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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 22 KB, 233x300, RarewareLogoOld.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1359019 No.1359019 [Reply] [Original]

Rare ware appreciation thread.

Favourite games?

They really were amazing when they were with Nintendo.


>> No.1359032

Killer Instinct
DKC Trilogy
Banjo Kazooie

Holy shit... Did they ever make a bad game?

>> No.1359035


Yeah they did... when they went to Microshit.

>> No.1359036


Jetforce Gemini rocked.

>> No.1359038


Leave Nintendo, games turn to shit. See Square.

>> No.1359040


They also made a lot of games for NES and SNES that weren't as well received.

But yeah, they really peaked during the late SNES to the N64's end.

>> No.1359042

007 Goldeneye and Perfect Dark.

'Nuff said.

>> No.1359049


This so fucking much. If Rare and Square went back to Nintendo, they would easily trump the competition.

>> No.1359058


Square still make games for Nintendo though, don't they?

And also with the way Nintendo censor everything these days I'm REALLY surprised Conker's BFD even got released.

>> No.1359061
File: 95 KB, 582x465, blastcorps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blast Corps motherfuckers

>dat fuckin replay value

good luck ever 100%ing this game

>> No.1359063


So many amazing titles...

>> No.1359078


Same. I remember wanting Conkers so bad, but my parents wouldnt let me have it. And now I can play it but can't find it at an affordable price. My emulator wont play it either. Just kill me now.

>> No.1359080


Square don't make games anymore, they just re-release them

>> No.1359086


Not just re-release. They make them worse. How did they manage to make the music sound worse in iOS release of FFIII than the Famicom release?

>> No.1359098

I dunno, I think Square's best output was definitely on the PSX. They developed and published (never did much publishing before then) a ton of mostly high quality games for the system, and there was some decent variety - it wasn't JUST RPGs.

Also, Rare was dying before Microsoft stepped in. A lot of the talent was already on its way out at the time.

>> No.1359108

Rare was that kid in the class who would always look at someone else's paper, copy the correct answers, change enough so it didn't look like he was cheating, turned in his assignments late ALL THE TIME, and still get a passing grade.

God bless that little scamp.

>> No.1359109


Square's best was SNES, implying otherwise is the foulest blasphemy every imagined.

>> No.1359134

I never really liked Rare, and now that I think about it I understand the problem. Rare designs exclusively for normalfags. But they weren't so good at this at first so their best games are on the NES:

Snake Rattle and Roll
Cobra Triangle
R.C. Pro-Am

>> No.1359135
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Felt like sharing this because... why not?

>> No.1359130

Well, I disagree.
I'm not much of a fan of RPGs, so the fact that Square was branching out a bit and doing stuff like Brave Fencer Musashi and Einhander, and publishing stuff like Bushido Blade, was great for me.
Even if I were a fan of RPGs, I think their SNES and PSX work would be more or less on par to me.

What I really want to know is how anyone could think what killed Square was anything other than that Enix merger.

>> No.1359142

Only 10/10 title I'd give Rare is DKC 2. Just top notch in every category.

>> No.1359146
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>> No.1359152

they did amazing things on the 64

>put kart game out on system where the 1st party's main ip already has one
>more visually stunning
>better driving physics
>multiple vehicles
>story mode
>interesting overworld
>different challenges keep gameplay a little fresh.
2things I'll give Mario kart64 are the battle mode and the best courses were more engaging than the best on dkr(except maybe that snow world where you go through the village and the cave). rare did something excellent, to 100% the game you have to race each course at least 4 times; first time, silver coin challenge, the cup where you have to race through each course back to back, and the time trial. and you don't think about it like you have to race through the same course 4times because you have a new objective each time. they were able to pad the length of the game without it becoming tedious(unless you're time for the time trial is your best run)

>> No.1359160

Seriously, think about the average Rare fan. They have friends, they drink alcohol, they probably aren't a virgin. They don't even notice framerate problems or see anything wrong with basing a game around item collection when there's no time limit. They'd definitely never 1CC an arcade game. Rare's games (excluding some early ones) are anti-autistic.

>> No.1359165

To be honest I'ld have to agree on some of what he said. I fucking love some Rare games, but most are are pretty meh. I didn't really think Taboo, Wheel of Fortune, and the various collectothons of much note. I wouldn't have used a word like normalfag though, but I would say they've pandered to graphics or collecting trends.

Snake Rattle N Roll is probably my favorite. Fuck the last boss though.

Narc (nobody remembers this one, but it was fun)

When they get it right they really make a long remembered game.

>> No.1359167

What? Nah dude. If there is any game that requires some amount of autism to love, it'd probably be Donkey Kong 64.

>> No.1359170

This is bullshit. The golden age of RPG's may have been the 16-bit era, but to imply Square went to shit when they switched over to Sony is just being in denial.

Hell I'd argue that even after the merger with Enix, Square still tugged along for a few years before they definitively went to shit.

>> No.1359378

I do all those things, never 1cd as arcade game(No arcades around here and no money till i was older), am a rare fan, and have a mild form of autism. I fake being a normalfag by knowing how normal people act and acting like that. it becomes real apparent around people i don't know because i have a rotating list of things to say to keep conversation moving, anything over a half hour and the list starts to repeat. I can kinda see what you mean, it's geared to be more open for more people. i know people from my schizoid shut in cousin to a guy i work with who's complete bro status who love at least 2 rare games(usually dkc 1 and conker)

>> No.1359398

Perfect Dark was great, but those collectathons were sleep-inducing at best. I honestly don't get the love for most of their n64 titles.

>> No.1359406

Why can't they're just make Donkeytoads already goddamnit?!

>> No.1359430


>Donkey and Toads both Nintendo franchises
>Rare now owned by Microsoft

Um gee I dunno...

>> No.1359439

Grant Kirkhope was pretty good at demented renditions of music for boss themes. This and Mr. Patch from Banjo-Tooie stand out for being bizarre and having equally bizarre music.

>> No.1359613


I finally finished that earlier this month when I had a couple days off work because of the snow and how cold it was out. I was bored so I decided to start a new file and give getting all the platinum medals another go and knocked it out and finished it a lot faster than I had expected. There's definitely quite a few that are a real pain in the ass, but at least you only have to get 57 platinum medals unlike the 78 that I always thought since 21 of those are for just 100% the main levels.

>> No.1359616

Rareware were better than nintendo in making n64 games. Banjo-kazooie beats mario 64 any day. Only games nintendo had which could compete with rare were the zelda titles.

>> No.1359693

>Banjo-kazooie beats mario 64 any day
I don't really understand why everyone feels the need to compare them. They are very different games.

>> No.1359767

i really liked blast corps, also it was a very unique genre.
but dk64 was bad and i never played that micky mouse kartgame.

>> No.1359783

Star Fox Adventures was before Microsoft.

>> No.1359812

Dinosaur Planet is a good game, despite it's only crime being labeled as a Starfox game.

>> No.1360016

Squaresoft was pretty godly both on the SNES and the PSX.

It became shit after the merge with Enix though.

>> No.1360030


All the Star Fox aspects felt so out of place in that game.

>> No.1360046


Dinosaur Planet was forced to become Star Fox for a reason.

Try and guess.

>> No.1360068

I never got why people loved Banjo Kazooie so much. It's just a collect-a-thon and that's pretty much all it is.

>> No.1360096

I don't care what the naysayers say, I fucking love Donkey Kong 64 and would kill for a sequel.

and no I'm not autistic, just a little OCD.

>> No.1360121


I'm quite familiar with the "why?" lol I just felt like they could have done a better job implementing it since the Star Fox type levels and having Andross just felt completely random with the rest of the game.

>> No.1360201


Dinosaur Planet would've been a new Rare IP, and Rare was going to be sold soon.

>> No.1360212

Star Fox Adventures is a very butchered version of Dinosaur Planet. I don't think it's right to act like the game we got was the Dinosaur Planet they were making.
The game was ruined. The Star Fox series was ruined. It's just a great big tragedy.

>> No.1360339


donkey kong 64

utter shit game

>> No.1360459
File: 176 KB, 458x800, Joanna_Dark_by_Nill_Martins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perfect Dark is by far my favorite Rareware game. Such a horrid shame the next game was so terrible, but at least the remake was spot on.

>> No.1360471

DKC Trilogy
Goldeneye 007
Killer Instinct
Banjo Kazooie
Conker's Bad Fur Day

>> No.1360987
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Yes this.

>> No.1361041
File: 157 KB, 640x899, 938207_84647_front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And also with the way Nintendo censor everything these days

>> No.1361053

>I fake being a normalfag by knowing how normal people act and acting like that.
Please, teach me your ways

>> No.1361067

How did Nintendo's version of that differ from the other systems. Honest question i never played that for Nintendo did it show nothing at all?

>> No.1361091

The Wii version was technically the most brutal until the PC version came around. It featured dynamic blood splatters on clothing and interactive executions, as well as the mace and bottle weapon.

Only downside was the amped-up violence filter, which smeared the screen as well as changing the color, which was more extreme than the PS2 version.

>> No.1361092


Fuck my typing.

>> No.1361094

there are uncensor-patched versions of the Wii ISO floating around just so you know

>> No.1361101

Oh, of course, but that's not totally representative of "Nintendo's version".

>> No.1361235

Ok yeah because i had both for PS2 when they were relesed and after the first i remember people getting butt hurt about the violence in that. And was said they were going to slightly censor the kill screens in 2 i remember it being like a really shitty shadowy color on the kills.

>> No.1361238

Yeah that is what confused me when anon posted the picture of Nintendo's version and i knew that PS2 version was no better.

>> No.1361265
File: 2.03 MB, 4784x3248, Squaresoft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Factor in original Bushido Blade, Vagrant Story, FF7-9, and collections of all the Fami/Super Fami FF games besides 3, and you've got a hell of a catalog on one system.