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1356269 No.1356269 [Reply] [Original]

Playing through Metal Gear Solid for the very first time. Nothing to complain about but does the serious take on a more serious tone in the later games? It's like I'm watching a cartoon right now especially with the dialogue.

>> No.1356272

You could say it's just like one of your chinese cartoons

>> No.1356273


i was going to mention that. I'm not putting now cartoons or anime but yeesh.

>> No.1356281

Well, it was the late 90's, keep it in mind.

It takes on a bit more serious tone from MGS2 onwards, but they still all retain some Japanese goofiness. It has it's charm.

>> No.1356289

Solid is a tribute to goofy 80's action movies
Solid 2 is a riff on sequels
Solid 3 is a James Bond game
Solid 4 is Kojima not even trying anymore

So I guess it gets more serious?

>> No.1356296

Metal Gear is always about serious topics (nuclear war, child soldiers etc) wrapped in goofy weirdness. It's up to you whether you'd rather focus on the silly surface or more serious underlaying tone.

>> No.1356308

Be careful what you wish for.

>> No.1356349

OP here. This plot is starting to piss me off.

Fuck Meryl. I have to backtrack to get a goddamn PSG-1? Rrrrrrrrrrrr.....

>> No.1356353


Additional note: why can't I use a Nikita missle to blow Sniper Fox or whatever his name is to hell?

Fuck you.

>> No.1356358

Because Sniper Fox would just snipe the rocket, obviously.

>> No.1356359

No OP, that's just how the series is, it tries to blend serious moments with super absurd dumb shit and it works occasionally, for the most part Kojima is a super shitty writter.

If you want to try a relatively down to earth, no stupid baggage one, give MGS3 a spin, despite being the 3rd one its pretty much how it all began and its really good.

>> No.1356367

>I have to backtrack to get a goddamn PSG-1?

It takes all of like five minutes, I'll never understand why people get mad at this part. There's a far worse segment of pointless backtracking near the end.

>> No.1356380
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Oh man I would love to see your face when you have to do the PAL card segment near the end of the game.

>> No.1356381


It gets so outrageously ridiculous you'd think you were watching an indie b-action movie parody... Not that I think that's a bad thing.

>> No.1356384

>If you want to try a relatively down to earth, no stupid baggage one, give MGS3 a spin

I really doubt that OP would think 3 isn't stupid after encountering The Pain.

>> No.1356387


Good point.

>> No.1356392


> Ridiculous anime villain bosses
> Haha look Raiden's a boy toy now
> I'm Ocelot let me do a stupid hand thing all the time

MGS3 is absolutely the best in the series, but it's just as silly as the rest

>> No.1356395


It's not that I'm mad, it's because a woman who has been shot 3 times is lying on the ground and I have to go find a rifle. It's retarded.

At this point in the story, the last time I saw Otacon he said he could sneak anywhere he wanted with his inviso-suit. Why can't he fetch the goddamn thing for me?

>> No.1356402

are you

playing a bad 90's port on a bad emulation layer for linux


>> No.1356409

There's a PC version for MGS? Dang, never knew that.

>> No.1356419

Except 3 is perhaps the most ridiculous of them all.

>> No.1356418


No, I'm playing the PC port through WINE.

>> No.1356423

that's what im saying


>> No.1356429


Because the game's emulation for both Playstation and Gamecube is horrible. Some people get it to work. I couldn't get it going after 15 minutes so I said the hell with it.

>> No.1356483

I tried, but after all the stupid crap at then end of Solid 2, I gave up.
I can't take this series seriously.

>> No.1356490

Last time I replayed MGS I noticed just how ridiculous and cheezy it really was. Sometimes you need to replay some games before you truly start to notice certain things. The melodramatic dialog and corny love story between Meryl and Snake was somehow way more apparent for me the last time I played it.

IDK how to feel on it really. I feel the cheese ruins all the games to a degree. It also can enhance them in some ways. The campiness became a little much to bear for me with MGS3. MGS4 was way too over the top for me to like. It is a shitty game as well.

I don't know if I am the only one but MGS1 seemed the most serious even with all of what I described. Which makes me like it second to MGS2. MGS2 was also serious when discussing its plot.

I feel the campiness started going too far with MGS3 on. Its also when I started noticing a decline in my enjoyment of the games. Kojima needs to find that perfect level of cheesy again. I don't feel MGSV will have it. I am not looking forward to that game at all due to all the changes.

>> No.1356498

See pretty much all the replies to your post.

MGS 3 is imo even more ridiculous then the previous two games. It only gets topped (and by miles) by MGS4. Peace walker is somewhere in between 3 and 4 in over the topness.

>> No.1356504

Nope, that's the most serious one. Enjoy it because it just gets more ridiculous.

>> No.1356517

Metal Gear Solid seems downright somber compared to its sequel. And 3 is "what if James Bond was an anime?".

I didn't realize it myself until I got to the Metal Gear in 2 (the first one I played), because the graphics are deceiving (realistic). These are anime games.

>> No.1356528


>these are anime games

OP here. I was going to say that but this being 4chan, I didn't want a deluge of shitposting.

>> No.1356582

Well its too damn bad they got rid of that look with MGS4 and soon V. I don't even like the series as much as these neckbears but I did like the unique look it had that is now gone. I don't even fucking like anime.

It also surprises me that the boss doesn't look like Paz with how campy and anime the games are.

Both are complete shit characters that I hated.

>> No.1356584

To expand on what
said, a lot of MGS is homage/ripoff of Escape from New York in particular, as well as a number of other favorites of Kojima.

That said, I am about as anti-animu as anyone can be, and I never had a problem with the anime wackiness of the Metal Gear games. I actually think they're pretty well-written, though very derivative if you know where to look for Kojima's influences. All his stuff's like that. Snatcher is, IMHO, great, even though it's just like that. I find the mix of humor and seriousness much more effective than the so-realistic-bro stylings of, e.g., Tom Clancy's Call of BMX XXX.

>> No.1357003

Kojima loves 80s action movies. MGS has the exact same tone as flicks like Commando.

I mean, how can you not laugh at such ridiculous lines like "I NEED TO GO SWAT A PAIR OF BOTHERSOME FLIES!"

>> No.1357017

>has the exact same tone as flicks like Commando.

Except Commando knows it's retarded and doesn't bog things down with philosophical stuff that sounds like it is coming out of a 7th grader's notebook. You don't see Arnold killing a guy and then going on about the battlefield for five minutes or Bennett giving a long speech about his past before he dies.

>> No.1357030

Am I one of the only people that really appreciate the script of this game? Not just that but the voice acting and delivery. It just seems to come off as perfect, even considering the nostalgia factor.

>> No.1357034

No, the localization and voice direction are fantastic in MGS 1. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said for any other game in the series. Especially Twin Snakes, holy shit.

>> No.1357069

>You don't see Arnold killing a guy and then going on about the battlefield for five minutes or Bennett giving a long speech about his past before he dies.
which is why MGS3 is the best in the series.
no long drawn-speech before and after a boss fight

>> No.1357091
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>> No.1357204

You can in the 2nd open field fight. You go far right to where there is a small ledge thing and you can nikita the shit out of her there.

>> No.1357215


>Through the cave
>Through the office
>Through the storage
>across the ice field
>down the elevator
>up the elevator
>across the ice field
>Through the storage
>Through the office
>Through the cave
>beat sniper wolf
>up the elevator
>across the ice field
>through the storage
>through the office
>through the cave
>now you can progress

Including the initial time you go there, you're doing that song and dance four times, then there's some BS in the tower, and then the fucking PAL key.

>> No.1357219
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>> No.1357226

Some people erroneously think the plot is something that's supposed to be taken seriously, and then are all like "Wow, MGS is bad, these people are dumb".

Meanwhile, we're just laughing at how stupid MGS is.

Granted, it's hard to blame them, considering how straight faced all the characters are, and how serious the voice actors sound while saying the dumbest shit. And the overall tone of the games. Stopping terrorists from launching nukes and whatnot.

>> No.1357238

what? the emulation for playstation is perfect

>> No.1357246

Metal Gear Solid is meant to be taken seriously for a large majority of the time. Yeah there are comic relief bits like Johnny and using a box to sneak but a large majority of the plot is serious. Either something keeps getting lost in translation or Kojima is a terrible writer because most of the writing in those games is garbage.

Also I own at least two copies of MGS1-4 so I am far from a hater. I can just admit a series I love has big flaws.

>> No.1357252

I think MGS is one liners and hamfisted melodrama


However there are some really wonderful parts of the later games. Being a smoker who wanted to quit really made MGS4 resonate with me but the best writing I'd have to say is MGS3.

Best ideas/themes I'll have to give to MGS2.

Spoilers if you haven't beaten MGS3

>> No.1357253

4 was the MGS encyclopedia.

>> No.1357256

You can if you are very good with it. I think you might need to use a flash grenade first.

>> No.1357267
File: 479 KB, 613x613, 1384937418253.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

epsxe can be problematic in regards to its compatibility. Ive had major stuttering on several new systems that required completely specific settings and fixes. All of my ISOs had to be converted to ECM.

psxfin runs 99% perfect but the native resolution is ass

>> No.1357269


Kojima is partly a hack. But he's an interesting hack writer.

He really likes American movies in general, and especially action movies. He likes real trash like Roland Emmerich movies (name sound familliar?).

The Metal Gear series is part American action movies filtered through a Japanese nerd's mind. There's a bit of anime in it.

>Solid is a tribute to goofy 80's action movies

Partly that. But it's also an analysis and reaction to them.

How would a person be affected by "action movie" experiences? Snake is not happy. He has issues. He doesn't think he's awesome for killing people. Meryl can be seen as a stand in for an action movie fan, and Snake as the action movie character. She knows of him from afar, and thinks he's the coolest. Snake is having none of that.

So there's some elements of deconstruction in there.

Also, the governments don't care about soldiers. They're just tools of war, to be discarded if they're not useful. The government can't be trusted. These are both standard action movie tropes, but also work as a reaction against some of the absurd flag waving films.

>> No.1357270

>Also, the governments don't care about soldiers. They're just tools of war, to be discarded if they're not useful. The government can't be trusted. These are both standard action movie tropes, but also work as a reaction against some of the absurd flag waving films.

So compare it to maybe call of Duty or other modern shooters that seem more flag waving. The difference is pretty stark.

>> No.1357296

Then compare it to Spec Ops.

>> No.1357660

>Because the game's emulation for both Playstation and Gamecube is horrible.
>Doesn't know about Mednafen PSX

>> No.1357702
File: 336 KB, 704x528, Please go away today.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You're right. I don't/didn't. But I downloaded the PC version and it fired right up in WINE.

i take it the emulated versions are less corny? HURRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR