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1349445 No.1349445 [Reply] [Original]

The fifth gen's console war, in terms of quality, is arguably the hardest for me to decide. Both are equally supreme.

Which fifth gen console do you think is better, /vr/?

>> No.1349451

The PlayStation beats the Saturn by a mile, but both are pretty great.

>> No.1349458

>inb4 muh saturn

PS1 is obviously better but yeah it's tough competition

>> No.1349459

They're both terrible but the PS1 has more good games simply because it has more games total.

>> No.1349462

It boils down to what genres of games you like better (and also if you even liked the n64 controller, I know alot of people who never got into n64 simply because the controller irritated the hell out of them)

N64 has better multiplayer games and much better first person shooters

PSX had an amazing variety of games and many more RPGs and the controller was generally universally loved.

>> No.1349476

ps1 by a country mile, the N64 was absolute shite, worse even than the ill-fated Saturn.

The only time in the history of videogames I can think of where there wasn't a clear cut 100% winner world wide was the 16 bit era where SEGA and Nintendo need share the spoils, since they all controled different areas.

>> No.1349481

I mostly play JRPGs, so...

>> No.1349486


Looks like somebody's mom refused to buy them an N64

>> No.1349491

I had an n64 and a ps1, I didn't have a saturn though, however my friend did.

Literally the only game we played on it after a few months was pokemon stadium, and that was because we used the gameboy adaptor to play the gameboy games on the big screen tv.

>> No.1349498

suck my dick

>> No.1349503

I would say N64. I find the games more impressive visually and sometimes even audibly, to the credit of the talent at Nintendo. They were lacking in third party games, but they made up for it with their second parties and the fact that the best third party games weren't exclusive to PlayStation. The controller does take a little getting used to, but it was some great experimentation, as seen by Sega and Sony's attempts at replicating it.

PlayStation, on the other hand, doesn't feel like a competitor on a visual level to N64, more like an answer to 3DO or Jaguar. A lot of shortcuts needed to be taken to make the game look like it was a 3D environment, and they haven't aged well. Even the exclusive games aren't particularly as memorable as what Nintendo was putting out. They have Gran Turismo which looks as realistic as it can get on PSX, but Daytona and Cruisn' USA have colorful graphics that take a backseat to the game itself. Shit, even Sega had better exclusive games because they had a five-ish year backlog of great arcade games that wouldn't work on Genesis or Sega CD.

>> No.1349509

I'd say no early 3d games aged well, honestly.

I need to bring my nostalga goggles to play anything from the 32/64 bit era of consoles that attempts 3d graphics.

>> No.1349512

N64 hands down
outside of FFT I probably wouldn't even touch a PS1

>> No.1349516

I feel sorry for the kids who only had a N64 growing up.

>> No.1349518

N64 has no visually impressive games. Blurry textures and low framerates everywhere. Even F-Zero X only manages 60fps by having low detail and low draw distance.

The PS1 at least has a few beautiful 2D games, eg. SoTN, Legend of Mana. Einhander looks great too and runs at 60fps.

>> No.1349524

Some of the ps1's most famous games, I'm thinking in particular final fantasy and some of the other RPGs on the console are as playable now as they where back in the good old days.

I struggle to think of an N64 game that I can say the same for.

>> No.1349530


The Playstation's much more forgiving developer environment was a boon for the console and opened up console game development to many more people, resulting in a lot of experimentation, but it also resulted in a lot of poorly-aged early 3D, lots of shovelware, and an overall paradigm shift in game design that I personally have never been able to fully get behind.

The Playstation was almost undoubtedly one of the biggest and most important consoles in the history of gaming, but even though they're ostensibly part of the same "generation," the Saturn was the peak of one era, while the Playstation was the rocky and turbulent start of a different one.

There's almost nothing on the PSX that I still play to this day, but my Saturn still gets regular use.

N64 was an abortion and would have ended up in the trash heap with the likes of the 3DO, Jaguar, and other failures of the mid-90's if it didn't have Nintendo's name on it.

>> No.1349532

>N64 has no visually impressive games. Blurry textures and low framerates everywhere
you may want to recheck that

>> No.1349537

F-Zero X
Yoshi's Story
Mischief Makers (undoubtedly the best game on the N64, much better game than SoTN but not even close visually)
Smash Bros when the screen's not too busy

Anything else?

>> No.1349538

>Even F-Zero X only manages 60fps by having low detail and low draw distance.
Okay, I held out until here, this has to be a troll response. Next he's going to go on about how Factor 5's games don't look good either.

>> No.1349541

Seeing as they're all capped at 30fps, no, they don't.

>> No.1349549
File: 18 KB, 600x401, 1361355638683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitches, sup bitches. Chad Warden here, and I'm here to talk about that Pee Es Single. I ain't gonna be talking about that Nintendo 64 shit, with it's controller that looks like an alien, DEEL, DOH. Aight? I an't playin' no games with a DEEL DO.

And come on, what the does N64 have? Like...ten games? Where you get to play as bitch ass Banjo, with his bitch ass bird, with his bitch ass nose bouncin' up and down, and saying DUH HUH! DUH HUH! DUH HUH!

Meanwhile, the PS Single has all the good games, like Resident Evil, Final Fantasy, and Metal Gear Solid, aight? I can't, I can't even COUNT all the good games it has! Everyone says Sony copied Nintendo, but Nintendo needs to copy how to get good games, you know what I'm saying?

~We fly high, no lie, we know it is~

>> No.1349547

PSX has blocky textures and unfiltered pre-rendered backgrounds that look like a complete mess on anything but the original machine.

No other console seems to have this problem, and for every N64 game that hasn't aged well visually (Yoshi's Story?) there's several on PSX that have glaring graphical shortcuts.

>> No.1349557

>be 12
>I have a N64
>friend has a PS1
>friend comes over to my house every day to play Smash Bros. and OOT
>On the off chance I went to his house, it was to help him assemble gundam models, not to play his PS1.
>No one had even heared of the sega saturn

N64 wins...

>> No.1349558

>look like a complete mess on anything but the original machine
Lazy devs, not inventing a time machine so they could test their code on your modern emulator + LCD setup.

>> No.1349559

I haven't noticed an issue with my ps2, as for PC emulation, I don't care: PS1 and Ps2 consoles are so common and cheap, there's no reason not to have one.

>> No.1349567

Doesn't change how poorly a lot of PSX games have aged.

As long as we're on LCDs, didn't Sony sell an overpriced one for their second model?

>> No.1349572

Yeah, I had one. The quality was aweful, as to be expected of a 1990s tiny LCD screen.

>> No.1349573

That's not the game aging, that's hardware becoming shittier because people want cheap and convenient more than they want quality.

>> No.1349579

wasn't the psone hardware slightly better made than the orginal model ps1? If i remember correctly didn't he lasor on the ps1 have a high failure rate and short lifetime due to sliding on plastic, rather than metal rails?

>> No.1349582

>I haven't noticed an issue with my ps2, as for PC emulation, I don't care
I've noticed them on my PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 2. I don't emulate anything Sony because the emulators for PSX and PS2 are obtuse and inefficient

>people want cheap and convenient more than they want quality.
Hey, someone found the reason why Sony moved 100 million PlayStations!

Yep. An awful lot of PSX units are sold for parts.

>> No.1349585

FM Towns Marty while not as great as a full FM Towns is still better than the alternatives

>> No.1349590

Early models used plastic, later models used metal and are much more reliable.

I have a modded SCPH-7502 (last series before they removed the parallel port) which is probably the best model.

>> No.1349591

Outside the typical first-party Marios and Zeldas there was hardly anything decent to play on the N64.
Eh, it's funny, I knew a bunch of people who had Saturns, but none who had a N64 in my school.

>> No.1349592

PS1 purely because my family was poor and playing pirated games on the PlayStation was really easy.

>> No.1349606

N64 just because the games were that much memorable. I also had two brothers and one sister, so we'd often play SSB with four controllers.

>> No.1349619

The N64 had basically no games I wanted to play at the time, and it REALLY has no games I want to play now. Every game is just an empty polygonal wasteland. Every game feels dead and soulless. Even the most popular games just feel boring and clunky to me. No RPGs, no shmups, no fighting games, no realistic racers, no 2D platformers.

>inb4 one or two exceptions

>> No.1349630

>hey bro, wanna come over and play my new Playstation games?
>sure, I'll bring my new games too!

>hey bro, wanna come over and play N64?
>wow, these games are great!
>hey bro, wanna come over and play N64?
>what new games do you have?
>uh... just the same ones

>> No.1349638

PS1 was better in most areas, but you needed an N64 if you cared about multiplayer and racing games.

>> No.1349639

>Implying I had friends, even back then.

I didn't need friends, I had vidya.

>> No.1349642


>racing games.


Did N64 have Gran Turismo?

>> No.1349645

You sound like those people who only play games because they're new and trendy.

>> No.1349647
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Confirmed for underage

>> No.1349649


No, I just can only play Mario Kart so many times.

>> No.1349657

>RE 1 + 2 + 3
>final fantasies (forget how many, at least 3?)
I didn't play anything else
Nintendo 64
>banjo kazooie + tooie
>majoras mask
>paper mario
>pokemon stadium
I grew up with a 64, so obviously I'm biased, but the playstation is good too (re2 is one of my favorite games). Id say it's a tie.

>> No.1349663

Star Fox 64, Goldeneye, Super Smash Bros. Mario Party, DK 64, Banjo-Tooie, Bomberman 64, Conker's Bad Fur Day, etc. There's also a good amount of racing games and other games I didn't mention.
Just because your friend didn't buy games that much, doesn't mean the system was lacking in games, let alone multiplayer games.

>> No.1349665

N64 has a bunch of games that I feel really ambivalent about. I'm sure they're fine, and I'm sure people really enjoyed them, but eh... All those 3D platformers are just really uninteresting for me. The only N64 game I thoroughly enjoy is Paper Mario.

>> No.1349668

I loved some N64 games at the time but for every game I sometimes feel like coming back and playing, I can always think of a strictly superior alternative on another system today. This is partly due to Nintendo's fixation with maintaining iconic franchises but also because there just wasn't much else on the N64.

The only exception is Mario 64.

>> No.1349669

I see people who only had a N64 and barely played any PS1 games on my left, and PS1 kids who never gave the N64 a try on my right.

>> No.1349675

PS1 no doubt
and fucking this

>> No.1349678

How do you feel about the PC-FX? It has even less games than the Jaguar.

>> No.1349691


Every Nintoddler always makes this argument. You seem to think that every gamer enjoys every type of game. Sure, you can construct a decently long list of good N64 games, but not everyone is going to want to play that game. The reason the Playstation was so great was that it had a number of great games in each genre. Your interests could be niche as fuck, and you would still have plenty to play. It didn't matter what your interests were, either. Seemingly every genre was well represented on the PS1, aside from obvious PC-only stuff.

As a result, every Playstation owner had different games. Sure, there were some heavy hitters like Crash that a lot of people owned, but for the most part, you could go over to someone's house and play games you'd never even heard of before. Every N64 owner had basically the same library, and it got tired real quick.

>> No.1349697


>Every N64 owner had basically the same library, and it got tired real quick.

this so much

>> No.1349702

PS1 had Metal Gear Solid.

N64 didn't.

PS1 > N64 for that alone.

>> No.1349719

It's not MGS in particular, it's that whole style of movie-like games with fully voiced interpersonal drama that the PSX basically had a monopoly on.

>> No.1349724

>aside from obvious PC-only stuff.
They still tried to port some of that with mixed success.

>> No.1349725

Quite. Hence why the PS1 is the better movie player.

>> No.1349746

Yeah that seemed really strange to me as a kid when I had a 64 and had to read about all the games I wasn't getting or even getting ports of. I didn't realize how much space the audio took up on a disc.

N64 was supposedly the stronger graphical system but with the ENORMOUS disparity in disc space I honestly feel that the system is weaker overall. I gotta commend the shit out of the devs that still made their multiplat titles work.

>> No.1349747

I never knew anyone who had a N64, so I can't really say...

>> No.1349751
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>mfw I saw Tony Hawk 2 on N64
>horrendous character models
>awful textures everywhere
>music sounds trash
>barely any music
>trying to play on that godawful controller

>> No.1349760

N64 didn't have digimon world. GG

>> No.1349764

I was an N64 kid, and didn't get a PS1 until 2001-2002. Looking back now, I do love the N64's library, but the PS1 just had a shit-ton more games on it.

>> No.1349769

N64 had some crippling design flaws that prevented its hardware from ever being used to its full potential.

The PSX was relatively weak, but it was extremely well-optimized and easy to develop for so it ended up getting a fuckton of high-quality software.

>> No.1349772

N64 had better stand-out games, but PSX had a greater volume and variety of good games. It's not so much a flat quantity-versus-quality argument as one of few amazing games versus myriad great games.

>> No.1349774

>mfw discovering that the PSX port of XCOM is actually superior to the PC version in some ways
>mfw no face

>> No.1349775

Did PS1 have Wave Race 64, Star Wars Episode I: Racer, F-Zero X, Extreme-G, Extreme-G 2, Mario Kart 64, Diddy Kong Racing, Beetle Adventure Racing, Snowboard Kids 2, Cruis'n USA, Cruis'n World, Cruis'n Exotica, Excitebike 64, Rush 2: Extreme Racing USA, San Francisco Rush 2049, Road Rash 64, and a bunch of other games I'm too lazy to list including a decent amount of racing sims that I personally don't care about?

>> No.1349776

no it didn't nothing can stand up to digimon world.

>> No.1349790


Jet Moto is better than Wave Race, Wipeout is better than F-Zero (certainly F-Zero X, at least), Crash Team Racing is better than MK64 and Diddy Kong Racing, and Ridge Racer is better than all of those arcade checkpoint racers. Episode I Racer is nice, but the N64 version is the worst one.

And none of that even really matters, because Gran Turismo 2 is probably one of the 10 greatest games ever made.

>> No.1349791
File: 76 KB, 640x431, 36844-Einhander_[NTSC-U]-7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love the PS1, but some of its 3D games didn't age well graphically (except Einhander, gameplay and graphics hold up rather well). In fact, that applies to pretty much all of the early 3D consoles.

>> No.1349794

I agreed even at the time. Games went from cartoons to vaguely representative origami. I was even kind of upset because it looked like the death of the medium to me.

>> No.1349796


There were still plenty of great 2D games on the Playstation. Saturn, too.

>> No.1349798

for me the PS1 was more to my tastes

Saturn was amazing at 2D, couldnt be beat. Sold 10 million systems

N64 was king of 3D, had a different style in their games.

>> No.1349801

What up Chad Warden?

>> No.1349813

PS1 was more solidly built, and didn't require upgrades like the N64's memory expansion.
PS1's controller is far superior (and the design has hardly been changed since adding dual analog sticks).

I have to give it to PS1, as it's a technically superior console with Spyro and Crash (but fuck JRPGs).
The N64 deserves a lot of respect though.

>> No.1349824
File: 6 KB, 224x256, 1943_arcade.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i never really was interested in the first PlayStation besides Final Fantasy, but i got a chipped one last week. What are some good 2D games i could download? Especially platformers and shmups

>> No.1349828


Hate to sound like Mr. Special Snowflake here, but I've honestly grown to enjoy the origami look of early 3D games. It's a very distinctive and quirky looking style, certainly moreso than modern 3D where everyone is either uncanny valley or a bubbly animu character.

>> No.1349830

There were more genres of games available on the playstation than there were games on the n64. It's not even a contest. Mario 64 is still pretty good though.

>> No.1349831

>Wipeout is better than F-Zero (certainly F-Zero X, at least)
The games really aren't similar at all besides the superficiality of both being futuristic racers with floating vehicles. There is no real analog to F-Zero X on the PS1.
Also, the N64 has a Wipeout game.
Also, the Extreme-G games are a lot like Wipeout but faster and less slippery.

>Ridge Racer is better than all of those arcade checkpoint racers
Ridge Racer is also on the N64.

Everything else you said is just opinions, even if I agree with some of them. CTR is definitely the best kart racer of the time

>> No.1349832
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>PSX port of XCOM


To emuparadise!

>> No.1349839


I actually played a bunch of it on my PSP, since I could take it to work at the night shift job I had.

It's a bit clunky compared to mouse interface but I made it work, and the game was incredible.

>> No.1349858

>Also, the Extreme-G games are a lot like Wipeout but faster and less slippery.
Too bad the tracks were really plain in the first game and just bad in the second one. Apart from the loops and switching gravity, which were neat but didn't add any extra depth or meaningful challenge, the games were unremarkable.

>> No.1349860


Somehow I knew you were going to bring up that the N64 got a shitty Wipeout and a shitty Ridge Racer. Playstation mutliples of each, of course.

>> No.1349870

Anon, you are best anon. Is there a lot involved with getting it running on a psp? I've have FreeMcboot on my PS2 and have ran emulators on my DC in the past, so I'm not completely retarded when it comes to such things. Just very uniformed when it comes to psp emulation.

>> No.1349873

The tracks in Wipeout are much more plain and boring, so I don't really see your point.

The conversation was about exclusive racing games from the beginning. There's no "somehow". It was pretty fucking obvious I was going to point out that those series aren't entirely PS1 exclusive.
They weren't shitty either.

>> No.1349876

The older I get, the harder it is for me to justify ever hooking up a Nintendo 64 ever again.

Every single owner had a dozen games in their library. We all played those games to death. The console ultimately was just a giant vast void of games.

The PS1 by sheer quantity has a life and vitality to it that the N64 never really had.
(Coming from a Saturn owner btw - though I have both a PS2 and Saturn)

The N64 survived by aggressive marketing by NOA, and by Nintendo's reputation, not by the no-doubt exhaustive list of qualities of the system itself.

>> No.1349884

N64 hacking is progressing smoothly. I await the first good, complete OoT hack.

If Super Mario Star Road ran on the Everdrive 64 I'd already have one.

>> No.1349890


>They weren't shitty either.

They were pretty shitty.

I also never mentioned that the Playstation had the Need For Speed and Test Drive games before they turned to shit. It also had Twisted Metal, all those NASCAR, F1, and Rally games, and Destruction Derby.

>> No.1349894

I've never played a N64 game that I could ever say I enjoyed.
And I've only played three Saturn games but I like all of them.
PlayStation is still cool.

>> No.1349897

a great 2d console that does decent 3d, easy to develop for
a well-rounded console with more modest graphics
I owned one, and I loved it. As a mostly 2d gamer, I really appreciate this system. I played the hell out of megaman X6 and castlevania SotN.
a great 3d console (for the time) that does decent 2d, hard to develop for
kind of a 3d tech demo, cutting-edge but almost too much so
My rich friend had this. I felt immersed by it, but we always got bored of it.
a good 2d console that does good 3d, hard to develop for
had potential, but didn't have much of a place. PS1 was easier, and n64 was more worth the effort.
My babysitter had this. I couldn't seem to figure out why it existed, it was just like a weird anomaly.

>> No.1349912

>a great 2D console

>a good 2D console

You seem to have gotten these mixed up. Saturn was by far the better system when it came to 2D games.
I'm not positive, but I don't think the Saturn was at all hard to program for unless your game was 3D either.

>> No.1349913

Look, I'm sorry, but I can't take you seriously when you bring up Twisted Metal as an example of great racing games on the PS1, and fail to bring up Rollcage. I just can't do it.

>> No.1349916

I always liked the Playstation a lot more than the N64, because I've been big on RPGs since I was a kid. The N64 just couldn't deliver in that area.

>> No.1349918

It was. It was dual CPU'd for crying out loud, the saturn was pretty damn beastly performance wise, if you could get the most out of it, but sadly very few people could.

Just look at the saturn version of DooM which is less smooth and playable than the 32x version.

>> No.1349928

But I'm talking just for 2D games. It doesn't seem like those are very hard to program for the system.

>> No.1349943

>get Mario Kart 64 on my birthday
>friend brings ps1 over
>play 64 and 1 all day, eventually get to Crash Team Racing
>CTR for the rest of the day
>next day, play MK64 again
>it's sooo boring now
thanks for feeling sorry, anon

>> No.1349947

Had the 64 first and had lot of fun with mario 64, mario kart, goldeneye, banjo kazooie and zelda...

Had the ps1 a bit later, almost never touched the 64 again :

Crash trilogy
Spyro trilogy
Metal Gear Solid
Tomb Raiders
Syphon filters
Final Fantaisy 7-8-9

All these games were for me a lot better than the 64 ones, like a really big evolution between them, games were longer, with better stories, better gameplay, innovations, better graphics and they were way more games for ps1.

For me the choice is clear, even if i like both, ps1 is superior.

>> No.1350016

FF 7,8,9,Tactics
Suikoden 1,2
Ape Escape
Breath of Fire 3,4
Castlevania SOTN
Dragon Warrior 7
Gran Turismo
Vagrant Story
Wild Arms 1,2

When I think of the N64, there isn't much else other than Conker's Bad Fur Day and the two Zelda games (which haven't aged gracefully).

It's a no contest really. But I suppose Nintendo fanboys will always tell you otherwise.

>> No.1350029

Gettin' real tired of people saying
>I only know of like 3 games for the N64, so the N64 had no games

Your ignorance is not a valid argument.

The PS1 definitely had more games, and greater variety in its games, but it's not like the N64 had nothing. Quit being stupid.

>> No.1350041

>I only know of like 3 games for the N64, so the N64 had no games

Every generation had that argument, though.

>> No.1350046

Absolutely, but we aren't discussing those generations in this thread.

>> No.1350049


I looked through /v/'s recommended list before making the post just to make sure and came to the same conclusion. I suppose there's a reason it's 1/3 the length of the PS1's.

>> No.1350056

So the PS1 list was only 9 games long?

>> No.1350058


Now you're just shitposting.

>> No.1350062


>I only know of like 3 games for the N64, so the N64 had no games

That isn't really the argument. The argument is that in its heyday, nobody you knew owned anything other than those 3 games. At the time, it didn't really matter how many games the N64 had, because nobody in your neighborhood had anything outside of Mario and Zelda.

>> No.1350065

I don't see how.

As I already said, the PS1 absolutely had more games and more game variety. I totally agree with that, and I think the PS1 is without a doubt the better system.
I'm just so fucking tired of how dismissive people in this thread are being of the N64 library entirely because of their own ignorance.

>> No.1350085

Please enligjhten us as to this treasure trove of hidden gems on the N64 that no one seems to know of or heard about.

>> No.1350092


>> No.1350106

I owned a N64 but most people I knew had the PS1. In retrospect, I have enjoyed the N64 back-catalog more than the PS1(I emulate both, now.)


>> No.1350108

Both. Why? cuz fuck you thats why.

>> No.1350109

I've seen many people imply that the Saturn wasn't as powerful as the PS1, What made the Saturn cost more? and How did some of you Sega fans feel when it launched so early how did you find out? I can't imagen many had internet back then

>> No.1350120


I was too young. The first time I ever played video games was at my cousin's house. They had a Genesis and a Saturn. This must have been 1995 or 1996. We played the Saturn for a bit but spent the rest of the day playing Genesis. Granted, I think the only thing they had for the Saturn was Madden.

>> No.1350119

The stores were pissed at it being so early.

>> No.1350125

It was more powerful than the PS1, but because only programming wizards like Yuji Naka could do anything worthwhile with it there aren't many games that reflect this.

>> No.1350128


>I've seen many people imply that the Saturn wasn't as powerful as the PS1

It was kind of similar to the PS3/360 dynamic. One was technically superior, but only a handful of games made by talented developers actually looked better.

>> No.1350146

The Saturn was the better movie player. It could actually play movies. I just watched my VCD copy of Silence of the Lambs on my Saturn a few weeks ago.

>> No.1350149


>I just watched my VCD copy of Silence of the Lambs on my Saturn a few weeks ago.

That's some next level commitment to the retro, my brother.

>> No.1350169

>30fps is too slow!
Where have you been for the entirety of video media?

>> No.1350176

Is someone upset over anon's opinion? You sad thing.

>> No.1350197

"Film look" is shit too, but unlike with games you don't have any choice (unless you watch The Hobbit in 48fps 3D, or go somewhere with a 60fps Showscan projector which I actually have done).

For comparison purposes, here's the Blender demo short "Big Buck Bunny" rendered in 60fps:

24fps can't die soon enough.

>> No.1350205

Movies and video games are not directly comparable when it comes to frame rate, since film naturally has convincing motion blur and video games do not.
Both look significantly better at higher frame rates though.

>> No.1350278
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Neither are really better in my opinion. They both have their strengths and weaknesses.
and even though it was fated for disaster, i still consider the Saturn a contender in the 5th gen.

>> No.1350282

I thought this board was above retarded fanboyism.

>> No.1350287
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Gee, if only there was some other widely adopted system with processing and graphics power and a CD-ROM unit along with the talent to create cinematic games...

>> No.1350296

>PS1 was more solidly built
>Drive problems with the first few models that weren't ultimately sorted until around the time N64 came out

>> No.1350308

It apparently had an obtuse design and was better built for 2D games, which made it better for the Japanese market and made it the first Sega machine in Japan to see any meaningful success.

Meanwhile in the west, it launched at the same price as a high-end audio system, with the epic selection of only two weak ports of two very good arcade games, and Sega of America, no longer truly in control of itself, was burning retail bridges left and right.

>> No.1350319


That's true, but maybe you should read what the OP is asking.

>> No.1350359

PSX hands down, it's literally the most important video console ever made, it changed the industry as we knew it.

>> No.1350362

>most important video console ever made
>not the NES

>> No.1350384


>> No.1350390

Not a fanboy. NES is the only good console Nintendo ever made. Just acknowledging the fact that the NES had bigger impact on the industry than any other.

>> No.1350448

I'd say it was important to get both systems.
The N64 had a lot of must have games, but they were spaced out very far, and while it had more games than people give it credit for, only the best ones were worth cartridge price.

The playstation games got cheap really quickly, and there were demodiscs that were fun to mess around with too.
The big problem with it came aftwerwards though. Load times were bad, but they got worse as the lens wore out. Pretty soon you have the system propped up on it's side just so it can get past the startup screen. Then you're eager for the PS2 to come out, just so you can get your old games running again. (The ones that hadn't already been scratched to high heaven because it was your first disk systems, and those Jewel cases fell apart so fucking easily.)

So then N64 carts become cheaper as the next gen comes out, and you can look at it's old backlogue more closely. Find any hidden gems you missed out on that thankfully haven't aged that badly.

But then the tables turn once again when you start emulating the old games. Most Playstation games run fine on any PC, but N64 doesn't seem to emulate much right at all. Somehow I can run Gamecube games, but not N64. it's odd.

>> No.1350451

Saturn, fucking duh.

PS1 was pretty damn good and had some impressive games. Honestly the N64 really didn't have that much in the way of good games and its controller was fucking terrible.

Meanwhile, the underappreciated Saturn just kicked the living shit out of both with an epic lineup of games that will never be seen again... until the Dreamcast.


>> No.1350495

The Saturn is a huge mess just like every other fifth-gen console aside from the PSX. It has two CPUs that individually run at 28MHz (compared to the PSX's single ~34MHz CPU), but unless you're some sort of programming wizard you're going to be wasting a third of your CPU cycles just getting the two to talk to each other and the GPU.

The GPU is designed almost exclusively for 2D; the 3D implementation is very hacky and inefficient. IIRC Quake, Duke3d and Powerslave actually use the CPU for 3D because the GPU alone just isn't fast enough. On the other hand, it can handle insanely nice 2D graphics and is actually able to output at 640x480.

>> No.1350503

They're both great, PS1 has more games but N64 has funner games. I like N64 better.

>> No.1350518
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>rebuffs opposing side by refusing to give an answer
Conglaturation, u r winnar.

>> No.1350523

With that tone it was obviously going to be the whole "I DON'T CARE ABOUT ANY OF THE GAMES YOU LISTED, THEY ARE ALL SHIT" shtick.
No one wants to see that, so I'm not bothering.

>> No.1350553

for me this is not true, but only for zelda oot/majora's mask; conker's bad fur day; metal gear; and silent hill.
this is because all these games had great aesthetics, wich distracts you from the fact that snake has no eyes.

>> No.1350590

Not that anon, but I can answer your question.
First you need a PSP that has custom firmware. If you don't the go to here: http://wololo.net/cfw4dummies/
and follow the instructions.

If you do already have custom firmware then all you need is PSX2PSP. It's a program that converts a PSX iso into an eboot for the PSP. Once you convert it, you put in the Memory Stick in the GAME(IIRC) folder and you're good to go.

>> No.1350593

5th generation consoles
>graphical detail better than Lego-men
>draw distance

If PSX/Saturn, pick one.
If N64, pick two.

Pick one

>> No.1350597

note: this is the programmer's fault, never EVER use project 64

>> No.1350626

> final fantasy ... as playable now as they where back in the good old days
good one m8

>> No.1350648

N64 only had about 15 great games while PS1 had about 25 and the only game I can think of on the Saturn is Sonic R. I didn't even know the Saturn existed until I started going on the internet. No stores around me sold them

>> No.1350651

I could name more good games than that for all of those systems.

>> No.1350665


Don't encourage them, dear.

>> No.1350673

Then name some and I'll explain why you're wrong

>> No.1350678



>> No.1350680

Man, you sure know how to make a guy want to list games.

>> No.1350695
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I was there and Playstation was better. It's that simple. Probably because I was an adult and there were way more games for adults and they were cheaper as well.

I could imagine a person who was a child for the fifth gen preferring the N64, even beyond nostalgia. With the N64, everybody played the same twenty awesome first and second party games. Even your ignorant non-gamer parents knew which ones to buy. It was easy.

With the Playstation you have almost four times as many games. The top tier games come in more of a variety and there are plenty of adult themes to be had. The only place N64 really stomps PSX is in 3D platformers - which were definitely important in the 5th gen.

>> No.1350704


You're right, all those people who regularly go back to FF1-9 are simply deluding themselves. No-one could think they're actually playable.

>> No.1350727

If you look at the best 10 games of each system, it could look like the N64 was better. But Playstation had far far far more good games.

If you were a fan of one kind of game, only the Playstation had a library large enough to satisfy you with many games of a certain kind.

Perhaps both consoles were close in +9/10 games, but Playstation had a who truck of 8/10 games that N64 just did not have.

>> No.1350741

Name more than 15 great N64 games and more than 25 great PSX games.

>> No.1350752


>The only place N64 really stomps PSX is in 3D platformers

Not going to deny the N64's prowess in that area, but I still prefer Crash and Spyro to just about anything.

>> No.1350761


Let's be real, Crash isn't a "3D" platformer.

Spyro, I'll give you.

>> No.1350776


It's more 3D than, say, Kirby 64 is. In any case, I'd still play it over DK 64 or Banjo.

>> No.1350795 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.1350796

For me it is the N64, mainly because of nostalgia and how much fun I had with Paper Mario, Zelda and the Mario party games. Although I never really got much multiplayer because my friends all wanted PS1 instead of N64 because "N64 is for babbys"

>> No.1350809
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>> No.1350845

PS1 for sure just because of the massive library.
N64 had some gems for sure but there were like eight of them.
I'm still finding PS1 games that are new to me

>> No.1350849

He was the one acting like cinematics was an exclusive thing to PSX when it clearly wasn't.

>> No.1350851

Banjo is way better than crash

I really like classic PSX Tomb Raider. Came out like two years before Mario 64. PSX also has Croc and especially Croc 2. Croc 2 is probably the best "Nintendo Style" 3D platformer for PSX.

>> No.1350854

I would say PSX if I only had one choice for an outlet for gaming, but that wasn't the case for me when I was growing up.

I was lucky enough to have an Nintendo 64, a video arcade within throwing distance, and a family computer good enough to play Quake II, so the PSX had nothing to offer, even looking back.

There were a lot more games, but when you whittle them down to exclusives since multiplats usually ran better on other machines, it's a pretty weak lineup.

>> No.1350860

>I really like classic PSX Tomb Raider. Came out like two years before Mario 64

Mario 64: June 23, 1996
Tomb Raider: 25 October 1996

>> No.1350869

in europe probably lol

>> No.1350872

Mario 64 came about 5 months after Tomb Raider in Europe. N64 was really REALLY late there.

>> No.1350889

Actually i played Resident Evil 2 for the first time on the N64 recently. Hold up extremely well, had me shitting myself in a few parts.

>> No.1350913

>The tracks in Wipeout are much more plain and boring
We both know that's bullshit. They never had long, open, featureless roads like the first Extreme G and never recycled sections of the same track to create a bunch of filler tracks like Extreme G 2. Not to mention that they were visually a lot more varied.

>> No.1350914

PSX and N64 perfectly complemented one another. 64 for the multiplayer and 1st party stuff, PSX for the square goodness and jrpgs

those were glorious days

>> No.1350953

If you're going to have two mpeg cards for the Saturn you might as well watch your VCD copy of Silence of the Lambs and Clueless from time to time.

>> No.1350959

Yes it is. The action being confined to a hallway doesn't make it any less 3D.

>> No.1350964

It's 3D alright. But the levels are a narrow corridor and there's no camera control.

>> No.1351026

Growing up I had both. I had the prime games from N64 (Mario64, StarFox, 007, Paper Mario, Mario Kart, Pokemon Stadium, OOT, Mask, etc)

I had some of the best games on PS1 (RE1/2/3, Twisted Metals, Crash games, Spyro games, FF's, Jade Cocoon, etc)

Hands down, it felt like the PS1 just had better games. The survival horror genre was much better and more expansive with gems like Parasite Eve 2, Silent Hills, along with the racing games like Gran Turismo (derby games as well) Twisted Metal and Vigilante 8. The space shooters like RayStorm were vastly superior to any kind of space shooter on N64 with maybe the exception of StarFox.

The N64 always hit the sweet spot with good ole' fashioned fun, though. The level of entertainment from Conkers, Army Men, 007, Perfect Dark, and MarioKart couldn't be replicated on PS1. Unfortunately (I have a library of almost 200 N64 games) the great games are few and far between and the gems take an extreme amount of digging. For every Mystical Ninja st Goemon there are 10 Rat Attack. Also a huge brick of the N64 library is shitty sport games and racers that do not hold up. Luckily the N64 has WCW/NWO Revenge, which might be the best wrestling game of that generation.

PS1's library is expansive, has a higher density of solid titles, tons of gems, and a long list of "must-haves."

At the end of the day, PS1 is your clear winner.

PS1 vs. Saturn, however...that's an actual real discussion.

>> No.1351372

Actually it's more like:
>Draw distance

Pick two (all systems). Pick another bonus choice if your 3D game has fixed camera.

>> No.1351380

>graphical detail better than Lego-men

But Resident Evil games came out on the Saturn, PSX, and N64

>> No.1351384

what do you call it,
PSX or PS1?

>> No.1351415


>> No.1351439


>> No.1351440


Why do people even call the Playstation 1 the PSX?

I never heard it in public and I have the feeling that the day I do it'll be followed by an explanation of what it is some scrawny fedora.

>> No.1351448

Underage detected.

PSX was used in magazines and all over the internet in the 90s. Don't start spewing your ignorance all over this thread. We've had this retarded discussions enough times.

>> No.1351481

Well, the 5th generation was basically the last generation where your console choice depended on the games you liked to play. For me, it was the Saturn. Fighters, shmups, racers, RPGs, and a few good platformers in there. Still love my Saturn.

>> No.1351512

PS1, the correct name with no ambiguity.

>> No.1351601

>no ambiguity

Because the Playstation X is totally something that people bring up other than in discussions about what the Playstation should be shortened to.

>> No.1351652

I'm surprised this thread went on so long before the PSX/PS1 fight came about. While SOME real old schoolers might call it the PS1, if you vehemently insist that PSX is incorrect you're giving yourself away as not having been on the scene in the 90s.

>> No.1351689

What were the top ten fifth gen, industry changing landmark games and how many of them were on each console?

>> No.1351708

Actually the whole argument STARTED due to the ambiguity of the term PS1, when shortly after PS2 launched Sony released a second, smaller version of the original Playstation called the PS1 that optionally had its own little foldout LCD screen for playing in a car.

>> No.1351721

Everybody's list will be different based on their personal genres, which will favor one console or another - especially if the genre is 3D platformers. Maybe a fairer approach would be to list the GENRES that defined the 5th gen and give the edge to one system or another. I think that such a list might look something... like this:

3D Platformer:N64
Survival Horror:PSX

>> No.1351726

Super Mario 64 - set the benchmark for 3D controls and camera
Goldeneye 007 - mission objectives, stealth and the console version of mouselook

FFVII - someone else will have to explain this. I really don't care for JRPGs in general.
Tomb Raider - first of its kind with the targeting system I believe?
Resident Evil - pretty much invented the survival horror genre.

Never played a single game for it in my life.

So that's 5, I'm sure you can think of 5 more.

>> No.1351741

I'd add OoT to N64 and MGS to the Playstation list. Mario Kart 64 was obviously more influential than CRT, even if the later was the superior game. Not sure Tomb Raider was that relevant, the targeting system definitel wasn't new.

>> No.1351748

CTR, Crash Team Racing. hurr

I guess King's Field was influential in the long run as well.

>> No.1351762

Actually ever since the playstation was released it was called psx. If you call it ps1 you never had a playstation. No old school gamer would ever call it ps1 because it wasn't referred to that until ps2. Psone was also only referred to the small model which nobody knows about unless they played games during that era. So people who are underaged call it ps1 while people who owned and knew anything still call it psx because even every gaming mag referred to it as psx at the time even though psx comes from its dev title playstation x

>> No.1351828


>SOTN, Legend of Mana
N64 has beautiful 2D games eg. project Wonder J2, Bangai-O, Mischief Makers. Mischief Makers look great too and runs at 60 fps.

What are you going on about? Being a fanboy? Neither the N64 or the PS1 could do 2D well, anyway. They just weren't built to produce 2D graphics, all the "2D" you see on PS1 or N64 is actually a 3D image made bitmap to reproduce a 2D image. Don't believe me? Research it.
Meanwhile Saturn struggled a lot with the 3D, but was the best 2D console at the time, probably it STILL is the best 2D home system if we don't count things like Neo Geo.
This is why the arcade ports of games like Street Fighter Alpha or KOF were so awful on the PS1 but great conversion on Saturn.

As for which one is the best, I'll say PlayStation. My favorite is the Saturn though, but from an objective standpoint, PS1 was the king.

>> No.1351843

>What are you going on about? Being a fanboy? Neither the N64 or the PS1 could do 2D well, anyway. They just weren't built to produce 2D graphics, all the "2D" you see on PS1 or N64 is actually a 3D image made bitmap to reproduce a 2D image. Don't believe me? Research it.

Given enough storage space and actual support from developers, the N64 was almost certainly better than the Saturn at 2D. Real 2D or not real 2D, the N64 had enough power to brute-force pretty much anything.

Even the maximum 100% theoretical power output of the Saturn might be quite a bit higher than the PSX, but it's not higher than the N64.

The Saturn should consider itself lucky the N64 didn't get more 2D games.

>> No.1351942
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>Real 2D or not real 2D, the N64 had enough power to brute-force pretty much anything.

>> No.1351946

and the N64 should consider itself lucky that it even has games! All twelve of them!

>> No.1352139

X is not the fucking Roman numeral for 1. X stands for ten. Otherwise it's just an "X". Either way it doesn't make any goddamn sense.

>> No.1352146

>X is not the fucking Roman numeral for 1.
Did anyone say it was?

>> No.1352152

Boy, you must have been REAL upset about Mega Man X, especially when Mega Man 10 came out.

>> No.1352212

N64 did have only a handful of games. As an owner of a N64 for years before I got the superior psx, I spent a long time on the bench wearing a frown.

>> No.1352234

>he never played Conkers Bad Fur Day.

>> No.1352237

>tomb raider
>not influencial

confirmed for underage

>> No.1352242

The fuck is going on in this post?

>> No.1352260

WHOA WHOA WHOA. Are you guys saying you weren't idorts? Seriously? Come on. Each of these consoles had great games, and not to mention they were both compliments to eachother.

>N64 had awesome games like Mario 64, Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, Mischief Makers, Smash Brothers, Rogue Squadron, Episode 1 Racer
>PS1 had awesome games like Armored Core, Project Phantasma, Master of Arena, Ape Escape, Crash Bandicoot, Ace Combat, Mass Destruction, Colony Wars

Why WOULDN'T you have these/

>> No.1352264

Can anyone else just not enjoy oldschool JRPGs? I think that's why I just can't care for so much of the PS1. Fighting games are pretty much the only thing I really cared for on the PS1 (well that and MGS)

To be fair, I can't really enjoy SNES era JRPGs either anymore. Chrono Trigger felt so boring. Not bad, just boring.

Also all the kids I knew in Texas called it the PS1. I had never heard PSX until I came to /v/.

>> No.1352265

I wasn't allowed to be an idort then because my parents wouldn't buy me more than one game system.
There's literally no reason not to be an idort now though. Both systems have lots of games that are well worth playing.

>> No.1352270

Being an N64 owner myself, I would naturally prefer the N64 to the PS1, but if I had to pick which console was better overall, I'd say PS1 because of game variety. Sure, the N64's great games were fantastic, but the PS1 had so many MORE games that it was much harder to get bored.

>> No.1352275


I see. I can understand that. Parents didn't want to throw away money unless it was worth it.

I guess I was very fortunate in that category. My folks spoiled me silly.

>> No.1352287

This has nothing to do with being an idort or not. This is about which console was better, not about which one you are a fan of to the exclusion of others.

>> No.1352293

Neither, I hated the 5th gen then and I hate it now.

>> No.1352882

>The fuck is going on in this post
Saturn's advantage with 2D is down to more RAM and less overhead in drawing sprites.

N64 is not disadvantaged when it comes to RAM. And the processor is like three times faster than the PSX. The same overheard doesn't exist.

>> No.1352889

My favorite from 5th gen is the N64, but I know the PS1 and Saturn are objectively better.

>> No.1353098

>What is texture cache

>> No.1353110

It was boring in 1996, and its boring today. All of Core's games are just glorified tech demos.

>> No.1353118

I was just growing to love RPGs when the N64 launched. I grabbed Quest64 immediately and was underwhelmed by how simple it was. Loved Mario and quite a few others.

Then I saw magazine shots for FF7 and I knew I had to get a PS1. I did and was hooked. I always played my N64 and it had some great games but I dumped at least 3 or 4 times the amount of hours into the PS1's library and quite a bit of it was some of the best gaming I've ever experienced. From the obvious JRPGs like the FFs and Chrono Cross and Legend of Dragoon to things like Resident Evil and Crash, it was just a supremely awesome piece of tech.

>> No.1353120

Said it already in another before, but if you were a PC gamer, N64 just killed the Playstation, because it had party games and 4 player splitscreen. Most of the PSX's top titles were on PC anyway, like FF7 and Metal Gear Solid. None of the N64's top titles were on PC, unless you count Turok 2 as a "top title".

>> No.1353121

Nah, the tech was unremarkable, and underpowered compared to the competition.
What the PSX had was GAMES, largely due to the accessibility of making games for the system, and that's the main thing that matters.

>> No.1353125

You don't even have an understanding of why the texture cache impacts performance. All you can do is parrot 'texture cache'.

>> No.1353131

PSX, obviously.

>> No.1353156

>Neither the N64 or the PS1 could do 2D well, anyway. They just weren't built to produce 2D graphics
The PSX GPU is exclusively 2D. You should try reading the manual.

>> No.1353207

There was a ridge racer 64

>> No.1353210

There was also a wipeout 64

>CTR was better
it also came out years after mario kart 64, and I know you're trolling about it being better than diddy kong

please go troll elsewhere with your blanket statements that lack nuance

>> No.1353218

CTR came out two years after DKR, and three years after Mario Kart 64. That's a lot of time for them to do a competent clone. heh.

>> No.1353234
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I think it depends on how old you were at the time.N64 was a huge part of my childhood and as a kid I had a life and having those almost perfect dozen or so games was enough.I just dont think ps1 could ever be as nostalgic to me as n64.

>> No.1353371


>PSX GPU is exclusively 3D


Yes, the GPU helps the PS1 generate 2D due to RAM, but PS1 was meant to be a 3D machine (in fact, there's that whole "2D banning" Sony thing).
Obviously the PS1 can generate 2D (the N64 can, too), but the Saturn was actually built to do god-like 2D. You just won't see a game with such fuild animations as Guardian Legends on neither te PS1 or the N64.

>> No.1353375

I think the point the guy was trying to make is that the PSX's GPU is incapable of 3D calculations, as that is done on the CPU's co-processor 'GTE'. Of course that doesn't mean the GPU actually can draw 2D things by itself.

>You just won't see a game with such fuild animations as Guardian Legends on neither te PS1 or the N64.
As mentioned above, there's little doubt in my mind the N64 could outperform the Saturn at 2D if sufficient storage space was available.

Much like the Dreamcast could outperform the Saturn at 2D despite not being built for 2D either, the Saturn's specialized components are just too old to give it a processing advantage compared to the N64.

>> No.1353410

The PSX has a fixed-point SIMD coproc called the "GTE" which handles vertex transformations in 3D. The actual GPU - the thing that stretches textures and draws them on the screen - it entirely 2D. Its simplest texturing operation takes a rectangle of texture data and copies it to the screen, with no scaling. Its most advanced operation (roughly) takes a triangle of texture data, performs an affine transformation to map it to a triangle on the screen, and optionally blends it with a linearly-interpolated per-vertex color.

There is nothing "3D" about the PSX GPU. It's a general 2D affine texture-mapping engine, which can work with points, lines, unscaled rectangles, 3-point polygons, or 4-point polygons.

>> No.1353650
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thanks for the sublime feels.

>> No.1353675
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I had both systems, the only one in my class also, so I always knew I was pretty lucky.

I still think the same as when I was young, I spent some legendary nights with my friends playing until 5 am with Bomberman, Goldeneye and Smash Bros, but what really got me into gaming were those days and holidays playing Silent Hill, FFVII, MGS, Medievil, Soul Reaver, Grandia, Ape Scape, Parasite Eve, Spyro, Crash 3 and my favourite, Vagrant Story (i'm forgetting some but i'm not at home).

It's odd that the main reason for Nintendo winning the 16-bits war (wide-quality catalogue and pletora of RPGs, action, turn, simulation, tactics, real time, etc) was the main reason that they lost the 5th gen wars. I also think Nintendo never really recovered from this time and has survived on it's sheer quality of their own franchises, if not for this, we would have another SEGA case.

To sum it, N64 for party-group gaming, and PSX for 1 player awesomeness, even if it's true I had fun playing with my brother with Metal Slug, PES and even Bust a Groove. If forced to choose, it has to be the PSX.

>> No.1354095

those winter nights playing silent hill... those were the days

>> No.1354116

One xmas I got an N64 and my brother got a PS1. I actually ended up playing the PS1 more in the long term... Colony Wars, Armored Core, FFIX, etc..

The N64 was more of my party system, people would come over and play goldeneye and mario kart.

>> No.1354475

>Making assumptions
Look, dipshit, we've already discussed ITT how systems like N64 basically use their 3D engines to render 2D graphics. The texture cache of the N64 is so small it would never be able to hold all the sprite data for arcade ports. It's 2D games MUST be 3D/2D hybrids like Mischief Makers.

>> No.1354486

So much this, PS1 had some awesome exclusives and was much better for sports games, but N64 was huge for me.

>> No.1354531

>It's 2D games MUST be 3D/2D hybrids like Mischief Makers
Yoshi's Story wasn't, so I guess you're full of shit.

>> No.1354716

No you're just too ignorant to see Yoshi's Story for what it is - 3D/2D and some extremely, extremely simple 2D sprites. Just because a game never changes it's pseudo-2D camera angle doesn't mean it's not 3D/2D it just means it's probably extra lazy 3D/2D

>> No.1354721

Yoshi's Story was a 2d game with 2d sprites made from pre rendered 3d models.

>> No.1354724

The game is completely 2D. You're retarded.

>> No.1354726

How large is the N64's texture cache? Because the PlayStation's is only 64x64, and that's only if you use 4-bit graphics.

>> No.1354743

I personally say the PSX in it's time, N64 now, the PSX's catalog back then was gigantic back then compared to the N64 and was easy as fuck to pirate, as a N64 kid I was mad jelly of some games, like the FF.

But it seem that many of the popular games of the time didn't age as well as the ones on the N64, it could just be that nintendo fans are more vocal that PSX fans, through.

>> No.1354746
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How are the sprites "extremely, extremely simple"?

>> No.1354747

And you're either blind or ignorant.

The N64s texture cache is 4kb and PSXs is only 2kb but the Playstation is clearly better with 2D graphics. Its arcade ports, for example X-Men vs Street Fighter, weren't perfect but they did exist. On N64, even a Rare game (Killer Instinct) had to be pretty much completely recreated to run.

>> No.1354761

>And you're either blind or ignorant.
On the contrary, me not being blind is how I know that you are wrong.
Have you ever actually played, or hell, even so much as SEEN the game?

>> No.1354839

It's obvious to everyone he doesn't know what he's talking about, I wouldn't bother arguing with him any further.

>> No.1354970

>the idea that games "age"

Stop this shit.

>> No.1355040


yoshi's story uses 2D sprites as textures on top of polygons

the gameplay environment is 3D

>> No.1355042

that's just poor programming.
just a simple port of the game from the 32x (if such a thing were possible) would run faster on the saturn.

>> No.1355112

Yeah, probably.
The game and all of the assets in it outside of the title and level select screens are 100% 2D for all intents and purposes, regardless of the method used to display the graphics.
The whole argument some anon was making from the beginning >>1351843 was that the N64 was capable of having better 2D games than the competition, even if that meant brute-forcing the 2D.
Pretty sure what you describe would not only be considered "brute-forcing", but is EXACTLY what that anon was referring to in the first place.

Also, throw Bangai-O, Rampage: World Tour, Rampage 2: Universal Tour, Starcraft 64, Worms Armageddon, The New Tetris, Dr. Mario 64, Bust-A-Move 2: Arcade Edition, and Bust-A-Move '99 into the 2D pile.

>> No.1355118
File: 5 KB, 160x156, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


idk what you're saying but polygons are not 2D this is not rocket science

>> No.1355124


i'm not reading that shit

>> No.1355123

>idk what you're saying
None of what I said is rocket science either.
Figure it out.

>> No.1355125

Then fuck off.

>> No.1355132

>And none of that even really matters, because Gran Turismo 2 is probably one of the 10 greatest games ever made.
Handily beaten by both Cruis'n USA on N64 and Daytona USA and Sega Rally Championship on Saturn.

>> No.1355136

>console wars


>> No.1355194

Why are you people so autistic about framerates?

>> No.1355195

Because 24 frames per second is unwatchable.

Hey, anyone up for a movie?

>> No.1355240
File: 27 KB, 800x522, 14051a___Doll_PS_press[2].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bro, if the N64 was capable of awesome 2D graphics there would be at least one awesome 2D game. The mere fact that you try to use Yoshi's Story for your example is pathetic and only validates our point.

...and this. I mean, this is the kind of things that Nintendrones actually believe.

News flash, guys - If you're going to stand a chance in an N64 vs PSX argument you better make it all about 3D platformers, use the star power of the Nintendo franchise characters and top it all off with a huge scoop of nostalgia because that's the only argument you could win.

>> No.1355251

>Deliberately Ignores the mention of SRC and Daytona on Saturn as better games
>After going into detail on how much you hate Yoshi's Story without having played it and how important 2D games are
So this is where all the underageb& Sony fanboys went.


>> No.1355258

>The texture cache is so small it would never be able to hold all the sprite data for arcade ports

Confirmed for not knowing what a texture cache does

Hint: It's not meant to hold all texture data at once

>> No.1355259

Maybe the nostalgia is important since there are more memorable games on N64, even with the sheer volume of games on PSX due to the sales.

As long as we're on sales, for something that was outsold 3 to 1 by PSX, I sure had an awful lot of friends with N64s. Lots of good hours spent on Banjo Tooie, Smash Bros., and NFL Blitz, which I remember looking like shit on PSX and just like the coin-op on Nintendo.

>> No.1355264

Regardless how you feel about the arts n' crafts art-style, Yoshi's Story is a good looking game, especially in terms of animation.

>> No.1355269

>Both are equally supreme.
Are you retarded? I'm a Nintendo fan and it's obvious the PS1 won, deal with it you fucking retard.

>> No.1355289

Are you stupid? I'm a PSX fan and it's pretty clear N64 won.

>> No.1355564

>N64 won.
By what definition? PSX sold about 4x as much, has around 10x the games, and was a money factory for essentially the whole time.

>> No.1355570

Nintendo made a lot more profit during that era than Sony

>> No.1355723

N64 has Majora's Mask and Ocarina of Time. Therefore it wins.

>> No.1355759
File: 32 KB, 508x356, 3408-you-must-be-new-here.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what a shitty argument

>> No.1355765

Having played both as a kid, I feel like the PS1 was more of a single player console. I always had more fun playing games like Wrestlemania 2000 or Goldeneye with friends. When I played the PS1 I was more inclined to play single player games for whatever reason. N64 games seemed more fun with friends.

>> No.1356168

With generation was shit it had way to much shovelware with kick ass games to far in beween

>> No.1356175

Considering those games are regarded by many as the best games of all time, I really don't think its that shitty. Not really saying that these two games make the console instantly better, but 1st and 2nd party exclusives make or break a console, and the N64 just killed the ps1 in that sense.

>> No.1356180

>but 1st and 2nd party exclusives make or break a console

No, good games make a console, and PS1 had a hell of a lot more.

>> No.1356194

Too bad alot those "great games" take a dive due to poor, blocky looking polygons. The ps1, sure had some great rpgs, but id be more willing to go play rereleased versions of those games on newer consoles, whereas the n64 is just as playable as when it was released.

but aren't we missing the point? the jaguar is the best considering it had the most bits :|

>> No.1356198

>Too bad alot those "great games" take a dive due to poor, blocky looking polygons

Bad graphics bother you that much? How sad.

>> No.1356205

when they seriously take away from the gameplay experience yes. And in a system vs. system discussion, it does matter. Not really graphics resolutions or framerate, but the overall look of the game matters. Of course 2d games on the ps1 look gorgeous, but the 3d games dont hold up as well.

>> No.1356210

>when they seriously take away from the gameplay experience yes.

I repeat, bad graphics bother you that much? How sad.

>And in a system vs. system discussion, it does matter.

Not really. Unless the argument is specifically about which games looked better, and I'd say the majority of 2D PS1 games looked better than anything on the N64.

>> No.1356215

Dan the N64 was not a significant improvement over prior consoles with regards to the material made for it. On the other hand, the PS1 was the first step toward "modern" gaming in that it experimented with FPS games and RPGs instead of the stuff we've come to expect from Nintendo. Take off the rose-tinted glasses

>> No.1356216

go play starfox on the snes, now go play starfox 64, and tell me which one was more appealing.

>> No.1356219

So this is a SNES vs. N64 argument now?

>> No.1356220

Starfox would be fine if it weren't a slideshow.

>> No.1356227

Its called an example to show that graphics do make a difference. The N64 is much more accessible today.

>> No.1356234

It's my favourite system but I'll admit that the list of good-looking 3D games on the PS1 is very short.

Mega Man Legends II did the best job of converting the system's weak 3D into at least a cartoony effect. Actually I think the Fear Effect games pulled it off pretty amazingly too.

Otherwise I only remember being impressed by the animation in Siphon Filter.

>> No.1356236

>The N64 is much more accessible today.

Bad graphics bother you that much? How sad.

>> No.1356237

>the N64 is much more accessible today

If you like slow, ugly, sluggish games, sure. I don't even keep my N64 plugged in unless I am currently using it to play a game (which isn't often).

>> No.1356241

PS1 > N64 > Saturn

All consoles were great. Saturn should have had a lot more support though so it trails by quite a lot in my eyes. Favorite game on each console as a kid:

Saturn - Guardian Heroes
N64 - Pokemon Stadium 1/2
PS1 - Most likely Odd World Abes Exoddus

PS1 wins overall imo for having the most quantity and quality games. N64 had those fewer but amazing games I liked. Even just recently in fact when I played Doom 64 on emulator. And Saturn? Well it was okay. I don't remember owning much games on it. I do remember playing the hell out of Guardian Heroes though. I remember getting Saturn and it came with three games.

>> No.1356246

Don't get me wrong, the ps1 had its gems. Its a great system.

>> No.1356265

The N64 is probably the perfect example of a console whose games all aged badly. The 3D looks like dogshit, there's no way around that. It's a step down in fucking object identifiability from the SNES.

And nowadays there's a superior equivalent on another console of anything you could want to play except Mario 64.

>> No.1356267

SRC and Daytona are great arcade ports with fun physics but they have nothing on the depth of Gran Turismo.

You were probably a kid. I was a young adult and all of my friends had Playstations. The ones who had N64s had them additionally (like myself) and they were essentially Goldeneye machines.

Ehhhhh it's no SoTN.

>> No.1356290

European gaming magazines called it the PS1 most of the time.

>> No.1356292

Before there was a PS2? Really?

>> No.1356305
File: 67 KB, 640x360, CatNES.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>PC master race (+nintendo exclusives)
Personally, I gotta ask why we are arguing about opinions objectively. It's dumb.

I agree that the library for PlayStation had greater variety and size. There's no doubt that PlayStation had games that everybody should play, or, if not, at the very least respect.
PlayStation had MGS, FFVII, Castlevania SOTN, Chrono Trigger, Resident Evil, Crash Bandicoot. ETC. Could go on. That's the point.

That being said, the N64 had so much more heart. Nintendo exclusives have been the heart of why I love games in the first place. OoT, Majora, SSB, StarFox64, Rogue Squadron, Goldeneye, and Conker's bad fur day. (I guess I'll throw in mario 64 and Banjo Kazooie, but i hated those game. fuck all y'alls) These game's touched me and inundated me with a sense of adventure and FEELS that PlayStation games didn't really do as much (Exception: FFVII and Chrono Trigger. But square's fucking great.) I guess my immersion in Nintendo games has always been elevated above PlayStation.

Before N64 and after, Nintendo has been my solace in console games. Zelda, Metroid, StarFox, Smash Bros, Mario, Pikmin, DK, FIRE EMBLEM, Earthbound, Pokemon, F-Zero, KIRBY, are all sublime exclusives. No other company touches me like that (insert pedo joke here). Also, I have FFVI (best FF, deal with it) on snes, so thats fine too. There's a reason I have every Nintendo system and only a ps1 and 2.

TL;DR -- PC master race. PlayStation has more games, it's fucking awesome. Nintendo has more heartwarming exclusives imo, so it is more fucking awesome. Nintendo reached FEELVANA, PlayStation reached "It's fun as hell + FeelFantasyVII."

>> No.1356312

In your opinion.

The fact for me is I can still play these old games and appreciate them for what they are.

>> No.1356316


>> No.1356319

>That being said, the N64 had so much more heart.
You mean, zero games with serious stories that gave you emotions?

Also from your games list it looks like you've only heard about good PSX games and never stepped through the library and played. Do you understand how insulting it is to the game devs to claim that their games lacked heart when you didn't pay them enough attention to know that at all?

>> No.1356320

All that text yet so much shit.

>> No.1356323

>PlayStation had MGS, FFVII, Castlevania SOTN, Chrono Trigger, Resident Evil, Crash Bandicoot

In other words, you never owned or played a PSX or any of its games but sometimes hear people talk about games that were on it.

>> No.1356350
File: 115 KB, 256x252, Heart_of_Darkness_Coverart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guy is trying to rustle anons when he says things like "FeelFantasyVII" and "but I hated those games. Fuck all yalls."

I have played way too many PS1 games. I loved all fifth gen consoles. These days gaming just isn't about the fun anymore. Back then I remember being excited to experience tons of games. I can't understand how this fanboyism comes into being unless an anons parents either refused to buy much and/or these anons were friendless.

>pic and video related


>> No.1356352

Couldn't find my old magazines, but I'm almost certain that it wasn't called PSX for a long time around here. Just PlayStation.

>> No.1356361

had pc, n64 and ps1
I'd probably put one or two n64 titles on my top10, I'd be hard-pressed to put a single ps1 title on my top50. maybe resident evil. also a lot of the praised titles for the playstation are fucking garbage, stuff like sotn and crash bandicoot is for people who have never played a platformer before.
I guess if you like jrpgs it's a great machine

>> No.1356415


>crash bandicoot is for people who have never played a platformer before

Crash Bandicoot was groundbreaking when it was made, and it still looks bretty gud today. The reason you hate on it is because it and Mario 64 together are the Ur-3d-Platformer. Much like reading LotR today may feel cliche simply because it set forth all those cliches in the first place, playing Mario 64 or Crash Bandicoot feels like an echo of every other 3d platformer made since simply because together they set the standards and everything since falls on the axes laid down by the two different directions those games took.

tl;dr: Know your roots, child.

>> No.1356436


controls like dreck, non-existent enemy design, gimmicky non-boss battles, a gimped 2d platformer at times and a pointless "3d" platformer at other times. oh and a limited and uninspired moveset. have you ever played a decent nes or snes platformer you'd know.
klonoa was the infinitely superior pseudo-3d platformer

>> No.1356441

Yeah but Klonoa was way way later than Crash. I'm a PSX fanboy and just between you guys and me, I never enjoyed a Crash game although I loved that guy in the Crash suit with the megaphone yelling at Nintendo of America's headquarters.

Around Crash time I was plenty happy with shit like Twisted Metal and Tekken. I realized that Mario was obviously better but I wasn't too torn up about it.

Which brings us right back around to the strength of the Playstation, LOTS of great games ALL the time in MANY genres - not just ONE great game a year.

>> No.1356465


super mario 64 was released earlier and it was packed full with ideas on how to innovate the genre and make it 3d. though it's understandable that naughty dog shat out a turd seeing that they're hilariously incompetent unless they have something to base their entire game off.
I don't mind people liking oddworld, rayman or tomba. heck people can like sotn if they want to even though it's mediocre, I'd just like to put it out there that crash is awful any way you look at it.
also carmageddon>twisted metal

>> No.1356538

>naughty dog shat out a turd

And every other game company was so impressed with that "turd" hat they tried and failed miserably to duplicate its technical achievements, and were convinced that Naughty Dog has gotten some special coding libraries from Sony that nobody else was allowed to know about. While Sony's in-house teams were going "fuck that, we can't even figure out how those maniacs managed it".

>> No.1356636

I prefer Star Fox to Star Fox 64.

>> No.1356823

It was groundbreaking for the PSX to do it, but the N64 was doing it anytime it wanted because the N64 is just better at 3D platformers (and that's it) like I said before. Crash is simply not that impressive next to Mario 64. However...

>carmageddon>twisted metal
Your opinion is invalid.

>> No.1356825

He is right though. SotN is babby's first sidescroller and Carmageddon (especially 2) is easily better than other car combat games.

>> No.1356863

I grew up with an N64 and have fond memories of playing Nintendo games, but I do sometimes wish that I had gotten a Playstation instead.

Now that I try to go back and play all of the PS1 classics, I realize just how many titles the Sonyfans of the 90s had.

>> No.1356865


I loved the few N64 games, but the wait for new releases was horrible. Played DOS tier games on my shitty laptop the rest of the time. Also emulators.

Didn't reqlly care for PS1 at all. Nothing on it looked appealing in the slightest for some reason.

>> No.1356891

>NES is the only good console Nintendo

I can actually get behind this, mainly because I didn't particularly liked any consequent console hardware or software wise.

but you can't deny that their 3D games are really polished compared to competetion at the time.

>> No.1356896

crash was launched like 3 months anfter mario 64, they were made almost at the same time. No one was copying anything

>> No.1356908

>the snes isn't a good console just because it didn't revive the industry

>> No.1357160

The only PS1 games I actually find myself coming back to anymore are the scrolling 2D shooters... And it's true, the PS1 certainly had a lot of them. However I replay games in other genres on my N64 far more often.

>> No.1357437

But you could emulate ps1 on pc at the time using bleem discs

>> No.1357584


If there ever was a truly superior system in any gen it was the fifth. PS1 just destroyed the competition. N64 kids that are talking about quallity are ridiculous. PS1 had both quantity AND QUALLITY. N64 was better only for FPS(wich were shit compared to PC offerings of the time, especially that horrid split screen excuse for multiplayer) and 3D platformers(wich were also strong on ps1 btw). EVERY other genre had A LOT more quallity titles on ps1. The funniest thing is that N64 games were not even so much better looking. Apart from Rare and Nintendo titles, most n64 games managed to look like blurry shit, sometimes even worse then PS1 games, and even the best looking n64 games suffered from low polygon models.

I got an N64 shortly after the european launch, and after a year i started to get disappointed with it because there were not many games to chose from, and many genres were completely nonexistent on it. N64 had very very few great games, but people that are not babbies know that n64 was "no games" of that era, and unlike the PS3 it was actually true.
Whenever i hear somebody debating on this subject i can instantly guess that the person that started it is a casual, or clueless 90s babby(also casual but understandable considering the generation) and almost surely american(because its the only place on earth where this piece of shit had some sales).

N64 is a huge fail. Remember in what position Nintendo was before and after it. In europe it was a fail, but in Japan it sold even less then Saturn, after they ruled it completely with famicom and super famicom. Nintendo paid the price for their arrogance and greed with this system.


D E A L W I T H I T!

>> No.1357598

>I got an N64 shortly after the european launch, and after a year i started to get disappointed with it because there were not many games to chose from, and many genres were completely nonexistent on it.
Are you me? I had a N64 since launch in 1997 but I played more PC games then N64, I even had the "good" N64 games like goldeneye, oot, turok etc. I was clear to me even back then that the ps1 was the winner of the fifth gen console war by a mile.

>> No.1357619


are you a gamefaqs poster from the 90s who came out of retirement to post one last time

>> No.1357618

>at the time
Confirmed for 00s kid

>> No.1357627


>> No.1357646

This entire thread needs deleted. Looks an awful lot like /v/ in here.

>> No.1357679

>The tracks in Wipeout are much more plain and boring, so I don't really see your point.
Are they fuck , garedeuropa is the greatest track created in any futuristic/arcade racer of all time.

>> No.1357684

It comes down to what you're into for me i was into the most accurate arcade ports of 2d games available and for that nothing comes close to the saturn.

>> No.1357685

A lot of us are being ironic and/or facetious. This thread, when taken correctly, just highlights the differences between the PSX and N64 (with a little real Saturn/retro PC thrown in for good measure).

Which one you prefer now isn't necessarily going to be the one you preferred then and has a lot to do with what kind of gaming experience you were (or are) looking to have (or recreate).

>> No.1357686

Except MAME

>> No.1357693

>SRC and Daytona are great arcade ports with fun physics but they have nothing on the depth of Gran Turismo.
That's GT's downfall, though. It's nice that it looks realistic, but I find I get more out of Cruis'n USA and Daytona.

>> No.1357720

PS1, outside mario and zelda and goldeneye N64 had very little to offer, also i didnt liked that while the N64 was technically more powerfull those damn catriges gave games shit textures and looked some times worse than ps1 games

>> No.1357726

>Except MAME
Emulators arn't part of this discussion but regardless still not true for example all the games on the ST-V arcade hardware like soukyugurentai / terra diver were ported to Saturn 100% perfectly because ST-V is almost a saturn whilst mames emulation of the ST-V games is still ass. Another example is cv-1000/sh3 emulation in mame which cant accurately get the slowdown of any of the cave games anywhere near the pcb and ports.

>> No.1357727

Like I have said all along, PSX was for more serious adult gamers.

>> No.1357736

Daytona requires ass loads more skill to get genuinely good at than that boring as fuck driving sim Gran turismo and by the depth you really mean tons of pointless filler.

>> No.1357743

Building a car that compliments your driving style is a skill as well. Different people just want different things out of games.

>> No.1357747

>Like I have said all along, PSX was for more serious adult gamers.
And Nintendo 64 was for gamers putting enjoyment over their own insecurities about feeling like an adult.

More to the point, how come the serious adult games also ended up looking and playing better on Windows, Macintosh and Sega Saturn?

>> No.1357761

Because the Saturn really was better at many things than Playstation. Too bad SoJ assfucked it
>Windows and Macintosh
Because they came out over 9000 years later

Look, I accept the fact that some people might enjoy Cruisin' more than Gran Turismo, even at home but most people prefer GT. Most people prefer Playstation.

>> No.1357763

>if I say it's fact then it's fact

Back to school, boy!

>> No.1357764

N64 cured my cancer, also PSX is a hitlersatan

>> No.1357774

Playstation sold three times as well as N64 and that's not even attempting to consider the effect backward compatibility had on PS2's all-time record sales.

These are facts.

>> No.1357779

>Because they came out over 9000 years later

>> No.1357781

idiomatic hyperbole

>> No.1357792

>if i say it's a fact it's a fact!

You don't get it. That's not how facts work. Whether or not you're right is irrelevant, I'm trying to bash into your thick, misshapen skull that you don't get to simply declare things as fact, you dim-bulb fuck.

I lament the state of education in the world today because it produces idiots like you.

>> No.1357829

32.93m vs 102.49m
Maybe you don't understand what facts are?

>> No.1357945

I forgot how that makes the Call of Duty franchise objectively better than any other in gaming.

>Sony fanboys in charge of not shitting up /vr/

>> No.1357986

If it sold the best as a franchise then that makes it the most popular, just like the PSX was three times as popular as the N64 - just like I said. Are you trying to troll me?

>> No.1357991

It wasn't 3 times as popular as the N64 over here. More like 2 times. 3 times more sales worldwide.

>> No.1357992

What's with all the obvious /v/ posters shitting it up here lately?

>> No.1357997

>if i keep saying it's a fact, it's a fact

[citation needed]
Pics or it didn't happen.

Are you so stupid that you aren't able to read and comprehend these phrases?

If you're going to posit something as fact you need to back it up. How is this hard to understand?

When I'm old, your kind will be in the positions of power. And that scares the shit right out of me.

>> No.1358003

>>1349445 ps1 won if you are not a retarded fanboy

>> No.1358006

Refusing to take ten seconds to check my facts doesn't necessarily make you older than I am, it just makes you less computer literate.

Also, this is 4chan. I am intentionally baiting you into repeatedly refuting facts that have long ago been checked by lurkers and posters not involved in our argument in order to make you look dumb and take away from your credibility, and by extension the credibility of your argument.

>> No.1358048

>I don't have to cite sources
So did you fail out of college or did they throw you out?

You notice I haven't said you were wrong? I've said you need to cite sources.

Free tip, chuckles: getting called on bullshit and responding with HURR DURR LOL I TROLL U has been decried many a time and in many an image for a reason. It's a last-resort way for people who lose an argument to save face.

>> No.1358050

it wasn't, it was just straight up wrong..

>> No.1358056

>I've said you need to cite sources

On what though, you fail to ever mention what it is that's bootyblasting you so bad to be this much of a belligerent shithead? The sales numbers? Why would he need to cite a source on fucking 4chan? there's a google search bar literally in the top corner there, bud. It's literally an undeniable fact that the psx was tremendously more successful than the n64, it's like history, or something.

>> No.1358059

Console warriors invading /vr/. What a sad day.

>> No.1358060

So you're just nagging on a guy to give sources for something everybody in here have already read the sources of because purple?
Uh... good job on the shitposting?

>> No.1358069

>So did you fail out of college or did they throw you out?

You heard it here first folks, 4chan is college. All you oldfags should be getting your phd in eating cheetos and jerking off to futa in the mail soon (if you cited sources, that is.)

>> No.1358074

guys, I think this dude is a young shit who thinks that college is real life, and the fact that he's going to college makes him the smartest fucking person in the whole world, and that everyone successful has gone to college, and that people he disagrees with probably didn't go or failed out


>> No.1358075

Call of Duty is popular, but like Gran Turismo, that doesn't make it good or memorable.

>> No.1358097

I'm sorry, I guess I was mistaken since I was seriously claiming the PC port of Final Fantasy 7 came out 750 years after the Playstation version. You sure caught me on that one! Busted!

Again, let me remind you this is 4chan not a scholarly journal. You can lose credibility a million ways. Just the fact that I'm treating the sales figures as something every serious gamer should know and you're insistently ignorant of them is plenty to call your entire argument into question.

For a second I was worried you were this guy
Who's making a much better argument by putting words in my mouth and trying to shift to subjective terms like "best"

>> No.1358104

memorable, yes, it's quality however is subjective and besides the point

>> No.1358136

>Who's making a much better argument by putting words in my mouth and trying to shift to subjective terms like "best"
This kind of shit makes my blood boil,
needs to be nailed to the fucking cross for his stupidity. Literally no one is claiming anything is the "best", just popular. I love n64 and nintendo but I will admit and agree that psx wiped the floor with it in sales and game selection

>> No.1358146

Saturn, by a looong shot.
Sony consoles are always shit, fucking video cd player. N64 had f-zero games, a little better than PSX, still shit. Overall 5th gen is the worst.

>> No.1358154

Few good games versus many shitty games?
Better polygons versus better textures?

Outside of Spyro what's good on the PS1? Oh, And Tactics, too.

>> No.1358190

>Outside of Spyro what's good on the PS1? Oh, And Tactics, too.

Crash Bandicoot
Resident Evil series
Silent Hill
Gran Turismo 1 & 2
Metal Gear Solid
Final Fantasy 7
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee
R-Type Delta
Breath of Fire 3 & 4

In before: "they are all shit"

>> No.1358191


>> No.1358197

I think the dude that was obsessed with finding sources has went full troll mode after getting told so hard

>> No.1358202


I know its hard being a faggy n64 kid and all but here you go you little bitch. Hopefully now you can stop shitting up the thread.

>> No.1358203
File: 11 KB, 184x184, 1335349199165[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not posting the correct version

>> No.1358208

Spyro isn't even that great... go play Sotn, Oddworld, Adventures of Little Ralph, RE, Silent Hill, Suikoden, FF, MGS, crash, king's field, disruptor, No one can stop mr. domino, wild 9, Team Motherfucking Buddies, Tekken, Silhouette mirage, NFS, Alundra, Star Ocean, Raycrisis, MDK, Breath of Fire, wild Arms, Brigandine, chrono cross, Klanoa, Fear effect, g-darius,parappa the rappa, MOThERFUCKINg TOMBA 1+2, Tenchu, Sould blade, colony wars, einhander, xcom, rival schools], I could go on and on but to say that the only good thing on psx was fucking spyro and FFT is just fucking moronic, or you just have shit taste in games

>> No.1358209
File: 14 KB, 300x400, 1390515093732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want to deeply appreciate everybody that told him before I got to tell him because I was making chicken fried rice for my wife and son

Copied for later pasta

>> No.1358214

no time for google images, gotta go fasd

>> No.1358235

They're not shit, it's just they're either not exclusive or the same game is available with better graphics and controls on other platforms.

>> No.1358775

I owned both and still do. N64 just has so many great games. PS1 for me just doesn't have near the charm that the N64 does.

>> No.1358792

N64 hands down.

>> No.1358804

Yeah, I'm going to say this much as an outside observer. Nothing wrong with citing sources to people for your posts. Nothing at all.

And you really shouldn't get upset if someone asks you to cite a source. Anything I say that can be cited, I have something ready to go.

>> No.1358807

Anybody who had money would say N64.

People who preferred Playstation were poor and more likely to be loners.


>> No.1358813

Like this guy for example. Seeing a source for this would be nice.

>> No.1358817

If you ever left your room back in those days you would have known.

>> No.1358820


I had both. I played much more with my psx.

Does that make me a rich loner?

>> No.1358821

It makes you look fucking stupid to ask Anon to cite a source for info that anyone should easily be able to find. It makes you seem like the kind of idiot who can't find out that there were four times as many titles for the PSX, that the PSX sold four times as many consoles, that there were four times the AAA titles covering four times as many genres.

The ONLY place numbers favor the N64 is that its most popular games outsold the most popular PSX games but it's not hard to see that when there's only 1/4 the selection, the games will sell 4x as well as they would if there were equal selection.

I'll concede that the 3D platformers on N64 were better than the 3D platformers on PSX. If that's your very very favorite genre then you might honestly be better off with N64. It also had some good multiplayer games.

>> No.1358824

Everyone with both played the PSX more unless it was party time all the time.

>> No.1358827

>Does that make me a rich loner?

>> No.1358832


Yeah, the party games were great. Can't count the hours we wasted on Mario Kart. But the library for single player was really weak. Might be because I loath collectathons.

>> No.1358831

This is not a source.

I'm just saying, it doesn't hurt to cite sources. This is 4chan. People will make up things and send people on wild goose chases. And if it's so easy to cite, why not just do it in the first place? It just escalates into a stupid meta-argument.

If I say something and someone questions me about it, I have no issue posting a link to back myself up. Because it's really not a big deal and only serves to strengthen my argument in the first place.

>> No.1358837
File: 8 KB, 258x196, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at this raging manchild autist
it's hilarious
he's still this buttblasted all these years later

>> No.1358841

It doesn't escalate anything, it shifts the argument to being people who can and have easily verified the facts versus the people who for some reason haven't and don't think they need to.

Yes, it's me subtly moving the goal posts and cheating at the argument but we LONG AGO came to the closest objective conclusion we can arrive at by OPs question about "quality".

The best games for the N64 are better than comparable games for the PSX but the best games for PSX do not even have comparable games on N64 because there are way fewer N64 games in way fewer genres.

Now which of these represents the edge in "quality" is subjective.

>> No.1359225

Why are numbers even relevant on this board? They were only relevant once, and that was to shareholders of each company.

Preference should be more about the games you played and the experiences you had with them as opposed to citing sales figures that no one cares about.

>> No.1359228

If PlayStation was for poor people, how come the launch price of $299 remained through 1997, while Nintendo launched the N64 at $199?

To be fair, the games were more expensive because they came in a faster and more reliable format.

>> No.1359231

>Yes, it's me subtly moving the goal posts and cheating at the argument but we LONG AGO came to the closest objective conclusion we can arrive at by OPs question about "quality".
>You can measure quality objectively
This is what retards actually believe.

>> No.1359232

I don't understand what you're >implying.

I can remember using PSemuPro or some shit in the late 90s.

>> No.1359247
File: 125 KB, 993x755, durrrrrr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>PlayStation can't draw sprites
Yeah, nah, fuck you. Yes, it took me this long to find these slides.

>> No.1359289

Where did you get that? Is there a set of those slides?

>> No.1359302

he went back in time to sonys press conference and took the powerpoint back with him on a floppy

>> No.1359419

>It also had some good multiplayer games.
I never played much multiplayer on my N64 because everyone else in my neighbourhood owned playstations and only cared about twisted metal and tekken. ;_;

>> No.1359424

They're in the developer's reference disc, under CONF/SCEA.

>> No.1359451

People keep throwing around the 3 to 1 argument, but put it into perspective for these fucking children who do not understand basic economics:

>Sold 70,000,000 more consoles than N64
>Sat at a $100 higher price point than N64
>Were smart enough to release "Best Sellers" at very competitive prices faster than N64
>3rd Party Support brought more game makers to the forefront of game creation as opposed to Nintendo trying to stifle it
>70,000,000 more units sold worldwide. I know I already pointed that out, but god damn

Having OoT in your library doesn't make your system better, and with system/game sales completely in Sony's corner, you can't argue that PS1 wasn't a better system.

This isn't some nostalgia jack off and whatnot- this is hard factual information. If Sony was a worse console with shittier games it would have sold poorly, but it wasn't and it didn't.

Nintendo went in thinking the laurels of the SNES were going to carry it through to victory, and Sony completely annihilated them in every single aspect, including game quality, which they surpass N64 in every single category.

>> No.1359461

Remember when consoles were good

jesus, dem memories, dem solid gameplay

>> No.1359839
File: 70 KB, 640x480, GTdith5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer the PSX, but you're a moron.

>Having OoT in your library doesn't make your system better
Yes it does.
I don't even like the game, but yes it fucking does.

>you can't argue that PS1 wasn't a better system
Someone easily could if they wanted, seeing as it's just an opinion and all.

>If Sony was a worse console with shittier games it would have sold poorly, but it wasn't and it didn't.
That isn't how it works. Sales != quality.
You could argue a larger userbase (indicated by console sales) leads to more games being developed for the system, which makes the system more worth owning.
But that isn't what you're doing.
You're literally just saying "PEOPLE BOUGHT IT BECAUSE IT WAS GOOD"

>Sony completely annihilated them in every single aspect
Factually inaccurate.
>4 controller ports
>had analog stick from the beginning so there aren't a bunch of early games that don't support it
>cartridges allowed for some things to be done that weren't possible on a CD
>no/very minimal loading screens
>more powerful system all around (many more polygons, no wiggling polygons/textures, could display more colors so didn't have to resort to dithering - pic related, etc.)
>more/better party games (generally agreed upon)

>including game quality, which they surpass N64 in every single category.
Stop stating your dumbass opinions as facts.

Conclusion: Go fuck yourself.

>> No.1359880
File: 119 KB, 1024x768, Cruisn USA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this shit
>better than Gran Turismo 2

something is fucking wrong in your brain.

>> No.1359943
File: 16 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


sega rally clones like ridge racer aren't comparable to gran turismo btw b/c of lack of drifting

pic is from togue max, not gran turismo

>> No.1360039

>dem solid gameplay

Wow, you actually made me LOL. Those are some thick nostalgia glasses you are wearing.

PS1 and N64 are to 3D what Atari 2600 was to 2D.
Most games for these systems are extremely dated, utterly inferior in every way to 3D games that came after.

I was a teenager then, and it was nice i got to experience that 3D revolution, but now when i try to play 3D games from that gen i usually feel disgust instead of enjoyment or nostalgia, and wish that revolution didnt come so soon. In retrospect it would be nicer we had one more 2D gen.Too bad nobody(young me included) bought saturn...

>> No.1360136

Had more Options to Choose from
Games were Cheaper
and for me the most important aspect i recently discovered now that PSX games are not on regular sale on stores:
You can install Modchip to play burned games !

>> No.1360137

Considering the majority of /v/'s first console was the Playstation 1, just take a wild guess.

>> No.1360139

>get N64
>get Perfect Dark
>realise I have to spend the same as the game for a fucking 4MB thing to play it properly
>game still runs like shit

T-thanks Nintendo

>> No.1360147
File: 11 KB, 244x207, 1390572086183.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn i hated those things back then, expansion back, rumple back, dual analog, dual shock man why they couldnt finish theyr godamn consoles before relesing them?!

>> No.1360149

To be fair they had a pretty long lifespan, at least you didn't have to buy a whole new iteration of console.

>> No.1360191


>> No.1360237

I always find it funny when people talk about the N64's higher polygon count. the resolution is so goddamn low that it doesn't matter. Games look like shit on both consoles. Also, Saturn had the highest resolution. Crispy.

>> No.1360243

>the resolution is so goddamn low that it doesn't matter
No excuses. Just accept it. The N64 could push more polygons, and that DOES matter, no matter how much you think all early 3D games look like shit.

>> No.1360304

>no wiggling polygons/textures

at least the textures aren't muddy blobs of shit with no detail

play Resident Evil 2 on both consoles. If you want detailed backgrounds and textures with vibrant colors go for PS1. If you want smooth character models and faster loading times, go for N64.

>> No.1360342

>play Resident Evil 2 on both consoles. If you want detailed backgrounds and textures with vibrant colors go for PS1. If you want smooth character models and faster loading times, go for N64.
Right, that's what I'm saying. The systems have different strengths. Sony didn't "completely (annihilate) them in every single aspect" like that guy I replied to was claiming.

>> No.1360352

>Not nintenyearold
Gosh, if you're going to mindlessly insult someone, do it right.

>> No.1360407

Crash Bandicoot is better than Banjo Kazooie.

>> No.1360552

AFAIK nearly every PlayStation game is playable with a standard controller. It was in the tech cert requirements for a LONG time, even after DualShock, except in special instances (like games bundled to show off DS).

>> No.1360554

>Also, Saturn had the highest resolution. Crispy.
I know it could do 480i - was it wider than 640px though?

>> No.1360562


I never owned a PS1 until later on.

I owned an N64 and between myself and my friends playing Goldeneye, Mario Kart, Smash Bros, etc... I have no regrets.

I like both systems, but I still wouldn't change what I ended up getting for my Birthday.

>> No.1360568

>Second party games
How many did you write?

>> No.1360615

The PSone was not released in the 90s

>> No.1360681
File: 1.37 MB, 207x207, hmm.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw all those series are dead except for Gran Turismo

>> No.1360830

I actually like the idea of being able to upgrade you machine to play more demanding games instead of waiting till the next generation or settling for lesser quality.

>> No.1361531

psx, ps1 didn't exist in 1997 and every fucking videogame magazine in Europe call it psx

>> No.1361532

Gran Turismo really might as well be dead.