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1366443 No.1366443[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Days ago I started my first Final Fantasy game. It's FF5. Never played a FF before. Everything seems to be ok, then...this fucking boss. Garula. I can't beat this ugly bastard, no fucking way, and he's one of the first bosses of the game. What's wrong with me? Where's my mistake? My characters are all at 10th level.

>> No.1366447

He only has 500 HP anon, you shouldn't be struggling too much. I think your level is fine. I'd recommend a Knight or two monks, a White Mage and Black Mage. If you've been getting Blue Magic, he's also weak against Frog Song. You can also use the Ice Rod as an item to cast Blizzaga; he's weak against ice magic.

>> No.1366448

Apologies, the Garula's outside the tower have 500 HP and don't attack back (good for early ABP grinding as they give no HP). The boss has 1,200 but still not that low. The Ice Rod is a good bet. You can get it in Carwen.

>> No.1366453

FFV, despite being an FF game, actually has numerous bosses that are really challenging. That guy, the fire elemental, atomos, and the sky fortress thing all come to mind.

Its been a while, but I THINK he's probably counter attacking you to death. Do you have a mage and are you using the back row?

>> No.1366456


I have a knight, a monk, a white mage and a black mage. The two mages are in the back row.

>> No.1366492

Damn I love Final Fantasy 5.

You picked an awesome one to start with, OP.

Why do you keep dying? Are you taking too much damage or not delivering enough damage? Is your healer unable to keep up or is she running out of spells or what?

>> No.1366497


I think that my damage is good, I mean, my knight deals something like 120 damage per turn, and so does my monk. But they goes down very soon, especially the two mages. Plus, it seems to me that my healer don't gives back much HPs, only around 40 per turn.

>> No.1366508

Perhaps you're not healing fast enough. FF5 is about party balance. Try two healers.

>> No.1366571

I was about to make fun of OP but then I remembered I played the GBA version, was that made easier at all?

>> No.1366584

the first time around I downloaded some shitty hard mode hack without realizing it for like 30 minutes

>> No.1366645
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I'm in a bit of a similar situation with FF6 but I think that I'm eternally fucked.

I'm at the part where you split your members into 3 parties and fight Kefkas armies coming up the hill before fighting him for the first time. I'm able to beat the armies but after I am entirely out of potions for the boss fight and no party combination seems to work well enough to fight him without them.

The best I can get is 10 - 15 turns in without a party dying, and I saved at a provided save point right before the battle when I can't turn back and grind or buy more supplies.

What do I do?

>> No.1366649

remember same situation first time I played the game. I had to restart the whole thing.

>> No.1366660

You seem to be pretty underleveled, so I'd say your fucked. Here's a tip, when you're on the raft, just turn on the turbo button for confirm, have whatshisname heal, and leave it on fastforward for a bit (assuming emulator) and you can get a lot of levels easily.

>> No.1366669

What are your three parties? I don't remember having that much trouble with that area, and I hate grinding so I can't have been overleveled.

Also, if you have two parties meet up after you've killed all the roaming soldiers, I vaguely remember being able to move members between them? Is that wrong?

>> No.1366671

Put Celes with Sabin and Edgar.

>> No.1366694

I think FF6 actually has it so that if you game over, you get put back at your last save point, BUT you don't lose experiance gained. So technically you CAN grind, albeit painfully and full of failure.

>> No.1366698

Yeah, this.
Your items also revert AFAIK.
So if all else fails just grind those soldiers then suicide on Kefka.

>> No.1366710


You don't have to fight every soldier that comes up to win the fight, you only have to kill kefka.

Position 2 defense teams and go for the kill on kefka, while avoiding the troops with your 3rd party.

>> No.1366716

>Getting fucked by Garula

4 monks OP, Counter each other to death

>> No.1366864

A couple of ideas:

1. Get all your party members down to critical health, and then have a Knight use Protect. when your low health members get attacked, the Knight jumps in front of them, but takes 0 damage due to Protect. Countering may wreck you, though.

2. Make 4 monks and give the the Knight's Protect. Have them use it every round. Garula attacks, target takes 0 damage due to Protect, then counters. Countering cancels the Protect, so they might take damage if he attacks that same target twice.

>> No.1366876

Doesn't breaking the Ice Rod you can get in Carwen kill him in one hit? Or at least nearly kill him? Seems like that's what I did last time I played.

>> No.1366878
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This is true but you lose any esper stat bonuses gained during those levels

>> No.1366897
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>> No.1366915

Thanks, I didn't even notice that when I saved it before

>> No.1367179

Yeah but that bones you in the long run because you get stat boosts when you gain a level with an esper equipped, and you won't have any espers that early, so by end-game you'll have less stats.

>> No.1367195
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Here we go. Now it's complete up to the latest FF.

>> No.1367207

someone mentioned the answer but it sort of got ignored

some enemies just counter you. In those situations you're far better off just relaxing and making sure you hit with powerful attacks

Its been like 20 years since I played ff5, I forget if you have a dragoon class at that point.

Just have one of your guys attack, and block with the other 3, that should make him effortless

>> No.1367209

>using esper

>> No.1367290
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make sure you have your strongest 4 in one party. I used Terra, Celes, Sabin and Gau.
If you really want to, you can just use Rage>Brawler which can do near 5k damage if you're lucky.
but since you have 2 healers and 2 high damage characters there, you should be able to fight all of them without too much bother.

also, that berserker at the end is an optional fight, i'd recommend doing it though, nice exp.
also grind a shit ton after you do that, seriously.

>> No.1367293
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If you want more reliable AoE, use Edgar instead of Gau

>> No.1367672

I hoped I might find a thread like this here. I just wanted to give this some exposure since I don't think anyone has heard this in years


It might not be that impressive today but back in the day a guy used a low res DOS program to track this note by note...And it was awesome. Still a good remake.

>> No.1367785

My first exposure to FF5, before I ever played the game, was a couple s3m arrangements of songs from its soundtrack. I believe, somewhere, I have them burnt to a CD full of a bunch of old random files I had backed up, now I really want to go digging through boxes searching for them.

Also I think I need to teach myself to play this, the video makes it look not that bad.

Fuck, everytime I see someone mention FF5, or even just think about it in passing, I want to play it again.

>> No.1368116

I also started the game recently. Just got to the combined world. This might be the first JRPG I manage to finish without getting bored and forgetting about it halfway through.
Fuck if that job system isn't lenient, though. There's no penalty for switching jobs and doing so makes a lot of impossible looking bosses easy. Beats grinding out levels, I guess.

>> No.1368135

Is that world 1 or 2? If it is world 1, use red mages instead of white and black. You only get spells they can't use on world 2, and they need the ABP boost early on because they need 1000pts to max out their last level - which gives you one of the best abilities in the game, Dualcast.

>> No.1368172
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I can't think of anything that could help you that hasn't been mentioned already, but the rest of the thread covers it nicely. Heavier healing and use of protect spells, the Protect/Counter strategy, using Ice magic, breaking Ice rods and the Blue Mage's Frog Song.

Actually, I think you can also blind it wth the Blue Mage's Flash spell. Combine it with Frog Song and he won't do much against you.


Some relics help you against Kefka (Ribbon against Muddle and Poison status, Barrier Ring to defend against his elemental spells), and I think he's vulnerable to the Stop status, so Gau's Areneid rage (the scorpions in Figaro Desert) should make him helpless during most of the fight.

If you don't have any of that, I'm afraid you're out of luck. You have one of these options.

1. Conserve MP for Terra and Celes so you can use them for healing, and have Locke steal stuff. Most enemies yield Tonics and Potions, and the bulldogs have Phoenix Downs. Kefka's bodyguard also has and Elixir as a rare steal.

2. Fight until you get killed. Grind between life and death until you're overleveled.

3. Restart the game.

>> No.1368175

To straight up make Garula easy mode, use frog song on it and it'll be absolutely a joke - but a lot of bosses are like these.

I envy you going in blind. FFV is my favourite out of the series next to FFIII, and you're going to have a good ride if you stick with it.

Possible hard bosses are Byblos, Sol Cannon, Archaeoavis, Atomos, and the end bosses IIRC, especially Archaeoavis. Good luck and have fun.

>> No.1368176

You can also use Cele's Runic ability to absorb those nasty -ara spells I believe.

>> No.1368179

In FF6 it's possible to skip a turn without using it up, can't remember what button was it exactly. This means you can let Celes use Runic, then let her wait with a full gauge to instantly put it back up again when she absorbs a spell from Kefka. Use non-magic users to wail on him in the meantime (Sabin, Edgar, Gau with a good Rage).

>> No.1368180


Forgot about that, it may actually work as a strategy.

But he may still need to heal with items, so doing some Locke pickpocketing wouldn't hurt.

>> No.1368785

the white mage casts a spell called cure, use it on characters who are low on health. alternately you can blow money on potions, but get you a white mage.

thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat's really all there is to it. There was a thread a couple of days ago asking why RPG's start hard and get easier, they don't. can't manage hp? go play something else.

>> No.1369301

>all characters can learn cure 3 and life
>essentially unlimited healing from non-magic characters since they're other attacks are stronger
once you figure out how you can take advantage of the hp system you're golden. I'm not sure how it is in ffv but I'm sure there's a way

>> No.1369309

>Yeah but that bones you in the long run because you get stat boosts when you gain a level with an esper equipped, and you won't have any espers that early, so by end-game you'll have less stats.

it doesn't matter what your stats are when you're on level 99.

>> No.1369337


Runic is your friend my nigga.

>> No.1369351


make a party of Celes with two other characters. Make the other 2 parties have 2 people each.

Edgar must be in one of the 2-man parties...he can kill any group with Bio green bubbles tool.

Gau should have a rage that does well. Sabin and Cyan have good stuff too.

anyway....the party with celes must attack Kefka...have her runic EVERY ROUND ever and hop kefka always uses magic and no attacks....the other two characters attack every round and hope for the best.

>> No.1369363


So final Fantasy got good again?

>> No.1369390

Oh boy here we go

You're going to love:

>Fire Boss on boat
>The Burning Castle
>Those fucking rabbits
>X-Death first battle + Castle
>Flying Skull Monster of Death
>That sucking up boss monster on top of the tower
>The Pyramid Inside
>Fucking extras on the final stage

And various other bullshit moments

>> No.1369410


That boss is hard, but not impossible. When I played through the game about 4-5 years ago I lvled up like crazy before I moved on to new portions of the game. It made that boss sorta easy.

>> No.1369412

>Fire Boss on boat
>use ice magic/summons/whatever on it
WHY do people have such difficulty with this fucking thing

>> No.1369443


S-square was right... Americans really are too retarded for V.

>> No.1369447

that's how i feel,only real benefit is the one that gives you 30mp per level, equip that one to someone with the gold hairpin and you'll never run out,at least if you don't suck

>> No.1369453

The best thing about FFV's varying difficulty, which was mild most of the time, was the two secret super-bosses that were placed IN YOUR PATH FOR YOU TO SEE AND CHOOSE TO FIGHT.

>> No.1369496


>use ice damage
>it's super effective
>get countered for 200 damage per use
>knocks out a member in 1-2 hits

Just because its effective, you can't prevent the boss's counter, not to mention its base attack damage is also the same

>> No.1371028

Just remember that Transfusion and Pheonix are BEST BUDDIES FOREVER. Like !Dualcast and Quick.

>> No.1371069

>X-Death first battle + Castle
Put an extra character on potion duty and that's it. I imagine it's even easier if you have two white mages that can cast raise.

>> No.1371152

>TRANSFUSION: User sacrifices his life to give an ally full HP/MP
>PHEONIX: Revives ally with full HP/MP, deals fullscreen fire damage
damn... and you can dualcast them right? So you cast like 4 consecutive spells and finish by killing yourself in the same turn, and then your friend resurrects you using one of HIS 5 consecutive spellcasts in one turn.

>> No.1371223


The stat boosts are a joke. The only ones that are worth a damn are the 50% HP / 50% MP ones.

Everything else is completely and totally negligible unless you do something like gain 40 levels with Raiden equipped for +80 strength.

And even then, the amount of characters that actually benefit from these are small. You're either going to be using their special skills (most of which do not scale well with STR/Vigor or magic) or straight out using magic, which is so obscenely broken in VI that even a group with 35 magic can kill final Kefka in 2 turns.

>> No.1372120

I am having a hard time understanding why you are having such a hard time with this boss.

My first playthrough of this game I was severely underleveled and I beat this guy no sweat.

If you have trouble with him then I wish you all the luck in the world when you fight Atomos.

The only way I was able to defeat Atomos was by making all of my characters Ninjas and having them chuck weapons and shuriken.

>> No.1374112

Congrats on picking best FF.

>> No.1374174

I never made it past girugamesh/big bridge
that was about a third through the game right?
maybe I'll play it again someday, but what is the best version? GBA has ass sound, PSX is nope, so snes right?
What is the best translation/how do they compare to legit ones?

>> No.1374178

>GBA has ass sound

What? You play FFV for the game content, not the sound. Play the GBA version because it has the best content and translation. There's a patch for the sound or whatever, but who cares about that? Play the game for the gameplay.

>> No.1374184

Break like 2-3 Ice Rods on his face and he's dead. Also don't attack when he's in the form that counters with Blaze. It's not rocket science.

>> No.1374193
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>tfw killing undead with curative