No.1400976

False equivalence. Murder is illegal in most places. Using xBR is merely a bad idea in most cases. It retains more detail than hqx and can look quite nice combined with other shader, but I wouldn't use it myself.

>> No.1401410

Technically there's plenty wrong with xBR itself. And its common implementation.
There are false positives which connect pixels that clearly should not be connected if you look at them normally or think about them naturally. Like separated eyes, or breaks between diagonal black borders.
And implementation-wise, the entire screen is commonly filtered all at once with no regards to sprites or tiles. This leads to smearing and deformation on the edges and borders.
Not that going by tile would be any better though, honestly. I'm sure everyone has seen a game try and do that with bilinear at some point in time.

To say it's usable and another choice is fine. But saying there's "Nothing wrong with xBR" is incorrect.

>> No.1401418

Looks pretty good as a thumbnail.

>> No.1401420

>Ecce Homo restoration work

>> No.1402373



>> No.1402434

Multipass xBR is supposed to eliminate the false positives

>> No.1402681

Supposed to. You cant eliminate everything, simple as is. And taking it by tile/sprite, however much more difficult to implement, would cause more issues than background↔sprite distortion.

>> No.1402706
File: 283 KB, 1920x1080, 2014-02-12_19-25-36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

makes me feel like I'm really playing on some shitty monitor with burn in

>> No.1402715
File: 544 KB, 1920x1080, 2014-02-12_19-34-19.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep, truly beautiful shaders, this is what a TV looks like, right guys?

>> No.1402916


u wot m8

>> No.1403540


Smoothing shaders are a dead end. A dumb idea.

Maybe if they made them a tiny percent as powerful maybe, I dunno.

>> No.1403562


shader = /= filter

>> No.1403565

>shader = /= filter

same fucking difference.

>> No.1403592

It makes it look like low resolution crap. Play Famicom or MSX if you like that.

>> No.1403645

xBR has been implemented in both. Besides, it really does make no difference to them directly. Only their performance and compatibility change.

>> No.1403850 [DELETED] 

You do realize that's called trolling, it's against the rules. If you're going to be an asshole and strawman take it to /v/.

>> No.1405182


xbr is a shit