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1366609 No.1366609 [Reply] [Original]

This game IMO killed RPGs. A shitfest of pretty colors with no storyline or character development that sold millions and was lauded by every critic at the time (I think even Gamespot gave it 10/10).

>> No.1366610

>No storyline
>No character development

0/10 bait.

We all know Final Fantasy X killed RPGs with its horrible, linear area design, terrible sphere grid system that prevents true customization, and overuse of cinematics.

>> No.1366612

>(I think even Gamespot gave it 10/10).
does it really even matter who rated what?
they are a corporation, they make a product to sell and make money. they advertise to make sure it sells, are you really mad that Gamestop lied to you?

>> No.1366613


Ok, describe to me the storyline of Chrono Cross.

Name me a few of the richly developed characters and their arcs.

Protip: you can't

>> No.1366615


That's why I said "every critic" and used Gamespot as an example. Learn to read, junior.

>> No.1366616


What are your qualifications?

>> No.1366620

Who ever thought Chrono Trigger needed a sequel? Chrono Cross's complete reinterpretation on time travel mechanics doesn't make any fucking sense to begin with. You want to introduce a new world-ending crisis in the same world? TOO FUCKING BAD, WE SAW THE FUTURE. WE KNOW WHAT HAPPENS. WE WERE IN EVERY TIME PERIOD FORCING EVERYTHING TURN OUT CORRECTLY.

>> No.1366623

yeah and im asking are you mad that they sold a product that you didnt like in the end. Ever heard of "Caveat emptor".

>> No.1366625


Chrono Cross didn't have time travel. It had parallel dimensions.

You idiot.

>> No.1366626

Chrono Cross was pretty much just The Talisman but stupider

>> No.1366628

That were created by a nonsense reinterpretation of the original time travel that didn't have it.

>> No.1366632


Serge is transported through a dimensional anomaly to another dimension where he died ten years ago. The world is much like his but simultaneously different.

Goes on a journey with allies initially to return to his own dimension but becomes entangled in the plot of a scrappy thief and the mystery of a supercomputer that controls the lives of people in both dimensions. This continues to escalate higher and higher until he and the party must find the source of the dimensional disturbances between the two planes of existence and allow people to live their own lives freely.

>Characters and their arcs

Kid and her past.

Glenn and the Einlanzer, Dario, and Riddel.

Fargo and his children.

Razzly and the war between the dwarves and fairies.

Harle and her true existence.

Lynx and everything surrounding him.

>> No.1366634


No. I didn't even buy it, I rented it (this was 1999 remember). It just shocks me that to this day this game is listed amongst Chrono Trigger and Final Fantasy III/VI as one of the greatest ever.

>> No.1366637


What does that even mean? How is it a nonsense reinterpretation when it works differently?

>> No.1366640


That's because it is one of the greatest ever.

VI is overrated, V is better.

>> No.1366643

>terrible sphere grid system that prevents true customization
Everywhere but America had access to the more flexible Expert sphere grid.

>> No.1366647

FF3 is garbage anon and worse yet you didnt even buy it. Yet here you are whining like a bitch.

>> No.1366650

Because, like with Xenogears or NGE, the meandering and pseudointellectual plot was a shock to people whose cultural and literary experiences amounted to little more than video games, comic books, and anime.

>> No.1366654


So FF3 with it's epic storyline, brilliant soundtrack and phenomenal cast of characters is "garbage", but Chrono Chross with it's shit story, very mediocre soundtrack and mostly forgettable characters is great? Got it.

>> No.1366659


>Mediocre soundtrack

I could've believed you were sincere until that. I'm sorry.

>> No.1366664
File: 8 KB, 480x360, Chair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FF3 is garbage, im not defending Chrono Cross. Im saying and let me rephrase so you understand better

>i saying you is bitch nigga, you a broke ass nigga who wont buy a game but bitches about it anyway.

>> No.1366670

what killed jrpgs was that they had basically no evolution at all.

the jrpgs on the snes all operate on the same concepts as the jrpgs the psx,ps2,and even current gen systems. Only the characters and story have changed, and maybe a gimmick here and there.

Look at how much fps have changed. We had doom clones, than we had quake clones (very different type of game due to mouse aiming and 3d), than we had half-life clones which took a slower more tactical approach. Than theres the multiplayer fps which play completly different than the campaigns

look at platformers. even on the nes and snes there was variety in the genre: castlevania, sonic, mario, and ghosts n goblins all played so different. Than when 3d came alone you had games like banjoie kazooie and crash.

look at how much variety shmups have. compare a more recent cave game to a gradius or r-type and they are almost an entirly different genre.

the evolution of jrpgs has been extremly minor. inb4 naming a handful of hidden gems, or saying that an item crafting system is groundbreaking

>> No.1366676
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>the evolution of jrpgs has been extremly minor. inb4 naming a handful of hidden gems, or saying that an item crafting system is groundbreaking

>you cant say these games are good because it defeats my rant.

i would have agreed but you went full retard on that last bit.

>> No.1366678


Most successful JRPG series are very different though.

FF sorta changes things up with each game...at least, that's what they started doing on the Playstation.

Suikoden has its thing.

SMT is weird as hell.

Breath of Fire began generic but came into its own with later installments.

Dragon Quest is the only one that just kinda stays 'classic'.

>> No.1366681


So because I chose not to buy a game 15 YEARS AGO I'm a "broke ass nigga"?

Go back reddit.

>> No.1366682


You might be one of the few people on the planet who dislikes FF3. Congrats on being so edgy.

>> No.1366683

>Go back reddit.

ouch that hurt me anon, reddit? you could have said tumblr and really rustled my jimmies.

Keep crying poorfag

>> No.1366689

Reminder Kid >= Harle >>>>>>>>>>>> Leena

>> No.1366692


I can only take your mediocre taste in games as sign of your intelligence. Good job.

Srsly? CC > FF3?

>> No.1366693

3 is garbage, is it edgy now to dislike a game? ok well let me say i dislike Final Fantasy 2, 3, 7, 8, 11,12, 13 and all of the spin offs related to them.

now on a scale of 1 to 10 how rustled is your neckbeard

>> No.1366697


FF3 is universally acclaimed. That's like saying "Empire Strikes Back" is garbage.

You're just trying to be an edgy teenager (or worse an edgy 20+ year old).

So you don't like JRPGS? Why are you in this thread then, moron?

You're the wannabe edgy fedora tipper who's trying to be edgy.

>> No.1366695

I never said CC>ff3

i said you bitch about a game you didnt even buy and expect others to jump on a train and be sympathetic for you. keep seeking attention anon.

>> No.1366701

They're fucking with you
Most people don't call FF6 FF3 anymore after Square corrected the numbering in later releases.

>> No.1366703


>I never said CC>ff3

You're for some reason upset that I dislike CC and you're bashing FF3. How would you interpret that?

What does it matter if I bought it or not? Are you fucking retarded? Games have been rented, traded with other people, etc since the inception of gaming but you're argument is "ZOMG, you didn't actually purchase it so you have no right complain!"

Stop being so edgy, you douche.

>> No.1366708

Empire strikes back is garbage Return of the Jedi is best.

Who said i dislike JRPGS?
i liked Persona 2,3,4. Final Fantasy 1, 4, 6, 9.
Devil summoner 1 and 2. Chrono Trigger. Digital Devil Saga.

Calling names is bad anon didnt your mother teach you manners? do you need a time out?

>> No.1366706


That's why I said "FFIII/VI" when I first mentioned it.

It will always be III to me, I grew up on that, I ain't changing now.

>> No.1366713

wouldn't say it killed RPGs, but definitely killed chrono trigger series chance of continuing.

What do you mean by killed RPGs even? I'm assuming that all RPGs afterwords only went downhill?

>> No.1366714

You didnt buy so why so angry?

>> No.1366719

>Empire strikes back is garbage Return of the Jedi is best.

Argument OVER. YOU LOSE. ROTJ is nothing but Ewok muppets. Empire is universally considered the best Star Wars film. You're so edgy.

> Final Fantasy 1, 4, 6, 9.

I'm talking about FF 3/6 you idiot. I already said that. Go back to memorizing your "Hooked on Phonics" exercises, you need them BADLY.

You're edginess is off the fucking charts.

>> No.1366717

>Empire strikes back is garbage Return of the Jedi is best.
Okay now I'm also mad

>> No.1366720

>killed RPGs

Killed *J*RPGS, morons.

You have three things here:

1. You've got the real deal, pen and paper role playing games, the ones that involve collaborative stories fuelled by the imagination of the players.

2. You've got WRPGs, which can't be the same thing as RPGs because you don't have a human acting as DM to interpret and react to your actions, only a computer that can give you limited choices, but they can give some of the same feeling as an RPG if they are good so you could call them RPG-simluations.

3. Then you have JRPGs, which have nothing to do with RPGs and should really be called anime-dungeon-crawling or grinding-adventures or something like that, but we call them RPGs because they were inspired by early WRPGs.

So we call them all RPGs because they were inspired by each other despite being wholly different things. I see it's easy to get confused but don't misuse the words. You throw around the word RPGs when you're talking about JRPGs, you get nonsense like "Chrono Cross killed RPGs"



>> No.1366724


Still sticking to that argument, huh.

I didn't buy a Justin Beiber album but I'm still pissed that he's dominating music. See the comparison, stupid?

>> No.1366725

I know right? RTOJ is terrible, all hail Revenge of the sith.

>> No.1366726 [DELETED] 

ff doesn't really add anything new, it just rearranges how you acquire abilities and stats, this could be said of nearly all jrpgs.

its the equivelent of saying an fps is 'innovative' because it makes you start with a rocket launcher instead of a pistol and you acquire your weapons through slot machines instead of on the ground

>> No.1366730

you didnt buy the CD why so mad? dont tell me you are "le wrong generation 90's 4ever" kid

>> No.1366735

ff doesn't really add anything new, it just rearranges how you acquire abilities and stats, this could be said of nearly all jrpgs.

its the equivelent of saying an fps is 'innovative' because it makes you start with a rocket launcher instead of a pistol and you acquire your weapons through slot machines instead of on the ground

smt is from the snes time period, its not a big innovation. Even newer smt dont do much to distinquish themself from old

>> No.1366738


So you're really obsessed with this very simplistic, yet totally irrelevant argument aren't you?

Go back to trying on different fedoras and jerking off to Wicket the Ewok.

>> No.1366741

I fail to see how Justin's sales have anything to do with your anger. All I'm seeing is butthurt over people liking things you don't like.

>> No.1366745

Hes just mad that hes a NEET poorfag

>> No.1366747


So if you take a book out from the library that you end up not liking, you're not allowed to critique it because you didn't buy it?

You're not allowed get a movie from Redbox and critique it because you didn't buy it?

Would you fucking listen to yourself?

Ooh, and I noticed you haven't brought up you Return of the Jedi fandom anymore. Even the edgeheads around here found that to be too edgy for them.

Still confused about the FF3/6 name changeover? Poor baby...

>> No.1366749

>So if you take a book out from the library that you end up not liking, you're not allowed to critique it because you didn't buy it?

Nobody forced you to read the book cover to cover, you did that on your own. you could have stopped at anytime but didnt. All i see is a baby crying over spilled milk.

>> No.1366750

Dude, you need to take a chill pill and stop getting upset over nothing.

>> No.1366754

>Nobody forced you to read the book cover to cover, you did that on your own. you could have stopped at anytime but didnt.

This might be the stupidest sentence I've ever read. It's no wonder that you love Return of the Jedi and hate Empire Strikes Back. You're not being edgy, you're an inbred cretin with limited intellectual capacity. I'm sorry for wasting your time.

Go back to jerking off to Wicket the Ewok.

>> No.1366757

i never said the games were bad, not once in my entire post I said the genre doesnt evolve and thats what is killing it.

Some people are going to be content to continue to play new releases on concepts that got stale more than a decade ago, most people wont and thats why the industry is struggling.

jrpgs need more than a new 'system' to acquire the same old spells and stats or the thousands of dating/minigame/synthesis gimmicks. They need actually new ideas that fundmentally change the game and creates an entire subgenre

Something like half-life or mario 64 which spawned dozens of imitators and opened up new directions for platformers/first person shooters

>> No.1366758

keep crying anon but that milk is already on the floor what are you gonna do? Lick the floor clean? and then bitch about it on the internet about how that hair ruined the milk on the floor?

>> No.1366759


Who's upset? Do you "!!!" or caps in my posts?

I'm literally sitting here dumbfounded by what I'm reading from these idiots who praise Return of the Jedi and hate Empire Strikes Back all the while saying if I don't buy something I can't critique it.

>> No.1366765


>> No.1366767


So edgy, so edgy. Now you've moved onto the "spilled milk" argument. I guess because I crushed all your other pathetic, childish arguments.

Go back to ripping Empire Strikes Back while praising Return of the Jedi.

>> No.1366771


A lot of euphoria in here. Maybe you guys can try on fedora's together

>> No.1366772

edgy this and edgy that. Anon you are a broken record do, either come up with a valid response or keep lurking.

>> No.1366775

Are you so retarded your only comebacks are reddit memes?

>> No.1366780

>Has no valid response

>oh shit i better use buzzword euphoria and fedora and stick it in a sentence, that will show him!

>> No.1366782


So you're typical "spilled milk" and "poorfag" arguments are better?

I only whip out "edgy" when it's necessary, and when you stated that ROTJ is great while Empire is "garbage" you made me use it.

>> No.1366784

>when it's necessary

Every post you have made to my knowledge has been nothing but edgy, i used spilled milk once.

>> No.1366787


Are you so retarded that you're comebacks are "poorfag" and "spilled milk"?

Please tell me why Empire is worse than ROTJ. I REALLY want to know your thought processes

>> No.1366789


You're ROTJ logic shocked me so much I had no other choice.

>> No.1366791
File: 2 KB, 125x93, 1390587525903s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit this thread

>> No.1366794

Never played Chrono Cross. This thread is making want to play it.

>> No.1366797

on one side anons arguing game is bad

on the other anons saying you didnt buy it so why so mad.

the only real response that took over thread was spilled milk on floor and hair ruining it.

that guy is right why so mad?

>> No.1366803 [DELETED] 

Well for starters, Serge is the most hated and unknown hero ever in his own game.
>Find out you're in fact dead. You find out that in the correct time you are actually dead and were never meant to exist past an event.
>One of the very few arcs where you are literally turned into the villain and must walk around being hated forever in spite of being the good guy.
>Transformed back in time for the endgame, only to kill everyone's god.
>It ends with you forever in a time loop, never to fully realize the impact you have made on the future. This makes it the first game ever to rationalize a New Game+
>No richly developed arcs.

>> No.1366834
File: 12 KB, 300x300, 1365143784214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no kidding it's fucking awful

am I on /v/ or something?

>> No.1366850

It's about on par with most of the RPGs released for the PSX. If you dislike Chrono Cross, it doesn't make sense to not also dislike Xenogears, FF7, Legend of Dragoon, Legend of Legaia, Grandia and so on. I dislike them all

>no storyline or character development
Since when were these decisive for a good RPG? Nethack or Wizardry manage to be perfectly playable and fun without having more than a single text box of plot. Story in videogames beyond the base premise, the way it's presented in the majority of RPGs (unless it's exceptionally done) via cutscenes, talky bits and conversation choices, is just useless baggage as far as I'm concerned. Detracts from actually playing the game.

>> No.1366857

How do you call the actual FF3 then?

>> No.1366868 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.02 MB, 520x375, 1352851783733.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why you sage, report, and hide Chrono threads on /vr/. They're fucking horrible all of the time. Only the worst of the worst post here.

So remember kids, sage (if you HAVE to post), report, and then hide every single one. Thank you and good night.

>> No.1366892
File: 54 KB, 256x250, Final_Fantasy_8_ntsc-front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This game IMO killed RPGs.

Final Fantasy VIII did that job very well. Don't give Chrono Cross the honor.
>Punishes the player for getting exp
>Story falls apart half-way through
>Doesn't let you know about "the point of no return"
>Can't raise chocobos without a special tomagachi memory card (1-bit graphics)
>The card minigame is more fun that the actual gameplay
>All the main characters came from the same orphanage
>Popularized the high school setting for most RPG's (Persona, Valkyria Chonicles 2, etc.)
>Obviously rushed out to compete with the Dreamcast launch (came out on the same day)

Am I missing anything?

>> No.1366914

>Am I missing anything?
Persona 1 preceded FF8.
Close to no game copies it so it hardly "killed" anything.
Else is just bitching about stuff that was mostly fucked in FF7 anyway

>> No.1367000

Since 5th gen it's obvious that devs care more about the presentation in JRPGs and that the genre is floundering in place in terms of mechanics.

>> No.1367005

not to spark an argument but when would you, or when did you quit JRPG's?

>> No.1367006

>>Punishes the player for getting exp
Ultima did that wayyyyyyyy before FF8.

>> No.1367007

FF VIII was too different to kill RPGs.

>> No.1367014

Never. It's been almost two decades of shallow, throwaway battle systems, with the occasional good game failing to make a lasting influence.

>> No.1367025

I remember when Atelier was about crafting and economics and not lesbian fanservice. Mana Khemia is a better Atelier game than Atelier ever was.

>> No.1367076

>Never. It's been almost two decades of shallow, throwaway battle systems, with the occasional good game failing to make a lasting influence.
Sounds like the entire history of the JRPG genre then.

>> No.1367083
File: 52 KB, 497x314, 1388559852320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was having a really bad day but this thread has kinda sorta cheered me up.

>> No.1367086

>Who ever thought Chrono Trigger needed a sequel?

People who wanted to see the numerous loose ends such as Schala's fate addressed. You know, the girl your fucktard "heroes" abandoned without a thought.

>> No.1367102


>makes statement
>thinks he has to say IN MY OPINION as if it wasn't fucking obvious

Cross haters, gentlemen.

>> No.1367153

Nothing killed JRPGs, they were stillborn. JRPGs as a genre are fundamentally casual. Add any real depth and it's no longer a JRPG. Just accept that JRPGs are for children. I loved them as a child, but now I need more challenge and complexity to have fun. That's perfectly normal. Don't be blinded by nostalgia.

>> No.1367158


>> No.1367173

Unlimited Saga is considered a JRPG yet it had so much depth nobody knows what the fuck is going on

>> No.1367254

I really want to play through Cross and see what its all about but the combat alone kills the game for me.

>> No.1367291

Kill yourself.

>> No.1367301

What an insightful and exhausting post. Do you like Chrono Cross? Do you like roguelikes?

>> No.1367306

In this thread filled with retards, tryhards, hipsters, iwant2bedgys, you are the worst. Kill yourself.

>> No.1367367

RPGs in general are not difficult. The typical WRPG is also bereft of depth and played by a large amount of people. Hardcore games typically involve timing and skill.

>> No.1368412

No, jrpg ONLY means that it was made in Japan. It doesn't mean anything else.

>> No.1368414

Then how can it be a genre? Are german movies a genre?

The idea that JRPG just describes the country of origin and includes ARPGs and SRPGs makes it a meaningless distinction.

>> No.1368416

>Then how can it be a genre?
It isn't.

>> No.1368419

So then what's the point of using it to describe games? If it doesn't indicate any mechanical distinction.

>> No.1368424

In order to clarify that the game was made in Japan and it's an RPG?

>> No.1368426

What purpose does that serve anybody?

>> No.1368428

It tells people that the game is from Japan and it's an RPG, what don't you understand here?

>> No.1368430

Why the fuck would anybody need to know whether their RPG is from Japan or not, if there weren't any mechanical distinction?

>> No.1368432

He means that that information isn't vital or meaningful. What's the point of making a distinction based on the country of origin?

>> No.1368436

Well, if someone is asking about the mechanics of a game, and you reply 'hurr durr its from da nippon', you're obviously doing something wrong.

>> No.1368438

It's all bullshit. When there's a jrpg recommendation thread everyone recommends the usual turn based linear grindan games, but when you say jrpgs suck they say that that's unfair because it includes all these other genres or whatever.

>> No.1368440

No one is saying that it is vital or meaningful, no one has even implied that, so I don't really get what the fuck you two are going on about.

>> No.1368445

Would you rather have a term that's of some benefit for somebody or one that's utterly useless? Use your fucking brain man, I know videogames have fried it quite a bit by now but come on.

>> No.1368450

Maybe it's a marketing thing, to make it easier to sell to weaboos or something. Not that that matters either when talking about games.

>> No.1368452

Okay, I will make this as simple as possible for you, seeing as thinking is obviously not your strong suit. When people use the term 'JRPG', they are in fact referring to light RPGs or console RPGs. Both of these terms are infinitely more helpful in describing the mechanics of the game over JRPG.

>> No.1368456

>When people use the term 'JRPG', they are in fact referring to light RPGs or console RPGs. Both of these terms are infinitely more helpful in describing the mechanics of the game over JRPG.
Considering that everybody even slightly in the know recognizes that "JRPG" is used as a synonym for "light/console RPG", no, I don't think they're helpful at all.

>> No.1368462

>When people use the term 'JRPG', they are in fact referring to light RPGs or console RPGs
So it obviously doesn't meant JUST that the game is from japan. It does in fact describe certain mechanical traits.

>> No.1368465

Except they are more helpful, seeing as when people say JRPG they usually aren't referring to the many other Japanes RPGs which are NOT light.

>> No.1368469

It's an exclusionary term which has gotten more use because of disinformation in the cancer that is the gaming media. There's absolutely no reason to use it, other than if you're completely ignorant of video games.

>> No.1368471

Wait, how are they more helpful if JRPG isn't usually used in a different context?

>> No.1368473

FYI, the term "JRPG" has been around for over 20 years now.

>> No.1368476

Where in my post did I say this was a recent change? FYI, video games have been around for longer.

>> No.1368480

because normally silly statements like yours refer only to game journalism for the last 10 years or so

>> No.1368481

Because it is sometimes used in a different context, and it causes unnecessary confusion. There are some lists of recommended 'JPRGs' that follow this mechanical definition, and many which don't for example.

>> No.1368482

>they usually aren't referring to the many other Japanes RPGs which are NOT light.
For example?

>> No.1368483

Game journalism has always been crap and full of disinformation, stop assuming shit.

>> No.1368485

oh has it now

>> No.1368487

Okay, this argument was about whether JRPG only means one thing, as was said here >>1368412
You can argue that it's a dumb term, like metroidvania or artificial difficulty or whatever, that's fine. But we can obviously all agree that it has different meanings. And that there is no confusion in this thread about what we mean by the term.

>> No.1368489
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>> No.1368493


>> No.1368496
File: 42 KB, 380x360, fft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there is no confusion in this thread about what we mean by the term
Obviously not.

>> No.1368497

was there a point to this greentext? it doesn't make sense

>> No.1368502

It points out "now". As in, the gaming media being terrible is not a recent thing.

>> No.1368506

"now" in that context is not referring to modern times

>> No.1368508

Metroidvania only refers to Castlevania games with Metroid elements by the way.

>> No.1368513

>arguing semantics this hard
You people are literally arguing over the word 'now'.

I'm done.

>> No.1368518

Nigga, we're arguing about the quality of games that are barely a step above VNs. The thread was doomed from the start.

>> No.1368521

everyone i have ever heard say anything about chrono cross says its a putrid abomination in comparison to chrono trigger
i have yet to see a single chrono trigger fan even acknowledge it as a proper sequel

>> No.1368524

You're using the word "literally" incorrectly.

>> No.1368527

And I have never met a person who genuinely likes Bioshock Infinite. Doesn't stop the journalists circlejerking over how supposedly amazing it is.

>> No.1368534

How is Dark Souls not a light RPG?

>> No.1368536

Well, I've met plenty of people, many on this site even, who love FFX despite how obviously shit it is.

>> No.1368538

>obviously shit

Just come out and use that "objectively bad" shitpost that we all know you want to.

>> No.1368539

I'm just saying that liking FFX is just as bad as liking FFXIII, that's all.

>> No.1368541

I'm not sure how anyone ever got past the horrible visual style of that one.

>> No.1368545

Ok, this is prolly bait, but here it goes,

>Objectly speaking, a lot of hardwork has been put into the game. PERIOD. all the areas are very detailed and colorful, the CGI was awesome at the time. you can say its a shitfest of pretty colors, but, that's only your personal shitty taste. some people find it good.
>The music is epic. also an objective statement.
>The game mechanics are solid. they are not broken. If they are your favorite in rpgs it's a matter of personal taste (I hated it by the way).
>A lot of work has gone into the dialogue as well...it's arguably a mess of a story, buuut, you cannot say the characters didn't express themselves in a at least believable way.
>game's is pretty immersive.
>the most important, it tried to be an even greater and more artistic experience than trigger, while avoiding at all cost be just the money making crap it could have been.
>well, you might not like it, but you can't say it wasn't at least amibitious (maybe a little too much).
>the fact that in 2014 you still make a thread about it is a testament of the undeniable impact this game has.

>> No.1368547


Just say "objectively bad" so that we can all disregard you as a shitposter.

I mean, I already have. But there's no reason for you to beat around the bush.

>> No.1368550
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You're the one shitposting right now.

>> No.1368558

Anyone have the same chart with greentext and reaction images added?

>> No.1368559

How so? I'm pointing out to a retard how stupid it is to treat his own opinions as fact.

>> No.1368562

He stated his own opinion, he never said it was fact. I think it's you who treats your own opinions as if they're worth more than they really are.

>> No.1368565

Uh huh. That's why he said a game was "obviously bad"

>> No.1368571

The word obviously is not interchangeable with the word factually. Obviously.

>> No.1368626
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>> No.1368679

Poor game compared to chrono trigger. I bought it when it first came out. stopped after 30 minutes.

>> No.1368779

I'm not a CC fan, but the game barely even starts by the 30 min mark.

>> No.1368934
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You probably didn't break down in a puddle of tears and piss because it wasn't Trigger 1.01

>> No.1368967

>everyone i have ever heard say anything about chrono cross says its a putrid abomination in comparison to chrono trigger

The majority of people also expect every sequel to be a clone of the previous game. (and also complain about it being a clone if it is.)

>> No.1369014

>>Popularized the high school setting for most RPG's (Persona, Valkyria Chonicles 2, etc.)
You know that persona came out before this right?
and that the setting had been used in numerous atlus titles before this right?

I wouldn't even call it what popularized the highschool setting. If anything, that was p3.

>>Can't raise chocobos without a special tomagachi memory card (1-bit graphics)
Did this shit even come out not in nippon?

Also don't forget this game is the reason xenogears disc 2 sucked!

>> No.1369041

It was ok. More fun than FF 8 or 9 were. More original setting, better characters, etc. Horrible voice acting though.

And I've never heard anyone even talking about Chrono Cross in 10 years anywhere other than this board.

>> No.1369051

Also, on the note of JRPGs, back after FF7, for several years, a big RPG was guaranteed perfect scores from gaming 'journalists', much like garbage big budget shooters are today. I remember Legend of Dragoon getting perfect scores.

>> No.1369380
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If anything the massive butthurt generated by Triggerfags signaled the industry to never ever again try something outside of the box and stick with MUH GENERIC HEROES FIGHT MUH GENERIC ONE-DIMENSIONAL EVIL KING/WIZARD/ALIEN

>> No.1369401

CC isn't nearly as unique as you think it is.

>> No.1369472

Then you surely won't have trouble giving us a list of games that deal with the same themes and use the same system.

>> No.1369485

You mean generic 2deep4u anime bullshit? Then tons of other JRPGs, like the Xeno series. And the battle system, big whoop. TB combat but WITH A TWIST that gets boring a few hours in.

>> No.1369502

So that's a no, then?

>> No.1369552

Gigantic amount of money spent on FMV instead of gameplay or story. It was pretty much one of the first AAA style game in existence, only reason people shat their pants over it was because of the pretty graphics.

>> No.1369562
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And pretty they were!

>> No.1369620

What is it about CC threads that just bring out the worse in this board...

I blame the legion of asshole who think they're super smart because they "get" CC.

>> No.1369643

Chrono Cross is as much of a sequel to Chrono Trigger as Final Fantasy II is a sequel to Final Fantasy I.

>> No.1370112

I've tried my best to convince myself Cross is good...but alas I cannot.

F Cross.

I'm a Chrono Man 4 Life.

>> No.1370131
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I can almost taste the autism

>> No.1370148

>better characters
The only good character in the game was Auron, and he was basically a stereotype.

>> No.1370149

FF8 was shit, but it hardly killed anything.

>> No.1370204

>has never played the actual version of FFIII for the famicom.

Easily one of the better final fantasy games i've played.

V > VII > III > IV > VI > IX > X > I = VIII > II

>> No.1370307
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>F Cross.
>I'm a Chrono Man 4 Life.

Truth to be told, mainly shitposters like you.

>> No.1370332

the worst thing about this game is the ost, which is stupid popular even though it has the worst music yasunori mitsuda has written

literally the worst

island of the dead is the only good bgm in the entire game

>> No.1370352

>CC ost

Ah, opinions. Some people abuse theirs.

>> No.1370381

Doesn't this describe every 16-bit/PSX Square RPG?

>> No.1370391
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i'm yasunori mitsuda fan

but this and an cinniùint is his weakest stuff

Mario Party










Bomberman 64 Second Attack




Street Fighter 2 Tribute Album


Sailing to the World


Kid Icarus Uprising


Arc Rise Fantasia


fucking Chrono Trigger







all of these are better than anything in chrono cross

"scars of time" and "voyage home world" are not better

>> No.1370402

some other shit i forgot

Radical Dreamers (these were arranged in chrono cross)




Gun Hazard


Smash Bros. Brawl


>> No.1370418

Out of all these, Trigger stands out by being the most generic sounding. I couldn't tell if half of those tracks were from SoM or some other similar RPG. In fact, pretty much every (and that's very very few) distinctive sounding track, like primeval mountain and burn! bobonga!, were written by Uematsu.

>> No.1370423


agree with the first part, it was the first game he wrote music for

it has the simplest chords but they're arranged very well and it sounds great

nobou uematsu's music is very westernized (like yasunori mitsuda), but his attention to detail is all on lengthy chord endings and not the individual sounds that make up the chords

his music sounds dry and boring as a result

i'm saying

>In fact, pretty much every (and that's very very few) distinctive sounding track

is total bull shit

>> No.1370481

So which are distinctive? There's Gato, far off promise, uhhh? The above all sound like lifted from SoM or FF3/4/5

>> No.1370486


there is nothing in either of those games that sounds like a yasunori mitsuda composition / arrangement

gato's song and far off promise are two of the dullest examples and Tyran Castle is uematsu's best contribution to the soundtrack

>> No.1370497 [DELETED] 

ITT: triggerniggers

>> No.1370503

I wish someday Chrono Trigger fags would get thier heads out of thier asses. There have been great JRPG's after Chrono Cross and Chrono Trigger isn't the best JRPG.

We get it, you guys like to sperg out hard against Chrono Cross because it doesn't mime Chrono Trigger. Get over it.

>> No.1370506

Dream on, Trigger is the COD of the RPG genre.

>> No.1370523

Those get bonus nostalgia points.

>> No.1370681

Maybe I played a censored version of FFII or something, but I can't remember it taking place in the same world as FFI, a main character being from FFI, the main antagonists being from FFI, or the entire plot happening due to what the heroes of FFI did.

>> No.1370696


That would be Elder Scrolls. The newer ones are generic as fuck.

>> No.1370716
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>If you dislike Chrono Cross, it doesn't make sense to not also dislike Xenogears, FF7, Legend of Dragoon, Legend of Legaia, Grandia and so on. I dislike them all
are you serious? do people like this actually exist?

>> No.1370736

>me don't know englushhh

>> No.1370802
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Trigger = Obama
Cross = Paul

>> No.1370826

>people aren't allowed to not like several mainstream JRPGs

>> No.1370958

This game IMO fun

>> No.1370967

Those games are all essentially meandering interactive animes with numbers you can make go up if you get stuck, yeah I loved the shit out of them when I was a kid but i've come to realize what they really are. I still like jrpgs for sure but let's not pretend they're more than they really are. Everyone knows it but nobody has the balls to just say it and put it out there. Sure, there are some exceptional jrpgs, but CC, xeno, ff7, dragoon, and legaia are all essentially the same shit with a different package

>> No.1370985

>>dislike Xenogears, FF7, Legend of Dragoon, Legend of Legaia, Grandia and so on. I dislike them all
>are you serious? do people like this actually exist?
Xenogears is a mess and you know it. The first disc is derivative and second-rate even by anime standards, while second disc is simply a failure of both gamedesigna nd storytelling.

FFVII is FFVII. It's a laughably childish revenge story with misguided game design that makes sure you don't lose.

Legend of the Dragoon is on an entirely different level. It's the crown king of forgettable bland, and why /vr/ even mentions it is beyond me. Unlike Xenogears, which, though deeply flawed in it's very core, was an inspired attempt, this is just a corporate shitout that does not really deserve to exist.

Legend of Legaia is a seperate beast. It's low-fi and niche and has always been. It's not good, nor is it supposed to be. It's just special in it's own way.

Grandia is exactly like Chrono Trigger in that it's easy and story-centric, and, while gameplay system is fun, it's shallow and ultimately pointless. But, unlike Chrono Trigger, it's uninventive and unoriginal, even though it does have it's decidedly high point. Sadly, all the "high points" are born from storytelling, music and cutscenes and not gameplay. As a game it's an insulting borefest.

>> No.1370992

Please. It was a pretty, fun-to-play game with some interesting twists, great music, and tons of optional characters for obsessives to recruit. It wasn't perfect, but it was one of the most entertaining JRPGs on the PS1.

RPGs were never ruined; traditional-style JRPGs have just gone out of fashion in the west lately.

>> No.1371007

>JRPGs have just gone out of fashion in the west
Not just in the West. Nobody plays them now, everyone wants action/rpgs or JRPGs masquerading as such in Japan, too.

>> No.1371021

This. Blame Monster Hunter.

>> No.1371025

Praise Monster Hunter, you mean. It's a grindfest, but it's much more of a game than any JRPG ever was, especially the mainstream 5th gen ones.

>> No.1371029

Not the guy you're responding to, but do you guys care to recommend some JRPGs you find good? Because I share your general sentiment and I could use some recs.

>> No.1371049

>But, unlike Chrono Trigger, it's uninventive and unoriginal

Haha what's original and inventive in Trigger? It's just the trite same old shit with a new paintjob. Monster groups existed already in FF1. Palom+Porom had a dual tech years before Trigger. Monsters being visible on the overworld is nothing new. There's most likely a bunch of games where battles take place on the map, too. The time travel element is so weak that you might as well just travel to future continent, past continent and dino continent. The characters are a joke and the music is mostly generic jRPG crap.

>> No.1371076

I doubt that such an inherently flawed concept could provide a truly good video game at all, but I personally couldn't help but enjoy Dragon Quest 3, 5, 6 and 8. (As an adult. As a kid I enjoyed everything that had Squaresoft written on it, including Ehrgeiz.)

Other enjoyable, though decidedly not good in the literal sense, JRPGs were the dear old Romancing SaGa 3 (SNES, fantranslated) and SaGa Frontier (PSOne). Now that's an experience strange, special and fresh. Incase you aren't familiar with SaGa games, they're JRPGs where you don't have to follow the plot. In fact, even finding the plot is sometimes an apparent impossibility. You can travel all over the world, beat a bunch of dungeons and build a team of many apparently random characters before one of the dungeons suddenly turns out to be important and some of the characters suddenly reveal motives beyond following your party, etc.

>> No.1371090

I've already played SaGa games and I think I prefer DQ7 over 5, 6 and 8. I'm just unsure where do I go next after that. Amongst pre-2000 JRPGs of course, I'm already trying out BoF: Dragon Quarter.

>> No.1371098

Dragon Quarter, yeah, that's a special experience allright.

After that, you don't go anywhere much. There's nowhere to go. SaGa and Dragon Quest are pinnacles of two opposite takes on the genre, while Final Fantasy is the epitome of the cinematic middle ground.

Now that the genre's become a relic of the past, this is most likely it forever. JRPGs seem to have gone the adventure game route, and, although I've enjoyed them quite a bit as a kid, I said, good riddance.

>> No.1371158

Does SF1 even have any overarching plot? I've played it with three characters now and it doesn't seem to be much more than just random stuff happening for the sake of random stuff. Not that it matters much to me, but it's been puzzling me for some time now.

>> No.1371993

I like how this post went completely ignored.

>> No.1374298

If you can't refute it, ignore. Fanboys don't like being told.

>> No.1374584


Not really, it just added on to it by saying you create a new dimension every time you time travel.

>> No.1375659
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Haha more like tried to patch up the fucking mess that was Trigger's retarded idea of time travel which according to the game itself should never have worked. Take Epoch from Lavos timeline -> change timeline so that Lavos timeline never existed ergo Epoch was never finished -> can never get the Epoch -> everything you did is undone -> Lavos timeline reestablished, welcome to the infinite loop. Cross retroactively made Trigger work by establishing multiple dimensions.

>> No.1375712

I play Chrono Cross music in my car. I do not do the same for Chrono Trigger.

I mean seriously, home world, another world, Brink of death and the Girl Who Stole the Stars are all seriously amazing songs. Brink of Death remains one of my favourite boss battle themes of all time, it's just so good.

>> No.1375937

>Brink of Death

>> No.1376417
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I need to re-read that some day...

>> No.1376612

Also you don't neccesarily need a good storyline for a game to be enjoyable and magnificent. Games can have transgressive styles or postmodernist fiction elements. Dream sequences, surrealism for example the art Salvador Dali or the experimental films of David Lynch. Play LSD it is a great excercise in interactive surrealism

>> No.1376754


>> No.1376761

I guess the point is -sometimes things that are abstract and unusual can be enjoyable. They don't need to be linear and straightforward in terms of plot development. Chrono Trigger had multiple endings, Castlevania Symphony of The Night had the reverse castle, Final Fantasy 8 had "it was all a dream" theories in the plotline after squall "died" from the Edea shard attack. Metal Gear Solid series is a great example of fourth wall breaking, unreliable narrator, postmodern elements.

>> No.1376764

Dali was not a surrealist (see Andre Breton on Dali). Nor was Lynch - that guy was an expressionist. And is Chrono Cross, of course, is and entirely different thing altogether - it's just a badly written anime in game form, it's pop art, pure and simple, convoluted due to artistic incompetence and not actual complexity of themes or execution.

>Also you don't neccesarily need a good storyline for a game to be enjoyable and magnificent.
Of course not. You need gameplay. LSD of all things doesn't have even that, so why would you mention it at all?

>> No.1376767

>Play LSD it is a great excercise in interactive surrealism
Are there that many games that aren't in some way surreal? There are tons of games that are better, even more interactive than LSD, and at the same time aren't realistic at all.

>> No.1376776

>sometimes things that are abstract and unusual can be enjoyable.
>They don't need to be linear and straightforward in terms of plot development
None of these are mutually exclusive. So you're not really saying anything here.

>> No.1376798

>Dali was not a surrealist (see Andre Breton on Dali)

Haha what a load of shit. Breton was just butthurt that Dali made mad dosh, in fact he was so butthurt that he made up a nickname for him just because of that: Avida Dollars

>> No.1376869

Also, no overworld