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File: 34 KB, 499x264, kid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1358124 No.1358124 [Reply] [Original]

Imagine an alternate universe where Kid Icarus on NES became a smash hit and spawned many sequels, whereas Metroid faded into obscurity for decades, only having two games, one of which was never released outside of North America.

Imagine Super Kid Icarus, and how it would be widely considered one of the greatest games of all time.

Would you like to see this world?

>> No.1358238

And see faggots screaming at Kid Icarus Prime on how it ripped off Metal Gear Halo?
No thanks.

>> No.1358245

Never played Kid Icarus, I've been aware of it for a little while now but haven't felt the urge to play it. Somehow, this makes me want to try it. Megaman/Samus were my nintengods

>> No.1358250

Yeah, I'd like to see it. I feel like the original Kid Icarus is an underrated game that's just kind of rough around the edges. A more polished version of it would be tons of fun.

>> No.1358252

Metroid is a better game that Kid Icarus though. Kid Icarus is like an arcade game that was never in the arcade.

>> No.1358258

And in this alternate universe different sex marriage is illegal San Fransisco is the capital and the stars and stripes have been replaced by the rainbow stripes. Sounds like an OP paradise.

>> No.1358261
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>Kid Icarus: Other K

>> No.1358262

Probably would have been reality if Kid Icarus wasnt so hard.

>> No.1358265

Yeah, by Team Mario.

>> No.1358272

Because the first Metroid is known for being such an easy game.

>> No.1358275

way easier than kid icarus ya douche

>> No.1358278
File: 26 KB, 154x200, da_reaper_by_doctor_g-d59ze1m.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've always loved Kid Icarus, Metroid not so much. I would like to see this world.

That password system can go to Hell though.

>> No.1358279

Metroid isn't hard. It's time consuming.

>> No.1358287

If Kid Icarus wasn't so hard then it would be even less of a game.

>> No.1358291
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It'd be interesting to see, especially how a "Kid Icarus Prime" would be like.

>> No.1358316
File: 95 KB, 500x600, gallery_5897_31_49360[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Super Kid Icarus
>Kid Icarus Prime
>Pit gets into Smash 64 instead of Samus
>All that glorious Pit pornography

>> No.1358463
File: 8 KB, 72x107, Reaper Madness.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I fucking love Reapers and their little faces.


Alternatively, it's made by Platinum Games and is an assault on logic and common sense in a much more awesome way.


3D Classic Iggy Russ was good, basically fixed the programming errors and made it a little prettier. Myths and Monsters was pretty good, too.
I've had an idea kicking around in my head for a game centred around an angel. The basic pitch is a Metroidvania with a Kick Me sign, so you can confront obstacles head on and have to rise to a complex platforming challenge(like having to time a jump so you can dodge patrolling enemies mid-jump to get over a pit), or you can go find the creature that can deal with the obstacle and fight it for long enough to learn its abilities. Flight would be disabled due to the angel having flown a long way, and would be recovered after a couple of hours or so of game time, encouraging people to speedrun for flightless victories.
I should probably get round to downloading MMF from that bundle and work on the basics.
Oh, and the game would have old-school pattern dithering, FM synths, dark green hair wherever possible and lots of nudity. I'm beginning to wonder if all that time spent in the PC-98 threads has altered my mind somewhat.

>> No.1358465

Played it on gameboy. Game was fun, but it got ridiculously hard eventually.

>> No.1358474
File: 18 KB, 424x354, 1336517539824.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would Super Kid Icarus even look like, anyway? Maybe you get different weapons like in Uprising and they all have environmental abilities, instead of different beams. Claws can climb walls, Swords can clear out vegetation, Palms can push heavy objects or parry falling rocks allowing you to get to new areas, Bows let you hit distant switches or power up machinery by doing that crazy spinning attack to drive motors, Clubs let you break walls, Staves can hit distant targets or power up magical machinery. Dunno what do with Orbitars, but they've got to be in, I loved using them as a makeshift melee attack.
I feel like I'm mixing together everything I like from KI:U, the Wonderful 101 and Super Metroid. Perhaps I should flesh this idea out more.

>> No.1358479
File: 117 KB, 580x435, 1334174186167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Maybe it's because I played the VC version, but the only thing I struggled with was the third castle layout, and I really should have just started drawing a map for that.

Pic unrelated, it's a silly old in-joke from the Kid Icarus: Uprising generals.

>> No.1358485

No. I really like Uprising, wouldn't like to see it possibly not existing.

I also like Metroid as it is, so... just no.

The original Kid Icarus is not that difficult after the first two worlds.

Actually, take me to this world right now.

>> No.1358489

Wouldn't happen because Pit isn't female so Sakamoto wouldn't have anything to project his creepy submissive woman fetish on.

>> No.1358492

>Pit isn't female
But that would be better...

>> No.1358506


He could easily project that submissive fetish onto a teenage boy, especially a slightly femme one in a tunic. Palutena and Pit are already master and servant, it wouldn't be that much of a stretch.

But honestly, if we're imagining a better world, can't we just assume Sakamoto would have been violated to death by gorillas or something?

>> No.1358514

Yeah, instead he projects his creepy submissive shota fetish.

>> No.1358521

It would've helped define the Castlevicarus genre. Which would have then become a buzzword for any game superficially resembling either Symphony of the Night, or Super Kid Icarus.

>> No.1358561 [SPOILER] 
File: 34 KB, 298x279, boner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He could easily project that submissive fetish onto a teenage boy, especially a slightly femme one in a tunic. Palutena and Pit are already master and servant, it wouldn't be that much of a stretch.

>> No.1358598

>Samus joins the Brawl

>> No.1358616
File: 25 KB, 480x206, BIO-WEAPONS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Super Kid Icarus
Kid Icarus:The Three Sacred Treasures

Kid Icarus
Kid Icarus: Fusion

KI:Of Myths and Monsters


Prime 2

Prime 3

Other K

>> No.1358647

Guys, how awesome would Metroid: Uprising be?

>> No.1358678

>Liking Kid Icarus: Fusion

It doesn't even play like a Kid Icarus game, faggot.

>> No.1358701

>no Pit Pinball
shitty list

>> No.1358708
File: 642 KB, 1043x1200, 1371276346575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking knew It didn't look right as I posted it

>> No.1358747

>He could easily project that submissive fetish onto a teenage boy, especially a slightly femme one in a tunic. Palutena and Pit are already master and servant, it wouldn't be that much of a stretch.

So what you're saying is Kid Icarus: Other K would be consider an absolute masterpiece and regarded as one of the greatest games of all time?

>> No.1358751
File: 50 KB, 704x749, kidicarusrumored_050808_12828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gritty American Reimagining of Kid Icarus
>God Tier

Fuck off the Prime games sucked, pic of Pit related.

>> No.1358901

>good raziel

>> No.1358918

No, it would be degenerate homosexual pedophile shit. Just like Metroid: Other M was degenerate heterosexual pseudo-pedophile shit. The difference is, of course, that since a woman's biologically determined position is below the man's while a man's natural position is on top, and a young girl can be below but a young boy hasn't the strength to be on top of anyone other than an even younger girl, it's less degenerate to be interested in young girls than in young boys.

>> No.1358923

>Pit is a troubled young man. This fits with the proposed game pitch, in which Pit is "cursed for thousands of years and becomes a fallen angel." He bears a tattoo on his arm that details his crime.

>> No.1359015

Kid Icarus Prime would probably look like Optimus Prime when he gets wings near the end if Revenge of the Fallen except really really gay.

>> No.1359039

What is that pic? Where it from? A mockup?

>> No.1359070

That pic is giving me wood.

>> No.1359095
File: 47 KB, 272x408, 1390543715088.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mockup. When Pit was first featured in SSB:B people were constantly talking of what a new game would look like.

>> No.1359103

Looks like Cave Story.

>> No.1359457

>Adam, these enemies look a lot like Komaytos from Kid Icarus...
>What are you talking about? Metroids and Komaytos have nothing to do with each other. Komaytos are weak to melee attacks and Metroids are weak to ice attacks, they're completely different. Focus on completing the mission.

I really hope that Uprising means we see more Kid Icarus games. I'd love to see a polished entry similar to the 2D games. Of Myths And Monsters played so much more smoothly then the original, I bet with a third or fourth they could've made it a popular franchise.

>> No.1359476

As much as I liked Uprising I feel the way you were meant to hold it kept it from being a better game. Feel like it would have been better as a Wii game. But that's just me. But I agree with wanting more Kid Icarus games. I love the dialog between Palutena and Pit.

As for what would happen in that universe I'm guessing it would be like Metroid. But instead of going deep in a planet you have to keep going up out of hell. But that's why though on what might happen.

>> No.1359543

I would've played the everliving shit out of that.

>> No.1359578

Haha, you got any more of these mockups? It's nice to dream at least.

>> No.1359584
File: 69 KB, 458x514, what the fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>creepy submissive woman
I'm sorry, isn't that considered normal?

>> No.1359834


Samus in Other M has all her gear right at the start, she unlocks stuff by progressing the story and getting authorisation. This leads to fucktarded shit like doing a hell run without turning the Varia Suit on because daddy didn't say so.

>> No.1359870

Instead of Metroid by Retro and Team Ninja, we get Kid Icarus by Rare and Omega Force (The Musou team)

>> No.1359875

And then instead of Hyrule Warriors the Wii-U collab with T-K becomes a Zelda-starring RPG by Gust

>> No.1359894
File: 622 KB, 375x211, 1389202247896.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1360330

It's almost like you've never been in the real world before.

That shit's actually realistic.

>> No.1360418


Going into an area with heat levels that will kill you within minutes and leaving your perfect heat resistance gadget turned off because you haven't specifically been told to use it?

>> No.1360474

Metroid: Downfalling would be hilariously interesting.

So, you're saying that that Other K would explore the deep concepts, taboos, and other interesting parts of Pit's hidden love for Palutena? Sold.

>> No.1362970

Hell yeah I would

>> No.1363004
File: 3 KB, 226x152, kidicarus_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I started on some Kid Icarus sprites a while ago, I figured I'd do a ROMhack or something based off the Super Metroid engine.

would be a fun little project to do, if I weren't so busy.
at my friends house so I'll show more later

>> No.1363687


Holy fuck that looks awesome. Would definitely love to see a hack with art like that.

>> No.1363710

Considering there'd be more palutena porn...

Yes, yes, infinitely times yes

PS:anyone got any sexy pics of palutena?

>> No.1363742

>I started on some Kid Icarus sp

>> No.1363776

>a ROMhack or something based off the Super Metroid engine
I wouldn't. Just getting Super Metroid to look like Kid Icarus would be hell. God help you if you want Samus to look like Pit. And in the end it'd just be a thin coat of paint over unmistakably Metroid enemies and mechanics.

But you could probably pop out a Super Kid Icarus proof of concept in a couple of days in Game Maker.

>> No.1363813

I don't know how Kid Icarus would have translated into 3D without making it pretty much exactly like Ocarina of Time except with a bigger focus on bows.

>> No.1364003


Well, if it's swapping places with Metroid it'd skip the N64 and be more like Prime, though given that Kid Icarus was more about dealing with waves of enemies, instead of locking on to single enemies, it could have Afterburner-style painting targets and firing a volley, or make it third person and fire in bursts/fight in melee like Uprising. Although, the Space Harrier-esque flight segments in Uprising were to take advantage of the 3DS, so we'd probably get a shmup segment instead.
Large setpiece bosses in arenas would also be a great fit, with Cerberus, Hewdraw, and Orcos, assuming Myths and Monsters wasn't US only in this reality.
Kid Icarus: Prime could have gotten a little cuhrayzee. Different weapons, possibly with melee options, swappable with the d-pad, and four face buttons could give a lot more options and depth than Uprising managed.

>> No.1364064
File: 122 KB, 650x532, PalutenaSunbathe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1364190

We would have gotten that 2edgy GC reboot instead of Metroid Prime.

>> No.1364992

A game maker engine would probably be better, yeah.

Wasn't there some Super Kid Icarus ROM hack out there already? The graphics were just edited NES ones, if I recall.

>> No.1365919



Pretty cool, mostly a tarted up version of the original with some difficulty settings, which suits me down to the ground. Keyboard controls are powerful awful, so I haven't played much, I'll dig out my controller later. Just a note, if you're using Flashblock on Firefox, you'll have to allow comcast.net in the settings to actually play it.

>> No.1365925


Hmm, just noticed that the images in the bestiary are from this:


Hope that's with permission. The Android Arts guy does some interesting fanarty write-ups for reboots or retro games on the rest of his page.

>> No.1365936

Is Kid Icarus good?

Never played it before. What's cool about it?

>> No.1365937

I don't think it was, there are other instances of the Super Kid Icarus guys stealing background assets without permission

>> No.1365940

Yeah, I like it. If you like games like Metroid or Cave Story it should be good for you. It's definitely challenging at first, but gets more laid-back as it goes on.

I also like the music.

>> No.1365963


It's basically a linear Metroid with more emphasis on precise platforming and battling waves of enemies, like snakes falling out of pots, beholder-looking things sine waving across the screen and Reapers that call a swarm of Reapettes if they eyeball you.

As the guy above me and pretty much anyone who talks about it says, difficulty is typical RPG style, hard at the start, then you get some more health and unlock some upgrades and it becomes easy. This is slightly balanced by thief enemy that steal your upgrades and sell them on the black market, and the upgrades not working in castles and thus against bosses, but ultimately once you're up to speed it's a roaring rampage to the finish line.

The original version is a little buggy, like the jump lagging a little, which takes some getting used to. This is fixed in the 3D Classic version on 3DS, or the flash game I linked above, or the GB sequel Myths and Monsters, which has broadly the same progression but level design and bosses are totally different.

One thing I loved in the original was the Orbitars. They're a set of "defensive" orbs that rotate around you and do damage to enemies so they don't hit you, like Pike Balls in the Shantae games. Basically means you can do massive damage to enemies just by getting up in their face.

>> No.1365967

does the gameboy one have those annoying castle levels like the original?

>> No.1365976


Yes. Get a piece of paper and a pencil(IRL or in the game), draw a map, they get much easier.

>> No.1365985

damn, i hate those fucking levels, but love the rest of the game.
thanks for the tip

>> No.1365998
File: 18 KB, 424x354, 1390805973734.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1366017

mode 7, huh? Interesting.

>> No.1366028


It's fanart, but it looks so cool.

>> No.1366119

The dungeon sections are never not a bitch though. I knew how infamous eggplant wizards were going in to it, but I still wasn't prepared.

>> No.1366345


They do get a bit intense, watching for just the right time to run into range and end a wizard or running the gauntlet through spike machines, but if you slow down and consider things methodically it works. And always remember you can just turn the fuck right around when you enter a room if something comes right at you.

>> No.1366365

Nice. Really looks like taken from a SNES game.

>> No.1367937


Imagine the impact that would have had on nerd culture.

>tons of horrible Pit cosplay/erotica
>neckbeards taking up archery, posing topless with their wings strapped on for their facebook photos
>occasional psychopaths who go on archering sprees (and the media naturally blames Kid Icarus)

>> No.1367959

Because in real life there's

>tons of horrible Samus cosplay/erotica
>neckbeards taking up bounty hunting, posing helmetless with their arm cannons on for their facebook photos
>occasional psychopaths who go on screw attacking sprees (and the media naturally blames Metroid)

>> No.1368901

It'd be interesting to play a version of kid icarus that was as good as metroid. that's for sure.

>> No.1368968

Looks like Actraiser.

>> No.1369003

I really liked Actraiser 2 for some reason. It's like Richard Wagner made a platformer.

>> No.1369282

Makes sense, considering how Pixel was inspired by games like Kid Icarus and Metroid

>> No.1370378

Why didn't they continue after Myths and Monsters, anyway?

>> No.1370449

I guess they didn't see it profitable to make more, or maybe it was like what F-Zero is going through now and no-one had any ideas on what to do with it. A few other NES games got Gameboy sequels like Balloon Fight which had Balloon Kid, and I think most of 'em weren't released in Japan.

>> No.1371397

whos ready for the takamaru revival in Smash4