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1355385 No.1355385[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I'm on the third level right now, where you have to snag Horn of Quintus.
I'm really enjoying this game so far, although:
1: I know I'm probably a giant pussy, but I find it extremely spooky and creepy (I pressed Escape out of reflex when I jumped into that room in the crypt with a face that started talking to me)
2: I spend 2 hours on every single level because I just get lost really easily. On this level, between the burrick caves and the actual crypts everything looks the same.

Also, Thief thread

>> No.1355389

op here


>> No.1355406

There'll be plenty more of that, good luck OP.

>> No.1355413

op here
I needed to turn the game off for a second because the moment where you get past the guardians who kill you when they look at you and suddenly the light turns on and a zombie hammerite charges at you
t-thanks ;_;

>> No.1355430

OP I am playing the game too atm and am at the same exact mission. I put the difficulty on expert because I like the challange but I had to abort mission because though I could find the horn I was unable to find all that other shit. One reason is that I get lost very easily too and the other is that there where so many enemies in the crypt itself that constantly interrupted me and made it much harder to find my way around. The atmosphere is indeed godly, it must have something to do with sound design. I will restart the mission on normal I guess.

>> No.1355435

I didn't like this because of the forced combat at times and the undead and shit.
Should I just play Thief 2?

>> No.1355440

OP here, I just got all the objectives on Expert
It wasn't that hard, zombies are easy to dodge
I'm so happy to leave this godforsaken place anyhow

>> No.1355582

Just wait till level 5.

Go steal the sword, they said.
It's just inside the mansion.

The first part of Thief 1 is the best.
Thief 2 focuses more on the actual Thief aspect.
Play both though. Great games.

Anyone know of any 3rd party fixpacks or high res textures or other improvements?

>> No.1355595

I myself have been told to play Thief Gold with TFix and Thief 2 with New Dark.

>> No.1355603


Haven't heard of those. What does New Dark do?

I replayed Thief 2 with a difficulty mod that made it utterly insane. Guards would spot you at 20-30 meters.
Instead of fighting you they yell and run for help and alarming everyone around.
After they've seen you they don't go back to normal patrols but stalk around in packs looking for you, and mostly they guard entrances to places.

It was awesome. First City Bank and Trust was SO tense playing that mod. Geez. Good times.
I think it was almost entirely config file edits.

Of course I can't remember the name of the mod. Sorry.

>> No.1355606

>What does New Dark do?

http://www.ttlg.com/forums/showthread.php?t=140085 Apparently these

As for TFix, for me it smoothened out the graphics and got rid of the "binary darkness" bug (where things are either 100% dark or 0% dark)

>> No.1355607

>Anyone know of any 3rd party fixpacks or high res textures or other improvements?

Well, there's the Tief Gold HD Texture Mod at http://www.moddb.com/mods/thief-gold-hd-texture-mod
I haven't tried it yet, but it looks to be a solid mod.

>> No.1355634

I spend 2 hours on every single level because I just get lost really easily
If you're playing thief gold, im sure you'll have tons of fun with the thieves guild quest.

>> No.1356024

Now we just need one for Thief 2

>> No.1356104

thief 1 was great but i got annoyed by all the SPOOKY shit

thief 2 is one of my favourite games, absolutely fuckin amazing

>> No.1356374

The first Thief has no forced combat.If you don't like the zombie/undead missions don't skip to Thief 2 instead just skip the missions by pressing CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+END but you'll miss out on a lot of great missions.

>> No.1356445
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>Just wait till level 5.
I have no idea what you mean, anon. There was nothing crazy or trippy about that level at all!
I loved that level so much.

>> No.1356615

That was probably my most disliked level. It's too long and has way too much backtracking, and despite the intro cutscene, remaining undetected is not necessary.

>> No.1356723
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Just finished it myself, here's how it went:
>start mission, get inside, snatch coins from under gambler's noses
>after some time, find door to sewer, pain starts
>keep getting lost (even moreso than with the rest of the game), no idea where I'm going other than that I need to get to some guys house so I can get into another guys house and jack his vase
>find and get through first house, not too bad, would be an ok part of a level without a goddamn sewer maze
>go back, go to second house
>that ramp entrance is a bitch because guard tracking, but get in and make my way up
>find banner room, find vault, can't open it
>pussy out and look it up, turns out I needed a key from the first house
>reset out of frustration, get through in like 2 hour 45 minutes, had to backtrack to get the bracelet I didn't notice

You fuckers better be right about this Constantine guy.

>> No.1356756

The Guardian of the Mystic's Heart....or Soul....one of them.

P.S. OP...you might not finish this game alive if that's all it takes to fuck you up.

>> No.1357540
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OP here

This Thieves' Guild mission forced me to perhaps overuse the blackjack a little here, also for the first time I ran out of water arrows

Oh well, it's The Sword time. From what I'm led to believe I'll have a heart attack here.

>> No.1357631

I had to skip that level, unfortunately. Got lost and tried walkthroughs, but they didn't help.

>> No.1358908

That level isn't that confusing honestly. If you really feel that it is though do not play Thief II, or really most of the later Thief levels.

>> No.1360275
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Hey folks. I started working on a few textures recently... just up-ressing the originals... since other texture packs don't really do what I want them to (they tend to change too much really).

My idea right now is to make one or two textures a day, if I have the time. Or a few easy ones. All depends on the texture. Taking their original resolution X4

Is this something anyone is interested in? Or does the current selection of texture packs do you fine?

Pic related

>> No.1360280
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The carpet texture... This one took more time. Anything that would be more detailed than average when enlarged is going be the biggest hurdle. To make them read well and all.

>> No.1360285
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One more. I did this one as a test originally to see how much time it would take per texture. Will probably revisit it if I continue.

Alright I'm done.

>> No.1360287

I love all of thief, and even that level is confusing to me. It's because a lot of the tunnels and rooms look the same, no the size of the map. I get where he's coming from, but it's far from an insurmountable obstacle.

>> No.1360341

Some french fellow seems to have a hold of the source code. So he's created the newdark patch for Thief 1/2. (mentioned briefly here >>1355595)


What's it do?
Better shadows, better colors, better everything. Added support for higher resolution textures, and improves framerate/crashing when a lot of meshes are in view at one time.

From the link: You do not need fixed exes, setting affinity to one core, DDFIX, or a widescreen patch. The 1.19 patch takes care of all of this.

People kinda glaze over it when thief is mentioned, but it makes playing the game a lot easier.

>> No.1361165

how do you skip it?

>> No.1361221

There's a key sequence you can do: Alt+Ctrl+Shift+End. I only ever used that once, and it was the only time I played Sabotage at Soulforge. After doing a 7th beacon switch I descended the ladder, only to find my way blocked by a grate with no way out. Needless to say I was furious after spending 2 hours on that stage and having quicksaved up the ladder with no fallback.

>> No.1361365

No, it's quite shit actually. Uses old maps with lots of bugs, completely butchers the feel of the game, etc.

You should put these in the Canon Texture Pack thread on TTLG, I'm sure the guys there will appreciate it.

Also you are huge pussies for skipping levels.

>> No.1361395

that looks like shit

>> No.1361426

Maybe I will.

I'd be fine with them using them, but I'd like to do a whole pack myself anyway. Mainly because other people over photo reference their textures, and I'd like mine to be mainly paintovers, and leave the photo reference restricted to fine details. I think that would keep it feeling most like thief.

On that note, has here ever made a texture for thief? How do I repackage fam.crf to work?

>> No.1361504

Or you can just run past them. Some zombies you can sneak past as well, people who were annoyed by "forced combat" didn't really understand the game mechanics

>> No.1361610

i was glad they didn't make thief 2 as frightening as the original. i like to get into my games too the point of putting myself on edge. that game had some asshole designs that would spook the shit out of me which detracted from the 'fun' factor.

>> No.1361639

Thief was the scariest game I ever played, Dark Engine graphics and all, I'm not even fucking kidding. I played Return to the Cathedral during a storm at night and had to slam the escape key in a panic and hide from my computer.

>> No.1361848

Same. I played the whole game at night, alone in a dark room. Was amazing.

>> No.1362332

Is there any way other than virtual machine to get thief gold running on mac?

>> No.1362475

I just want to start with Thief Gold. I'm about to install Tfix. It seems like it changes alot (even textures and models). If I want the vanilla experience should I exclude the model and texture changes?

>> No.1362549

Yes. While they are higher-res, they don't have the charm of the low-res ones, some of them come from Thief 2 and are washed-out and look very bad in Thief 1 since it only has white lighting whereas T2 has colored lighting. This is especially visible with the warm orange windows in base Thief Gold that are replaced with piss-yellow ones from Thief 2 if you enable the texture replacement. Water textures and hi-res skies look very out of place too in such a low-res environment, so I'd say don't enable these as well.

Models are not that different, the higher res ones are just Thief 2 models for the most part. The vanilla ones are still pretty awesome (they're really... abstract sometimes) and I love them. The rest is fine though, you can go ahead.

>> No.1362581
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thanks but now I'm even more confused. I only want the widescreen patch and regular patches. So what do I have to choose?

btw: I started the game unpatched and it crashed during the training mission. Should I be afraid?

>> No.1362598

Unpatched game is very hard to get running correctly on modern systems, so don't worry. Thief Gold + TFix has never crashed once for me.

Disable T2 Skies, T2 Water, Thief Enhancement Pack and Orgy's textures. You can leave the other one alone if you like, it doesn't change a lot of things (just models with polygons from T2).

>> No.1362626

Thank you very much. Finally I can start to play.

>> No.1362635

The Sword is the best level ever created by human race.

>> No.1362649

>Just wait till level 5.
I fucking hated that level, not because of the layout but because of the tile fucking floors.

>> No.1362653

That's now how you write Song of the Caverns.
(half kidding, The Sword is one of all-time favorites. Love every bit of it).

>> No.1362668

Life of the Party is the greatest thief level of all time.

>> No.1362671

I've never played Thief 2 but I loved every single itty bit about level design in the first one, every level was incredibly well done, I was annoyed by the movement though same goes for you System Shock 2

>> No.1362681

You should really play T2 sometime. It's weaker than Thief 1 in my opinion (not as surreal, not as scary, not as interesting) but it has Life of the fucking Party and more importantly it has a bazillion of fan missions for it (in comparison Thief 1 has only a hundred or so afaik).

>> No.1362687
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Anyone want to talk about Deadly Shadows?

It isn't that bad, worth checking out if you like the series.

I really wish it had been only developed for the PC though, being developed for the original Xbox at the same time really seemed to fuck the entire game up in a bunch of ways.

>> No.1362690

have all three parts on Steam, along with tons of other great classics that I need to finish
backlog is just too huge for me to handle and I'll be getting a new PC in a few days along with formatting this HDD so I'm just resting on 4chan 'till that time comes

>> No.1362719

I thought it was okay, but it's definitely the low point. I'm mostly disappointed by the levels, though. Maybe if it designed for PC instead of PC and Xbox it would have been good.

It was, however, the first Thief game I played, and it helped cement my love of stealth games.

Alas, it's not /vr/.

>> No.1362840

Just skip TFix/widescreen patch and download the NewDark Patch. It does exactly what you want it to do. Link further up in the thread.

It's a proper patch for thief that some french guy is popping out.

>> No.1362861

The Overlook Mansion was the only part of the game that they got right.

>dat bgm
>dat atmosphere

Overall though, they did the same shit as Invisible War and ported the xbox version instead of developing a proper pc version. Ion Storm sure dug their own grave with those moves.

>> No.1362871

Agreed. Overlook was great actually. But it wasn't all bad. I liked traversing the streets between missions. Added some solidarity to the world somehow.

It wasn't all bad imo. The story was okay too. Could've done without the consolitis though.

>> No.1362880

>Could've done without the consolitis though.

Which was what ruined both games for me: having to wait for the game to load just to enter a different part of the map.

>> No.1362967

I believe there is a mod to fix that. Or someone is working on one.

>> No.1363032

I've had success with the New Dark executable and Wine Bottler. New Dark uses a newer version of DirectFX that's better supported. Worked flawlessly once I finished, even on a years-old MacBook Pro.

Unfortunately, that was months ago, I was only borrowing the laptop from work, and I don't remember more details than that :(

>> No.1363321

Really? Does it make the RAM requirement skyrocket or what?

>> No.1363975

But TFix has NewDark in it. You're mistaken with the old DDFix that is now completely obsolete.

>> No.1364118

This is correct. One can use New Dark by itself, but the newest versions of TFix include it.

TFix has the advantage of being an installer, if someone is more comfortable with that than manually copying files. TFix has a lot of other stuff that's not necessary, but those things can be disabled in the installer options.

>> No.1364456
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Ah. You're right. I was thinking about DDFix. Bleh.

Has anyone here done any texture replacement? I'm got my textures in game, but they're too large. I need to figure out how to remap them to be the proper size in Thief, but google isn't really any help.

>> No.1364889

Do you intend it to be compatible with vanilla Thief, or New Dark only? IIRC, New Dark opens up options for easier texture replacement (high res, more file formats, etc.). I'd have to check its readme's to see if it has details.

>> No.1365120

Security cameras and mechs ruined Thief 2.

>> No.1365128

Are you joking?

>> No.1365136

Security cameras were already in Thief, though only in Cragscleft.

>> No.1365148

There's no such thing as overuse of the blackjack.

>> No.1365154

That's not the rooftops part of breaking into mechanists' tower.

>> No.1365171

Still Life with Blackjack and Robbing the Cradle are great as well.But yeah most of the other levels were mediocre and being made for the xbox really screwed it up.

>> No.1365178

No wonder it was the worst level in the game.

>> No.1365184

The fuck, cragsleft was one of my favorites. Are you just going through the levels at adhd speed or something? Dodging the camera's is easy, and you can take down all the mechs in T2 with a single water arrow.

Maybe you just need to git gud.

>> No.1365185

There were only security cameras in a few places.It was a good mission.Escape is way worse

>> No.1365189

>down all the mechs in T2 with a single water arrow

Is there some hidden easy mode that you played on?

>> No.1365195

Are you fucking blind, they have a gigantic boiler on the back, hit the big fucking fire with a water arrow and they stop moving.

>> No.1365204

...and it takes two water arrows for the actually dangerous ones. Have you played the game? No really, have you?

>> No.1365223


It's my third favorite.

Don't agree either. Escape is a great mission. Now, Strange Bedfellows on the other hand.

>> No.1365224

I'm not sure what thiefs texture size limit is without newdark, but so far my biggest image size is 512x512.

>> No.1365236

Near as anyone can tell they used the sourcecode from a leak a few years back. On a dreamcast disc if I remember right... So it is kinda vanilla. Just properly patched.

>> No.1365350

Sounds like you aren't exceeding any limits.
But because of this, I'd still recommend leveraging NewDark. Your texture pack will require it, but many people need NewDark for other reasons on modern systems.

Google this. It should take you to a thread where some people are talking about a tile_factor setting:
ttlg 140122

In a nutshell, if you're replacing a 256x256 texture with a 512x512, you want a .mtl text file with tile_factor 2 written in it.

As I understand it, there may be no alternative without NewDark, short of editing each .mis file, which doesn't do anything to help with fan missions.

>> No.1365378

Okay, I can't into reading comprehension -- they're talking about both tile_factor and terrain_scale. You want tile_factor. Same process they use, but different setting in the text file and a different number after it.

terrain_scale would be given the original texture's resolution. But it only works on walls, but not objects. Pro tip: Secret doors are objects. If you only use terrain_scale, a secret door in a stone wall will stick out like a sore thumb.

tile_factor says how many times bigger your texture is (in my earlier example, 2), and apparently works on walls and objects. This is the one you want.

Let us know how it goes.

>> No.1365489
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Alright. Got it working with terrain_scale 64 (for textures that were originally 64 texels x and y. factor didn't want to seem to work for some reason.

Thanks man. Just gotta finish every other texture in the game, and I'll be set to go.

>> No.1365515
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Shot of the carpet for good measure.

>> No.1365516

Glad I could help. The in-game looks awesome--not out of place at all!

>> No.1366162
File: 1.28 MB, 1600x900, dump005.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know this isn't a blog, but it's a convenient place to post a decent res image of my new cobble. Polite sage.

>> No.1366281

Good effort, but that looks too cartoony and not gritty enough for me. blustn looks fine however.

>> No.1366562

Yeah, It mostly comes down to how I defined the edges. I'll work on it some more tonight.

I don't want it to look 'gritty' really though. Or at least not realistic. There are enough packs like that. Gotta find a nice inbetween...

>> No.1367695

Thanks OP, I needed a reason to reinstall Thief.

>> No.1367834
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Are there any hidden gems as far as FMs go?
Things that aren't often shared?

>> No.1368115

I want to replay the original Thief but the thought of the Thieves Guild level again puts me off. What an awful level.

>> No.1368236

I don't have any particular issues with Thieves' Guild. The Mage Towers is a lot more boring imo.

Depends what you are looking for, really. Some often overlooked gems I love include Augustine's Revenge, Unbidden Guest, Third Time's The Charm and The Hand of Glory.

>> No.1368284

That feel.

Also to the other guy, Mage Towers was way more interesting and coherent than Thieves' Guild.

Thieves' Guild is literally a fucking maze, reminds me of a System Shock 1 level.

>> No.1368321

The maps are detailed and the guards tell you everything you need to know. Granted that level is large and looks a bit samey, but it's far from being "literally a fucking maze".

>> No.1368370

What about kings story? Why isnt that on there.

>> No.1368441

I dunno. I didn't make the list. Found it on a thief thread in /v/.

Edit it all you want. I assume noone would care so long as you don't shit it up with bad fms.

>> No.1368446

Bum dum dah dah ts ts. Bum dum dah dah ts ts.

I always liked that level except the sewer area. The rest is fine.

>> No.1368495

The problem I have with Thieves Guild is that the way to enter has you enter a brightly lit guards area and bypass them and then open a heavy grate and a door and they don't bother to notice. I only stumbled upon the way to enter after many tries.

>> No.1368604

where has this image been all my life

>> No.1368835

Horror: Eclipsed (t2) and Broadsword of Sheol (t1 campaign). Both are unlike rose cottage (very overrated in my opinion) in that they are not linear spookfests full of scripted events. The horror comes mostly from an amazing atmosphere.

There's also Shunned (t1) and Bloodstone Prison (t1). Both are straightforward horror missions with well done atmosphere. They are old but they hold it quite well against newer missions.

City missions: Shadow politics and Between these dark walls (t1 both by the same author) are awesome city missions with lots of vertical gameplay and a very strong Thief 1 feel to them.

Lost civilization: The sun within and the sun without (t2) is visually very similar to the lost city but has a more surreal feel to it.

There's lots of underrated missions with unique stuff (ranging from visuals to gameplay and to overall concept) that most people just forgot about. A couple more: Abominable dr dragon (t2), the lost crusade (t2), the great tree (t1), Crom's blade (t2), Equilibrium (t2)

>> No.1368867

What's the best way to load them? I've heard of darkloader, but read newdark has a built in launcher.

>> No.1368892

I haven't tried the built launcher but darkloader works just fine.

For more fm recommendations check this thread (their recommendations are a lot better than at ttlg)


>> No.1369339

Darkloader has some issues loading T1 missions made with NewDark since both games use the same engine and DarkLoader thinks the T1 mission is for T2, when it's not.
The NewDark FM Selector takes care of this.

>> No.1369345

Good to know. thxm8

>> No.1369358

Heh I'm actually the author of Shadow Politics and Between These Dark Walls. Thanks for the recs. Also seconding both Eclipsed and Shadow of Doubt. You should play the latter on Normal/Hard since the loot goals and the restrictions are insane and you won't miss much, but the sheer anguish that thing emits is something I've never seen anywhere else. Broadsword of Sheol hasn't been surpassed yet as far as scary missions are concerned.

>> No.1369371
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gritted up the cobble a little... I like it. It matches the other textures I've done so far pretty well anyway.

>> No.1369387

Looks hand-painted, it's really nice but it's gonna take you forever to do the rest of them

(still better than photo-sourced of course)

>> No.1369406
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They are hand painted. I have around 15 done so far. Been doing one or 2 a day.

A lot of them are just variations, or rescaled too.

The ones I'm anticipating to be the hardest are the church arches and the like. Not really sure how I'm going to do those yet. Probably find images of the churches they were sourced from and paint over those.

>> No.1369720

What does /vr/ think about Thief2x?

Personally, I couldn't get into it. I was a little burnt-out of Thief at the time.

>> No.1369926

I find it better than Thief 2 overall.

>> No.1370184

Fun missions for the most part, but I had little interest in the main character. She was just kinda stupid. And easily led around. Story was it's low point I guess is what I'm getting at.

Also the 3D scenes were a little meh. I didn't mind them for the most part, but I do a lot of 3D, so I couldn't help but pick them apart overly.

>> No.1370548

Glad to see the thread is still up.
Not OP, but I've played through TMA and I've tried playing Deadly Shadows, but it feels pretty fucking shit
Do I add any fixes for it? Tried to find some animation fix for it since it felt wonky as hell, but most of the links on http://www.ttlg.com/forums/showthread.php?t=83310 are dead
I really wish I could enjoy this.

>> No.1370549

dun goofd, I mean the tweak guide

>> No.1370628

Try this: http://www.ttlg.com/forums/showthread.php?t=138607

>> No.1370675

Well good luck, I think hand painted suits textures from older games much better than just finding close-fit photo sources.

>> No.1370751

OP, if you find yourself getting lost a lot, make sure you take full advantage of your map and compass. I started playing by just trying to memorize the layout as I go as best as I could, but Thief's levels are just too large for that to be realistic.

I also made the mistake of abusing saves when I played through Thief 1 and 2 the first time. It's so much more satisfying when you take responsibility for your messups and go with it.

>> No.1372527
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been slowly updating the list with missions I've played and enjoyed

>> No.1372539

I didn't think you could sneak past them.
Because they are zombies.
I didn't even know there were zombies at first and was super confused when one walked up and started hitting me. My point is, I don't want undead and shit, I want stealth.

>> No.1372557

Zombies teach you how to sneak since you can't kill them

>> No.1372642

The only forced combat in Thief 1 are the Haunts in Return to the Cathedral, which if you were being super sneaky you can one-hit backstab them.

>> No.1372697

Zombies have shit vision and shit hearing, and they are slow as fuck and make a lot of noise. They can't be killed by conventional means so this means you have to sneak past them.

This, and it only happens in Expert.

Looking good, but you could perhaps add "puzzles" to King's Story since it's heavily inspired by games like Gabriel Knight and does have some really hard puzzles.

>> No.1373956

Anyone know where I can find a list of unused game textures?

I'd rather not work on anything I don't need to.

For instance there are some arch textures in FAM/bafford that I don't see anywhere in game, but I might just be missing them.

>> No.1374048

I'm not aware of an official list anywhere, or a game-wide means of accomplishing this.

For each mission, you could load it in DromEd. In the lower-right command box, run "compress_family all" to be sure unused textures are removed from the mission's palette, and then "texture_pal" to bring up a list of what's left.

You don't need to actually save any .mis changes, since you're just looking.

That's the best I've got.

>> No.1374051
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Sorry, forgot pic related.

>> No.1374127

Are you >>1369358?

Or are enough thief mappers around that there are 2 in a random /vr/ thread?

>> No.1374138

Is it possible to play fan missions with the GOG version of Thief: Gold?

>> No.1374342

No, sorry, not the same person, but the solution proposed by >>1374048 is pretty good. And yeah, there are quite a lot of unused textures, especially in the ramirez family.

Yes, of course.

>> No.1374446
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Maybe /vr/ can help with this, especially with mappers in the thread: is there good documentation anywhere or how the Thief AI actually works, and specific technical details about sound levels, alertness, room propagation?

For all of TTLG's helpfulness over the years I've always been unable to find any kind of straightforward technical FAQ about such things. The Thief wiki has basically nothing, for example. I know there's a site that explains the AI vision cones and that's about it. Any help?

>> No.1374448

Why did you remove the icons showing whether the mission required Thief 1 or Thief 2? That's important information.

>> No.1374470

I don't think there is a comprehensive tutorial on that, just basic stuff explained in various tuts. The AI in Thief is pretty intelligent and can move around by itself if it sees the player or sees another hostile, but by default they will stay at the location you give them. You can make them patrol along a pre-defined path, and make them do all kinds of stuff but that is a bit more complicated.

I'm not very versed in the technical things since I'm more of a builder than anything else (and DromEd's rustic scripting interface doesn't help either) but there are quite a few people on TTLG who know a lot about that. You should post a thread asking for clarifications and I'm sure you'll get replies.

>> No.1374931
File: 219 KB, 256x512, V.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thx m8s

I don't have dromed up and running yet, but I'll use this method as soon as I run out of obvious textures to paint.

This one is one of the more detailed sitting around baffords.

On the canon texture pack thread they have a high res photo of the original source, but it's some real world religious figure, and that doesn't really fit in with thief lore.

>> No.1374935

(obviously a wip)

>> No.1375613
File: 770 KB, 1330x831, level.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make that 3.

Here's a screen from my current project.

>> No.1375863

zombiemap or just a graveyard?

>> No.1376146

DP or MA?

>> No.1376195

Also: It looks nice. texture alignment is super important to me when I map, so it's nice to see it done well in others maps.

>> No.1376362

Looks spooky. The walls are perhaps a bit short.

Looks like T2 judging by the amount of shields.

>> No.1376775

both games are cheap and don't take to much space on hard drive for anyone to care

>> No.1377963
File: 1.62 MB, 1600x900, dump011.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost done with this one now. Just some cleaning up and some style matching to do.

>> No.1378351


Thanks fellas. It's a T2 map. That's the first area, you go through the door and down into a spooky crypt with undead. I took great pains to make sure the relatively short walls couldn't be climbed over.

If I ever release the map, It'll be called "Robbing the Grave". For some reason no one's used that title yet.

>> No.1378356


True, but the games themselves are significantly different on a number of levels.

>> No.1379720
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I've been working on this. yay/nay?

>> No.1379937

Looks pretty gud, will check out some of the missions

>> No.1379980

Even though I love the Thief (and stealth) games (in general) there's something about stealth games that make me want to stay the fuck away from them after I finished them and never turn back, hell, I can't bring myself to finish Thief II I haven't even finished Life Of The Party, any recommendations for this fag /vr/?

>> No.1380040

>I haven't even finished Life Of The Party
But life of the party's fucking amazing. I think you're just broken, anon.

>> No.1380095
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I don't think I've ever even played it.. Guess its time to try it out.

>> No.1380137

Could be that I tend to save scum a lot because of literal OCD and several anxiety problems making me quickreload every time I get detected and it REALLY fucks up my enjoyment of that particular genre, in fact my relationship with stealth games is love/hate at best.
To be frank thinking about it I think I didn't really enjoyed those 2 games because of that particular thing (in fact, I don't remember liking the levels THAT much because of the sheer sprawliness of them and I usually blackjacked everything remotely resembling a human being before trying to ghost everywhere I went)
Though I enjoyed way more Thief 2
Except the fucking Bank
I hate the fucking Bank
Also the infiltration into the machanist building in the one when you have to evesdrop Karras
Thinking about it do I even like Thief?
Though I like it better than most modern bullshit

>> No.1380192

I love the fucking Bank.
What's your problem with it son?
Did you get inside through the roof like every sane person did?
You are also issued just enough rope arrows to make it to the opposite platform, I found it rather impressive. It's not exactly difficult to ghost, yet I suppose the cameras in the vault can give you a headache or twenty

>> No.1380193

>blackjacked everything remotely resembling a human being before trying to ghost everywhere I went
I used to be like this, I forced myself to stop and became more patient with game and enjoyed it more as a result.

Regarding the aggressive quickloading, remember you have flash grenades and the like, running away and hiding, nervously awaiting potential capture is a lot of fun.

Forget about trying to not be seen, the score is not important.

>> No.1380197

I love that you can actually do that.

>> No.1380216

Have a blast.
While moaning harder than the undead that all this monsters shit shouldn't be in the game, remember that while you may get spooked (or not) by even that blasted cathedral, stealth is your greatest weapon.
While this applies even to the robots in the second game, I still like the plot/course/atmosphere combinaton of The Dark Project. Gold adds a lot to it, so you may be interested in getting that version, it adds two good missions, and a borderline confusing one.
I guess NewDark also works with TDP.

>> No.1380220

I also used to find the game more tense and save scummed a lot.

These days I know what I can get away with. When not ghosting, Thief is a puzzle/territory claiming game to me. From that mindset, I find it pretty comfy.

Then again, I'm willing to occasionally use cheap tactics like luring a guard into a dark corner, leaning forward, and whacking them on the nose to knock them out.

Ghosting is more fun/rewarding, but often more tense.

>> No.1380231

I know man, it's fucking crazy. I don't believe even DSP is that clueless.
Speaking of which, it's pretty awesome how they added all kinds of crazy stuff, like the quotes list in T1's tutorial. These guys put some love in making it, even if some things were going catastrophic at times.
About their pass the torch thing, it's pretty sad how the franchise is going with the reboot. The fans are more than compensating though.

>> No.1380261

I agree. Not retro, but I consider The Dark Mod a good thing. As for fan missions, there are some seriously good things out there. At least one FM author has moved into professional game development, and I'm not surprised.

>> No.1380274

Not only TDM, FMs for the old games still get released.
Isn't it known map authors for FMs worked on Dishonred too? Kinda ironic.

>> No.1381237

>FMs for the old games
My favorite thing about Thief. I've only played a few FMs, but it's comforting to know that I'll probably never run out of shit to play, since replaying is always an option.

>> No.1381250

Any disagreements with >>1372527?

It'd be nice to see which ones you play as Garrett in as well. But otherwise yay as shit.

>> No.1381354
File: 1.29 MB, 1600x900, wrongColor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So my textures seem to lack the saturation of their originals in game. In Photoshop they look the same though.

Is there something I have to do in the material file, or link them to a palette or something?

>> No.1381394

>Played Garrett and the Beanstalk because of this
It was so goddamn neato. Not epic or anything, but just the right amount of "cool" for me. I dunno how to explain it.

>> No.1381486

following this with a close eye, good work on the textures, looks good, like you said the colors off though. Not sure I can help

>> No.1381948

I just found out I can put environment maps in the game. So... For metal textures, or things with metal gilding, I can put in fake reflections... I'm kinda excited to see if I can get it working and alpha'd off correctly. Pic related (shitty test I did).

My colors are still off, but this is pretty neat non-the-less.

>> No.1381949
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forgot pic because I'm stupid.

>> No.1382345
File: 1.01 MB, 1600x900, dump017.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got it working on the floor tiles. It's bumped up a bit more than it would be normally to make it noticeable in the screenshot.

Could easily use this for nice metal trim and such... Gonna be fun on a bun.

>> No.1382407

You're doing god's work, son.

>> No.1382756

Even if you're not good enough to sneak around them, you can shoot an arrow at the light part to get it to stop working.
Cragscleft is one of the better missions of T1.

>> No.1382942
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There's been a lot of good ones mentioned already but I'll throw in some of my favourites.

-Sepulchre of the Sinistral: Great tomb mission with fantastic (but difficult) puzzles. You're going to need a walkthrough for the maze[\spoiler] but the whole thing is superb. The Mystery man is a prequel mission with a mansion theme.

-Seven Shades of Mercury: Originally meant to be the first of six missions, its a huge mission set in a Hogwarts-esque castle/academy. The voice acting is cheesy as hell and the beginning is difficult but persevere and you'll see great map design and some of the best texture work and architecture TTLG has to offer. Might seem short at first but playing on higher difficulties brings up new objectives that enormously extend its length.

-Keyhunt: From the creator of Ominous Bequest and Broken Triad, Keyhunt is a mostly puzzle-oriented mission that uses only the default assets for Thief 2. Great for anyone who loves Point and Clicks.

-COSAS Mission X: A huge heist mission with multiple paths. It's tricky, but well worth it. So good that the creator was later hired by Arkane, and was the level designer for the Golden Cat level of Dishonored.

-Inverted Manse: A horror mission set in an abandoned city. Mostly just undead enemies, so its not for the feint of heart. The creator of this mission later created the dreaded Cradle mission of Thief DS.

Anyone want me to keep going?


I kinda liked the traincar mission but overall the plot wasn't interesting, the new graphics were a mixed bag and I remember a lot of the missions having annoying limits on what you could do, like not being able to be seen.

>> No.1382954


Aaand just found out most of the stuff I mentioned is here >>1379720. Oh well.

>> No.1383508
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>not 'the builders work'
Thanks though.

>> No.1383639

I'm at the end of the first game but i really don't like where it's going with all the spookyness and non-thieving gameplay

Don't get me wrong at least it's still stealth stuff but it's just weird and I haven't touch it in 3 days

Should I stop being a bitch and just finish it already? is it worth it? And is TMA better? I heard it's actual thieving.

>> No.1383658

I'll be 100% honest with you. After Bafford's Manor, and not including the latter half of Cragscleft, I hated hated hated Thief Gold. Even the extra stealing missions weren't that great. I still find Thief Gold to be my least favorite Thief game because of how badly the title represents the game. The title really should've been "Looter" or something.
The first game's story is great though, so try to forget it's called Thief and play it through as some game from yesteryear.
>My point
Thief 2 is my favorite Thief game because it's the one where you really do the most thieving. You rob a fucking shipping dock and a GODDAMN BANK for the Builder's sake. Thief 2 does eventually get Garrett to save the world n shit, but I feel that the story is better (maybe not as "epic"(Using the literal meaning of epic)), the transition is a lot smoother, and in general the game is much better.
Also, give Thief 3 a good try, too. People often knock it as being the worst game, and I agree to a point, but my only real complaint is analog movement (Play enough games with a keyboard that are designed for analog sticks and you'll know what I mean) and the levels being divided into chunks for the Xbox's sake, but it's still a great game.

>> No.1383664

Yes, get it over with. The ending is very relevant to the rest of the series (especially II) and it even introduces a new feature for Garrett.

Yes, Thief 2 actually has better thieving since they added in the ability to steal people's coin purses while they're still conscious and walking around (which was not in the first game).

>> No.1383672

You still thieve quite a bit in the first one. Also: It has one of the best missions imo (disguising yourself as a hammerite)

>they added in the ability to steal people's coin purses while they're still conscious and walking around (which was not in the first game)
wut? Yeah it was. It's the end goal of one of the missions even. (ambush)

>> No.1383674

I liked the first game but yeah, that's pretty much what I felt like, a looter.

The gameplay is pretty fucking fun though so I'll finish just for that. I'm on the Bedfellows mission, so at this point I'm done really.

I played the third one years ago at my friends house, it was pretty neat. Though the levels were about 1/10th the size of the levels in this game.

And thief 2 sounds fun as fuck

>> No.1383675
File: 698 KB, 800x600, thiefsongofthecaverns.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wut? Yeah it was. It's the end goal of one of the missions even. (ambush)

Guess I forgot.

I found Thief 2 more enjoyable anyway.

>> No.1383678

uuhhh that was in the first game, i've done it several times even

I beat that. It was really fun, but I got lost on what to do and looked up a guide. Please don't hate me ;_;

>> No.1383709

Fair enough. I like them both pretty equally myself.

>> No.1383918

that mission sucked and I hated it more than the thieves guild

>> No.1383949

>the thieves guild

One of the most flawed missions in the game. I think I only finished that mission with luck.

>> No.1384123

What? This is easily the best mission in the entire franchise.

>Thief 2 actually has better thieving since they added in the ability to steal people's coin purses while they're still conscious and walking around (which was not in the first game).

The fuck are you smoking? You can do that in Thief. Also, Thief 1 is more about the stereotypical RPG rogue/thief character while Thief 2 is a straight-up burglar simulator. To be honest I find Thief 2 very boring after a while and some of the missions are downright terrible.

>> No.1384162

3spooky5me Tier (not necessarily above god tier): Cragscleft, Bonehoard, Haunted Cathedral, Return to Cathedral

God Tier: Song of the Caverns, Mage Towers

Great Tier: Lord Bafford's Manor, Assassins, Undercover, The Sword

Meh Tier: Escape!, Strange Bedfellows, Maw of Chaos

Oh god I'm so fucking lost why is this map so shit tier: Lost City

The one above this + my picture Tier: Thieves' Guild

How did they manage to make 1 of the Thief Gold maps the worst in the series and the other 2 two of the best.

>> No.1384163
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forgot my pic tier

>> No.1384167

The difference between Thief 1 & 2 is more than just levels and the overall playstyle.

Thief 1's maps were very clearly designed around the story, whereas Thief 2's maps were made and then some weird steampunk story was thought up to tie them altogether. I think I preferred the grimdark of Thief 1 to the steampunk of Thief 2, though both games had their fair share of good and shit levels.

>> No.1384192

I don't hate Thieves' Guild. Strange Bedfellows is a way weaker mission imho (too short and too easy).

>> No.1384407
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I always liked the lost city. And I liked returning to it in Thief 2.

I think Thief 2's levels fit the story and setting really well. They all but removed zombies from it, but I don't think they were really needed either. It never felt like the levels were there just to suit the story.

>> No.1384549

the story was actually written after the levels were thought up, so the story was made to fit the levels, which is the opposite of thief 1, it really shows and both games are really just one sock in a pair

>> No.1384557

Oh God. Not TWO Water Arrows. Oh Shit. Especially when they freeze straight after the first, meaning you would have to be dyspraxic to miss the second. Christ. They're such a pain.

>> No.1384570


> /vr/ - Man Children

>> No.1384591

Anyone got a clue or idea for this? I saw it came up in the TTLG canon texture pack thread also, but with no answer.

>> No.1384595
File: 1.79 MB, 1400x3900, thief_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pretty sure this is because the base textures are paletized while the replacements aren't, since the game can handle other texture formats that don't need to be paletized anymore.

By the way, I updated the missions list.

>> No.1384604

Hm. Maybe I can force the replacements to be paletized in the mtl file or some such. Thanks.

Also: sweet list.

>> No.1384668
File: 1.31 MB, 1600x900, dump020.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My tiles are smaller than they are in thief, but they look a lot nicer this way. Torn by exactly how canon i want to be with this. They're fuckhuge in vanilla.

>> No.1384893

one problem with most thief texture packs (thief gold hd cough) is that the textures look not even remotely the same as the originals, so just be weary. but your new ones look very good and once you get the colors right theyll be spot on

>> No.1384980

>No Lord Edmund Entertains as a favorite

>> No.1385262
File: 133 KB, 256x256, MOSAIC3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks. I was looking at the canon texture pack thread (actually just posted my problem there, we'll see if they yell at me for board etiquette or something (tends to happen to me a lot)) and their quality is either really really good, or really rather bad.

Very photo referenced though... And stupid high res in some cases. Somehow makes them look a little flat.

Anyway. I feel like my shit is going to be overshadowed anyway, but I'm going to keep working on it. At least mine will be consistent.

>> No.1385350
File: 658 KB, 1600x900, dump150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After a long break I finally started doing shit again on this map. This was supposed to be finished months ago but I got sidetracked.

Don't worry, TTLG is a very friendly place as long as you don't venture outside of the Thief/SS/UU forums.

>> No.1385732

Maw of Chaos is great.Agree about everything else though.

>> No.1385763


Not the same guy but I'll do one for T2

God Tier: Life of the Party, Masks

High Tier: Precious Cargo, Framed

Good Tier: Ambush, Blackmail, First City Bank and Trust

Meh Tier: Eavesdropping, Running Interference, Shipping and Receiving, Trail of Blood

Ctrl + Shift + End Tier: Trace the Courier, Kidnap, Casing the Joint

Walkthrough Tier: Sabotage at Soulforge

>> No.1385885

Dear god, the music in thief 2 is god tier as well.
It doesn't get much better than that in terms of atmosphere.

>> No.1386114

Looks rad. Very... high.

>> No.1386608

Thief 2 is much worse. Half of the missions have nothing to do with being a thief, it's just spying on people in a series of buildings made entirely of metal and tile, patrolled by security bots and cameras. I wish I was kidding.

>> No.1386662

Thanks. Yeah it's a very vertical level. People who love Life of the Party will most probably like this, but this time you can also access the streets.

>> No.1386679


Running Interference: Helping someone out while helping yourself
Shipping and Receiving: Gotta steal to pay mah rent
Shoalsgate: Sneak through police HQ, frame a dude
Framed!: Sneak away, sneak into apartment, relocate
Eavesdropping: Eavesdrop(dur), steal loot, make copy of key
Blackmail: Confront the sheriff, steal his shit, find out who shot the sheriff.
Tracing the Courier/Trail of Blood: Shadow/track the letter
Precious Cargo/Kidnap: Sneak through places, kidnap(steal) a guy who knows shit, rob an archeological dig.
Casing the Joint: check a place out like a professional
Masks: Steal shit
Sabotage at Soulforge: Build, then wreck shit.

I'm sorry, but I see a lot of 'acting like a thief' in that list(especially since First City Bank and Trust should count double). The only ones where you don't act like a thief at all are Sabotage and the shadowing missions(Tracing the Courier and Trail of Blood). Admittedly, the bots and cameras get annoying, but are they really THAT different from having human security guards?

>> No.1386682

>Thief 1 is much worse. Half of the missions have nothing to do with being a thief, it's just saving the world in a series of tombs and ruins made entirely of lava and tile, patrolled by huge monsters and demons. I wish I was kidding.

See how this works.

>> No.1387935
File: 731 KB, 1920x3240, dump154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Three in-game pics of this mission. Still WIP so clearly unfinished.

>> No.1387983

Looks really nice. Did you model the chains, or are they bsp?

>> No.1387998

They're models. Doing that in BSP would be an absolute nightmare since DromEd has no vertex manipulation at all.

>> No.1388028

Yeah. I've done similar things in the old UnrealEd, but that doesn't make it a good idea :-p.

>> No.1388069


I really like the lighting in these shots. You should post these in the WIP thread on TTLG - the shots will stay longer and you'll have a lot more expose leading up to a release.

>> No.1388096

I know, I'm a regular at TTLG but they have already seen those shots.

>> No.1388106

Any prediction for release? I don't play many FMs but yours looks really cozy for some reason.

>> No.1388116

No idea, really. A good chunk of the mission is already done but there's so much stuff I still want to put into it. Most of the city itself isn't done and is still super barebones.

>> No.1388136

Well I hope you don't give up on it anyway.

>> No.1390716

Do you plan to post it on /vr/ when you finish?

>> No.1391025

I played it for the first time a few months ago. The first zombie scared the shit out of me, I knew there were zombies in the game but it was just laying there, I thought it was just a corpse, and then it moaned and started getting up.

Also in the second one when you're following that guy through the city and you reach the graveyard, in one of the tombs there is a "corpse" that is actually a zombie, it moans loud as fuck when you get close to it and it's fucking head follows you around the room even though it never gets up, practically a straight up jump scare.

>> No.1391056

Yeah. Zombies are great.

>> No.1391132
File: 1.50 MB, 1600x900, dump035.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My fancy fucking ceiling. Not sure if I deviated too much on this one, but it was kind of a clusterfuck of a texture to work with.

>> No.1391290

If there' a Thief thread by then, sure. In any case it will be on thiefmissions and on TTLG.

Looks neat. This texture is supposed to be used as a dome texture (there is even a "side" texture) but LGS didn't use it like that.

>> No.1391386

Yeah. It looked that way to me, but sorta had to make it look as decent as I could on a flat surface anyway.

No idea how it would look on a dome now. The shiny bits might make it look a little odd if someone cuts a bunch of seems into the texture.

>> No.1392173

I'm glad someone is actively doing this. I decided to update my Thief installation with the later patches and decided to check out the texture packs, and the "HDmod" is incredibly inaccurate to the point where I won't even bother using it. Hell, the damn basketball court is entirely wood in that pack, it's like the guy doesn't even check if things belong where they should.

>> No.1392187

That and he added pictures of him and his girlfriend as paintings. You can see that in Bafford's gallery for instance. On the other hand, the canon texture pack sticks to the original art style as closely as possible.

>> No.1392201

>That and he added pictures of him and his girlfriend as paintings.
I saw that in a thread on /v/ a couple days ago, but I didn't know it was the same pack. That's pretty ridiculous.

I'm using the EP2.crf file if that's the pack you're talking about. I'm running around the first mission right now checking things out.

>> No.1392681

Hey, speaking of those paintings, does anyone know who did them? Were they done for the game or are they known pieces?

It would be weird to paint over someone elses art if a higher res is available.

>> No.1392714

You could try reverse image searching them if there's no source information, it might bring something up at least.

>> No.1392846

Oh yeah. I forgot we lived in the future. I'll see if it turns up anything. Soon as I find where object textures are stored...