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1337196 No.1337196[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

This game is better than people give it credit for. Seems like everyone shits on it for not being the first game.

I mean, I think DW1 is better too, but DW2 is still a nice game.

>> No.1337839


>> No.1337886

No, people don't like it because it was fundamentally balls. We can argue over whether it was underrated or not, but I'll explain why it isn't such a good game.

First of all, it's long as hell. This isn't a problem in and of itself, but you do the same thing for the entire game. This isn't a problem in and of itself, but the game is about grinding. This isn't a problem in and of itself, but it has artificial stat caps that won't let you level up after a low level that may not be high enough to take stuff out, forcing you to "rebirth" through DNA Digivolution. This isn't a problem in and of itself, but you need TWO monsters levelled and one at the cap meaning even as you're levelling, you're going to have an infinitely dwindling pool of monsters just to raise your more important one 2 levels per sacrifice, consolidating any power you have. This isn't a problem in and of itself, but you're then useless until you level back up and cannot progress in the game until you get back to that power level you had before to take on the bosses and other challenges, even just regular monsters. This isn't a problem in and of itself, but the battle animations are FUCKING LONG and daunting as hell after the 1,000th time; a full turn of you attacking and them attacking takes literally an entire 60 seconds of JUST animations in which the attack pops up, they make their roar, they attack, the camera changes, the enemy gets hit, the enemy falls down, and then the enemy gets back up again and pauses for a bit for the camera to change back to the next attacker.
>This isn't a problem in and of itself, but that assumes no one counters forcing the move animation stuff to restart, etc.

Are you starting to see the problem here? The game is relentlessly fucking sluggish. It could've theoretically been good in the event that everything wasn't bad. Yes, I know I'm being a bit harsh, but it does have a severe case of wasted time overload. Only playable on an emulator with speed ups.

>> No.1337991

How many times did this fucker say "This isn't a problem in and of itself?"


>> No.1338000

Of course. I wrote it like that on purpose to simulate the feeling one would get actually having deal with it for the entire duration of the experience.

>> No.1338074

did anyone like digimon rumble arena.

>> No.1338081

It wasn't really bad, but it was too simple. Didn't have much longevity. A great novelty experience... but there's just nothing to the actual fighting itself.

Coulda been so much better if they put more time into it. I wasn't expecting it to be Smash Bros, but it could've at least been lesser, yet comparable clone.

>> No.1338112

i really liked how you reconstructed the city in DW1, nobody know other games with similar mechanics?

>> No.1338132

Animal Crossing.

>> No.1338137

Also maybe sim games.

It's really hard to think of anything else where you're building a city, so to speak.

>> No.1338185

I would like to play DW3, but I don't want to play the gimped NA version. Can't read Japanese, and I don't have a system that can play PAL games. Kinda sucks.

>> No.1338218

Play it on an emulator. I owned the NA version when it came out and playing the EU version on PCSX-R in 2014, it runs way more smoothly. It's much more playable too because the grinding is easymode with speedups.

Used to think this game was such shit, but it's really quite good on an emulator as long as you accept that it's a bit of a traditional RPG. Tons of levelling, tons of "where the hell do I go", etc. But with a good framerate during battles, things actually move somewhat quickly.

As for DW2, I doubt even an emulator could save that. It'd just make the battles mildly less painful.

>> No.1338243

I don't use emulators.

>> No.1338743
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>get level 13
>next level exp: 999999999999999999
Took me a whole month to realize that DNA Digivolution was the key to stop that bullshit.

>> No.1339515

Let's be honest. What actually ultimately ruined it was just the whole leveling system. You reach level cap too quickly and then after DNA digivolution it took way too long to get back were you was. That was everything but fun or bearable. I get that they possibly wanted to make an RPG that has it's own new style of gameplay but they screwed up big time. Luckily they learned from their mistakes for the later Digimon World games and they are much better.

Hey at least it had a great intro! That's one thing you have to hand it!

>> No.1339541
File: 16 KB, 268x293, 1355442372436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Play Digimon World 1
>Keep getting shit
>Decide to say i don't have a digivice
>Suddenly, game become easier, get myself Centaurmon
>Have a shit ton of fun
>Finish the game, turns out there a pinch more to do
>Mfw i used a shitload of black floppy on my broski so i could get the boss

>See Digimon World 2
>It's alright, i like the whole dungeon system
>Become bored as fuck with it after some dungeons due to muh grinding

>Get myself Digimon World 3
>Awww yeah, Pokemon like open world, cards and all that shit
>You can't get any other Digimons in your team
>You can only use one digimon into battle unlike the second game despite having three following your ass
>Must swap them for their batch of exp
>An emulator will only make you speedrun the game, going to wind valley will earn you several hours despite only playing for a hour alone
>Mfw as i don't touch the game after doing wind valley

>Get myself Digimon Card Battle
>It's actually pretty fun if you remove the cinematics

Kind of a shame, i like the whole concept of Digimons, but most games just are shit about it.

>> No.1339550

Digimon World 2 fucking sucks ass.
Not only does it shit on the masterpiece the first game was but it's even a shit game on its own. Everyone would shit on it if it wasn't for the name Digimon. Honestly I wouldn't recommend any retrofan the game itself is the definition of shitty experimental 3D JRPG. You can find tons of JRPG's that are miles better and considering how long those games can be I wouldn't waste my time on a shitty one.

>> No.1339568

Guy here who played the Digimon World series only recently for the first time.

Digimon World is a great game, I never played something like it. I loved the world where random pieces from the human world were just thrown into the digimon world. It was really charming. DW forces you to experiment, after a while you will get that mistakes are fatal for a trainer and start making a proper training schedule. It's true that the game could explain a little more especially when that asshole agumon tells you that he has more information for you and never fucking gives more information. Exploration was also great in the first DW game, the world is interesting and progressing in the world is really rewarding. It was great talking with the few friendly digimon you found in the various locations, all the shit, how the digimon lived and existed made sense after a while.

Now we have Digimon World 2. The first thing that pissed me off is that they really forced the "digital" in Digimon on you. Everything was futuristic and now there was a whole organization dedicated on digimon. Basically all the humans around you destroyed the immersion into the world. In the first DW there was only you, your partner and the few friendly Digimon you could depend on. Now you got rivals, friends, leaders, groups, mechanics, girls, merchants and a few other generic NPC's that like to do nothing and have one a line of the week.
The dungeons are the second problem. They are absolutly uninteresting.

>> No.1339569
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>play Digimon World
>it's fucking amazing

>play Digimon World 2
>it's fucking shit, you're driving a tank and have to buy gas

>> No.1339572

Exploring them is boring and exploration itself fucks you in the ass. Also the missions are always the same, get to the boss of the dungeon, win and progress in the story. This wasn't that big of the problem if the story wasn't boring as shit. I don't give a shit what happens in this organization about fighting evil digimon. The gameplay itself was fucking horrible, fuck this game. It was like going from DMC3 to DMC2 only ten times worse.

>> No.1339594

Imagine if they would have improved Digimon World instead of making it worse and worse with every entry.

>> No.1339695
File: 111 KB, 320x256, DW2HiddenContent3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well it seemed like digimon world 2 was going to be a proper sequel for digimon world but they changed their minds while they was making it

>> No.1339697
File: 45 KB, 320x256, DW2HiddenContent2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These was buried in the game files of digimon world 2

>> No.1339698
File: 141 KB, 320x256, DW2HiddenContent1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one looks like it belongs in digimon world 3 but it doesn't pop in that game or this one

>> No.1339701

Comfy as fuck.

>> No.1339834
File: 7 KB, 156x166, 1355373133399.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a way to fix the repetitive music in Digimon World 1? I'd replay the game again but changing screen only to have the music repeat on itself is kind of shit.

>> No.1339837

I wrote what you're replying to and honestly, I think the "bad levelling system" is only necessarily bad because of all the features surrounding it. If battles just took place faster by way of quicker animations or the whole game was just 3x faster than it is, it could've made for a super interesting and really enjoyable levelling system. Really, it just seems like a shitty idea because it's presented in the worst way possible.

You know, it's like when they come up with Digimon games, they just gather the whole team to the table and say, "what seems like a good idea?" and then worry about making it work later. They have many neat little things that they'll sprinkle in and they're very unique in their concepts, but then they fuck it up by failing to execute every damn time. Even Digimon World 1 was a horribly buggy mess that I almost feel like they just got lucky on. Meanwhile, what makes a good game really good is less the ideas and more the execution.

Ocarina, Diablo 2, Link to the Past, Lunar 2, etc... those games didn't exactly have good ideas at all. In fact, some of them were downright terrible. But as long as you execute well, it doesn't really matter and still produces a 10/10 experience.

>> No.1339850
File: 26 KB, 312x240, DigimonWorld2Battle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The first thing that pissed me off is that they really forced the "digital" in Digimon on you.
I agree. I don't know how to explain it but I do like Digimon, but don't like science fiction settings. DW1 was a little light on it, but DW2 went full overboard. Maybe around DW3 is a sweet spot in terms of setting. There are still hints of everything being digital all of the time, but you also largely participate in natural environments as opposed to DW2, where literally everything looks like a computer part or futurized crap. DW3 could've been improved by removing most of the people too, I think, and you make a good point about that. Never noticed it before.
>The dungeons are the second problem. They are absolutly uninteresting.
They're not necessarily uninteresting if you like the genre, but god they're fucking ugly. They're all practically the same color and that color happens to be a dull palette of gray and darkness. Then you get into the actual battle and while the Digimon look top tier, the surrounding area looks like a 12 year old Halo montage maker picked up Adobe After Effects to make a title and put stock walls everywhere to form a cube. It's kind of amazing how ugly the environment is compared to how beautiful the Digimon are. I get that they're going for the perfectly formed hallway look, but it's still inappropriate. Need an improvement on the texture quality or to balance it out with the Digimon if necessary. Better yet, make it a cool looking, green/black sci-fi grid or something. It's already a theme in Digimon.

>> No.1339856

No, because >>1339837
>Digimon World 1 was a horribly buggy
Practically everything (if you look closely enough) is programmed ridiculously poorly. Like Atari-level bad. They can't even make names overwrite each other properly which is why names say "Agumonmonnonnn" because they didn't bother to put spaces after the names to fill out the unused name slot or program it differently. As such, it's like writing over a piece of paper that was already written on.

It's like they didn't test the game at all.

>> No.1341384
File: 109 KB, 406x364, 1371275604061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Digimon World 3 worth it to play? I've been hearing praise to it but after playing it for a while on ePSXe, it's got me bored out despite i reached the swamp.

>> No.1341392

You already tried it out, it won't get magically better.

>> No.1342247

If you're not enjoying it on an emulator, then no, you're never going to like it.